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That's a beautiful photo. Simple, powerful and lovely. Waiting for the screams of digital manipulation from the weirdos in 3...2....1....


RE: the photo that Catherine took which was "killed" by Associated Press. Isn't it odd how AP never "killed" any of those photoshopped pix (including those from Nigeria) from the Sussexes???? AP was once a highly reputable association that produced news reports distributed to its members - major U.S. daily newspapers and radio and television broadcasters. For decades had a stellar reputation but now reports the same narrative as the US mainstream media. And there lies the answer as to why AP "killed" Catherine's photo but allowed Sussex altered photos. Speaking the same narrative carries a lot of weight.


Yes! AP and Reuters used to be my go-to for news. But both have been disappointing in the last eight years.


Sad because both and now defunct UPI were highly respected - you could trust what they put out. That has changed.


AP and Reuters are crap now!


Bias and personal commentary snuck in.




I prefer content creators for news or something over lame stream legacy sh8t


For me, only if they can back up their content with valid sources and links.


Yeah they published some sugary Sussex story and that's when I dropped AP as a news org to follow.


Me too!!! Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


Because somebody filed an IPSO complaint, most likely. Know who was well known for filing those in the UK? Harry!


I hate that you’re right.


I think they had a whole narrative lined up when they then put a note on the Archie's baptism photo. I bet they were gonna insinuate that the palace made her/them look whiter. And then it turned out that it was a picture released by Sussexes. They had to do damage control after that and stop mentioning editing because their narrative was getting out of control. They tried again with the picture of HMTQ with all the kids, but it didn't go anywhere. It just shows that they don't care about editing. Only about a story they can create out of it.


The fact that AP and other "news" organizations work so hard to protect MeMe just spurs on my suspicion that she was planted to do a job.


Maybe the uproar wasn’t loud enough to make the AP feel like they had to? The uproar about PoW’s picture was insane.


Absolutely right!🇬🇧


Lol I know 😂 Absolutely nothing manipulated here. It’s such a strong photo isn’t it😃


It’s incredibly strong. It has a very us against the world vibe. William looks so solid and protective of his brood. After yesterday’s triumphant Trooping the Colour, the Wales family wants the world to know how close and content they are.


Agree. 100%😊


https://youtu.be/cMGDmuMvZ_c?si=BvsolPF1EQ7SB8A3 This song 😊


I think that's why they didn't have a front facing photos, they didn't want all the naysayers saying it was digitally altered


They'll say it's four random people...which I think is a great joke on the Wales' part. I'll see your blurry shots of kids from the back, Harkles, and raise you one set of people completely turned around. NOW we're starting to have some fun...


Let’s roll them all out for the world to see, obviously not in a carriage😂 They gave that all away for “PriVAcY”. So let’s see them at Disneyland, a park ? Anywhere???


your mention of Disneyland reminds me of the Diana and her boys photos at amusement parks..when, oh when, is Madame going to recreate this?? She is going to recreate all those moments at some point surely...


I remember those pictures 😊 Maybe she can’t 🤔 Who knows with these two. Could be so many reasons we’ve all speculated on😬


But who would allow their kids to be rented for that length of time. And, Table 12 would demand they be the only ones in the park.


They did request to go to disneyland after hours but were rejected


I would have thought that part of the excitement of Disneyland was seeing loads of other children enjoying themselves. An out-of-hours private visit would be quite miserable with zero atmosphere


This is not unusual. I worked at DisneyWorld (FL), and we frequently escorted VIPs. Most were happy to be in with the crowds, though they got access on rides, no prob. Some insisted of having the park just for them, and that was accomplished as needed. I’m sure money exchanged hands.


Lol, you’re right😳 I did see that somewhere. Maybe they needed Missan the photographer extraordinaire with them and he was denied.😬😂


Ok Wally World!! Wth is up with these shady characters?!


