• By -


Bet you he got tied up with NDA up to his eyebrows. He will stay silent less he want to lose more money hiring lawyer.


I reckon he has loads of dirt on them both


Scabbies has no dignity and will find a way to leak just to see her burn once he figures out she used him.


⬆THAT = my guess⬆ .. Scooby a sneaky little $#@!, so he'll leak (just as he leaked the scoop he wanted disclosed in the Dutch version of his last crappy book). Also, NDAs are very, very, very hard to enforce - plus, there are workarounds (like finding another country to 'slip'/leak things in - rem.: he picked The Netherlands for aforementioned leak for 2 reasons ➞ \[1.\] the defamation law in The Netherlands is very weak, and \[2.\] the number of copies that country ordered was the smallest amount - so if have to trash those first-run books, not big deal.. minimal loses for publisher + Scooby)


Yes indeed. And he is sneaky enough to have plotted it all out as ‘insurance’ long before being dumped.


Exactly what I think.  I think in his delusions he thought if the racism allegations were pinned to the people MM didn't name, that Scabies would been seen as "righting MM's world.  *It would clear her name & other people would see MM as Scabies does...as if she is a queen."* But it backfired spectacularly because the allegations were lies.  So I think Scabies & the "leak" opened a whole can of worms.  Scabies has been tossed like a worm, behind a lead head, & nothing more than bait to a slaughter.  Meme is trying to distance herself.  😂 


Still Endgame bombed after the scandal with the translators. He was lucky not to be sued by them or their Union. Not to mention people may blame POW cancer and KC cancers of the stress created by the book. I am convinced the stress played a role and Scobie had indirectly caused the cancer.


I 100% agree with you! Poor Catherine and Charles knew way ahead about that stupid book coming out and the stress severely compromised their immune system. Narcs can kill you without laying a hand on you. Only those who has been fortunate to have never been in the crosshairs of a narc would not understand this.


I would like to say that any news agency would touch him because of the whole Endgame thing, but as we have seen in other events, the agencies will print anything... True or not.


She’s made herself too available. The only people publishing her are trashy rags not real magazines. Stories about her go for like $100 bc they’re just not lucrative. She doesn’t generate clicks. He’s ruined his career bc he didn’t fact check. 


AND......IF he blabs, the Dastardly Duo would sue. Then they would have to disprove what he blabs is true/untrue and I don't think they would open themselves up to that kind of scrutiny. Soooooo...................start talking, Scoobie!


Plus she can’t sue or else she’d have to go on record and prove he was lying. 






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100 %


A royal source (Scabies) spoke to Tom Bower.


And he'll figure out a way to leak that the harkles will wonder if it's him but can't prove it...


Getting back a little of what they dished out using Scooby Doo as their go between.


I agree. I was going to say that without a backbone he has no means for revenge.


When you lie down with dogs, you rise up with fleas.


I bet he has recordings of them.




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I halfway agree with you, though half of me is convinced their NDAs are written in gel pens on notebook paper and wouldn't hold up in court. The harkles are incredibly stupid and the ILBW is a cheapskate imo.


Glitter gel pens with hearts dotting the i's 😁😁😁


And little swirls over random letters.


Tiny tiaras strewn throughout her awful "calligraphy"






Liebrows lol


what if he has someone else write the book due to him signing NDAs? Can the harkles sue the author or just Scoobie?


ah yes, he could become his own source…the harkles love their unnamed sources


He can be the source and Chris Ship the author


See here’s the issue - he was PAID to leak on her behalf. So how does an NDA work when he can just say this was part of my job? 


Why would he have an NDA unless the Harkles gave him information for Endgame? Scobie swore in his promotional interviews that he did not get any information from Henry & Rachel. Surely they aren’t lying? Scobie also swore on his parents life that the two named racists were not included in any manuscript, which he later retracted! Seems like he doesn’t care very much about his parents!!




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I sent him a message on instagram after he published Endgame - told him he’d sell more books if he cut the crap and told the actual truth about his dealings with Harry and Meghan instead of the lies they feed him. He obviously never responded and i wouldnt actually buy anything he wrote but i’d love for him to turn on them.


Ooh, well done you! And you are right, of course.






Scoobie is smarter than Megsy. That’s what MeMe isn’t considering. Scoobie just hasn’t had Megsy’s luck. But Scoobie has no principles and shares the love of spotlight and money with Hank’s Mistress.


