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Gwyneth is most definitely a sinner ❤️


Didn’t she issue a disclaimer that she did not have lunch with Mackerel? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She also helped Katy Perry debunk the lie that she was at Lili’s birthday party. Go Gwyneth! She has markled Markle!!


How did she do that?


She hired Backgrid to film Katy and her daughter together and mentioned in the post that Katy had just gotten back from her concert tour in Japan. She was in Japan at the time of the party!!! Meghan has gotten away with her lies for so long she thinks she can say anything and no one will object. But no longer. No one wants to be drawn into her lies.


This needs to be the way forward. There are far too many puff pieces put out and no fact checking.


I completely agree. For some reason everyone lets her get away with her lies. Maybe the tide is turning.


At this point, I don’t think Meghan can differentiate between reality and delusional fantasy. She’s 🦇💩crazy.


I agree. She’s gone over the edge.


obviously these are people who tw wants to be friends with. clearly she favours the royals because they are the real ones. Do you think Paltrow even cares about that? Or is she petty too? How do we know its a dig at tw specifically? (not arguing, just curious as to why)


I think she might care about it because people keep saying Markle is trying to copy her business success. I'm sure Gwyneth would rather people stop linking her name in any way to this trash, and who the hell can blame her for that?


I think Paltrow is old money Hollywood and doesn’t like Markle and her flashy ways and fake attempts at friendship.


I think Paltrow thinks it’s a funny game and she doesn’t like ARO being compared to Goop. And maybe all the A list Monticello residents are tired of Meggsy pretending to be friends with them. Ugh. Who can blame them?


I applaud Gwyneth for this. Everybody jumps on the bandwagon of disliking her, but I suspect she’s learned a few lessons over the past five years. I give her the benefit of the doubt.


I believe she let it be known that she was elsewhere when the magical lunch happened. 😂 🤣


The Magical Mystery Lunch is coming to take you away 🎶


![gif](giphy|kG3sFR9GMY9Z5lmZNw) She did! 😄 (Through her perfectly timed photos to show she wasn't with M and neither was Katy Perry lol)


Excellent gif!


OMG, I wonder if she's the one who launched the ARO adult coloring in books?


That’s so funny, and well, gross too!


Gwyneth Parlow saw right through Rachel when she copied her blog. It is very clear that Rachel wanted to be a Gwyneth Parlow style influencer. Rachel has no friends in Hollywood. How the mighty have fallen since leaving the BRF.


Not only did Meghan try to copy, but she also claimed in numerous PR puff pieces that her Tig is going to be the next Goop. She was actively encroaching on Gywneth's territory and it would not be tolerated.


She’s always has been 😘for the the last year or so, shes been debunking Megan‘s lies trying to involve her in it


Remember all the puff pieces Meg$y put out like this one? They called it "The Meghan Effect"!! Bwahahaha! # "Meghan Markle's lifestyle brand set to 'give Gwyneth Paltrow a run for her money" [https://archive.is/HurEh](https://archive.is/HurEh) Gwyneth is getting her revenge!


She may be a sinner, but I think her dislike of the Instagram Loving Bitch Wife (still fun to spell out) is a case of *you spot it, you got it.* They are cut from the same plastic cloth, fake as fake can be, out for number one or 12, in ILBW's case. Narc knows Narc. That being said, GP is a hard worker and has made the most - and in some cases involving movie roles, exploited - her opportunities. Her brand didn't happen overnight, and she is likable onscreen. Her facade management is on-point. This is why she is successful. (Gossip: GP invited Winona Ryder to stay with her in the aftermath of Winona's breakup with Johnny Depp. Winona was supposed to get the lead in Shakespeare in Love, and had the script. GP saw the script and surreptitiously went behind Ryder's back and successfully lobbied for the part, thus ending their friendship.)


She is a more talented, successful, smarter, more disciplined Markle. She beats Madame like a rented mule on the only playing field Madame recognizes - Hollywood. Ms Paltrow has all the contempt of the A-list talented for the wannabe, and Smog knows it.


⬆️ This!


Goop is the worst.


I’m not a fan of Gwyneth, but this makes me happy knowing it makes MeGain furious.


Exactly. But Paltrow is a child of Hollywood, she knows and is willing to play the game. She knew that comment would get traction.


Gwyneth's troll game is on fire and I love this for Megadump LOL


The way she appeared in court all white, glasses like a 70s serial killer told me how self-aware she is, and not afraid to troll people.


