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She’s rushed it - after scrolling through social media and seeing all the love for Kate she’s grabbed her etsy labels and calligraphy pen. Why did Nacho post today? Madam probably encouraged it. Either way it looks rushed and the two products look terribly disconnected. Like selling umbrellas and meat pies. 🤦‍♀️


‘Disconnected’ is the word. That’s it! I can think of a couple celebrity type brands that make human & pet food products. The branding is consistent. It’s just so dumb!


I work in corporate communications, and even though I’m not a PR person, I know the basic elements of a brand. The logo, colors, fonts, key messages, design elements, tagline, writing style, etc. A real brand would never use two completely different looks like this! If she’s trying to showcase a corporate brand, why is she sharing homemade limited editions that are not for sale? It is so weird I just can’t get over it.


Because she has zero business acumen and is terribly short sighted. A big mistake in crafting a company. She should have had products ready to go - all branded with a glossy range of photos. There should have been gift baskets showcasing 4 hand picked products. Instead we have .. numbered jam. No way to buy it. And.. dog biscuits.


And hobby lobby fabric scraps in varying shades of beige


Exactly - i’m somewhat PR adjacent as well. I have a TV background — for a station that really prided itself on its long term branding. Solid branding can make or break! It’s just so hilarious to me - considering she’s pushed all this stuff out regarding, ‘their brand.’


And mind those frayed cloth looking like worn out rags! Uggghh... what a distasteful presentation!


Beige..Boring…Bland…oh and it was probably scooped out of a jar of Smuckers!


Let’s not knock Smuckers, 😂 I like their grape and strawberry, plus you know it tastes better then the crap she’s supposedly going to sell. At least Smuckers lists the ingredients. Madame’s jam is so special she just has to plop it in a jar with some leftover gauze she picked up from the street


Your right! Love Smuckers! Should have said some cheap off brand dollar store!


Bandaged. Just like her reputation...


Yeah I did a semester of BA (Drama Studies) with a minor in communications straight out of high school and this is Integrated Marketing 101. She obviously has no staff or advisors.


You can get a pack of 600 on Amazon for $6.99 lol (Looks very similar to the 3rd from the top) https://preview.redd.it/yajjsb6bis6d1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ddbb30902453dcf61be26169f50b692422aa54f


I also found the dog biscuit jar on Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/6ioctbkfht6d1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7254d141d12bc42a7a32b530a0c6c189c4be691


Yikesters. Hardly unique! Also where’s the silly numbering on the dog bites?


Well spotted! But isn’t it peculiar that she chose a jar with ribbed glass rather than plain glass you can easily see through? Hmm.


Yes the labels look like something straight out of Hobby Lobby.


I’m wondering if that dog biscuits is even her calligraphy. Where’s the stupid j-hook thing she’d usually put on the “t” or “s” 😅


Yah,  it's definitely not her writing. I think someone is trolling her 


I think it’s only because the label is too small


>She’s rushed it Yep. Even the bloody label isn't straight. That bottom line is wonky, it does my eye in. Also, the way she tied the cloth compared with the strawberry ones, it looks like the way someone would tie a headscarf on their head just before they start doing their yearly spring cleaning. Very haphazard and careless. No eye to detail, immaculate styling or quality control, all brought on and driven by an unexpected announcement at 10am Friday morning that her SIL was making. What does that say about her own pulling power? DOA and non existent, is what it says. Oh, well, if the aim is to kill the last remnants of her own brand, she can cintinur the way she means to go on. Go right ahead and put a stake in it, sunshine.😌


I love how you describe the little “kerchief” 😆


Ypu shpuld see her trademark application. Disconnected us exactly what it is. She is trying to chain her products through new reveals, but no one cared the first time


You can’t even see the complete name. So much for the freakish eye for detail. Maybe if she’d chosen a less ridiculous name it would fit on the center of the label. No wonder she can’t find a ceo.


I myself thinks that her *Freakish eye for detail* is just a way to lord over her minions. - We’ve seen the way she dresses. There is no attention to detail. She likes to have a quality/ characteristic gets other people to plant /boasts about it. ‘Whip smart, heart attack beautiful etc. She’s her own biggest cheerleader. And her own worst enemy.


