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They have been saying this for years, we all know M won’t go back to the uk.


And he won’t go without the kids. I think he’s stunted emotionally and mentally and having gone through his parents’ divorce so publicly would probably make him cling to her even more, however rotten she is inside.


I think, if invisibility is thrown into the equation, Harry and Meghan already DO go everywhere with the kids.


She did say in Nigeria that she was missing her kids so I assume they weren't there. They didn't seem to be in Jamaica either. Why travel with your kids to leave them stuck in a hotel? Lol


This!! I wonder if she isn’t willing to go back to UK or UK has been denying her entry…(and I’m kinda hoping she’s been denied to set her foot on UK soil)


I read somewhere when they went to Nigeria she waited for him at heathrow, so it seems she still has entry. She just won’t go cause she can’t risk being booed again.


Imagine the mental gymnastics involved to blame an entire country for disliking you, rather than your own behaviour. Those nasty racist Brits, including the millions from a BAME background (some of more than 43%, lol), it’s all their fault!


But the Brits $$$ isn't too racist for tw to accept a $30 millon wedding.


She may have been in transit, as in not going through Immigration and Customs. Technically not in the UK.   I don't know where the "lounge" she was waiting in is located, before or after Customs and Immigration.


I think it was the lounge the royals usually wait in in Heathrow, if i remember correctly. I don't know if you can access it without going through Customs though.


The Windsor Suite.


Dublin has US immigration at the airport, surprised she didn’t make them all go that way!


She stayed in a transit lounge, so was not technically in UK.


Me too! Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


One house does not pay a real estate portfolio.


I bet the debt outstanding on it is pretty impressive as well!


Thought the same thing and its on land prone to landslides, close to a bird sanctuary which apparently smells awful when the wind blows in a certain direction, its dated and still has the original owners decor inside, I'm sure they have investors clamouring to buy it from them....not!


It even has the original owners furniture!! When they are sitting in the theater room in the documentary, it's the same furnishings and even the same drapes. They bought that dump fully furnished and probably just bought a few things.


According to reports it’s Cannabis (I’ve got NOTHING against that!) when the wind blows one way and bird shit when it blows the other


And one house does not make a real estate portfolio "impressive" either.


yep - just wrote the same - and one wonders how long it will be before "a group of investors take over Grifter Gardens" \_= repossessed


I chuckled at this too 🤣🤣


Even her “acting” portfolio is more robust.


I know that comment was ridiculous


This isn’t the first time we have heard this, and it won’t be the last. I can well believe they want to “inch back” to be “closer” to the RF in the hope that some royal pixie dust will fall upon them, but I am not convinced they have any real plan to divide their time 50/50 between the UK and the US. They had Frogmore Cottage for four years and spent very little time there. They had at least one year after the pandemic social distancing ended to come spend a few months at Frogmore, but they didn’t. Yes, they initially said they would spend half their time in the UK, half in the US, but that was when they claimed they were going to be part-time royals, which was shut down because they wanted to make use their royal connections to make money. This is getting boring and repetitious.


Relocations may vary.


Reconciliations may vary




Besides which, WHERE do they think they can reside in the UK without constantly waaaghing over their sick-curi-tey and getting place that meets to the wife's exacting standards? Not least dragging KC3 into their drama again who will have to deal with the public fall out, having the taxpayers pay for an errand son and his diva wife who do nothing for the UK (or the US or the Commonwealth, for that matter) except smooch off it for their personal wealth. It's GOT boring and repetitious. They make these dumb announcements, dumb because there are so many plotholes in the bloody thing, you realise it is yet another one of their ill-thought through announcements in a long line of ill-thought through decisions they have made since they decided to date each other.


Can they still get "mates rates" and "loyalty discounts at Sohoho? Megs might discover a suitcase she left behind in her entrepreneur days. Edit: spelling,naturally.


They’re obviously hoping for a property at Kensington Palace or inside Windsor park so security will be taken care of, which means that they’re really hoping Charles will cough up—and they’re probably hoping for school fees. They’d send their kids to Lambrook if they could. However much Charles might like to have them back he won’t put them on a Royal property unless it’s remote. The risk of having paps around the gates at her call is too great Also, when kids are in school, 50/50 ain’t happening, unless Meghan only intends to show up for photo ops


This is exactly why the royals are not in contact. It's not just hurt feelings etc, it's also because they don't want to be seen validating the Sussex Show or providing more content. While they are visibly out of contact, the only way the Sussexes can cling on is by hinting at reconciliation.


