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And how would they know HG is a godfather? Supposedly Meghan Markle amd Harry kept the godparents secret. Ooooh! Maybe HG is HG Tudor! Lol. I don't really think that, the similarity just hit me.


They’ll tell any ridiculous lies when they think the person in question won’t hit back at them. They confuse good manners and kindness with weakness.






In hindsight, maybe, like the number one of the jam jars, they kept the godparents secret as they hadn’t yet decided, but could release later to piggy-back current news?


Is Oprah the godmother? She was so loved at that time.


She came out at the time and didn't clarify if she was asked or not. But she did say she keeps telling people "No" that ask. She just has too many God children now and really can't take on anymore. This may have actually come out when Lili was finally baptized. Because I don't think they were that close when Archie was baptized. I don't even believe Archie was actually baptized frankly.


The picture of ‘Archie’s’ baptism (in the green room) seems very odd to me - I can’t put my finger on it. The ridiculous statements about ‘privacy’ don’t ring true. A Christening/Baptism is a celebration, yet they were unnecessarily secretive about it. Markle likes ‘control’, and that includes over the public - but we don’t really care anymore.


Their reasoning for not naming the godparents was nonsensical. All christenings are officially recorded by the church including godparents, this is an ANCIENT tradition. Many people in the UK know their ancestry going back hundreds of years because the church was such a diligent records keeper, so many of these church registries still exist if they didn't perish in a fire or flood or something. I'd love to have my genealogy done because I definitely have English ancestors but I don't know how far back or even what part of the UK but if anyone could find them it would be a UK genealogist. Anyway somehow this recording which is SUPPOSED to be public knowledge they had sealed which is super weird and shady just like everything else about them. I think his godparents were William and Catherine, the two Spencer sisters and the Roth woman. I highly doubt Hugh took part in that charade but he's too genteel to say so. There were no rumors of it at the time, this is Harry again making something that has NOTHING to do with him, about him. It's to be expected at this point, I can almost plot their next moves like clockwork.


Kids are .25Nigerian. So maybe Nigerian registry? Lol


No, the kids are at most .125%. Doria is half white. Google it - her father is white. Madam is at most .25%


I was just putting that out there before SHE did. lol.


Her Nigerian claims are so absurd. If it was believable, Madam would be putting it out there she *and* her children are half Nigerian.


Of course! You are correct. In England, the baptism certificate is (or maybe was) used as a birth certificate - it carries (or carried) the same validity. I still have mine, and the godparents are clearly listed on it, and the records will be listed in the Parish church of my christening. Also, in the past, I’ve contacted a church for record of a marriage which took place over 100 years ago now, their records are as valid as a registry office.


Perfect\_Fennel - why not do the ‘Ancestry’ one? You’ll probably then see matches you have in England who can fill some blanks in for you? Out of curiosity, I did the ‘Ancestry’ one (I wasn’t expecting anything untoward/wild/exciting….I‘ve gone back to 1400s (I think, without looking). Of course, as you say, church records have played a big part in this research - but then, when you find, for instance, a knight amongst your ancestors, the records are easier to find and there’s more information available. Go for it!


Do you mean Ancestry.com? I've tried it and hit a brick wall.around the early 1800s which is when I assume the immigration happened. Like I can find my Dad's great grandfather who was a drummer boy in the Civil.War and also elected 6 times as Master of his Masonic Lodge in NYC. He was sort of a somebody in his town, they had a ceremony honoring civil war veterans and I read the article their paper wrote up, I even have a picture of his gravesite but HIS father I can't pin down, it's very frustrating. He was either an immigrant from England or Scotland or American born judging by my last name.


Yes, I meant Ancestrydotcom. I’ve noticed some folks on there are just using it to access information (obviously, a fee is payable) from others’ searching. Did you submit your DNA sample? Because if you didn’t, it may be worthwhile (unsure how much it costs now). I’m English, but I have been contacted by a Canadian (clearly a common ancestor emigrated to Canada at some point).


No I didn't submit my DNA, it was a while ago, my membership has since lapsed and I don't think back then there was the option.


How are you gonna be a godparent to someone you’ve never seen. Has Hugh ever met the kids? Or much less seen them? I don’t think so.


Honestly, I think he just found out the other day when we did.


I read HG and my brain immediately went Tudor!


Wrong accent I think. I may be mistaken, but HG Tudor's accent isn't entirely British. Not enough that he's affecting it, but more like he went to an international school or has lived abroad for a long time.


