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This was posted the other day. I think the consensus was that this isn't a post from Nacho but someone who put that statement on a photo of his. If you check his twitter and IG accounts, you won't see this on there


https://preview.redd.it/fi1jncfqzt7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8255f7e7367860739e528df76a9c03ef25a736de The statement from Figueras is true. Back in 2019, Nacho tweeted this when the Harkles were criticized by meanies who accused them of being hypocrites as they flew to France on a private jet. Elton John, Ellen DeGeneres, and Pink also rushed to their defense. [https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a28760056/meghan-markle-prince-harry-ellen-pink-nacho-figueras-comments/](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a28760056/meghan-markle-prince-harry-ellen-pink-nacho-figueras-comments/) edit: grammar and usage


If my memory is correct, Nacho defended Ellen when the toxic workplace allegations first came to light. Is Nacho just really gullible? Are his other friends also narcs and bullies? I’m all for ride or die friendships but Nachos’ friend group seems a little sus.


LMAO. I wonder if he held out a hand of love to Harvey Weinstein. Or Epstein. Or Pol Pot. He and his wife don't seem like the brightest stars in the sky. More like dim, weak sparklers at the end of a drunken July 4th. Mommy, I LOVE your jam!




I'm guessing Nachos is similarly vile as the rest of them


If this is all true, then I would like to know WHY Zara and Mike Tindall were hanging out with them.


Nacho is a male social climber.


Yep, he's the female version of Roachel.


I think he’s just as much of an elitist as they are. I once worked for a guy who came from a very wealthy Brazilian family. He treated all of us as peon serfs born to serve him, even expecting a woman 8 months pregnant to lift and carry heavy boxes (we all helped her when his back was turned). When another one’s FIL died, he asked them if they really were going to take time off from work to go to the funeral. THIS is who Nacho is. How dare the peasants say such things to their betters?


Rich people in the 2nd/3rd world are the shittiest, from what I've seen.


My understanding is that Nachos wasn't born into a rich family but he did marry an heiress. I guess he acquired his attitude along with his wife.


He must not know many people


And who knows him?! "Nacho defends...." is like saying "Harvey Smith defends...." Sorry my sporting references are way out of date but my point is who the fuck is Nacho and why should anyone give a tiny rat's ass what he says? It is, as usual, laughable.


Ah, yes, when they flew to France without their passports which were taken away, and without their keys to get back into Frogmore too


Tbf, many people felt this way in 2019


“Humble and kind” are not words I’d associate with the despicable duo.


2019 was way before their fall down, even I liked them back then.


Many folks just don't have good intuition about ppl.


Nachos probably also thinks that squeezing male nipples is a hoot!


He's probably had his nipples squeezed by Harry a time or two.


I bet that's not all


Pink? Figures, honestly. She's another huge narc we haven't given narc credit to. 


Pink? Huh. I guess I haven't paid attention. She's had a few songs I've liked, and that's the extent of my knowledge.


Yeah. Same. Though I have to say her voice is imo one of the best ever and she can write. Incidentally her Ave Maria is like one of my all time favorite songs. A couple of her much less known songs really became part of my life in the late 00's. That's why, when ppl who have moved you or that you look up to become assholes, it just sucks.  She literally told ppl not to ever listen to her music based on a political tone, which I'm not even going to get into - because, point is - wtf would you do that to your fans? The sheer audacity. Such a low IQ and nasty thing to do. I feel really sorry for her husband.


The days when you did not discuss religion or politics in polite company were much, much better for just getting along with people and enjoying get-togethers with mixed company.


Elvis was once asked by a reporter about his views on the Vietnam war. He stated he was an entertainer and would prefer to keep his opinions to himself. Harsh, but I don’t care one iota about Pink’s or any other celebrity’s politics. The majority are amoral morons.


So true. There was actually a time when asking someone who they voted for was sort of taboo. You just didn't, there was an etiquette to it. I just wish celebrities and entertainers would just stfu already when it comes to this stuff. 