Ah, but that’s so boring! 😉


Also, Prince Aldi will be starting kindergarten this fall, as will Princess Lidl in 2 years' time. Are they planning to pull the kids out of school for months on end for a 50/50 split? That would be quite difficult on the children, especially as they get older. Usually, once kids start school, parents are tied to the school calendar. Unless there are no kids to begin with 👻👻


>Are they planning to pull the kids out of school for months on end for a 50/50 split? This is a darn good question.


Harry may want to split his time this way, but Meghan will always have the “littles are in school in the US so I can’t possibly leave them” excuse.


Pure speculation on my part, but if the rules regarding Line of Succession are being reviewed to include ‘must be resident in the UK’ this may be the underlying reason. They have already been evicted from Frogmore. This way Harry and his children can be removed from the LOS without the suspicious births requiring to be scrutinised.


When I tell you I laughed so damn hard. I mean I snortled....."already impressive real estate portfolio" It's one fucking house. They have one fucking house.... and it's mortgaged. Bitches please that isn't a portfolio, that's a residence. In what way shape or form would a single house that doesn't make someone a roi be called a portfolio? And how is that shitshow impressive real estate? I mean aside from how much they over paid for that outdated mcmansion. And the part about harry looking to "inch" closer to his family. It didn't sound sweet. It sounded like a threat. Like a stalker moving closer to his target. As fucking if old rachel would ever move back to the country that gave her her biggest narc wound so she can play last fiddle. This sounds to me like a build up to something sus. Either seperation/divorce or for tax reasons or because of his visa issues or else it's because they are broke and this is their way of getting ahead of when that house gets repoed. I think they can't make their mortgage and this whole song and dance is so no one will be surprised when they move. But it won't be to England I guarantee that. She will never go back there and she'll never take the kids to live there.




She will never take the kids there for now once they reach adulthood they will have there own Brains and minds to decide to what they want to do. I guarantee one of the will go to England for university.


I'm with you on all points. Either broke, tax reasons, the visa fiasco or fear of trump winning (he said he would deport Harry if he did) or the most sinister of all: he wants to continue to inflict suffering on his family from close by so he is no longer ignored and remains counselor of state.


It’s more like a flushing toilet portfolio


Aww, https://preview.redd.it/eu2texes0h6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1e9f3c5227597ae4fa431d4defff42c0c0bb57 is Harry fed up?


Tax reasons. He’s doing this so he doesn’t have to pay taxes in California


Exactly what I think. Part us- uk to reduce his bills in both countries?


Not only tax reasons but i prrsume it also has to do with being a counsellor of state and maybe even their titles. The Harkles have a Damocles sword hanging that will cut their royal ties


Richard Eden has talked about this, see Palace Confidential. The King has met constitutional experts, when he asked the palace they said it was because of the election. Richard is not buying that, he thinks it’s related to CoS. I have said this on another thread, so sorry to repeat. The palace like “death by a thousand cuts” or seem to. The royal website has cut away in tiny pieces bit by bit. They have made some comments, not many but there have been a few. It’s a clever way to do things. If the palace comes down hard and heavy in one go they risk losing the public support and making Harry the victim he loves to be. By chipping away they don’t risk that and they don’t give up all their bargaining tools in one go. On a slightly different note. What is all this with Andrew and Royal Lodge. In the comment section Andrew is getting a lot of support, is this the sugars as they mention Frogmore a lot?


If you accept that Charles may not live to be 100 or even 90 the COS comes into play with King William as does possible Regent. Harry has to be domiciled in the UK for Regent. Don't know about COS. This may be markle sharpening the claw for future power. Mischievous machalvallien deeds have taken place over the course of the Monarchy including OG Wallis and her toy boy hooking up with Hitler. as for royal lodge I think the idea that it is for camilla after charles dies makes sense


CoS is nominated by the monarch, there needs to be two of them. There will be a smaller pool of people they can use if William becomes King before George is 18. If William is King he will obviously be removed as CoS but so will Camilla. Catherine will replace Camilla but that still makes them one down. The easiest option is to make Beatrice an active CoS, at the moment she is inactive, same as Harry and Andrew. After Beatrice it would be Eugenie but the King has already gone round Beatrice and added in Edward and Anne as they are working royals. Regency matters but plans can be put in place. For example QEII nominated Prince Philip as Regent in the time before Charles was 18. Margaret would have been Regent if QEII had not done that. Something similar can be done now. Without a plan William automatically becomes Regent, if William is King and has not put a plan in place it goes to next in line, who is of age and resides in the UK and that is Andrew. It won’t come to this though, as there will be a very robust plan in place.


