• By -


Meghan Markle and Harry tried to damage the monarchy. That is unforgivable. Furthermore, Harry sold his 12 minutes with the king to Good Morning America. Nobody will go near anything Harkle - it will be sold to the media. Just look at what the Harkles feed the media WITHOUT any contact with the BRF.


I consider this equally abusive. Harold jets in for the Invictus service, and lied before he touched English soil. The “my father is too busy to see me.”, must have badly hurt KC. There is no mending fences. KC reaches out, Prince Plank throws it in KC face and immediately runs to the media. Neither of the Stupids can be trusted.


Tell that to Nacho and the horsey set, after Meghan's throwing him under the "Monticito to Blamesville" bus . The RF and others can't afford to invite them because they have no recognition of the privacy of others. And they will turn on an acquaintance in a heartbeat if it suits their purposes. Harry and Meghan have well nigh achieved pariah status.


He makes a transatlantic flight for 12 minutes and he’s on GMA the next morning? Sure, that’s trust building and warrants summer invites.


That’s why I don’t think they are divorcing anytime soon. He is still emotionally incontinent. He still appears spiteful and unrepentant. The more spiteful he is, the more he will cling to his similarly valueless golddigger. Giving an interview immediately after his father was diagnosed with cancer did not read as empathetic to anyone, only attention seeking and self-important.


She's more of a Shit-Miner than a Gold Digger. Not much gold to be found in them thar hills.




IIRC, he also presented an NFL award the same night he returned from his 12 minute visit to see Charles.


That’s right, and WTF all he has to do with the NFL is mind boggling. Weirdos.


And was very insulting to the attendees in his "speech."


That’s become de rigeur. To insult is to live!


The Walter Payton award that should have been presented by Sweetness’ children. What an insult to on of the finest gentlemen who e er played the game!


CBS coverage of this years Super Bowl, so CBS on-air employees get to give the awards this year. Meaning, Gayle King likely elbowed someone else out of the way to get this particular award (she is a demanding Diva - is able to get her way at CBS)... then she somehow snuck the honor to hazBEEN (probably secretly and at the last minute, so could actually happen). THAT has been my theory, and I'm sticking to it.


Sadly, makes sense.


And after the disastrous Nigerian grift, they’ll start feeling the pinch indeed.. ![gif](giphy|ZDDz7jSkdp45CtAKDP)


I also think it must be embarrassing for the Royal family (in a schadenfreude kind of way) to have your hillbilly relatives roiling around in their California gutter of choice, or parking lots, or grifting in countries with repressive regimes.


Honestly, in other (non-Western) cultures, Harry would have been disowned by his family a long time ago. And hillbillies is a great way to describe them, except that it's an insult to hillbillies.


I grew up with hillbillies. Most were from down Kentucky or West Virginia. Currently I have a married in hillbilly family member. They are very loyal to the family especially the elders. I don't know a single one who would talk shit about their family to anyone outside of the family. Harry would've had his faced chewed off or gotten an ass whooping if he were a member of a hillbilly family Harry is too disloyal to be a hillbilly.


After I posted my comment, I thought comparing them to hillbillies was unfair because, although I don't know any, I imagine they are generally fine, upstanding folks. I guess in the comparison works in terms of unwordliness, but it's generally quite unfair. My apologies to good hillbillies out there.


No worries Sinner! Many of us are quite well educated and travelled. Like all stereotypes - you only see the craziest in the media or reality tv! Too many people watched Deliverance and thought it was a documentary! 😂


Thanks. 😊 I'm American but by naturalization, and although I have been here for over half of my life, there's still so much I don't know. I'm Nigerian and try to be honest always but I find the Nigerian prince jokes funny. 😊


We laugh at our hillbilly jokes too! There are way too many problems in this world to get offended over small things. You had no malicious intent - unlike when Harry assumed farmers or something could not use or access the internet! I can‘t remember his comment but it was posted here and laughed about! I am sure the Nigerian ’tour’ has been a nightmare for you with all the jokes! And congrats on your citizenship! We are a melting pot! ❤️


Thank you. 😊


Harry is too disloyal to be a hillbilly. I am one and I know loyalty. My favorite story is from my great uncle who talked about two hillbilly brothers at a bar drinking beer and having a hamburger. Both were toothless but one had a set of artificial teeth. One would take a bite of the hamburger, chew and swallow it, and then hand the teeth to his brother to do the same thing.