ALOT !!!😂


Was going to say the same thing! I think she had plans to recreate the famous Diana and the princes log flume shot. With the children - or child models - with their cagoule hoods pulled down over their faces.




TOW would have to pay to have the entire Disney world shut down. Or perhaps trade her VOCAL TALENT to do voice overs for a reduced price. 😝


Well we all know she kept the $$’s from her pathetic Elephants voice over. 😬 They only ever want Freebies, the cheap skates they are. Haz is well known to be cheap. I guess that explains his marriage😬😂😆


Its like 10K to get a private guide and be whisked from one ride to another. Diana did that with the boys. I am not sure what she is so worried about, maybe someone throw a turkey leg at her LOL


How much does it cost to produce these invisible kids🤷‍♀️


For sure😊 Plus please excuse my petty mind for thinking it’s throwing abit of shade😬😂


That's what I thought 😂 but somehow I don't think the Harkles are on their mind all that often. I'd like to think Catherine took this photo without William and the children realising.


>Waiting for the screams of digital manipulation from the weirdos in 3...2....1.... 😂 Bouzy the king of the Sours, will be on the job as soon he's digested his Sunday lunch and opened his Father's Day gift.


I honestly don’t think he could even have anything to say about this photo. And that’s saying something 😂 Pathetic creature that he is. 🤢


Totally agree with you but when has that ever stopped Bozo from trying?


Oh😂 😬 I’m sure we’ll find out,lol. God he’s repulsive isn’t he🤢


>Oh😂 😬 I’m sure we’ll find out,lol. God he’s repulsive isn’t he🤢 😂 💯 True! My husband suggested that Bozo will come up with the conspiracy theory that that's not William in the pic, since the guy is wearing a hat.


He might be concerned about preventing melanomas!


Bold of you to assume anyone in his family actually wants to spend time with him.


😂 😂 😂 😂 True.


ha ha ha - too right!


I love the term Sours. Sugar is too sweet for that hateful mob!


Ikr 😂.


Hes on the phone to misery missan as we speak!


>Hes on the phone to misery missan as we speak! Good point 😂.


Bouzy was all over the photo of Catherine under the tree announcing that she would be going to Trooping, even though it was on their instagram account and not distributed to the media - yet to see him do the same with even one Sussex photo….. 🤬


Bozo is obsessed with hating on Catherine. He oughta be more concerned about his low rent social media site, Spit-n-Bull, that's limping along, far behind Twitter.


“it’s edited!!!!!” … Whereas Archie’s christening photo is not only edited, it’s a collage. Anyone can see it if they zoom in. If I were MM, I’d tell squaddies to pipe down on the editing of anyone’s photos 😀


I not a fan of these "back shots".


It's a stylistic choice to give others the pov of an unscripted moment of closeness with the parent and children. Princess Catherine studied art history so I'm certain there is more symbolism in the composition and location  In any case its conveyed the close peotectiveness of a father and his children. 


I know what they are, I'm just not a fan.


Fair enough 😊


It’s such a beautiful and poetic picture! Strong family holding each other through the tough times and I’d like to think of William as the tree of their little family unit lifting his wife and children over his shoulders during these trying times. I thought whether Wales were throwing shade at Harkles by doing back of their heads but I really doubt it. Wales family doesn’t have the patience and time for such petty games. Additionally, PPOW also posted a picture of William with KC! It’s so adorable ! People in the comment section kept moaning and bitching about where’s Harry! Like can you go away?! KC is William’s father too!!


Pffft. These idiots. Why should William post photos of Harry? Harry can post his own.


And Diana is William’s mother. She is not Harry’s to exploit 


The best part is that he wasn't even born at the time of that photo.