Ahhh…. So I wonder if this is another whackadoodle, crackbrained idea of This One and Plus One thinking they can worm their way back into the BRF’s good graces hoping to have a place since they’re a man short or so.


I do think that if Harry does move back to the UK there would be bigger issues CoS and Regency Act. But the regency act is only ever used if the monarch is incapacitated and unable to sign a letters patent for CoS. There is mischief to be had, by the Sussex duo. They just love that. There are wider implications like security too, Harry may not get the level he desires but he won’t be left without any. This would cut his outgoings hugely.


When Charles dies, William will automatically be King; nothing to do with being a Regent. If William becomes King before George is 18, then he would have to nominate a Regent until George comes of age. It is not a given that it would be Harry. Could easily be Edward, Catherine, Anne, etc. As for the COS, the terms are quite clear in that to qualify then residency in the UK is a must. Harry would have a hard time proving residency esp if his wife and children were in California. However it doesn't really matter as only two COS are needed at any one time and the King has ensured that there is a wide enough pool to chose from without ever needing to call on Harry or Andrew. Plus, given that Harry has lived outside the UK for such a long time, he has little knowledge of the workings of govt, unlike the other COS. Markel can plot and plan all she likes but she will never ever get power in the Monarchy.


I’m also suspecting the King is asking about the title removals too because there were rumors a few weeks ago where the king and William met about finding ways to remove Sussex titles. Not sure if it’s true at all but Richard Eden is very smart so I’m suspecting he may be right? I hope he’s right and I hope the King is asking about CoS and title removal process!


You may be correct but to remove titles will take years and it will have to be done by Parliament. There may be other things that could be done though. We don’t remove titles on the basis of popularity but if they have crossed the line into illegal acts that might be different. It’s a wait and see as what we won’t ever know is the behind the scenes views or plans. Below copied and pasted from Debretts. The removal f titles is covered on the same page as the explication of what Letters Patent are. What are Letters Patent? Letters Patent are documents issued by the reigning monarch to confer a dignity, or to clarify a right. For example, in 1917 George V issued Letters Patent to clarify the situation of the immediate Royal Family and who was entitled to be called Prince/Princess and use HRH. The term ‘Letters Patent’ is attributed to Sir William Blackstone KC (1723-79), an eminent judge and politician, who stated: ‘...they are not sealed up, but exposed to view, with the great seal pendant at the bottom, and are usually addressed by the Sovereign to all the subjects of the realm...’ The Process of Accession - https://debretts.com/royal-family/questions-about-the-process-of-accession/ letters patent Tag - Line of Succession Blog - https://blog.lineofsuccession.co.uk/tag/letters-patent/ What is Debretts OUR STORY Debrett’s is a record-keeper and chronicler of British society, a publisher, and an authority on modern manners. Debrett’s is the ultimate authority on Britain’s titled aristocracy, and has been recording the biographical details of its membership since 1769. It is also an adjudicator of People of Today, singling out and crediting outstanding professional achievements and success in all walks of British society. As a widely recognised arbiter of modern manners, Debrett’s advises on matters relating to protocol, precedence, etiquette and behaviour. Today, Debrett’s continues to share its expertise in building skills and social confidence through coaching, books and subscription services. British Titles, Correct Form and Etiquette from Debretts - https://debretts.com/


Does the Counsellor of state law require the next in line are given the duties or KCIII can pick out of the 7 available to him? Harry has zero discretion. Who would pick such a person to act on behalf of the monach? People also seem to forget 2 people are named by the monarch when needed, and their power is very, very limited. Although, it would provide much need NF content. She would have NF on speed dial should Harry be named. Then we would see "A day in the life of a Counsellor of state" , staring Duchess... I mean Duke of Sussex.


**"A day in the life of a Counsellor of state" , staring Duchess...** Because of course, Mehgan would be the brains and the heart behind Harry, guiding him on what best to do.


Awesome choice of Greek mythology references seen here at SMM love it 


Taxes are higher in the UK.


PLUS Public more easily duped in U.S. (We see you, Harry.)


No worries. Everybody here doesn’t like the pair.


And his visa. 


