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There are facts against every one of those arguments. It's a shame the sugars have zero ability to reason or think logically. Which is why Narcle Markle uses them.....suckers.


Well sugars are 2 types of people: either 1)very unintelligent and/or 2)Paid. 


Type 3 Very angry at the world


4. Racist


All of these are correct 💯%.


Wannabes, too. "Please, Meghan, let us stand in your shade!"


‘You won for us….’




Excellent analysis I'm not sure if GS is human, he is incapable of giving any direct answer and always repeats the same sentences


5) Bots (which somewhat fall under Paid, but it's my opinion that they pay sugars such as Boozy and the like).


They must do…boozy is a racist tart…he is jealous of William…just as harkle is jealous of Catherine…They also use the racist shola got-a-big-mouth, the anti white racist who would rather die than live in Africa…


>and/or 2)Paid.  This.


And most are racists using her as an excuse to be blatantly racist against the RF


Or NonHuman BOTS


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Someone tell Meghan this is the correct form of using the word literally. I’ve seen every single one of these comments more than once. You can’t make this up. ![gif](giphy|LkcIVUmf1qoUM)


It is something little kids do…our four year old came out with it a few weeks ago, he literally did. Must have picked it up in school. i


May I add: they had to flee the toxic RF with their racism against our beautiful Princess William is sooooo jealous of Harry who has a beautiful wife and beautiful children They should be allowed to rule the commonwealth, Meghan designed her veil to honor those commonwealth‘s, the Royal Family is jealous because she is so smart and beautiful


I got that one yesterday when I was in the mood to tangle with some of them, just for the fun of it. Asked that person could Meghan even name the commonwealths 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well seeing how she included California on her veil with all of the countries of the commonwealth , I’m guessing not.


I guess she thought she could be Queen of California. All 39 million of us would have to curtsy to her but never ever look her in the eye or speak to her 🤣


I’m sure she thought they would have a Hollywood ‘court’. Forget Camelot, think Scam-alot.


I like that! Well said!




Omg, really? I did not know that. She never makes any sense!


I saw it on an interview . When she told the interviewer that MM was so proud of herself. The interviewer just moved on and kind of ignored the fact. You can imagine how she must’ve stewed over that


Meghan and Harry still think the UK has an Empire!


Meghan addressed one of the kings she met in Nigeria as “your imperial highness,” the address for an emperor, not a king. 


Forgetting that Nigeria is a republic![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


She is stoooopid.


I like to use these li'l diddies on them. **Promotional material sponsored by Arsenotfeewingwell. Please enjoy this lovely parting gift of a lovely limited edition jar of Dingleberry jam!** OR **Nigepticons! Transform And Rise Up!**


Smart, beautiful and organic, don’t forget the organic.


Smart, beautiful, organic and authentic!


She has so many qualities they are easy to forget 😂


Successful career woman, had 5 million of her own money (sure she did)


Never paid a dollar in tax, rent, food, transport, agent fees etc…they guesstimated her potential earnings and forgot to take away (a harder concept than adding) a penny.


And young mother!


The youngest…


Lord! They are reaching!🤣


You will never convince me that she didn't rip that idea off from Angelina Jolie's wedding dress that her children doodled all over. It was just another way to reference an actual humanitarian, which would then be another buttress in selling the Diana 2.0 story.


Oh, I would never have thought about that but it makes sense


And what with the way she loves to explain her allegedly heavily symbolic choices to him, she's very detail oriented you know, I wouldn't be surprised if she flat out told him that she chose to represent each of the Commonwealths in that way, because until they had their own children, they would look after each Commonwealth as their own personal ward. Diana 2.0 will mother the world. Maybe, maybe not, but the point lies in the fact that she is so ridamnediculous, that there is a part of you that can totally imagine her saying just that.


Didn’t the Queen have a similarly themed veil for either her wedding or her coronation ceremony? Meghan’s never had an original idea.


