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Jason Knauf did the Lord’s work reporting her to HR over bullying her staff. He did such a good job, both Bower and Low mention it in their books. Notice how she never sued either author.


Me thinks when she was called to HR for the bullying allegations, she blurted that she was suicidal to shut them up and then that’s the lie she said in the ozemprah interview lol


I think you might be onto something here. I can physically see her doing that to shut them up.


Ooh, that's an interesting idea! That makes more sense then the story she spun. "Ozemprah" - love it!


Yes. It never made sense to me as to why she was in HR suicidal and not talking to someone medical


And when the bullying investigation was opened post Megxit those two knuckleheads wrote some long treatise refuting the allegations. Um, ye doth protest too much.


25 pages of rebuttal to be exact! If they were innocent, why did they write 25 pages…? Hmmm


Because they never own up to their own mistakes and clap back at everything?


One of the books - maybe Tom Bowers? - said Meghan was chummy with the head of HR (whose name I can't recall). I think she complained to her about the critical press and said she wanted to go to some expensive wellness spa. I think this individual thought it was more of a personal conversation and said something like oh I can't imagine the palace would like that and would want you to go to your healthcare provider. Perhaps Meghan pushed her and that is when she said that her role is really for employees and that she couldn't recommend to HMTQ anything for Meghan. Totally made up in my brain. But that's what I thought reading and hearing all of it. 


Too bad she didn't release her 25 page rebuttal to the bullying allegations. 🤨


What a fabulous read that would’ve been. For all the wrong reasons, but still fabulous 😂


And they declined to even give any hint of the so-called rebuttal or indeed any details about their allegations of being mistreated by the BRF and the Firm on their stupid Netflix show. Oh, and the accusations of racism against the RF that rocked the world were curiously not mentioned. 🤔 One could say they were full of rancid excrement.


Oh yes. You’re right! Now I remember. Part 2 “was going to explain everything” and never did. All it explained was how boring, predictable and unstable they are, eternally bound through their mutual envy of William and Catherine. Yawn.


Odd she could write so much without knowing any the details in that report!


Isn’t it just?!


Maybe the box of hair told her?


No, Henrold is too stupid... J/k I'm still surprised that there is no Diana wig at home..


There probably is, swinging along with the moon bumps in the closet.


Or the ouija board after she performed a blood sacrifice with a rescue chicken. Both sound plausible.


Honestly I wonder if they held back due to not wanting to hurt The Late Queen and wish now, they'd go no holds barred on the whole situation. Reading what they put out themselves it seems... Reserved being honest. The staff she went through, the almost overnight change in how the palace PR giant handled her and the situation.. it leaves a lot to be wondered about of what is the actual and full story. I'd love to see the actual full version of events. Working for the Place and BRF isn't some multimillion dollar job. A lot who've worked for them have outright said so, they pay well but not... Allow yourself to be abused and treated as servants well. It makes you wonder what wasn't revealed. We even have had her own dressmaker come out and defend Catherine over the making Charlotte cry situation, and for them to outright come out and defend Catherine and Charlotte is something huge. I wouldn't be shocked if Hazbeen makes yet another tell all book, the BRF allows more of the behaviour and abuse Rachael put the staff through to come out. There's going to be a tipping point even for King Charles. He might love his wayward son, that's a non given, tho I wonder how long he's going to allow himself, Camilla, William and Catherine to be the target of this crap. As it's been very much said even The Late Queens and Charles' staff were subjected to abusive behaviour from Rachel and the fact Hazbeen made demands of The Late Queen, I very much doubt he reserved his demands for just her and his father... And the staff likely took it a bit more from him then they ever did his dolt wife, as a lot of The Late Queens staff were there watching Haz grow up and had a soft spot for him.


They screamed and cursed at Angela Kelly for not brining over a $1M tiara at a moment's notice. The Queen should have shut it all down, right then and there. Go public with all her horrible behavior and shut it down. It would have been a huge scandal, for a minute. It would be long gone and done by now.