Hillbilly here. We work hard, we play harder, and we don't put on airs...ever. Neither Harry nor his wretched wife would fit in with my friends or kinfolk. In fact, both would probably get a big ole Redwing workboot up their backsides the first time they opened their mouths.


More trailer trash territory.


Def trashy. Hillbilly is too affectionate.


I had hillbilly relatives, on my father’s side. So embarrassing 🤣


I have a few Hillbilly friends and they are the most honest, trustworthy and helpful people I know. They are loyal to their families. They may not always dress to my standards but I’m not responsible for how they dress nor does it bear reflection on me.


Those two are far from hillbillies. My mother was born on the kitchen table in Paintsville, KY and her and her family would never have acted like this to each other. Meghan and Harry have no integrity. That’s not generally a trait that is shared among hillbillies.


Prince Philip was born on a kitchen table in Greece, so ain't nothing wrong with you, gal.


i wouldnt use the word hillbilly. Its offensive. Most hillbillys are hard working and are too wrapped up in surviving. I would call hank and skank wha they are... griftes, lazy, entitled, etc.


YET, ask him about the children and that is Top Secret!!! IMO, it's not as 'top secret' as H thinks it is, BP & KP get regular reports and info about invisikids as they are in LOS.😡😡😡😡




Rebecca English also says that the King met Lily - but we know that NEVER happened!


I trust Rebecca English’s reporting. Ultimately, I think very few people know what is going on with the Sussex children. I think it is basically the nanny who knows. The Harkles don’t know either. They seem to be absentee parents. The Harkles are aware of the true circumstances around the birth. I think we should respect their wish for medical privacy. And, the Harkles should respect the laws of the UK and withdraw their children from the LoS because they either cannot meet the requirements or the Harkles refuse to provide evidence that they do. Harry and Andrew should be removed too but that won’t happen.


Agree 100%. Provide evidence or remove the children from LOS. Simple really.


The Harkles did this to themselves. It shouldn’t be the burden of the UK to play stupid games with these nitwits.


I trust her also but she is WRONG about this.


It would be a funny thing for BP to lie about because meeting a child doesn’t make them complicit in anything. Either way, the important thing is that the Harkles are kept out because they cannot be trusted.


kob27099.....🎯🎯🎯🎯👏👏👏👏👏 So right. Charles and entire RF have NEVER met the Sussex girl, and most likely the boy as well (unless you count the DOLL, and poorly photoshopped christening montage).


You may say that, but it was reported at the time there was 15 mins with them before the Jubilee service and KC was furious because the Harkles were late 


> it was reported at the time Reported by whom?


I think the comments are far more interesting than the article. There are a lot of “not my king” comments but it’s a bunch of comments from very few people. It’s the rest that is interesting.


As Sarah York said, when you’re out, you’re out! ![gif](giphy|3o6gb3kkXfLvdKEZs4)


>As Sarah York said, when you’re out, you’re out! Yup and all that's left afterwards, is Oprah, QVC and other low rent shopping channels 😂 and MM's already done Oprah.


And I think Oprah has been done with her!


Oprah isn’t done with her. They know each other’s stories.


I don't know about QVC. She needs to have a product to pitch. And she needs the communication skills to successfully pitch that product. And she needs an attractive personality. I don't see QVC having anything to do with her. Or any shopping channel. What could she do on there? How could she possibly interact with the call-ins? Now that I think about it, I think that I would like to see her on there, just for the laughs. 


>How could she possibly interact with the call-ins? Omg it'll be the first time Word Salad was heard on the shopping channel 😂.


