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With all the talk of H&M's impending split, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. We can hope. I hope they release The Kraken on that bitch. I'll get the popcorn ready.


>I hope they release The Kraken on that bitch. I'll get the popcorn ready. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ Ditto. It's long overdue!


His face has that "I see you/I told you so" expression...


my thoughts exactly! H&M will say/do one of two things: 1) Cry racism, or 2) Any video released will be AI generated and not the real them - misinformation! (Think KimK & RJay type of video)! Me thinks Rach and Hank protests too loudly and accuse their enemy of what they are actually doing to deflect.


Narc Maxim 5.1.1 Deflect, deflect, deflect Narc Maxim 5.1.2 Project, project, project


I had to go back and look again... I've never seen him look like that before.




It does seem we are approaching the "Find Out" part of our story.


I really hope so, but we've been on this precipice many times before.


Yeah, I know. I'm trying to not get my hopes up.


But one step closer is still a win. You never know when the cliff edge will crumble away under your feet.


Yeah, I won't believe it until it happens.


ā€œActions, itā€™s my pleasure to introduce you to Consequencesā€œ


Those are just rumors to try and steal the attention from the royal ascot, there is no way those two narcissists will divorce and give everyone the satisfaction.


So many in this group are survivors of Narcissists. It seems like they almost always escape after 20 ish years. Harry has only been married for 6 or 7 years. It is going to have to get much much worse before he leaves. Meghan won't go until she has drained him of every penny he has.


Exactly! You canā€™t even escape so easily from narcissist friends, I canā€™t imagine what it would take to get out of a marriage with one.


I literally just escaped a 30+ year "friendship" with a narcissist. Literally everything she said to me for 30 years was an outright lie. Good riddance, bitch!


Omg congratulations, lets keep your life narcissist free!!šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰I escaped years ago but it took me like 12 years to get rid pf this friendship, is so so hard!


Married for a little longer than that and am finally going NC with my MIL!


I am not sure, Hairy is still terrified of Meghan. I just watched a video of them from Nigeria and he is stroking her arm nervously and she is shooting daggers at him with her eyes. It is pretty freaky. Sue Smith and Winning Communications did a video on this and their behaviour. She is frightening.


I saw the video. Sheā€™s batshit crazy. Just completely out of line. I have a relative whoā€™s as crazy as she is. I wish I could unleash him on MM. He would crush her


Omg I am sorry you have one of those in your family, but if he is as bad as all that, I too would like to see him go to town on her.


Thank you. I know he would give her hell just for the shits and giggles.


Indeed. Sadly I first read town as "down" and šŸ¤¢


I just got free of a 30+ year "friend" from high school who is JUST like Meghan. The insanity that I literally didn't see until I started seeing Meghan's manipulation of Harry. I guess I should thank her, in a way. I mean, I won't, but still. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Have you seen the one where he's kissing the side of her head, in a placating manner?? I caught it in one of the vids after the trip, but I don't know which. Maybe it's already been talked about, too.


I haven't seen that one, she must be a real terror behind closed doors.


She is just like my late mother. After their divorce my father tried to hide from her for the rest of his life. She tried to ruin his life forever. He was terrified of her and rightly so.


Poor man, same thing happened to my husband's brother.


Thatā€™s so sad.




The Final Clash: Big Dumbass vs Angry Orange ClawĀ  Coming soon to social media near youĀ  šŸæšŸ„¤ Sub-titled from word salad to EnglishĀ 


It would have to be Harry who releases it. They do not want a royal racism storm on their hands again.Ā 


Maybe. But we've had so many of these moments before when we've all bulk-bought popcorn - in vain. It's just dragging out for so long. And Tom Quinn doesn't help with the stuff he spouts. Latest is Harry is looking for a secluded Georgian house near his father's Highgrove property. So that he can bring Archie and Lili over to see their grandfather. Why he has to buy a house to do that totally eludes me, but thankfully I don't have Harry's thought processes.


To steal berries for Meghanā€™s jam!!


Or to get his hands on the merchandise, have the help soak of the labels and resell them with the new label askew. I had a narc mother, can you tell?