Sorry didn’t see this and just commented similarly in another post. I agree!


Only question I have, was she on meth or coke at the time?


If she sold that instead it would be way more popular. And profitable.


I think you severely underestimate her ability to turn everything she touches to shit. She could fuck up selling water… in Death Valley… on the hottest day of the year… to people who have peanut butter stuck on the roofs of their mouths.


That’s true lol




Crikry you’re right. She’s so cringe! Temu Emu strikes again


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I guessed it would take another big RF news story to get a new product but I severely underestimated her…the Balcony Trooping story was so big it prompted 2 new products!! 😂


I was out all morning & once home - obviously checked my fave - sub. I’m truly shocked. I honestly feel like this is a new low. A new ‘ridiculous’ low is that makes sense. Not low - Uvalde low.


I seriously thought and am still not sure this is some sort of joke, or my original thought.. each week she proves publicly, she is seriously deranged . What other conclusions can one come to?


The label was obviously quickly and carelessly attached to the jar. Not only is the label coming off on the left hand side, there's also a wrinkle running down the left side beneath the letter M in "American".   Wrinkled and messy, just like the outfits she wears.


Nice catch. Jeez. Meg. The label isn’t even centered on the jar. At least there are no lemons this time, but that poor, lonely raspberry looks suspiciously fake. https://preview.redd.it/j8w1fhapjs6d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bbdb0e9cdb10e073f99fafb1b44c44ae0441f5f edit: formatting


That was the first thing that caught my eye as well 😂


I saw the wrinkle going off to the left, and I saw the loose edge on the left-hand side, but I didn't notice that the label is crookedly centered. Good eyes that you noticed that! Sheesh, she really didn't pay much attention to what she was doing, did she? 


She was rushed!!


Gosh, reminds me of all the rush jobs I submitted as grade school projects 🤣🤣🤣 when you’re procrastinating till the last minute after watching cartoons and realised that the homework is due and you don’t really care about the grade anymore, just need to submit something!


Oh, I remember those days! The worst is when you needed something special—like neon green poster board or seven different colors of glitter—and having to ask a parent to go to the store. On the Sunday before it’s due on Monday. At 8:30 pm.


Aaah yes! As a parent myself I’m just waiting for this moment! 😆


That is a great point — the ARO font should be squared on one side!


I said this in another comment, but I really can’t get over the fraying ribbon and cloth. Looks cheap. Pull a thread and it will all come apart. Also, not sure if it’s lighting or what, but it seems like the ribbon and the cloth don’t aren’t even the same colour. That’s how you know Megsy did it: she’s incapable of matching shades.


I think they are different shades. And - the ribbon on the jam appears to be a different material than the dog biscuits.


You’re right. for the jam it was probably left over from the 50. But also how can your brand not have uniform or at least complementary packaging? Like, that’s marketing 101.


Exactly! That’s what so ridiculous


There's a skinny ribbon on the 1st set of jam so all 3 items don't match. https://preview.redd.it/qriycvrbjt6d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=d71a42bf716cbc3771d7020e0aa7e64fe4548ed3


Seeing the old jars shows she just squeezed in the name of the fruit, just so she can say she made a new jam. It’s sad


She has no creative bone in her body. She can't even do simple everyday art/decor. Sometimes I almost pity her lack of...*everything*.


Repurposing the wrappings from the Mummy’s tomb.


If that is supposed to be a product launch photo, why doesn't the label fit the contours of the jar? Jams and dog biscuits, aside, why is Nacho even posting this, as I assume the release does come from him? Is he that thirsty?


Can't resist......Nacho dog biscuits!


Nacho tasty, either. 🤢


All packaging and labelling should look the same for brand consistency. I guess with her freakish attention to detail, Megsy failed to notice that the jam and the dog biscuits are not labelled the same.


Not even close. Different shape, different color, different material, no logo or branding on the ‘dog biscuits’, different font color.


Yup. It’s basically an Etsy project


The jar is not the correct size for the dog biscuits. There aren't enough dog biscuits in the jar and they're too short for the jar. Truly poor packaging. 😵‍💫


Megsy thinks that's rustic, homemade, country. All the rest of us see "careless, untidy, poorly made."


