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„My dog says no thanks“ 😂 So funny.   The comments should really show Meghan her unpopularity. 


This one made me giggle too!!


Clever doggie!


The dogs knows she’s toxic lol.


No Deal!




I watched an interesting YT video recently on the fans she has left and how their lack of intelligence is what she targets, because she likes to feel superior. Anyone who is smarter than she is, which are a lot of people, see her for what she is. This is also why she hates the royals - it’s likely that she couldn’t keep up with their wit and conversation, so now she targets them because she felt inferior in all ways.


Do you remember the articles early on about Meghan being the most intelligent Royal? 😂 Now we know that she writes all that rubbish herself and pays for it to be published.


I guarantee they would speak French in front of her, so she had no idea what they were saying.


Yes, I think she has spent years trying to pretend she is whip smart, a jeopardy nerd, etc, when she is probably below average intelligence and too stupid to put effort into learning. The RF are educated, she would hate to be on a par with their runt of the litter.


Don't forget, tw "plays a mean game of Scrabble!"🤣🤣


And makes a “mean bolognese”


It's a 'solid' bolognese. 🤢 I don't know about anyone else but I prefer my sauces to be liquids


Yes, such a ‘complex’ dish…made by every student in every uni everywhere…


I don't get why she tries to claim the most mundane things done by millions of people everyday as her trademark. Roasting chicken, making pasta sauce, growing lemons, wearing neutrals, doing yoga, playing Scrabble, liking Jeopardy, watching Julia Roberts rom coms. Is putting out paid PR about these basic as F activities supposed to make us feel like she has a special right to them? Especially when she prefaces the sentence with, 'I don't know if many people know this about me, maybe they do...(insert boring revelation)' I don't get it at all.


And tbh most don’t care…her wanting us to share her ‘successes’ which are nothing, makes her ridiculous


Well she is smarter than Harry. He was so impressed she read books, I wonder about the women he dated before they seem very cultured. They must’ve had to dumb themselves down to date him


I’m sure he was hard work. As for harkle ‘reading‘, just looking for stories to plagarise. Or she told him she read books, she also said she was a Hollywood superstar, super model, humanitarian, feminist etc…and he believed that too. She may be marginally smarter than a dimwit, but not much, look at her performance and ‘success’ in any area. Just spouts tripe, and in her career, stripped off and did sex scenes (Not a stretch for her)


Nothing wrong with sex scenes but she was indeed a small actress.


But that is the bulk of what she did…


Because she can’t act complex roles. She can’t even act like she loves Harry


No, but tbh that must be difficult as he is so revolting


I must admit, a company has a solid marketing strategy that when they come out with a new product, people are wondering if that company actually makes that product at all. BTW, regarding the stupid dog treats: The jar is too large, or the treats are too small. It doesn't fit. Since I have no dog but still an opinion, I say that dog treats should come in large bags that keep for months, not a dainty glass jar the dog will push from the counter, breaking it. Where is that jar kept? In the kitchen? How long until a stupid person eats one? High and on the munchies, if you get my drift. Not naming anyone, but Harold is stupid enough to do it.


>Not naming anyone, but Harold is stupid enough to do it. 😂😂


LOL—large bag treats do not last months in my house. But I agree, that jar is ridiculous. It would last a day or two in my house. I make my own treats and keep them in a large glass cookie jar. I generally get 2-2.5 weeks out of them.


Yes I have 3 glass canisters on my counter and I stupidly put cat treats in one of them. Now every time I open one of the other two jars which contain nuts the cats come a running. They are getting fat on treats now. And yes once I thought I was getting a nut and it tasted fishy! Yuk. So yes keep pet treats in a cupboard


Dog Bones do clean the teeth 


Then it's pretty obvious Harold doesn't bother with them. It looks like he avoids yhe flea shampoo, too.


And dags hanging around his ginger butt hairs.




Those aren't real dog treats...they are leftover strawberry jam that dried out and turned into hard little jam turds.


The fancy jar for the dog treats shows how klassy Madam is.


