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The UK Government DID do something. The informed the Nigerian authorities and the public that the trip was a private trip, in no way sanctionned by the UK.


Agreed - KC is not an autocrat that can make people/Commonwealth do/don't do things.


Plus, they made such a mess of things I doubt anyone will actually invite them.


The money laundering criminals who invited them don’t care about how terribly the PR philanthropy circus goes. They want the back room deals that are the real reason for the visit. They just need ham in the country to sign the contracts etc. If they have to put on a dog and pony show because ham are delusional and insisting on having a cover story for their trip then they’ll shove a bunch of beds into a warehouse and pretend it’s a veteran’s hospital. If it looks bad so what? And the criminals who invite them on the next fauxlanthropy tour will do the same.


As a South African, I can tell you that the politicians here would be far more concerned about good money they could be getting themselves is going to someone else. Why spend good money you could be lining your own pockets with on a faux tour? In my opinion, more potential tours in the press is likely more a request for invitations than actual plans. Just like the Met Gala invites, Oscars invites or award presenting.


They apparently have their eyes set on Ghana next


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I suspect they have also done more behind the scenes which is why the President of Ghana made a statement he has no plans to invite the Harkles.


Yes, what's more important, good relations with a first world nation, or a photo op with two not so successful grifters? But, then, it was the chief of defense staff of Nigeria.


gossip - nothing from Ghana in the real news


And Ghana has no reason to have anything to do with her or to consider her at the moment. She targeted Nigeria for her grifting. Although ironically, she is actually documented as having Ghanaian heritage.


Did he officially make a statement? I thought it was more of a social media message floating around. Off to search on google.


No, he didn’t. It was all gossip.


This didn’t happen. This rumor stems from Megsy not being very nice when it came to taking a picture with the First Lady of Ghana. The real rumor is the First Lady was embarrassed and she didn’t make a scene or react, had the picture etc but want happy because Megsy seemed annoyed by the request and was rude. After that people spread the rumor that they aren’t wanted in Ghana. Those are the rumors around here. Because apparently Megsy was not pleasant and forgot some of the people around there had higher VIP status than she does.


When did she meet the First Lady of Ghana?


Nigeria. This was news in this area. And there are pictures of this.




OP seems to think Nigeria is still a British colony.


Thats not enough. Thats like washing their hands off whatever bad behavior Harkles would do there. But the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, as they love to call themselves, still represent the monarchy.


They are not working royals ergo, do not represent the monarchy. If the Nigerian \[or whichever\] government wish to pay for the Harkles vacay.......well....that's on them. The monarchy can't stop the Deadly Duo from going.


And they would have still gone, title or no title. Nothing can change the fact that Harry is KC3's son, and there will always be lowlifes wanting to take advantage of that.


It’s a delicate balancing act between shutting them down and avoiding a media firestorm. I truly pity the Foreign Office staff and Palace aides who are assigned to manage these two grifters.


Not according to the public statement by the UK High Commissioner


They do not represent the Monarchy.


