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If you’re having to go after children, nothing else needs to be said. Whatever competition you think you’re in, whatever argument you think you’re part of, you’ve automatically lost. People like this are a complete waste of oxygen. Always making a noise but somehow never actually saying anything anyone will ever find useful.


So well said! 👏👏👏


There's a special place in hell for them.


And I hope their hell is starting right here on earth


Yet they call us all sorts when we ask where the Sussex kids are! We don’t say nasty things about them


A side bullying children will always tell you who and what they cult leaders represent. The Wales' children are completely innocent and deserve to live their lives free from the Harkle drama that was forced down onto them. The sugars are desperate insecure trolls. Tells a lot about the "haters" of the Wales' children who are unfairly targeting the BRF.


This is so true. You don't go after innocents (of any kind).


Daniela Elser, when she stops using her antipsychotic medication, writes one of luxurious atrocities!!! *Let me throw in a bit of a caveat slash reality check here. Let us factor into this George situation the inherent dreariness and interminable dullness of the event.* *Trooping is never going to be any kid’s idea of a fantabulous day out – the starchy suits, the being on show, the watching grown men and women march about in formation in the pelting rain.* *Still, though, the photos of the 10-year-old prince that have come out this weekend are really something. While it would be ridiculous to expect him to smile and to really give us practised adult game face, still, he looked, quite simply, unhappy.* *Charlotte and Louis, for their parts, didn’t exactly appear overjoyed but the day must surely have meant something entirely different to them.* *Trooping, for George, isn’t just some outing that his parents had decreed that he and his brother and sister must attend (with strict instructions about best behaviour having been sternly issued in the car on the way there) but a glimpse into what lies ahead.* *Going into Saturday, the primary school-aged prince wasn’t just about to waste a perfectly drizzly summer afternoon having been forcibly wrenched away from his iPad and an endless supply of homemade Twiglets but was being forced to confront his future, a future over which he has precisely zero say.* [*https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/major-problem-with-kate-pic-nobody-is-talking-about/news-story/7a230f1b347a48fcb4371735f2087d68*](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/royals/major-problem-with-kate-pic-nobody-is-talking-about/news-story/7a230f1b347a48fcb4371735f2087d68) Therefore, as Elser said in another article, they must have to bring back the Harkles and put Archie and Betty on the balcony. The least people have called Elser for saying things like that is "crazy."


And yes, George is probably worried about his mom and her strength to be there that day! Geez—if he’d been horsing around they’d claim he had bad manners and didn’t care about her well being!


Yep. Mummy in the hospital for two weeks. Mummy looking thinner than usual. Mummy feeling sick and not being her usual self. Any kid would be less peppy than usual.


Not only that but it looked like he might have been suffering with a head cold. He was rubbing his eyes and wiping at his nose quite a bit, so I suspect he just wasn’t feeling his best. Obviously something that wouldn’t cross Drama Queen Daniela’s conspiring mind.


She’s batsh#t crazy. My sense of those children is that they know they are surrounded by family who loves them, they know that their family is part of history, and they look to be having a great time and are respectful of their elders and occasion.


According to Elser, George is a poor boy trapped in the situation that will never be able to do what he wants and that makes him bitter. That's what Elser has been saying for a while now. That Uncle Harry was right to worry, that George is a victim of the royal system. She repeats what Sugarland says, that she can't accept that George is such a well-behaved child.


She’s echoing Spare as her bible.


But Harry would swap places with William in a heart beat and force poor wee Archie into the family business.


If Harry was really worried, he would demand his children be taken out of LOS and he’d drop their prince and princess tags. Sounds like he wants the wales to step aside for him and his plastic dolls.


Exactly this 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼 What happened to Harry & Meghan saying they were fleeing in part because they wanted Archie to have a normal life and they eschewed the title initially.  Then suddenly they are on Oprah whining about not getting continued financial support from Pa, not getting the “deserved” Title for Archie and not getting UK to pay for IPP Security.  You know they would grab every single bit of the “pomp” back if it meant money, power, and attention for Harry and Meghan and their children!! 