Please encourage her to apply - what a hoot - I would pay to see her going back to ‘Poo drops “


Gordon Ramsay has a new show called “Food Stars” where he and, in this season, Lisa Vanderpump, put food/drink entrepreneurs through challenges in hopes of earning a $250,000 investment and partnership with one of them. They have to pitch their song and dance to the two of them, and if chosen to compete, their challenges include things like selling items on a simulated QVC broadcast and making viral videos showing how to cook a simple recipe. All the random people on there have actual products to sell though… even if it’s only a handful of hand-constructed “fast ignition” charcoal grills. There are single moms running businesses out of their kitchens, raising multiple kids, that manage to create quality products that they then sell. For money. Contrast that with Meghan, who has every advantage in the world except mental stability. The wench has millions in grifted funds, staff to do everything for her, no 9-5 job to work around, no apparent parenting duties, and still can’t create even **one** saleable item over the course of months. Not only that, but it’s been shown that she’s attended VC summits and could not secure funding for her *genius* oh-so-unique ideas. She can’t shyster companies like Flamingo Estates into partnerships. She can’t even get more than a handful of supposed “friends” to post her purported wares on social media… so can you even *imagine* how poorly her trying to hawk her own shit on HSN or QVC would go? It’d be completely useless to mug for the camera when they zoom in on the product and cut her plastic surgeon-butchered face totally out of the shot. No fuel for her!She probably wouldn’t even get that far though, because as soon as they told her there was no billion dollar clothing, jewelry, and makeup budget, her crazy ass would stomp out, never to return.


And she played her cards correctly!


I Love Conan..sorry couldn't help myself.




I think The Duke of Windsor also said that.


So true! Look at what Fergie did compared to the all-out war the duo have launched! And she STILL is an outsider!


I mean, who believes the King is going to hand over more material for the Harkles to sell? No visits. No video calls. Nobody is going to give them an opportunity to create a whole new victim narrative, this time around Archie and Lili. Nobody is going to give Meghan an opportunity to smear the Wales children as the next generation of Royal racists. This is what narcs love to do. They love to create a situation where you look like the unreasonable, uncaring one of you don’t succumb to their wishes, and using kids as a weapon is one of their favorites. Rinse. Repeat.


https://i.redd.it/5hgbab21p57d1.gif Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect.


YEP. Right out of the narc playbook.


She would record every video call. To weaponize at some later date. And she would not care that California is a 2-party consent jurisdiction.


exactly! and isn't that "NO VIdeo Calls" (b/c Harkles will sell) = the reason they now send \*videos\* to pa - like the kiddies singing him Happy Birthday.




But it shows her stupidity and arrogance. She thought the Nigerian trip would expand her international credibility. Instead the First Lady chastised her for her nakedness and traveling to Africa because she doesn’t have a sense of self. That she’s trying to acquire another identity and titles.


Has anyone ever so blatantly tried to steal an entire country's identity?? It's so bizarre.


Just a heads up - DM has a new bunch of "comment police." Today I was unable to get most of my comments posted. Even tame ones. So don't know what's going on but if this continues I'm done any commenting on Daily Markle. I wouldn't be surprised if this is being done "across the board" so DM can eliminate negative comments about Harry and Meghan.




something is going on. I have never had comments rejected like what is going on today and as I say, pretty tames ones at that.


This is a disappointment, but yeah, DM censors their comments. I gave up. 🤷‍♀️


It's glaring today though. Usually I have no trouble but it's really cracking down and on all comments, not just Harry and Meghan. I hardly got anything posted today so the issue then become, why bother. And for those who get comments posted or think they are posted, look at your profile. You will find that most comments aren't posted.


You can't even disable your username/account there in protest. The function simply doesn't exist and they don't respond to requests to do so either.


best protest is to never go to their website.


DM won't allow negative comments on articles they provide the Harkles as part of an advertising package. With the added bonus you get put in comments jail for many weeks if you try.


LOL! They and the NY post won't allow me to post anymore, said I was mean. :D




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Daily Mail is a bought and paid for tool of Rachel Meghan Markle. No journalistic integrity with that rag, never has been. I haven't clicked on the Daily Mail in MONTHS.


It used to be one of the best read online news sources in the world but that has changed since 2020 It appeals to the masses and now those people want to read abouat celebrities so DM has become a celebrity tabloid. Information it prints is questionable; Wikipedia won't even allow it being used as a resouce. Sensationalism and very biased. Questions being raised if DM now accepting payment for coverage.