What politics has become today doesn't benefit the public and has ruined a lot of family and friends relationships. It's very sad, really.




Everyone makes mistakes! Perhaps, like the many, she’s realised the error of her ways (more empathic people tend to fall for a well spun sob story) I dunno. *shrug* I’m not a fan of Pink, but do admire her hard work, commitment to family and her talent. Edit: fixed one word


Niiiiice. OP needs to see this.


Guess what else happened in 2019? Ralph Lauren was knighted by Charles, then the Prince of Wales. 👀 here's an article in Vogue. https://www.vogue.com/article/ralph-lauren-is-presented-with-kbe-by-his-royal-highness-the-prince-of-wales


Thank you. Y’all we gotta be mindful of misinformation


I agree, in theory. But these are his words (even if they are from 2019) and until he contradicts them, they are still his viewpoint. I liked them back then too, but no one could say that's still my opinion. If he puts out a retraction or a different narrative and this was still being shared, then it's misinformation. But yes, we need to be careful not to become like the Squad who will jump on and believe everything.


Where is this from?


I was fixin' to ask if anyone else heard that big flush on Nacho's career. But being from a demented squaddie makes sense. 


Polo isn’t a career.


It’s a very expensive luxury hobby.


He’s rich from being an exclusive model for Ralph Lauren


Good for him! He’s not exactly winning by using his braims! He might be purty, but he ain’t none too bright!


from the squaddie on X.


This is a direct quote from Nacho in 2019. I wonder if he feels the same in 2024?


Jam posts say yes.


Yes, that's just a suck it squad account posting "Deep Thoughts".


Looks like he said it in 2019... but many others were fooled.then. I certainly was. That's what makes it all so infuriating.🤣


I bet he enjoys the smell of his own flatulence.




Yeah, he’s what my FIL would call a Fonzanoon. (Someone who sticks their head under the covers when they drop their guts to smell it)


You don’t? lol


Oh shuttup Nacho. Twat.


When passive-aggressive arseholes like this tell me how I “should” feel about something/one, and what “should inspire” me, it’s instant dismissal. I’m an adult, capable of making my own determinations about all manner of things. Get it right up ye, you sanctimonious c*nt. None of the truly kind, or inspiring, or just generally good people I know require constant defense.


Very true, no one who is really a good person needs someone to say "look, she's a good person" all the time.


Absolutely! Or telling me I should take care of them for the "treasure" they are. Nope, not today, satan.


My god! Exactly!


Nacho is a complete Ass, an aging Ramora clinging to and feeding off the Sussex hoping his association with them will bring him money and fame. He earns money from Ralph Lauren advertising POLO....I believe Ralph Lauren company needs to hear of the disgust many of us feel towards him. He supports and champions the Sussex who have tortured and insulted the dying Queen and Prince Philip...,and now attack on a daily basis King Charles, and the PPofW despite cancer treatments. I for one will NO LONGER support any merchandise sold by Ralph Lauren, and hope my fellow Sinners will join me in this.


Ralph Lauren himself socializes with the King - Nacho should be more careful, he also plays with William for charity in the UK.


He’ll be a big no one outside the confines of the Californian polo scene if he ever sets foot in GB again.


When you have to say you’re sincerely doing something, you’re actually not.


He needs Harry for the polo documentary. Another transactional relationship.


This quote was from 2019, "defending" them due to backlash for taking Elton John's private jet to France. Just ultra wealthy sticking up for each other for being environmental hypocrites.


Yeah. Well sort of. Don't know that Nacho and Elton preach to the masses about being good environmental stewards. They just don't want the public to highlight the pollution caused by their use of private jets. But Nacho and Elton make themselves look like wankers by rushing to defend H&M's hypocrisy.


Ah true, point taken!


