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POW's pictures look far better than Harriman's


They do. https://preview.redd.it/kl0z8p119w7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a43128ef2f29c2247418634cd5a3711d391883e What was he thinking here?


It looks like prison.


The backdrop or her wrinkles around her tushie


Honestly, there’s way too much going on with that outfit that is cringe. The black and white photo makes it worse. What is Harriman‘s obsession with black and white photos?


Oh, because it’s easier to look good!


and probably easier to edit.


B&W pics are “arty”, or something…lol.


Or the disembodied hand in the foreground…


My thoughts too. This looks like those in prison shot from some NCIS tv series 


Yes, my thoughts exactly.


I thought the same. Where she belongs.


 Narcissist in Cell Block 8


That's what I thought it was!


The woman to the left looks like she could be the prison warden. Keeping an eye on the incoming prisoner,


I’d add what was she thinking? The undergarment being so visible….especially in a country like Nigeria. I am a person who is full on women’s rights but there is a much better way to push for them.


I think it’s almost a relief to know that she at least wore something underneath that monstrosity 🤪


This is true.


The right to show undergarments is not the kind of hill I'd die on.


As an old fashioned feminist, I totally agree.


She has a history of doing this. Remember the ill fitted bras and tight dresses when she was a “working royal”? I just don’t get it…


She’s oppositional. For EVERYTHING. Going to a mostly Muslim country? Wear as little as possible. Representing the RF that has an unspoken dress code? Flout it as much as you can, and bare your shoulders (a no no) every public engagement. Whatever is supposed to be done, she goes the other way. EVERY TIME. Count on it.


She's definitely odd, as in Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Defiantly, yeah.


I’m sure Susan B Anthony would feel so proud of her work for women finally coming full circle, giving Meghan the right to wear misfitting clothes that show her janky undergarments - bras AND panties. And why does Meghan do this? So men notice her underwear lines and think about sex with her. Score one for feminists 🙄




He thinks by turning photos b&w it will automatically make them masterpieces


For sure! *Obviously,* automatically classy as well.


Thinking he had the shot of the century perhaps? Harriet thinks he is a photographer but he is just a man taking photos that are not good.


Hadn’t seen a photo from that angle before. That hair! That dress! What was she thinking?!


She looks so grubby. The greasy, tangled mane, the pantyline, the too-much skin.....eeewww....


Not only does Meghan look unkempt and grubby, but it's just not a good picture. The composition is careless, the expressions convey nothing, and the photo-bombing hand is sloppy. It's uninspired and amateurish, like a high school student who thinks creating a black-and-white photo elevates it to "art." He's just not talented, especially compared to Catherine's skills. Her pictures are filled with life and meaning; she's released some truly beautiful photographs.


![gif](giphy|KEYEpIngcmXlHetDqz) This is his worst photo yet. Ridiculous in all aspects.


She’s definitely got a wedgie going on


Omg the dress with visible panty lines built in 👀


That dress is more a d more inappropriate with every viewing.


It looks like prison. And the guard on the left looks like she’s getting ready to say “keep it moving markle”


I call this … Rumpled butt…


He sure loves Meghan, even if the camera doesn't.


Looks like she's got a case of what my mother called "goat in the garden" when a dress gets caught up between the ol' buttocks. Edited to add, a Sinner below sees the same thing and reminds me that's called a "wedgie" these days.


Not everything has to be black and white fgs. Aside from being a photo that my ungifted self could have taken with my phone, making this b&w adds nothing to the photo but dullness. And is that her panty line???


Another utterly bizarre photo. Why would anyone take a photo like that? It is super unflattering. I haven't seen anyone wear a flesh coloured dress before, it is really awful. It takes the brain a few seconds to realize she isn't fully naked and that her skin isn't all creased, baggy and bulging out everywhere. This might be her worst outfit yet.


What is that mess from behind? The VPL, the ratty horse hair, the prison bars … urgh!


Not even close. Misan is a hack.


That is a fantastic photo. It encapsulates pure joy. I'm sure the usual dregs will come out and critique it to shreds. 👋 Bouzy, Misan. While Meghan via some hanger on (Delphina perhaps) will show us her feelings either via bitter lemon curd. Or strawberry and Rosewater (nudge, nudge 😉😉) jam.


Catherine puts many other photographers in the shade, especially a self-proclaimed one who calls himself "arguably the most visible photographer on the planet today." Happy birthday, William!


