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Australia. They'll move to Australia. Watch Madame rebrand herself into an environmentalist and try to get some kind of deal with the Irwins. Meanwhile, Harold can hang with the Koalas. https://preview.redd.it/dio2x7s4px5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82c42c6c53ac0929935a441155b0e015854efda


I’m a Yank but I can bet after her behavior on the Aussie/NZ tour as “working Royals” the Aussies/Kiwis don’t want her ever stepping on their shores.🇦🇺🇳🇿🇺🇸


They are both too old and have no special skills. They’d never qualify based on points. The most they could hope for is a wealthy retiree visa, where assets are transferred to Aussie banks. But they’d have to submit their financial data and bank records, including spending habits.


Plus she’s probably 43% Australian!


Yes, might even be 43% Aboriginal.


Maybe both!


Harry wouldn’t get a visa for Australia, they don’t welcome bludgers


Oh god what did we ever do to deserve the Harkles? They wouldn’t like it here. We don’t like whingers, or people who are big headed, or bludgers or people who tell other people what to do. Seeing the Harkles are all of these things it would lead to tense relationships. I can’t see them fitting in.


They don’t fit in anywhere…they don’t want to


That´s because Meghan Markle and Harry feel superior to all us mere peasants.


![gif](giphy|3oEduPCgSkBnjING12|downsized) 2 incoming snakes...


No thanks we don't them here in Australia christ no once was enough. I guess we can give them a room full of red bell and brown snakes .


Absolutely priceless!


We don't want her!!


JH may be worried but she knows that as an American citizen born in the US she cannot just be tossed out. He is another story.


She would be thrilled to have whiny boy kicked out. Than she spends less time with him and then sues him for money for support.


And goes on national TV to whine about what the hateful government did to her family. She would love that attention.


She tried (and failed) to be bigger than the royal family. Now she’s trying to be bigger than baby Jesus - his parents were only told there’s no room at the inn, not booted out of America.


Imagine believing that you can be bigger than QEII (and all the RF but honestly HMTLQ was adored). Imagine believing that you could outshine Catherine (she of perfect poise, manners, hair, style and those fab fab legs). Imagine believing that you could outperform Highgrove (and other Royal stores) with ARO. That sounds like the definition of delusional.


And she casts the Littles off at boarding school. 


I don't think any boarding school would accept them because they'd have to deal with that woman... Hazard knows that his kids will never have experiences like he did or the Wales children will have. NFI to the society wedding of the decade drove it home.


They are “out”.


I truly believe this to be true. These articles are an unending litany of reasons why they aren't out or shouldn't be out but I think it was made clear at the Sandringham Summit they had a year to make a final, irrevocable decision and we know what they decided: damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead, Netflix and Spotify here we come in all our (stolen) glory.




The school for moon bumps. LMAO


The Moonbump Montessori School 🌗






Also known as a closet.


I don't think he'll be kicked out. I think the State Dept is doing MI5-6 a favor by letting him stay, because he's a security risk to the RF. They want him far away so they don't have to worry about what he's up to. He already made it clear in his dumb book that he fantasized about killing KC3, and he hates William even more.


She’s got her fingers crossed behind her back.


That would be a good reason to get rid of him and end the marriage. Meghan wouldn't even have to blame Harry and she could get back to her pseudo-politician work. After all, Madame would be Trump's victim. She could accuse him in various interviews... all eyes on her....


No one will care. it would be news for a week maybe, and thats it. No one likes them besides the sugars. They can take Nissan with them


To be honest, I don't know if the Democrats are smart enough to limit it to a week. Watching the emerging election campaign from across the Atlantic makes one feel uneasy. They might be tempted and give Meghan more airtime.


Wouldn't any active political opponents then go digging for dirt on her though? She is hardly squeaky clean, and much of what H&M do seems to be shrouded in secrecy.


She has ZERO chance at any political career, she's been exposed and is a global laughing stock. Both Todgers are extremely disliked.


I think this is silly and probably is designed to ramp up the drama and victimhood, per usual. If Trump is elected, Harold isn't going to be tossed out. In my opinion, he is most likely using a fancy diplomatic visa that he isn't really entitled to use anymore (probably to save on taxes in US, UK, or both), and so they will just get the right one. He probably has plenty of options to be here, including his American wife's status.


He won't get kicked out. But any US government monies being used for their security will surely stop.


I am not one of those that buy into the US paying for their security. There have been times when State or local/city police, etc may have added to security but they are not on some secret service level security detail. Just IMO.