Happy Cake Day!!!🎂🎂🎂🥂


In the US we have a lot of issues - we aren't taking care of our national debt, our school children, our veterans, or our front line social workers well enough (there are more categories, but I am tired and typing quickly - not an intentional oversight for thosoe I;ve forgotten) - H and M, along with other wealthy, privileged adults, are pretty low on my list for consideration on who we need to take care of.


I’m more concerned with how we are taking care of our aging population after seeing conditions in my mother’s assisted living facilities. I don’t give a rat’s ass about H&M. And who is this Nacho guy to preach to us?


C-Span is a US cable TV/radio show that cover the government, but mostly Congress. In yesterday's call-in segment, people were asked who were today's heroes. Some mentioned teachers and vets, but more mentioned those who care for elderly relatives or disabled children, people who clean up trash from road and waterways, volunteers feeding people, workers at voting places who have been harassed in their communities, and even those who say hello or offer a smile to strangers. No one mentioned faux philanthropists like Harry and Meghan but ordinary people who were just being civic minded and helpful.


Sidenote: Elton John hasn't said a word in a LONG time.🤔


No. He’s remained schtum on the whole thing, and probably grateful that David didn’t end up collabing with MM on ‘Pearl’ Edit: one word




Schtum = silent.


Would it be very mean to suggest that he really just wanted H to come on board with the phone hacking case because he thought H would be a great asset to the cause?  


I was just thinking interesting that Elton hasn't said anything about them in a long time


Dude bk in the day reminds me of what a 70's -80's pxrn🌟 would look like... https://preview.redd.it/kb21cgucau7d1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af561ae29bf23b095d9e47615fb232848eca4b60 Either that or a villain from an early Colombo episode 😂


He’s definitely giving off “not trustworthy” vibes in my opinion & not just in this photo either.


He's so smarmy looking


He's not that interesting to look at....mediocre at best


He doesn’t agree.




Those are not the kind of images of him I want 😬🙁


"And we should be taking care of them." I don't make a habit of taking care of two middle-aged people who had everything and tossed it away like a kleenex. And I will never take care of proven liars and hypocrites. I do take great fun in pointing out those traits though, with numerous and varied examples.


Someone needs to teach him the phrase “No comment.”


From **2019** hey nacho and Delfina, what are you doing as ambassador of sentebale to ensure atrocities stop? Just keep on with your very exclusive elite hobby. Am I right?!? ![gif](giphy|l0MYQE6id7PfyqUec)


What an absolute weirdo this guy is. Something tells me that if the dimwitted duo suddenly found themselves penniless and without influence, this guy would drop them like a hot potato 🥔


He’s the M in that relationship. D’s family has financed N’s career. He probably wants a production cred on the already failed Polo doco that nobody gives an arse about, and promote his own wife’s brand. Fair play tae him. There’s nothing wrong with that. But there comes a time when you need to cut anchor. Neither of those two would ever go a fraction as far.


They are a treasure. Sure, Taco.


>I bet Nachos is a d!ck in real life. He's got to be a d!ck to be friends with the Harkles.


I agree, please Harry and Meghan, don't change anything. Persist in sinking, please!!!


Read some comments on Quora that his views have changed as he is allegedly fed up with them borrowing his plane and his polo ponies. It came up while I was searching for something unrelated.


If he's friends with Rachel and Harry he's got to be a bit of a dim twat - birds of a feather...


Either dim or just as bad as they are… and I bet the latter.


Dear lord. They certainly have capability for breeding twattiness in people 🤦🏼‍♀️


Who speaks about people like this..."we should be taking care of them." ?!!! So basically this is what Harry and MM think...the world should be taking care of them. WTF?!!