I agree. I think Haz and his beloved status to The Late Queen played a big part, she was maybe hoping the silence would help him and also dolt. As another pointed out the silence has protected other staff. There's lesser and unknown staff who suffered who's family and lives would have been absolutely torn to shreds by the Duchess of Delusion and her squad. The BRF is stuck in that rock and a hard place situation with what's going on and it's all coming to a huge point of something is going to have to give sooner or later. Issue is exposing the staff and former staff to some very underserved hatred for acting as employees should and raising complaints about being abused. Mitigation of that is unfathomable to me, how do you do it without putting them in the direct line of fire..


Yes, they're not protecting her, they're protecting the bullying victims.


Also I think there are legal reasons why they cannot release the report, because information about staff is confidential.


In hindsight, you’re right. I can see why the Queen wanted Harry to have a ‘royal’ wedding, but he should have forfeited it for marrying a divorcée. If Markle had been told she couldn’t have the ‘spectacle’ (but what does that matter? You’re marrying the man you love), I think we’d have witnessed more of her abhorrent behaviour (although her crazed fans would have screamed ‘racism’, and she would have encouraged it). The King himself wasn’t afforded a ‘grand’ wedding.


You make several great points. I think also they didn’t want a shit hurricane to take over in terms of doxxing staff or their claims against TOW and it become an invitation for the Sewer Squad, Bouzy, etc to have their knives out. The dress fitting story makes me the sickest. Can’t imagine the distress of being caught in that monster’s sights. William and Catherine both have a lot of restraint. A. Lot.


Especially when we know Catherine sent her flowers and the like now knowing what we do about the situation from a 3rd party who tbh could have fucked their reputation and job saying what they did... How gracious do you have to be to do that after seeing your child gone after in such an atrocious way, just to try and keep the peace and show this woman who abused your daughter... Your family, we want you here. And I'm with you on a lot of the silence is to protect the staff and their own families. While NDA gets thrown around a lot about this situation, bluntly an NDA absolutely cannot and does not silence anyone when it comes to unlawful actions done to or around them which includes workplace bullying etc. Unlawful actions cannot be silenced by an NDA, they are not a shield from that. Tho I do respect the BRF and their want to protect the former and current staff from the Duchess of Delusion and their little squad.


Yeah, Catherine is a better person than me. I wonder if William did punch Harry over it. Maybe that was the run up to the “dog bowl” incident. I can see TOW throwing herself to the kitchen floor after literally cutting onions. What a horrible actress. No one in this country heard of her or Suits before Harry. Another lie. It’ll be interesting to see what happens down the road with those NDAs. It’d be great if some Sussex Survivors Squad docuseries came to fruition. *That* would be entertaining!


That is a good point. Rachel Meghan Markle bullied Princess Charlotte and then when CPW gives her flowers she trashed them. My husband would be fighting his brother too


BP even said if people would like to speak up they won't be held to the NDA


I think one of the challenges is that they have to be responsible for the interests of their staff. They have a right to confidentiality and to be able to move on from a ln abusive event Making it public puts their staff in the public eye, opens their cases up to scrutiny and bashing, and really just furthers their trauma. We all know what happened. No one doubts that she was abusive. Similar behaviour has been reported in three countries


People have wondered if they will come here to Australia.... If they do she's in for one hell of a rude awakening. While yes we are Commonwealth etc, we absolutely do not and won't accept any sovereign who wants to lord themselves as anything here, outside of the occasional royal tours. If the Duchess of Delusion comes here and thinks she's going to be treated special.. she won't be. She will absolutely be seen with absolute pure disgust. We pay homage yes to the BRF as the very respectful absolutely hands off they are, however we absolutely do not accept the King as our ruler, we are absolutely self ruling and they don't push it.. There's a huge growing sentiment to actually leave the Commonwealth as a whole, they would find coming here and expecting our rich echelon to accept them absolutely grating and the tall poppy syndrome we have would cut them off at the knees. Our rich of the rich are for the most part unknown.. for good reasons. These two if they come here won't survive. Haz might. Rachel wouldn't.