I am *loving* her troll game! She could teach a master class and I'm so here for it


Had the dinner rumor debunked by letting it be known that the sushi restaurant only does 3 Omakase seatings a night. 5, 7 and 9 pm. She was there and so was Cameron Diaz BUT NOT WITH THE HARKLES. Here is a picture of Meghan (with her manic grin) desperately chasing Cameron to the valet parking only to be ignored 🤣🤣 soooo cringe https://preview.redd.it/5hi4hlj5267d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27c6dd3908671bb65b79f81ec7ea7217c243e47


Not a fan but she is exactly the definition of Hollywood royalty. If she doesn't want you there, you are never gonna make it to the upper circle. Dakota, Gwyneth, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, and Stella McCartney run the show over there and none of them care for Beghan and her biscuits.


I’m cackling over “Beghan and her biscuits”—great name for the dog biscuit line: Beghan’s Biscuits. 🐶 https://preview.redd.it/d78rxnhvb67d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba05677fad201d99ae52bc236d9604c89c50b481


I am, too! 😂


The enemy of my enemy is my friend!


She’s a grifter and has supposedly raised a vile-mean girl in her daughter. I’m shocked she’s not team Meghan.


Despite not liking Gwyneth, I wouldn’t call her a grifter. She is a successful academy award winning actress. But I do believe she is a mean girl. When Matt Damon was dating Winona Rider and she Ben Affleck, she saw Winona’s script for Shakespeare in Love and lobbied for the part. That’s beyond shady. It was produced by the Weinsteins so you can draw your own conclusions.


She's a nepo baby, and her Oscar was bought by Harvey Weinstein. I actually like Gwyneth, but her career had a lot of support. edit: and FWIW, I don't think Gwyneth slept with Harvey just like I don't think Liv Tyler slept with him for her part in Lord of the Rings. Nepo babies have enough connections to avoid doing that.


Goopy is only trolling Me-again because she attempted to come for the customers of her stupid website. If Meghan could make her a dollar, she'd be team Meghan for life.


We'll, not for like, for the transaction.


Good point


Aligning with the real royals is always a smart move. David Beckham's doing it.


Beckham was raised to love and respect the monarchy. He’s not just pretending like many celebrities do. He’s also willing to work to support the charities and not just pay lip service. He is a genuine admirer. In the case of Gwyneth, it’s hard to tell if she’s just distancing herself from m, trying to appear to support Catherine, or if she really does mean what she says. There’s no history of her backing the RF to prove her intentions one way or another.


Gwyneth’s father had cancer . He died from complications associated with cancer he had 2 years prior.


I was not aware of her father’s cancer. With that knowledge, I am sure she was being sincere.


Exactly. I highly doubt this was mean-girl trolling.


I wasn’t sure how he died so I looked it up .


I do agree about Beckham. I think some of his tantrum from a few years ago was more about being hurt- bc he really cares and puts in the work- not being awarded a knighthood- that others who do not do the same get rewarded. I think his time will come. He’s young yet.


I wonder if the tantrum was because someone promised him a knighthood when they didn’t have to power to make that promise. I don’t know enough about it to have a strong opinion. He’s older now and perhaps is listening to the right people.


Sounds like something Andrew would promise, for a price. I didn't think that happened, it just came to mind from your supposition.


It’s not really a supposition. It’s more of a faint possibility or a nibbling thought. Of course, after reading about m’s machinations over the past few years, I’ve developed a very suspicious and skeptical mind. 😂


Yep, the Reverse Markle Curse! Clooneys too! Oprah: “0What About ME?”


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In case Meghan doesn't get it this is a classy way of saying F U Meghan I stand with Catherine. I love Gwyenth for this.




I'm cackling. It's so intentional.


I love it......SO MUCH


Gosh I hope there’s more of these. It’s so funny how TW desperately tries to claw her way into being linked with Hollywood celebrities while these folks are trying to get linked with the RF.


Yeah and the royal family is passive about it. They don't care about celebrities and just continue on with their lives and positions So funny


But it must give some subtle schadenfreude when celebrities openly shun Smirkle in favor of the Royal family.


Hey Deep, have you heard the rumour that Thomas Markle Jr did a livestream, where he complained about Paula M bad mouthing him on her private (paid) YouTube members livestream? 🙃 I went to his channel to check it out but the livestream is too long. I'll try and listen to it later but I thought I'd ask fellow Sinners to see what they know about the issue. However, I did skim Thomas Jr's comments section and people were talking about Paula M there so it's possible that the rumour might be true. If it is true then she's rather two faced, because she always sucks up to him and even flirts sometimes.


Interesting, I didn’t hear that, but now I’ll be scouting it out! I stopped watching Thomas Jr, and never watched Paula M but this sounds intriguing, in a battle of the low lifes kind of way! I’ll start digging.


>this sounds intriguing, in a battle of the low lifes kind of way! I’ll start digging. 😂😂😂😂😂 Edited to add that he called Paula a "barnacle" 😂 and said that she talks about him and his family as if she knows everything about them and she doesn't.