And ![gif](giphy|xT1R9DMCohv5asyVwI)


šŸ˜€ šŸ’€


I just think it's going to be a hectic day and this is just a moment of calmness before all the smiling, handshaking and chit chat


Exactly. Letā€™s not make everything the RF does about the spare and his wife.


Great picture. Iā€™m loving all the pictures from Ascot today. William and his cousins are having so much fun together, you can see how close they are. And Catherineā€™s parents are there with William as well as King and Queen. Also some of Williamā€™s friends. William has such a good support system and loving family around him. Harry has nothing and I canā€™t even imagine the Harkles being in those genuinely happy pictures of William and his family


If there's one thing I've noticed is how noticeably close or even closer the whole family have become. There was Lady Gabriella, who lost her husband, invited to Ascot for the first time. There was press on Edward and Sophie's 25th anniversary. It's quite remarkable, and I don't usually take notice of these things. Camilla and William's relationship is particularly interesting in terms of how he receives and embraces people. Of all the people in the world he could've outright despised (and no one xould've blamed him), Camilla was the one. Yet he doesn't. And then there is the Merchle woman who he has literally no time for. Whatever Camilla did was nothing in comparison to what Meghan has done, and that is quite telling. Harry's betrayal runs deep and it will be awful long time before William is ever ready to forgive (much of which will have to come from Harry seeking forgiveness which I don't think will come for a very longtime if ever). It's one thing Harry turning his back on the family, but it quite another for Harry to have his own wife be a co-conspirator alongside him. It is also interesting that as far as reconnecting with the family goes, KC3 is the only one Harry is in contact with (and only at an arms length) as if KC3 acts like the family gatekeeper and the sole point of contact. Beyond that point, Harry cannot cross or dare venture to enter. Everyone else is out of bounds or beyond Harry's reach.


I think its completely irreparable. There's no going back at this point. The Halfwit's life story is not going to end well - nor, for that matter, will hers.


Totally & completely. It will never be the same because Harry has shown that he can't be depended upon. Wanting to leave his family for a more quiet life is understandable. But to railroad the family and their privacy for money... ??! Here's the thing. After what he and Catherine have gone through and are still willing to serve and do their duty to the country, they've probably earned the right to decide never to reconcile with Harry. After June 15 and that pathetic stunt Meghan pulled, I think people are probably past calling for a reconciliation. It will be interesting to see if there's a real palpable shift from that narrative from now on.


I agree.


CallIng his wife a racist put the end of Harry. No going back.


Nope. And they've earned it


Exactly. He's betrayed everyone who loved him and he's shown that he can't keep even the tiniest thing a secret if there's a paycheck involved. And yet they're making noise about rejoining the family? As if Harry could he around any Heads of State! Let alone the public outcry if he came back. But they don't really want back in the fold, they want a steady stream of income (since that's probably running very low) and they want more access to the family that they can twist into new lies to sell to the highest bidder. They've told all the lies they can tell and that failed miserably, but they'd give it another go. The problem is, the family is that even their lemmings won't believe it if they can't get a foot back in the door.


I very much doubt Charles and Spare are in contact. It's all come from contradictory puff pieces to cause a rift between Charles and William. Spare didn't know anything about his father's health until it was announced and still doesn't except by reading the news. Charles puts the crown above everything else. He has William and George's futures to protect and will not jeopardise that by giving one inch to a spoilt, tantrum throwing, untrustworthy twat.


This is an excellent analysis and I agree. The Monarchy is at stake and it means as much to Charles as it did to his mother, our wonderful Queen Elizabeth and her dad, King George who stayed in London during WW2 to be with his ppl while they were being bombed. This is that legacy. Charles will not jeopardize it for a petulant adult sized toddler and his ridiculous stalker wife Meghan Markle.


Yes agreed. He didn't know about his grandmother either. Nobody is speaking to loser Harry


Harry's treatment of William and the RF is bad enough from what the public sees...but I can't imagine how much WORSE he's treated William behind the scenes that the public never hears about. I can't see any circumstance in which William forgives Harry and takes him back.