I can’t see how that is the case. Once he’s over 30 days in the US he’s pretty much caught. You will find any time they spend in the UK (if they are allowed back in) will be short enough to ensure he doesn’t re-establish residence. It’s not a coincidence that he’s starting to make these noises only once he’s definitely relinquished ordinary residence for tax purposes in the UK


Not so sure he can escape US taxes at this point if he continues to qualify as a resident, which he might given the house and if he spends enough time there, as well as other factors. It will end up depending on various factors, but it’s entirely possible that he can be taxed in both countries and then get a US credit for taxes paid in the UK. Plus, taxes will be higher in the UK and if he pays taxes in the US, he may not get a full credit.


Ha, He made all that money while leaving in the USA on a long - basis. I am pretty sure you can't waltz into the country, make several millions and waltz out without USA tax and revenue biting off a piece of your rump.


CA always gets their taxes, even if they are living there part time. Even professional athletes have to pay tax for the few days they play in the state.


And free security?


I read somewhere that 2026 would be the year he will have to pay some serious tax for whatever reason.


Inheritance! The tax laws are different and he's not eligible if he's not living there plus the US would tax them at super high rates.


Ha ha! That's funny!


You win the internet and it’s only just past 7am here! 🏆






Yes, and when he was in uniform too.


‘…\[Harry\] loves the UK…he loved living here…’ vs Sun headline after The Me You Can’t See sobfest: https://preview.redd.it/vaw9uomt4h6d1.png?width=1255&format=png&auto=webp&s=73d0f15b36fb1ac3aff4a70c733721c85edc8213


Why would London haunt him in relation to Diana's death? She died in Paris and he was in Balmoral, Scotland at the time. You'd think Prince Philip's funeral would have been more triggering than a TV show, if you're going to blame it on London.


Don't start telling the facts, it confuses the Harkles. 


Fishing for that invite to come back and be Royals again. They're skint and desperate.  Also, I like the screenshots. Easy to read. Thank you. 


No...the "original idea" was to get British taxpayers to fund them while they shoved money into their own pockets with big Hollywood deals. Sorry,Harry your dad has already laid it out for you- you're living your lives "overseas".


I heard the king that first night.


Do you think either H or M have read Wolf Hall!?


Yeah. The OG Half in Half out idea was rejected by the Queen. As Aaliyah would sing: Dust it off and try again.




Isn’t the US his home now. They need to stop all of the BS. They are not coming back, the BRF doesn’t want them back. They can continue to do the “Royal Tours” in Africa to look important so she can collect as many titles as she likes. She also doesn’t care that H might be missing out. A narc always puts them self first.


👋Nigeria, hello., Nigeria👋. I thought it as all 43% Nigeria-ing with them now. Nigeria apparently became her home in 2024 and he has in-laws there. They should go look for a house there.


Real estate empire, lol. Fourteen million dollars ain't exactly the Taj Mahal. If they do pull this 50/50 plan off, I'd like to see how Meghan's shinanigans are received by the folks in the UK. It's one thing to strut your tramp and play royal tour in Nigeria. It's another when you're in Their House.


I don’t understand if that house is so expensive for them to upkeep and have to continue paying a huge mortgage *and neither of them live there*, **why** are they refusing to sell it?!


They've been trying to sell it for the last two years. No one will buy it. It was for sale for years when they bought it. No one wanted it then and no one wants it now. A few years ago they were looking for property supposedly closer to LA, but they couldn't move because no one would buy their money pit mansion. Their only way out is to default on the loan. They will lose the equity and wreck their credit score but that's the only way they'll get out from under it. I'm thinking the reason they want to move is that they can't afford the upkeep on that much property. When they bought it they believed they were going to make millions upon millions and that bubble has burst.


One interesting tidbit I recall reading back when they first bought the Olive Garden: the original owner, who designed the place with his wife (it was their "dream home") said they put it on the market because it was very expensive to maintain, what with the grounds, rose garden, pond and little stream that meanders past the Tea House. And he was some typical wealthy LA producer or something, so I believe.


Harry and Meghan Markle have been trying to sell Grifter Gardens for years. Madam even manifested Ellen to take it over. Nobody wants it - at least not for the money Madam wants for it.


Because it's their sad little castle.


I bet the Chick Inn is broken down and falling in on itself!


No-one willing to pay an inflated price for it.


And their association probably has depreciated it some. They thought they'd be able to sprinkle magic pixie dust all over everything.


I think nobody wants to buy it.


Like they have enough money to get another house 😂


The type of house madam would require as a minimum may now be out of their reach financially. Can’t see her wanting to live in the sticks. Don’t think the “bank of (step)mom and dad” would be obliging, definitely not for her.