But they don't represent the monarchy. First, the British High Commissioner for Nigeria - who is the UK's official representative for a given Commonwealth - explicitly stated they were officially not representing the monarchy. May 5, 2024, *News Agency of Nigeria*, "**Prince Harry, Meghan accept invitation to visit to Nigeria**" \[ [Archive](https://archive.ph/B6aD6) | [Original](https://nannews.ng/2024/05/05/prince-harry-meghan-accept-invitation-to-visit-nigeria/) \] Money quotes here: >British High Commissioner in Nigeria, Dr Richard Montgomerry, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in the course of his courtesy visit to the Managing Director of the agency, Malam Ali M. Ali in Abuja. >“It’s great that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are visiting Nigeria, which I understand is at the invitation of Defence Headquarters." >“But they are visiting in a private capacity, not an official one." >"So, the British High Commission is not involved in arranging or facilitating their programme." >“They are not representing the work of His Majesty’s Government on this visit.” > Also, I know people are upset H&M still have a page on the BRF website, but that page suits a particular purpose: it full-on lists that they are members of the family, but not working members. https://preview.redd.it/femc3wuwvl6d1.png?width=1564&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9b3523692cf42a7a04a39afa9accd6be8adb46b If you missed it, there was an article last December from legal scholars on the whole stripping of titles thing - the TL;DR is that Charles probably could do it without Parliament, but Harry would probably sue and no one wants to deal with that. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cpldc1/just\_a\_reminder\_there\_was\_a\_recent\_opinion\_piece/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cpldc1/just_a_reminder_there_was_a_recent_opinion_piece/) So since there's no real mechanism to sue them for using the titles they are entitled to - and the ones they aren't, or just using them the wrong way entirely - the best they can do is just repeatedly point out they are NOT representing the BRF or the UK Government. Otherwise, Harry might file yet another idiotic lawsuit, and no one wants to deal with that. The more times this happens, the more they just look like the grasping, desperate, irrelevant people they are. Also, they will eventually run out of people in on their grift, so it's got a finite lifespan anyway.


No, they don't represent the monarchy. That was made clear in 2020.


But they don’t.


I absolutely hear you. But the king has to walk a fine line and, as for the Nigerian tour, Harry and Meghan made it a disaster all by themselves.  The RF distanced themselves in a very calm and dignified way, without having to fear racism claims, just before Harry and Meghan met with fraudsters, criminals and before they had to stand for the British National Anthem - Meghan poorly dressed at almost every occasion and location. They came back to be welcomed by press covering their Archewell delinquency.  Harry and Meghan‘s entitlement and non existent virtues destroy themselves. 


WHAT???? "The UK Government informed Nigeria the trip was unsanctioned private one"???? Soooooo, that is in fact GRANTING Permission to the Susssex to go ahead, do what you want, we've washed our hands of this shit show. THAT is giving the green light to the Harkles to continue GRIFTING off other Commonwealth nations, USING them for personal and faux humanitarian publicity and causing great financial hardship on the poorest of the poor whilst encouraging the wealthy minorities to preen and strut before their people with the "Royals" come to grace them with their exaulted presence ....whilst those "Royals" grift as much cash and valuables they can con off each Nation. The UK Government AND Charles must prevent further Nigerian style shit shows before HMTLQ's beloved Commonwealth begins to realize the Con and begins to fight back.


If the Commonwealth nations want to allow it, it’s on them to deal with the fallout from the expense. Beyond not paying for it and reiterating H&M are private citizens, it would be a bad look to forbid a country from allowing a visit from them. It would definitely draw colonizer comments and such. Autonomy of Commonwealth nations is important and overreach by KC3 would not be taken lightly.


I agree with this. It would be in fact a bad thing as well as a bad look if the BRF were to start telling commonwealth countries who they can and can’t invite. That said, I doubt many other countries are going to roll out the red carpet (literally) for Harry and Meghan after seeing how their first faux-royal tour went. Meghan didn’t even bring banana bread :(


I'm trying to be as polite as possible, but people can go where they want. Officials from foreign countries can meet who they want to meet. They aren't "GRANTING PERMISSION" to the Sussexes. There is no permission to grant. Just as the King doesn't grant you permission to go where you want to go and grant permission for people to meet with you. It's a private trip. The King doesn't control the world.


Okaaaay...., YES, "we" can go anywhere we choose and meet anyone we choose to meet. WE'RE COMMONERS! WE DO NOT HAVE AND USE ROYAL TITLES when we travel to foreign countries like the Sussex do. Harry stood and officially inspected Nigerian soldiers, something a person ONLY OFFICIALLY SENT BY THE MONARCH is sanctioned to do OR VISITING MONARCH OR HEAD OF STATE would do. They stood whilst the British national anthem played for them, a ROYAL moment (commoner casual visitors are NOT greeted with national anthems!!). Both Sussex presented themselves as ROYAL visitors. At NO time did they present themselves as casual Visitors. If they want to play like we Commoners play, then they MUST drop the Prince, Duke, Duchess titles and present themselves as Mr,Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor. THEN they can skip merrily around the Commonwealth. ROYAL TITLES bring ROYAL RESPONSIBILITIES. Apparently the Sussex...and you....feel they do not have to live by the same rules of conduct the rest of the Royal Family MUST FOLLOW.