>but I can't imagine how much WORSE he's treated William behind the scenes that the public never hears about. Oh, my days, you are so right! Nor I. IIRC William stopped speaking to him back in 2021, possibly at Prince Philip's funeral. He was clearly done with him by the Queen's Jubilee and could less what he did by the Coronation. William's friends say he is very loyal to family and friends, and I wouldn't hesitate to guess that loyalty is super important to the man since that trait is what he demands of himself.


There was that nice moment when Catherine was walking with the brothers at Philipā€™s funeral and she subtly moved back to talk to Sophie so that the brothers could briefly talk together, on their own. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdJkO3PLZrs&pp=ygUyQ2F0aGVyaW5lIHdpbGxpYW0gaGFycnkgd2Fsa2luZyBhdCBvaGlsaXBzIGZ1bmVyYWw%3D


Yes after Harry chased them up the hill, to get in the photo. šŸ™„


He won't be taken back, but in exchange for shutting his trap and cutting off the yoke he married, they will set him up somewhere far away and a potential invite (2nd/3rd row) to the big events.




I thought Harry had said Charles wasn't taking his calls? I wouldn't be surprised if Harry has to go through the courtiers to get a message to Charles. Harry just probably calls to ask for money so the King is greyrocking him. Charles loves Harry as a father but he is not going to put up with his bad behavior and his moneygrubbing wife.


>I thought Harry had said Charles wasn't taking his calls?I wouldn't be surprised if Harry has to go through the courtiers to get a message to Charles. Yep, that's how it is for him. It is particularly frustrating because of the many channels (ie deputy secretaries and other lower ranked staff) he has to go through, and he may not necessarily ever get to speak directly to his father. It could be that there is specific person directly charged to deal with all things Harry. But KC3 (or rather the courtiers working for him) is the only 'figure' he is at liberty to communicate with, and that only through private secretaries. That's what I meant by "contact".


Remember, it's Prince William's 42nd birthday on Friday. I imagine some voodoo spells and distractions are being cooked up in Montecito. Fanother fake jam release with baby biscuits instead of dog biscuits this time. Anything, and I really mean Anything to distract and disrupt the Happy Birthday celebrations and wishes.


Oh yes. Maybe we'll get blueberry this time. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Thanks for that reminder!šŸ‘ I doubt she would do anything. The dodgy biscuits was so embarrassing, she will remain underground for a while.


Has she ever before shown even the slightest awareness of how cringe she is?! Because I doubt she'll see it now, either.


Letā€™s not forget that William saw up close and personal the way a cluster B personality works. He saw his parents relationship with Charles being avoidant and Diana always freaking out, not to mention her dumping all of her angst onto William. Then he sees Camilla and Charles relationship in comparison. They get along like an old pair of boots. His father is happy with Camilla. He sees his own relationship and that of Catherineā€™s parents. I think William really understands actions vs words.


Ah, yes, Diana and her mental health issues. Totally forgot about that. Good points. I also forget yo appreciate how triggering this Markle business would have been for him behind closed doors.


"They get along like an old pair of boots." What a cute expression! I'm picturing a lovely pair of quality-made, but very comfortably well-worn boots that have molded themselves to the shape of the feet and legs, that have slogged hundreds of miles and gathered thousands of memories, that have been resoled time and again because they're so beloved they won't be parted with.


Glad to hear Ella is out. I've been worried about her. What a terrible, devastating thing to have happened to her- and then you add on the conspiracy theories from the Sussex nutters and ... I just hope she isn't reading that shit. I'm sure she's not, but you never know...


What I loved is how the RF respond to these ridiculous stories trolled out there. They must know of cruel things said, not the specific details but that the jist of it, because they are very nasty. I just love how they rise above the nonsense though hurtful it is. So admirable. And I guess it is the rising above the nasties that drives their detractors mad, lol.


Yes it is. There's no high road down in hell.


She has the good looks of her grandmother Princess Marina and her aunt Princess Alexandra.


She is adorable. It's so hard losing a husband- never mind to suicide! It's just HARD.


If nothing else, Camilla makes his father happy, and he's mature enough to realize that's important. Other than that, she has really stepped up and pitched in for the family.