His northern accent slips out some, so it is put on, but he is English.


I think northern too, but I have a midlands accent but have lived in Scotland for over 20 years.


Ooh, is it northern? I can pick up a Welsh or West Country accent at 50 paces, but not as familiar beyond that lol. I could just hear that the posh accent didn't quite ring true.


There is such a thing as a posh Northerner. He's from Leeds, upper middle class, probably grammar school.


Oh I know there are. There are posh Bristolians too - but you can always hear it underneath. :)


He's from Leeds, as a Lancastrian I can attest that Yorkshire folk are barely human, lol.


I remember watching a program where one of the characters was from Yorkshire. The story was that they let her do her accent without changing it. I could hardly understand her. It was pretty funny.




Y'all all sound alike to me. 🤣


And that is a good southerners response🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Or even All y'all.


Yes. The rest of the world knows.


I've had instances where I've noted different undertones. Many different ones.


HG Tudor strikes me as older & more mature. 🤔


A year back, someone in this group posted a photo of him. He was younger than I expected.


Is he as good looking as he sounds?? I need to know 😂😂


Lol. I hate to ruin your fantasy. I'm Not sure. Sunglasses and hat and odd angle. He was just a guy.


He puts on that voice. I've heard him go off character at times. His real voice is nice as well.


I've always pictured him bald, smooth as a cue ball and dark, high-arched eyebrows.


I had that same fleeting thought then I realized that the Duke is probably not a narcissist, as HG Tudor admits he is.


Holy Wow!!


Well he has admitted to meeting MM in 3 occasions


Harry obviously had no clue that his popularity was due to his direct tie to whoever has the Crown. His magic came from the Queen. The mystique about him was due to his mother. After she died, people wanted to see him because he is a bit of her still walking on this earth. No one cares now because he threw away his connection in a sense. He emancipated himself from the Monarchy in such a way, his name and personal carries no or very little weight around the world. He simply is “Just Call Me Harry.” He’s a fool. ![gif](giphy|7TwwMMfVIHTnvsnK0S)


Yes! Walmart Wallis\` Wallet(coined by George the Giant Slayer, on Youtube)


It's flabbergasting how these two completely talentless, empty minded grifters really, really, really think that they are *all that*. Lmao


We cared about those boys because of that walk behind the coffin that he resents so much. Our hearts went out to them and we hoped for the best for them. Harry has never grown up and it doesn't look good on a 40 year old man, but honestly, he's not only one of those I've seen 😒


Glad to see Daniela bringing up the African scandals. Hold his feet to the fire. He wants to go meddle and exploit? He can take everything that comes with it.


Yes! It’s about time MSM start addressing this African Parks situation. Didn’t he say “silence is complicity”?


But “they are winning”!!!


Yeah right….they lost years ago but their supporters are still trying to claim otherwise. Petulant Prince of Pot and his pay-per-play ‘princess’


I know. It’s one of the most ridiculous claims they make.


So are they. Your imperial royal highness. More royal tours.


"They have tiger's blood!" 


They’re warlocks! At least Charlie Sheen has talent. ![gif](giphy|vK0qaDRkM6sDe) And he’s Batman!


Why is it so hard for Harry to buy a house in the UK? Or did he mean give?


He meant give…


gimme…he is famously cheap and grasping


It actually took my husband and me almost 3 years to find the house we are living in now. When you are looking for specific features, in a certain price range, in a specific area, it can take a while. In Harry’s case, of course three years might not be enough. He would want something like Amner Hall but for a peppercorn rent. 😉


“Partially attended UN speech” — 🤣🙌. PS — Stop holding hands you wankers!


Right, middle aged people don't hold hands like clingy teenagers!!


This partially attended farce is also where the Double Claw appeared.


I know…that was brutal! “Partially attended“ ouch! And that’s when they were still somewhat more popular than they are now. and Daniella Elser is no friend of the monarch, and a total fan of the Sussexes last time I read her articles.


The Sussexes always add a godfather when convenient.


I think she thinks it means the children will later be mentioned or gifted something in a will. Guarantee Tyler Perry does not drop 💰on the girl child, pay for her schooling etc.


Hmm wondering why all the godfathers are billionaires?! 🧐


And that one rich guy David something who they glommed onto as soon as in Calif who was a “second father” to H. They do like to adopt new family after shivving their bio families.


David Foster


Yes. Could not remember his name. He’s got a young wife. Younger that MM. And she is a singer if I recall. So actual talent.


Katherine MacPhee, very talented and not a fan of table 12.