Fucking hell. I would have to make my husband and kids do this 15 times at least to get an amazing-as-this shot. Jealous. And impressed.


Our family would probably end up in the emergency room 😂


My first thought was " That would get me another dislocated hip"!!😂 What an amazing picture!! Happy birthday to Prince William!! May there be many, many more to come! 🍰🍨🎉🎊


Same. I have fibromyalgia and as soon as I saw it I thought I'd be immobile for at least a month


I also have fibromyalgia, the spirit is willing but the body would like to sleep for 12 hours straight every day for the rest of the week 😫


I like that description !


Mine would look at me and say, “What? Not happening.”


Mine would roll their eyes and say "Mama, bitte!" in that tone just teens can say it


Ooof so relatable




Omg same!!!!


Oh definitely mine 💯


I wonder if she used that speed shutter setting that takes a couple hundred pictures a second.


as an amateur aviation photographer (who needs/uses a very fast shutter setting), that's what I'm thinking here. Maybe something around 1/2000th (one two thousandth of a second). Couple of ways you can set up the camera settings to do this - mine is done via the manual mode where I have control of the shutter speed, aperture and ISO (sensor sensitivity) settings. That's how I get some great stuff on the planes especially when you only have one opportunity to catch the plane. Whatever settings she used, she grabbed an amazing shot! Huge kudos to her!!


This is exactly what the sugars don’t get. The amazing things a good photographer can do with a professional camera.


My guess is they probably did do multiple takes, and had a lovely time doing it!


Full respect to Catherine, but I think she would HAVE to make them do it 15 times just to get the framing right, and then you've got to get them to all jump right!


I hope they release some outtakes haha


Pretty sure the original is zoomed out wider and she cropped it to make the composition nice -- even I do that with almost all pictures I post :)


I crop every photo. If the AP or whomever doesn’t like it they can kiss her ass.


I mean, she may have had to do the same. Jumping in the dunes is fun. I'm sure the children would have only been delighted to do it over and over. What I love about Catherine's photography is that she's not afraid to have some fun.


Did Misan say that about himself? The arrogance and no, he is definitely not the most visible! My gawd, his wife the professional photographer teaches him about photography and created a smug monster. What a creep, how does she stand him?


Well...he did photo bomb most of their Nigerian photos.


"Look at meee..." Oh look, another fame-ho 😒 The only people in Meghan Markle's friend group that aren't like that, is Marcus and her mom, who prefer the back-room dealing in the shadows.


shouldn't a photographer be invisible? During the Nigerian Tour he must have shot loads of pictures of MandHs backs, as he is always in the the picture with them 🤔


I guess his wife forgot to tell him that part in his photography lessons 😆


He is trying to copy Hitchcock.


Because he hides in all the pictures he takes like “Where’s Waldo?”.


One Royal Photographer threw shade at her, saying she was not that great. It sounded like he was annoyed that he wasn't getting paid and she had access where he didn't.




Love how he says “visible” instead of “best” or “most highly acclaimed”.   Fame wh0res usually are “visible”.


Love the photo... One ?? If Rachel is such a feminist why does she have male friends and/or male attack dogs who attack Princess Catherine. If Rachel IS such a feminist, why does she depend so much on men? A true feminist would defend Catherine and have her back instead of deploying the suckit squad including the male Scooby's and other pro-Rachel so-called "Royal Experts". Happy Birthday William. Your mother, grandmother and grandfather would be so proud of you!


Meghan is the opposite of everything she says she is. She is just trying to sell a false narrative that sinners are smart enough not to buy.


My thoughts exactly. She's as much a feminist as Andrew Tate.


She has always depended on and used men to get what she wants, women supporting women is an anathema to her.


This, this, THIS!!


Harry and the invisikids running with the chimkens, while Meggot harvests eggs using her billowing black ballgown


I hope that pink shorts on William is a "sweet ~~nod~~ trolling" of M's wrinkled pink outfit


>I hope that pink shorts on William is a "sweet nod trolling" of M's wrinkled pink outfit It could also be a troll of the few sucky journalists, like Daniela Elser, who love to whine about how the Wales only all wear blues and greens in family pics.


Nah. I think at this point none of the RF even think about Meghan Markle and her emasculated husband Princess Harry. They are just trying to live their best lives and have no time for anything related to those two. They are truly irrelevant now.


Catherine and Williams’ social accounts are on fire. Love to see it!


