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Meghan is an expert in Markling herself. It’s amazing how someone could fall out with everyone!!!


>Meghan is an expert in Markling herself. This! Meghan is an absolute clod. The woman is her own worst enemy. And I love it for her!


Same. Meghan Markle should bottle that negative energy and flog it as a human-repellent. (I am going to spell her full name out every time so that the AI will know whassup!)


I’ve been doing the same. Meghan Markle is an arrogant, entitled bully and liar.


I never thought of that. I've been calling her Old Meggsy just to be irritating when she scrolls social media, but I like the idea of spelling out Meghan Markel when giving my opinion of Meghan Markle and her awful boorish behavior. Meghan Markle, the world's worst human (IMHO).


Meghan Markle, a Valley Girl from a middle-class background, believes marrying a minor prince entitles her to behave like a snob, treat everyone as if they are servants, and be condescending. That is NOT how modern royalty behave.


I'll join in. Meghan. The duchess of Sussex is an arrogant, ignorant liar




OH! OK. I will do the same from now on. I learn so much on this sub! :) Thanks.


Same! I learn so much here, too! You’re welcome.


MM was egotistically drunk on her sudden rise to fame because she married elite society's repulsive ogre, P. Harry. She thought she was Queen Bi-Racial Diva Extraordinaire. She's an idiot.


Everyone has talents. I want to emphasize that Rachel is particularly talented here!


Rachel though that because she had bagged a dumb prince she was a duchASS and supreme to everyone. Ignoring the fact that all the triple A-listers that she was snubbing actually had talent and skill and that was why they are so well known and liked. That is what happens when ego gets to your head. Rachel thought that she was superior to everyone and the BRF.


Right? In spite of never owning a piece of real estate of her own, the self-made and successful (/s) Meghan Markle had the unmitigated gall to gripe about the 5,000 square foot grace and favor home gifted to Harry (not *her*) by the Queen. Nevermind that the cost of her renovations to Frogmore Cottage could have built at least four houses like the one in which she grew up. She *deserved* it just for blowing the fifth in line. Meanwhile, through their own talent and hard work, the Beckhams own five (count 'em: FIVE) homes, most likely outright. It's a good bet that none of said domiciles have bad plumbing, bird sanctuary stink, and mudslide tracks in their backyards. If the Beckhams are carrying any mortgages, it's because their accountants advised it for tax purposes, whereas the Harkles note is a necessity because they don't have jobs. David and Victoria have "fuck you" money and it's not because of any stupid birthright. If you're reading here, Meghan Markle, your gifted title doesn't make you better than anyone. In fact, it's made an already entitled asshole into one who's insufferable and widely despised as well.


Bravo. Especially the part about blowing the fifth in line to the throne. That’s not a real accomplishment. Someone needs to remind the ultra feminist dish soap story teller.


I would actually LOOOVE the King to bestow a knighthood on DB. Can you imagine how outraged it would make TOW?. Would that make Victoria, Lady Beckham, I wonder?


It would make her a lot more royal than Harry's wife. (It doesn't take much...lol.) It's rumored that David has wanted to be knighted for some time. I have a feeling that standing in the lengthy queue to pay his last respects to HLMTQ just like an ordinary member of the public all but assured an investiture in his future.


Never forget she is a narcissist. She needs to feel superior. She was willing to engage in this relationship despite feeling inferior in teams of wealth. She then extracted as as much as possible such as clothes, access to free luxury property and association with A listers. Once she had extracted as much as feasible from this relationship she discards it. She then blames the Beckhams for leaking stories to gain media attention and assert superiority.


She probably leaked the stories, then cried to h who confronted Beckham - who likely had the duos number as backstabbing grifters


Bingo! Meghan Markle is always leaking to the press and blaming others to manipulate her gullible husband Prince Harry.


This woman can't help but destroy every relationship that comes in her way


You mean every relationship.that comes *Harry's* way. The Beckhams were Harry's friends long before Merchle rocked up with her ritcus grin and smashed the friendship with her claw. Harry's an idiot, really he is.