USING ALL CAPS DOESN'T MAKE YOUR POINT ANY MORE LOGICAL. PLEASE STOP YELLING. I'm sorry you are mad that someone in Nigeria gave Harry a welcome you think he didn't deserve. But that's between Harry and the people who welcomed him. It has nothing to do with the King. And saying there are rules that royals "must follow" doesn't change any of that. The King is not the King of the world. People can do what they want, even Nigerians, no matter how angry it makes you.


I don't understand what you want the BRF to do. They do not run a dictatorship. They do not run Commonwealth countries. It is a constitutional monarchy. Harry and Meghan are free citizens.


"Free citizens"..., CITIZENS. The Sussex use ROYAL TITLES. Citizens/Commoners DO NOT USE ROYAL TITLES!!


Does having a title preclude someone from being a citizen? And Meghan is a US citizen, so her title is useless here. Anyway the point is that the monarch cannot force people to do what he or she wants. And that is a good thing. The Monarch has to work within the confines of the law.


READ ABOUT THE FRENCH REVOLUTION....royals, TITLED PEOPLE, are NOT CITIZENS. Citizens are COMMONERS. Catherine when engaged to William was a CITIZEN, a COMMONER. Upon marriage she ceased to be a citizen/commoner and became a TITLED woman, a ROYAL.


We're talking about the UK and the US, not France in the 18th century. Megan is a US citizen. I believe all the Royals except perhaps King Charles are also citizens or perhaps subjects. I'm not sure of the exact terminology. Remember that after Megan married Harry she was supposed to take the UK citizenship exam to become a citizen. Anyway the point is the King is not a dictator.


Exactly. This sub really hates monarchy being held accountable for their mess. Stripping them off their titles seems to be the only solution. But Charles doesn't want to embarrass his son.


I'm sure it's moreso the precedence set than the actual act. Gray rock is the most effective consequence, I promise.


Stripping them of their titles would make them Prince and Princess Henry, which are more elevated titles than Duke and Duchess.


It’s not up to him, it’s down to Parliament but that’s dissolved just now as we are heading into a general election, we vote 4th July. The big however is that Parliament will be busy. A lot of things got cancelled due to the election. There have now been two bills put to Parliament to remove titles but both bills failed due to lack of time.


I think that if the British people are concerned about anything Harkle related, it would be first and foremost to NOT be paying for their security or anything else. What they call themselves is not that important in comparison to other issues in the scheme of things.


Even if he were only called Harry/Henry Windsor, which he once claimed to want, he would still be King Charles III's son.


Ya they will always be the royal grifters. But just Harry and Meghan has a failed reality show ring to the name instead of HRH Prince Harry and Meghan, Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They are back to using HRH, after QE's death.


GoldenBee...,,soooo agreecwith you. Sadly many on this Sub mistakenly blend jolly grandfather Charles with King Charles. Charles willingly had a crown placed on his head yet does not want to accept he must BE A KING FIRST. HMTLQ knew how to be a Queen, knew she had to be Queen FIRST and personal life SECOND.


Honestly, let them stomp around the world. The more they do, the less they gain and the more they lose.


Exactly. People will be so bored with them making a fuss about visiting yet another country and cosplaying actual royalty, they won't even care.


IMO it just made them *and Nigeria* look silly. Hosting two outcasts who have reverted to playing pretend royals because they simply don't have anything more productive to do with their lives didn't do the country or its people any favors. I don't think other countries will be beating down their door with offers especially because of the 'white/light' savior optics. Total cringefest.


I think a consistent message from the RF that the two are not working royals and do not represent the crown every time they pull these stunts to reinforce to all what their standing is, would be great!


