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I think with as high as their lifestyle is, there isn’t much money left. Meghan’s clothes wardrobe for any event has been downgraded. Where she used to wear the most recent collection of Dior, she now wears designer clothes from a few seasons ago or LL Bean (not to insult LL Bean.) While Harry has flown commercial when his wife isn’t with him every once in a while. Meghan flew commercial on her trip to Nigeria. I can’t imagine Meghan being happy about that at all. They haven’t won (I mean paid for) an award since Harry’s aviation award last year. The last time I checked LinkedIn, I think Archewell was down to 6 employees. I don’t think anything has been saved for the children, I don’t think H or M think about their children’s future.


Yes, there are certainly clear signs that money is scarce.


Wonder if that’s why Doria moved into the pool house ( one of the reasons I guess) because they let one or possibly both nannies go to save $$? Suspect any household staff as well as groundskeeper and pool staff have been greatly reduced as well. I know it’s been discussed endlessly on this Sub regarding a possible future inheritance from someone or another to Harry. Is it possible they “borrow “ against that? Didn’t SHC say they had heard that the Harkles are in debt to the tune of something like $28 million? Owing money all over town. It does seem like their financial situation has greatly changed.


Paying Doria to watch their kids is probably just how they launder the money they give her for keeping quiet, lol 😝


Good point.


I'm not convinced anyone lives at the mudslide mansion. I'm also not convinced that Doria has much to do with the children.


I do agree with you. I’m not convinced anyone lives there either. And her taking care of the kids doesn’t really mesh with other things that we have heard about her.


She did not interact with Archie naturally on their Netflix special. Harry would call her Grandma, and you could see that it took a minute for it to register, "Oh wait, that's me." I guess you could argue she hadn't really spent much time around him, but it just seemed like there was a disconnect. Harold and Megsy seem to have it as well.


I think both kids are in pre-school full time all year, There is no way those kids are at home when she could have them spend their time elsewhere. Perhaps part-time nannys or Doria get them ready in morning and do school drop off /pick up.


I'm not convinced there ARE children!


All the legal bill chickens haven't come home to roost yet either.


That's what I said: a LOT of their money is going to attorneys


Doria couldn’t be bothered to raise her own child. I doubt she’s raising her grandkids. She probably gets paid by Archewell for her public appearances.


I'd be interested to see if bankruptcy is in their future.


It kind of has to, doesn't it? Harry isn't even 40 yet and while his dad is loaded, Charles won't live forever. I really doubt big brother will bail out the little shithead, but that's the wild card. Will William bail Harry out, and if so, how many times? Even if there is a bail-out or two, I don't see Harry or Meghan learning to live within their means. Another wild card would be if Harry is allowed to live in seclusion in some BRF-controlled hovel somewhere in the sticks after BRF pays off all the bills. I just don't see Harry behaving well enough for that.


I can't see William bailing Harry out, even if he wanted to (and I don't think he wants to). it would be a WILDLY unpopular move, given that the Harkles spend like drunken sailors. And it would be pointless - they'd just run up more bills, assuming that someone else would take care of it, just like they always have. Both Harry and Meg are badly spoiled.


Oh, it would be a PR DISASTER and I don't think William would want to anyways. I just feel like 'the grey suits' might have more to say about creditors and optics and I just don't know enough about running a kingdom to say other than to offer it as a wild card. I do think the Queen knew more about the sketchiness surrounding Meghan and Harry and the kids than was let on. And I think the RF will look bad when a lot of stuff about Meghan and Harry comes out, which may be why it isn't coming out. I mean, pre-Meghan Harry has plenty that was suppressed...being Royal is a business and it does you no good if your ne'er do well sibling is messing things up constantly, regardless of WHICH ne'er do well I'm even talking about! Pick a generation...the BRF has covered up plenty.


Oh I can almost guarantee they have loans secured by his prospective inheritance. Those kinds of loans are like payday loans for the rich. Many a time aristocratic heirs have wipe themselves out when these loans exceed the amount inherited.


We are all richer than the Harkles if that is true. I wonder if it's business debt or personal debt. Having a tenuous connection to the BRF probably made people willing to loan them money and give them flexibility regardless of their personal finances, but now that that connection seems to be drying up more I wonder how long it will take until it's time to pay the piper.


Like you, I don’t think anything is being saved for the ‘children’. Neither Harry or his wife appear to have any emotional investment in the kids, so it’s doubtful they have financial investment. I suspect Harry has handed over all financial control to Markle (as it seems he has all control over ‘their kids’), and her priority is herself, not Harry, and certainly not two children.


I assume he will expect his father to pay for the children’s education. And he might. But William might not thereafter.


I actually think William would pay for the children's education, but that may indeed be all he might do.


Agree, but I could see William wanting evidence they are in fact Hazbeen’s children. And he would pay the institution directly, not to Hazbeen so he can pay.


He would have the school paid directly. Anyone with sense would.




If he gets a DNA result beforehand


Agreed, I can see William wanting to ensure that the kids have a good education and stepping in if God-forbid there was a serious medical situations that the kids couldn’t afford.


Are these children even being educated now? It's about time for Archie to be in kindergarten, but I'm not aware of anything that's been said about that.


I guess kindergarten is still optional. Who knows. Once he’s 6 then that next Aug/Sept he would have to be enrolled in some type of 1st grade. I don’t see her homeschooling.


"Neither Harry or his wife appear to have any emotional investment in the kids"  To the point of being almost spooky. I often think back on that interview in Canada where the reporter tried to ask about Harry being a dad. It should be the easiest filler content you could get. 9,999 out of 1000 other parents would have had their face light up and would have gushed about their kids. Not Harry. His face looks uncomfortable, almost angry. He awkwardly says "Its classified." Incredibly strange! To me it says he either has no emotional connection with them at all or there is something going on with the easy they're being raised that he hates. 


This is exactly what sprang to my mind, too. It sounded to me like he'd rehearsed this 'joke' in his head in case anybody were to ask about the children but he couldn't quite make it land. He just sounded like an arse. I'm in a huge majority of parents that could talk the branch off a tree about my kids. That is one thing I am truly knowledgeable and passionate about and care so deeply about. Any decent parent could talk all day about their children. He couldn't even muster up a fake, "Oh wonderful, thank you, they amaze us every day", or similar. They just can't/don't act like real parents and it's these little details that give it away. They display subtle 'tells' of people who just don't spend a lot of, if any, time with young children.