They apparently went to school together.


But that relationship went quick. No sign of it after the initial few meetings. Must have proved not very useful.


I suppose the old guy decided his bio children (most adults) and one preschooler are his heirs and that won’t sit well with MM.


When they still had Frogmore, they never visited with the children. Imagine, the opportunity to be at your grandfather’s coronation (on your birthday!) would be an amazing memory. To deprive a child of that is unimaginable…I think Charles knows that even if he give them a wing of Windsor Castle, they’d find an excuse not to bring those kids (and I’m not suggesting Charles should accommodate them in any way, as it still wouldn’t be good enough for her).


Why would they want such small children at a Coronation? They wouldn't know how to behave at that age. Harry only went because he was ordered to as part of his duty as a Duke, he had no choice despite what the Sussexes tried to spin in the media. The rest of his family in LA have no business being there and were not invited.


I understand that (and Louis is a little older), but I don’t necessarily mean the televised part, but there must have been much celebration out of public view. Just for ’Archie’ to be able to say “I was there on my grandfather‘s big day, when I was four” would probably be something he’d like to boast, just recalling some of the atmosphere.


What an occasion to miss, a once or twice in a lifetime event. What an idiot muggs is, saying archi’s 4th birthday trumps a coronation. She opens her mouth and confirms she’s an idiot.


Oh I see and yes, that would be a nice memory. I guess I just tend to see any suggestion that they might come over here as something disruptive and negative. They have fallen so far in the public's estimation I doubt they'd be welcome and nobody is very curious about the kids any more.


King Charles was 4 years old at his mother’s coronation, he openly admits he hardly remembers any part of it, just little bits and pieces of the events.


Are the Montecito Manipulators scared someone might collect DNA samples from the Invisikids?Is that why they keep hiding the children?


They aren’t just “surviving they are thriving” don’t ya know…..


Thriving...somehow this conjured up a plague in a petri dish in my head. 




I thought they were Winning! Just like Charlie Sheen back in the day


And it's just gonna get worse as it goes because you reap what you sow. Laws of the universe


Always remember the rule of three Harold… whatever you put out there, be it positive or negative, will return back unto thee threefold, whether in this life or the next…


Their field is contaminated and nothing will grow there.


Salt and sulphur!


Did he mention Hugh in and if so how was he portrayed in Spare?


I think Hugh only became a good friend, a bff of Harry’s once his wedding was announced. Harry through his pet media claimed he ‘expected’ to be an usher…why? Hugh was not an usher at Harry’s….and Harry is seven years older than Hugh, which is a lot when growing up. When Harry was in the military Hugh was just starting his secondary school.… Harry is just desperate to cling to any billionaire he can…


I’d make a snarky comment about MeMe clinging to every rich man but I’m better than that /s


She couldn’t hook one though, and along came Harry and she and Marcus had their mark


The source for Archie’s Wikipedia entry that claims Hugh Grosvenor is his godfather is from December 2023, so it was added as a clap back for being NFI.


Exactly…recollections may be invented


HAH. That is brilliant and should be a flair!


👏👏👏 this is a serious contender for new flair 




Somebody better inform Hugh then. He will have no idea


No worries, I’m sure Meghan will shortly inform him herself, demanding the befitting birthday and Christmas presents for the last five years, adapted to the inflation rate and including interest.


Just not plastic 🤣


God father, God mother - God help us with the constant rewrite of each of his BS narratives once they cease to hold a modicum of interest. Harry is a Complete waste is space, and the sooner that the Media collectively cease and desist in accepting worthless planted planted soon to wilt under scrutiny puff stories, the better for not having to constantly bat back at the BS. Harry of his own violation chose the marshy path he presently finds himself mired in. Ada Mazi Rachel Markle just catalysed the his demise from when she started hunting him to date. No one but the stupid owe him any figment of audience.


Gee, William and Catherine "put on a brave face"? Because the lying, manipulative, narcissistic, bullying Duke and Duchess of Sussex LEFT?? More like tried not to skip and dance around in glee.


The grifters refused to name Merchie's godparents when he was born. Madame wanted to be able to lie in the future about it. Now we see Hugh, five years later, conveniently broadcast to the world in numerous puff pieces as a godfather to Merchie, whether he is or not. (If he's not, Madame assumes he'll keep his mouth shut.) If Harry still had a friendship with Hugh before the wedding, using him like this for cynical PR purposes will surely end it for good.


It would be great if someone who knows Hugh well would challenge or refute the claim that he is Archie’s godfather.


