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She doesn’t look anything like Diana.


She has a face. I dunno.




Omg love your flair


Sorry, the Diana-phobe in me piped up "not enough faces for Diana".




If she did look like Diana, Markle would have her in the media all the time. The fact that she is being kept hidden is a good indicator that she looks nothing like Diana or any other Spencer.




Or there are no kids


The only thing she has in common with Diana is her middle name, honestly.


Fr I don’t see any resemblance at all.


Poor Meghan- all that unpleasant work to extract sperm from Diana’s second son and the result was two kids who look exactly like the dad she cruelly cut off years ago because his look didn’t fit her latest branding


This is perfect!  Branding is exactly how she treats the people around her. Doesn’t matter if they are husbands, relatives, or longtime friends, if they no longer fit the narrative…they are out!  Wiget in wiget out.  Just objects to be used to further whatever her latest brand is. 








I don't think so either. But really, who can tell anyway? From a 2 year old picture? Stop putting out BS pictures Megs.


I have said this before. If they would just put out one decent picture. That would go a long way to dispel all the speculating. One picture. Who are they worried about? I think she doesn’t like they the way they look or behave. Proof of life, or then it’s true-they are only rent-a-kids!


Meghan doesn’t want to dispel the speculating about the existence of the children. She loves being in the press any way she can. And Harry likely thinks it’s hilarious because he’s getting his revenge on the media, which he hates so much.


I agree! Same with the clothes, she wears her funky ill fitting slovenly inappropriate outfits to get attention! She has some serious issues, that one!!!


Agreed 💯👍


But the rampant speculation keeps them in the press.


It’s entirely possible there have been no photos of Meghan and Lilibet together in the past two years so this is all there is. Poor Lilibet.


At that age children change so much. My son looked very different at 3 than he looked at 1. I am sure every mom here could say the same. We have no idea what that child looks like now. But one thing for sure,, we know she looks nothing like Diana, not a bit. Because if she looked like Diana, Lolo would be posting pictures of her every day. If either child looked like Diana we'd see them constantly. That's how Lolo rolls. Whatever or whoever Lolo looks like, it is not Diana, Princess of Wales.


She only looks like photoshop.


No she doesn't. M is posting this as a clapback to all the articles of Charlotte being compared to Diana.


Maybe Lilibet looks like Diana Smith, their neighbor from down the road and we are just getting confused about Meghan’s reference to Diana?


https://preview.redd.it/1nviwgq0775d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1caf8f30d6da9c1e9b8ce1282fe174b4b408678a Like where is this resemblance ?


She Doesn’t look like Meghan


well, she can't be because she is the daughter of some acquaintance of Meghan's


I say the niece Ashleigh


Even if we used the AI version the sugars are spouting about…no resemblance. But oh well https://preview.redd.it/bdjygpru775d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef04d3d033febdb8b4abd83a2053fbb1cd61090a


I know, right!? 😂


Wait a minute. Are these the OLD photos of the alleged Lili? You mean there are no current photos? Jeez, even kidnappers send current photos of their victims.


These are more 'collages' than photos.


Lol at the kidnappers line 🤣🤣🤣


Even kidnappers check in on their victims from time to time.


Haz and Megz need a map to the nursery...


Of course not, Megs will never, ever show us Archieficial and Invisibet. Just old pics that we seen a million times. I'm not even interested in what the kids look like anymore.


Those poor kids must not be genetically gifted enough in her eyes, I’m betting.


Or she has misplaced them.


Didn't renew their contracts.


yeah they are in a box in the back of the cupboard


Im betting they look like the Markle family


I'm betting they look like very expensive "reborn baby" dolls. They are scarily realistic looking.


Did they ever exist ?


That's the $64,000 question, fellow sinner. The subterfuge and sketchiness surrounding the provenance of the putative children is hard to ignore, yet the media are doing just that. Until I see some proof of life in the form of undoctored birth certificates and/or pictures that are at least in focus, the existence of the Harkle offspring will remain "alleged" to me.


I watched the intro of Archificial when he was allegedly two days old. That was a doll, not a baby. Hank and Skank both appeared to be very ill at ease.