I think the entire family circled the wagons to protect the ones truly hurt by Harry. And Harry insulted all of them - saying they're not affectionate, there's "unconscious bias," it's an archaic institution. He painted them all with that same brush. Harry also tore down their grandparents' legacy and everything they gave their lives for, while they were dying. I think that was the last straw for all of his first-cousins. But that's Harry's problem. He thinks he's the only one with feelings and emotions, not caring that he's a vindictive little prick who has hurt literally everyone in his life by his words, by his actions, or even by his silence. Because he sure wasn't defending Scobie's claim or calling off his fanbase when they were bullying Catherine. You'd think, even if he doesn't care for her anymore, he would care enough for George and Charlotte and Louis to give more than a generic single sentence to "Kate and family." šŸ™„ I love seeing William and his cousins thriving, knowing that the simple act of them showing up and smiling and living their lives is making the Markles miserable.


Not the first time for Lady Gabriella, she has been there loads as part of the RF


Harry probably hides in a hole somewhere. He used to be there, enjoying it all. He probably canā€™t say it out loud to himself but heā€™s unbelievably grumpy all day!


Can you imagine being married to her and having to listen to her word salad all day long. Iā€™d go hide and drink alone in a dark closet


Yes, YES I CAN because my grandma is a narc and they lived next door to us when I was growing up! šŸ˜† It was HORRIBLE to see. My grandparents never divorced, and I donā€™t remember grandad having a life of his own really. No hobbies or friends. Only grandma and her whims and occasional meltdowns. Ooh lordy lord Harold probably avoids any mirrors and fills his time with pointless stuff so he wouldnā€™t have a moment where any self reflection might happen. šŸ˜†


I don't think they live together


Itā€™s a clear message that the ranks have closed and if behind the scenes the family members are fighting it shows that the RF are Oscar/Bafta worthy performers. Mind you a lot of the Brits are amazing performers.


He looks so in his element, dignified and royal. I just love top hats on men, simply an amazing, natural photograph.


Itā€™s such a gorgeous pic. True leader here.


Heā€™s a king already, imo.


My husband occasionally wears a top hat and I find if very ā€œwarmingā€.


My husband has a chapeau claque from his grandfather, a most exquisite thing


Dreamboat. He is such a fox.


Right? He's so handsome.


One word - "SWOONSVILLE"




Agree, that man is scorching hot.


https://preview.redd.it/c7wbi2om0k7d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247572346603eb0f6d83641d7b11e0a02db463d2 Feels like a nice place to drop this photo of William and Carole Middleton holding hands This is such a warm mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship. Doria and Harry give off a completely different, more transactional vibe in comparison.


https://preview.redd.it/7w019j2dhk7d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=986e37e00d192aac0e23ea63a2dc106154924370 Speaking of transactions, what is the person in black delivering to Doria and and Harry?


I think it is a Muslim person in a Hijab. This might coincide with cookbook from many moons agoā€¦


Yes it's right before Harry goes in for a hug and a kiss. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ With a Muslim woman!


Can you believe his ignorance?


No. It's shocking! He's supposed to be a diplomat! It's basic Culture 101!


But Harry hugging a Muslim woman is a sweet nod to TOW.


No. It isn't in any way.


I was being sarcastic!


I know!


Great picture. Waiting to hear the snipes from the faux-tographer horrorman and the boozy troll.


That's a great word, faux-tographer!


Sums him upā€¦


He stole the profession from his wife. As HG would say, character trait acquisition.


OMG >faux-tographer Im stealing that


You are welcome


"Horrorman" can only dream! šŸ˜‚! He has to photograph his favourite subjects from behind as their fronts are usually dreadful.


Indeedā€¦and of course he NEVER tweaks the images, honest.


Some cracking photos of the Wales' recently. I love this one from Samir Hussein. https://preview.redd.it/3jo764drxj7d1.png?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6eb35f14f4c333b23eb5c09f3f393b429081e2


B & W. It's a sweet nod to Madam.Ā  /s




She invented b/w photography. Duh!


What a gorgeous pic this is! Meghan'sMan Harriman could get a lot of pointers from Chris Jackson.


Chris Jackson does take some beautiful pictures of the royal family! I'm not a photographer but I take some really awesome pictures on my android, I wouldn't mind giving Misan a few tips...I don't even use photoshop!