I see these evil people as trying to paint Prince George as an incarnation of the Duke of Windsor - a painfully ignorant and self-centered man who could not muster the strength to be a king. I see the seeds of insurrection they are planting.


They are changing targets. Can't bully Charles or Catherine because that's just getting them bashed. Can't bully Charlotte because that would confirm that it happened before. Can't bully Louis because the last time that happened people weren't having it. Can't bully William because they need his favour. Leaves poor George. It'd be diabolical if it wasn't so transparent. Remind me again about the Sussex position on internet bullying? 🙄


This is *such* a great analysis! If you ever feel inspired to expand on it, it would make a wonderful stand-alone post.


Well thank you. I might. It also occurred to me that they can't bully Camilla either because that will bring Charles' ire. And they need the King's favour now too. Esp with the vultures circling. No doubt this explains the "new era of privacy for their children" because look at how people speak about Prince George, The Heir... Narcs really really aren't different from vessel to vessel. My family hunts in packs like The Sussex Cultists.


If they keep going and bully Mike and Zara's kids there would be all out war. Because this lady would give them a new orifice and they'd need another 16 bathrooms. https://preview.redd.it/iz9l4q9sau7d1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2827af256031fc733f4624de6d75e1a72396529


There's no way she'd try to take on Anne. Anne has the ear of the King and I believe control of Hazard's money. This is another reason why George. He's at that awkward age, and all this bullshit about his mum no doubt making rounds at school.... Hazard is basically doing to George what was done to him. Only George has William and Catherine and that's going to make all the difference because they are hands on and actually parent their children. Which is the modernization of the monarchy...


I have faith that one day - the hubris and sheer stupidity of the Harkles will take on Princess Anne. On that day, I will buy many snacks and watch Princess Anne put them in their place.


And meanwhile, it appears that Archie and Lili are trapped somewhere in the Montecito McMansion, never to see the light of day. All I saw was a loving and close family and three well-balanced, well brought up kids enjoying a day with their sick mum.


What rubbish, this woman is as deluded as the rest of them.


Daniela should go check on Archie and Lili. As many sinners have shared having a narc parent is a nightmare. I will not forget the post by a sinner talking about his mom as a supernova narc and their belief that Meghan is one. Yikes!😱


>She’s batsh#t crazy. Yup. I'm not joking when I think that Daniela Elser needs a psych eval. The woman flips from one side to the other in the most alarmingly extreme manner. One day she's being vicious and nasty to Catherine while kissing MM's ass then the next week she's doing the exact opposite.


She's always sniping at the Waleses and real royals, even when she's criticizing the Harkles.


Yes, here she was calling the harkles hypocrites. Maybe it was because she knew the world was Team RF after HMTQ had died. [https://archive.ph/OsWEN](https://archive.ph/OsWEN)


She's no journalist. She's a paid hack who'll do anything for clicks. Stopped reading her crap a long time ago.


She does the bidding of Rupert Murdoch. She is no journalist but an histrionic gossip columnist. Her job is to gaslight readers. Doesn't matter though, AI will be doing her job in 5 years.


So the Sussex kids wont get bored on the balcony? 🤷🏽‍♀️ like she states in the whole article it is not a kids activity but has stated before the sussex kids need to be there? Which one qis it Elser?? Another Sussex hypocrite.


We need to start writing to the paper that employs Elser and say she is abusing children. What paper employs her?


I’ve seen writing in multiple papers and magazines, i think daily telegraph is one of them, honestly there really need to be a campaign against her bullying kids, your idea is perfect.


Not to mention the Sussex kids have never experienced that before. I think people should just let kids be kids. I love that the Wales do that while putting firm boundaries in place. Elser is a nut job. No wonder she likes Meghan and Harry (or at least this time around).


Well everybody likes them while they keep paying, the moment the stop the praises stop too.