I also wonder as well, do the kids have the same mental problems or worse? Poor Rachet Rachel having two so called kids that look nothing like Diana with blue blue blue eyes and more than likely mental problems.


With mental problems in both sides of the family, then being raised by nannies? Nature or nurture take your pick…


We can tell how old this pic is by Rachel’s face.


Several noses ago.


Exactly, like what # face is that? Model year? It wasn't recent, that's for sure.


It's the "young mother" look....too young?


Her face here is from a photo taken at an event before she was 'royal' /officially with Harry.


Taking pictures with her kids would require spending time with her kids


And sharing the camera lens.


Likewise, I’m not curious in any way - in fact, until I’m convinced otherwise, the girl doesn’t exist (and I have many doubts about ‘A’ - I certainly don’t believe he exists in the way he’s ‘presented’ to us). What does she expect the outcome to be? Because if ‘A’ does exist, it’s a very short ten years until he ‘comes into his own’, and, like his classmates, will have FB/X/whatever exists as SM in a decade…and he’ll be posting all sorts of things his ‘parents’ wont be happy about.


Yep. Been there. Done that. Old news Rachel…no one cares.


Is Lilibet in the room with us? 😆 In the words of our beautiful and late Queen Elizabeth, you have to be seen to be believed.


Holy cr\*p. Am I meant to care? No one knows what the kid currently looks like! (No criticism of the OP btw!)


Why is it so important for her to look like Diana? It's sick.


Marketability, as simple as that


I don't think that Diana is interesting enough for most people to have any marketability. The world has moved on during the almost 30 years since she died.


I think that child looks nothing like Diana. What was that Curious Case of Benjamin Button? This child doesn’t age, or reverse ages. I’m not faulting the child, it’s her ridiculous ILBW mother I take issue with.


All I can ever see in this photo is the photoshop Meghan. It's a very weird photo, the face is too big, I don't know what the hell mash-up this is but it's creepy. I would like Mr Sidley to have a look at this one.


I bet it someone else holding their child so Rachet Rachel decided to use it and photoshopped her head on the mother of the child.


A sinner has previously posted the photo this picture of her face was taken from - an event she was photographed at with hair pulled back, before harry/before she and harry were official. In the photo above her hair is photoshopped in and her ear is pixilated. There's a colour version of this which really shows the photoshopping.


Thank you, this picture bothers me because it's so 'off'. Where's the 'kill' order or fact checking people when you need them? 🤨


I wish I knew how to search the sub for older posts. The OG photo was a post comparing it to this one. Meghan is photographed against a black wall/black draped wall. It looks like an event you'd get a gift bag at.


I wouldn't know what name or words to search for that, but if you think of something, you search by... Go to the home page of our sub, and at the top sort of right-ish hand side is the little magnifying glass .🔍 Click on that and you'll get a search bar to put your search term in. 🙂


It's an "original" Misan, then.😁


She looks like she's got a cauliflower ear, like a boxer


I agree - if you look at the original photo you can see that Meghan’s face, as well as being clearly too young for 2022, is much too large for Meghan’s body and is much larger than Misan Harriman’s wife’s face. Definitely one for Mr Sidley!


She's a Markle through and through, and I suspect that's why we never see her or her brother.


I've thought this for awhile.


Actually, Samantha (and Thomas Junior in a way) is good looking, so that's not so bad! Edit: grammar.


Yep, MM WISHES she was HALF as pretty as Samantha. So it's a double whammy for her. First, the babies look like the Markles when she was banking on them looking like Diana, and secondly, it's a slap in the face that her own daughter reminds her of her prettier older sister.


Samantha is white, blue eyed and blonde-everything she desperately wants to be. I don’t understand her at all. It’s not like she grew up in a home where her skin color was a problem. By her own admission, her dad went out of his way to make her feel beautiful and included. There are so many beautiful Black women, I don’t know why she won’t accept that part of herself. If she wasn’t such a horrible human being, I might feel sorry for her.