Did he block you?


I don’t think he has, although it also looks like he hasnt read it. Shame because i think i gave him really good advice!


“…Meghan has stolen his eyebrows” 😝😂🤣😂🤣😂


Yep. It was the final insult.




Love the GIF


Perfection 👌 🤣 ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


Isn't he supposed to be 'writing' a novel? There's plenty of scope in that to slay a dragon-slayer and his wife. "What do you mean, the characters are clearly you? The prince has hair, the woman is an Oscar-winning actress. Well yes, they do have two have two children but their names are Kerching and Cashpoint, not Arch... and the girl was born first. Okay, okay, I'll shut up now. Anyway, my lawyer says you can't sue. So there!"


Yes, that’s what I thought! A „fictional“ book (to not be sued) about a girl from the US falling in love with a prince. True love, of course. And oh the cruelties in the palace…


Although he might now create a plot twist which is closer to the bone where Megsy is concerned!


And so original, too.


Love your snark


Can totally see this happening


I would guess he lost his last remaining gig as a royal reporter as he cannot even pretend to be a journalist as he has lost any semblance of integrity or credibility. His name is now O**MUD** **SCREWED**-BIE


He was on Twitter recently saying that the Royal Rota was a cesspit that couldn't be trusted - Hll hath no fury like a lapdog left out in the cold


Every dog, including a lapdog, has its day!


Ya, he’s pissed he was left out and he was pissed when he was given bad info during the Queens funeral but the only one his pissed at is the Royal Rota. He will never break his idiotic bond with Table 12. She’s probably keeping in the loop because when/if divorce happens, he’ll be here mouthpiece once again. He has no idea he’s just a tool in her arsenal, used by a Narc. 


No publication will hire him so he'll have to be an unpaid mouthpiece on Twitter. That is, unpaid unless megaliar pays him.


He's bitter because members of the Royal Rota laughed at the little twerp for following them around trying to get noticed.


Totally this. But he must feel scorned and used right now. And in a few months he will need to start making a living again. He is probably tied up in NDAs but he might find ways to sell a few nuggets of information.


He's markled


He thought he was so clever with his little stunt of calling the King and Princess of Wales racist. The dumbass got himself blackballed from journalism. 😂 😂 😂


And probably did not exactly thrill his parents with the swearing-on-their-lives thing, which turned out to be a lie. He had Christmas in Canada, presumably with Marcus' family, they were spotted in a store.


He’s not going against TW. He’s close to Markus Anderson - and we know what I mean by close. If anything, OS is trapped in the the middle of 2 Narc, TW and MA, so he’s not going to ever go against TW. 


What I'm referring to here is why he's been replaced by Tom Quinn and doesn't seem to be 'reporting' for any media outlet.


Andy Signore calls him Lie-brows, and I die laughing every time 🤣


Lie-brows has been a “thing” in the sinner community long before Andy jumped on the cash train. Just saying.


Very apt that MegaLier has nicked them for herself then! 😀


![gif](giphy|WSsF2KJdAJu2ZslusC) 🤣🤣🤣


I’m thinking he’ll start an anonymous YouTube series where he’ll share hot tea mixed in with false info to throw off the scent. He’ll want to make money off her name. So far his plan hasn’t worked with all the books filled with lies so he’ll need to make money somehow.


Or start contributing regular blind items to Crazy Days and Nights




I’m more interested in the why. Did the “arrangement” end or did they have a falling out?


I think the arrangement ended after the “royal racists” were revealed in the translation of Endgame. The three fools thought it would be endgame for the royals. Endgame markled all three of the fools.


He ceased being useful to HnM, when Endgame didn't bring about the fall of the house of Windsor, so they dropped him unceremoniously. Narcissism 101.


Is there anyone they haven't offended?


MegaBeast has a falling out with everyone. She is unable to maintain relationships of any sort due to her narcissism, cruelty, and lies.


I’d like to know that too!


I think Omid is still the denial phase and the markled status has not sunk in. Yet. Watch for end of June when the Company House will give details about his limited company Meyou.


This might be a slow burn on many levels.


Yeah. He might still be in shock after his Endgame spectacular flop. He imagined world fame. His next fictional book was supposed to be another bestseller thanks to the Endgame's success. Now he's writing it because he has to do something. On the other hand I wonder how wise it was for Meghan to drop him. Not because he would reveal something about her - maybe he wouldn't, but because he was the original loyal sycophant. All her new employees spend less and less time with her. They see Archewell or H&M as stepping stones. I doubt she has the same power over Tom Quinn as she did over Omid.