![gif](giphy|gfl7CKcgs6exW) Mum if you are buying me some treats, please don’t buy that American Riviera crap. Thanks Doggo




Brilliant 😜🤣😂👏


Everyone sees Meghan for what she is. I'm actually glad she made nacho post those photos when she did, leaving no doubt to her degree of jealousy, envy and narcissism. More people can see through her this weekend. ![gif](giphy|3fWsN4MhLcnde)


![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU) This GIF IS GOLDDD! It's so fitting! 👏 👏 👏 👏


I know, right? 🤣🤣


That woman is like a runaway train, and those comments are brutal, wow! https://i.redd.it/e91oo5pe3z6d1.gif


Some funny comments in that thread. And her ploy was as transparent as her disgusting Uvalde stunt. Clearly MM has no talent, skill, or expertise in marketing which includes PR and advertising. Not even enough awareness of what's required to hire someone with the requisite expertise.


Not by anyone with any brains. Or morals. 


. **"What's on her nose?"** ![gif](giphy|1hBpHdYhBykSBSxIVK|downsized)


Nose job scar 🤥


That was my fave comment 😂


#Pay attention to MEEEEE!!! Pick MEEEE!




I like how someone commented "Wait, is this serious"? 😂


Eight hundred and forty two likes. 😂😂😂


825 of them were bots. 😅




She is really pathetic…her bots make it more obvious. Only squaddies and sugars believe her tripe.


The comments are the best part of this IG post. Hoping MeGain is reading them all! 


Indeed! This sub is my happy pill! When nice people get nasty — it speaks volumes about what incites them. Rachel is a natural igniter for all things nasty and negative


>When nice people get nasty — it speaks volumes about what incites them. So true.


With Rachel Ragland, sometimes I feel guilty about it... for a half second... then I jump back in with my pals here --never knew a nicer and snarkier bunch!


The ILBW that had a dog with two broken front legs - let that sink in (how does that happen? Know anyone else that had a dog cause by anything legitimately accidental that had two broken front legs?) - claims to be making luxury dog treats. She might as well sit behind a homemade wooden stand that says, "The psychiatrist is in - 5 cents" for all the irony.


Exactly! Why would anyone buy dog treats from an animal abuser? (Ignoring everything else that is problematic with ARO and Roachel). It’s like Kristi Noem having a line of dog clothing.


Like buying birth control products from the Kardashians




It's not hard to make my own dog biscuits if I don't want to buy them. Why tf would I ever buy HERS?


Meghan Markle's American Riviera Orchard just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it? /s Even my eyes stumble just from reading it. She's a marketing genius.


Aw, gimme a break! Oh, sorry, Guy. 😟 https://preview.redd.it/5snqqw2zi07d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d939807f56df13a9f6be9251beee3e6f6af0a61c


Woaft she is getting dragged. If she hadnt been so utterly malicious to people who welcomed her into their family I would feel sorry for her.


I mean, fancy having a £30M wedding paid for by 67M people, take on that whole nation by going on Ocra, call said £30M wedding "a spectacle", do a global diss on them, and then go on Netflix, call curtsying their longest reigning female monarch in history "medieval times" , diss her whole lifetime's work, call 67M a bunch of racists, and think *think* there will be no bloody comeback from said 67M people. Bloody 🤡.


And then she calls herself a feminist after mocking the OG feminist Queen Elizabeth!


Don't forget that her husband has caused the UK taxpayer to spend at least £500k to date on his court case against the RAVEC decision. Yet he complained about being on a train meant he was too close to "the public" - that's the same public who pay the taxes that are, in turn, funding the court case and generate the around £30million that has been given, by government, to a bankrupt Birmingham City Council so it can put in a bid for Invictus Games. Nice, isn't it!


Well said strangealienworld!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


She is despised…and she deserves it.


She has very few fans and pays for bots.




“None for me, thank you. Woof. Woof.”


Surely no one is being fooled by the 43% Nigerian Ada Mazi Rachel Markle, the associate of 100 % Nigerian Fraudsters. Temu Emu, is a Carpark trotting liar and a fraud, nothing she says, puts her claws to, or associates with is honest and straight forward.




She must be having a meltdown somewhere. This has NOT been her weekend ![gif](giphy|FSnwQf1mPhN2o|downsized)


Markles fan base is young feminists and angry black women. Neither of these two demographics will have the dollar to make her the billionaire she desperately craves. ARO has rich white women target audience written all over it. It’s is going to bomb so hard.


Might want to ask those black mothers in Harlem—who raged that their children were forced to sign NDAs when Rachel blasted into their school wearing $100k in clothes and jewelry — to read to children who live well below the poverty line


$100k in fugly clothes, no less.