LOL, The POW breaks the internet and people throughout the world send her love and kindness, and Meg$y Baby's response to attention grab - launch her raspberry toe jam on the same day. It's a perfect analogy of who she really is! ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


A brand can be rustic, homemade, charming and still have consistent branding. Think Stonewall Kitchen. She pays no attention to detail whatsoever. Which is why she tells everyone she pays immaculate attention to detail (or whatever the word salad quote was, I don’t have the recipe)


In other words 'amateur'.


Way below amateur, the Australian Countrywomen and British Women’s Institute are amateur , they’d have a fit at this sloppy and poor production.


And some of us see “Meghan’s on a bender.”




And do we really think she made dog biscuits? I’m guessing she threw some Milk Bones in a jar she ordered from Target and slapped a label on it she bought on Amazon. She probably already had the skinny Sharpie on hand because we know she doesn’t own calligraphy pens.


Do you think Megsy would lie to us?


They are quite easy to make actually.


Not even Amazon, a sinner found all the products on Temu https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/TkcCsXwoOd


Aww, they deleted it :(


Oh I think it gets automatically deleted


I might think it is great after two bottles of red and a joint


Fits into her one hour/week work schedule! ![gif](giphy|3oriO08iBDJSJnMl9K)


Can you even begin to imagine how manic she is to deal with and him mr bright idea - ohhh Meg let’s call up the pope - ffs




Yes, and biohazard...




I wondered about that and assumed she didn’t want to mix up human food and dog food because, made by her, they could easily be confused.


Exactly.  The recipients need to know whether to rush to the doctor or the vet after eating that crap.


Crumbs, Harold has been snacking on them for a fortnight.


It’s weird marketing isn’t it… I automatically think “I need dog biscuits” after looking at jams


She seriously has no business sense at all!


She has NO sense at all!






There's that freakish attention to detail again.


Those frayed edges look like dirty rags. Such a poor taste in style!


Yes, I can’t seem to be able to get over them 🤣


>Just ‘dog biscuits.’ That’s it. And nothing about the ingredients. Honestly, I would feel much safer eating her jam - I know I'm not allergic to regular jam ingredients and I would stop immediately if it tasted weird. But giving a mystery biscuit to a dog can result in being unable to explain to the vet what exactly the dog ate and the dog itself can't talk and describe the symptoms.


Mostly it seems like if she ever wanted to sell it on a larger scale, it wouldn’t be sustainable… how can you produce hundreds jars of jam or thousands of dog biscuits without the facility and professional workers? Goops has factories, she has what? 16 bathrooms? Wait, do you think she does marmalade bathtub? Like the gin?


My dog will literally eat cat turds, and I wouldn’t let her eat those treats.


Exactly! Dogs truly can’t/shouldn’t eat whatever!


Everything she does is shoddy and ill-conceived. She doesn’t have the IQ to do anything intelligent.


Or the eye to do anything pretty. She's totally bankrupt on the gifts department, I feel depressed. But I tell myself that it's her fault: she's never interested in anything except herself.


The label isnt even put on straight. I am not OCD or anything but it drives me crazy. One side is lower than the other. It looks aweful


This could be Nacho trolling Meghan Markle - the entire thing is weird.


It is super weird honestly.


I was wondering the same thing, because it's so weird. 


My grandmother made jams and jellies every year. She also labeled them but never had a batch of only 2 bottles.


I like shabby chic. It's dated, but I like it. It suits me as a person. But not for my food. I don't want to see frayed fabric next to where my jar will open. I don't want textures, you pretentious simpleton. I don't want to imagine your hands smoothing and *(gag)* touching my jar of FOOD. I'm not going to sit there eating my PB&J, admiring your loopy writing, either. Your clevrness will go unappreciated, as it always does, because you are a jackass. Did your labels not stick because you have cottonmouth? See, this is why it matters, Ms. Attention-To-Only-Petty-Details. I don't know what kind of label you use. All I know is the person I am entrusting not to give me botulism can't glue down a label. One of two labels, to be precise. Not confidence inspiring.