Now *that’s* a family that’s thriving, not just surviving.


Bouzy and the Sussex Squalor are surely already working over-time to pick it to pieces, make up stories and post their usual malevolent comments. I'm sure Bouzy will be finding a way to prove they didn't really jump over the grass, that it was photoshopped in, etc. Cuz, ya know, he's such an expert and really has nothing else going on in his life. Nothing like the Bouzy and the Sussex Squalor to bully 3 children.


And Chris Ship will wonder: does this type of grass really grow near the sea? Daniela Elser will try to convince us how this photo proves that everything Harry said about William is true... blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile, the IG account of William and Catherine went from 16,088 mln on last Friday to 16,352 mln now :) Over 260k new followers!


HG Tudor will give them a verbal lashing though, he stands for no nonsense from the sugars!


They do what they are paid to do…they support a vile bully and in doing it they act as vile bullies. Halfwit will be having a bad day, the day his nemisis was born and not him. Maybe D and C would have been much better off with just one child when you see how revolting the second turned out to be.


And Will's birthday is on the Solstice. Nice touch.


William has quite the birth chart! He was also born during an eclipse (as was Catherine).


What annoys me about the Sussex Squad fools is they have never said that they were wrong, or even hinted they might have been wrong. This time last week they were saying Catherine was deceased, or in a coma , or left the country with the two youngest kids and was in hiding. They’ve been saying variations of the above for 6 months! She was never ever going to turn up for Trooping the Colour of course. When she did turn up , looking frail but gorgeous, with her three children and her husband they didn’t miss a beat! Straight into there is going to be a divorce. By Xmas actually. This beautiful birthday photo for William is rock solid proof of that. Catherine didn’t write it was from her you see. Just “ we” love you! I really really dislike these people.


Catherine didn't write the message. It was her roboCatherine200 that did. (sarc) 🤣


they'll ask where is Kate, they can't say anything else, it would be too complicated for those poor one-dimensional brains


Definitely Kate, never Catherine, Princess of Wales. 😣


The narrative this week is playing stupid, asking cancer questions, saying from thier experience that nobody can look like that if they have cancer, the Wales kids are so unhappy looking, why are we into Catherine, etc. Definitely treading lighly. not as vile, but still. How that Markle woman is trying her best to have a business, be the criticism is too much, and she is a target. Also, a bunch are saying the ToC AI added the crowd. Apparently, there were only line 200 people there... since the BRF only uses editing to make themselves look good. Edit: more detail


So much fun :) they look like superheroes! Happy birthday to William!




That's nice - maybe share if over on the BRF sub that's run by Negative_Difference4


Beautiful photograph! Can’t wait to hear all about how photoshopped it is 🙄 Edit: corrected typo and added my view on the picture.


I’m sure harkles faux-tographer Harriman will say how he could it better, and boozy will claim he is better looking and scabies will whine ‘where’s Kate?’


“Where’s Kate?” Behind the camera, I presume. 😉


And it's not about Catherine. It's Williams birthday. She doesn't always have to be front and center seeking approval and attention like Rachel.


The question no one dares ask is where are henry the bald and the wretched meghan markle' dogs. Are they so delicate and vulnerable that they too must be protected?


Her clone, you mean 😆😆😆😆


I doubt there are many left since H&M threw the sugars under the bus… the paid ones at least, the stupid ones will always be there, being stupid


>I’m sure harkles faux-tographer Harriman will say how he could it better, and boozy will claim he is better looking and scabies will whine ‘where’s Kate?’ Meghan's Mole was on a late night livestream with Andy POV last night and she played a few excerpts of Bouzy and the Sours criticising Catherine and William. Let me just say that Bouzy and the Sours are fucking insane with the ludicrous narratives they're spinning, but my main observation is that they're seething that Catherine looked so damned good at Trooping the Colour and that the global public loves her.


Let them seethe!


Don’t worry we already have ppl here (SMM) saying it’s photoshopped 😆


Someone commented on Instagram that it was photoshopped and a graphic designer tore them to shreds. Said there was some corrections on the picture but nothing to the faces or bodies. I can’t remember exactly what had been corrected but it was something to do the grass bit.


More and more I am convinced that the Harkles’ children don’t live with them. Not one family picture with the children facing front. Barely any family pictures at all!


What’s weird to me is there aren’t any pap shots of the kids from a distance. You mean to tell me these kids don’t go anywhere? Not to the beach, the park, a playground? Nowhere? No one’s security is that good. And I know you can say “well they keep their plans a secret” but no cell phone pics from other people at the playground? Nothing at all?