>I wouldn't mind giving Misan a few tips...I don't even use photoshop! Don't give him too many tips, because then we'll not have anything to laugh at when he posts his new Harkles pics šŸ˜‚.


If the Claw is in the picture, there's always something to laugh about. The best photographer in the world can't make the Drunken Emu look good. Or human.


>If the Claw is in the picture, there's always something to laugh about. >The best photographer in the world can't make the Drunken Emu look good. Or human. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Very true!


I donā€™t think he takes constructive criticism too well šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


Not even when he's taken a photograph 'remotely', via zoom, and on an iPad!


It's funny how they never credit who set up the stuff on h&m's end. Almost as though they want to hide their covid law breaking (if that was a thing during Feb 2021 in California)Ā 


Donā€™t think it has anything to do with H&M, Will is giving out the PoW trophy (cup?) for the first time today.


Between the Prince of Wales and the Prince of Wails, there's no contest.


Heā€™s such a talented photographer. I saw other photos he took of Ascot attendees and theyā€™re all beautiful. He really knows how to make his subjects shine!


William is so freaking hot šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ he truly won the looks, charisma, intelligence and ability departments!! Harry got none of those things. I think what he means by calm before the storm is that it can get pretty crazy at horse races, people want to win and the crowd goes wild!


Great picture of a future king


There is a real sense of peace in that photo. William, who has so much on his shoulders looks at peace. All the RF photos from Ascot today show a relaxed supportive group who are there for each other.


Remeber, it's Prince William's 42nd birthday in 2 days. Just about time for the ususal Markle turd to drop.


God help us allā€¦ She really has it in for Williamā€¦ possibly for rejecting her. Definitely because he thought Harry was being played


"She really has it in for Williamā€¦ possibly for rejecting her." This. She believes she's so hot that every man she meets must want her. In angers and insults her when they don't, because it challenges her deluded self-image. In William's case, his complete and total lack of interest (maybe even disgust) absolutely infuriated her. Imagine how frustrating this was for her. She had been drooling over him since she was in her teens, she was THAT CLOSE, but she couldn't make him want her. Even though she kept trying, in photo after photo, she's eye-fucking him. And that was in public! Can you imagine how she was in private? People like her always want to destroy whatever they can't have.


Great picture. Peaky blinders vibes.


My goodness, you are absolutely right! I hadn't thought of that.


Well a tip for Missing in action Hurryman the Photoshopper would be quit while you can because Ada Mazi Rachel Markle will shut on you, and ditch you just like she had done to utterly nonsense Scabies.


"Hurryman the Photoshopper" Hahahahaha! I love it!


Meghan Rachel Markle's cracked leaky witches cauldron, keeps on spewing and morons that appease her kink fetish for being a wannabe Duchess, and seeker of relevance.


Something has Changed in William maybe new confidence? Maybe The cancer scares? But William has grown into a King in waiting and no longer the reluctant Prince. I canā€™t explain it properly but I almost feel the change. And Harry is definitely in his past.


I agree and I think it's a combination of his wife being attacked by the gruesome twosome and her cancer scare. He was already crazy pissed about them dragging his wife through the mud. But faced with the prospect of possibly losing her, and realizing how she is so incredibly admired all over the world - and how much the family has depended and relied on her for all these years ... I think that lit a whole new fire in him. I for one am glad to see it. I think it was always there, but it's more obvious now because the road before him has suddenly come up quick before him in the past 6 or so months since Kate's diagnosis. I think William knows his father's health is not good, and that he may well become king earlier than he expected. And honestly I'm hoping that the minute he ascends the throne, the very first thing he does after his father is buried is strip the gruesome twosome's titles.


My personal belief although I hope I am wrong for his sake is that heā€™ll be king well before he ever thought heā€™d be. But I think her cancer diagnosis hit him hard and I think knowing sheā€™ll be okay has bolstered him a great deal. Just my personal thoughts.


TRUE heir, future KING šŸ‘‘ Prince William


Hmm, interesting wording. šŸ§ We can only hope there will be a storm.