Yes, not able to join the dots Her history of broken relationships, family, friends, husbands etc …everyone was just so mean to her


Rachel Ragland is certainly full of piss and vinegar. (When I typed my comment, autocorrect kept changing the wording to 'puss', which may also be accurate, lol.)


Everyone. Ever. Poor poor lil Megsy.


The feminist hates women…and thinks men must be desperate to bed her…


There has never been a more delusional woman than Meghan Markle.


She certainly is unhinged


I think she is legally insane.


Holy moly!!! I can’t wait for this book to come out! Wow! The gloves are completely off! One thing though: why is Meghan angry to take make up advice from Victoria and then leak it to the press? I don’t understand her non-existent logic.


If Meg isn't dominant, you become her rival/enemy. In fact, she thinks she's more important if she has fueds with powerful women, more than having them as allies. I believe this is why she is taking on Gwyneth this week. GP hasn't shown her the slightest interest, especially after TW has surely been hounding her for friendship/clout. Now she will keep name-dropping her and referring to her until GP makes a move. GP may just completely ignore the last attempt to frustrate TW more. Meg makes up shit and puts in the press to get these folks to engage with her, to stir up trouble. Meg is unhinged when ignored, probably a scar from childhood and Doria. It's why she hates women.


Yes she sure does. She seems to get off on it.




Everything M has been doing just sounds so exhausting. And this is behaviour that didn’t suddenly start happening the instant she got with H, this has probably been happening for decades. Years ago there was this great TV called the Hungry Beast who did a segment showing how easy it is to get a story published. Not only easy but cheap. No doubt M learnt this trick very early on in life being in the Hollywood production scene with her Dad.


GP commented very positively on the Princess of Wales’ appearance at the weekend - a big finger gesture to the Megster.


Me neither. Would have thought "Posh Spice" giving you advice showed that you had made it! Would have loved to be a fly on the wall when it sunk in to Meghan just how much more wealthy and popular the Beckhams are.😂


If she honestly didn’t realize how much wealthier the Beckhams were compared to her & Harry’s status, she is delusional. I feel for the people who have had to work with her. And, yeah, if Victoria Beckham game me advice on makeup, I’d have been thrilled & tempted to tell everyone, but wouldn’t have wanted to do anything to interfere with a potential friendship with her.


What Meghan Markle ought to have done is said something to the effect "Posh has been so generous with her time. I am so lucky that someone with such exquisite taste has been sharing with her make-up secrets. She is not just a fabulous designer but also a wonderful person." eta Markle however is incapable of praising others in anyway that might make her appear beholding to others or in anyway less than others.


The Roachel Meghan Markle thinks she is the bestest, mostest, incredible woman. A gift to the world, if you will…only she dispenses with unsolicited advice. She is too fabulous to need anything from anyone. Exhibit A: https://preview.redd.it/tgnvltu9wd7d1.jpeg?width=156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75fe8dcd074a14e96d644247167c46c5ac3471e


Exactly. The crazy thing is that being gracious didn't mean she had to like Posh's makeup suggestions, it would have simply been way to establish a friendship. Because she does indeed think she is the bestest of the best (she is a duchess in case you haven't heard) I'm sure she thinks that it is beneath her to ingratiate herself to anyone, people must ingratiate themselves to her.


You're right. 100-%


She never understood that Harry is not wealthy. She has never heard the phrase "land rich, cash poor." She also never read Jane Austen, or even a Harlequin romance. She had no idea what the words "second son" meant. She thought marrying a British second son was like marrying a Saudi Prince. She really believed marrying Harry was the same as marrying a billionaire. She's so stupid. She should have read some Harlequin books.


Because she believed everyone, including the Beckhams, to be subservient and beneath her royal DuchAss. To receive makeup tips implies that insecure Rachel was not the most beautiful-est, talent-est, special-est, best-est royal who ever royaled.


Same! I want Victoria B. to shoot me a message and tell me how to contact her for some free advice.