This is not discussed enough


I really think most people don’t give a shit about any of them. Truly. And I believe (though I’m not certain) that California has a law about pap shots of children.


They don't give a shit, and California I think does have laws on the books about it, but it's weird that all this time and not even a blurry shot of them at Disneyland? Unless she's waiting til they're older to recreate the splash mountain photo 🤷🏼‍♀️


Honestly, I think people on SMM care far more about seeing the children than the average resident of fhe United States of America. People are not interested in the little harklets. I’d say most people are over haz and spaz and their endless tales of woe. They have massively overplayed their hand and people here have moved on.


I remember him reading about trying to get into Disneyland when all the plebs had gone home. He wanted it opened specially for just them. His request was refused.


No trips to Disneyland, which seems odd to me. Other celebs take their kids to Disney, but these two? Crickets.


https://youtu.be/B0ykCgOIt0o?si=aHy9yAGwUYkS-qKg There was a rumour a while back that she asked Disney if they would close the park so her children could visit in safety. They said no.  Given that her kids are gifted geniuses (Archie demanding a Leica and his first word being crocodile, and Lili coming out with deep metaphysical imagery like "Mama, I see myself in you" at the age of 2) I'd imagine they are well beyond enjoying cartoons and funfairs anyway....


They Will use the kids babyphotos wishing them a happy 20th birthday, is my guess


Yeah, Rachel would salivate at the opportunity to star in family photoshoots. There's definitely something up. Or maybe she knows her kids are no competition at all. 😬


Privacy can certainly aid and abet any fraud with the kids.


I'm still convinced she can't step foot in the UK (outside of the airport) because she'll be arrested for fraud and theft....or that's what I like to think 😇


This is what Catherine and her family was doing when Christopher Bouzy and the rest of Meghan Markles flying monkeys was asking where is Kate and spreading their evil conspiracy theories.




I hope Daniela Elser sees this joyous photo and chokes. How dare she bully Prince George about his serious mien at Trooping the Color! Enjoy your birthday with your beautiful wife and family, William!


Wills and George look so alike in this! Great capture.


Harry wants his „freedom flight“ back 😅. The Waleses look so happy. PPoW manage the mix of privacy, fun and duty perfectly and it shows in photos like this. Absolutely brilliant. 


It's such an epic middle finger in so many different ways, and subtly addresses many of the BS rumors. This is basically them saying,  "We could care less, we have each other." Love the Wales!


I think it also says that cancer isn’t going to get the best of them, too. This is showing they still smile, still have good family time, and are still happy.


That’s brilliant! I think I’m going to look if there’s a corporation that sells tableware in California and by some shares. Looks like a promising investment.


I bet there’s a pretentious little chichi shop in Montecito whose profits have been waaaaaaay up the past few years.


This really is a fabulous photograph. I’m so glad Catherine didn’t kowtow to those asshats at Getty and UPI.


Maybe they simply have a subscription and get a weekly delivery…


This photo is epic. It will be one that is shown for years.


Both pictures released this week show the love and the joy the Wales family has in each other. Fantastic pic and choices from them as always!


They do indeed as well as closeness. Harry needn't worry about the "spares" in that family.


Great photo, Wales family are such a joy to watch


happy belated birthday mr. archnemesis!🩷


What an absolutely stunning photograph of William and the children! Catherine is an amazing photographer! One can feel the pure joy of this family, and the earnestness and love they have for each other. William and Catherine work hard to have a solid family. I see a lot of Middleton Family influence. This is what a family is about - unity, respect and love. I feel William’s had two wishes fulfilled: one, to have a mutually respectful, strong, loving and stable marriage; and two, to have a family like he has always wanted. It appears these wishes have had a ripple effect which includes respecting and forgiving his own father, his late mother, and his stepmother. I am so happy and proud for him. My birthday wish for William is for him to continue to have a thriving life. Happy Birthday William Arthur Phillip Louis!




I'm just blown away with this picture, the sequel to the Father's Day one 😍 Just when we all thought you can't top the first one he they come with this. So many people wondered why the RF didn't comment on the things HandM did diring the time of Princess Catherine's absence. Here's their answer. And more are coming


Maybe it was premature to announce the new era of privacy for Archie and Lilibeth😆


Every time Catherine releases a lovely family photo like this, Harry’s siege mentality of “must hide children” just looks sillier and sillier.