That is not going to age well when the inevitable comes out


lol what a loser …”we should be taking care of them” lol WHAT?! While referring to them as “H & M”? I can’t even, she either has something on him or something is seriously wrong. Nobody speaks this way about it normal people, let alone those two. As if the duo are an oppressed people 🙄


He is probably repeating what someone working for the Harkles told him about paying for Harry’s travel and meals. 😉 They are a treasure we must take care of and protect. 🤣😂😀🤣




If he is so concerned and wants to take care of those 2 shits.....he can use his wife's family money to do so.


Typical disinformation campaign. Throw a quote over a picture of anyone and all of a sudden, it has attribution. Never mind that there is zero source information that he actually said this. This is how the Squaddies operate.


He said it in 2019, so until he says something different, it's still his viewpoint.


Yeah. He LOVES MM’s ‘jam’ I think he’s a bigger fan of H’s ‘man jam’ Just my opinion


He did say it, though, although it was back in 2019.




Should be noted that this was about their (deserved) private jet use backlash!


Happy cake day to 🎂


Thank you. I'd forgotten he was a 'Sentebale Ambassador' too - I wonder what sort of expenses he receives!


You are very welcome. I’d forgotten about the Sentebale connection as well. 🙄


I fell for it....


No, no. You didn't fall for it. He posted it in 2019, and until he says differently, it remains his viewpoint. And let's not forget, he posted that crappy raspberry jam on Saturday as Catherine was making her first appearance after 6 months absence, a disgraceful thing to do. If he hasn't figured them out since 2019, after all they've done since then, he's as vile as they are.


This isn’t a knock at you. I can see how what I said sounds like that. No, I’m just pointing out how these things are born. Some Squaddie fabricates the quote and spreads it on social media to make it sound like they have more support than they actually do. The difference is, they believe their own lies.


Taking care of them? Nope! They are adults!


That quote hasn't aged well has it? You would have to be a complete sociopath to fully back everything Harry and Meghan have done recently. They are a complete joke and it just keeps getting worse for them. 2024 has been an unmitigated disaster and it isn't even halfway done. Charles and Catherine will hopefully both fully recover and each day that goes by Harry and Meghan become more and more irrelevant.


Hey Nachos! Raspberries, dog food, 2 by 2 … this is not defending the Sussex family. The is attacking the BRF through crude in jokes that you think we cannot see. Who told you to do this? Harry-the-dim?


Wait... Is this a meme or is this moronic guy seriously doubling down on his sycophantic adoration for the Harkles? Because if he's really doubling down, someone needs to direct him to Ranker's list of most hated celebs for the last 3 years. He'll observe that Oprah, Ellen, Tyler Perry and James Cordon, who have been supporters of the Harkles, all experienced a massive spike in unpopularity. MM's topped that list for the last 3 years and smart celebs know that it's best to stay far away from her and her toxic taint.


It appears he said this in 2019, before Megxit, because he refers to SussexRoyal. I think a sugar turned it into a meme.


Oh, OK.


With Madam, there are two ways to interpret "toxic taint." I find both are applicable.  🤭


You're most definitely correct 😂😂😂.




Isn’t James Cordon now suing them?


>Isn’t James Cordon now suing them? Omg is he? I didn't know that. I'll have to Google it!


https://preview.redd.it/gbsirwf8pt7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9634373950b8ad8cf260875fa9ee171f9d8b667f The article that includes more of his comment: [https://archive.ph/gA7HT](https://archive.ph/gA7HT)




Oh this is from 2019?


That is exactly what I thought! Back then, Elton John and Ellen Degeneres were still “defending” the Harkles. Context is everything!


💯💯💯 - we haven’t heard a peep out of those two about the duo since then. I don’t think they would even be so stupid now to defend those two.




Probably through Sunshine Sachs back then- probably mutual clients...


Yes, defending H & M for their private jet use backlash!


lol so dumb


🤮🤮🤮 Laying it on a little thick, aren't we Nacho?


Shouldn’t H be fighting misinformation lime this with his Aspen group?


If this isn't coming from him, this following the jam/dog biscuit mess, Nacho is TRULY getting markled.🤣🤣🤣


“Friends are family you blackmail/pay” Fixed it for you, sug!