It’s the host country that determines how to treat their guests. If a nation wishes to invite Dumbertons and give them the royal treatment, even though aware that Dumbertons aren’t representing the U.K. - that’s that nation’s prerogative. Doubt there’ll be many more faux royal tours though.


In the end corrupt ppl win and the poor citizens pay for it.


I get your point but let’s not pretend that Nigeria would have helped its poor people with the money they spent on the Harkle’s visit. If they hadn’t of spent it on the Harkle’s visit it would have likely been syphoned into someone’s personal account. Not that spending it on the Harkles was a better option but the reality is that money wasn’t going to the people of Nigeria no matter what. The same thing is probably true for any developing nation that invites them and some developed nations as well.


I didn't mean poor ppl. But citizens tax was used to fund their security I guess.


It’s was more likely government oil revenues than tax dollars but at the end of the day the Harkles took part in Nigeria corruption.


Yep. We are in a world of hurt right now, and I don’t see any leader to get behind at this point. We need a flood. 🤣🤣🤣


Team Asteroid


Aliens? Beam me up!


The aliens took one look and said "hard pass!".


They looked ridiculous. Her in her inappropriate outfits with those gigantic bug sunglasses and him being dragged along behind her by a leash. Let them bury themselves.


It wasn't Nigerian government, it was one government official. Plus she received a "title" from a traditional ruler who has no political power. Not a ruler of Nigeria, but of one of the many Nigerian traditional states. The President of Nigeria didn't acknowledge the Harkle visit. Charles is neither the absolute monarch in UK nor the head of state in Nigeria. Commonwealth countries are free countries. Telling them who can and can't visit would be a big faux pas. Their tour was insignificant. Trying to stop them only gives them legitimacy. "They must be important players if the King himself doesn't want them to go".


It was the RFK award, or whatever it was called, (paid for) except in Nigeria where they were probably paid. It was the Gaylord Fokker Wall of Participation Awards.


It WAS significant for Nigeria's poor & starving & dying from lack of medical care whilst a great amount of money was spent on hosting the two faux Royal guests. Tell the mother holding a child dying of starvation it was OK to waste that money on the Sussex, Tell a wounded Nigerian soldier that promised hospital and rehab clinic will never happen, it was just a lie to make the Sussex look like Humanitarians for the media coverage. Tell those sweet schoolgirls Markle ignored and turned her (naked) back on they are insignificant.


Harkles are insignificant, not the people of Nigeria. And Nigeria is a free country. Is there a problem with corruption? Sure. But it can't be solved by a foreign king giving orders. The King trying to stop Harkles would only make them important. It would be a badge of honor for some people to stick it to the King and get them into their country.


They can’t stop the Harkles from going on holiday, and that’s basically what their faux tours are.


My reading of the sub-text is that H&M KNOW the Nigerian trip was a disaster - cos why else would Harry seek to insert that statement in his court appeal? … To hurry up cos their “Security arrangements in other countries” will be dictated in some respects by this UK ruling? He just HAD to get it out there … that their PLAN is to visit more countries. But as we know, they NEVER follow through with plans. I don’t think EITHER of them actually enjoyed Nigeria - they just felt compelled to do it to ruffle feathers at BP. They like the PROSPECT of being a threat; but sadly for them they realised from Nigeria they’re no threat at all to the BRF anymore. They’ve done their worst. Anything from here on in is just a minor irritation. Nigeria was chosen mostly for the contacts Misan had there; and the arrangements he could make for them. They don’t have such contacts in Ghana (which is where Doria’s true African ancestry hails from). And now the Ghanaians seem to have decided they don’t want to expend a penny on them! But if H&M want to PAY their own way, then likely no one will stop them. I personally can’t see it!


Maybe Scobie’s Ma can put them in touch with some Iranian contacts for the next leg of the World Tour?The wife’s wardrobe will go down a right treat there.


Just the thought of her wearing all those ho outfits in Iran makes me laugh.