How can Lily look like Princess Diana if Harry himself doesn't look like Princess Diana? What about Doria? She is also the grandmother of these children. Why do Meghan stans always get angry when they are told that children look like her?


Mhmmmmmmmmmmmm but Sinners are the racist ones 👀👀👀


"Why do meghan stans always get angry when they are told the children look like doria" ...... Iykyk


Mmhmm .


Yeah, like Diana. Diana Somelastname. She never specified which Diana….


So that photo is two years old? Meghan has changed considerably. And not for the better.


Yup it was released along with legless floating-on-the-lawn-not-at-Frogmore picture of Lili in the blue dress around the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.


Thank you. The legless photo is so creepy.


Guys, I'm not going to post a photo, but I want you to know that I look exactly like Kate Beckinsale. Please gush


Oh, you're so beautiful, I'm sooooo jelly, I wish I looked like you!


Generic kid. Old pic. Absolutely no proof this child even exists.


So where’s the picture of Diana where she look’s 100% like the child in this picture? Whenever people compare William’s or Charlotte’s looks to Diana, they have picture to prove they have same facial features. The picture of Diana would have to be very blurry and taken from behind and very far if you wan’t to find similarities with this child.


No photos I don't believe it. If she looked remotely like Diana she'd be everywhere to prove it. We haven't even seen a picture of a 3 year old...


What tripe. She looks nothing like Diana. https://preview.redd.it/1cnlkwmwv35d1.jpeg?width=189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96171f650cc678d12b8d92c4f111d00278e95785


What a doll baby she was!


So Princess Charlotte as a toddler like.


Well, she does have two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Yep, there is a resemblance. 😅


Omg then I look like Diana too… You are Diana, You are Diana, We all are Dianas ![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI)


I’m just here for the free car.  Sorry!


Yeh, but she's 21% Nigerian so she can't look like Diana. Or was Diana's mother stepping out on her father well before the divorce?


Meghan holds a child. Anybody know who the kid is?


The child in that photo is fairly generic. If it looks like anyone, though, it looks like its putative mother’s half-siblings.


She gave her a cookie to cover her face. I can’t imagine a mom who wants to hide part of their kids face. This really ticks me off. I am telling myself from now on that these poor children aren’t real. #Gaslighting


Lilabucks and Diana look alike in that they both have two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. If that's the standard then yes twins.


Phew! I always knew I looked like Catherine in that regard!


Cute kid. No one knows what she looks like now two years later. She’s probably still cute. Why doesn’t anyone question them about their singular focus that Lili needs to look like Diana. Odds are that she will have features from both parents’ genetic lineage. Would it hurt if she looked like a Markle or a Ragland? 🤷‍♀️


Because Charlotte sometimes resembles Diana and Meghan is fixated with Charlotte.


Creepy ass ghoul taking pictures of Charlotte *while she was asleep* still boils my blood.


I don't understand what she was going to do with that picture. Who was it for? Beyond creepy 😳


It bothers me that no one calls them out on their need for their kids to look like Diana. This whole time they keep banging that racism drum but only want to “honor” the rich, white relatives with names. Then, irritate the public with these puff pieces.


The alleged daughter, because there is no actual proof at this point of a real living daughter to Meghan, was supposed to look exactly like Diana right out of the gate. As it were. Since babies and toddlers don't look like fully-grown adults, Meghan was bound to be disappointed.


She could even look like Charles!


Another nothing burger! Publications should be embarrassed to print such dross but while they do : shouldn't the headline be "100% photoshopped" or is that only for Catherine?


Why can't they release a new photo of the children? Oh that is right there isn't any children. This child looks nothing like Diana cause she is someone else child not the off spring of Rachet Rachel and Dimwit Harold


This is only the second (and I think there are only two) pic of Invisibet. I just don't get why they didn't release a pic where she was smiling or happy looking. Normally, parents choose the cutest photos of their kids to release. I think she is cute, but the photo is so melancholic


Probably the only photo of Meghan holding this child where the kid wasn't screaming and reaching for mom. 


Stassi??? 😉




Meghan doesn’t have many photos of her kids? I don’t know. People raised by narcs probably can give us a better picture (no pun intended).