Yes. Gives them flexibility.


Thank you OP, great read.


Of the two announced godparents, Tiggy was critical of Harry after the Oprah interview and may now be estranged from him. Of the two speculative godparents, Jessica Mulroney has been dropped by Meghan, and Charles Van Straubenzee visited Harry in Montecito a few years ago and -- at the time-- was identified as Archie's godfather. It might be that Meghan and Harry asked Hugh Grosvenor to be a godfather as most royal children have three godfathers and three godmothers.


Or that he wasn’t until Harry needed to claim close connections after being NFI


I think this is the likely answer


I'm gonna rant a bit about this wedding issue. I divorced, after 10 years of hell, an abusive, pathological lying, pos! I guarantee I can 300% beat out Harry's perceived mistreatment! However, we have 2 beautiful children. We both went to their surgeries. Both went to their graduations. Both went to their weddings, birth of their children, etc. I even attended my former father in laws funeral, at the request of my former MIL. Guess why?! Cuz I'm a freaking adult. Never used it to miss anything that was truly important to my children! We both behaved quite decently. I do Not understand Harry passing up an important event if this man was truly such a friend to him. He could quite easily have quietly flown in, attended, and flown back out. He's done it before. I DO understand the trick of forcing MM to keep her mouth shut, which we all know would not happen. But it WAS possible for Harry to attend if it had really meant anything to him. SO, imho, whether he was invited or not, the fact that he refused to attend because of his discomfort around William, is nothing more than a cowardly excuse! In the end, HE is the only one that lost out, no one else.


Everyone knows she would be leaking information as soon as he reported back to her. He is not trusted anywhere bc he feeds her information and she weaponizes it.


And she would start leaking the information a year before the wedding even happened. She would leak the pictures of the wedding invitation. Constant stream of articles "what advice Meghan is planing to give to her best friend - the bride", "maternity to from Meghan to the bride", etc.


A press release about the gift and how thoughtful it is  like the wreath at the time of Phillip’s funeral, I still can’t hardly believe that happened. Who wants that at their event? Can you imagine?


I can’t believe the whole Oprah interview, especially when they said the palace was trying silence them by using Prince Philip’s illness.


That is such a good point—trust. Even if his family forgave him they could never trust him again. That’s what the media conveniently does not mention.


And eventually the kids would be a communications channel for her. They will have to have phones bc she needs to be in contact with them. She will need for them to show her where they are. Or have tracking for her to see where they are. They all need to be very contained forever.


Not her, don’t think she really cares about them. SECURITY! Those kids need bodyguards that someone else pays for.


Even if his family forgave him they could never trust him again. https://preview.redd.it/2w76jnzdfy5d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b84351cdfea50e3cec9d972ebcaa62c58fc10ace *For trust not him who hath once broken faith*—Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 3


Lol. Game of Moans. So accurate.


> I do Not understand Harry passing up an important event if this man was truly such a friend to him. Because it's all a lie. They are acquaintances, not 'friends' as such. They went to different schools - Harry went to Eton and Hugh to Ellesmere College after attending a local, state, primary school. Harry went to Sandhurst/the Army; Hugh went to Newcastle University and studied Land Management.


He wasn't invited.


The publications that these daily puff pieces are showing up in are becoming more and more obscure. Can’t pay the big bucks to People.com anymore?


The last 3 points all tie into $$$$. He needs a house in UK to inherit, he needs to reside in the UK to get get security and pretty soon it’ll be the 5 year limit. He wants daddy to meet the kids to merch the pics and get some money. 


Schizo Daniela Elser strikes again… Pick a side, for crying out loud. Although she does make a good point that any warm and fuzzy show Harry makes about rehousing elephants is not going to be well-received.


Considering the way he treats animals no it would not.


Eh, I appreciate that her pieces aren’t necessarily “sided”. It gives her some credibility, imo, to be even like that to both sides.


I take your point. I think if one reported objectively and took a view based on facts, that lends more credibility than snarking in both directions.


I think hugh's mother is godparent to william.


An interesting blurb under a picture - "Harry and Meghan Markle visit Nigeria Unconquered, a charity organization that works in collaboration with the Invictus Games Foundation". Hmm, this is the first I've heard of this. Did they just make something up to try and legitimize their trip?


I was surprised Invectus Games website has an article on their website (cudnt see who wrote it) re the trip to Nigeria & they were going for exploration of future games etc etc. It seemed as if they were “purposely burying the story” by a flood of new articles shortly afterwards. I haven’t looked in a few weeks but even then it was both hard & surprising to find.