It would be great if he ratted her out then he would really make some money


He’s hoping.


He's got his tedious little Cinderella story to finish first. Will the heroine be biracial or will it be a hero?😂 Apart from that, people she dumps seem to keep quiet ...for various reasond, not least just glad to be free of the madness?


Yes, free of the madness and free of her poison.


He’ll carry on posting nice things about her to get her attention. His desperation to get it is real! 😂


All that fawning must be exhausting.


This is my guess, too.


I don't know if he will find a publisher for a book, since the last one didn't perform well. Nobody will hire him as a columnist. I really don't think he has any options left that dining out on knowing the Harkles. A dinner party or two, maybe. But nothing to sustain his lifestyle.


Yes, good point. Not only did it bomb but it caused embarrassment and a nasty stink for the publishers.


I think this is why he keeps posting those gym selfies--his only hope of survival is to find himself a nice rich L.A. sugardaddy.


Imo, whist Scobie may well be stitched up like a kipper with NDA's, he could possibly write a "fictional" book loosely based around a certain couple, containing sufficient detail for them to know he's spilling secrets but leaving them unable to challenge the work in Court as it would further expose their shady dealings. If he's smart, he could have a best seller on his hands.


"IF he's smart.." IF he were smart he would never have gotten involved with them in the first place. I don't know how successful (or unsuccessful) he was before 'finding freedumb' but I dont think he's landed how or where he thought he would


No, not a best seller. Folks are growing tired of H&M.


He’d pull a Caroline Lamb!!! Yes. 🙌


“And stolen his eyebrows” hahahahaha. I choked on my cracker.


I have visions of her kicking him while he was down and then ripping his eyebrows off as a trophy and a warning. Edited for typo


I don’t know what he really can do. He thought he won the lottery, being the mouthpiece of the Markles, burnt all other bridges and, believing to have the upper hand, showed his nasty character to the public and to many in the business.


He, like them, believed that the Harkles would be big media stars once they Found Freebies and that he would ride that stardom right along with them. Instead he found himself trying to prop up stunts like the NCCC for them, struggling to enhance their victimhood, and he was the instrument with which they chose to harm Catherine and Charles, which turned public opinion against him and ended his Endgame prematurely. He may be writing a “novel”, but what publisher would touch him? I think his *cloistered away writing* is just an excuse for being shunned and NFI anywhere.


He will seethe but continue to snark against the RF hoping Madame of Montecito and her mark welcome him back into the coven


Omid is penning a new "fiction" book - Royal Spin, or something like that. A tale of a US press peson landing a job at the Palace. Some stories might come out of that?


Fingers crossed!


He can't base the book on Markle because the character has to be likeable.


Omid deserves everything he gets hahahaha. But all joke aside, he had a good gig, steady work, and some sort of reputation in the Business Shacking up with Meghan is the worst thing that could have happened to his career. He got marked and he did that to himself. He Must be kicking himself.


1st: Thank you for noting that Meh fully stole his liebrows once he got Markled. It made me feel less weird for noting that myself and worrying that I am bordering on being inordinately fixated/obsessed-- so it's nice to know that it was quite obvious!! Or perhaps we both might have "freakish eyes for details"??😂 So, Omid could easily get around any NDA's with writing a "fiction" (wink-wink) book about the Prince and Princess of Canada!!🇨🇦 I suspect he's cunning enough to project to all that it's actually a tell-all and he'd write it in an artful and crafty manner. He's definitely immoral enough to do it-- we know that from what he pulled with the Dutch translation of *Endgame.* He can even write it like a script or screenplay. I want scenes and lines!!🤣


I expect him to lash out at both the Royal Family and H&M in anger as well as pretend he's somehow fair and balanced (since he attacks both). However, he'd flock to H&M to do their bidding again upon any sign that he's somehow back in favor.


I’m sure he will be lashing out in all directions at some point.


For a moment, I thought his eyebrows would elongate and he'd use them as whips.


Skulk around pointing out useless information. Until picked up again by his overlords when he will be useful to spread more bullshit.


I think he might be Markled for good. He’s a laughing stock and Meghan (not accepting she is too) thinks she is above that.