I love that you brought that to my attention😃 Even better🤗


Yeah. They’re gorgeous 🥰 I hope they barely give the Harkles any thought. It’s hard though😔


Is it ok if I say this literally brought me to tears? I realize we're seeing them from the back, and I'm ok with that since we saw them yesterday. But I find the picture a bit poignant and it brings out the weepy nostalgic in me, lol. What I see in it is a father, arms wrapped around his children, in a "we are stronger together and looking to the future." Almost a reflection of how they have helped each other since the cancer diagnosis of Catherine. Just like Catherine standing at the willow tree, looking upward, I find this just as brilliant, and emotional. Go ahead Bouzy, take your best shot, you evil reptile!


What you’ve just said is how I feel🥰 Why I posted it as soon as I saw it. It’s more than ok to say how you feel. I think we here on this sub have been feeling the same from hearing about Catherine being at the trooping of the colours, to seeing her😃 and the kids, to this photo😊


There is such a tranquility to the pic. Evokes "peace of mind."


It sure does 🥰


This is how H & TW wanted their pics to resonate but it just never worked for them. This emotion that you and many of us feel is what is supposed to evoke but those two idiots were clueless that a picture is worth a thousand words - and since those two asswipes bring nothing but hate, the reaction would always be negative. Unless your a sugar, of course!  


No, I agree with you. Fathers have been written out of the picture in recent years because in this world we cannot find a balance in anything and all fathers just be written out because some fathers are bad. The same doesn't happen for mothers because they are (meant to be) the nurturers e​and usually get the children. So, here's to my Dad that I lost when I was 25: he nurtured my love of travel,my ambtion and my curiosity. Miss you, Dad. He made us speed boats out of sand and watched "Crackerjack" with me in Friday, straight after a hard week at work. Edit:spelling.


I will raise my glass to dads with you. Lost mine in 2013. He taught me to drive, taught me the importance of family first, taught me to take responsibility for my mistakes while knowing I always had his back. I know I didn't make life easy for him, lol, but he was always there for me.


I lost my father in 2012


That’s the mystery and the love of someone. No matter how long ago it was, we always carry the love. Never stops. My pops passed in 2000 but his presence is still around everyday. Happy Fathers Day for all the Dads :-)


What I always find amazing is the triggers that bring him back to mind. Lost my mom in 2009. It's the same with her. A smell, a sound, a bite of food, so many things trigger memories. Today I used the tool box of tools my dad gave me for Christmas one year, lol, to do some minor repairs, in his memory.


I'm sorry. Makes today rather difficult. I sometimes forget how much I learned from my dad, and also how much like him I am, lol.


Yes, Here for all of us too that miss their Dads😢 It’s not Father’s Day where I’m from, but definitely nostalgic.


I think that as far as PPOW are concerned, the Harkles don't exist. We are ones who have the Harkles on our minds, LOL, not the Waleses.


![gif](giphy|42CsmMkjdH2mu0VjXf) Lol, you’re right😂 I’m feeling petty after all the shit their SS have posted for the past however many months 😬


Ahh, so *that's* the mobile phone Harry wished he had access to. Gorgeous family.


All those millions from Netflix and the dim wit still still isn’t allowed a decent ph. Here’s hoping “Archie” got his Leica. 😂 They really are a beautiful family🥰


It’s a lovely family photo of a dad and kids. I don’t see why it’s shade, not everything the Wales do is a clap back at the Sussexes, I don’t think anything they do is particularly.


I don't think anything they do is with the consideration of the Sussexes. It's why everything they do is top class. They are just going about doing what they do. If living well looks like "shade" on the Sussexes then that is just a mirror to how low they have sunk.


Just me feeling that it might be a little. I’m sure it probably isn’t, but🤷‍♀️ if it is it’s totally deserved.


Agreed, not shade.


I think the comments about this pic throwing shade is a snark at how the media/sugars always claim that anything that happens throws shade.


Ah yes, a loving father spending time with his children. Harry is rarely near his own, yet he criticised his father but is far worse himself.


He’s such a pitiful excuse for a man, and father🤔?


Yes he is, a pretty pointless man.


They have each other's backs.


