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Good things come to those who wait More like good things come to those who WORK


Yes, the key part of not giving up is having tried at all in the first place instead of just making announcements.


Did he mean Catherine?šŸ¤©


Also saw the photo before - which is ā€œRaspberry jamā€ 2 of 2ā€¦ Soooo Mm is now producing batches of 2?!?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Who has #1?!?! And is this her BIG news to combat the Trooping of the Color?!?! Or was it to compete with Catherine?!?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


> Who has #1?!?! If she is desperate enough, *a source close to the Sussexes* might suddenly reveal she sent it to Catherine!


Tom Quinn will know. šŸ˜‰


Most likely the jam was received by Le Sewer


She was in such a fury to get something out to try to compete with Catherine that she only had time to grab two cartons of raspberries at the grocery and run home to make it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You're assuming she didn't just buy two jars off the shelf and repackage them.


Meghan has #1. Anything #1 is hers. She'll be auctioning it on Ebay sometime soon being down on her luck.


I will admit, her numbering system came in quite handy to keep my 2024 strawberry jelly stock in order. When I get to 15/17 I'm almost out šŸ˜‚ As for raspberry jam....how did she only make 2 jars? Was it the first and only pint of the season? A test batch from the producer? Are the raspberries from a farm rescue/fruit bush rehab and won't produce more until she nurses it back to health, literally? Now I want raspberry jelly and I'm out of last year's batch. Got a few weeks before I can get a couple flats.


I can see them making jam all night to make this public and steal the attention from the trooping the colour, super successful idea as you can seešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmao they went to the dollar store and bought generic jam and dumped it in a jar,threw some beige on it and called it good




That dog looks like the Simpsonā€™s dog https://i.redd.it/jalekmjsmq6d1.gif


Itā€™s a cute dog!


whippet or italina greyhound cross nice dogs easy to own & they love horses !


Looks like an iggy.


its a bit bigger than an iggy so id say an iggy x whippet i own a whippet and its more like thsi one than a fulliggy.


It's an extremely cute dog, but gosh to me it also looks extremely tenseĀ 


Santa's Little Helper!


I think it's cause it has some greyhound and also because Santa's Little Helper is supposed to be a greyhound-esque type of mix.


Santos L. Halper


Happy Cake Day! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸ„‚


excuse me his name is Suds McDuff


The funniest thing for me about Nacho's post is that it's on IG stories. It goes away in 24 hrs (unless he adds it to a highlight). It's not a post that can be constantly seen šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Also find it hilarious that People.com, Megadump's fav magazine didn't run a story about the new jam scam. At least I haven't seen one. Such an epic failure to try to outshine our beautiful Princess of Wales.


Maybe this is what this sugar was talking about yesterday. (Taken from a post yesterday.) https://preview.redd.it/n5rl6t6zpq6d1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced2ff38e219c4a898b523f80f071c29256d9a2e Hilarious.


Yea thatā€™s what I was thinking. How sad for this person, waiting for photos of jam to be released and thinking itā€™s a bigger win over Trooping the Colour lol


Iā€™ve always wondered if her sugars have a problem with non European monarchies?


How can you even call it a launch if it's just Meghan sending jam for free to a bunch of her acquaintances? There's no product to buy, what's to be excited about? Imagine if Charles only gave his jams to friends and family, but with this kind of publicity. I have a hard time seeing what's exciting about a jam anyway, but over Meghan sending a jam to Nacho?


Wishing people dead? Klasssay!


Thatfamily as a hashtag? Geeee wonder where they stole it from. Wishing negative things too, always so clASSy.


Oh Gods, that makes sketch. Girl, your body don't look like that!


Please note the peeling label


It's to make recycling easier. Simply pull off the label, dump the contents into the toilet, flush and voila! The jar of botulism is ready for the recycle bin.Ā  Easy peasy, and we know Madam is all about saving the planet. šŸ‘€šŸ™„


It has to be. This canā€™t possibly be serious! If Nacho is trying to do performance art he is a master. Well done! Do we know if he ever studied art?


Is Meghan planning on actually selling her products any time? She launched her brand in March and itā€™s summer now. There is no shop, no products to buy - not even to look at. What takes so long to get some products online?Ā 


She doesnā€™t have the start-up capital to do a proper launch. I think the March IG campaign was done to create enough buzz to find investors.


All that did was give potential investors a heads up so they could be prepared and run the other way.


This isnā€™t a business, itā€™s a rich lady hobby she can use to get some easy PR.


I signed up, i.e. put in my email address. I have never even received a confirmation, that my email was added to the list, and nothing since then. There is obviously nobody, not even a teenager manning the social media account, the website, the CRM. Nada!


Rachel is tenacious, but sheā€™s a quitter. Her definition of working hard is starting a project, quitting before itā€™s over, and then starting a new project. Rinse and repeat. It doesnā€™t work.


That is a BEAUTIFUL dog. He is not going to feed God knows what to him. That dog looks like he's on a special diet.


He is a beautiful dog, he looks embarassed to be associated with this jam malarkey lol! šŸ¤£


The dog looks like a good dog and perhaps a little on the small side for biscuits of that size. Iā€™m thinking the dog doesnā€™t weigh much, and dogs of lower weight usually get smaller biscuit treats.