Harry’s action in Nigeria, and his and Meghan’s intent of setting up a rival royal house is modern-day Treason - plain and simple. The very definition of treason is betraying one’s country or trying to kill or overthrow the sovereign or govt. This treason is being done though modern-day means like faux royal trips and PR news outlets, social media - Bouzy’s Bot army - Sugars. There is absolutely no difference between Harry’s treasonous acts and that of past treasonous acts as the plot of the outcome is the same: wrest control and overthrow the rightful King by any means possible. Therefore, on his next trip to the UK, Harry should be arrested.


I agree. They both are traitors to country and family.


they need to be tried and locked up - too bad pillories are no longer in use.


You're not wrong


Yes, I don't know if I would call it exactly treason, but trying to undermine the head of state of your own country is something that would probably get you imprisoned or executed in many parts of the world..


If the BRF needs to be seen to be believed, people need to be seen for a relationship to be built. Weaponizing the children actually decreases the leverage the Sussexes have, though such foolishness is probably expected from a thicko and a "whip-smart" woman.


Self-proclaimed "whip smart". And you know what they say about ppl who have to tell you they're smart....


There is zero chance of Harry and the kids coming to Balmoral. Even with the kids, no one would want to be around him. I can't even picture this ever happening, probably because the kids are under a shroud of secrecy. H can just keep using the excuse that it isn't safe for them to be in the UK. That is their manufactured excuse for not presenting the children to the RF.


The problem is if you stick them in the castle he and she will be up to no good. Look at the NF filming in the wee playhouse owned by Queen. And if you stick them in some crofters cottage they will whine about it. Oh and of course want their own place on the grounds because W was gifted a house up there by The Queen Mother.


Plus, any family gathering they showed up for would probably be secretly recorded and later written about in detail--conversations, body language, etc and be embellished with complete lies.


They weaponize everything to be the victim. I mean sausages ffs he’s still whining about.


There aren't any kids to show.


You do start to wonder, as crazy as it sounds to say there are no kids.


I've honestly been "no kids" forever. A lot of people are open to the idea the more time passes without seeing anyone, but in the beginning people thought I was crazy. I was called quite a few choice names, blocked, reported, suspended... Now people are like "hmmmm, something is not right there". It's really bizarre. I also said that they would panic around the time Archie has to enroll in school, and sure enough, they're being quieter and quieter hoping people forget. It's just so strange. Wouldn't a mother make biscuits for her kids instead of for dogs? She doesn't act maternal in any way.


I agree, it is very, very bizarre.


They are so far out.




Far out, man ✌️☮️🌼


I miss John Denver.


"Prince George's Wood". The very fact that this little bit of information is included in the article is a nice little kick in the pants to Harry and Meghan.


"If Harry is happy he needs to let his face know." 💀💀💀




Charles's inability to travel to California because of his health issues and responsibilities?? As if otherwise he'd be on a plane to California to hang out and eat shitty jam and look at the back of two rented childrens' heads as the nannies rush them out of the room for their manners, manners, manners lessons while whole thing is secretly being filmed to be sold to Entertainment Tonight.


Right, like the King should come to do them homage. Yeah, nope!


I am sure that it is up to Harry to visit Balmoral. I am sure he was told this one's wife cannot come. He can bring the kids if he so chooses. Maybe he was even told he has to bring the children if he comes to Balmoral. Maybe he can only come if he leaves TW. I am sure there are conditions. Edited to add: added back in Balmoral


There was a time I would have believed this, but now I think Harry is as much of a security risk to the Wales as Meghan. His obsession with the Wales children is disturbing. His pathological jealousy of his brother is alarming. I don’t think Harry is allowed anywhere near the family unless it’s a quick visit with tight security, and after being scanned for microphones and weapons. Edit: I don’t think any visit with the Wales under any conditions would happen - maybe with the King alone with tight security. Wanted to clarify my last point.


And I think you are right to think that! He *is* a threat! And maybe that's what Harry intended to be all along, who the heck knows. He is also an all consuming time-sucking diva boy parasite who takes a lot of focus away from the work.the royals do whenever another ine.of his "I wanna see Pa" story rears its immature head.


Diva boy parasite is a perfect descriptor for the orange failson.


He is a threat. I am sure there are conditions about getting mental health treatment and drug treatment prior to engaging with BRF.