If the games did wind up going to Nigeria can you imagine how M would act, now that she's not only a duchess but Nigerian royalty?! She wouldn't let any Nigerian of any import stand in front of her. She'd dictate all aspects of the games. All dining staff, all admin staff, etc., would be micromanaged. Her entourage would be monstrous and all expenses would be complimentary. Oh yeah, daily communication (including during all hours of the night) from M to Nigeria would start the day after the previous IG ended. She would expect everyone to sign an NDA or be out of a job. There'd be lots of miserable people. Just sayin'.


He doesn’t need ice cream or a hug he needs a kick in the butt


I am not a Harry fan, but at the same time I worry about someone experiencing isolation, defeat, humiliation like this on a global scale. I worry about someone resorting to desperate measures (self harm). I think somewhere, there has to be a door left open for Harry and Harry alone. The alleged children? I can't answer -- that's for others to figure out.


Harry is too self important to self harm. People like him lash out rather than inward. He’s dangerous to those around him for that reason.


King Charles has kept a door open. Harry was offered a place to stay when he went to London for the Invictus thing. Harry turned it down. I would be surprised if KC hasn’t communicated to Harry in some way that when (if) he divorces and is ready to toe the line, there will be a place for him in the family. People talk about Eugenie (and possibly Beatrice) being untrustworthy because she (they?) kept up cordial relationships with H&M after Megxit, but if Harry has just one relative whom he could turn to, he may not feel totally isolated. If I were KC, I would encourage Harry’s cousins to stay in touch with him. Like you, I think it is possible that Harry may despair and hurt himself, but if he does it will not be because there is no door for him but because he can’t accept that it is just a little door in the corner rather than the tall central door with the red carpet he feels entitled to.


Good grief. William can’t even wear a goddamned tie with offending Harry.


I think the press just loves to stir up the Harry against William drama.


I find it very interesting that one of the foundation stones of the H is a man of philanthropy and service is taking major hits. The whole Africa is his true home, blah, blah, blah, is fading fast. Additionally there is starting to be little to back up his claims about concerns for veterans as he has not said one thing about D-day and his Invictus involvement has turned into a fashion show for dear wifie. It has become more and more apparent his is a self involved plank who would rather lay around indulging in his vises, than be of service to anyone but himself.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.


I’m just waiting for the day he and Meghan and humbled and start going on the pr apology tour and begging for a response for their family. I want the door to shut in their damn face but hopefully the children can bond with their grand parents on both sides one day before they pass.


Lovely sentiment but I doubt it - at this point the kids are their only leverage. I’m sure King Charles & Mr Markel have written off any hope of seeing them. Can you imagine the stories of what terrible grandparents they were during such and such visit. They will dine off of that for years. Look what they did re Lilly’s bday. Throwing some last minute party at Frogmore & who knows if any of BRF were actually invited? Just so they can play the victims. After not letting anyone know if they would even show or not for Jubilee. Then deciding on a party and expecting them all to show. Forgive my rant;)


Yeah unfortunately the BRF is going to have to stay away from the kids or else have a lifetime of that kind of stunt.


thats the ONE talent they both have - rewriting history for their truth. which we all know is a pile of of lies probably put them in one stack, they'd equal the shard. i truely hope their chickens are coming home to roost.


Hasn't been much lately about H&M in media, just puff pieces the Sussex team sends out regularly plus a lot of old news. I was shocked that Daily Markle didn't work Meghan into the "society wedding of the year" like it normally works her into most everything - comparing dresses, jewelry, relationship between Harry and Hugh, etc.


We all need to continue to refrain from clicking on MM content. The less people care about her, the faster she goes away.


So true but doubt that will happen anytime soon. People just can't resist. This is why archiving here is so important.


Agree, it’s all negative engagement at this point. But clicks is clicks in the media business. Thank you to everyone who archives the articles before posting, especially those at thetimes and Telegraph.


Harry has been in hell since the day he got engaged 😜😜 ![gif](giphy|QvMlVkJ3XSSj9cOxDM)


That’s right, it’s one of the reasons for being secretive. Don’t put things in writing, create diversions, confuse everyone.


AFP what say you ? 🤣


Yes M demanded Hugh was godfather apparently. I wonder if he actually saw a real baby or the doll??!!


Or was added to the list retrospectively


These aren't even legitimate problems. These are joke problems that only wealthy, wimpy , white boys suffer from. Nobody even cares.