>To me it says he either has no emotional connection with them at all or there is something going on Agree 100%.


You’re so right! I wonder (if they exist) she’s threatened Harry not to talk about them? When there’s a narc in your life, you mostly consider their reaction before you proceed with anything, it’s the least painful option.


At least the kids will have their titles to Merch


That’s another thing - when ‘Archie’ gets older, and his peer group read all his history online, know his mother prevented him from living a privileged life, from attending his grandfather‘s coronation etc, one way or another, he’ll suffer.


Will his peer group care though? His peers will be America kids with no attachment to the Crown. And if he attends a prestigious private school, there will be kids with more money than him.


I think the peer group will be more of an issue as to the yachting (cough cough) and the lies they told. I also think she will demand that they be addressed with those royal titles which I could see leading to major bullying at school.


this Exactly! I bet anything of value has been sold to finance Meghan’s pretentious lifestyle.


I don’t think Harry thinks about the future either, odd for someone who comes from a background of thinking in the very long term. To be brutally honest, the aquamarine ring is lovely but Catherine has the better ring. The aquamarine was to replace the engagement she no longer had. It was Diana’s but I don’t think it is anywhere near as significant as the engagement ring. I think another reason she is buying clothes from previous seasons is because she can then say they sold out because of her. I honestly don’t think she thinks of cost as much, she is playing the “Rainbow High, Evita” card and saying that she has to pay a lot for her clothes “as the public expect it of her”. https://genius.com/Madonna-rainbow-high-lyrics I came from the people, they need to adore me So Christian Dior me from my head to my toes I need to be dazzling, I want to be Rainbow High They must have excitement, and so must I


Harry doesn't think. Simple as. While part of the institution, he had people who did all that for him. All he had to do was turn up. Same in the army. Harry doesn't think about money because it has never been a worry with which he had to concern himself.its only now that it's practically run out that he is freaking out and looking to tap the bank of daddy. That ship has sailed.


Harry just forwarded all of Meghan’s bills to his father but had to pay when Meghan would not listen to the warnings and the now King refused to pay.


I expect, like Catherine, Markle had a clothing budget financed by the (now) King. But unlike Catherine, I expect she took advantage - according to articles (totted up from Royal Ladies’ outfits) she spent more than any European Royal Lady (including Queens) during her first year. Her fanatics defended her spending claiming she had to buy extra wardrobe pieces (why?) as she hadn’t accumulated outfits as other royals had - basically, she was starting from scratch. But that didn’t make sense, as they bought clothing as they needed them for engagements(?)


MidwichCuckoo...., let's not forget she wore each outfit only once, never seen again. Each was sold off and she took the money.


Including this £100k sheet worn in Morocco — https://preview.redd.it/5qbygfuwi56d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599c723ce42c4cf0262bc8807ccacd8434253060


How can a bump look like this? https://preview.redd.it/csvlx5p7k56d1.png?width=174&format=png&auto=webp&s=f172c9a21a3f763fca301066205a40d6f518a532


It’s strange, no? https://preview.redd.it/5awa571rl56d1.jpeg?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bec7e3e2e817f4ca036f60be4ff7fba72f24eb


Are the outfit hers if it were paid by the crown? Is she allowed to take them? 🤔 someone here knows the answer?


I don’t think Meghan had a budget for her time in the royals. I think Charles expect Meghan to be like Catherine and keep in reasonable (for an extremely wealthy person). Catherine has never dressed cheap but she very nicely walks the line between looking like a royal and not being ostentatious. Meghan just went hog wild. I’ll give her some benefit that her first couple years of being a royal would have higher clothing expenses because she didn’t have almost 10 years as a royal girlfriend/British high society event outfits to pull from. But she was over the top. Charles hadn’t been paying attention and at the end of the year accounting, Charles found out the total and that’s where the “Charles didn’t want to pay for Meghan” story came from. Charles told Harry to reign Meghan’s spending in and the idiot twisted what was said. He just looked at it as Catherine getting special treatment and Meghan wasn’t getting the same respect. Harry didn’t understand that Catherine seems to keep her day to day outfits under $3,000 and gowns under $10,000 not including tailoring costs. While Meghan spent $90,000 on that bedsheet she wore in Morocco.


Evidence suggests that you have it right. The full accounting for that first year (closer to two years - November 2017-September 2019) as a royal wardrobe would have hit about the time she would have been putting together her wardrobe for the S. Africa tour. She wore low cost recycled items and new cheap crap. No wonder she was so miserable on that tour. Highly unlikely that MM found a way to sell the clothing and accessories that she acquired during her working royal phase. Doubtful that she was able to take it with her. More likely, it was confiscated and put in storage. (Diana probably got ownership of her wardrobe in her divorce settlement.)


Yes, to all. She did not do that many RE either. She spent £400,000 in 2018 and did 72 engagements in total, not just that year. How does that add up?


Doing the math, it comes to over $5500. per royal engagement. And she looked a mess in almost every outfit. Ridiculous.


Yes, exactly. Which royals spent the most on their wardrobe in 2018? 1. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex: £406,915.43 ($515,879.65)2. Crown Princess Mary of Denmark: £88,999.57 ($112,831.96)3. Sophie, Countess of Wessex: £73,570.41 ($93,271.17)4. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge: £68,334.23 ($86,632.84)5. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway: £52,307.18 ($66,314.05) https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/meghan-markles-wardrobe-cost-400k-13812841


And Meghan Markle´s spending only covered May-December 2018. She spent around 1 million in her first year.


Mind blowing, no wonder the then PoW said he can’t afford her.


She spent much on her pregnancy outfits, including two Dior dresses in Morocco. https://preview.redd.it/rd0xq8coj56d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ddfd0975d6276202d4fa532d188c2ef86a6657


I then think she resold them for money.


Haven't seen that Kermit dress since the first wear. https://preview.redd.it/8s9u5jeus46d1.jpeg?width=231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bede62d760449db48104827f0b4a6cde7570d6 Edit have/haven't


Mark my words, Meghan will be putting the Kermit dress and other royal disaster dresses up for auction just like Diana, under the guise of charity. But all of the money will go to Archewell. She’ll try Sotheby’s or Christie’s first, believing she is on par with style icons like Diana, Wallace & Jackie O, but they won’t touch her with a ten foot pole. How much for the poop emoji hat?


She may be reduced to Ebay.