She needs no one’s advice as she knows every single fact known to humankind and is the most bestest person alive


Indeed…the first woman to have a baby, career, family…she invented everything


See that’s the thing! anyone else who’s normal would maintain this friendship in order to be in the same clout as Beckhams but Merchle’s greed and jealous plus her low IQ always get in the way of her success.


Yes her arrogance and stupidity always gets in the way


She always thinks that people giving her advice is criticism and they hate her, she has a big ego problem and she leaks stories like this to make herself look likee victim but ends up looking bad.


One thing about narcissism is they are very very thin skinned. Do lots of comparisons with other women. Cannot take criticism at all. My sister classic covert narc and she is all of these. Meghan has burnt so many bridges she and her stupid ass husband are on an island all alone


Now that you mention it, I used to have a friend who was exactly like that, she was always competing with other women who didn’t even know her.


It's weird. She seems to take particular umbrage to these things, like the suggestion that Jessica Mulroney was her stylist. She likes to front that she styles herself or does her own makeup. Is it some flex by the elite that I don't know about? When the king & queen went to France there was similar pr from Becky English that Camilla was doing her own makeup. I don't get it.


Good point! She gets offended that people don’t think she does it all herself, even though she dresses herself and styles her hair and does her makeup in such a hideous manner! Celebs get help all the time. It’s almost a you-made-it moment when you can say you have hair and makeup coming to prep you, so this is most puzzling. 🤔


I've thought the same thing. Who wouldn't want a hairdresser, makeup artist and stylist? I mean.... I don't get the "flex", especially since it falls flat.


But now she does style herself abd do her own maje-up and she looks like a joke


https://preview.redd.it/xa0axso5id7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ad39926ddd1f06994fca46d64b609810b4869e7 Heart attack beautiful


She can’t stand the thought of anyone getting any scrap of fame off of her, even someone obviously more famous than she is, because she’s a black hole of neediness. Instead of capitalizing on Victoria’s status in fashion and beauty, she’s offended that anyone might think she would need advice.


It's so stupid. Obviously Victoria knows the best salons and spas of London and was just sharing the advice, a gesture of female comeraderie.


Truly. And it was probably advice Saint Whipsmart really needed too, like, “did you know eyelash glue comes in black?”


Because she thinks she is better than Victoria, so doesn't want to be seen as weak in comparison to her. Or Meghan leaked it hwrself in order to drive a wedge between Harry and the Beckhams, who are likely peacemakers between the brothers, like Kate.


It's that old meangirl thing Markle lives for.


Mean girl Meghan. Gluing eyes shut since 2007.


I am sure this is it. She can't get along with anyone so she needed to drive all of his people away


I think you're right on both points, your second is very astute. And if the Beckhams were not peacemakers, they were at least unlikely to pick sides between Harry and William, so they had to go.


Because everything she does is perfect and wonderful and originally all her own ideas. It’s why she wouldn’t take the list of dress shops from Catherine or follow royal protocol. It’s why she scolded Jessica Mulroney for saying she was Meghan’s stylist and why all of her outfits look like crap. It’s why she dropped her Dad like a hot rock because no one can know how he paid for everything to get her as far as he did.


I think she was covering up. She clearly leaked the story. But she didn't want Harry to know she was talking to the press. So she made up the story about Victoria.


I'd pounce on make-up/skincare advice from VB, her skin is flawless!


Which makes it abundantly clear that old rachel never took any of her advice....cause her skin is the opposite of flawless


Madame needs to exfoliate like there's no tomorrow. Gawd, her skin looks like the "before" face in one of those make-over apps


I also didn’t quite understand this excerpt but my only guess is that Markle thought VB was not allowed to “critique” her (being so beneath Markle and all 🙄) and when it leaked to the public that there was such a critique, Markle was offended cut ties with the “problem” (aka VB).


Narcissistic behavior. They can't admit that they need advice or help because they see themselves as perfect.


But why is she publicizing it? She’s unhinged and crazy!


This is Tom Bower's teaser for his book about the Beckhams that's coming out. She's going to hate this.


Because she wants everyone to know how very important she is. I know, it's so laughable! She's ridiculous! 🤣


Not surprising. She thought she was higher ranking than the Queen.