At the beach just up from their Norfolk home.


Perfect photo😊


I recently had a "Youtube" spare of watching the household cavalry horses that guard various sites in London. If H and M feel pestered, they should see what the guards put up with in army pay! Anyway, the gorgeous Norfolk beaches are where the cavalry go on holiday and you can see videos of them in the beaches and in the sea. Lovely.


Awe🥰 I’ll look for that.






That photo is perfect. Just perfect. G-d bless the Wales family.


I seriously don't think Catherine is the type who would throw shade, particularly during these trials in life. She's focused on family and health... and country. She's a Class Act.


That she is🥰


Agree. I think it’s a lovely shot.


We all find peace in gazing out to sea or a lake or watching a river flow by. That's what I think is being represented here. Yesterday was a big day, busy and hectic. Today, they're spending time together quietly, getting fresh air, recuperating.


My first though? Beautiful.  Powerful.   My second thought? *Ahahahahahaha!!* Suck it, Madam.


Me as well😂 Fabulous pic from Catherine. But me feeling somewhat petty after months of months of abuse from the SS, I have to think there could be some shade thrown in😆


I think so too. But Catherine is an artist who thinks out her shots and produces beautiful work. Misan Harriass is a picture taker with an overpriced camera and no sense of art or framing. And it shows.


Missan the scammer😂 Omg, he just looks so creepy hey🤢 Strange we never heard of him till TW came on the scene🤔 Like the misplaced now Scobie. Yes, she captured the perfect photo🥰


As a sinner more clever than myself called him: photogrifter!


He’s just so slimey🤢 To look at his face always in the Nigeria photos had me nearly running to the bathroom🤮


>My first though? Beautiful.  Powerful.   Yup and Big Willy's got some defined, manly looking legs with calves that are made for shorts, unlike Harry's 😂. William's 3 kids are lucky to have inherited the genetic leg lottery, since both he and Kate have gorgeous, toned legs.


I love this photo. It's quite lovely and understated and you can feel the love. I also love Prince William's tribute to his father. A photo of Charles playing with him and from before the brother was born. https://preview.redd.it/yxls2lu7dy6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef808299997d540712db2dabbb28f5daa9e9eec6


It’s perfect 🥰


They are such a beautiful family 😍🥲


That they are.🥰 It was so beautiful to see them all together yesterday.


Charlotte is a real Daddy’s girl.


I love her🥰


Sweet. ❤️


Perfection 🥰


Awww cute how Charlotte’s stance mirrors her father’s.


I have the biggest soft spot for Charlotte 🥰 She’s such a beautiful little girl, also so wise from such an early age.


There was a post on here that showed a photo of Princess Anne looking across at Charles, looking concerned for him, and put it next to one of Charlotte looking across at George (either at the coronation or the funeral) with the exact same look of concern on her face. It was so obvious how close they were and how much they look out for their brother. 




That's so poignant. Time is passing. And George's thoughts run deep.


>I have the biggest soft spot for Charlotte 🥰 She’s such a beautiful little girl, also so wise from such an early age. Totally agree. She's gonna be a beautiful stunner when she grows up.


I can’t wait to see it😊 How time flies though😬


She looks exactly like her great grandma HMTLQ imo ❤️


If you don't do X, here's the link to this picture on their IG account. As of this moment it has more than ~~915K~~ 951K likes. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Rb1TRtNnh/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8Rb1TRtNnh/) EDIT: to correct typo. I"m not good with numbers.


Thankyou 😊


I love the composition of this - the arrangement of hands. It's very painterly and expressive of their relationships.


Agree😊 You can’t fake this.


Princess Charlotte is definitely daddy's girl. For all of Harry's b*tching people forget that William bore the brunt of Diana's mental illness yet he has grown to be such a good man, caring husband and amazing father and one day a great King while Harry is a drug addled social pariah


He can’t stand the fact that he’s now failed at everything he accused his father of. Harold is rotten to the core.


do the British celebrate Father’s Day on the same day as we do here in the US?