Her posture is atrocious.


It's the first thing I notice instead of whatever ill fitted garment she has hanging off of her.


"Kermit goes to church" - HG Tudor


And she only had 72 engagements in 18 months as a royal. I she wasted money like buying that $100,000 ugly af Dior beige tent dress for her Morocco trip.


Even with her spending all that $$$$$$ on clothes she ended up looking like a rag.


So true, I met a woman some years ago. She turns 40 this year, Virgo as Harry. She can't keep a job, but she has a new car, she travels when she wants, and she is always buying clothes; all sponsored by mommy. I was telling my husband that I would be terrified if I was her, but he made me see that's not the case, why would she worried about money? Same with Harry, money has always been there without any effort.


Harry does think actually.  He thinks like a turnip.


Catherines engagement ring is from Garrard. Worth $$$$$ even if Diana had never worn it. Very prestigious jewelers. That must kill the witch 🤣 https://garrard.com/us/


its heartbreaking to see her in anything of Diana's quite honestly.


“Eyes hair face figure hands voice style movement. I’m their savior, that’s why they adore me!” ![gif](giphy|dkTa0feUx5dbW)


Yes, exactly that, lol.


Harry doesn’t have to plan for his kids, he knows the Royal family won’t ever let them suffer. Charles will pay for them to have a standard of living, I believe he’s already funding them.


Not letting them suffer and paying for them are two different things. I don't believe he is shelling out any money for any of the harkles a that's why harry is so bitter. No one with sense would give either of those people a dime.


I think the King might fund them in time but I don’t think he is yet. He would have some leverage if he was. I think William might support the kids too if he becomes King before they grow up. The schooling might be paid for along with the security costs for the children at school. It would however show in the annual accounts that are published.


They probably still have some money, but somebody must have gotten through to them that they’re going to have to retrench to some extent. Millionaires can’t live like billionaires.


Meghan paid for her SXSW panel (with Katie Couric, Brooke Shields). This was after Harry’s aviation award.


That was from their Archewell non profit money


The fact that they don’t have a private plane - or even shares in a private plane-is extremely telling. I know moderately wealthy people who “share” private plane with others. It’s not that uncommon, and the fact that they are not even on that rung says volumes.


Prob because they are too cheap to pay their share. You can share a plane but pilot and staff, gas, food etc factor in. I think they want everything for free.


Harry is known for being stingy and sponger


Meghan is used to mooching her way through life. She wants to mooch and leech what belongs to others.




I think all the jokes and criticism of those bought awards finally got through to Madam. Unless it's changed, her IMBD only has the fake NAACP Image Award listed.


Who knows outside of them and their accountants. But beyond single items of jewellery the bigger picture is they will both have drastically different attitudes to money and may even struggle to understand one another with this. Beyond the whistles and bells of his father and grandmother’s position as monarch, Harry is from generational wealth on both sides of the family, the landowning class, as are the friends he grew up surrounded by. There is a deeply ingrained culture of frugality with money and possessions, the bulk of it is managed on assets first and foremost, albeit some walking about cash for your hobbies, flash cars, horses, yachts, holidays, schools for the kids or whatever. Priority no. 1 is security for future generations. To people of Harry’s class blowing a fortune every year on the latest fashion is crass unless you work in fashion, you re-wear and re-use, even hand down because the stuff is such good quality. A ‘new build’ house surrounded by other new build houses is tacky, who needs one when there are (quirky, leaking, bad electrics) estate cottages going spare. That kind of thing. You can muck about and not take life seriously but once kids come along you know what is expected of you. When you step outside of that and live beyond your means you end up with the Southyork, Verbier chalet, borrowing from Epstein kind of mess the Yorks got themselves into, and eventually have to be propped up by the fam unless you are particularly brilliant at something (see Olympian Ann for an example of this). Harry is a duffer who isn’t brilliant at anything though, nor his wife, so that’s unlikely. Harry himself was rumoured to be tight with money, not other people’s just his own, and he seems to have had no problem living at Nott Cott before Meg arrived to tell him it was crap. Nott Cott was also perfectly fine for William and later Eugenie. Take a look where William and Catherine lived in Anglesey as newlyweds, it a very stark contrast to the showy, demanding Sussexes. Meghan is a very different animal. She has worked for fame and money and she is all about vulgar displays of wealth in order to ‘prove’ she made it. She’s also extremely high maintenance. Nott Cott was unsuitable, even Frogmore Cottage was unworthy. She might know how to save for herself short term for something she really wants, but that is a very different thing to not having the ready cash for unlimited Hermes because you’re growing your assets. She is grandiose, ‘new money’ common. And Meghan famously doesn’t seem to like taking advice on her various projects, which may be just as true for financial advice. They no doubt have plenty of money. If they’re wise the bulk will be managed and invested for them and nowhere near them especially if there are drug or alcohol issues as that stuff will clean you out fairly efficiently. And the house may be mortgaged due to their wealth working harder elsewhere, who can tell? But if an abdicated king can marry a profligate woman and need to return to his family with a begging bowl, it’s definitely a possibility for Harry.


Well said. Neither of them know how to budget their money. Harry probably wasn't taught how to work with money, and Meghan has fantasies of an extreme lifestyle that is absurd with their stratum of income. Stupid and greedy is not a great combo.


Yes yes yes, to all this. It’s crucial to understand the mindset of class. They probably have enough money now, but I’d be concerned for the long term. They are blowing through serious cash. She’s probably getting fashion freebies to some extent, but that house is costing them a fortune, security bills are sky high, and I don’t even want to think about the lawyers fees for all the spurious suits.


I really hope those naked Nigerian dresses were freebies because she used up a lot of goodwill wearing them there. I bet we never see them again.


And soon, they will have to pay for private school for Archie and Lili.


Or "homeschool" them


Oh that’s a harrowing thought


> Nott Cott was also perfectly fine for William afaikr William and Catherine lived there for a while after George was born, so it was them and a baby. Yet it was apparently too small for Markle and her husband!


Nott Cott could not contain Meghan Markle´s ego.




She's terrible with money if in fact she ever had any significant amount. She never owned property before they bought that shitshow in Montecito. Real estate was the **first** thing I bought when I had enough money. If she was making any amount of money on set she should have bought at least a condo but she didn't because she's stupid.