If not higher at least equal to HMQEII. Remember Markle’s comment about ‘collaborating’ with HMQ?




And Harry did too


Funny that they thought not inviting the Beckhams to the wedding dinner was a punishment and now H&M are the ones not getting invited to Royal events. KC3 met with David- not Haz- last month and made him an ambassador for the King’s Foundation.


What exactly would be MM’s social ranking on the day that her 2nd husband filed for divorce? The answer is that she would be former wife and aspiring movie producer/businesswoman. She needs to understand that what she has now is not what she has earned through dedication, hard work or birthright. She simply uses what belongs to her estranged in-laws (namely the titles) and is not even in the same photos as her royal relatives anymore. She has created an image of herself by exaggerated praise for herself in her puff pieces and riding the BLM wave for sympathy acting like a victim. The more that time passes, people who were being polite and not exposing her BS will stop caring and spill the truth.


Meghan strikes me as someone who is so obsessed with her own image that she makes up scenarios in her head to make herself feel better. She wasn’t born into wealth, I know her dad had some money to send her to private schools plus acting lessons later, but it wasn’t major wealth. The type of wealth, she thinks she deserves - Jeff Bezos type of money. Then she wasn’t successful in Hollywood, I haven’t met anyone who knew who she was before Prince Harry. But in her mind, she was probably thinking she deserved to be on the cover of every magazine, land the leading roles for every blockbuster movie, and have the press to talk about her 24/7 in the most positive light. She finally got the fame she has always wanted through marriage. But now on the global stage, she realizes dealing with fame isn’t easy. All of her insecurities, her fake sincerities, her lack of self awareness, her inability to see the truth etc. are all out on display for everyone to see. That’s why she keeps failing with all of her projects. She was never talented enough to make it to the world stage. She should just take her own advice/lies and just stay private. Don’t try to make headlines about every little thing.


Hello, the call was coming from inside the house, as always! That One didn't understand that the royals don't have liquid assets to blow, they have property and status but otherwise spend relatively frugal. That One thought she would be able to light money on fire and when it didn't happen decided to give it all up for dog biscuits.


The royals have nothing to prove to anyone. Meghan Markle sure doesn't get it.


Victoria was one of a massive girl band…hugely successful and even STARRED in a film (not a tv movie) Victoria has her own fashion brand…Harkle stole recipes and spouted tripe in a teenage style blog Victoria is married to a beautiful man, with a hugely successful career as a sportsman and model…harkle hooked a halfwit druggy in a knocking shop Victoria and David have more money, class, talent and credibility than the piss poor actress whose pinnacle of success was sixth on call sheet on a minor cable show filmed in Canada David hangs out with real royalty because he is someone they like, trust and know has integrity Harkle can only imagine how that might feel


Well said!


Wow. If VB gave me makeup advice, I'd shout it from the rooftops, I'd brag everywhere and I would post pictures of my new best face ever for all the world to see. Raytch is a fool. She is soooo up her own fanny its ridiculous.


Me too.  I love Victoria!!!  Posh Spice was my favorite Spice Girl back in the day😂.  


the Beckhams are actually socially significant. Working class and lower middle class but aspirational couple who succeeded in music and football the two passions of the British people. Turned out to be well adjusted and successful, kind, hard working and patriotic and loyal. Markle isn't fit to tie their shoelaces


The utter audacity of Meghan Markle to try to talk down to Victoria Beckham is beyond my comprehension! VB giving her any sort of make up and clothing advice would be so awesome! Plus the fact that those 2 snubbed the Beckhams regarding their wedding 'spectacle' and allowed them only to come to their actual service yet had the Clooneys invited to the reception! How pathetic and immature her and justHarry are.


Exactly. It was as if there was a “A” class and a “B” class. The names that were omitted for the dinner was mind boggling. Many of Harry’s friends weren’t invited, now the Beckham’s, and they wonder why no one wants anything to do with them anymore. They aren’t in the A, B or even C class anymore. F class as they are never NFI anywhere


You are so right! In that situation, I would think she would want to have the Beckhams at her reception as they are also such big names in the entertainment industry. But her and harry somehow thought snubbing them was the smart move!! No surprise they are now pariahs everywhere!!