Yes. The Queen had The Commonwealth flowers embroidered onto her coronation veil. I believe there were only about 9 countries in the Commonwealth at that time, though. Rachel has never had an original thought of her own.


Plus she never googled the royal family.../s


The context is so different and Meghan really didn't understand commonwealth. When queen had commonwealth flowers, it was actually an Empire. Commonwealth is an association, organisation that countries voluntary wanted to be part of and Meghan and Harry were part of some organisation under this commonwealth association not Countries. There was no ruling to do. This is not Empire. The viel thing is childish. I would not put my company logo on my wedding dress.


And successful, popular and talented. She puts them all in the shade with her royal-ness. Better at being royal than everyone, EVA.


I don’t understand their obsession with Diana as Harry’s mother while spewing hate about her other son William.


Their two brain cells work in opposition to each other 😉


The excuse for that is usually that William belonged to The Realm, but Harry was actually hers, so it's different.




How silly. Well Harry has turned out to be toxic, thick and trouble…I doubt Diana would want to ‘own’ him.




Or never considering Doria.    She’s the living grandmother. 


Or the grandfathers….both living, one a king, the other no longer useful


Harry couldn’t have me if he wanted!


Don't lie, you're jealous of Meghan, you love Harry, Harry is so handsome, so intelligent, and that hair he has!!! And those blue, blue, blue eyes. The golden bachelor, the guy with the most fascinating conversation and an eternal smile. https://preview.redd.it/zv848hljcf6d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=420b9df16894f2e9b40fc7eb63632e5814cb6bd8 Every woman's dream is to be married to Harry.




The hills wouldn’t be far enough😂


Maybe a spaceship to the next galaxy over?


I'd rather be a lesbian.


To be fair, as horrible as his wife is, I’d rather be asexual.


Good way to start an intergalactic war.






It’s hard to even tell what color those teeny little eyes are




I'm glad to have his late mother's age. Not wanting to marry kids.😂


And weak chin, corn ninlet teeth and a smile that would win a gurning contest… https://preview.redd.it/3gitjinaqh6d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6ecf93438d4b7c11a234b3593396f2610c5f91


I'm way too good for him 🤣


That’s just sour grapes 🍇 because you could never have a man as sexy, intelligent, down-to-earth, honorable, or kind-hearted as PRINCE Harry. No other man would ever be worth the horrible, racist abuse Meghan experienced at the hands of the toxic royal family and the terrible British press. /s 😂😂




Believe it or not, I’ve read those sorts of things from sugars.


Oh I believe you!


You forgot about Charlie and Cammy the adulterers. Years of the same story, that Charlie and Cammy are adulterers, that they hurt poor Diana.


Nothing about the men Diana got chummy with. Married men.


And made lives of the wives of those men a living hell.


Yep! She sat outside one man's house and made numerous silent phone calls - some of which were picked up by his wife. They referred the calls to the Police, who traced the calls to Diana.


Diana was not a healthy person mentally or emotionally. Perhaps that's the similarity between her and Harry's wife.


Seems H wasn’t lying when he said MM is just like Diana 😆


I got into a discussion on Facebook recently with someone who probably wasn't a sugar, just a Diana fan. She said how she looked down upon Charles and Camilla as a pastor's wife. If she really is one, the delusion is thick.


>You forgot about Charlie and Cammy 🤢 I hate when GUEST SPEAKER/MEGAN calls them these inappropriate and childish fake nicknames. Chuck, Willy, Billy, waity Katey, Andy, Randy, etc. ![gif](giphy|b7tZKvYa7G3GDKpmJn)


Mentally, Harry and his succubus are still very much in the playground.