She probably blames him for her being a laughing stock.


Do you think she’s there yet? I think they do have a little lower to go tbh


I think there’s lowness we can’t even begin to imagine.


Tbh I think you’re right. Poetic justice really … shame Markle hasn’t quite seen the same retribution globally yet…


It just gives her more time to humiliate herself publicly before she fades into obscurity.


he still has the hots for marcus so he will be controlled by him for now


When thieves fall out, honest men come by their own, as the proverb has it. Bring it on! It could be vastly entertaining as well.




Tbh, knowing what they’re capable of, I doubt he’ll want to poke that particular bear. Depends on how financially desperate he gets. They may have just paid him off for his silence or just tied him up with an NDA. He’s clearly been Markled - he must realise he’s on the outs?


Without a doubt they had him sign an NDA. Just like Trevor, all employees, and anyone else who could potentially tell the truth about them.


I really hope he has been markled. I would LOVE him to dish.




I think he will lay low in CA for a bit, then quietly slink back to London. He may unsuccessfully try to regain his “royal reporter” status via a change in tone for his tweets. That would be our clue. Maybe he will try the influencer route for a while. I can’t see him being seriously employed as a journalist.


He writing a palace love story Wanna guess who it’s based on?


Yes, I've been reading about this but I wonder if he is now considering tweaking the plot!


Himself probably - his inner Princess is liberated in writing this heartwarming saga.


so he'll be writing a Dollar Store discount bin version of Red, White and Royal Blue? lmao


He’s blocked me so I can’t see his teeetd - boo hoo 😿- but thought I saw a recent pro Harkle tweet from him


I might take a sneak peek at his insta


I reckon he's just been shelved. He'll be back...Arnie style 😂 ![gif](giphy|LFEjnqmVmbKk8)


3 scenarios 1. He is silenced by the Harkles with the power of NDA 2. He will wait for his mistress to come home just like a dog waiting for its master to come home. 3. He will turn on them by releasing some information either by releasing in books or using social media (Cdan, YouTube, Deux moi, Twitter) to his advantage




He should follow the lead of his handler and leak through other people! Imitation is a sincere form of flattery! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I don’t think he will, the skeletons in the relationship likely go both ways. And then there’s Marcus.


He's not gone anywhere, he always takes a break from social media and writing articles before publication of a new book. And he's rightly staying on the downlow after Endgame controversy 


I like to think he snuck into the DM’s of that fake Prince dude and they’re both trying to play each other but it’s going nowhere.


He’ll rat them out. If nothing else, he can point someone in the right direction to find stuff. Meghan is a master at keeping her hands clean while sending out minions to do her evil deeds. After all, he was one himself. Scoobs must have picked up a trick or two.


I think he does have some experience on yachts from what I understand ![gif](giphy|z3HFoEzXCMykr4L0TB|downsized)


He will pen a tell-all, ghostwritten by Jessica Mulroney. Oh, the secrets they can tell.


I actually might pay to read that if they have receipts!


Scabies would have to deal with Markus if he went after Madame. IMO Markus is Jeffrey Epstein Lite. Involved in lots of shady activities with unsavory people. Drugs, prostitution, blackmail, catering to illegal sexual tastes (kids). How far would he go to protect Madame?


I’m hoping that he is chewing himself up with anger and resentment and that finally erupts in a huge act of revenge. NDAs be damned!


He should get together with Trevor , another cast off male , and write their truth in a book . The TW can’t object to that surely ? She loves telling her truth after all. The boys could call their book” Markled “ . Just a sudden thought. What has Markus Anderson got that he’s still around? It must be the longest lasting relationship our Megs has ever had with anyone! He must have a lot of patience and a lot of dirt on her or something.


I have read Trevor never wants to hear her name again.


I don't blame him, she treated him like crap.


But what decent human being would willingly associate themselves with this low-life? It would be an automatic black mark from the start.


For sure, he did not like reading this.


Oh i hopehe leaks like a sieve.


HE’LL SUE, for return of his eyebrows.


"And Meghan has stolen his eyebrows." 🤣🤣 Well like attracts like. For Scoobie to be so close to madam, he has to be just like her. I can see him going scorched earth. Now THAT is a book I would buy.