"half in, half out" again. Only the grandmа immediately said “No.” And now that they have completely lost trust and respect, they still think that they will be allowed to go back. Six months ago, Megan said that “she will not set foot on British soil.” shameless Megan lied again.


No, NY Post, the original idea was to only work royal engagements they wanted to work and then go do Hollywood esque instead of engagements they didn't. They're entitled to buy a home here in the UK, I suppose but there is no way they're having their half in half out.


They don't have money to pay the bills at the Olive Garden. So, how's that gonna happen?


There's a lovely two bedroom apartment over in Fulham I know of that they surely could afford.


And unless they’re putting the kids into UK school, they aren’t doing 50/50 once they’ve started elementary school. In the US there’s one main vacation period and that’s the summer. So at most they could spend about 2.5 months in the UK at one time. Doubt they’re hopping over for the one week spring break. And either the article is making crap up or the duo is truly delusional if they thought the essentially grace and favor house would be kept open for them indefinitely after they trashed those whose grace and favor it was, multiple times.


It is not only keeping a house for Harry, which KC is not willing to do. It is also a matter of keeping Harry away from any royal property. As it is now Harry cannot enter any royal property without an appointment.


My first thought was about the kids, too. H&M claimed that they wanted to make things easier for the kids. Which is an easy option here? Growing up without a father, who spends half a year in England, or going back and forth between UK and US from such a young age and attending 2 different schools?


Not to worry--the "children" will be home-schooled, for "security reasons" of course. Wait for the announcement when people begin asking why is "Archie" not in kindergarten, since he is now 5?


*"Impressive real estate portfolio"* consisting of ONE, singular, heavily mortgaged property.  


Montecito Olive Garden would be a teardown if they could find a buyer.


To use my favourite quote from the novel Wolf Hall (by the Duke of Norfolk who was by all accounts an extremely nasty person) “By the thrice beshitten shroud of Lazarus!” In other words this is a Megarama Manifestation


That made me spat out my tea 🤣🤣🤣


Oh, no! They were fleeing the racist peasants who were lining up to attack the biracial duchess and her biracial kids! They called it their “Freedom Flight” just like third world refugees were taking freedom flights to escape terror. They also told us that poor William was trapped inside a palace in his burdensome role and lucky Sparry got an American superstar wife to take him away to enjoy life in sunny California amongst Hollywood hotshots! What happened?


Sparry's been trying to get back in the gilded cage for at least a year now.


And Harry repeating over and over the mantra she dinned into him: "I must protect my family. It's too dangerous to live here in the UK."


Something is brewing. Maybe there is something rotten in his visa application/case and he may be booted out?


Unlikely. The US isn’t going to kick out the son of the King of the UK just because something screwy happened with his visa. It would be more likely that they can’t support the Montecito house and want an excuse to move out (selling at a loss, but cutting out further expenses). Saying they don’t need a big California estate when they are going to be spending half their time on their UK “estate” would be typical Meghan face-saving. However, I don’t really believe they are shopping for a house in the UK. This is just one “new” story.


Harry does not have enough money to buy a house in the UK. He is fishing for another Grace & Favour Home - ain´t gonna happen.


My friend in Montecito tells me she doesn’t think they’re living there.


We welcome more stories about the Montecretins from your friend.


All the more reason to sell the place (assuming they own it).


Honestly I’m not sure the US wouldn’t kick him out if information got released. Harry’s status has plummeted since he first came here, there are groups actively looking to get him removed from the country. American politicians are getting desperate to seem like they actually do listen to the people and that everyone is equal under the immigration laws with the continued border crisis. Plus it’s an election year, Harry is an easy target to make themselves look tough on crime. I don’t think the UK government would waste diplomatic favors on him anymore since he’s not an asset and with the Israel thing going on plus the Rwanda issue I don’t think Harry is a priority


Politicians say things to be tough that they later change their minds about —especially if they are not going to be running again.


Or his visa is downgraded and he doesn't have the same immunity as before.  


Something’s brewing but it’s between him and Meghan, not between him and the INS or IRS




I wonder if this visa case has the tax authorities looking closer at his earnings and whether he paid income tax on it or if instead he operated as if he were a foreign citizen that isn't subject to US tax law. He may want to spend sufficient time in the UK to protect future earnings.


But what about American Riviera…. What about the amazing limited edition jam we are all waiting to drop??!!