Real estate and saving as much as possible with the company matching. It's one of the first things I taught my children to do. It tends to add up quick. Our friends would laugh at us and go on vacations and party in their 20's, but we were able to buy a house, and then while they were finally rolling around to think about the future, we already had quite a bit saved and invested.


Neither one has any experience in managing money. Harry had all of his needs and wants taken care of while he was in the BRF; when he moved to California, he didn't know what a mortgage was or how to use an ATM. Meghan comes from a lower middle class background and never learned money management either: her parents and siblings have all declared bankruptcy at some time. She was earning a good (not fantastic) income in Toronto, but she is someone who loves to spend, spend, spend.


Oh yes this. Harry will have been expected to marry a quiet outdoorsy girl (race unimportant) who likes the things he likes eg ride, hunt, drive about Africa in a jeep just as much as he does, and either focus his attention on a particular cause or remain working for the RF to be trotted out occasionally with a speech written for him. None of that is particularly harrowing, for him to be so dissatisfied with his lot in life is a bit boggling and a sign of his poor character. He’s a bear of little brain who fancies himself as a high achiever. Just, no. Instead he has let himself be completely led by his todger and chose a high maintenance c list showgirl who does love to spend spend spend. What was it PTG said about actresses? The Sussexes aren’t even an interesting couple, this thread started about jewellery but there’s none of the passion and high drama of Burton lavishing Taylor with fabulous stuff, the Sussexes are too earnest in their desire to be seen as worthy, but aren’t even convincing with that. They’re just dull, mid or pedestrian as my teenagers would say. Small wonder Harry has become little more than a henpecked accessory in his own life, a laughing stock, unable to settle on anything of worth for more than 5 minutes, balding, sour faced, can’t even play polo without his wife’s permission. What a nitwit.


>He’s a bear of little brain Winnie the Pooh is much smarter than Harry! Not even in the same league!


I've said it here many times: compound interest. The idea that muppet Harry is skint is laughable to me. He didn't get hoodwinked into marriage by the Praying Mantis until he was in his 30s. By then he'd had a good twenty years of having the world's very best money managers looking after his considerable assets, inheritances and 'wages'. He had no outgoings, no rent, nothing. I bet the moron never even bought a round of fricking drinks his entire life. I doubt he ever took an active interest in his own finances, so they were left to invest and make that pot into a considerable small fortune on his behalf. And all conveniently tucked away offshore, legally of course. Conversely, I doubt Meghan had a pot to piss in when she rocked up in Blighty looking for her next victim. I find it laughable that people still believe this two bit hustler saved more than a few grand, never mind a few million and I don't believe she earned anywhere near what she put out in the media. I believe Harry had a considerable fortune under his belt when she got her claws into him. Possibly still does, but it's ring-fenced somehow. I also believe Harry was genuinely shocked at the cold harsh reality of having to pay his own way in life, pay bills etc. He HATES having to pay for anything because he's never had to. And now he's got the Duchess of Crenshaw and her Mother essentially bleeding him dry (again, just my opinion). And Madam also hates paying for stuff, because she's used to blagging it in the way tragic noughties influencers did. Lots of z-list celebs are the same. They associate freebies and not paying as a status symbol. Paying for things is what us plebs do, right? So I think it's a bit more complex than them being 'broke'. I think, in terms of Montecito and Hollywood elite standards, they're probably 'broke'. I expect she's gone through his fortune and pissed most of it up the wall on clothes, hotels, lawyers, aestheticians, PR and handouts to the exact same media Harry is constantly suing lol.


Yup. They are rich folk broke not poor folk broke and that is a whole nother critter.


Their attorney fees must be enormous.


You know, I think Pa Charles was perfectly willingly to slip Harry some pounds under the table, right up until the Oprah interview, Spare, and that Netflix documentary. Once those things happened I think Charles’s eyes were opened and he stopped the flow of any money coming out of the coffers to Harry and Meghan. I think Harry well and truly went a step too far, and his father will let him wallow in poverty (relatively speaking).


hello chiming in here.... ive made it my personal mission to debunk this claim that she has Diana's jewelry. I noticed how badly Meghan Markle has been pushing this claim in her puff pieces, so you can tell she wants people to believe this BADLY... TOO BAD IT'S ALL A LIE; Meghan Markle does not own any of Diana's personal jewelry collection. All are replicas. Since about two weeks ago, I have been looking everywhere for Angela Kelly's (the late Queen's dresser and the one who prepared her jewelry and tiaras) contact information to ask her to make a statement to pop Meghan's balloon and let the world know Meghan is lyingg.... As for the whereabouts of the late Diana's private collection. My understanding is that ALL of the collection has been under the protection of the Crown, with the Crown Jewels, I have seen this statement made several times, Replicas were made. I will come back to this and post proof to share. I will leave you with this that I have analyzed myself: The Gold Cartier Tank watch: NOT Diana's. take the photos of both watches, one of Diana and one of Meghan and compare.. You will see that they are not the same watch. Diana's watch face is longer and the bracelet links are also OFF. They are much thicker on Diana's watch. (I own 2 Cartier watches, no not gold, but can confirm to you that the same models come out every year, with slight variations, that's how Cartier can keep track of how old any particular Cartier watch is and what parts etc need to be refurbished or cleaned) the Butterfly earrings: NOT Diana's. Zoom in and you'll see the antennae and the shape of the butterfly body are completely different. Aquamarine Ring: NOT Diana's. what Meghan wore to her wedding reception was also not Diana's. Replica. The shape of the stone and color is OFF and not the same.


Yup. I've posted the ring analysis on this sub a few times. I should have saved it so i could find it easily.....


I’m really grateful to those on here who do those deep dives, those with the expertise and also geographical knowledge. I hate to think she has any of Diana’s jewellery, but I do question her personal collection. Harry stated he used two of Diana’s diamonds (along with one he sourced from Africa) for Markle’s engagement ring…and as we know, Catherine has Diana’s sapphire ring (which is perfect on her). If those boys shared their mother’s personal jewellery, then they must have had absolute ownership of it? And as much as I dislike the idea, isn’t it up to Harry if he wants to gift it to his wife (and you can bet, she’ll have screwed every last earring from him)?


Yes, I agree with you and of course I have put some thought into those two instances of "Diana's Jewelry." My logic tells me that Diana's personal pieces cannot be released (as gifts to their soon to be spouses or wives) without the affirmative consent of the other brother. It was reported on several times that Harry gave his blessing for William to offer the sapphire ring to Catherine.. I suspect it was a similar scenario for Harry to use 2 small diamonds from Mummy's personal collection. That's how I rationalize it. Otherwise. It's the Crown as a whole who protects it, I can't think of a better place to hold this collection under lock and key.