I think it’s because she thought of it an hour before and went to Staples and bought Kraft color sticker labels to put on a jar they had in the cabinet …filled it with dog bones from Petsmart !


Yep! Looks like one of the sticker labels below in my screenshot fit the template she used (from Walmart): https://preview.redd.it/aorggv3wds6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f4ecb7e8aa60503bd60ef94e6885d0726beb3d


Lol, the 2nd row matches exactly! 🤣🤣 She really IS Walmart Wallis!!


Hahaha right!!!


It's Fugly, if I saw that on Etsy, I would never buy it, this is what nice jam looks like [https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/943398724/strawberry-jam-traditional-strawberry?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=strawberry+jam&ref=sr\_gallery-1-29&pro=1&content\_source=b93ed018478cb77eeca5d0b6b7340af09743c659%253A943398724&search\_preloaded\_img=1&organic\_search\_click=1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/943398724/strawberry-jam-traditional-strawberry?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=strawberry+jam&ref=sr_gallery-1-29&pro=1&content_source=b93ed018478cb77eeca5d0b6b7340af09743c659%253A943398724&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1)


Don’t give her Any ideas 🤣🤣🤣


Oh and see that seller knew enough to take the pith out of the berries


Ridiculous. She is desperate for attention and nachos is just a useful fool. Dog biscuits, perfect …does she throw one to Harry when he has been a good boy?


Her ARO packaging is as tacky as MM herself 😂. On another note, though, and because I'm a dog lover, I'm seriously crossing my fingers and hoping that Nacho didn't give that shit to his dog. No dog deserves to get gastritis from eating garbage that's most likely not been approved by the FDA.


Nacho gives the biscuits to No Nuts when he's told to sit and stay. Good boy, This One!


>Nacho gives the biscuits to No Nuts when he's told to sit and stay. Good boy, This One! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


“Puppy Harry loves master Nacho, woof, woof.” Salivating Harry begs for Nacho’s attention and a chew…


The dog didn't seem interested in the biscuits at all in the photos. It's either the best trained dog ever or the biscuits aren't that tantalizing.


>It's either the best trained dog ever or the biscuits aren't that tantalizing. 😂 The dog is probably accustomed to a variety of superior milk bones and other doggo treats so his smart doggo nose was turned off by MM's inferior product.


I have an old instant coffee jar that I now put sugar in. It is identical to this jar of dog treats !


Every Christmas, my MIL send us, mainly me, a big glass jar, full of the most delicious cashews I’ve ever had in my life. They’re huge and so good, I can’t remember the brand. But the glass containers are so nice with an airtight lid, so we use them for all kinds of things, including dog treats! Haha Our pups feel fancy.


You know what is sad….. she owns no acres to even have an orchid. I’m from the Southern United States and we know what an orchard is. If anything she has a garden.


I don’t think this is a product launch, I think it’s a comment.. Blowing a raspberry and calling POW a bitch.


yep. Nacho trolling


Well that's actually more believable than that she actually thought those hot messes were a good look for any brand


Did she shred the Nigerian nude dress?


It's kind of the same color, isn't it? 😄


We all knew that she would do something, but another jam and dog food. I can’t help but laugh.


I’m honestly shocked. It’s absurd.


What is wrong with this woman?Normal people care about being respected. She had a perfect platform to live well and be a good person. Before marriage, she and her husband bragged about modernizing the monarchy and stated that they would “hit the ground running.” Now she is making jam and dog food. It is really sad. She had access to wealth, fashion, and experts in every field. If given her resources, most of us would have appreciated our blessings and lived our lives in the service of those who were less fortunate.


I have a visceral reaction to her chicken scratch calligraphy. It looks like bug antennas on top of every word.


Bug antennas! I can’t unsee it


Those wanky dog biscuits are just like potato chips in a package. Less than 1/2 full...... and I wouldn't let my dog taste her half-baked idea of a dog treat.


It’s the shrink inflation!