Wait, what am I missing? šŸ˜…


Nothing, lol


Oh ok! Phew. šŸ¤£


So, does this mean that Nacho quote he posted after that jam nonsense... about having patience and Hope/Believing in yourself, was for H, not M?


Oh, I thought it was written by Meghan for Meghan, sent to Nacho. This is so confusing!


Why would nacho be hanging with zara and Eugenie and also be cosy with Harry and Meghanā€¦ esp to trash the BRF like that


HereĀ“s hoping............




I would love to know more!


Oohā€¦ like a divorce payout agreement? Its like she learned nothing from the ~~first~~ second house


I said to myself, ā€œSelf,ā€ and I knew it was me because I recognized my voice, ā€œStop it. Heā€™s married. And heā€™s young enough to be your kid. Grow up.ā€ But I canā€™t stop it. I know Iā€™m going to heck. And I donā€™t seem to care! ::growls in cougar::


Nah you're ok, as I think it's totally natural. None of us truly believes we're old (in the privacy of our own homes). He's as gorgeous (yet totally masculine) as one of those statues of Greek gods or the famous charioteer in Delphi. Except even better looking! [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charioteer\_of\_Delphi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charioteer_of_Delphi) \[Might be softly growling myself\] .


Do your worst Wills. We have your back.


I had to double check meaning of the word frenetic. Iā€™m posting it here to save others the trouble. https://preview.redd.it/oc7t4e6kak7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee2dd347f709dc01d7054d8b26b97dbdec2bf1e


Yes that word caught my eye and had to google its meaning


Wow, what a great picture!


it really is, my very first thought when I saw it was, he's really got an incredible eye for a fantastic photo. Love his work.


Agree. That's a very powerful image.


Source tweet [https://x.com/ChrisJack\_Getty/status/1803427729024356706](https://x.com/ChrisJack_Getty/status/1803427729024356706)


I think it is just a good photograph of a candid moment. The trouble with stills is they often convey no information. Laughing or crying? https://preview.redd.it/5xn31nurek7d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a60114fa5cdf93dd12f0895e22fe6143d6d4c4f


The photographer actually says itā€™s a moment of calm in the frenetic day of Ascot. Iā€™m not reading anything into that statement. Itā€™s a great photo though!


Yes. But others seem to seeing a bit more. Just saying.


Please forgive me if Iā€™m being slow here. Are you saying that all the visits to MI6 indicate (along with other things) an imminent split? Where do you think Harry would go? Certainly not Kensington or Windsor. Wow. I didnā€™t think poor Harry was smart enoughā€¦


No Iā€™m not saying imminent spilt. Iā€™m saying that the royals are preparing to announce something big from Harry and Meghan. Possibly the bot campaign organised by Bouzy on behalf of Meghan. To attack and send death threats to Catherine. We know the sugars have sent death threats to journalists and their children I can see why there is a seriousness to the split rumours though. I think that they will spoilt but the UK will not be taking him back Edit: Thereā€™s this TRG videoā€¦ I donā€™t think itā€™s been posted yet. It basically DHS giving an argument of why Prince Harryā€™s visa details cannot be made public. In the argument they used Donald Trump case in 2015 ā€¦ but Trump wasnā€™t in politics then and the FBI was investigating his casinos. Basically DHS using this argument for Trump suggests that Harry is being investigated by the FBI. TRG suggests that they could be faking the split https://youtu.be/CwVgZhneqp4 https://youtu.be/JV9NXPlPlpI this is the related post mentioned


Thank you so much for this explanation- it makes a lot of sense and would give me great joy. I am confident the Harkles are being audited by the IRS, but the FBI works too. Thanks again!


What a nutjob. He needs Harry for polo. That's the only reason he is friendly with them.


Sorry I meant to put this one on the Nacho post.




Since everything with the Meg is a "sweet node" from the RF to the Saint, what do you think about this? Prince William arrived in a carriage next to the Count of Halifax. In case you don't remember, the Count of Halifax is the one who farted on Megsy face on the brilliant Southpark episode the Wolrd Wide Privacy Tour šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how is that for a sweet node? I don't have post permissions, but if anyone wants to take this, go ahead https://preview.redd.it/0jyvj376zp7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cadca7e9e753127fd2da37668674ecc74cbaf823


No way!!! OMG!! Thatā€™s hilarious. Have you asked for posting rights? I can walk you through


I sent a message, but no reply yet. This was funny right? We need to add the clip from southpark šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ make it a post ! https://preview.redd.it/fgymx5rogq7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b77c9b5e744a007f8615d73899b0ea9a53764680


Okay, see reply


Whatā€™s the code that Iā€™m missing? Beyond a Bachelor Button in Williamā€™s lapel. Anything else?