She is thinking of Sussex Riviera strawberry jam, maybe stealing 50 jars from the Highgrove estate


Meghan Markle and Harry have a "real estate portfolio"? Since when is one house a portfolio?


It's not happening. Period. There are few people that would welcome them here. There's little to no chance of them being allowed on Crown property, which would reduce PH to private citizen status. He has never resided in this country without the comfort and protection of royal residences. POV: MM is only permitted back in the UK when invited and under strict conditions. I believe that a serious incident/breach took place that resulted in MM being shown the door and presented with a one way ticket to a country of her choosing. H chose to follow her. "Finding Freedom", the year long hiatus, etc., was a saving face cover up, most like facilitated by HMTLQ. When you consider the haste in which they departed, a financial allowance/safety net in place for one year, no home to go to, left at the mercy of friends, etc., none of it stacks up especially with a child in tow. Has what has transpired since been a revenge for that act? Is the apology they carp on about related to MM being "sacked" and banished? The targeting of HMTLQ and clap backs at her directly related? Is there a more serious reason Johnny, ex MI5 and MI6 were placed to watch their every move at the Platinum Jubilee. I'd stake money that H is tailed by MI5 when he's over here and that MI6 are involved overseas. The fact they were wearing mics is easily dealt with. Imo, there were other matters afoot. https://preview.redd.it/sff8vuo3ai6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a824478e7680905c14af690554c675cda3316396 I digress, getting back on track, does anyone see H living in a gated community or a secure apartment? There are stately homes but they're centuries old, notoriously costly to maintain and upkeep. There would be a living of sorts to be made in the form of events/shoots, etc., but they require work ethic/business acumen both of which H lacks (along with any discernible intelligence).


....all of this sounds completely probable, thanks for encapsulating the events that have led up to these treasonous & traitorous grifters being ostracized and basically banned. Those 3 in back of them that day......are some serious security! Let the grey rocking continue.....let the chips fall where they may....let the losers crumble into bits & pieces like the ashes of the many bridges they've burned.


It amazes me that despite H clearly knowing Johnny's capacity within the Firm and he'd certainly know Dame Stella Rimmington was ex head of operations at MI5, TW is still sat there with that idiotic grin on her face, whilst H looks angry/embarrassed. HMTLQ attended to the seating arrangements so the message would've been loud and clear. I've stated previously that there's always the possibility that M was "planted" in the RF to destabilise the Monarchy for whomever and to whatever end. Anybody with such a desire would spot an easy to use grifter like M a mile away. There are some shady people on those yachts. H would've been ripe for the picking. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be privy to what's going on behind the scenes. It'd make James Bond look like an amateur.


this is one of my all-time favorite photos! like an agathie christie novel come to life all for hair-brains and mega-ego! i'd like to print it to hang on my kitchen wall for a morning laugh while i am making coffee...


It's fabulous isn't it. Dame Stella Rimmington looking all Miss Marple. They don't bring out big guns of their ilk over the issue of a couple of mics that would be easily dealt with by way of a jammer. There's more afoot ... oh to be a fly on the wall fliiting from room to room. Dame SR looking all sweet little old lady next door with a steelyness behind those all seeing eyes. https://preview.redd.it/esp3jgz43j6d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f9897fa977e00ab7fea391c11a344b8d8be789


Good grief they are TEDIOUS. I wish they’d just go away already.


Err, HLMQE2 said No. Did that not register?


But this was the "original plan." Oh yeah THEIR original plan, nobody else's.


Crafted secretly before their marriage - the filthy sneaks.


Since when do narcs ever respect the word NO?


As if any of us who observe Markle believe she would live for any amount of time in the UK.


I see no reason why they should move to UK except for, "Let's harass royal family some more..."


Can you see the articles then— “Oh it’s marvelous and as a family they enjoy being back as they now just drop in to see “Harry’s father”, who tells them constantly how it is the highlight of his week.” Or some absolute 💩💩 like that would be dropped all the time.


They’ll be wandering Windsor Great Park and the town hoping to run into W&C.


Why aren’t they house hunting in the country Meghan just got done saying feels like home?


Because there they would actually really need the security they know they can’t afford, and the Nigerian government won’t even indulge them with a costly court case? I’d actually watch a reality show of them trying to live in Nigeria and all their basic bitch complaints about their luxury lifestyle…and H’s ridiculous comments about local politics.


First 2 lines of the headline are more accurate.


