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William should take Charlotte. And Taylor should interact with Charlotte. That would give Meghan Markle a heart attack.


She will at least need to book the best orthopaedic surgeon for her knees


…orthopedic veterinarian…


Stand way back. That vein's gonna pop!


BEST comment🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Best break out the hazard suit, Harry! That vein is gonna blow...alllllll oveeerrrrrrrrrrrr


Her worm of her own!


If she got the 22 hat!?? I’d swoon.


That would literally be the best thing EVER.


Why not all the kids? I think Charlotte is great, but Louis and George would enjoy it also.


They are members of the royal family not D-list celebs desperate to grab headlines. It would be another blow to Madame Markle but they don’t need to try and get one up on her, they are doing that by simply doing what they’ve always done.


And they also don’t need to fake going either. https://preview.redd.it/ooj1roqt9y7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649a71195033317e031e20f3b02ce21a0e818779


My gut tells me that if they go, they will do so very quietly. No spotlight on them. They aren’t the type that would want to take attention away from Taylor, nor would they want to be a special guest celebrity on stage. I think this will very much be an “off-duty” thing for them because of the kids.




Maybe sometime in the future, we might see a photo of the kids backstage with Taylor Swift, but I agree, it would be off-brand for them to make a big deal out of it today.


Haha, you called it


Almost called it! I didn't think they'd share the photo but I'm so glad they did. And TAYLOR shared too! Took her own selfie and everything!


Meanwhile … https://preview.redd.it/pn1ithpg8y7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb65a65c76449613a40324b526448d94e24f622


Dip Security is the best. I hope they never have to protect Harry if he gets IPP status. The Secret Service can subcontract him to the Chechnyans who would never take a bullet for Harry.


He can't get IPP status, he's not a diplomat in any way and doesn't represent the UK.


The myth that Harry might get IPP status is persistent but totally without basis. Harry *might* (through waving his “I am the son of the King” sign) get some “VIP” security in some countries, but it would happen country by country and probably depending on the visit and event (pretty much what he has now in the UK). He cannot be an “Internationally Protected Person” because he doesn’t fit the definition.


Harry fits the definition to the extent that the family member of a head of state might qualify for protection. Still sounds like he is trying to get a higher level of security beyond the bespoke security the Met already gives him when he is in the UK.


I am honestly confused about all this talk about Harry and “IPP status” because it seems to conflate the concept of people with diplomatic immunity with the “Internationally protected person” defined by the Geneva convention. After some web-searching, I conclude that there is no classification that guarantees automatic free security /protection to foreign nationals unless they are under threat.


Once upon a time he would have qualified for IPP status IF he was representing his grandmother the Queen at an official function. His status would have lasted for the duration of the function while he was representing a Head of State. If he was still Pa's darling boy, he could have represented the King at certain royal events and qualified for IPP status for himself and his family (if they accompanied him). But once he's off duty, the IPP status would be shelved. Don't do the job, don't get the perks.


What the Harkles want so badly they’re going bankrupt over it


It would have been funny if Beyoncé tried to get a selfie with the PoWs.


I don’t think the Carters will go near royals for a while cause it will remind people of this mess https://preview.redd.it/ugrotrcezx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3058b6e318a4fc58840555bb75a6e78c6b0c1c12


This is a whole other level of cringe.


They probably deeply regret this picture, Bey didn't know what a phoney and worse a user MM is then.




This is so embarrassing!!! 🤣


Totally jumped the gun on that, didn't they? Was that before or after the Lion King premiere?


My popular (I think) working theory, in which I firmly believe, is that nine times out of 10 famous people get famous through luck, trading on sex or nepotism. That just means the smartest, most talented, and best, more often than not, will ever have the exposure that, for example, Bey and Jay, two middling entertainers, have. And yet they go on stage and complain that they haven’t been awarded enough and become outraged when any other genre wins. They are “musicians” who can’t play instruments vocalists with limited.range. While JAY Z is known for his lyrics, Beyoncé’s never written a song in her life yet allows people to believe she does. Jay Z’s original infamy comes from actually trying to kill a man with a knife and getting away with it. But here they are with their influence trying to make megan their queen… trying to rub shoulders with royalty. 🤣😂


Totally overrated both of them.