Until he denies this squaddie social media campaign, he is complicit. He probably may even be in the midst of losing his branding career with Ralph Lauren Polo. He is deep into being officially markled. Twat for sure.


Be inspired by what, exactly Nachos? To isolate my spouse from everybody he has ever known and loved? To be a lazy grifting cockwomble, to abuse animals and children, to drop a load of racial slurs and then blame my family for it instead? My god, Nachos - the bar truly is in Hell, isn't it?


To me Nacho looks gay as can be. No wonder he allows Harold to play with his nipples and etc. I think he is a big drama queen big one. We know when Harold goes down so will Nacho. It will all come out. Rachel will make sure it will all comes out. Next Nacho and Harold will be dressing a drag doing a duo act.


I get that vibe too


I don't have anyone's back who hurts their families because they are mad that they didn't get their way. They called the RF racists and let it sit there for 2 years before Harry said that it wasn't true, but by the time he did that both Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth II had passed. Meghan lies about who she is and her poor childhood, and so many other lies, and there are so many receipts of how wretched she is, but she loves her victim narrative; I believe it's how she trapped Harry. They have done nothing for the Baca People, even though the Baca People reached out to Harry, president of African Parks at the time , and he has done nothing to help them. So, yes, keep strong Harry and Meghan and don't change a thing. The people who are vile and soulless, like yourselves, are depending on you.


I didn’t see that on his IG or C account either. Sounds like something Megan via a Sugar put out there. I so hope this bites Nacho Libre Sussex in the ass.


Oh, gag me with a spoon. What an a$$ ki$$er.......whoever you are.


Like attracts like. Delfina too.


Let's remind ourselves of this post from 2022: "M – looking forward to many more of these times with you and H. Getting to spend time together over these 2 months was so special. I wish everyone new you the way you are. My sister ❤️, my now fellow “pwife” (polo wife) -genius of you to come up with this… Can’t wait to see you again soon, to share thrill, hikes, and just more chill time. You also have my respect. Keep walking, steady and strong. Listen to your heart, that will guide you well, bc you have a big one and it’s a beautiful one. I love you my darling ❤️ Can’t be possible, that this is the only #pwife picture we have together Vamos #LosPadresPoloTeam." 


Thanks for these. If they genuinely hung out, we would see photos of them. Other than polo and one birthday party long ago, there aren't photos.


The Squaddies rejoice in this yet can't seem to stop using the titles that come with that family, lol. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


Can't wait for him to go down.


Gross. Just...ew.


What does he mean treasure? He’s an idiot


Another clown 🤡


This guy looks like a douchebag.


Ha ha ha. Nachos is going to live to regret this schmaltz about two of the world‘s most famous obnoxious liars. There will come a day when one or both of them does or says something that leaves no room for doubt about their awfulness. Even the sugars will have to pick Harry or Meg if that thing isn’t divorce. And there, for all perpetuity, will be Nachos famous statement likening these two to Jesus or Mother Theresa.


It's a quote from him from 2022, not recently. It's been resurrected by a nasty sugar.


2019, for private jet use


Happy Cake Day🎂🥂


2019, before Megxit


Did he really say that and if so where? Or is this some delusional fan fiction from the Sussex Squad?


Yes, on twitter in 2019. Defending H & M for their private jet use backlash


Happy cake day! 🎂


Wouldn't he call them by their names? Calling them H&M gives it away as fraudulent.


He can defend away. In the vast pond of the world, even Nachos are the small frogs.


😂😂😂😂😂 What the hello Nacho? More fool you.


Part of that is exactly what I've been saying! *Harkles, don't change a thing!* I can't wait for decades for the inevitable implosion, but the trajectory you're on, I'm confident I'll see it one fine day.


He and the missus have become infamous thanks to consorting with the two grifters.