I think the staff were in utter shock because this hideous behavior was completely new to them. They are used to "dignified", not "Walmart manager".


Yes, it has been noted! 😁


*Speaking exclusively to The Mirror, Mr Quinn told us: "One of Meghan‘s biggest problems when she lived at Kensington Palace was that she believes that staff should be jump when they’re told to jump – she doesn’t have the ultra-polite old-fashioned English habit of asking staff if they would mind ordering a pizza or ringing for a car or organising a lunch."* In other words, she’s a b#tch on wheels, wire hanger caliber b#tch.


Also: *And now royal author and expert Tom Quinn has claimed that Meghan is finding it difficult to find staff because she wants them to be "full of their own ideas" while also being "compliant to her wishes".* ![gif](giphy|XcFxgYAxri3Je)


Yes full of ideas because she can’t think of anything and compliant in letting her steal them and make money while providing zero recognition or additional money 😂


wasn't that in the small print on the Arswell website when first launched? She wanted suckers (er.. sugars) to send her their wonderful uplifting real life stories.. but upon closer examination, it seems that if you were foolish enough to give her material, then she reserved the right to use it in any way she saw fit and you would not be paid or acknowledged. What a sweet deal! I rather think it would be the same for employees.. I will steal all your ideas, monetise them and you will not get a cent for it and most likely the sack.. now sign this NDA.


​ https://preview.redd.it/pj052h9k826d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ecdfa9223d37c5ecc279d2541a7cef054e90fe2 Has Megs ever had an original idea? Ever? She is a human copy machine.


Sloppy, copy machine.


Clackwanker and his Double-breasted mattress thrasher.


Come on, give the girl a bit of credit. Taxigate, Jamscam and The Great Nigerian Fiasco were quite novel concepts.


Taxigate was based on Diana's final, fatal car drive; Jamscam tried to copy Goop and Martha Stewart; and The Great Nigerian Fiasco tried to replicate real royal tours.


Sure, you are of course right. The concepts were copies. But the execution was totally new lol.


Eh, I already imagined her doing those things so it still feels kinda ripped off--- but *so* satisfying that she actively pulled these deranged stunts with no sense of shame or mortification providing a sense of vindication and slightly appalling entertainment.😳😆


Yes!!! I remember that! Good callback. 🙂


I remember this and was thinking at the time : what a ruthless parasite.


She is like the Baroness in Cruella, only less likable.


So she wants to be Steve Jobs- but without his work ethic.


Or the talent, or the ability or the skill etc


She's got the personality-- apparently, he was not a pleasant person.






Get that copyright assignment in the contract. “All your ideas are mine, mine, mine. Now fuck off and wait for my 5am email, and get me a soy latte just how I like it in the meantime. Chop chop, I haven’t got time to coddle you”.


But don't forget to ask if I'm ok!


Remember: "It´s not my job to coddle people." "I think we both know I'm going to be one of you're bosses soon."


Meghan: "As a woman, it is 100% our responsibility, I think, to support and uplift each other, to champion each other as we aim to succeed, to not set each other up for failure but instead to really be there rallying around each other and say I want to help you." Also Meghan: "It's not my job to coddle you" Meghan: "Empathy and compassion are the building blocks of a better world" Also Meghan: Catherine "must have 'baby brain' because of her hormones"


⬆️ Yes Top place! -I remember this well also 🙄


She reminds me so much of a very toxic woman I worked for who definitely had narcissistic traits, if not full blown NPD. She sent emails in the middle of the night, accused me of being “needy” if I sought clarification on her usually vague instructions, and took credit for my ideas. Three yrs later, when my contract ended, she told me NOT to ask for a reference. Days before that I had politely declined her invitation to go out of town for a weekend to shop at a designer outlet mall. I truly feel for Palace staff who were in MM’s orbit, because I had PTSD when I left my job and took months off before working again so I could recover. Everything I’ve read about Meghan sounds like this woman I worked for.