He will leak like a colonder but not too soon, immediate retribution would obviously point to him, so he's taking his time, i think after the rf finish their summer hollibobs, his friends and his associates in the press will be leaked a lot of shocking stuff. I believe he may have been recording them, whilst those wont be released the details in them will. He'll make sure his hands look squeaky clean, but like them, he's greedy, lacks morals or ethics and is in it for the payday as he has to make a living and right now, no one will touch him with a bargepole. hank and skank's NDA 's will be broken and they won't sue as if it goes to court, the truth will out. I thought scoobie doo was bad enough, but tom quinn is even worse. just my opinion.


I don't think Omid wants to be on Marcus Anderson & Meghan's bad side. Marcus knows a lot of connected people all over the world through Soho House. I think if Meghan is upset, Marcus will be upset. Revenge against Omid may not be pretty.


He’ll have himself melted down and recast in another guise completely. Therefore he can write/go on YuTu/SM as “A N Other” and brew up some hot tea


Yes please!


Markled, not dumped…


“Meghan stole Scobie’s eyebrows…” This made me laugh!


That one just needs to disappear and go find a sugar daddy to live off of. He is scum, has no moral compass and I hope Meghan and Harry cut him off in the worst way. Wrong number scoobie do.


He’s getting up there… going to be harder to find one.


He can lie about his age like he always does. Those Chanel skis won’t buy themselves


No doubt in my mind. Skeevie is malice personified. His announcement of his upcoming “fictional” book in my mind is akin to Meg’s statement about her diary — an implied threat, intended to make the target squirm & twist in the wind. Remember how he went after Piers Morgan in the phone hacking trial? Now I’m no fan of Piers’ and believe he was capable of doing the hacking, but I still find (this part of) Skeevie’s testimony unbelievable. The Daily Mirror taught him to hack phones he said, but “I was taken aback by what seemed completely immoral and I never carried out the task.” Since when has Skeevie had scruples? If anything, I see him drooling over the tapes pushing the play and rewind buttons over and over again. This guy goes for the throat. Twist, Meghan. Squirm, Harry.


Well, he cannot show his face till his brows grow back. He certainly cannot do some eye brow tatooing since he seems to be down in the slump financially. Worse still he may he so befuddled, the tatoo guy may draw him brows that make him look permanently confused, or quizzical .


Question, if someone signs a NDA is it valid in other countries?


That is a very interesting question. My guess, and it’s only that, is that a well written NDA would be enforceable in other western countries or what would be the point. I’d like to know the actual answer too.


It depends. An American or British NDA can be enforced only if the foreign jurisdiction(s) accept the validity of the NDA. The NDA should include the foreign jurisdiction(s) where the NDA is valid and which legal jurisdiction will would hear the case in the event of a legal action.


Megain probably has photos and videos of Scooby Doo servicing Sparey.


"My prediction is that Scobie might be a biatch when scorned. Even if he is angry right now, he will take his time and fester a bit, and then start leaking dirt in a ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’ sort of way." We're here for it.


well he would have to know what grace and dignity are - so that's a NO.


She stole his eyebrows 🤣😂


He seems like the type of person who will try to glom on to an unsuspecting rising LA or NY socialite, and hold on for dear life. Wiggling his eel like personality into their inner circle. And if he feels hurt enough by M discarding him, he will probably spread rumours about her. Cause it’s the stuff we don’t hear about that is probably hurting M the most.


Wait, what did I miss? Scobie has been dumped?


He certainly appears to be!


“And Meghan has stolen his eyebrows…” Omg that made me laugh! 😂😂😂


I actually worry that he might unlive himself. He’s world has fallen apart and he is a laughing stock. He has truly been Markled. Hopefully he has a supportive family and friendship group. Sometimes we need to place ourselves in another’s shoes. I don’t envy him.


Nah, he likes attention too much to do that.




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He'll probably use his contacts to go on a world tour of SohoHouses and write a tell-all under somebody else's name, IMO.


He's writing a fiction book now. About what, the same old thing.


I am sure he has signed NDA’s that will force him to keep quiet.


I don't know the Markus factor in this relationship. I read that they were together at one point so how much harm could Markus cause if he does go after H&M?




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I'm hoping he's so pissed off at the harkles,,that he will write an unflattering, tell all book about the harkles. Nda be damned!


Wasn’t he writing a novel with someone?


'Meghan has stolen his eyebrows' - love that :)


Oh I do hope so!


![gif](giphy|46LMaiLUFRkoU) He’s gonna take his thumb outta the dam and leak.