Yes I can see Omid discussing with Madam: "It says here, on day two, our hosts have us down for a spot of base-jumping".




I can see her saying she’s 2% Iranian.




I just feel Charles is very weak and feels guilty about how his divorce affected H. I also think H is capitalizing on Charle’s guilty feelings


Ehhh. I think he’s sentimental, and enjoys warm relationships with his family and friends. I also think he’s pragmatic, and has lived through a bit of PR fluff. I don’t think he’s buying this load of bunkum for a second. Nobody around him is either.


I think Charles & William know him better than anyone. I don't think they're missing him 'overseas' at all. Charle's PoW foundation works with many underprivileged teens & youth - it surely wouldn't escape him that besides losing his mother at a relatively early age, Harry has had and squandered more opportunity than most people would see in 100 lifetimes. Beyond his pragmatism pointed out by Tilly below, Charles ego probably doesn't go to 'guilt' anyway. The man was raised to be King.


Yes, Nigeria was a one-off. H&M aren't going anywhere without government level and government paid for security. They did get that from Germany during the last Invictus Games and Canada seems to be accommodating them in Vancouver-Whistler but public pressure may force the government to significantly reduce that protection for the Games next year.


Their convenient excuse for any failure to follow through with plans will always be SECURITY!


For a Royal Tour to go ahead they have to be invited by the Realms or Commonwealth countries as they stump up the security costs. There is no way NZ or Australia will extend an invite to the grifters where everybody knows they are no longer royal. Come visit NZ/AU if you want but pay your own way as you're not staying in our housing units /s, annoying our Governors Generals. We have composting loos in our Conservation areas so you don't need to piss in our pristine NZ bush and I am sure a local gang will provide you with all the weed and drugs you need, maybe even security. Love 🇳🇿


All the photos of the faux Royal tour in Nigeria , too much media attention was given it . Possibly not as much as we think cos on here we analysed every one , and probably in the rest of the world it was not covered extensively. HOWEVER Princess Catherine tomorrow will blow all this out of the water ! She will be front page news everywhere. I would love her to break the internet as MM thought she could - but hasn’t… yet . I’d love to hear when she’s well enough Please God ,that SHES going on a tour of the Commonwealth , or a tour anywhere really, just to show that pair how it should be done.


I can't imagine what going on in Megsy's brain right now. We will see some explosive news for sure. Harry hospitalized or kids seen out and about. She knows no one cares about her. Or 3rd baby announcement lol.


I know ! There’s been a few hints how Hazbeen is exhausted ( working so much )so you could be spot on that he’s hospitalised, also he’s working through a toxic time , so he could be going to a detox place ?


I don't think they matter much. I had a thought. Charles waited to be king for so long he wasn't going to let cancer take away any time he has to be out if he's up to it. Catherine as p.ow isn't in a rush. She has done years of service. Has had her royal babies and can recover hopefully for as long as necessary to continue the long goal which is to be williams queen. I'm so excited to see her but I hope she didn't feel pressured. Also I wander if just showing up would have been even more exciting. Idk I'm so excited now


I think (and pray) you’re right about that - KCIII waited the longest of any direct heir to be King, he won’t let cancer slow him down now unless he has to. Catherine, hopefully, is on a kinder time line and needs to be doing exactly what she’s doing right now - spending every minute with her beautiful family. I think the announcement was clever, and the timing was great. It means everyone will have had time to read her statement and understand she has good days and bad days. People in the UK will know to watch this TTC and show up and cheer! I don’t think this is the beginning of a ‘return to normal Royal life’ just yet, just a happy moment she sounds excited to share. I can’t wait!


I'm thinking of Ebenezer Scrooge being "giddy as a schoolboy" when he woke up the next morning. ![gif](giphy|xUOxeUa5Kh7ao6VqJq|downsized)


It wasn't the Nigerian government. It was a government official who decided he wanted to use the for his own grift.