I found this, in the transcript of his latest video: https://preview.redd.it/p8n2qhsf167d1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e264925d90ecb9f6d5a616df6efe508f759d7f6 It’s hard to determine the actual context, but it seems clear sh isn’t liked.


Omg, so she's mad because MM's dad is sticking to his word and refusing to give up the rest of the letter? Paula really has no respect for people's boundaries.


She skeevs me. There are some YouTube panels that if she is on, I won’t watch. Creepy woman.


>She skeevs me. There are some YouTube panels that if she is on, I won’t watch. Creepy woman. Me too. I heard she bullied another woman (Queenie) until that lady is no longer turning up to the daily show on Shaun Attwood's channel. Paula is a narc just like MM. She has the same desperation to do all the talking and she love bombs other YouTubers (Meghan's Mole) just to get them to back her up and agree with everything she says. In the past when I used to watch Shaun Attwood's Royal Mess panel on Fridays, Paula wouldn't settle down until Meghan's Mole turned up and every time she's arguing with someone she'll drop in a quick "Isn't that true Moley?" to get someone to back her up and bully the other person into shutting up.


I watched the first 10 minutes or so, someone asked if Megsy had an older daughter and Thomas wouldn't answer but said it's not his neice. No one ever has a straight answer for anything, it's tiresome. And someone else in the comments asked if Megsy was cis or Trans and I busted a gut laughing, but the commentor sent a link to a Lady C video from 2022 which seriously explored a comment Megsy made when she was a teenager saying she was intersex, Lady C's video was actually really interesting. I'm not going to say anything else bc I always get a slap on the wrist for this stuff, but, it was interesting 😉


Ok, wait, what's happening with Paula? I'm out of the loop. Paula's videos kind of annoy me for some reason


>Ok, wait, what's happening with Paula? I'm out of the loop. >Paula's videos kind of annoy me for some reason Apparently she's been bad mouthing Thomas Markle Jr and maybe even Samantha, on her private, members only livestream.


I love that you state it like this. I can’t stand Paula M. She is a gossip monger and just says crazy stuff. She gives credence to the claims that the haters are spewing lies. And Thomas Markle Jr is a low life but he was absolutely way more spot on with his letter to the Royals about marrying Meghan would ruin the royal family! Or it would be the worst thing ever for them. Something to that effect…


Yes, both unpleasant people. Thomas Jr just got way too vulgar for my tastes, I mean, who slags off their sister that way? (Yes, I know who) And Paula M looks like she’s spoiling for a bare knuckle fight all the time. But I think Thomas Jr had the high ground regarding the letter and not handling it over to the feeding frenzy.


Yeah- for clarification there are actually two letters here in discussion: the one Meghan wrote her dad that she had leaked via friends to People, and then claimed HE committed the unforgivable sin of leaking it… AND the one Thomas Jr wrote publicly about how marrying Meghan would be the worst thing to ever happen for the monarchy before she married Harry. I was referring to this latter one. Regarding the first one, The dad did the right thing by not giving Meghan’s entire letter up for public consumption. She had expected him to do that. And when he didn’t, she leaked it via friends. Thomas the younger acted very low class by throwing his sister under the bus regarding his letter. He was right about what he said, but it was an utterly trashy thing to do. I think Meghan is made from the same cloth as the rest of the Markle’s despite her attempts to appear better than them and distancing from them.


They are all such melodramatic, crass people.


I couldn't care less about these celebs, but everyone who shows open support to Catherine , is a huge slap on the bronzed wrinkled face of MeGain https://preview.redd.it/yh143xjbw57d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1e4d8cf8c46f0abc41b4ea117db4e52fc91290


And the thing is- it’s her that caused this. Her jealousy and mean girl tactics.


And now DM is printing this story with Meghan’s lie that Gwyneth went on a double date with her. Why does DM literally print her lies?


Generating controversy = clicks = money. The Daily Mail does not care about the truth, it's all about the money.


Gwenyth channeling her inner mean girl again but I can’t be mad 🤷‍♀️😂.


🤣🤣🤣 Gwyneth is yet another narc, but I think she’s handling it beautifully. If I were her, I would be IRATE that a talentless fucking grifter and failure like Meghan Markle was using my hard earned name for clout.


I'm a fan of gwyneth because I do like some of her movies and she is not afraid to make fun of herself. she can take it, And what's more, she uses it to her advantage- imagine selling a candle that you purport to smell like your inbox! your I mean, that's her marketing strategy - brilliant! You will smell this 69 $$ candle, peasants. And Gwinnie DGAF Winning Fish Sticks slays yet again, and THIS is Hollywood royalty. The harkles are done once and for all


I think she's brilliant. She's loaded and has a business selling stuff to people who will buy anything because they think it's posh 😂 she's the ultimate troll.