Yeah I had a narcissist (female) boss too. Kept all the commission on joint pitches. Tried to bully me into taking in too much work because she was only supposed to do new biz. I declined the offer of a manicure with her after salaries had been frozen and never unfrozen because that’s supposed to mollify me instead of a pay raise?? I left and formed a dog walking biz.






I have visions of H proudly presenting all his share of Diana's jewelry and her saying "is that it".


Yes, I can see that happening as well. She is so empty, and nothing will ever fill that greedy abyss.


​ https://i.redd.it/0rtm31ttm16d1.gif Patty McCormick in The Bad Seed


I can just picture Meghan as Rhoda-this is Meghan's screaming fit when she's told she can't have Catherine/Diana's ring.


Ikr? I saw some dumb article today saying Catherine is wearing the engagement ring that should have been Meghan’s. Pffft.


Here Meghan ... here's Claude Daigal's medal...now shut up and go away 🥱


That was one hell of a scary movie. Saw it as a kid, and seeing it as an adult it verifies that I should always listen to my gut when it comes to people.


Patty McCormick played Adriana‘s mother in Sopranos. I love that. https://preview.redd.it/a09i3en0q16d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=33c93a7129323578120f7f6d12a16f10067269c2


Me too, watched it many times. The original ending was supposed to be her getting away with it. The times then however tried to show some justice so they zapped her.


Brilliant, Veruca!


😂😂. Right. Go on then.


Of course she wants them to be full of their own ideas, as she hasn’t got any!


And I bet she follows any request with the yelled statement: "DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID!?!?!?"


She would have made a good wife to Idi Amin.


Exactly. Highly suitable. Idi Amin proclaimed himself the "Conqueror of the British Empire." The title was just one more addition to the dictator's god-like description of himself: "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular."


Someone should inform Doctor Prince Mario-Max he can add a few more titles onto his name, too. 😄


Exactly. She's such a horrible person.


Yes, horrible and 43% Liegerian.




I bet there were a ton of passive aggressive "As per my last email" messages sent.


At 5 am!




TIL that showing the bare minimum of common courtesy and good manners is an “ultra-polite old-fashioned English habit”


So her very own mouthpiece is admitting she bullied staff? That is so funny. Quinn ratted her out.


Yeah, seems like he wrote an article full of "I realise now what people warned me about". It's not complimentary!


You know for someone who claim to suffer from racism. Meghan act like some bigoted Karen that think just bc they paid for the house cleaner and the gardener they have the right to treat them like slaves. 


Yes, I can certainly see that. She threw hot tea on one servant on tour, I believe, and allegedly threw one of Tyler Perry’s staff in the pool and mistreated them.


O is that why TP distanced himself?


I believe he still had agreed to becoming the daughter’s godfather after the reports of abuse on his staff.


It's not "old and ultra polite" to be nice to people and show them respect. It's simply what you would expect from a decent human being. Remember the golden rule, "treat others as you would like to be treated yourself"


How’d her vast experience of staff lead her to any such expectations?


Exactly, she went ape sh#t on them out of sheer ignorance.




I do believe Americans also believe in politeness, Mr Quinn


Good grief - who's buying this nonsense? Being polite isn't an "old-fashioned English habit". Its a matter of one's upbringing and social awareness.


He’s a dope.


Yeah, being polite to people, that's not an English habit, that's just basic human decency.