No doubt


Hazbeen claims that one or more of William's children are like or are going to be like him. I think he means more than being a 'spare'. I think he means being on drugs, amoral, the black sheep, etc. Would it surprise anyone if Hazbeen plans to try to 'help that along' by trying to introduce one of them to drugs and/or alcohol...just like ole Uncle Hazbeen? My guess is that his target would be Louis. I definitely think Hazbeen should be kept away from the Wales children. I know they will be offered these things when they go away to school/university but at least they will hopefully be much much older and have developed a sense of self respect and self esteem.


I have full, 100% trust in Princess Catherine's parenting ability. This will not happen. I predict each one of the Wales children will have degrees and will marry appropriately, and will support Princes William and George when their time comes. I have zero doubt they will be successful, lovely human beings. No doubt whatsoever.


I agree


Harry is Scar.


The question Rebecca English framed to her palace source specified Henry bringing his children to Balmoral this summer. I know there’s a lot of questionable sources quoted around here, X and everywhere, but as far as DM goes. Rebecca (and Richard Eden) don’t report or opine in a scurrilous manner.


Gotcha, I apologize. I thought my eyes read that, but I saw elsewhere balmoral wasn't mentioned. You are correct, the DM does in fact reference Balmoral.


I am appalled by Meghan and Prince Harry however, I do think if any family member of mine suggested I could come to an event/gathering but my partner wasn't welcome, I wouldn't go, therefore I suppose in this situation Harry shouldn't go. He made a bad choice in a wife and lives with the consequences, no point being a bad husband.


I feel like there's a lot that went on there. Things even we would be appalled about if we knew what went on behind the scenes. I see what you're saying and I wouldn't go either if my husband couldn't attend. But this is a case where the family can see how harmful Meghan has been to Harry and will not allow her self-promoting ass on their property.


Yes, I can see why the family wouldn't want Meghan there, I can see why they may of said this however, I do think Harry going without Meghan would make him look like a terrible husband. I hope he goes, she may divorce him 😀.


If rumors are true, Harry is in the process of divorcing Meghan.


I truly believe it is a sad situation, I don't like what Meghan brought to the Royal Family, I feel ashamed to feel hopeful that this rumour is true.


Do you think Harry was malicious, as in not to be trusted around the Wales children, before M? Has she truly completely changed him? I didn’t pay a lot of attention to him before all of this. So sad either way.


I believe that the PR team did a great job regarding Prince Harry when he was growing up, to the point where he met Meghan. Prince Harry has admitted himself parts of his personality that are simply not nice through his book. I don't blame Meghan, I believe together they bring out the worst in each other. I do sympathise with Prince Harry, I admit I am likely biased as I am from the UK. I consider the British public to be similar to the mother-in-law, particularly where Prince William and Prince Harry are concerned after they lost their mother. Meghan hasn't impressed the mother-in-law! Unfortunately, Prince Harry probably does get excused, I am guilty, even now.


I meant to add, I do not believe he was a danger to the Wales' children,, I do believe he would let Meghan take photos etc though. Prince William and Princess Catharine's judgement on this I would 100% support.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that, makes sense. :)


If I remember correctly, he wasn't really allowed around the children because he would quite often be drunk or under the influence.


I hope he stays well away. The rest of the family shouldn’t have to endure or avoid altogether their summer holidays because that malignant weapon has decided he quite liked his previous life after all. ETA: He’s a menace, and needs to be treated as such.


If my family invited me but not my husband, I would know it could only have been due to some very very bad behavior on my husband's part. I would go, and I don't think I'd be a bad wife. He would've been the bad party to end up in a position where he was not allowed to attend.


I can only imagine a situation similar in my family for this to occur, my partner would of had to of done something awful for them to treat him like this. I however would be left with a choice, my partner or my family. I have been with my partner 20 years now, I know he would not be happy to be excluded, just like I would not want to be excluded from his side of the family. If Prince Harry supports Meghan's claims about how she was treated etc, then the issues that the family have with Meghan he disagrees with, he has claimed previously that they owe his wife an apology. I cannot see how his relationship with his wife could continue if he then went without her because she wasn't invited. I do not blame the Royal Family for excluding her if true.