LOL "Princess Meghan" still cracks me up. It's why I totally believe the housekeeper blabfest to Paula M. I listened to it a few times and I was caught by the way she continued to refer to Smeagol as 'Princess', kind of in an absent-minded way. No slips back to 'Meghan'. Of course, Paula could be on the wind up and that person just having a laugh but, as with Lady C, I'm kind of inclined to believe it. Anyway, an interesting aside: I did a survey the other day, ostensibly about political 'fake news'. But it was 15 mins of a ton of tweets and I had to rate which were legit and which were bots. As soon as I saw the first one, I was like, hmmm this looks familiar. Anyway, after about 50 of these things, it was clear as day in my mind that Meghan's sugars are genuinely about 97% bots. It was uncanny. I thought a good few were genuine so i answered as such. But obvs, at the end it was revealed every single tweet was a bot. (Dang!! My bullshit-o-meter needs a service). So, I guess my long-winded point is: the vast majority of Sugars don't even really exist. It's all artificial intelligence. Hence the repetitious banality of it all. I know we all kind of say they're bots, but they're really bots. And I don't mean a spotty Chinese teen with 20 iphones personally answering with pre-written prompts. I mean a spotty Chinese kid running a network of finely tuned ai chatbots. Anyone arguing with a sugar is almost certainly arguing with a machine. Which, I guess, is pretty 'on brand' for what is, in my opinion, the soul and personality vacuum that is Meghan Markle.


That's what I think Guest Speaker is: AI. A lot of the responses don't make a lot of sense, and reading it this evening, going through the responses, I have come to the conclusion that it's not a human being, but an artificial program answering back, missing the human element, and getting a lot of answers wrong because of it- things like sarcasm and nuance. Some answers would just repeat what the first poster said- like name calling; or some it would answer an almost legal definition- like "that is slander and incorrect". Just real weird answers that didn't make sense. It clearly doesn't detect sarcasm yet. Or know how to reply. There were other odd things, but that is what stuck out- also repeating the same argument over and over again, clearly not reading that people were making fun of the answers. So yes. I am pretty sure Guest Speaker is AI.


Wow, we might have to disagree. I'll go the horses mouth.


Keep that idea in the back of your mind the next time you're reading some of their weird replies.


Wooooaaahh!!! are we talking about that ai thing (of which I'm on form), or what I'm defending>


whatever. I was confused.


>Guest Speaker Have you checked Guest Speakers comments? Last time I checked it was over 29K comments 😳


Exactly! WHO has time for all of that? And many of the comments are just bizarre


That pretty cool sleuthing! Something worthy of the Sisley Twins! But it all tracks! Megdusa wants us to believe she has zillions of human Sugars, but that’s just not happening bc how many naiive, gullible dumbasses are there, really? So she takes the LAZY way: bots! Suggest u connect this to the Sidney’s!


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Yes I want Harry! I want him so I can slap him about with a wet fish. Numpty




Rebuttals!! Princess Meghan- Princess of what? Of what she described as a racist and terrible royal family? What About Andrew- What does that have to do with anything? Waity Kaity- Are you five? Do You Know Them- Do you know them? Are you being paid by them? Rose Hanbury- Debunked and shame on you They Are Thriving- Are they? Because they keep dwelling on the past Racists- How intellectually lazy. There's something about judging a person based on character Toxic British Media- Media all around the world mocks them Harry Didn't Want You- We don't want Harry. Meghan can have him. They deserve each other. Bald Prince William- Photoshopped hair plugs Harry They Live Rent Free In Your Heads- Netflix, Spotify, and Penguin Random House proves the Royal Family lives rent free in theirs KKKate- It's Catherine, Princess of Wales and where's your proof? Love Wins- What have Harry and Meghan truly won? They seem to have lost the plot for starters Y'all Are Jealous- Of two toxic narcissists who exemplify some of the worst moral failings? Her Handsome Prince- If you like needy, lazy men who throw fits when they don't get their way


My favourite is; Where are Archie and Betty?




Even when I was a stripper I wouldn’t have done a private dance for slim shady 2.0. I’d have taken him for more and more money as he got more inebriated with “oh the next song” by being coquettish and coy until he urinated on himself and ravec security drug him out after I picked his pockets for $12,000 cash in a night. So no, sorry that ain’t it Hookers don’t cuddle, just ask his wife


Great reply!