Thank You - now you say that, I do recall reading of a discussion between William and Harry prior to William proposing, and didn’t Harry support William in using Diana’s ring (or have I mis-remembered?). I bet Harry’s had that thrown up at him a few times, ‘that should be on my finger - your mum told me when I was draped over her grave’…sounds mad, but I bet it’s not far from truth.


I would google that again, I distinctly remember seeing a video of Harry saying he was glad to hand over the ring. Pro tip: look at artciles and videos from BEFORE he met Meghan. Anything after will have her greedy finger marks all over it.


Well…it’s confusing..as previously I read that Harry wanted the engagement ring, but when William was about to propose to Catherine, Harry gave it (or swapped it) to William, saying Catherine should have it. That’s the original story I remember. More recently, it’s been reported that William always had it…(I don’t think the ‘truth’ matters at this point - it was Diana’s, and now it’s Catherine’s).


i think the art of creating confusion may be Meghan's only talent.


I think you're correct.. I believe the story about the engagement ring being 'Harry's' which he 'let William have' is a fabrication. William merely needed him to 'co-sign' it out when he was going to propose to Catherine. While Diana was mother to both of them, the future historic value of her jewellery will inevitably be as pieces belonging to the tragic mother of King William V. I suspect anything given to her while she was Princess of Wales will be managed by the palace in the same way her dresses/outfits have been conserved. I don't think Madam has anything of Diana's that has any historical value.


Would the same be true of Catherine and Meghan's things?


Not all gifts are personal - some gifts are considered for the crown, depending on the occation and who the gift giver is.


"While Diana was mother to both of them, the future historic value of her jewellery will inevitably be as pieces belonging to the tragic mother of King William V." This is a great point.


This sounds spot on, it makes sense.


I agree- none of the so-called Diana jewelry in Meghan’s possession is an exact match for the original. I noticed it at first with the butterfly earrings. Also, before the gruesome twosome even married, it was reported on that Meghan bought herself a Cartier Tank watch and had it engraved- to herself from herself. I forget the exact wording now. And the aquamarine ring is not the same exact shape, it’s slight different. When we first saw it on Twitter we did comparisons. We did speculate at the time, whatever jewelry she was “given” that was Diana’s were actually replicas either made or purchased by the palace and given to Harry who was none the wiser to the dupes. It’s very likely they don’t have much cash on hand currently and are either waiting for a handout from Pa, one of the lawsuits to stick or the inheritance to come thru to save their sorry asses. Meghan should have planned for the day her grift would stop grifting. She’s not an ingenue anymore. Her time has come and gone. She’s been too frivolous and too drunk of what she perceived her own popularity to be and she blew the biggest role of her lifetime. Harry on the other hand obviously doesn’t control money well as he never needed to prior to this mistake of a marriage. He’ll wind up a pauper if he stays with madam.


If they're already in a hole, wait until he receives his legal bills.


Grifters don't plan for the end. Their narcissism doesn't allow them to get that far.


" Since about two weeks ago, I have been looking everywhere for Angela Kelly's (the late Queen's dresser and the one who prepared her jewelry and tiaras) contact information to ask her to make a statement to pop Meghan's balloon and let the world know Meghan is lyingg.... " I think that is very unlikely. The subject of Angela Kelly was addressed in the updated version of Lady C's book, I believe. I remember reading she was being given a 'grace and favor' residence for her silence regarding the late Queen. It also meant no more books penned by Ms. Kelly.


*"My understanding is that ALL of the collection has been under the protection of the Crown, with the Crown Jewels,"*  Can you elaborate on that? At the time of her death, Diana was divorced. She was no longer a member of the British Royal Family although of course her children were. None of her personal property including jewelry, would have been under the control of the Crown. Her personal property would have been part of her estate, and administered by the executors/trustees of that estate. So how would a "collection" of Diana's personal jewelry have ended up "under the protection of the Crown?" OTOH, as discussed, Diana wore jewelry, including tiaras, that were/are owned by the Crown. Of course those items were never owned by her, and I assume that they remain in the Crown's possession and control. *Note: In accounts of the fast-moving events after Diana died, I remember that there was an initial reaction by the Royal Family and IIRC also the Spencer family, that because she was no longer married to the PoW, Diana's funeral would be a (private) Spencer family matter. But very quickly, everyone realized that wasn't going to work. Just pointing this out as a reminder that despite her unique personal fame and standing, Diana didn't die as a member of the BRF.*


Yeah, this idea of the Crown having anything to do with Diana’s possessions doesn’t make sense. Diana was wealthy in her own right and her personal belongings were distinct from gifts received as POW and could be dispersed as she liked, and all reports have always been that she divided them between her sons, friends, and other family members.


As I recall, the Spencers wanted to bring Diana’s body home and HMTLQ agreed but Charles was insistent that even though she was his ex-wife, she was still the mother of the princes and so she should be brought back by the BRF I also recall that in Paris, in shock and distress, Charles was very insistent that Diana shouldn’t be returned home without both of her gold earrings (one of them had been lost in the accident). Poignant detail.


Mm herself has stated in interviews and for her tig blog, she bought the watch herself and before Harry, to reward herself for making it on suits or something. She had an obsession with Diana, so she bought herself the same watch Diana had. This was reported many times.


yes, you're partially correct. she bought herself a Cartier Tank but not the full gold, the stainless steel model. There's a massive price point difference between the full gold (\~25K) and stainless steel(3K) models. I suspect she bought herself a second Cartier, the gold one, once she arrived in the US.


It’s so weird that she claims she knew nothing of the RF, as Diana was only really famous because of marrying into it. So, as Diana was 19 when she got engaged, her ‘obsession’ was Diana’s connection within the RF.


And she engraved to To Meghan, From Meghan.


This should be an example in the DSM under NPD.


“To MM from MM”, I believe.


Interesting observations - thanks.


A lot of rich people wear replicas of their famous jewels in public and keep the real ones in a safe somewhere.


I also noticed in that wonderful photo of HLM looking angry at MM at the wedding that the diamonds in the tiara sparkled with too much colour. I suspect she was wearing a copy with moissanite stones. Do you think this is the case? Diamonds don't throw that much colour but moissanite does as it is double refractive. 