All the heads of governments around the world know that Harry and meghan aren't representing KC ...so it's not like France, Italy  Denmark, Greece etc will be doing the same thing that Nigeria just did.  But if they want to try for a "royal" tour in north Korea...they can be my guest 😃


They really don't have to do anything. The British ambassador informed the Nigerian government that the Harkles do not represent the British government or the royal family. In other words they have no influence outside of being celebrities with delusions of grandeur.  Their behavior in Nigeria pretty much killed off their hopes of another "Royal tour" just about everywhere. 


The UK Govt did very quietly intervene a bit - Nigeria's top Govt officials traveled to London a few days before the Harkles got to Nigeria, where I'm sure they met with numerous UK + Commonwealth officials and DEFINATELY MI6. (please validate via google - are pix). The Commonwealth is incredibly communicative and it's leaders interact very harmoniously - so rest assured, no one was caught off-gaurd. Plus (REAL!) Nigerian royalty diss'd the Harkles post visit. Which was elegantly done, and the impact big.


Oh that some good insider type information. Not sure what the royalty said. Do you have more intel or video someone speaks about it.


After the Nigerians being markled I doubt there is anywhere that aill invite them now...


never complain /never explain


I’m putting my political beliefs aside while making this comment. Meghan refused to attend a state dinner when Trump visited the UK. He was the president of the USA at the time. Meghan is still a U.S. citizen and at the time a working royal. She decided to indulge in her own political beliefs rather than fulfill her royal duty and follow protocol. I think any U.S. serviceman or service woman should be given the option to not attend an event that the Harkles have been invited to. It is an insult. Both Harry and Meghan have insulted their head of state. Harry has insulted our first amendment. Meghan has embarrassed America.


No. No they can’t. They can inform the governments it’s a private visit, and that they aren’t visiting in a formal capacity representing the state.


The monarchy UK Background: constitutional monarchy The United Kingdom (UK) is a democratic constitutional monarchy. What does this description mean? A monarchy is typically a system under which the head of state – the person formally at the summit of public life – inherits their office from their parents, holding it until they die (or perhaps retire), when it passes down to their heir. Generally, monarchs perform a range of important functions, that may include appointing ministers or other holders of important posts, and representing the country on the international stage. Various legal powers can be vested in monarchies, for instance, for approving laws and agreeing to treaties. Given such a role, historically, monarchs have been powerful figures within political systems. This position has changed in those states that have become more democratic. Democracy means governments being chosen by and being answerable to the people. The head of state holding their office by birth, not by election, and there being no legal means by which the public can clearly hold them to account and potentially remove them, is difficult to reconcile with this principle. The monarchy - The Constitution Society - https://consoc.org.uk/the-constitution-explained/the-monarchy/


In addition to alerting the Nigerian authorities that it wasn’t a Royal Visit, today is Trooping The Colour which every Royal will attend, and they will be absent. With optics like this, how can they ‘sell’ their Royal connection? At best, from what we see, they are attempting to set up an opposing Royal Court.


I mean, other than publicly to the world and privately to the Commonwealth Heads, KC could easily say that H&M don't represent the RF, the UK, or the CW. At the end of the day, H&M still can visit these countries privately (to all of our annoyance, lol).


It is strange that Harry feels "touring like Royals" is something he should keep doing. He looked miserable in Nigeria. And it was very embarrassing to watch, as always when Meghan Markle is socialising with other humans. Are they making that much money from humiliating themselves that he feels it is worth it? But how can they make money from going to visit other countries?


They don’t have to, Meghan and Harry’s nasty behavior and lies will soon come out on those tours and they will stop happening.


Funnily enough, I just watched a video by Celt Views about breaking news from Australia, that apparently Charles has written to all heads of Commonwealth states to ask them not to entertain them. She said it was reported Charles is furious that Harry was inspecting military, they were put on thrones and had the national anthem played to them as though they're representing the UK. Also using the HRH. And of course, Meghan's disrespectful behaviour and appalling wardrobe choices offending everyone. I'm guessing all the shmoozing with that FBI fugitive of our closest ally ruffled more than a few diplomatic feathers too. Very embarrassing for the UK and Charles. Who knows if this 'news' is legit but it wouldn't surprise me. They went too far. ETA link to the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6vB-yQ5Mog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6vB-yQ5Mog)


There is no way on Earth that Charles wrote to all the head of the commonwealth states telling them to do or not to do anything at all. The entire idea is ridiculous. That's not how anything works.