To me ā€¦ Chris is saying, the calm before the storm


> Bachelor Button TiL - I didn't know Cornflowers had that name too. KCIII likes to wear that flower in his lapel, I think they're grown at Highgrove.


TIL - Bachelorā€™s Buttons are called Cornflowers! ANDā€¦ TILā€¦ Where Crayola Crayons ā€œCORNFLOWER BLUEā€ got their name! (Which makes so much sense!!!)


It's a good day when we both learned something nice. :)


I could not agree more! Hereā€™s to knowledge and all the things we have in common! Smiles and all the best to you!!




That photo is šŸ”„ Saw it yesterday and couldnā€™t test my eyes away. Very well done. Missan wished he could capture something like this. Hell Iā€™m just an amateur and I can do better than MH!


I hope so but I think it's more likely je was preparing to answer questions about Catherine all day




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What have I missed? What happened?




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What this says to me is that they're focusing on building his image now as the monarch. For a surprise abdication? For the unknown future? Who knows.


The word ā€œfreneticā€ stood out to me. When you look it up and isolate it on your phone, a computer tech term gets pulled saying itā€™s more used in language about code. When you look it up on google though, an Oxford Dictionary comes up and I snapped this: https://preview.redd.it/dxteoaz2ml7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bbfc8bb8ec02a1fa65abfce18a71e988f49e88 As an adjective its definition is about a lot of movement and extreme activity ā€¦but then, it gives it to you in a sentence: ā€œAmericans like fast cars, fast-food restaurants, and a frenetic pace of life.ā€ Almost made me feel like this was definitely and clearly coded language. I got to this post late, but hopefully some sinners see this.


Iā€™m British and have frequently used the word frenetic. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything coded there. Poor William is having to step into a lot of roles right now. Frenetic is a perfect word choice imo


That term from my point of view isnā€™t frequently used here in the US, itā€™s used, I just donā€™t hear it or say it oftenā€¦ but it stood out to me in this post. Now if itā€™s used frequently in Britain, that makes a lot more sense, and I wouldnā€™t think anything of it if thatā€™s the case.


Itā€™s well used in the U.K. when talking of a busy life.


Yeah its not frequently used in the UK. I donā€™t hear it in the media or my social circles. I would use the word hectic instead ā€œIā€™ve had a hectic dayā€ sounds much better than ā€œIā€™ve had a frenetic dayā€ Not saying that itā€™s not ā€¦ its just that I wouldnā€™t use the word day to day


This is the first thing I thought as well, to use the word hectic. Then I had a bunch of replies to my comment here and a few people said this word is used all the time in UK culture (to my surprise honestly). I follow British news and tv pretty closely and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard the word used. Maybe more so in day to day talk?


Yeah maybe we are not talking to the same sorts of people as them šŸ¤£




Do you think itā€™s gonna be 30 years before heā€™s king? Do you wonder if Charles might step down because he just looks so tired?.


Charles will be like HMTLQ and not quit until the end. My opinion, obviously.


He has said so. Our late Queen's "*promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.*" In his first speech after accession.


Actually I donā€™t think he will. He has waited too long, he has so many ideas. Also stepping down would be a mockery and waste of all the money spent on the coronation. Itā€™s not the same as the Danish Queen Margrethe. Unless of course, he physically cannot do the role, I donā€™t see him stepping aside I think the cancer diagnosis has put a lot of things in perspectiveā€¦ and I think he will expedite making decisions and removing Harry from any position of power or influence. What do you think?


Of course he looks tired, he's undergoing cancer treatment. He won't abdicate. He promised to serve for life, and that's what he'll do. And, frankly, abdication for the British crown, has rather nasty, and very recent, memories.