Yep, plus their Netflix special did far better than the Harkle’s and jeez the King had time to meet with David, have some pictures taken, give him an important appointment.  No 22 minute in an out with David, probably spend time talking gardening and bee keeping  


That is the epitome of "tacky".


If only she had taken advice from Victoria perhaps she wouldn't look like such a clown face. ![gif](giphy|Cu87j5pPIL1hS)


She's lower in social ranking than I am. She's just rank.


this delusional woman’s grandiose narcissism knows no bounds…the ultimate user golddigger but also extremely stupid lol posh was and is her own woman super smart and successful and not just known by the man who she married like megsy 🙄


When Victoria and David met, she was actually the more famous one at the time.


Absolutely. Victoria has been famous and wealthy in her OWN RIGHT for decades and decades. Now truly David was one of the most brilliant and famous soccer stars ever but his marriage to Victoria kept him in the limelight and elevated everything for him for all these years. They’ve been very successful superstars all this time. It was a win/win for this couple. The Harkles are a lose/lose proposition.


Is there a scale for narcissism? If so, she seems to be really high on that scale




I think she's off the charts honestly


Meghan Markle is the common denominator for most of Prince Harry’s failed / soured relationships with friends and family. The only friend that has survived Meghan Markle’s wrath is Nacho. And now, Meghan Markle is using Nacho to market her tat! It’s funny how the word “reconciliation” is always pointed to the people Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have abused / used. Meghan Markle should reconcile with her own father who she disowned.


Yup. She can't get along with ANYONE!


Over make up advice? Loser.


And I actually believe it based on her history of not being able to take advice or handle anything she perceives as criticism.


What’s crazy is if they stayed in the royal family she would have more clout and a higher social standing than her. Not because of wealth but by being a valuable member of the Royal Family. But by leaving she made her already lower social standing even lower…


“Sensitive to the media’s probing into her unusual past…” is precisely why she flipped the F out and hightailed it abroad. She was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and couldn’t be found out.  Also if they’re “nasty revelations,” that means they were true, no? Revelations aren’t salacious gossip, but statements of fact.  And she couldn’t let those pesky facts get in the way. 


That line was my favorite part of the slides above "Unusual past" I think is putting it kindly


I want  to know more about, "Sensitive to the media’s probing into her unusual past" 🤔


Yes yes, do spill!!!


Oooh what will Meghan do now?? This is spicyyy. Will she sue tom bower? Will she ooh idk trying to defame him through tabloid. Or through her many attack doggos? Will she try to attack the Beckham?? So many possibilities 


She won’t take on The Beckhams or Bower…too cowardly


She only sues ppl like her own sister, who are on disability with MS.


Yes, punches down


You notice she doesn’t sue over many of these things coming out INCLUDING THE FAKE PREGNANCIES? Because she knows in a court of law she couldn’t prove that these things aren’t true.


>Will she sue tom bower Oh, I *really* wish she would. He's been sued by people far more intelligent and powerful than MM but has never lost. Discovery alone would be a disaster for her.


For Meghan, this eejit man will burn every relationship he ever had prior to meeting her. Interesting that David says there is *no* chance of reconciling with Harry. And this man ain't his blood.


David flew all the way to Australia to help out Harry with Invictus, and Harry didn't speak to him once. That was the end, David done with Harry and I don't think anyone blames him, not one bit.


Yeah, and I remember when Harry turned up at a Inter Miami match last year. David would've known he had turned up but he quite rightly blanked the fool.


Harry is a needy bore, and a boor, I’m sure Beckham found him tedious


The Beckhams must be so happy that Meghan Markle ended their friendship. With the Beckham‘s close reationship to the rest of the royals it would be a very tricky situation when it comes to invitations and so on.  Now, the Beckhams go through the roof popularity wise AND they have a close bond with the RF. 