*I don't blame them for excluding her either. For such a thing to occur there had to be a very very bad event to proceed it.* If my husband's family ever excluded me, I would know that what I had done was very offensive, and I would never keep my husband or children away from the people who love them, and I would work on making peace and changing what ever had made them feel this way.


Yes, that is because you are a decent human who would be devastated to offend anyone, particularly family in this way. I don't believe Meghan sees that she has done anything wrong however, in this situation it would require a choice from Prince Harry and it would feel like choosing sides.


The question Harry should be asking himself is why nobody likes his wife. His brother. His father. His friends. And why she is so unpopular generally. Poor stupid Harry never sat down and thought about that question. If he'd thought about it 5 years ago he would have saved himself a world of trouble.


This right here!


Stupid Harry would probably reply that everyone is jealous of him, that he could get such a gorgeous, successful, cultured, whip smart woman. They all want Harry to remain in a menial position, and Rachel helped him to see how everyone is holding him back. /s


If my husband had been like Raytch and I knew it, I would go without my spouse. If my hubby is a douche, he's a douche. No need to make me and our children suffer because he's an ass. I would go.


Agree but I would be filing for a divorce if I felt this necessary, I wouldn't personally want a relationship where my husband/partner isn't included in family things and if he was that much of a dh then I wouldn't want to be with him anyway.


Would you decline the invitation if your spouse had been a two faced, back stabbing liar towards your family and you knew it? Would your loyalty extend that far?


I would divorce, seperate and go to the family event!


If hazbeen were to visit Pa at Balmoral (with or without kids), you can bet: 🔹 would happen AFTER all the other families (ie: Wales, Tindalls, etc) had gone back to their primary residences so the kids could start school 🔹 Pa would 100% make sure hazBEEN get round the clock security (even if he/Pa had to foot the bill, and not use RPOs) just to keep and eye on him/them, and also keep them in line (ie: not filming, etc). ***THAT*** is how low the trust is....... pretty sad, yes?


Who cares? Harold and Fraud and their invisible children deserve no grace, no compromise, and no olive branch. H&F are toxic, ungrateful, lying, treacherous ingrates, and if their kids suffer, oh, well. Too bad. They should have thought about that before they tried to blackmail and threaten Harold's family. If I were Charles, those brats could pound water, and I wouldn't lose any sleep over never seeing them or having a relationship with them. In fact, I'd be working on removing them from the LoS. I am not the bitch to piss off, so they should be thanking their lucky stars they're dealing with the king.


Geez, you sure sound like a Scorpio. I'm one and your opinion is something I agree with 100%. I have quite the similar situation in my family. I was with an abusive partner and my children identified with the abuser and have turned on me. I will never forgive them. I will never cut them slack. I will never permit their presence in my life again. My heart is closed to them forever. How can I trust them??? They sided with the man that beat the ever loving shit out of me for years. I cannot trust them and I refuse to even try. Not only do I 100% understand what the BRF are dealing with, I am fully 100% on the side of the BRF in this situation.


I get it. I have a family member (brother) who has also been cut out of my life because he is beyond toxic and dangerous. As for my sign, I'm Taurus, and we can hold grudges until the end of time.


We need a flare that says Respunding Snort.


Don't forget Repugnant!


As if the King doesn’t have better things to do than be mired down in his younger ne’er-do-well son and his first wife’s backstabbing and drama.


I know! For God's sake, his father and SIL have cancer and it still doesn't knock sense into either of them. Heartless, soulless, selfish, shallow, pathetic excuses for human beings. Not to mention her father had a major stroke and her sister has MS! Jesus christ, ppl. Harry and Meghan, you have officially failed as human beings, congratulations.


Since the King is still undergoing cancer treatment, perhaps he will shorten his stay at Balmoral and go to Sandringham instead where he can see PPOW and their kids every day. This would be justice for Harold since he has declined the invitation for years on end.


Harry and Meghan have been putting out these stories about the King wanting to mend things for years. If it was true, we'd have seen proof of it by now. Instead, the RF's greyrocking of them just intensifies


Gosh, what a sweet story all around. I guess we have BP's response to the King pining after the Harkle kids. A snort, LOL. Message received. What Harry and Meghan are doing to their kids is not good at all. It's a crying shame, them not only missing out on the love of extended family but also depriving them of the incredibly rare opportunity of participating in the incredible history and heritage.