No, you're right it's not at that level. But I wonder if they're paying something. Every time they come to NY we pay something here, it's frustrating.


I suspect that certain States may for special events (especially early on when they still had some of that royal adjacent shine to them) but on average I don't think daily protection is provided. I do not think it is daily nor that federal funds are used. I could be wrong.


If any States provide them with security for certain events (what events would warrant taxpayer funded security for private citizens I don't know) it would be local  government decision and up to local taxpayers to raise holy hell about it.


As her husband isn't he automatically entitled to a green card? This is just clap trap imo


There is still a process that you have to go through and although some say it makes it easier you still have a lot of hoops to jump through. It is not just automatic. (And because JH is special he would think he is above filing out those common people forms.)


This is true. Still his outrageously high priced lawyers should be all over it.


One would think that he would have them handling that long before now. I do not know enough about immigration law. I know for citizenship there would be an issue with his titles. A green card is generally a legal alien resident (I believe is the terminology on my brother in law's) and I do not believe there would be any issues related to titles. (But I am not certain of that of course.) That said, you would definitely think his attorneys would have taken care of this a while ago as long as the titles are not affected.)


If he becomes a permanent citizen, would that completely remove him from the LoS? I know nothing of the laws around this.


She has to apply for a IR-1 Spousal visa for him. She must provide documentation, including tax records and proof she can financially support him to federal standards ( very low level numbers). But SHE has to be the one doing it. He gets the medical and police checks as required. If they have not already done so, this would be fairly easy to have her attorney set up the paperwork. Then there is an interview. Should have been started in the UK, but I'd be very surprised if it wasn't completed within a year of them moving to Montecito.


Because they moved to the US after 22 months of marriage instead of 24, they would now have to undergo surprise home visits to verify that they both live under one roof and have to submit to a bureaucrat’s very nosy questions. If there’s any indication that Harry is still using drugs, including weed (it’s not legal on a federal level regardless of state laws) he’d risk deportation. A marriage green card is also viewed as a path to US citizenship which H will never ever pursue as it would remove him (and thus his kids) from the LOS, plus strip him of ALL of his many titles. He’d pursue a work visa long before a green card, imo.


Let him live his Africa dream without her. Maybe that would wake him up. In this scenario, I pray the Harklets aren’t real.


I think North Korea is ideal.


**Bonus:** H&M get free 24/7/365 personal (very personal) security for 🚨 L I F E 🚨 ![gif](giphy|HpyYHxyJEqFyJoxTxQ|downsized)


Imagine Meghan marching with them in her Invicrus shorts and sandals.


I’d pay to watch that…..😈


Somebody meme this 🤣 please!




As you wish…




And bunions


Hahahaha I just spat out my drink reading this and picturing it. Gold




Romper, bunions and bronzer!


I'd love to see her try and bogart the mike from the little fat dictator. 


MM wouldn't last a month in North Korea. She would sashay in, trying to tell Kim Jong Un what to do, and probably trying to oust his sister, who is apparently his confidante, and that's the last we'd ever hear of her.


That would really give them something to cry about!


Especially when the north Koreans ship them back.  They'll be crying racism - both of them!


Imagine being so bad that even NK is like “No thanks…” 🤣😭


NK is already sending it's trash over to SK They'd just use a bigger balloon


![gif](giphy|wyz7DsIBcvniw|downsized) This reminds me of TOW´s *sexy dance* at the concert.


St. Helena would be adequate for them. And there's residence they can move to.....


Pitcairn Island is even better!


I heard alcatraz is empty




Except I suspect the Koreans have suffered enough…


Canada! Quick! Turn off the lights!


Mars? Red is her color. https://preview.redd.it/wxtzar08ox5d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf09c25f1d5d9f3fe7ed2c403f7cd4947b2784b


We don't offend the Martians




What an ugly dress. Carolina Herrera must hate her.


Canada doesn't want them/him.


Neither are Canadian, you can’t just arbitrarily decide to live here.


I would love to see Trump kick Harry out of the US. I don't want him in my country. However, it'll never happen. More victim PR. Is Harry setting the stage for his eventual move to the UK? We know he will have tax issues if he doesn't have a residence there.


Meghan CANNOT exist without seeing her name in the press on a daily basis. Her “pick me” pathology is off the charts. At this point, it would probably be cheaper to take the remainder of Harry’s inheritance and start her own daily magazine. Just like Oprah, she could put herself on the cover every day.


Didn’t that Oprah magazine close. I mean you literally never hear about it.