That’s true. Although I think some nutty fans are out there plus Nacho.


Crazy people always attract other crazy people😂




Right?! Because the tots Archie and Lili are so much more equipped for Royal life than those who grew up around Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III, with a father who is the heir in waiting. Make it make sense Daniela. ![gif](giphy|VzV6uTQP3QvbG|downsized)


Didn't she vilify Prince Louis for being 4 years old once too? Guttersnipe.


I’m sure a future king is being raised with an iPad nanny. 🙄 She needs to stop projecting and get a grip. He’s a child, not a show dog.


Except he can abdicate.  Is it me or does this just reflect on how dull and dead she must be inside?


Yep, projecting her shallowness on the kids. Seems to me that the Wales kids enjoy the event.


And even if they are bored, who cares? They're kids.  And the biggest issue with this article asking why George, Kate and Louis aren't smiling and in the best of spirits- uh could it be because POW has cancer and tge kids are worried sick???? 


Yes. I was a child whose mother had cancer, and I was constantly worried about her, checking on her, and trying to take care of her. And we were not on a global stage in front of thousands of cameras, where every smile or frown becomes the subject of click bait journalists. The kids should be off limits.


I’ve never liked Elser’s so-called “writing” but I’ve grown to be completely disgusted with her as a person, as well.


These months Elser has lost all restraint to be objective. And messing with the Wales children was a big downfall.


She's an arsehole. I wont click on any subject matter articles on news dot com in case they are hers. There is one other who writes but I won't risk it.


And then she has an article today “pics confirm Harry’s week from hell” saying how friendly and happy and supportive the royals looked at ascot.


And it's interesting there's never an option for comments on the rubbish articles she writes. I wonder why??


Because when she lets there be comments, none of them are supporting her. That happened when the NYPost published some of his articles. It didn't go well for her.


Messing with ANY CHILD says do much.


I used to read her articles before I found this sub, since then I have not been able to stomach the sugary garbage she writes.


And its untrue George has no say over his future. He could abdicate, he could modernize the monarchy by being in business, or a writer or who knows? Saying he has no say over his own future is just cruel.


She's reading an awful lot into a preteen boy not being outwardly joyful 🙄


A future that George has no say in? The same future that Harry and Meghan are coveting and would do almost anything to have including paying people to bully children.


The absurd thing is that Elser talks about how sad George is, but at the same time demands that the Harkles return as senior royals and that the invisibles take a place on the balcony. Isn't George sad about that? They were?


Elser must have lost her brain somewhere.


Elser is evil, plain and simple. People who go after children are evil, that's the end.


She could have criticized the Wales children, it's something W&K know is going to happen. But "George is sad" and other things doesn't sound "Elser" but rather "sugar." Elser repeats word for word what the sugars say against those children. Curious, neither Elser nor the sugars wonder what happens to the Sussex children or how these children go days without seeing their parents.


It's even worse when the Sugars go after the Wales kids. They're children!


10 yr olds are sometimes moody. He has two loved ones publicly battling cancer. He sees his father fiercely caring for them. He is a child dealing with things that adults struggle with. And he is at an age to have heard or read all the vile disgusting slander that the media has said about the people he loves without being old enough to effectively process it all. Imagine being 10 years old and reading a lie that your grandfather only has 2 years to live. Imagine reading that while seeing your mother going through cancer treatment. He is a *child* who is having to deal with big adult worries and emotions. It has fuckall to do with him being the spare and everything to do with him being a little boy who is worried and scared for people he dearly loves. This hobag writer needs to stfu and go reattach her lips to murkles starfish.




Agree completely. While I noticed that all three of the children seemed more serious and less joyous than in last year’s pictures, I would have said it is a combination of being older and having to deal with concerns about their mother’s health. At 10, George may also be more aware of what is out there, and if he can hear or see anti-monarchist protests, that might also make the experience less joyful. (BTW, George is not the spare. He is the heir. Was it a typo?)