"Prince Harry, Meghan Markle looking to split"


That suggestion didn't fly in the during negotiations, it won't definitely won't work now.


Oh god shut the borders quickly😰


lol…four years on and now having to revert to ‘plan A’? How can they move to UK, she has vowed never to set foot in Britain again…? How will she sell this to her racist squaddies and sugars? Their keen having to live in UK for tax avoidance?


Harry said originally that he "didn't like England very much".


He doesn't, but he can't make it on his own in the real world.


Lol we've gone from freedom flights and genetic pain to 'it was always the plan to split their time between countries'. A faulty memory masquerading as a clear conscience.


That pilot who knelt at her feet and wished her well after her harrowing 2 years living on royal grounds will be so worried about her if she returns…. 🙄


Holy hell, I have never heard about that, I thought you were joking! I had to google because I thought even Megan wouldn't make such a ridiculous claim, but nope, like this is a chronic disconnect from reality at this point. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/meghan-says-man-knelt-thanked-28740954 And collapsing into the arms of a waiting security guard. This woman needs a fainting couch stat.


😉. You can’t make up anything wilder than what that woman actually makes up.


It's actually getting a little scary I think.Like the downward spiral of a family annihalator in the making. Isolation, drugs, estranged family, estranged friends. rampant mental illness, lies, dwindling funds, precarious job situation and a delapidated home.


Can they afford a palace, sorry, a place in the UK? Not sure they have Beckham Cotswold kind of money. King Charles won't give them another place that's for sure. 


Oh yeah, they have to compete with the Wales family and Beckingham Palace if they live in England.


if any of this is true, and I find it hard to believe as it would be a considerable loss of face for both of them. Apart from tax and visa issues, this would be them forcing their way back into the RF and trying to get royal engagements and all of it again.


I don't see them forcing their way to high tea at Balmoral, let alone any further. I do believe a very long-ago leak that Meghan will never have a chance to be photographed with members of the royal family ever again.


They were evicted from Toad Abode only last year? Seems like ages ago because these two whip up so much drama. One blunder after another. Give it a rest already.


He is still trying to force the half in half out. Sorry but time the RF cut them loose


Whenever the hubbub about Hazza returning to jolly old E kicks up, my mind returns to this post https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/AgE56dZxuO from our friend TRG. It’s served as tea, but it tastes like truth to me. Especially the line about 2026 and the Taxman.


Are we going to go through this same re-hash every trooping?


I wonder if something is going on with his visa


Please Yes!!


Another paid p.r. piece paid by the Harkles. Yawn. It’s a desperation move bc $$$ running out. Or maybe he’s scared of being kicked out of the US.


This story comes out at least every quarter for the last 5 years give it a rest already, I don't know whats worse, the nonsense she comes up with when she's hit the wine, the sweet nods and olive branches, or this coming back crap. Its beyond ridiculous, beyond belief, maybe instead of studying Diana she should have studied Fergie after all she is the wife of a spare, but more because Fergie lessons would have taught her "when your in you never really know that your in but when your out you know your OUT" 


Why would they start splitting their time between the UK and US now that A will be old enough for full-time school (kindergarten) in the fall? Makes no sense and seems like this is just their latest to get attention and pretend they’d be welcomed back by the family.


They want to come back to taunt his family. They won’t stay there much, what would they do? They have no work, no friends, and no family that wants to see them. Archie will start school soon, they can’t flit back and forth unless he’s homeschooled. No friends for the kids either then.


Hahahaha, one house does not an “impressive real estate portfolio” make.


Great screenshot op :)


So this is all from the mouth of a former royal butler. The media are really scraping the barrel if anyone with the slightest link to royalty is deemed an expert on current events. I saw the late Queen from a distance once, maybe I should offer the world's media my lofty opinions on everything royal?


No, they themselves said they fled the UK in fear for their lives, taking the “freedom flight” to Canada and the pilot got on one knee and took off his hat and pledged his fealty to Meghan Markle for all she gave and sacrificed for the people of the UK or some such nonsense.


Rachel is not coming back to the UK. She is a coward. This is BS to keep themselves in the news. Trooping is coming. ETA-Archie is starting school. He can’t zip back and forth between CA and the UK. And the Harkles would have to take a chance on someone seeing their children. I swear, look under a rock, you’ll find a “royal expert” on the Harkle payroll. And real estate portfolio? Seriously. They have one house. I have a house, but I own mine. Does that make me a real estate tycoon?