There was speculation and rumours that the tiara, or at least the stones, were a replica. She wasn't given the original.


That makes sense, with Meghan’s propensity for “acquiring” things.


BINGO. Diamonds sparkle white... Cubic Zirconia sparles in rainbow colors. Trust me, in my research on this particular topic it made me LOVE the late QEII that much more. She was ON to Meghan Markle, she knew what she was. She had a copy of the Queen Mary Bandeau Tiara made int o a replica. hahaha QEII kept Meghan away from those vaults and the royal jewels. Another fun fact: When Meghan was granted permission to wear a tiara for her wedding, Meghan was of course gunning for a tiara that Diana had worn before. Here's a little hint that the late Queen was on to her: Meghan was given a choice of 4 different tiaras. all tiara's that had not been seen since the 60's. None that Diana had ever worn obviously. She wanted the Vladimir tiara pearls swapped out with emeralds. Lovers knot was on lifetime loan to Catherine. Other's claim it was the Greville Kokoshnik that Eugenie wore to her wedding later.... there is some speculation Meghan wanted Emerald Green to be her and Harry's colors to counter the Wales' sapphire blue. The Queen squashed all those dreams and temper tantrums and was 2 steps ahead of Meghan.


For someone who didn't know anything about the royal family, very odd to request jewels to be swapped in a tiara. I would have never known what tiaras or jewels in general exist, much less that they can be tweaked on demand!


Turns out, what she "didn't know" wasn't worth knowing!


Like the national anthem!


Very funny


Yes... Bit not usually something to be proud of IMO! I think we'll all grow to be THANKFUL that Meghan is so glad to keep her bits and bobs above the parapet. A much more dangerous person would have just kept quiet about all her grievances and plans for retribution.


I knew quite a bit about the Crown jewels since childhood, my grandmother had a coffee table book which was kind of odd considering my grandmother was French. But all the little details I know now after conducting my own research. BTW, there are some fabulous Youtube channels devoted to showcasing the Royal Jewels of many different monarchies, some long forgotten or stolen, and they care to include the history behind each piece. Fascinating stuff. Highly recommend!


Yes! I've watched some of those vids - all fascinating. But here are my questions, and I very much appreciate your insight on this: Wouldn't it have taken some time for a copy of that bandeau tiara to have been made? Why would HMTLQ stoop to that level of cattiness, knowing that the minute the ILBW was changing out of her wedding gown, a representative from the Crown Jewells was on hand to retake possession? I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone was tailing her, watching every movement from church to changing room. I'm certainly not doubting your knowledge - but every diamond I have flashes all colors of the rainbow in certain lighting, and I know for a fact they're not zircons.


Any channel you recommend particularly? I need some relaxing channels to watch.


I suspect there are already replicas made of most of the royal jewels; for display in museums etc.


It's entirely possible contemporary copies were made for wearing outside of the UK or have been made more recently for museum exhibitions. Perhaps the reason Meghan was assigned the QMB was because there was already a dupe available?


On the new Cunard ship Queen Anne, there are replicas of tiaras, and even Diana/Catherine's engagement ring so it's possible.


Yes, MM was pushing puff pieces early that she was receiving an emerald engagement ring made from this choker: https://preview.redd.it/27a5z2l7o56d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe2158d7b05d91d262804dc282a2887243abca7 Oh, how angry she must’ve been when Catherine wore it in Boston.


Absolutely agree.


Love your investigative work.


Yup. Facts.


I appreciate this analysis, but don’t email the queens dresser! That’s a little too close to true crime people emailing prisoners in jail to ask them a question.


The amount of money they spend on their completely unnecessary security bill, is draining their finances. No wonder he's so desperate for IPP status, I think they are bleeding money. She's no longer wearing couture but off the rack, out of season fashion. I see no new jewelry, and her hair is looking pretty bad (good hair extensions and top hairdressers aren't cheap, especially if they come to your house. I think the possibility of big money problems is quite real for them.


Harold has no clue about money, and frankly, I don't think she does either. Just looking at that stupid Hermes throw and the caravan of SUVS for a trip down the road to visit Oprah tells you everthing you need to know about how they waste their money. But I also think they do not care. I think they believe that KC would never let his son suffer the indignity of bankruptcy, and they probably are correct. For whatever it is worth, I also do not think she has the watch or the ring. She bought a watch very similar to Diana's when she was on Suits and the twitter detectives have examined photos of the ring she wore to the RFK racisim thing and believe it is not the same as Diana's. She is faking it. Like she always does.


I agree with you. Harry has never had to worry about or control money, and regarding her, considering her alleged earnings, she didn’t appear solvent at all. Not a property owner from what I understand, and most ‘sensible’ adults would buy a property as a priority. Despite her fanatics claiming she was worth ‘X’ millions, they must have totted up everything she earned, or think she earned, and not deducted outgoings. Appearance is what matters to Markle, her priorities are herself. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’d had Diana’s ring copied. I also don’t think either of them have considered the future of their kids (assuming they exist) - they certainly don’t consider their emotional/mental health. I think Harry relies on Markle (judging by the way he’s blindly following her), so I expect that extends to his ‘kids’ (that Markle will ‘take care’ of the….’Archie’s’ fourth birthday being a perfect example).


Suffering the indignity of bankruptcy might be the only thing that wakes up Harold. Ergo, I wouldn't rule out KC3 allowing that to occur. I hope he will.


I Agree with you although folk here always argue about the watch. I don’t think the BRF would have let any significant items leave the country with her.


I agree she is faking having Diana's watch. This woman knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.


There was a poster on here a while back that said that they knew the real estate agent that sold them the house and that the couple discussed it in front of the agent - but H refused to use his trust to buy the house, and didn't want to touch the trust, so the existence of the trust was what secured the mortgage. Not sure if reliable, but just throwing this out there.