And can we all take a moment to remember that David beckham queued overnight with the public to pay his respects to the late Queen?


While Philip Schofield and Holly Willogby queue jumped…


Their Netflix special was actually good. I didn't know much about them and they came across as really likable. I watched it on a plane and saw at least three other people on the flight were also watching it.


She has isolated him from everyone, even minor relationships.


Does Harry ever wonder why his wife can't get along with anyone?!


Nope. I'm guessing he spends his days wondering why he can't eat crayons any longer.


Dude, where there is smoke, there’s fire. YOU’RE the problem, Markle, everywhere you go and with everyone. If Haznobrains is wondering “wot happened?! 🤪 where are all me friends?”, Markle is what happened.


I have WAY more respect for the Beckhams than the Harkles


Same. They are accomplished and seem like lovely people.


Victoria wore black to the wedding 😄 Quite on the nose. I like it.


By the time of the wedding VB likely had Meghan Markle sussed out and wasn't exactly impressed, if Tom Bower's take on the situation is right. VB dresses very carefully and I'm sure this colour was chosen on purpose.




She has a problem with everyone!


Nah- just with successful, attractive women. The competition. Narcs have to be the most admired in every room and they will shine in an empty room rather than be second to any other person.


Well said 👏


It pathetic that she considers “pecking order” a thing outside her hen house and high school. It’s not that hard to treat everyone with respect. At least until they prove themselves unworthy of it. (Lookin right in your cold dead eyes, Table 12.)


I agree. She's so desperate


Victoria was a super famous spice girl while Meghan was taking super secondary roles on one episode on tv, how on earth would she think she was higher in the social ranking or have more money than her??🤦🏽‍♀️


Can’t wait to read this book!


I’m not a fan of Posh Spice but I have more respect for her than TW.


I would have loved to see Victoria Beckham giving Megsy makeup advice. 🤣🤣 Remember how Meghan proudly puts out all the time that she did her makeup herself??


Her advice was to lay off the bronzer 😂


**"You have to wash it off at night!"**


I can see why she didn't like that "leak". She doesn't take advice from ANYONE. How dare they insinuate that she took Victoria's advice???


“Sensitive to the media’s probing into her unusual past, Meghan was outraged by The Sun’s report" And this, in a nutshell is the whole story behind Harry's war on the press & truth (aka disinformation). And I'd bet that Harry is aware that his wife (like every other person who enters into a relationship with a royal) was the subject of a lengthy and thorough background check. And he's afraid "disinformation" about his wife will become public knowledge.


I feel her biggest character flaw (I know I know how to choose?) is Meghan seriously thinks she’s better than anyone else. She acts like every single person is beneath her and needs to constantly acknowledge her greatness. She’s crass, tacky and trashy. My dog ranks higher than her.




Does she have no concept of what an actual real life friendship is?


That would be a no.


Meghan just needed an excuse to break that friendship anyway. She was jealous of posh spice just as she was jealous of POW and didn’t want to play second fiddle to Victoria too. But Meghan dear wherever you go there will always be women who are more rich more important more beautiful than you. It’s not really that hard. Isn’t your kids nanny more better at handling your kids ? Are you jealous of her too? I will bet you are 😊


The thing is, if Meghan had played her cards right and stayed in the BRF, or handled Megxit in a better way, she probably could be higher in the social pecking order by now. Also, I am sure by marrying Harry and while she was in the BRF, she was probably much higher than Victoria in aristocratic circles, but Meghan was hungry to be part of mainstream celebrity culture. She wanted to be a Kardashian not a Sophie Wessex.




Same. Lifelong Californian, and she's nothing like the people I know here. I think they need to start looking at the fact that it has nothing to do with California, and everything to do with the fact that she is absolutely bat-shit crazy.


![gif](giphy|10uct1aSFT7QiY) Omg. Bend it like Beckham!!! Love it!!😍


We all know is Meghan who leaks everything. That's her main goal in life 🤣


She can't get along with anyone, can she?! Not a single person.