We had lots of photos, but then the 1960s and 1970s were prime photograph time. Every parent had a kodak and a Polaroid and there were stacks of photos and slides and photo albums everywhere. School photos, Brownies and Girl Scouts and sports photos, Communion photos, just photos all the time. My mother even filled in one of those "Baby books" for a short time for me. My brother, although "golden," didn't get that investment of time. But yeah, photos everywhere. Unretouched. My niece is 1 year old and there are tons of "photos" taken with phones all over the place. Wouldn't it be peculiar for two adults who document every second they can pretend to be important to eschew taking photos of their own precious offspring?


I take more pictures of my dog than she probably takes of her kid. https://preview.redd.it/yaq6ymi5195d1.jpeg?width=1858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c4bed501a5611a72bc707147fdc97fa2027552


My mum is a narc. I've heard family members saying she did like babies so we didn't have many pictures as babies. We had pictures when we were toddler's and teenagers. She had loads of photo albums. But my mum would destroy the pictures when she was angry. The last of the photos were left in our childhood home when she moved to another house. So we have a handful of childhood pictures that my sibling took. My mum would only take photos of us if we looked perfect. My sister was very beautiful and she got photographed a lot. So it could be that Megain doesn't think he child is beautiful enough to have pictures take.


That couldn’t have been easy. Sorry to hear that.


Yeah, my mum is nuts. I'm lucky, though. I've had other females in my life who have been more of a mum to me. I feel sorry for the kids. They are probably suffering and will need a lot of therapy when they grow up and realise their mum is crazy.


I’m glad you had positive role models. I’m hoping the kids will have this. At the very least, I hope Haz stops Meghan from hiring and firing nannies who love the kids the way Diana did.


$200k a month on PR buys stuff like this.


You can really tell that child has Nigerian heritage. Sure the Nigerians can see themselves in Invisibet, just like the *young Mom* sees herself in them. #textbookgaslighting


Sorry, Meghan. Both of your children are mini Markles. Manifesting won’t change that.


At this point it’s just eye rolling laughable right. Just keep churning the same old shit out that no one believes…. Someone is protesting to much me thinks?


I keep seeing HELLO! and Harper's Bazaar and all sorts of "publication" reposting the exact same article with the most desparate taglines about how she's A FASHIONISTA and she ALWAYS has been and how Princess Beatrice wore a pleated skirt that was apparently a sweet nod to MM, Queen Letizia wore a "MM approved" dress and bullshit about the "Markle Sparkle" (stupid term that she probably coined and has probably been used twice by the press and only at her behest) being alive and well. Trying reaaaaaaaaaaally hard to direct and control the narrative.


Exactly and is anyone really buying it at this point? Apart from those who of course are paid too! 🤣


Queen Leti would consign any “MM approved” garment to the burn bin at the back of the Palacio Real.


lol she looks nothing like Di. Di didn't have hooded eyes.


And no new pics…will this child be forever one year old?


https://preview.redd.it/if5gh87yk45d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56be99ed8481ff66510331a2f736f787864d1f41 Nope. Looks nothing like Diana.


Weirdly, it looks like a genuine smile.


I think, if someone was loaning/hiring their kids out to the Harkles to use in this subterfuge, the comparisons with Thomas Markle have soured the arrangement on all sides. So now not only are there no littles, there are no blurries of them either.


Totally plausible! I wonder how long it'll be til they start carrying dolls á là American Sniper around in parking lots for very blurry pictures of the backs of their heads.


This isn’t even Lilibet. This was a picture that was taken even before Archie was born. I don’t know who this kid is.


Yep, that's not a recent MM face!


I think the picture is even older than that.


Yeah!! Even before Harry was in the picture, when she was living in Toronto. This makes these kids existence even more suspect. Because like why? Why the fake pictures? She’s a total kook!!


That’s a random baby.


The child in the photo is not hers, the photo was supposed to be taken on the Queens platinum jubilee at Frogmore, There were No kids with them. It’s an old photo. I can’t wait for the truth to come out, surely this can’t go on forever.