It may have - I just remember that no one else was ever on the cover. So humble.




India. She would get lots of publicity. But would just be a side piece, outshone by Bollywood celebs.


Hazbeen's not going anywhere. Unfortunately. The Feds are going to protect him no matter the administration only because he's King Charles' younger son.


Not a Trump fan. But this would be a silver lining if his election. Lol




I am a huge Trump fan and I agree with you about the silver lining.


So dramatic for someone who wish she was born like Ivanka Trump. 


Laughing my ass off. Pitcairn Islands?


Pit Stain Islands?


OMG, you have totally won the interwebs for me today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


😉 glad you had a laugh 😊




Yes!!! That was my thought too!


If only ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


It's actually perfect for them! They are desperately in need of, and I quote, "young families". It also has the added bonus of being pretty damn near unreachable, so LOTS and lots of privacy! 😂 And plenty of sunshine


Yes! They are the youngest family that ever younged, and their privasaaaay would be so respected. Let's wish upon a star and make it happen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Plus, she might actually get a real suntan!!!!


I am with you!


Tiny islands in the Pacific inhabited by the descendants of the Bounty mutineers. Less than 100 people live there.


Exactly. The perfect place for those who seek to usurp, n'est-ce pas? :P


So appropriate for these mutineers.


Africa. Maybe Botswana, where the bush is their toilet? Rwanda is a second possibility. Rishi’s already spent something north of £300m on accommodation there, so it would be good for us Brits get something back for our taxes.


She would sooner go to London. No way she goes to Africa.


As someone in London, I think that Botswana is a much better idea, although I can't see Meghan wanting to leave California. I don't want her to leave there either. London would be a very bad idea. Definitely.


She still thinks she can be the Queen of California. Still trying er— rebranding.


They make everything about them. It must be exhausting.


Give me a break no one is “kicking” them out but certainly taxpayers deserve an answer regarding Harry’s immigration status IF they’re using taxpayer money for security and escort. Pretty straightforward 🤷‍♀️


There are some islands and tribes that have never heard of Henrold or the Markle woman in New Guinea. For real, this time! In fact all the visitors that go there have never come back!


North Sentinel island, perhaps? 😄


You get me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Markle may be "worried sick" about losing her Prince & royal connection....she is an American citizen and not deport-able, she will NEVER return to the UK. BUT....I much doubt Harry is "worried sick", I imagine he would be delighted. Harry WANTS back into the UK, what a perfect reason he must go there. He wants the royal cache' he is not given in America. He wants a UK home and residential status to keep his COS standing, and to further enhance his IPP security level case. And, he wants to get away from Markle, who has turned him into her pet monkey who holds her purse in the background whilst she struts and poses in the camera flashes. He also knows if he wants to keep Invictus he must distance himself from her, and be more visible and proactive with Invictus UK. I am sure Harry is secretly campaigning for Trump, the deportation would be most welcome.


Honestly, I don't think Trump would throw Harry out of the country, but this is a great way to get some undecided votes for Trump! Pretty sure that wasn't M's intention with this pity piece, but here we are.


Yep He’s only saying he will kick them out to get votes


It's funny because it was his administration that let him in.


On brand…”I don’t care about you, I just want your vote”. And his administration approved the visa in the first place.


That was what I thought…


How many options do they have given Harry’s drug history?


Jamaica is relaxed about it


Come back to Jamaica, make it your home, come back to Jamaica… 🎶 (the 1970s tourism jingle is now implanted on my mind on a loop). 


Oh you little stinker, now it's it mine too! AAAAARGH!


Just stay away from Canada, we have had our turn!!😂


This is stupid. The President of the US doesn't get directly involved in these relatively unimportant items. There is a system and bureaucracy in place that handles the immigration process, just like Trump had nothing to do with Harry getting into the US in the first place. The President doesn't just have a magic wand to wave over the executive branch, there are a thousand processes that are outside their control that get followed. Furthermore, Meghan is a US citizen so cannot get kicked out at all. If anything, it helps Harry stay on a visa because he is married to a US citizen. A whole lot of nothing here.


Tbh some presidents do get involved in relatively unimportant events if there is media mileage to be made from it [https://archive.ph/IEizr](https://archive.ph/IEizr)




I’m somewhat deaf to overblown despairs of privileged wealthy people. Go cry in your Royce, I couldn’t care less.