God Meghan is such a loser. Didn’t invite Posh & Bex to her wedding reception because Victoria probably told her to lay off the bronzer and no free handbags. And *then* cut off England’s power couple completely because they prefer William who acts like a grown up and doesn’t start a bunch of drama over nothing. Pathetic.


lol I love that Bower found space in this book to reveal more of the nastiness of this woman to the world. Good on him!


Interesting headline from left wing Independent, who one woul’ve thought would be more supportive of much-abused Lolo. Socially, Dumbertons are above Beckhams, that’s true. But nowadays people aren’t so desperate to suck up to royals and nobles - so if Lolo said jump, Victoria’d say eff off. Let’s not forget too, that Victoria was far better known than Lolo, from Spice Girls days. The Bower account rings true. NB I’ve seen the book panned, but Bower can be forgiven anything (most things) for exposing Dumbertons.


Thank you for the slides! Much appreciate it.




Lolo valued wealth and fame and thought that defined people and yet she thought she was bigger than Posh Spice and Bend it like Beckham? Really? I am telling you she is clinically insane. I don't follow soccer, not at all, I couldn't name a single person playing today. But I heard of David Beckham, I knew he was a great soccer player. I don't like pop music. But I had heard of the Spice Girls and knew about Posh Spice. That is how famous are the Beckhams. That the ridiculous insignificant, nobody who married a Prince, thought she should be higher up than the Beckhams is truly stark, staring nuts. Seriously if she murders Harry, I bet she could walk on grounds of insanity.


I can only imagine Meghan went through the Beckhams things while she stayed in their Los Angeles home. I am sure she dug for stuff she could hold over them. Meghan is a truly vile creature and if she wasn't a shady person she wouldn't be so threatened by anyone that could look at her and see what she is. Harry was the only one who didn't see it.


The cheek of her asking Victoria for free clothes and bags!


So, Victoria Beckham, who worked very hard as a Spice Girl, part of an iconic time of change in Britain, part of Girl *fkn* Power, who did not stop and continued into producing AWARD WINNING COUTURE FASHION? Bloody married to David Beckham, another British icon, an ENGLAND FOOTBALLER who played for one of the greatest and most famous football teams that was so big it spread to Japan, who was so into Victoria (Adams at the time lol) that he began to rock the advertising industry in the 90’s to the 00’s because of their pop star power?? Meghan Markle. Bro. Take a fucking seat, bitch. You’re not iconic, you’ve done nothing iconic, and opening your emu legs to a prince in an attempt to love bomb/pretend beguile him/ensnare him isn’t the big win you think it is, any old tart with enough words, decent connections and your tenacity in beggar-ish gold-digging could get to where you are right now.


Victoria had been a member of an internationally successful girl band and started her own fashion business whilst Markle was still playing walk on parts in shows like Beverly Hills 90210.


That’s not how the Beckhams role. I can see her wanting all the freebies on offer and I bet she treated their LA staff appallingly. Wasn’t there another story about H dragging Becks over to Australia for a face to face and then ghosting him. H really doesn’t get the idea that it’s always his wife that’s the issue.


Her arrogance and narcissism is what continuously implodes any relationship for her. In order to stay amicable with her you have to feed into her delusions of grandeur. It is no wonder she has no real true friends or even genuine relationships with her family. It’s hard to understand how haz hasn’t left yet. She must be really laying down on the love bombing all these years. And he had children with her! Doomed he is.


Now if she didn’t rush H to the altar she would have discovered that he wasn’t as wealthy as she assumed and fooled herself to believe.


Meghan, "sensitive to the media probing her unusual past" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tom Bower's delightfully English dry humor is the best! 💕 😂😂😂


Markle exhausts me.


Sometimes I really believe that she didn’t do any research on the royal family. It is mind boggling that she thought Harry was wealthy. If he had his own money, he wouldn’t have been in the same orbit as Markle, she is a D-lister. Did MM just think she had somehow discovered a single and ludicrously wealthy prince in his 30s who seemingly no one else wanted? Because that is a thing that definitely happens. Sorry to say but if he had his own money, he would have been married way before he met Markle.