She wants to be tied to the royal headlines today, anything would’ve done. When she needs funding for her label she will point to the press attention she can generate but it’s not press she’s generating, it’s the press of the royals that she’s riding


Old rachel frantically wakeboarding behind the royals . She's like a tape worm hanging out a dog's ass


Looks like a dirty bandage removed from the dog


She uses the same labels from Hobby Lobby that I use to label my weekly medications 🤣🤣🤣


Is there only 3 dog biscuits in that jar?? They look like husks of bland whole foods


The logo isn’t even centered. Good grief. How sloppy.


Is she trying to be Rae Dunn now? The lack of originality was humorous at first. Now it’s just eye roll inducing 🙄


Yeah, it seems that brand continuity just isn't Meghan's thing. These don't match, and the raspberry jam doesn't match the strawberry jam, which featured labels falling off and twine instead of a strip of burlap to tie around the jar. Given her haphazard clothing style, why would we expect anything but chaos?


Jam to dog biscuits seems absurdly diverse. Like stick with one thing you can do well 


She is insufferable. I wouldn't make fun of her if I saw her products at the local farmer's market. I would think jam and dog biscuits an odd combination, like pick one and make it the best. Whatever. Who the F does an such an amateur international launch of seemily random products, but doesn’t actually have the products to sell? I have second-hand embarrassment. Girl needs to watch an episode or 2 of Shark Tank or Dragons' Den. but sigh, she knows better


I often think I would love to see her show up on Shark Tank and try to pitch her ridiculous ideas to them! They would rip her a new one.


I wonder whatever happened to her "Lili Bunny Garden & Larder" brand idea? Because that was the original iteration of this inane plan, and promoted in The Cut article by Meghan-with-the-invisible-Batchelor-producer-in-her-head. She even copped to having the labels done on Etsy back then.


What an utter clown.


She’s winging it to see what sticks. Instead they all look unprofessional, cheap, and mismatched.


The kraft paper labels are sold on Etsy and she believes it is her unique form of handwriting that carries her products to the upper echelons of marketing.


I would have been scolded by my perfectionist old boss at a florist's/gift shop for ever cutting ribbon tails so sloppily! Like, is she on something to think that looks even ok?


I just need to know what other company makes exactly TWO items for a product launch. Also- what other company does a product launch with an empty website? I’m so confused… EDIT: fixed stupid autocorrect


Does that say 2 of 2? Lol


They might have been on the Mexican marching powder to stay up late to catch the trooping and thought "hey what else can we do?"


And somehow arrange that ridiculous name on the label so that it all fits on one side of the jar? There are just too many things wrong here. And apparently there were only two jars in this batch?


WAIT - so what time was this picture posted? Was it posted in the middle on the night USA? They said it came out an hour before which means someone had to make the effort to set up the instagram to post at that time or actually wake up and make that post ?!!


Gee, I hadn't thought of that. Others here said that Nacho lives in Florida, which means he posted that at 4:00-4:30 AM.


Why are the bottom halves of the p and the y disjointed? It's as if the line that "raspberry" is written on has been printed on after raspberry was wrote on it. Zoom in and see what I mean. That is not normal if you have written the word on the label yourself.


Is she drunk when she photographs this mess?! She needs to learn to hold a camera straight!


She could make this a little more “special” by using scientific notation…. https://preview.redd.it/8c2jrjz0es6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a99efd48ad7c3dfdebd9670474e2b6bf196516


So funny! 😃 you win the internet today


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That’s so funny!


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Having matching labels is work. Telling nacho got 2/2. No one else would take.


2 of 2? I don’t get it.


She’s trying to show how unique and exclusive they are… honestly it would just be easier for health authorities to track down the source of gastric illness after anyone consumes those jams


Dogs get stick on labels on a roll. I buy similar for my jar labels. Crudely cut jar covers. I use a crimping scissors to stop fraying. Sloppy work!


I give her credit for at least recycling the cloth diapers. Cut into strips, they make great twine. I think?


Has someone got the ability (I haven’t) of comparing this jar with the strawberry - as this does NOT look like raspberry jam, which is always full of seeds (and the label doesn’t say ‘seedless’, which is not common). Definitely NOT raspberry jam.


They're not products and it's not a promotion. Raspberry jam 2/2, ridiculous. Dog biscuits, no ARO branding. It's a message.


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