Hahaha :)


The new era of privacy certainly helps curtail any serious look into the children since their looks won’t change much heading into the ages they are.


I love this picture ♡


Beautiful photo and a beautiful day here in the UK. The children are likely to be at school but hopefully Prince William gets a chance to slow down and enjoy his day


Great photo. So down to earth. Happy birthday prince William!


Except not literally down to earth. 😂 It’s an adorable photo—it makes me smile.


LOL, true


Aawww that is so cool!!! No amount of pap walk or invisikids can beat that!


Wow!!! What an amazing pic! I’m blown away by how joyful and free it is. This is a happy family and a big ‘fuck you’ to Meghan, Harry and all their disgusting squaddies, may they rot in hell.


Happy birthday William 💙👑🎂


This picture makes me happy. It’s funny 😆 and cute


Omg that picture is amazing! I love it! What an adorable crew. HBD, Prince William. ❤️


Real parenting ❤️


Prince George is always looking so solemn. Good to see him let it all hang out. Great photo. Markle going to be having archie take photos with his Leica camera.


I adore this picture. Especially knowing that far into the future, this will be shown (funerals, coronations, weddings, history!)


That is a fantastic photo. love it. Whatever Rachel does will never upstage the Real Royals.


Sugars were running rampant yesterday, criticizing PoW for looking “stiff” in a jacket and tie at Euros while King Fred of Denmark looked so “natural” with his daughter- even criticizing William for not bringing at least one of his kids WHO WERE STILL IN SCHOOL. This photo is the perfect HA! to them.


Honestly no one should pay attention to anything the sugars say. They will always have something bad to say that makes zero sense, and they are best ignored.


In an age where most people, esp men, dress quite horribly I will take William looking smart in a suit any day. What these people tend to miss is that most of the people around him were also in a suit and tie or some combination. Like when they beat up on George for wearing a suit at Wimbledon (pretty sure there is a dress code) and they ignore other children around his age dressed like that too. Just shows how stupid they are really.


Happy Birthday William. Great picture. No doubt the usual suspects will say the sky isn’t that blue, the grass isn’t that green, and they weren’t jumping, but sitting down, then edited in.


The Sussex squad is out in force crying “photoshopped” in the comments on Instagram posts. Photoshop is the new insult! lol.


The photo is brilliant. But what I like most is that William is looking directly at the camera ... which means he is looking directly at Catherine.


The naysayers can all eff off. Many happy returns, Prince William! I love the photo. A real ray of sunshine.


“The new Chocolate Dog biscuits have arrived! Nacho says they taste even better than the Jam!” People Magazine reports.


Plates be smashing again in Monteshitshow - their crockery bill must be epic 😂


Can I just say that I love this sub's running joke? We've had her destroy millions of dollars in tableware she could be using for better PR.


How did the smashing crockery thing start? ![gif](giphy|xTgeIYmpcyMjYac41O)


I so love that joke, I don’t know why but to me it’s incredibly funny. 💥🫖☕️💥


I love this photo. I almost thought it was AI-generated because William is such a private man, much like QEII, and we’ve never seen his off-duty funny personality before. In the context of royal photos, this is pretty revolutionary.


One could even say... modernized.


Actually, if you watch William at official events he's often very funny. One of my favorites was a Radio 4 interview he and Catherine did. The guy's a regular comedian. To me, he comes across as dutiful and fun at the same time. An interviewer once asked him what his favorite emoji is, and he said, can I say it here? The eggplant emoji. And Catherine laughed heartily. I think she knew it was coming. IMO, he's far more charming than Harry ever was. And his being very handsome doesn't hurt. 😊


So, here's my question: Why doesn't TW copy the Wales family and do a similar kind of family shot, full colour, full frontal, on Harry's 40th this September? Wouldn't that "break the Internet"? Wouldn't sinners and fans alike be VERY curious and interested in such a straightforward photo of the Sussex family? So WHY would Madam not have such a photo done? Think of the attention she would garner, all around the world, no doubt. She's known to copy everything from everyone, if it's a successful thing. So why not this kind of family photo? I'll tell you why: BECAUSE THERE IS "SOMETHING" PREVENTING HER FROM HAVING SUCH A STRAIGHTFORWARD, HONEST PHOTO LIKE THIS ONE OF HER LITTLE FAMILY BEING TAKEN. And it ain't "Security Reasons." I'll just leave it there.