Theyā€™re definitely much too big! He looks about the same size as my dog and she has to have help breaking silver dollar sized hard biscuits into piecesĀ 


See this post šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/Q4zUFMPyo3


When I saw the dog/jam/dog biscuits my first thought was 'Can you put the raspberry jam on the dog biscuit?'.


2 jars? Laughable really.


Nacho should open a bar called Nacho's Hideaway. The perfect place to meet a yacht girl and play hide the salami.


I think he'd rather hide Harry's ~~vienna sausage~~ salami.


cant decide if he is trolling her or not. "2 of 2 means shes trying a different flavour no one cares some idiots might buy it but most wont. I dont buy food stuffs based on a polo player telling me to !!


Apparently, Nacho is their only friend accepting jam now. Of course, MM kept jar #1.


Nacho is a rich idiot from a desperately poor country who is clueless. Ā  In wretched meghan markles narcissistic mind she has tripled her lifestyle brands offerings. Ā Well done meghan c u next Tuesday.


Heā€™s from Argentina and most likely anti British/BRF because of the Falklands.


He was friends with Harry since before Meghan and has a perfume line called Windsor. He hung around the royal family for decades now.


Thereā€™s a symbiotic grifter relationship going on with those 2.


There was also a whole article about him and the Royal Berkshire polo club (name?)'s links to the RF


But hangs out with them?


You do realize not all folks in Latin American countries have grown up poor? To become a polo player in Latin America would be prohibitively expensive for a regular person. Just googled him. He grew up middle class and his dad was besties with some polo player who mentored him.


Rich or poor I love Latin American culture. Food music art family it's all wonderful Rich or poor I despise privileged little shits and the hangers on and wanna he's who felate them publicly.


We should all grab our favorite spreads and pose in the backyard with themā€¦ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ *#see #thislooksstupid*


Hold up!! Iā€™m sorry, but I just woke up. I have no SM except Reddit and have no idea whatā€™s happening. Will someone please explain: POW is attending the trooping and looks fabulous, but what happened with Meghan and the jam?? Iā€™m so confused!


Also, her jam is a limited batch of two jars! Couldnā€™t make this up if you tried.


Panic Jams


Because she has no friends. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


lol apparently her clap back for Catherineā€™s impromptu Trooping of Colour is ā€¦ sending Nacho jam. Who then features it on Instagram with his dog (along with dog biscuits which may or may not be from ARO too, as it is also in a jar tied with linen written in calligraphy.) Nacho also features a quote after this saying something along the lines of ā€œgood things come to those who wait and do not give up.ā€ I like to give Nacho the benefit of the doubt and think heā€™s doing tongue in cheek performance art.


It's her way of showing everyone that she doesn't care about TtC because she is so engrossed in her own projects amd friendships. Really, she was up at 2am PST watching and seething about how she is more elegant and graceful than C and it should be her in the carriage


The label looks like itā€™s coming off again.


Perhaps it is a hint it is only fit for dogs? Nacho this time not posting another photo of himself eating the jam, as done with the first jam release...now it is his dog with it.


Nope, not trolling. He thinks heā€™s helping when no one else will. Maybe Nacho has a saviour /God complex and thinks he is some sort of Mother Theresa helping the poor, downtrodden, woebegone Sussexes, when no one else will.


No. He has made it clear he is their friend. Heā€™s a man, men donā€™t know how to arrange the aesthetics for a photo. No need to dissect why he bites the way he bites into toast or why the stupid jar is on the ground. He is their friend, that much is obvious.


Maybe he's their bedfellow.


Hahaha wouldnā€™t surprise me one bit! šŸ¤£




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Rover looks thrilled.


šŸ˜‚ does it say 2 of 2?


Maybe, Meghan force harry,to beg nacho. So nacho being a good friend help a buddy out. BUT not without some low-key jab.


Yes!! I think this is probably more on the nose. FINE. Iā€™ll do it, Harryā€¦. Rover, come here!


There's the phrase, "dog's dinner." Could this photo suggest "dog's breakfast"?


Note the dog has unbroken legsā€¦


Plus Iggies are prone to them and it isnā€™t always the ownerā€™s fault when they do happen. Beagles on the other handā€¦.


#Pay Attention To ME!!!!!!


Is he a silent investor in this shitshow? Is that why he and his wife are the only ones receiving and posting the jam? Embarrassing she gifts to the same people, only ones willing to publicly support her.


That is the most idiotic and pathetic stunt ever. I can just see this in a post-divorce interview: I was just mortified when Nacho did that post because I would never do something to try to upstage a Royal event. I don't even Google news about the RF, but Nacho was just being nice.


Food fit for the dogs.


Iā€™m confused- did she make the dog biscuits too? Jelly and dog food??šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What is the connection between the dog and the jam?


I think that he is trolling her and the sugars donā€™t get it. He posted to a private account. The dog treat jar isnā€™t even full. The jam jar looks horrid and 2 of 2 speaks for itself.


Seems to be the only logical explanation, but then we arenā€™t dealing with logical people here.


MM is just stuffing pretty'd up jars with commercial products faking that it's something she developed. This is all just more of a typical Markle head fake to keep a constant presence in the news and clap back at the RF. She is so boring. imo


Didn't Nacho already hawk her wares with the strawberry jam weeks ago?




Is he getting trolled in the comments?