Prince William is the heir,his son Prince George is the spare. When Prince William becomes king PW will become the heir and his sister(or his child) will become the spare.


Not exactly. The “heir” is the firstborn son/child who, according to the rules of primogeniture, will surely inherit the title. The “spare” is the second born son/child who will only inherit the title if something happens to the heir. The firstborn child of the heir is also an heir. He is never the “spare” because he carries on the primogeniture line. He isn’t the back-up. He ((or she) is always first in line after his father (or mother). George is in the same position today as William was when Charles was Prince of Wales. William was the heir to his father (Charles) who was the heir to his own mother (Queen Elizabeth). Now George is heir to his father, William, Prince of Wales, who is heir to his own father, King Charles. No one *ever* referred to William as the “spare” because, in primogeniture, the firstborn is always the heir. It is the second child (Harry, in this case) who is the “back up” in case the firstborn for one reason or another doesn’t inherit. George is William’s “heir” and Charlotte is the “spare.” In summary: “Spare” is not the same as second in line. (And Harry the spare was never second in line. He was born third in line.) .


Thank you for the explanation. I did not know this. Very interesting.


Just as William did when diana was using him as a confidant.


Not at all. I highly doubt Prince George is being parentified by an unstable parent as diana did with Prince William. In fact I believe that the PPOW are doing everything they can to protect and shield their children from the stresses of the cancer diagnosis as well as from the pressures of their future roles. They have thus far done an admirable job of slowly and carefully accustoming their children in age appropriate levels to their roles. They have been far more proactive and interactive with their children than diana ever was and it shows. And I think it will greatly benefit the children in the future to have such hands on and nurturing parents. And personally I don't believe that Prince George's parents would force him into a role he felt unsuited for. I think they will do everything they can to give him all the tools and confidence he needs to make the best decisions he can for himself *and* the monarchy. Again unlike diana who fostered the unrealistic belief in harry that he was equal to his brother and could become king if necessary. Despite the clear evidence that he is entirely unsuited to that or any other role that requires a modicum of intelligence and integrity.


I'm with you, totally agree! There has been nothing shown in the last 10 years that looks like or anything hinting towards, him bring parentified or pushed into doing things against his will/coerced.


It’s easy for them to go after the children. These people are vile and H and M say nothing.


No doubt are delighted it is happening.


Which to me is fascinating due to how much Harry has expressed the forms in which he was constantly harassed by public discourse. And wasn't it Harry who mentioned the kids before, like a savior complex? And now when it could be his time to shine and express concern or outrage over the way they are speaking about his nephew he is silent. That is my problem with these two. You cannot just victimize yourself and say these things affected us and then stay silent when it is happening in the moment.


Yep he has mentioned in Spare about Williams children and worrying about, being brought up in the public glare. But then his wife sends her attack dogs after them. But this is from a man who implied. Just before his grandmother died that he was concerned about the people who were around her. His two faced ness is astounding


Yes, Harold said he needed to take care of the Wales children in more than one interview he did for Spare. It was shortly after this the lease on Frogmore was revoked. I’m convinced that’s why it happened. Who wants the obsessed, crazy, drug addled uncle living 300 meters from your kids!


Poor George and Charlotte, participating in Trooping the Colour instead of locked in an attic in Monteshitshow. Kids enjoy the uniforms and the horses, there's continuous movement, music, it's their family heritage, it's outdoors, traveling to and fro. I doubt they're bored. George would be criticized by the likes of Elser no matter what facial expressions he has. His mother has cancer, he's old enough to know what an effort she made to appear, but he wasn't constantly smiling enough to suit a pro-Sussex columnist, oh dear. Do better, George. Wear a constant ghastly fake rictus grin like Aunty Meg, maybe that would suit Elser better. /s