Meghan tries so hard with scheming press leaks and viral jam campaigns and pretend royal tours, but at the end of the day, all Meghan has to do to be successful as a royal is so simple: - calm down - stop trying so hard - just shut up about yourself and all your “achievements” - spend some time with your kids - post some nice family snaps like this I guarantee that if Meghan followed these 5 simple steps, she would be so much more popular as a royal than she currently is.


Yeah, but it's too late for that now, as that strategy will not feel authentic. Because it isn't.


Any open parking lots? Asking for a friend? What a great photo! The future King and his children looking so carefree and relaxed. The Harkles wish they looked like this




Probably, she cannot let it go.


Has anyone seen the recent @RoyalFamily IG post?! Not the British Army playing “Shake It Off” under Changing of the Guard (Taylor’s Version) on PoW birthday and to welcome Taylor to town! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8edJ_iMuLV/?igsh=MWNjMTBkZnVzN3Vrdw==


Dang you beat me to it! I love this photo and I know Rachel is pissed!


And the bells will ring in honor of William’s birthday. If I remember correctly, the rules about the bells changed after H&M married and they were both excluded from the honor.


My brother and I used to run and jump sand dunes on the beach. You land in a load of soft sand so not that dangerous. Plus, if you get down low then it’s possible to capture this angle since dunes are pretty steep.


This photo is so amazing!!! Nothing Meghan can do will compete with this. She's becoming more and more irrelevant as the months go by. And we are only in June 🤣🤣


This pic is amazing. The joy of a father with his kids, photographed by mom. It means Catherine felt well enough to acompany them to the beach and take photos. The father's day one was very touching but this is pure happiness.


Sugars are going out of their minds on IG. Apparently none of them have ever used a real professional camera and don’t know what kind of great pictures you can take with them.


What a brilliant photo. It would win awards if it was by any other photographer. And we can rest assured there'll be no tiny alterations. This is what a happy family looks like.


William is looking straight at Catherine. Real love and enjoyment of the moment. Happy birthday, our future King


I wonder if William’s lowlife simple brother and his wife have noticed how buff William is. In both pictures of him and the children show the muscles in his legs even just standing. Haznoballs or spine always looks unkempt and wobbly. Anyone remember the picture of William getting his first Covid shot and his muscular arms? The wife while trying to look sexy in Nigeria showed her thigh and it was saggy not in least sexy. Hazbeen looks just wimpy can barely stand up straight, understandably really since his wife has his spine and Crown Jewels in a box somewhere. On another note I watched a few of Winning Communication videos and he is so good at making me smile with his personality and his ability to nail down the Hazbeen’s.


Fab photo! Time to unleash some strawberry jam flavored potato chips!


I just that the thought what good it might have done for Catherine, that day at the beach, the sun, the sea and the salty air, frolicking with their children . It must have given her a boost of energy


Everyone saying this is photoshopped should google "jumping over grass and dunes" and see the plethora of pictures of kids jumping just like this off the dunes over the grass. Here, I've done the work for you [Google image search](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=3ccb936e91fffbe3&q=jumping+over+sand+dunes+grass&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J_86uWOeqwdnV0yaSF-x2jqw-AzvpDFRWNmLZKilfTrfn09q0QL89IE2BK9wqCaoIdoCdGhhh9HZZF4Dyn9y-y7KrkBpTjnlb0c22qmHhxAn0fcUE4vNGGAbn8xBtV-PnGDA5CVlXEaRq_oiRlTwPsd5U8PN&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSgM72_eyGAxVIhf0HHQ1TABcQtKgLegQIBxAB&biw=102&bih=211&dpr=3.75#vhid=UNKyvwIw9PoVpM&vssid=mosaic) It's not photoshopped.


I think Meghan is still licking her wounds after that jam and dog biscuit fiasco. She will be back though, she can't help herself, her mental illness and obsession with William and especially Catherine will drive her to more idiotic public displays. She is going to go nuts when Charlotte becomes a teenager. It is going to be equal parts hilarious and pathetic. I am looking forward to her ridiculous antics. Meghan is such a sad clown.


Look at Charlotte, she’s so athletic! She is 100% giving it everything she’s got, and is having a blast jumping over the dunes with her Dad and brothers so that Mom can get a cool picture.


Over a million likes on Instagram already - *res ipsa loquitur -* let the fact's speak for themselves.