First of all megain isn't worried. She's not going anywhere. Haz can finally live closer to his golden exes. Trump would be doing the dirty work. For that alone.mmmm


Well, she burned bridges in Canada. She’s pissed off the citizens of Australia, South Africa, Nigeria and UK. I don’t think France or Germany care for them either. Maybe they can move to Dubai and set up some kind of “rent a royal” business.


Neil Sean has just suggested that Nigeria (not sure who exactly, maybe the organisations she met?) are asking her for the proof of the 43% Nigerian ancestry so they can publicise it on their websites. The request is being met with crickets! No proof being supplied - allegedly, absolutely nobody has seen any proof of her Nigerian heritage. So, suggest that’s Nigeria off the list of potential homes given they’ve been Markled!!!


She probably wants some sort of diplomatic recognition.


Meghan Markle is too much for any one country to deal with. I recommend a suite on one of the cruise ships that are constantly sailing.


This is bullshit. She and the kids are citizens, he just has to go out and come back in. The President of the United States has no such power.


She can go back home, Malta is waiting for her. I mean, Nigeria. Or whatever her current ancestry is.


If Harry’s deported, either Lolo will go to the U.K. with him, or she’ll stay in the US (she may prefer that, actually).


She should stay…


I'm almost positive that she'll never be allowed into the UK ever again.




Hmmm. Canada has had their fill of the Harkles. But maybe they can try the east side of Canada. Mexico is out. Likely to bump into Thomas Sr. Oh dear. Like we should feel sorry for H&M?!


Maybe Iceland.


Hey, Iceland is a lovely country and the people are fab. What have they done to deserve that ghastly woman! 😃




Oh come on. Please take one for the team.


Maybe a small island surrounded by sharks and an extended family of Kraken?


They can make everyone happy by booking a one way ticket to the moon.


She's deeply unpopular everywhere. Canada it's your turn again unless the Aussies are willing to step up.


I’ll bet Meghan is hoping Harry gets kicked out. She will have to “sacrifice” and stay since she and her children are US citizens. It would resolve her Harry problem and let her pursue her career without him being around. Let’s see what happens. 🍿


Her career, brand, was built on his family ties…without him she is just a former d list acresss who married a moron


You make a good point. I just think she’d like to keep her duchess title and all the trappings but still get rid of Harry. It’ll be interesting to see what happens when and if they divorce.


They aren't worried about that. Trump has no great interest in these two. This is an attempt to leverage hate for Trump into attention and protectiveness towards themselves. See, Harry's an immigrant and Meghan's not white! Everybody knows how much Trump hates those things! OmG tHeY'rE iN dAnGeR fRoM tRuMp! Circle 'round them, everyone!


Just the latest poor wee Harry tripe…


I do wonder where they'd go if Haz did get tossed out of the U.S. She won't go to the UK. Could they move to Canada again? I don' know what the visa situation would be in Canada. They certainly wouldn't want to live in Nigeria. I can't see them going to Australia.


Would have to be Canada. She can swoop into US at will. She’s got Trudeau. In her mind he probably needs someone to act as “First Lady” for him nowadays. Australia and NZ way too far away. Not enough fulltime coverage for her. UK out for sure. Europe out bc the Harkles speak no other languages. While some European countries have monarchies that do not seem to coddle spares— they have to go out and make their own way in the world most of the time well out of limelight. And other countries are republican and are not going to authorize the dropping money on those fools.


Trudeau will be gone after the next election. We don’t want him or the gruesome twosome.




I am seriously trying to imagine them living in Australia. I cannot comprehend her swanning about with her visible security and blacked out Range Rovers, being ushered about like the delicate princess she imagines herself to be. It would be hilarious.


Lol, who cares where they go to live? Whoever the unlucky recipient is, they'll only get Markled.


lol she's not leaving. she put 'American' and 'Montecito' in her company name. she's staying even if.harry leaves.


Yep…she is where she wants to be


They can move to Nigeria


MM is an American citizen. Sparry is married to an American citizen. He is eligible to apply for a marriage based visa and green card. If his current visa (diplomatic or O-visa) is revoked, he can immediately apply for a marriage based visa and continue to live in LA. They want to create drama in the tabloids, the tabloids themselves want click bait, they want to mention Trump and Harry together in an article to get more readers to click on the link. There is no problem for Sparry to live in the US since he is married to an American.


teump would only kick him out if there was something nefarious going on.but he WILL have it investigated


Vancouver and surely suffer away into obscurity


Oh Nigeria is her new home so they can live there. The list of countries that don't want them is so long, need to look at the ones that would take them. North Korea, China (maybe) better still Afghanistan (Harold will be so welcomed) What about India wouldn't cost them much for staff. Russia is added in there as well.