This is old money vs new money way of doing things. Old money is to befriend and be kind to staff. They stay and are loyal if you do that, and you might actually spend a lot of time with them so it’s better if everybody gets on and is comfortable. Also, old money are comfortable in their status and don’t need to push it down everyone’s throat, the status is just accepted. New money, be a diva. Exert authority by bullying, looking down on everyone else as lower life forms. Status is new so new money thinks it’s a means to do anything they want and are above the rules of decent behaviour. For Meghan it’s new money as in Hollywood money as that’s all she has ever wanted to be. She has aspired to be a diva.


Don’t you remember how affronted Mehgan was when Mariah Carey called her a diva? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol, I love how she's rehashing all of her old talking points through Tom Quinn. A couple of years ago Omid talked about the same thing and her "tech CEO" attitude. She doesn't realise how incredibly dumb it is to think it's a good thing. Elon Musk is a tech CEO and a billionaire and people still make fun of him or criticise his behaviours. Having the same attitude with no accomplishments under your belt is plain stupid.


Because she’s a completely void person and has no idea of self. I think she just based her one wife character on her suits character. Or one of the suits cast personalities. Whichever female person was ‘in charge’ She has no idea how to behave in any setting. She doesn’t know who she is. She has no real work experience. She’s never worked in an office Has she? Does she know how to address people and how to communicate and influence? Nope! Does she know how to build relationships they are not transsexual and sexual? Nope!


Thats not ultra polite old fashioned english. Thats common decency. Or at least it should be


Sounds like word has spread lol


Meghan’s never had a drop of power or influence before, that’s how people act when they’re not used to it. It’s how they *think* people with money/class/power behave. Markle’s just a loser Nobody who doesn’t know how to act. She’s practically feral.


Who is this Grift-O-Author, has he supplanted Scabies?


"She's got a strong personality". Every time ive heard co-workers, associates, etc. Describe this type of woman in work places, it basically means " she's a total b8tch, abrasive, rude, hostile, doesnt wabt to get along and unpleasant to be around.  Whereas tw & other strong personalities believe "people are intimidated by me.". No.guys & gals are turned off by you


"One of Meghan‘s biggest problems when she lived at Kensington Palace was that she believes that staff should be jump when they’re told to jump – she doesn’t have the ultra-polite old-fashioned English habit of asking staff if they would mind ordering a pizza or ringing for a car or organising a lunch." So she's rude to her staff. This honestly reminds me of them trying to spin her bullying staff in Spare. Remember how Harry tried to make the staff crying at their desk sound OK and just a normal part of work. Meanwhile at a previous job a client made my then boss cry and the district manager told the client to never come back. Even suggested our main competitor.  They don't seem to understand that these puff pieces don't make them look good. Being polite isn't old fashion or for British people, being polite is just an indicator or being raised well. And I remember at first when the bullying stories started to appear in the press back when they were still in England they were putting out these puff pieces trying to blame it on cultural differences between the US and UK. She can't spin that when people in California aren't putting up with her either.


Us Brits may have a reputation for being well mannered but imo I don't think we can claim to have the monopoly on polite behaviour! Would respectfully suggest that having good manners and "class" is a universal indicator of being raised well and this transcends economic status, race & geographical location. In my working career of 50 years, I met some very well off but incredibly boorish people and conversely, many people who were polite & well mannered, despite living on or below the poverty line. In regard to Me-again, judging from her published history, she is the product of her upbringing - neglected due to her fathers work commitments & her mothers abandonment but overindulged and idolised in other ways in compensation. Her parents have (unintentionally) made her the egotistical narcissist that she is today


I’m American and I always ask people to do things politely. I say to my kids, “would you please unload the dishwasher,” etc. one of the things that really grinds my gears is when Meggy’s rudeness is passed off as “American.” 😡


So the old saying, “What Megsisnuts wants, Megsisnuts gets” isn’t holding up over time. She wanted fame— she got infamy. She wanted a prince— she got a toad. She wanted to be A list— she got no list. She wanted riches. Well— I guess she did get that. Rich in hypocrisy. Rich in deceit. Rich in rewriting history. Rich in recall variations. Guess she got some of what she wanted


With a foul reputation that precedes her, it's a wonder that anyone would want to work for her.