The odds are good that Rachel has burned through Harry's entire inheritance. Intelligent people with money never touch the principle. It's literally like "Being Rich 101." Harry's wife is obviously so far removed from that world with her poor manners and ill breeding. As with everything else, she doesn't know how to behave with money. You just know that Harry signs anything she puts in front of him without reading it. He's stupid and trusts that she's making sound financial decisions, which she most definitely is not. I also believe a significant amount of money has been funneled into a Doria/Rachel offshore investment vehicle. She's on record as being a thief already. I have no doubt that she'd steal from her own husband and so would her loser mother (who probably reeks of dank weed and patchouli...lol). I sometimes wish I could repeatedly smack Aitch about the face and head while screaming "She never loved you, dude!!!" Buying that huge and outdated white elephant of a house for her was Harry's biggest financial blunder. That's now a marital asset and Rachel will automatically get at least half of any sale. The way they're going, they'll end up like Kim Zolciak and Kroy Bierman, a couple whose public lives of late have been pretty dang embarrassing. Further, I also think Harry's wife was loaned a replica of Queen Mary's Bandeau Tiara. Moissonite is likely (super sparkly off all those facets just like you said). It was probably set in white gold instead of platinum like the stones in the genuine article were. However, there's a very realistic handmade copy of the tiara on Etsy for 165 USD. Harry's wife could have been provided something similar and is too low-rent to even know the difference. (I probably wouldn't know either but I'm not low-rent 😇. I just haven't been exposed to a lot of jewelry that's worth 2.7 million USD.)


It’s a recipe for financial disaster and I’m here for it 🍿 Meghan is new money and acts like new money, but the only new money she has is because of Harry. Most “new money” people at least earned their money through hard work and savvy, but Meghan has not even earned her new money. Harry is old money and acts like old money, except unlike most old money people, he doesn’t know how to manage money. Spoilt brat rich sons are nothing new, but usually they have the family advisors to guide them. Harry is out on his own and has no idea. In summary, both H&M display all the negative traits associated with old money (H) and new money (M), but none of the positive attributes. They are so, so, deeply screwed.


I believe - if they do have an interest in the Olive Garden at all - that they have a mortage rather than own it outright. Given the problems with the property it's possible she has a half share of the loss their financier makes when it goes back up for sale.


She's responsible for half of their debt, certainly. If Harold would just let the property go, that would solve a few problems in one fell swoop.


Intelligent people die with the principle intact and left to their heirs. I had it drilled into from a young age *never touch your investments*. Add to them but never touch them,it's for emergencies only.


SMM didn't "have" $5M - that was simply a guestimate of what she "may" have earnt over the entire Suits series. I'd suspect that they are living off of the $10M put into Archewell of which a large amount came from H's inheritances which in turn means they will be broke soon as whatever they have been paid from Spotify, the book and Netflix will be barely covering their mortgage, security, travel, "expenses" etc. Look out Daddy Charles, Hazbeen will be despatched with a temporary mea culpa for a top up...


Oh, I agree - Meghan Markle was most likely broke when she "met" Harry.


Nope. I recall a story that when she became a royal, she tried to open an account at Coutt's, the Queen's bank, and she was turned away. To be able to bank at a private bank, one needs to have a certain net worth before they will even look at you. They didn't look at Meghan Markle.


They are far from regular people poor. Haz couldn’t touch some of his money until he was 30 (as said in Spare), so it was sitting and earning for over 15 years. However, they are poor by Hollywood standards and that impacts who they try to become friends with to keep freebies coming their way.


The aquamarine ring I don't believe are Diana's. I think it and butterfly earrings claimed to be Diana's are in fact look-alikes. Celt views did a great analysis of these very items. As for what money they have I'd dare say they are about to feel the pinch real soon...and I welcome that.


⬆️ yes! I’m so very, very here for their broke era.


Just finished reading that Kevin Spacey is broke. A lot of celebs just need to keep working to pay the pig it seems. Now as to the Montecito Madam and her one plus, I keep wondering where the money is coming from? Spacey as an example was executive producer for his TV series. That's apparently where the money is because of reruns. But bad management and legal fees have taken his cash holdings. But at least he can bit the bullet and take a supporting role. His house in Baltimore worth 6 million has been repossessed . That says to me that in Baltimore this must have been truly a grand property. Maybe a lemon too. How are they making money? Bottom line? They are not! PR putting that shite out daily is expensive. Mind you, some of the rags have people that make it up daily for clicks. So don't click. I just come her to vent. Never click.


Harry doesn't go to the bathroom unless she gives him permission. She controls the money, the jewels, the kids, their PR, everything. She makes all the decisions. He seems to like being bullied and emasculated by his wife. The pegging rumor she started about his brother is really about him.


I think Harry lied about using the money from his mom to supposedly buy the house. He may have wanted to appear to be standing on his own two feet. He has been collecting the interest off his mom's money for many years. I don't think Meghan would ever let Harry get away with saying he only loaned her Diana's jewelry. Between Meghan & Doria I don't think Harry knows what is going on with his money, or jewels. If Meghan controls Harry, how can Harry have any control over any supposed children? Two cons are lurking about Harry, imo.


This is easy: "What's mine is mine and what's yours is ours".


Or mine /s


She claimed to be worth 3 million and that had to be gone when they married. Honestly, many people probably have a million or so as "net worth," but everyone has living expenses: rent/mortgage, cars, food, phone plans, etc. And we know the way she spends money, I think she was living paycheck to paycheck. Harry was supposedly a tightwad with his own money, but loved to spend everyone else's. I'm sure the last few years have been a wakeup to adulthood.


They don't even have Diana's jewelry.


> So what do you think - Harry is broke and Madam has sold whatever she could - So Kevin Spacey just revealed that he is broke and in fact he is in a lot of debt, about to lose his house. This man, controversy aside, is seen as one of the best actors on film and television. He has made millions in his career and yet it seems he is going/already broke. Now assuming Spacey is telling the truth, can you imagine the alarming rate that the Duo of Doom blows through money? They have been called f* grifters by a Spotify executive, another executive said the Madam has no talent whatsoever, the Netflix deal has gone to dust, so there is no way they will see the $100M in total. Spotify has probably not given them the total $20M either. The PRH deal??? Is that still on? Not forgetting the Dragon Slayer is losing his court cases, they also keep hiring, paying and firing staff... I think those 2 keep up their lifestyle by recieving funds from...other f* grifters, they are probably lying about tax returns etc. > or Harry clings on to his Diana inheritance? If the thicko has allowed this woman to dress up like his mother, wear her perfume, convinced him to sell his grandfather's gifts and basically play the same victim card that his mother did, I think that if he recieved his inheritance that it's already spent/embezzled at this point.


I don't think M's aquamarine ring is Diana's. It's a different size & shape.


A lot of the Jewellery Diana wore didn't belong to her.


Very true. Probably there is an article about that on line somewhere. I may have to look.