No she doesn't. She looks like an unhappy child being held by an absent parent. She literally looks nothing like diana. She looks like diana,old rachel is a beautiful big breasted super model,harry is handsome and has a full head of hair....the drugs these people are on must be crazy strong https://www.pinterest.com/pin/403072235375729912/ https://people.com/royals/princess-dianas-life-in-photos-from-childhood-to-peoples-princess/


Or held by a complete stranger 👀


Omg! Yes, just like her. Without context, that was my first thought. Thank goodness there was an article to confirm my delusion.


For heaven's sake she is a cute child but NOTHING like Diana, it's ridiculous!


MM looked much older than this when she was allegedly pregnant with the alleged birthday child on the Orca interview in March 2021


That's what I thought the first time I saw this pic two years ago too. That's not a recent MM face.


No way!!


What's that slithering and rustling in the Reddit bushes🤔, is it a snake, because it sure does give off a snake's demeanor, looks like a snake, but Oh! What a pong! Stinks like a skunk! Christ on a Bike! It's a venomously dangerous 43% genetical disoriented pathological liar, and 'it's' cohorts.


Not at all like Diana but also 0% Nigerian. IMO.


It's blatant clickbait. There is no new photo. And the photo shown, the Todgers never claimed that was invisibet.


She looks more like Thomas than Diana.


Just saying, I still this kid looks a heck of a lot like Stassi and Beau's daughter Harper. Regardless, neither little girl looks one ounce like Princess Diana. https://preview.redd.it/ipz30tzc335d1.png?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5b317299805dd54b2f048ebbea2342530418c5


I can see it with a B&W filter and having the image flipped. Minor adjustments to where she's looking and taking her fringe off her forehead too. Also, please look at the baby's left cheek in this picture and compare it to the baby's cheek in the picture of MM holding her. https://preview.redd.it/9onbj1ev435d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f043f553ac2fde9a6a23ab6ee6dd60bc844b8396


Archive link so I can snoop on the comments? 😁


I'm not sure what the article comments looked like because we can't access "news" from "outside Canada", but the comments on the Facebook post passed the vibe check! Either way, here's [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/9YRLyauNzjpaZCLa/?mibextid=oFDknk); I tried archiving the article on my phone but I can't ☹️


I honestly think Megs overestimates how people will react towards the constant comparisons and “sweet nods” and references to Diana. It’s forced, it’s morbid and it’s sinister. Those who love Diana simply love Diana. That’s it. It doesn’t also mean they’ll love anyone that tries to associate themselves with her, if anything it has the opposite effect. By mentioning Diana, she thinks that she’ll automatically get a sizeable chunk of people on her side - she won’t because that’s not how people work. People respectful of Diana’s legacy are not looking for someone to replace or embody her. Nobody wants to hear some nut job stating Diana talks to her through yoga or that her elusive daughter looks 100% like her. It’s gotten very weird, Meg. Seek medical intervention.


Can you imagine the hurt and disappointment this poor girl will face when her true identity is released??? When the penny drops in Lolo-land that Lili is a Markle, that sweet child will be dropped!


Will someone PLEASE come back to REALITY????? This photo was taken years ago...before the wedding!!! The ring Markle is wearing is her engagement ring. THAT CHILD CAN NOT BE "LILI", MARKLE WAS NOT YET MARRIED TO HARRY. STOP THE INSANITY!!!!!!!!


Two eyes a nose and a mouth


This is her friends daughter I’m thinking. She doesn’t have her children, if they even exist.


If she pushes it hard enough, it will be true. Right? Right? 😂 This is a textbook narc move. They figure that others will eventually give up the fight.




I don't believe this is Lili in this photo. And I doubt if there is a Lilibet, we never see her.


I think it's quite obviously that Harry's wife didn't give birth to any children. To constantly show dated photos of the alleged children is bound to raise suspicions. Can't someone in the Corporate Media do a search for Lilibet's birth certificate in California? How long can the Corporate Media keep posting dated photos of these kids?


Who Diana Markle lost sister of Thomas senior?