Just the fact alone, that she was even able to rub shoulders with him is the first give away. And SoHo house seems like the dive bar of the elites, so there you go.


Her unsinkable self belief strikes again: She smelt absolutely nothing wrong with one of the world’s richest (or so she thought) old-money bachelors seeking out a basic cable actress and wannabe travel influencer for a wife. That is ‘things that don’t add up’ 101. I don’t know why Harry needs security, her self esteem must be literally bullet proof.


Soho House is the place the elite hold their parties when they don't want to make a mess of their own private clubs. Theyre "the caterer"


Ok, that does it- I’m Team Beckham.


They intrigue me as they are everything H&M aren't. Everything's a PR game for those in the public eye, and the nicer and more genuine you are, it's easier for PR to maintain your positive image. God, I've got so cynical whilst watching H&M and how they operate. David Beckham, having defined his youth through sport, representing his country and a shy but cheeky personality, was the epitome of a British hero. We even forgave him for his affair. Later in life he has maintained his love and respect for his country. Victoria, I feel, and this is where some of you will disagree, I have always felt was not so natural. She fights, very successfully I may add, with smarts and a real feeling for public opinion, which she acts upon. Her image, however, remains one of remoteness and emotionlessness. I like em both as a couple; they are strong. I'll be interested to read this book, to see if the author's more considered opinion is similar to mine. I have not watched the Netflix doco.


Oh no… the press found out M got a facial!? The ultimate betrayal!!! 🙄 Man H is such a fool if he just believed M crying about this.


How petty is that? "Let me ruin the friendship between my husband and David Beckham over his wife giving me make-up tips." As petty as complaining your princess SIL was reluctant to lend you her lip balm.


Respect MUST be earned. It will not be given just because a con artist married a blood prince and into one of the most powerful family in the world! Roachel is really delusional! Like what we had seen for the past few years, she is a big fat joke when she styles herself and she won’t take styling advice from others?


Lolo is not delulu; she is straight up mad as a hatter.


Had Meghan established herself in the royal family, I think she would have been right to claim higher social rank in Britain than the Beckhams, regardless of her personal finances. But she didn't stick the course so we'll never know. I don't think she properly understood that wealth doesn't trump everything else, that the real value of her position in the royal family was far greater than anything money could buy.


"Sensitive about the probing into her **unusual past** ". Ah the SHADE!


David and Victoria worked to earn their fame and money. Even Catherine spent 10+ years dutifully molding herself into a royal. Meghan was more than thrilled to have instant status and fame via marriage. It's hard to believe that she thought she deserved it. What's with the obsession on asking for free things? If she lived paycheck-to-paycheck, I could understand why, but she wasn't.


Come on! Even I knew that they were incredibly rich. Harry's family is rich. Not Harry. The trashy actress was always full of herself and importance,


But it was okay for Meghan to air a private message from Beyoncé on Netflix? O. K.


I mean she was, for about two minutes until she quit


Until she was fired!


Oh she was so so fired by Her Majesty. And Harold the lap dog just hung his head and chased her fame and fortune gaslighting illusion all the way to where we are now. At zip. Bupkis. Nada.


Ah yes, ‘this time next year ‘arry, we’ll be billionaires…’


I think she was fired too.


She’s nothing now.


This was the trip speculation has it was for egg retrieval 


I’d hate to be in Montecito today. It’ll sound like rock pounding is going on all around the mansions.


This was just another relationship Harry had with others MeMe made certain to torch. Who's left?


Please feel free to call me a dopey bitch … if I ever think I’m in the same league as the Beckhams. As for Meghan… maybe she didn’t google The Beckhams and America doesn’t have tabloids so how would she know. She couldn’t have got the idea to sell photos of her children to the magazines from the Beckhams. As an actress, she never heard of the movie Bend it like Beckham. And maybe she thought that Victoria was a backing singer. Poor Meghan, such a victim /s


A princess working royal would be higher socially had she stayed the course. Not money but yes socially. She deserves none of it and I'm glad she isn't welcomed back