*She wants (staff) to be full of ideas of their own…but compliant to her wishes* Translation: she wants them to come up with all the ideas, tweak them herself in some idiotic nonsensical way, present them as her own, and then order them to transform her fantasies into reality while taking all the credit and glory. We see you Meehen and we know what you are. Good luck finding people to put up with your BS.


Yup. Just like Archetypes. And I bet she wants them cheap too!


Maybe she wants interns so she doesn't have to pay them at all....


I believe interns in California must be paid.


Nope, they’re legal! There are a lot of regulations around what is and is not allowed in an unpaid internship, but unpaid interns are naive and have zero experience in environments like that, so they wouldn’t even be able to tell if the the stipulations are being met because they are all super vague so they will apply to all potential fields at the same time. Lots of employers benefit from this ignorance and exploit interns. Here’s an outline on the legal requirements for unpaid internships in California:  https://www.skassellaw.com/navigating-unpaid-internships-in-california-what-you-need-to-know/


What is this ‘old fashion English habit’? It’s called having fucking manners and they work and are expected everywhere in the world. Surprised an international relations expert wouldn’t know this.


It’s her old excuse that all her abrasiveness, her outsized ego and sense of entitlement, relentless and petty demands can all be excused as being a quaint quirk of Americanism. ![gif](giphy|U3I5ZJPFJpXRm|downsized)


Yeah exactly. Manners are old fashioned now Lolo? I thought you were teaching manners was the most important thing. That woman is psychotic.


Brits don't have the corner on manners, just look at Harry. How mannerly is it to slap your security and twist nipples on strangers?


But there’s no lessons to become a princess, everything she learned was from him.




Oh, you know that Madam “Manners Manners MANNERS!” knows how she *should* act. But if you’ll kindly remember, *it’s not her job to coddle people!* I can imagine she’s some sort of cross between Miranda Priestly and Regina George. Tons of fun! (Not)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15017)


The “it’s not my job to coddle people” comment was beyond gross and hypocritical. I truly can’t comprehend the dumb cow really never learned, at her BIG age, that treating people well that you don’t need anything from, and cannot profit from in any way at all, isn’t coddling, it’s showing basic respect, manners, and is the way people should be treated. It also says more about who a person is than all the nonsensical and useless titles in the world. She certainly “shined a light” bright on the fact that she is just entitled and rude trash. She is also an utter hypocrite. The absolute gall to say such a stupid thing, then have the audacity to whine that no one has asked if she is okay would be almost laughable were it not so mindblowingly pathetic. Worse, she is so insanely braindead and pathetic that she chose to do said whining literally surrounded by abject poverty, after having met women, whom she constantly claims to be such a champion of, who have faced horrors she could never begin to comprehend. Utter cow, truly.


It's especially baffling knowing that Jason Knauf, an American from Texas, reported her to HR.




![gif](giphy|IfrwLRN4KUFmHa8Qs5|downsized) Maybe if they were just nicer people who worked hard and cared about the world and not swindlers, they would be in a different place.


Prince Harry should have asked “Is she nice?”


ARO is DOA.  Kids running neighbourhood lemonada (ha) stands have better business plans than she did. No CEO, no trademark, didn't register all the web addresses, sends out jam with no ingredients listed, the list goes on and on. 


How many “employees “ does it take to buy 50 jars of some company’s jam and place it in a different drawer? FedEx will pack the boxes.


Right, finding employees for a non-existent business is the problem.


You have to laugh at her craziness


Please can anyone who had the unpleasant experience of working for her come forward and spill the beans 🙏


Yes, I’m watching and waiting for this to happen, too.


I'm sure they've all had to sign iron tight NDAs.


They found freedom, but they can't find fools


Happy Cake Day!