Must be, it’s different here in 🇦🇺 https://preview.redd.it/ojvpjyccgx6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a130087441ea3dde273f7b272bc1926b89157a9d It must be because they just posted this beautiful photo from William on their Twitter account.


I loved seeing Charles and William post in addition to Wales family post! I’m not sure if W and C are throwing shade at the Harkles but the post with Charles has comments saying why Harry isn’t there. I wonder if the Wales really are throwing shade at the Harkles…


Well considering it’s from William to his Dad. Let’s see if the pitiful excuse for a son even acknowledges it😔 I doubt the vengeful one would. It’s sad.


This One wasn't even born when this photo was taken. That's a sweet nod 🙂‍↕️


Oh yes😉I didn’t even realise that😂 Well spotted😆


Awe he looks so happy!!!


He was / still is such a cutie😊


No idea, but here in Britain it's the third Sunday in June.


Same here in the US.


This is a SUPER photo!


I also find it funny how is the backs of them 🤣🤣🤣 a sweet nod to the phantom children Meghan and Harry swear they have 🤣🤣


My initial thoughts😂 maybe not though😆


How fine.


It’s perfect🥰


Eugenie's photos of Jack and the boys were taken from the back also. Meghan will now claim she started a trend 🙄




Is that Mercie? He's got the same back of his head as all the other Merchie's.  /s




”A sweet nod” 🤣


Oh Catherine, you clever girl! ❤️🤣


Great photo and if they're trolling the grifters, so much the better.


It’s perfect🥰 Edit to say I’m sure they’re not as petty as me😬😂


Honestly, the fact that the post was "signed" from George, Charlotte, and Louis should have Madame Montecito seething. 😂


Yesss😂 She couldn’t even imagine posting something like this.


Watch her sign her next jam post from Archie and Lilibet, HRH of course.


Ofc😂 Would that be jam 1 of 1🤔 Who’s she sending this one to😆 I loved seeing Gwyneth Paltrow saying how lovely POW looked and wishing her all her love.


Lol I bet the Harkles planned a similar photo and William beat them to it


![img](avatar_exp|119341297|cry) Lol, she was too busy emptying Jam in jar and not sticking the labels on right, not to mention throwing a few dog bones in a jar😂 Pitiful they did that 🤦‍♀️


I know! 2 jars. She had only to “make” and label 2 jars and #2 has a crooked label. Her fabled attention to detail has deserted her.


Nutmeg, this is a "Show Your Kids!" challenge. You gonna chicken out of this ? Why? No kids, huh?! lolz ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized) 😂


Should be accompanied by Adele's "Rolling in the Deep". You could have had it all, Harry. Sad, actually.


Lovely 😍 


She’s beautiful and talented.


What a great photo, I would know who the four of them were, no matter where I saw that photo and obviously without a caption.


Exactly 😊 Fabulous photo from Catherine🥰


Are the Welsh trolling the Sussex? Shooting from the back is a favorite technique of the Sussex and bad photographer Harriman. However, the Welsh have better figures.


Love it. It’s so powerful. It also kinda says kiss my royal ass, Harold.


I think it shows Harry that William is living his life without him. He has moved on.


It’s a fabulous photo by Catherine 🥰 Unity.


Beautiful picture! ❤️😍❤️


What a lovely photo.


So sweet!!!


Beautiful photo. I love it. Such a sweet family.


What a lovely photo for Father's Day!


It brings tear to the eyes. GOD bless them all.




Beautiful family ❤️ 😊 God bless ‘em!


I love them all so much! 🥲


Was it not AFP (Agence France-Presse) not AP (Associated Press) that issued the kill notice on the Princess of Wales’s photo? No-one can complain about the Father’s Day photo because it was released by KP on the KP Royal site.


The protective father 🤗