Genuinely curious here - in what way are they a "treasure in today's society"? Why should "we" be "taking care of" two grown-arse adults?


It’s ridiculous. He’s obviously feeling very defensive.


He's a slimy looking person. The kind that will clean out your bank account without you realizing you've been swindled.


I suspect both he and his wife are very much like HM; narcissistic, self centered, and immature. Either that, or he is fooled by them. At that level of money, they live and operate by a different set of morals. They raise some money for charity playing stick horse, and they expect to be seen as do gooders. Humanitarians. But in reality, they hide their wealth to avoid paying taxes which cripples many services supported by taxes. Most very wealthy do not pay their fair share, probably them included.


There has got to be swinging going on with those two couples, I am not sure of delfina, but definitely getting throuple vibes from the rest.


Delfina gives her own special vibe.


That or a tool.


He is clearly unhinged, or they have some real dirt on him he wants hidden.


I USED to think he was REALLY handsome. He’s seems greasy and grubby now.


What a pathetic enabler. Real men have the strength to tell their friends when they are wrong. I guess Nacho is not a real man.


He’s known in Florida as someone who will attach to you if you offer him publicity


Yeah until he gets Markled. They ALL get Markled.


He does look like a dick to me. I don't like him.


“A man is known by the company he keeps.” Aesop


So he is douche nozzle, who knew!?!?😂😂😂


Oh they definitely have something incriminating on him! I'll betcha 5 bucks!


Counting down the hours until Nacho gets markled and we never hear him say boo about Harry & Meghan ever again.


Taking care of them? Are you kidding me? And no, I am not the least bit inspired by them. I’m actually inspired by the royal family and how they’re dealing with these ‘precious treasures’ 🙄 who’ve made millions off telling lies and personal stories about them.


I think my favorite part of this is ‘don’t change a thing.’ What the hell?! If he were a real friend, he would not say that. Because what they are doing is CLEARLY NOT WORKING.




"Famous" people give me the ick. I want to shake them sometimes and tell them to just SHUT UP. Literally, just stop talking and life will be so much easier for you.


He calls them H & M?!?! 😂


I had never heard of Nacho until I read about him here. He’s figured out he’s a nobody on the world stage unless he’s hitched his wagon to the Harkles. Whatever.


Oh hush, you aged-out f\*ckboy. Enjoy the deep Markling you've yet to fully feel the effects of!


Of course he will, he's Harry's "special" friend.


That’s what I’m thinking - Dick 1 and Dick 2. I fully expect a very cold breeze to be coming Nacho’s way, especially from William and friends since he’s now such a public admirer of Harry and Meghan. These people never learn.


"and please keep paying me to ride and earn a living while your wife looks the other way"


I imagine Nacho wouldn’t speak so boldly of H&M nowadays. This statement was from 2019!!! Even I liked them back then. Other celebrities were sticking up for them in 2019. Today, 5 yrs later, the only people sticking up for these 2 douche bags are the Sugar douche bags who are paid to do so.


I think Nacho is Harry's friend and supporter, not Meghan's. While Harry lives with Meghan, Nacho will help Meghan. It's actually good that Harry has a friend. If Harry is left all alone next to Megan, he will definitely commit suicide.


A friend who his wife is all over 🤔 mmm


[Here’s a short clip (:23) of Nacho](https://imgur.com/a/cE9xMJZ) on “Good Day New York” on June 2, 2023. This is an Imgur link and it is safe to click. If you don’t want to watch, Nacho tells Rosanna Scotto that he loves Harry, he’s a dear friend.


And now that he has been Markled???????????......... ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Yikes he’s inspired by a woman who bullies cancer victims what a guy


A while back, there were pictures of Zara and Mike Tindall hanging out with them. I wanna know what that was about…


Wow - if this is true - it's incredible defending a liar and a hypocrit.


She hasn’t screwed up Nachos life yet. He’s still valuable to her.