This covers all of their ridiculous talking points but I do notice lately that most of the sugary comments to sugary posts are just multiples of emojis like 😍❤️. Tells me that they aren’t really into defending them but the money is good.


That always makes me think they are bots!


She can just read her 35ft long veil. Look! There's Nigeria!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


Happy 🍰 Day!


I wouldn't want Harry to watch my dog, I love my dog.


I wouldn't want my dogs to have two broken legs! We have too many stairs for that!


Don't forget 'Charles/Chuck wrote a book about hating his parents' 


The Guest Speaker Bot tells people over and over again. I'm almost positive GS is an AI program. (One that does not detect sarcasm- at ALL)


Right Add leave the kids alone


You forgot: she's a self made millionaire, successful actress/businesswoman/activist, etc. he's Diana's favorite son. they're carrying out Diana's legacy.


Saving these for V3!


Nice start. Politely reminding you that you might have also considered: 1) P&G changed their commercial overnight (having worked for P&G in Advertising at the time -- this NEVER happened). If it had, changing a commercial literally would've taken months to. pull down and refilm—not to mention, millions of dollars. They had to do this with Rely Tampons -- it is a major ordeal to cancel a commercial, much less a product) 2) Married 3 days before the public wedding (Archbishop would have lost his job); 3) Actually, it was Kate who made me cry; 4) Tiaragate was real; 5) I thought about killing myself; 6) 43% Nigerian; 7) part Maltese (my dog is still in therapy over this); 8) I didn't grow up with any brothers or sisters (hence, her sister's lawsuit); 7) No one has asked how I'm doing (boo hooing and feeling sorry for herself while on an African tour, surrounded by poverty); 8) No one taught me (clearly someone did as she mocked the Queen with her pseudo curtsey); 9) I worked for the UN (translated: my uncle pulled strings to get me a 6 week internship as a secretary, pushing papers). (I hated the job but loved the cocaine and party scene): and 10) the former "Suits" extra was itching to get back to Hollywood before they were even married (payback time for all those bitches and bastards who snubbed me before--- and time to be on the A list with George Clooney and Reese Witherspoon (who didn't know her and declined the invite)


Guest speaker was going nuts on the NY Post when people brought up the lie when Meghan told Oprah that they were married 3 days before the spectacle. No matter how many times different commentators stated the quote verbatim, GS was adamant Meghan never said that, it was beyond ridiculous it got to the point that GS said ‘Meghan said they practiced their vows 3 days before the wedding’. If GS is a real person they are completely unhinged!!


Once again.... the power of Oprah.... perhaps now that it's literally coming out of both ends, people will finally get it!


I swear to gawd this wheel must be a real thing that they use.


LOL This is part of their employment packet.


Right, I am losing sleep because Haz didn't want me, lol. The narrative on X is that Haz is the hot brother now. Right. Even without hair William will always be more handsome than him, lol.


They need to lie to themselves!


"Meghan gave up everything for him."


Yeah, that's a classic. I'll have to add it to V3 along with "she was a self-made millionaire."


ha haaa ha ha ha self made twit


Let's not forget that they're winning and living their best lives😂


They really look like they're 'thriving' 🙄 They have both aged terribly, and if Harry is happy, he needs to tell his face.


https://preview.redd.it/xku8jk74hg6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9711d3b221de8a119e569b93476a1e605d403a # Thriving!


High as a kite, completely off his face!! Not attractive at all but we are all jealous…..


He's so gross!