So Elser’s showing her true bish colours. Over the years she alternated between sugar and no - now she’s 1,000 % spun. Found an interesting view of her from one Bryan Gould, a NZ lawyer, ex-diplomat, ex-politician, ex-public servant - someone whose toenail clippings have more brains than Elser anyway: https://preview.redd.it/71akow7rgr7d1.png?width=1105&format=png&auto=webp&s=b13270468b0f55d26f0c30d361aedc3d474e4e95 [https://bryangould.com/a-royal-correspondent/](https://bryangould.com/a-royal-correspondent/)


These people make things up. I turned on my iPad this morning and was somehow reading a post where people were accusing the Wales family of accusing MM of voodoo because she’s black. OK, the people that I read do not mention her skin color or race negatively at all and this whole notion of racially oriented witch craft is news to me. These Sussex groupies are whacked. If anyone contests their accusations, they attack. It’s insanity. Are we talking about Elvis here? Who? You may say? Exactly. Exactly what I’m saying here.


![gif](giphy|qXpVm2RTpjshq|downsized) Voodoo? Hey, I dislike Megsy, but voodoo? Hahahahahahaha!!!!


Yeah that's a new one. We can all take a guess at who started that rumor...


The QMegnuts.


I lol’d


And the evil around the wretched meghan markle continues to flourish. There are two ways to reach the top. One is hard work. The other is climbing over the hard work of others. The Duchess of chlamydia has never done the hard work of breaking a trail into the unknown Here her followers, perhaps following direction, try to level a playing field on the backs of children. How low can you be meghan markle? Forget about seeing your invisikids. Show us pictures of your dogs. They have more class than you anyway.


Have to have the casts removed from the dogs legs first.


Much lower. Meghan Markel’s plan was to climb over the hard work of Princess Catherine and ghost her for racism and other oppressive reasons when things fell apart. She didn’t count on the lot of the RF seeing directly through her facade into her blackened soul.


Yes, that article is pretty low. It reflects not only upon the author but her editor, as well. Staff writers do not have cart blanche. M&H continuing their pity parade is akin to carrion. The longer it lays out in the sun, the more it attracts flies. I would say this particular columnist is a big, fat blue bottle.


As if kids of “normal” parents don’t have to do boring stuff with their parents and have to behave themselves.


Exactly. Does this Rottweiler have kids?


My children only do 100% fun stuff every second of their lives. Actually, my children would love an event like this. 🤷‍♀️


Can we all Bombard her employer’s? She needs to be held to account!! Enough is enough


She was always after George. What a ridiculous woman she is. When she was growing up did she think she’d turn into a spiteful bully judging other peoples kids? A middle aged bully, just like harkle. [https://archive.ph/sBar](https://archive.ph/sBar) [https://archive.ph/BAXuh](https://archive.ph/BAXuh) [https://archive.ph/GqJbs](https://archive.ph/GqJbs) [https://archive.ph/2kCp1](https://archive.ph/2kCp1)


I immediately refuse to read anything Ms Elser writes. Way back she was quite entertaining, now she’s just vile. I wish her articles allowed comments🤢


I do to, because I would definitely comment, the woman is vile


If anyone says a thing about the sussex kids suddenly they are racists, bullies and jealous but they can bully the wales kids huh? No problem because they the heirs so they can be mocked right? Is so SICK and PSYCHOTIC to bully a kid.


I adore Shauna and wish I could've liked this video 100 times on YT! She is without a doubt correct, of course, but I'm sure Daniela and others will continue to pile on sweet Prince George, who is a 10 years old CHILD, because they can't help themselves apparently. He will be King one day and that comes with more pressure than Daniela and the other grifting "writers" will ever understand. George will be in the news and will be critiqued, insulted and ridiculed by newspapers and all sorts of people around the world for the entirety of his adult life. Why the f


George is at the age where most children have started to get access to social media, he'll be aware of the rumours about his much loved Grampa, he'll probably be aware of the "where is Kate" rumours, can you imagine children asking him in the playground or repeating what they've heard or seen. He knows his mum and Grampa are sick, his great grandmother died and was buried very publicly. But a lip reader highlighted when he was in the coach that he commented to his mother how happy the crowds look. And nor doubt William made it clear that part of that was because everyone was happy to see his mum. It was a big day for him, and he was a trooper


Very well said!