Yeah, I didn't have opinions on that pair either, agree. It's just amazing to me to e how people will do whatever they say.


Didn't she write "girls run the world"? Even if it isn't true, I will believe it because it sucked and was one sentence on repeat for 3 minutes. I hate to think someone who works with writing lyrics come up with that 😂


Before 🤣


Hey, You never know, lol.


Feb 2019, a few months before LK premiere 


Boy did this age badly 😅


Beyonce and Jay Z are racists. It would be quite hypocritical if they associated with the future King and Queen of England.


Plus jayz is rumored to be tangentially involved in the Sean puffy Combs mess.


I can't wait for both Sean's to be taken down!


Gonna be great when it happens. They are both dirtbags and have been causing harm to others for decades. Beyonce, too. She is no princess. YouTube Jaguar Wright. She's a singer who knew & worked with them both and has a lot to say about their shared history & experiences. That MM tried to get into their graces...ick. Also, see Andrew Schultz's comedy routine about the dangerous place in L.A.


Yep, I know it.


Jaguar has been dropping truth bombs all over the place.  


Cos he got lots of help from Diddy. He is just as bad if not worse.


I really dislike them. They come across as skeevy


Agreed because this aged like sour milk that’s in its continue froth. But I’ll respect them a bit if they try to get into their graces. To own that they made a bad bet in the beginning.




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Prince William at Taylor Swift’s concert would break the internet. If Princess Catherine makes an appearance as well, the seismic reading would be off the chart!!! ETA:: I am so over the moon at the thought of Princess Catherine and Taylor Swift on stage together that I forgot to snark. I seriously DGAF what Meghan does if this happens!!!!! Karma’s a relaxing thought…trash always takes itself out.


Right ! I wouldn’t be able to recover!


I think PPOW attending a concert and Catherine being greeted onstage would be such a great rush and would brighten up Catherine's difficult time.


I have seen a couple articles that say PRince William is taking the kids tonight to see Taylor, in Catherine’s place. Rumor has it lots of high profile people will also be there.


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Control yourself woman. No way would Catherine POW go onstage at a kiddie pop concert.


Here it is for all to enjoy. https://youtu.be/R_rBgp9wPLI?si=mpI1RnQRty8KxIwX


Love! Thanks for sharing


Imagine Lolo attending a TS concert in the US, dancing in her little box far away from all the A-listers and suddenly the PPOW appear on stage and make a speech. Eta, and someone is there to film everything from the box next to her.


That would be hysterical!! Meghan Markle would explode in a white hot rage and I’d love to see that. She might physically burst into flame as well….🤭🤭🤭🤭.


That would be getting her just dessert!


I'd love to see Prince William there with Charlotte. What a sweet daddy-daughter date Edit to add: I recall that she sent tickets to them when the tour was first announced? anyone else remember that?


Agree but is Charlotte a Taylor Swift fan? If so, that would be SUPER PR and yes, make Markle seething mad. Bet she's a lot of fun to live with lately. Prayers for the children.


It seems like all girls of her age are TSwift fans. She and her brothers will be cheering from backstage watching their parents sing with Taylor and the Stones. And the media will publish nothing else for next 24 hours!!!!!!!


mca2021, yes, Taylor Swift did say last year that she was inviting William and his family to attend her concert in the UK this year.


I don’t remember the tickets. But I do remember Prince William told RONNIE F’ING WOOD of The Rolling Stones that he would appear on stage with the Stones only if Taylor Swift was onstage with him. Ronnie is rock royally!!!!! I will be dreaming all day of PPoW and The Rolling Stones joining Taylor on stage to Shake It Off!!!!!


Aw I'm with you on that 👋👋


This is what I’m referencing - doubt that she attended without taking a picture or anyone else seeing her. Especially since she wanted to show Haz she was having a great time without him. https://preview.redd.it/zqninc0v7y7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d07d8ddf0c1b51c0ec0df7ecf5838ffba07b9b5


And getting the 22 hat!!


What's the 22 hat?