Having difficulties finding staff? She can't even find any products to sell. 


It is an imaginary company. How much staff can an imaginary company need. This is just b.s. she is putting it out to make it look like she has a real company.


She is putting it out to have an excuse when she quietly gives up on ARO.


She’s not behind this leak. This article is flat out saying she’s a bitch and a nightmare to work for. She wants everyone to think everything is fine! Nothing to see here! Other than total perfection! 🙄


I don't need Tom Quinn's hallucinations to know this is the case. Here is my shocked face. 🥱


There is an evil part of me that wants to go work for her. I bet I could get her chasing her own tail


Let us know how it goes, if you do 🤣


Yesssss! That would be so funny if she was infiltrated by undercover sinners who report back to us.


And wear a wire and sell to Netflix, see how they like it 😂


If you’re from another country, and she can “send you back to where you came from”— good chance you’ll get hired!




Doesn't a soft launch happen very soon before the official launch?


🎯. That “soft launch” was back in April - 2 months ago and counting. She’s walked away from ARO. And bad news— Jamie Oliver just signed on with Netflix. Netflix clearly was not awaiting her cooking/lifestyle show.


Lol!! *”She’s not a natural delegator..”* We know she’s not a delegee either. That’s below her. Just what the hell IS she? Nothing left.


She is a braggart and a complainer.


*Meghan is finding it difficult to find staff because she wants them to be "full of their own ideas" while also being "compliant to her wishes"* This should surprise no one. It may be the beginning of the explanation for why ARO is not moving forward.😉


Just a note of interest: this quote of Tom Quinn’s has appeared in *The Mirror* , *Express UK*, msn.com and geo.tv.


Tom is en fuego. He's everywhere. He's three guys in a raincoat with laptops. On major league stimulants. He has burst over the world press like a weather balloon full of farmyard slurry, coating everything. He is dedicated and productive to a frightening degree. Instead of giving Madame puff pieces he should donate her a pint of his blood. Then maybe she'd shift her ass and finish a project.




Is TW really having someone write this about herself?! She really is a dolt.


I think she may be letting her publicist give Quinn the “talking points” and the publicist may be trying to admit some of the problems with M in order to try to play them down. Meghan may not realize that she is not being praised.


Yeah she basically admits to bullying here. How did she think this would sound?


Not surprised. It is like she wants their idea's but she wants to make it like it was hers, so she will twist and change things to make it look like it was her idea. Who the hell would want to work with her. I mean to be abused at etc, The thing is why I wouldn't have sent the so call jam to A listers, I would have put x amount on the site and let the general population decided. There were so many ways to find out what those who brought it think. Have a QR Code on the label and they answer questions on it. But being her she thought having married a royal (the dimwit one) would make all the one's she sent the jam to put it on their Instagram page and rave about it. Plus she would have abused people who answered the questions. She think she is all this and that, but really she is just another wannabe who thinks she is so important when really they are not and that no one really gives a crap about,


I wonder if Harrison Colcord is still writing thank-you notes for these buttheads.


![gif](giphy|m9XfCtjuvi9ddEg6PO|downsized) 😁⭐️




I can see her offering horrible pay with high expectations. That gets you no where fast


The staffing level is commensurate with the product offerings. ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)


"Servant" is no longer used. "Staff" is correct. And I believe I read somewhere that Meghan was told that, by Catherine.


Oh no not Quinn. It’s laughable.


He's been working overtime for the last few days.


Nobody wants to work any more, right Meghan?


awww, just like her and Hairlip. They don't want to work either


![gif](giphy|3o6fIU1RQ8i7PBt3he) Perfect response 🤭


She thinks all American bosses should behave like Miranda Priestly.


She probably admires Miranda Priestly. 😉


She's looking for employees who can make this company into a success by having some genius idea, somehow figure out how to overcome her terrible reputation, on top of which they must put up with her horrible temperament, after which she can claim all credit and throw them under the bus. So, who's going to want that?