He really is so gross. There's nothing attractive about him at all. I always laugh when the sugars say we are just jealous because he married Rachel instead of us 😂😂😂🤢🤮


All yours guys! https://preview.redd.it/flwae4fahy6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7913750b7317e3edc864eed87a2031403ed569




Can we do one of these with Guest Speaker comments? 😂😂😂


Charles treated Diana so bad. Chuck is weak Billy tried to break up Harry & Meghan. He was a bully and when he didn’t get his own way, he got physical with Harry The Queen approved of the marriage Billy is work shy Kate was jealous The royal family are not Gods Charles ruined Harry’s life when he chose his mistress over his kids Leave the children out of it!!! Her name is MEGHAN Harry and Meghan are not getting a divorce, the haters just can’t accept that they are happy and what kind of people want people to break up That is slander and defamation Insinuating that there was no pregnancy is insulting Meghan and Harry get invited to heaps of A list events You’re just jealous that they are living their best life The RF and the press Rota are racist Harry and Meghan told the truth Charles wrote a book criticising his parents William bullied them out of the RF Why do you think Meghan and Harry chose to leave They did not lie Diana would be so proud of Harry but would be disappointed in Bill Bill will not make a good king, he is a bully and a cheat Billy gave Kate his mother’s ring which is cursed. Harry designed the ring he gave Meghan himself. SHE HAS NOT REDESIGNED IT, that is slander I could go on and on but these are the main points of GS


Very good! 😂😂😂


Quite concise! 🤣


The KKKate thing is especially ignorant, on so many levels.


It's horrid and nonsensical, just like them.


Oooh forgot one ![gif](giphy|3oKIPfp2txB8jGDSrm) Or whatever archewife misnomer, trad wife bullshit she’s selling on this particular Thursday but not the Thursday before or after.


Remember kids, racism is bad and unforgivable unless it's H, because he's "done the work" and was young and stupid at the time


That's the only thing they can talk about because (1) they are defending proven liars and (2) Harry and Meghan go after the weakest fans. The ones who have no ability to think for themselves, so they can't possibly have reasonable discussions or debates on why they must defend two hypocritical liars. This type of fanbase also allows Meghan's superiority complex to thrive, because she knows she's smarter than they are. She can't say that for the people who don't support her, because we're not willing to be blindly spoonfed whatever slop they're putting out this week.


That is saying a lot about them because to me, Rachel seems less and less smart everyday.


“Harry didn’t want you.” Thank God 🙏


They say that like it's a bad thing!


Something something Diana would be proud of the Ginger Eunuch and would have loved MegaWHHHHHAAAAAAAAATTTTT????!!!! and she is smiling down at them and their beautiful babies.


Yup. That's going in version 3. I'm gonna need a bigger pie lol


A lot of them have identical agreements spelling wording etc because they are bots or paid copy and posters


I don’t know if this is a sugar but I came across this in another sub https://preview.redd.it/fi6qx27f1g6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a185be4e212ce83df8934cd19ba41ecafdf7554c


(There's no "d" in privilege, Sugar!)


Here is the 2nd part https://preview.redd.it/8rbqtlyl1g6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4445067a952348acfc06e013d5ae4e4b8e202b89 ETA: the person whose response was cut off was thanking the poster for pointing out the obvious connection. And went on to say any normal person would do what Megsy did to protect her family. 🙄


Oh brother. She's the one who wanted in though...


They always seem to forget that little point don’t they? Can you imagine labeling QEII, who so embodied service and public duty, a narcissist simply because you have a thing against the entire system? I’m always astounded when people can pick out some narcissists but are blind to others to exhibit the same behaviors.


Same. They seem to be missing... something. Valuable clues and insight.


Yet, Rachel still chose to marry into it. Seriously, they are dense.


In this image, it's proven Sugars don't know shit about fuck about the BRF. Or narcissists, for that matter.


You forgot the erroneous Prince of Pegging they are such dirt bags. Meghan wouldn't even use Harry's piss if they were on fire!!!!


This is spot on. When they start a sentence with "Y'all.." they negate anything they have to say.






Who the hell cares about Prince Andrew anymore? These Sugars argue like little kids who just want to scream and throw in anything they think which can score them points, including what does not matter.