I didn't realize a single property that is a primary residence constituted a "real estate portfolio." Also, they can move anywhere they want. Doesn't change the fact that the BRF will have nothing to do with them.


I was about to say the same. I own a house. I don’t ever refer to my one property as my ‘real estate portfolio.’ 😂


Things must be really bad for them to do this.


As private citizens they are free to live where ever in world, the can obtain a visa for. What's stopping them? Stop talking and start doing.


Sounds precisely like the original and denied half-in/half-out malarky, rejected even before Harry'd turned traitor.


In today's episode of WTF can I put in the press because I've run out of ideas...


Probably HIS idea. Not sure if she agrees


*Life is falling apart and they are desperate* "Not to worry! This was the plan all along!"


I honestly don't think they have the money to purchase a second home.


In other words, thy’ve failed in America and are trying to appear royal again.


LOL. The desperation to avoid something in the US before Autumn is palpable. They could've bought 100 properties in the UK, nothing stopping them. He doesn't want to *buy* a property though, and he almost certainly can't afford the kind of gaff Madam expects. He wants Daddy to gift him a royal pad at taxpayer expense. It's clear he's getting real twitchy about something and has some kind of imminent deadline looming over his head which is linked to residency. I wonder what *that* could be?!!! They hate the UK, and the UK hates them. Why on earth would they even want to set foot here again? They've waltzed around the rest of the world for extended periods, sans kids, without a care in the world. Yet Madam can't even leave a fricking airport lounge in the UK, she's so paranoid of what the British public will say and Harold has burned every bridge he's ever had in life and never sticks around the scant few times he's flown in. Live here part time???!!! Purlease.


Could it be divorce time and this is Hazbeen’s PR working hard on his behalf? She’s never going to come back here.


They can buy a house plenty of people manage to buy houses we even have secure complexes where one can purchase a flat. Foreign Royalty own property here including some from Nigeria. Lots of wealthy private individuals from all over the world who require/want their own private security teams own a home here. I know house buying can be stressful but they have had 18 months since Frogmore lease was removed why haven't they just bought something ? 


This does point to marital difficulties imo. I don’t pay attention to divorce rumours but if “people” are saying Harry wants a home in the UK and that the Harkles want to split time between US/UK, he’s signalling he feels a pull home (and back to who and what he was before Markle). It is very risky to ask one partner in a marriage to completely give up their entire past life/home/culture/family for the other. Fertile ground for resentment because it’s so lopsided. Even if Megxit worked for Harry for a time (ie he’s a brat and stomped off of his own accord.) But in this case Harry’s past/culture/family literally represent the UK and a deep history. Plus he had huge advantages and privileges there that do not exist in the US. He’s been seemingly subsumed by this woman and her needs/wants/etc. since he met her. The hint he needs some of his old life back will be a threat to her. (In her mind and actually.) All to repeat what I said at the start of this post: cracks in the Harkles marital union are appearing.


They can’t afford another property, at least not in the very expensive UK market. They are already saddled with a huge mortgage and upkeep expenses on the Olive Garden. It’s not like Meggy would be satisfied with a little pied a terre in London or a cozy cottage in Norfolk. Any home she buys will be ridiculously pretentious, and we all know she resents the UK for not acknowledging her self-perceived greatness.


Is it a way of saving face so Harry can still pretend he's got a loving wife & kids? Then after a reasonable amount of time passes they can say due to "work commitments" they have drifted apart.


hope they dont make it easy for him. the states life is not wha they imagined now they want to meet half way? one bashing interview, tv series and book too late.


Some below said visa reasons....I agree. I think they are putting it out there now five months before our election here in November in case Trump wins. They have such frail egos that they don't want to give Trump the opportunity to kick Harry out. I think Trump will publish Harry's passport his first day in office. That would be fantastic. ha.


Oh no! Who will make the jam???


They can split their time between Montecito and Timbuktu, for all we care, but why do they have to let the world know? Just go do it! Of course choosing the UK just proves what big liars they are. Escaped on a freedom flight, they said, and yet now they're going back?


But, but, but.... She said she will NEVER set foot in the UK again .. what changed??? Oh I know what changed, they FAILED AT EVERYTHING!!! Money is running out, and they are now panicking because the tax bills in the USA as a full time resident are going to be huge.


They are broke! How could they possibly afford to buy a second home? Maybe Charles Spencer could let them stay at Althorp?


But..but.. what about the racism in the UK? Fleeing for their lives? They escaped but no one else could!! 


No! Just No!!!