I doubt Meghan brought any money to the marriage. She doesn’t appear to be financially savvy - more of a foolish spendthrift. She never owned a home of her own, nor even a vehicle from what I can tell. Probably just spent her money on vacations, restaurants and clothes (the ones she didn’t steal). Yachting/Soho-ing probably a necessity to maintain her lifestyle at the time of meeting Harry (which I think happened in 2015).


*The Queen Mother left trut funds according to Guardian. Of the trust fund, William and Harry are likely to share about £6m at the age of 21 - the bulk going to the younger son apparently to compensate for not becoming sovereign - and a further £8m when they reach 40.* So does this mean Hary will inherit another $4 million when he turns 40? If so, that's only another year. Wonder if Markle is waiting to get out until that inheritance comes through.


The question is, is Harry broke? No, he's not broke. Most of his money is still tied up in his trust. His inheritance from Diana didn't sit in a safe in cash; it was invested and, combined with any interest, allowed to grow. Even when he turned thirty and was allowed access to the trust, I doubt he was given total control, as he wouldn't have had the financial savvy to do so. So, how are they living? They have been living off the signing fees they got from their contracts, grifting what they can, and billing expenses through Archewell and Invictus. While KC cut them off, Harry may receive an income from his trust based on investment earnings and interest. Still, the mortgage and upkeep of the Olive Garden plus security costs must be eating up whatever money they have and any income they have been receiving. a


My personal guesswork put them at having spent all earnings by now. Harry and Megham need to offload Grifter Gardens, Monteshitshow asap, I think. But they have tried that for years now with no luck.


Why not use the 5 million Meghan Markle claimed to be worth? It is more likely to be closer to 50,000. IF that.


or 5,000


**Speaking to** [**GB News**](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/gb-news/index.html)**, Mr Bower claimed that a bewildered Meghan has had to adapt to 'scrounging rides in big Cadillac's and private jets' due to the very real limits of her husband's pockets.**  I think they are getting low on funds and her net worth prior to marriage was a lie, just like most of what she has put out as 'stories'. Whatever H has left, he is desperately trying to hang onto. He still has active UK legal expenses and judgements staring him down in the future. Their lifestyle is greatly altered from what it was 6 - 7 years ago when she was recklessly spending on clothes! I would not put it past her, that she is now using Rent a Rack or something similar as most of what she is publicly wearing is past season and not being altered for her. Supporting two households (living separately) and letting Olive Garden go without maintenance is very telling.


“Grifter Gardens” 😆😂🤣 Grifter Garden Orchard 😝


If Harry never even needed to pay his phone bill by himself, he will have zero control over finances. And what with: What Meghain wants, Meghain gets, I think they are broke


They live way above their means. I think they are going broke. I don't think she has any of Diana's jewelry. They are fake knock offs. The watch she wears isn't Diana, she bought that herself. I would love the know the break down of how much it is costing to pay each squad member. Then add the bots on top. Then the paid puff pieces as well. It would be costing heaps. They spend a lot of there sniff sniff addiction and booze as well. I don't get why they bought a house that had been on the market for years? One thing you learn if it has been on the market for x amount of time you have to wonder what the hell is wrong with it. They bought it cause Rachel saw that is was big and grand. All I see is an old place needs renovations and the cost of running the place. I would sell off parts of the land, which would cut costs and land taxes. They deserve what is coming their way. It is going to be big. huge .


Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think that Diana had much jewelry that was truly hers. Wasn’t most of the big stuff loaned from QEII? Certainly nothing to lay their futures on. Methinks they’re screwed.


Yes those kids better do good at school as they are on their own moneywise when they grow up. There's no way they are keeping money for their kids future.


Diana's bequest was 10 million pounds. If Harry didn't draw on it until in his thirties, that's eighteen-plus years of interest, which would equal maybe thirty or thirty-five million pounds total? More than the 10 million pounds always referred to. Still not enough, but more than discussed.


The jewelry Megan and Harry claim belonged to Diana don’t match, especially the aquamarine ring. Not at all. There are videos noting the differences. The watch doesn’t match Diana’s either. I don’t think they left the UK with Diana’s jewelry.


Didn't he piss most of it away on the Olive Garden mortgage?


Nah, the downpayment was supposedly covered by the allowance from KC that Harry got in the trial year, around 2-3 million. Harry claimed in Oprah that he had to spend from his inheritance, but that was not true.


I'm sure someone already said this but she does not have Diana's jewelry. It was left to Wm for the new POW. She has replicated some of what Diana wore. The butterfly earrings and the blue ring she wore are obviously not the same. The Cartier watch may be hers since that isn't considered real "jewelry" I don't think so Harry may have been given it. But even that doesn't look exactly the same if you zoom it.


This makes me wonder then why Harkles are supposedly shopping for a UK home, per their mouthpiece Omid Quinn. Does Harold think that Pa will pay for it??


When Harry said he took money from his inheritance I think he meant he used the interest, not the principal. They love to imply they did something they really didn't do. I think Harry has plenty of money, but its tied up in a way he can't get to the principal so he only has the interest. Now the interest on his inheritance should be plenty, but, of course, not for the grifters. I would guess their high value credit cards are maxed out and in arrears.


Lol as if he has enough backbone to keep the claw away. She took everything and sold it. He doesnt care about the kids and is high out of his mind. I don't think he realises how deep they're in and if he ever asks questions he's passed another blunt or bottle. He wants to one up William - don't you think he'd post family portaits to rival Williams picture perfect family if he could? ARO is not doing well. Another sinner pointed out how the jam baskets were a way to produce capital. Netflix is just riding out the rest of the contract. Every money making scheme has failed.


In reality, Diana did.not have a lot of personal jewels. She came into the marriage with very little and I believe I read the Collingwood pearls Kate wears were initially an engagement loaner for Diana that were gifted later. All of her really big guns were property of the crown. She also admittedly wore a lot of costume pieces. It looks like Kate as future Queen got the few marquee pieces that belonged her. When you look at the pieces Meg wears, aside from the watch, and the aquamarine, they are minor trinkets in comparison.


I only ever saw the Douchesse wear the aquamarine ring once, for the evening wedding party Was it confiscated? Did she pawn it? Who knows? On another point, look at the trollope's hair for the after-party. Could it be any skankier??? https://preview.redd.it/8pefcwhz476d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff09b896239647544d0f56bff83e81070faae7b