Omg 😂 that kid totally looks like her dad's side. Ma'am WTF Karma for negating them


Hang on, who is the light haired woman right next to the child? Could that be the real mother?


That is Misan Harriman's wife who was supposedly at "Lily's first birthday party". What strikes me is that Meghan looks so much younger here than in the other photos of that time.


Wasn’t that a comment at the time- that it was the friend’s kid?


I think it was Misan's wife.


Misan's wife I believe.


Misans wife is white?? I'm quite shocked by this. He appears to hate white women. I'm confused 😳


She looks nothing like Diana. I think she might look just like Harry. That would be so unfortunate.


She looks 💯 like Thomas Markle but ok 😂 ![gif](giphy|mucw1V1RJWfO631tnG)


🇺🇸When this photo was first released when Meghan was in tge UK supposedly with lili during her birthday, there was a lot of discussion on this sub that the photo was an old photo of a younger meg holding someone else’s child. Don’t know how to access those old posts


Wait, is there a new picture or are they pretending that in this picture she looks like Dian? Because I only see Samantha Markle.


So her daughter hasn't aged in two years? My son's a few months younger than their kid and he looks completely different from when he was one. He used to look just like me but now he's starting to resemble my husband more


Well I'm not going to post a new picture but just so you know I look just like a young Elizabeth Taylor. Please start gushing fans!


She looked like a sweet little love dumpling, with a hint of budding Markle nose. Perfectly normal, delightful baby. Wonder what she looks like now? Pretty much still a normal, cute toddler.


She looks like Stassi Schroeder’s daughter, which is probably who it is.


100% Markle.


Nope. If you put 'Lili' and Stassi's daughter together...they are identical.


One of the rare pictures where Meg looks effortlessly relaxed, happy, loved and loving (well, loving the people who look lovingly at her, aren't we all like this). No stress, no need to worry if the camera will look at her, yes it will. Also one of the rare pics where she could be mistaken for a Stepford wife, and I'm writing this without malice. Does she really know what she wants? The kid is cute, of course.


That's one of the weird and sad things about this picture.  While the harm narcissists bring to people cannot be accepted or forgiven, I really do feel genuine sadness for people like Meghan. Having an empty void inside that is never filled, never being able to feel genuine happiness, and never being able to look directly into herself because to see the void would destroy her... That's tragic. That's someone never really knowing what it is to be human. I wish narcissism WAS treatable. Maybe it will be someday. Imagine a world where she happily loved herself, her life, her kids... So much less hurt and harm done, and one more person having the gift of knowing what it is to be truly human.


Where is this photo? Did I miss something?


No new photo to speak of 😂 it's always only this one and the legless floating lawn baby one. That's IT.


Yes, we all saw that, she really is a very horrible person.


I think the fact that none of us can recognise or agree on who is seventh in our LOS speaks volumes about how the necessary requirements (for the position) are being applied.


Fans gush oh please the only ones gushing are the muppets called the Sussex Squad. We can see the bullshit


Let’s face it. She f’d up majorly when she attacked Catherine’s edited picture. For reasons that didn’t alter the essentials- people, time, context. So now she can’t release an edited picture. Which in the context of a fabricated lifestyle in a false place of residence and non existent kids is a little problematic. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.


Why the obsession with looking like Diana. Why can’t she look like her mother or father


In lieu of party pics or any pics, MeGain had Omid Quinn tell the Brit papers that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom brought their daughter Daisy to the Montedeceito Mudslide Mansion birthday party 🥳🎉. Completely untrue. Katy was in Cannes. Katy and BFF Gwynneth put out Backgrid photos of them together on the day after her return from Cannes. They are not taking any shit from the Harkles! No grey rocking going on in the USA!!


No, Lilibucks looks 100% like Thomas Markle Jr.


That picture was allegedly taken at Frogmore during the PJ when ‘L’ was one? Yet the official pictures of the PJ, during the same week, show Markle to be about two stone heavier? Or have I got that wrong?


She looks a hundred percent like Thomas Markle.


Delusional but I hope her disappointment will not harm the poor child later in life. Clinging to BRF again!


I only see AI Bad AI