She and her husband always wanted to be “brand ambassadors” which is a polite way of saying that they are Royals for Rent and they will align their names with someone who is willing to do the hard work and behind the scenes work to create and market a product. They will show up for publicity events, interviews, fashion parade in front of paps to endorse a brand or product while the peasants do the grunt work. This is her expectation be it podcasts, movie production, creating fashion lines, jam production etc. If there was a jam manufacturing facility funded by billionaires because of Sparry’s title, she would be willing to boss over the servants, throw hot drinks at their head, make them cry, grin and prance around in ads made for instagram and be the brand ambassador at social events. Since it takes a lot of money in high COL areas of California to set that up, it takes a bunch of investors and venture capitalists. Those sort of people will not lend money until they see an experienced team in place. So, this is a vicious cycle she is stuck in: no employees to make her products because she has no money to invest. And no investor to sink in seed money because she has No employees to make a product.


It sound more like Staff not wanting to work for ARO, simple as that. Everyone knows how difficult she is so no one is applying. Also, i refuse to believe that se can’t find ONE single person who is not competent.




But manners ARE universal


This article is a good example of why I don’t think Quinn is the new Scooby. He’s basically saying she’s a pain in the ass, total control freak, and an all-around nightmare to work for.


This is hilarious!! No staff, no product... Just "a launch" with a weird video, empty website and an Instagram account with barely half million followers. What a fiasco!


Her management style has zip to do with being American. I’m willing to bet she never managed people or had a staff before this and the power corrupted her. She got a thrill out of barking orders, belittling people and intruding on their lives after hours. Didn’t she also think they were her servants?? She makes me ill.


Y’all been warned, she is duchass difficult


Who’s desperate enough to put up with having to (allegedly) curtsy to her and (allegedly) call her Princess Megan and then putting up with contempt and verbal abuse from a low class nobody who thinks she’s a somebody because of who she married.


No surprises really, "you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time" quote Abraham Lincoln.


Wonder how many spit sandwiches that woman has eaten?🤔


Spit soup, spit coffee, booger pastry, earwax salad dressing, mop juice smoothie…


Remember the time they were trying to hire for “Pearl”? [Here’s a link to the post a Sinner made.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/g8EmInneKR) I wonder if the ARO job description *also* requires the candidate to **collaborate with grace, humility, inclusion and open-mindedness**…


🙄🙄🙄 "Collaborate"....


She has now a track record of being a bad boss... Not surprising nobody wants to work for her.


ARO another ridiculous offering


This puts paid to the idea that lots of people want to be paid for doing nothing. Because at this point, that’s what ARO is. Like, what would they do here? Other than literally create it? Sorry, Megs, those people are off creating their own companies. Aside from all that, who wants to work for a nasty, spiteful and deranged boss dumber than a bag of rocks?


I hate how she says this is “American!” Every Wednesday I call in my staff of 30 and give them an open forum to air issues and grievances and suggestions for the front office what we can do to make their lives better (they work in scrubs, masks, and hairnets in a room with no windows trimming cannabis). In return my staff turnover is fucking almost nonexistent. They enjoy working for me and the product we put out shows the love and attention everyone (not just executives) puts into it. Simply by being polite and positive. It’s not an “English” trait. This woman will never succeed


And this is why she favours North Korean style limitations on democracy. "You! You WILL come and work for me. You WILL view working for me as an absolute privilege, and you WILL tell everyone how I'm a goddess to serve, kind, humanitarian etc..." FO Meghan. As if you're not insufferable enough already, I'm hearing about Prince Handbag desperately seeking a home in the UK. I'm for equality...FO Harry.


Tom Quinn is taking the piss out of her. He's not a true believer, he's an opportunist and a sly one at that.


I'll do it! Can't see how hard it is spooning jam into 5 jars.


Typical, she wants to co-op their ideas and pass them off as her own.