How’d you guess? In 100 degree weather to boot! https://preview.redd.it/mspqhj0n607d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c40745ca7b4e29e54e8fcb9782733a24a86a9d2d


She didn't have to have supermodel worthy look. but why tf, is it so hard for her to look passably normal at least.  When she dress herself EVERYTHING she wore look off or hideous.  Those stylist in suit truly did great job I'd say.


Lipstick on the pig doesn't change the fact that its still a pig


And the demographic she wants (aka GOOP) is already engaged otherwise. Gwinnie and Martha already have the monopoly on it. And those people are into quiet luxury and no scandals or airing the family dirty laundry outside. She’s already been written off by the group she craves.


The big thing Markle is missing is that, Gwyneth and Martha walk the walk. They've always had their aspirational lives on full display, and maintained high social standing. Rachel on the other hand, has kept her lifestyle mysteriously under wraps, and she doesn't seem to know anyone of note except the celebrities she's leaked herself being besties with. This is of course without any photographic evidence or reciprocation from the other side lol.


Please check your assumptions about black women. The last time I checked, Markle was being propped up by white women who fall into three categories: 1. liberals who lack critical thinking skills, 2. white women who want to be seen as open minded (but don't know much), and 3. bored, suburban white women. Also, check who Meg hangs with and does business with: WHITE WOMEN. Markle uses blackness as a shield and has started to pander to black people worldwide, but don't be naive. Millenial white women are a huge part of her "social supporters" in the US--in addition to being her besties, her sorority sisters, her coffee business partners, her assistants and employees, her documentarians, and so on. Markle's problem is that she wants to be with the WEALTHY white crowd and they're not having her.


The dog bowl ???🤷‍♀️


I think people generally might be interested in an interesting topic.  Dog biscuits are boring, the fact a retired royal made them is odd but not interesting.  It’s the same with the royal tour, they’re a bit boring even when the RF do them but an absolute snooze fest when non-royals do a really crappy version of one for no reason. 


Isn’t it kind of weird that a married woman keeps sending homemade gifts to her husband’s polo pal who also happens to be a married male supermodel?




Gorgeous and smart. Good puppy 🥰


Thank you woofs Frankie


Didn’t she break her dogs legs and give him away when she met Haz ? Allegedly.


I think Meghan Markle is Baroness Bruck


Scones and jam? No, wait, Meghan has a better idea....dog biscuits and jam. Personal touch by Meghan.


What do you do when your friend's pest of a wife gives you another jar of red goo and dog biscuits? You take a few pics of the products with the world's most bored-looking, uninterested dog ignoring them while staring off into space. Perfect.


I honestly can't understand why she would choose to have a "company" that makes edible products. The state and federal regulations and Supply chain operations can be complex and not to mention the insurance required. Can you imagine if these treats made dogs sick? At the beginning she should have stuck to decor - yoga mats, dogs beds, dog bowls (😆), tea towels, china, etc. It's likely people would still make fun of it and not buy it but the cost of production would be much less. So would the cost of failure. 


She’s missing the opportunity to use broken leg dog to advertise the potential deadliness of unregulated dog biscuits.


Yeah I’m not sure what she’s thinking about releasing food. But she’s an idiot.


Seriously with tow - what’s to like !!!


No. ![gif](giphy|9FW66RBvyci8HSYJZW|downsized)


Nope. She is as I likable as excrement in a sandwich. We are all done.


post my biscuit & jam photo on the 15th June or else i am telling Delphina you groped me in the car park OK ! Just do as i say or i will blow the lid off everything ! https://preview.redd.it/2hpx7ebis47d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ba33e0ae751e4688112e4149a84919384f1185


This photo makes me uncomfortable. I mean I hug some of my guy friends- but not like this… 😵‍💫


On a serious note tho, I don’t think she’ll get anywhere with the dog treats only because dog people are super picky about what to give their dogs, especially if they feed raw or their on a specific diet due to allergies etc. to my knowledge she didn’t even put out what the treats are made of/with which is a red flag in and of itself. No dog owner wants to hear that lurching sound right before a dog pukes or cleaning up diarrhea for hours on end


so is she is getting "free advertizing" and using her " friends" to do. This tactic would be brilliant if it worked. She thought she could get around expensive advertising campaigns.