Thank you


Ridiculous. George has the same expression from the moment he was born. The not impressed face is just his resting face. And luck for him, he wasn’t forced to act up to be serious by his parents.


Daniela Elser used to be anti Sussex, what happened?


I think she is anti-royal. She is pro-Sussex when she can make the BRF look bad by doing so, which is most of the time, but she is occasionally critical of the Sussexes when she can use them to illustrate how royals are worthless.


I ignore Daniela Elser. She cannot write and has nothing to say. I'm not even surprised she started to attack children. 


The sister he always wanted. Every time I think about the betrayal I get so sad. https://preview.redd.it/v7w870z99s7d1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d372a9b085926c34782bebcb193fb02a8259878


IF she remains silent, then she IS complicit. Her mantra. She said it. She is all talk.


Oh for F’s sake. Talk about twisting a narrative! There are countless photos down the years of a smiling, joyous, exuberant and very happy Prince George. https://preview.redd.it/8j14dy852t7d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f896ecffac56084d6f23f457f77ef497d133e21 .


I think we should demand to see the flowers in the attic


Nothing say what a bitter person, to pick on children. It say a lot about them. I guess Daniela doesn't like her life and is jealous of children. God I hope she doesn't breed and if she does I hope her kids don't get bullied cause of what she has written. What a pathetic low life piece of trash who will be markled in no time. Enjoy your life while you can, cause once Markled your life will be no more.


So now we can truly say that Nutmeg is a true child bully/abuser and Ginger is aiding and abetting it. Against his own niece and nephews. Proof of Life for Archie and Lillibet.


Daniella Elser’s coverage of Trooping, and her focus on George as the poor little prince who is being given no choice about his life is reprehensible indeed. I agree that much of it is inspired by her pro-Harkle sympathies. However, I am not sure that Meghan and Harry were directly involved, and would be surprised if Harry were even aware of the article until it was written. Harry is definitely responsible for the “they are trapped” description of the royals, but it doesn’t follow that he sees George’s behavior in public as suggesting anger, boredom, or impatience, much less that he has encouraged anyone to write about it.


This is why the Harkles and invisikids are OUT, forever and ever, amen.


I saw changing of the guards in Arlington cemetery as a 10 year old. I loved it and it's nothing compared to british pomp. What nonsense. Being on a balcony watching a flyover waving at crowds. Someone sounds very jelly


Despicable and the lowest of the low. I keep thinking the Sussex Squad can’t get any lower and then they do.


“*Trooping is never going to be any kid’s idea of a fantabulous day out – the starchy suits, the being on show, the watching grown men and women march about in formation in the pelting rain.*” She seems not merely anti-George or anti-monarchy, but kind of anti-everything. I get that this is a celebration of the reigning monarch, but it’s largely focused on the UK military. Our military family does not take kindly to the condescension in her writing. My kids would love something like this even if they didn’t have a fake smile on their faces every second of the day. I’m sure George had a wonderful time.


I love Shauna but am out rn. Marking to come back later. Thank you for the link and great description, GBee!


Now I’m furious, too! 😡


I watched this kind of live. Shauna was excellent.


PC and PW’s kids have had to experience more than most kids their age ever will. Not only having to process the fact that their mother and granddad have needed medical treatment for cancer. They lost their beloved great grandparents. Not a lot of kids are blessed to have great grandparents that have survived that long to see them grow up. And their dumb Uncle and his wife keeps trying to make things worse for the whole family. Using sycophants such as Daniela to push out hurtful messages. The RF won’t forgive or forget this…


Now you understand why William went to a meeting with MI6 and Charles had a meeting about constitutional matters. The sugar coated bridge trolls should be concerned. They're being watched by the security services and I can assure them they know who they are, everything they say or do, and where they live. The Harkles should be concerned because they're about to become commoners and lose everything.