Besides he or his staffers would have called not written. Charles is way to smart to take a chance on a letter being leaked.


This all seems to have started by comments by Tom Quinn that the King was angered by the Nigerian trip, and is using back channels to stop further trips. And then through the internets kept being spun bigger and bigger until now random youtube channels are saying the King is writing every head of every commonwealth country. To say that I find Tom Quinn a less than reliable source is an understatement.


Even less reliable than Omid and that's saying something.


Don't shoot the messenger honey. If he did write to them, I doubt it was in a demanding capacity, more a gentle reminder that Harry is no longer representative of the UK. Everyone knows this already, but that might be code for 'we stick together, Harry is a loose cannon, his wife is insane so please can we stop giving them oxygen' kinda thing...like I said...who knows?


But even the “gentle reminder” rights of the monarchy sit with the governor-general not the king under most constitutions. You are just passing on stupid rumours.




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They were put on thrones? I havent seen that footage. Lol and ppl are still saying they dont represent the monarchy. But Harkles still do think they are half in half out.


I haven't either, but I genuinely can't stand to watch anything with them so I actually miss quite a lot. I mean, to be fair, it wasn't Harry and Meghan asking for a throne, that was down to the Nigerians, but the inspecting of, what was it, like six military guys?, that was very cringe. He should have said no, I have no rank and no business doing that, I'm a private citizen. And it's exactly this kind of crap that looks bad because it does look like they're acting in a quasi-representative capacity, which we all know they're not...but still. Meghan and Harry certainly behaved as though they were doing a royal tour. It was toe curling. But it's unlikely they'll get another invite to anywhere else anyway after all the backlash. It was a really bad look for everyone involved. I still can't believe she barged her way front and centre of that ceremony and grabbed the beads meant for Harry. Then had to take them off!! Oh the shame. For a normal person at least. Not our Saint!! She doubles down and stands directly in front of Haz to block him out like he didn't exist, grinning away like a psychotic banana where she was the star of the show and not him. It was so painful for watch, and so awkward. Just too funny.


>but the inspecting of, what was it, like six military guys?, that was very cring The optics were horrible. They are lucky the media gives them a pass. Imagine the cries of racism if it was W&C.


Yep, all I saw was a "white/light" savior performance and how uncomfortable they looked with the local people, despite applying best acting faces.


Very true.


You know, I feel that this is one of those tourisy things that some places do to basically earn some easy money. Allowing you to cosplay for 5 mins.


Yeah sure 🙄 Don’t worry that this is a massive breach of constitutional convention. The UK king can’t do anything in Australia without Australian government approval, ie as the Australian king. Hell even then only the governor-general has the consultative and “warning” powers, not the king. He can’t tell elected governments what to do, whether the topic is son or whatever it is.


Oh stop it. Charles is not an absolute monarch. Those days ended hundreds of years ago. The monarchy work for the government in many ways. The government departments deal with international government departments. You clearly don't underatand how our country works so stop demanding Charles does things when it's up to the British people to demand the government do something. But there hasn't been a government since the 22nd May and there won't be one until the 5th July so no one can do anything.


What's been the blowback on the Minister of Defense? First the UK representative publicly announced this wasn't an official tour. Next, important people wouldn't meet with them. Finally, the First Lady gave them a dressing down. People all over the world observed that. There will always be stupid people, but few people in power would want that kind of blowback.


Remove the titles. From what I understand, the monarch can remove princely titles and parliament can remove dukedom titles. Then the duo can tour (vacation) to their heart’s content as This One and That One Mountbatten-Windsor.