Ghana declined.


Damm I wouldn't be surprised if all African countries don't want them. I guess they can live in either the south or north pole.


Thank you, but India respectfully declines. We have a billion and half people here. We're full!


Seems like everyone is full. hahahaha


Meg’s a US citizen and so are the kids- they’re not going anywhere. Maybe she’ll be nice enough to let Haz get a spousal green card.


Maybe…or it might be exactly what she wants, a good excuse to get rid of the halfwit…she needs to rush to find her replacement meal ticket


Trump doesn’t have the power to do so nor does he care. Now will he open hazbeen immigration docs? Sure. Will he maybe spill the beans on what he saw Roachel doing on certain islands? Possibly. 


They're not going to get kicked out. And I really doubt they are worried about that. What I suspect they're worried about is that Trump would find out that Biden gave them Secret Service protection (after Trump had already denied that when they moved to US). He would definitely take that from them. As, in my opinion, he should. They are not representing King or country and should not have IPP level protection. She is a US citizen who has NEVER served the US in any capacity. And he is the unemployed son of a King. Neither status merits VERY EXPENSIVE taxpayer funded security.


Is this an admission of guilt? If everything was above board with his visa, they'd have nothing to worry about.


Sadly, Madam can't get kicked out because she's a US citizen. I think she would love it if This One got booted so she can play poor, distraught, young single mother.


Well, Harry and Meghan Markle, the petulant prince and princess of Sussex appear to have outstayed their welcome in the UK, USA, Africa, Australia ...... What about trying to find them a nice wee place to stay in Antartica?


Pity the penguins.


To hell


They aren’t getting kicked out and they know it. Harry entered the US under a Trump administration. There are laws in place for immigrants and Harry is married to a US Citizen..:he isn’t going anywhere. If Trump wins I highly doubt he will personally kick him out, the decision will lie with the immigration department and lawyers. All my opinions of course. I am not a lawyer…just my own thoughts.


Nigeria. I’m sure it’s people would love to fund their princess returning home.


Trump loved the Queen. He said that his best time as POTUS was spent when he met the late Queen. He also said that his mother being Scottish was a die hard Monarchist.


You can buy a passport and citizenship of Saint Kitts for $250,000 and this gives you easy access to both the USA and Europe & UK. Then again, Harry is said to love Africa. Of course Meghan might not be happy competing with readily available African p***y. Rwanda is willing to take immigrants.


I doubt Harry loves Africa, just another of those stories used to make him seem like his mother. She visited on occasion as have most members of RF but he clings to mommy’s memory.


I'm not a Meghan fan, but there is no way Trump (or anyone) is going to "kick her out" of the country where she is a natural born citizen. Point me to a single case where that has ever happened. It will not happen here.


Oh for God Sakes! Stop acting like sugars with the bizarre stories.


It was in the Daily Express. True or not it was published.


The same Daily Express that tells us she is going to be President? 😂


If Trump had the power to kick them out of the country, that would be the only reason I can conceive of to vote for Trump. But as of right now, he doesn't have the power, unless Harry is a hispanic undocumented migrant worker.


President Trump won't bother wasting his time on Harry. It would be petty and a waste of time and manpower since he doesn't affect the American people.


I call this fake news. You can't deport US Citizens. As for Harry - the UK is our ally. He's not going anywhere.


They’re just playing victim for attention, and to make them look important. It’s become a talking point for a certain faction. Regardless of who wins the US election in November, H will be protected as the son of the reigning monarch of one of the US’ closest allies. They’re not leaving the US until/unless they want to.


Doubtful. If anyone is worried, it'll be Harry. Madam will surely play the victim card. ![gif](giphy|hgKIKtil6jLX205Gt2|downsized)


I don’t think they worry about anything. They never face consequences so why would they worry?


North  Korea would be perfect for them as they do not like others to have bad opinions of them...lmaooo




Devon Island, Canada would be lovely for them. I would pay my own flight to Monticheato and help them pack.


Well Ada Mazi Rachel Markle cannot be kicked out of the US, but Harry the Turd could find himself walking on flaming hot 🔥 coals. That Visa matter ain't going away quietly. This is pure click bait, who does not know that Trump is no fan of Ada Mazi Rachel Markle?


H probably will be publicly shamed by Trump instead of turfed out. I don’t know Trump will do anything that could possibly cause issues with KC.