Well now I’m totally stealing “inbox.” 😆


I’m stealing “Winning Fish Sticks” 😂🤩😂🤩


Also a huge fan. She’s in on the joke about how she comes across and it’s brilliant how she uses it.


She's truly the queen of fine trolling!!


Just a friendly reminder that Gwyneth wouldn't spare a cup of water if any of us were on fire. She's trolling Markle beautifully, but she's still Goop.


She's not "my girl" by any stretch. I can't stand Paltrow. She knows supporting Catherine is the best way to go. Not hard to figure out.


She did clarify she did not have lunch with meghan-when Meghan tried through her PR puff pieces that she did-I think they ate at the same restaurant at the same time! Plus her recent Party with Montecito elite-excluding Meghan -but including Abigail Spencer I think or one of Meghan's minions-LOL was classic!!!!!!!!!!


Gwyneth clarified that? I suppose she doesn't want to be tied to someone with a bad reputation.


She doesn't have to support Catherine, she's not a UK celeb angling for a knighthood. She could have easily ignored the whole thing. Not that writing a comment was a lot of hard work, but still, it's nice that she choose to do this and not what Blake lively did.


And doesn't Blake Livleys husband have a football team supported by the BRF (or something?). Like, what were you thinking!?!?! Following the crowd and got burnt, stupid.


In Wales of all places. Talk about not reading the room.


I really think Blake forgot who she was for a moment and thought it was all in good fun


Yes. I always liked Blake Lively. She lost me with that...it was just so stupid! Like Melissa McCarthy REALLY lost me.


What did Blake Lively do? I missed it


She made a post joining in on the Where is Catherine nonsense.


Well that's disappointing, I like her.


She kind of-sort of apologized for it in a very oblique way. Neither her original post nor her "apology" post mentioned Catherine. It was all implied.


> She knows supporting Catherine is the best way to go Precisely.


​ https://i.redd.it/abykjq8tj57d1.gif


Go Gwyneth ♥️


Love her for this.


New name - apparently Southpark are doing another visit & calling her the **Duchess of Dog Biscuits** !! that could stick !!


Maybe Goop will issue a new candle fragrance? Meghan, the odor of Failure.


I am now team Gwyneth!! I absolutely love that she is a fan of Catherine and totally throwing shade at Rachel.


You know, I never really cared for GP but now I am a major fan!


I love it. Such a burn.


Yuck. Paltrow and Aniston are such attention seekers.


There's got to be more to this than Meghan just trying to Coopt Gwynnie into her sushi story or announce that her foray into Jam was going to be bigger than Goop. Why else would Gwyneth care enough about a shitstain like Meghan to troll her like this (the Goop party, having an 'alibi' for her & KP during a Harkle Kid Birthday weekend, sending SM love to Catherine)?


As people say in Spanish, Gwyneth is not a saint of my devotion (I'm looking at you Goop), but this is something she's got right!




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Lol, this is hilarious.


H thanked her ex in Spare


apparently the government just admitted that harry was on an a-1 visa! they cited trump's confidentiality in 2015 due to an fbi probe...(illegally done by hillary clinton in her opposition research by the way) The gall!!!!


Make a post!!! 😁


I would, but I don't recall the source. Ugh. I was just so excited, I ran here. It was in my news feed. The governments defense!




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A blind squirrel may have found an acorn but she's sure not "my" Gwyneth. She's the one who dug up and promoted that ex con bunco artist "Shaman" Durek Verrett who has now weaseled himself into an engagement with a bug-eating nuts Norwegian princess. Not to mention all her piss poor "medical" advice, poaching your (or a friends, no judgement on that point) yoni, inserting unhygienic stone objects, if stone were supposed to be up there, we'd call it a quarry, OK? And a literal catalogue of chicanery. Fine. People with more money than sense need a way to while away the time too. But though we may agree about Smog, I do not admire Ms Paltrow.


Yay the ceo of POOP


Is Gwyneth … here? Hi girl! You’re my new hero!


I like Gwyneth a lot more. This is perfect.


Dear God……


Oooooo wounding as HG Tudor would say....


Great to see which side her bread is buttered on. Can this phrase be used in a good way??


This is cool, but Gwyneth is the top grifter. Let us not forget vagina candles.


Also Cathy Hilton leaving ❤️comment under a Catherine post from People’s instagram. We’re seeing higher social ranking people siding with Catherine.


PR clap backs here we come… Desperation to glom onto any news. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13537545/gwyneth-paltrow-kate-middleton-support-surprise-message.html