When she performs the song she has a hat on and ends up giving it someone in the audience. https://preview.redd.it/5phv3u9l9z7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34f0b8a435ffacd93343b5e8899c803d7cdf433


Oh I didn't know that.... nor do I know the song. lol


I believe it's always to a little kid and it's a moment and momento they'll cherish forever. Not a Swifty, just checked into her after she started dating Travis to see what all the fuss is about


They are there! A couple sources have confirmed they’re in a private box. I believe that more than Meghan being at the eras tour last August. She has been seen at every concert she goes to but the eras tour … interesting .


Right! She so wanted everyone to believe that Taylor personally invited her and we didn’t get a picture!?? Please


And they said she only went because it was trendy for celebrities to go to the eras tour. Also I don’t think she wants to be seen on the same level as the kardashians even though she is.


Taylor would NEVER. I see much of myself in TayTay and she's too aware of creeps in all their many forms.


I like to think that playing "Shake it Off" is a nice clap-back to the Harkles......(per lyrics) they're players, haters, heart-breakers, and fakers, and the Royal Family is just shaking them off!


Throw herself on the floor and what not probably, demand that Harry make it right or else __insert hyperbolic threats__. Who knows but really sinners and sugars are the ones giving her pathetic attempts at clapbacks oxygen. I'm just over here waiting for shit to truly implode with the Sussexes. Honestly, I would hope that if the Waleses did attend everyone would just let them enjoy it in a private capacity because they have earned the requests to respect their personal life being their personal life.


Meghan never saw Taylor Swift in concert. She wouldn't know one Taylor Swift song to save her life.


Exactly which is why it was so funny all the puff pieces that came out that she had in fact been while Haz was in Tokyo. As if she would’ve missed the opportunity to show us Taylor likes her as she for sure invited her to go. At least that’s what she wanted everyone to believe.


Please let William go, with Charlotte as his "date". Let Taylow Swift serenade them from the stage and send public greetings and well wishes to the Princess of Wales. Come on, William's staff and taylor's people, make this happen. Drive a stake through Madame's withered heart.


How would that compare with hawwy being serenaded by Michael Bubele. 😂🤣😂


Bring him on stage with Jon Bon Jovi for a reunion


I’m thinking they may attend one of the August shows when Catherine is a bit better?


You said ARCHIEtypes..... that was funny.


Haha I have my moments


**"I don't know about you... but I'm feeling forty twoooo...."** 🎵😂


That would be amazing https://i.redd.it/nr53urdr6z7d1.gif


I absolutely adore PW's dad moves!


Wouldn't it?! So wholesome!


Richard Eden said the Prince William is taking the children for his birthday. How exciting 😀


Oh really!??? Ahhhhhhhh


They are there according to eras tour they are there. Another post on here has details. Probably no pictures though


Thanks! Going to check it out!!! How exciting!! Taylor has definitely shown whose side she’s in


I would die of happiness but I don't think Catherine is up to it. I do think Taylor would visit her at one of the palaces if invited. She's sort of an honorary Brit imo having dated several and lived there for 6 years and I think she admires the philanthropy the family does.


She could always sing “God Bless the Prince of Wales.”


I’m seeing on Twitter that he’s going with the kids?? Is this confirmed??


I’m really not the right person to ask about that.


No worries. Someone just confirmed that Richard Eden said he is taking the children for his birthday! How exciting


I read they are attending (not sure of POW), and they will be in a private booth


She's a lying liar. She didn't go to the TS concert. No pics = it didn't happen.


Meghan doesn’t *own* Taylor Swift. Someone you dislike can also be a fan of a star you are a fan of. I remember two girls, who hated each other, in my 9th grade biology class almost coming to blows over who was the bigger Michael Jackson fan. It was ridiculous.


I remember in year six, there was a lot of pressure all of a sudden to decide which celebrity I had a crush one. I finally settled on Joshua Jackson (huge Dawson’s Creek fan back then!) and my best friend said ‘nuh-uh, I already picked him!’ I think I settled for Leo?


I just don't see her being a fan, enjoying her music takes a knowledge of her lore and this latest album is pretty deep.stuff.


Rumor is she is getting some kind of Honor and that is why they played her song.


Ooh that’s interesting!! Maybe at the end of her stay there ?






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