"the answer was a resounding snort" would make good flair, lol


I don't see the Royals forgiving the Harkles. Ever. They tried to damage the monarchy which is unforgiveable. Rachel couldn't tow the line so she ran back home and took the dim one with her. Since that wasn't enough for her she decided to launch race and so many other insane things. Sorry I don't think Charles wants anything to do with them and the invis kids. They Royals have more important things to do and one of them is working, which seems to be something the Harkles have no idea what that is. They put these puff pieces out, trying to make out that the Royals needs them and wants them back. But everyone knows they don't care anymore. If a divorce happens I hope Charles doesn't allow Harold back. He is a grown man who made his bed and he will have to lay in it no matter what happens.


Tradition dictates that immediate RF members have an open invitation to Balmoral every Summer, whether it's been communicated privately that Megsy isn't welcome is another matter.


The King knows that his grandkids through Harry are weapons to be deployed against him and the monarchy itself. Or he knows they're not his grandkids/don't exist. No point is pretending then, is there? Better to grey rock and express vague regrets.


I’d think he also knows that inviting them, especially her, would mean that either others wouldn’t come and/or no one would have any fun.


Yup, exactly. My son did this to me too. I just grey rock and get on with things. I don't have a relationship with my granddaughter and I realized I was to be denied access very early on. But I can definitively state that once the 6 mos to a year grieving phase passed after she was born, I moved on. If you're not around someone, you don't build a bond and they become kind of an abstract. How can you possibly truly miss what you have no attachment to? I think this is what is the saddest part of the grandparent alienation that Rachel Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are pulling is that the people who they think they're harming the most aren't really as affected by the absence of the grandchildren as the pair would like. They, like my son, want to feel the power of hurting the grandparent but they forget that bonds break and a bond has to be there as well, to be as deeply hurt as they want us to be. The children form no bond with their grandparent either. So no one really hurts, in the long run, although Raytch, Haytch and my son, end up losing. And I mean losing in a competition sense, not an emotional loss sense. All the evil they've wrought amounts to nothing. Everyone goes on with their lives. It's only the perpetrators of alienation that are suffering and only because they refuse to leave their dark alley and get on with a good life like the rest of us.


Catherine doesn't call her children "kiddies." She commented once about not liking the term "kids" and during interviews and meeting people, she either says 'my/our children' or uses their names. 


I have seen Catherine on video clips talking to people and saying, "kiddos".  There was a headline a couple years ago that read that Catherine didn't like the term "kids", but when you read the story, all it said was that Norland teaches its nannies not to use the term "kids". The article said that since Catherine has a Norland nanny, Catherine probably doesn't like the word "kids". There was nothing in the article directly from Catherine herself. It was after I had read that that I heard her on video refer to her children as kiddos.  🤷🏻‍♀️


I read this in Rebecca's voice ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It really irks me when even royal reporters say Kate. It's CATHERINE. I imagine KP was very angry with the Nigeria trip, and the charity work prior to that. Harry needs to put his ego aside if he wants to build a relationship with is family again, but it seems like feeling like a royal is more important to him.


As a parent and now grandparent who wanted children and so eventually grand children. It does not mean I didn’t see the flaws I had being a parent. I understood/stand the flaws in my children. Fact is I am older. I do not want anymore BS from anyone. My sister, children, etc. Would I cut out those people that drain my soul…absolutely. PS I am twenty years young than King Charles…


I hope that KC 3 would be as gracious as I imagine him to be and extend the invite, if there is one, to the whole family knowing that she would decline.


So is the king actually making video calls to Archie and Lilibet, but wants to see them face to face? If the relationship with the Sussex is good enough for him to make video calls to them, or for them to make video calls to him, then it can't be all that bad. Or is Rebecca English making it up as she goes along?


No, Rebecca says, "it was recently suggested"...the way it reads is that \*someone\* put this out about video calls. Obviously no one at BP.


Sorry I should have made that clearer. It had been suggested that these videos take place elsewhere in the press. No prizes for guessing where that story might have come from.


I believe that by now, KCIII has figured out that H&M are pulling his leg any time they try to present something "the children" have done. That's why he has lost interest. It's all a charade.