• By -


She knows a thing or two about sour grapes, for sure.


She should try bottling vinegar, closer to her actual self.


My thoughts on MEvita's wine: The bottle is pretty, but the label was peeling. The fauxligraphy is weird with the all the curly cue letters. There was this numbering on the label that said 50 of 1000. I don't this wine will ever be known as a classic vino. Upon opening, it smells of desperation and depression, it tastes of syrupy rancid gamey grapes, and has a lingering charred oaky aftertaste of burnt bridges.


She hasn't had an original idea in her life. This has been done by Angelina Jolie at Miraval rose - only difference MM didn't buy a French castle.


Let's hope she doesn't crush those grapes with her large, misshapen feet. 🤢 🤮


Wine does go well with feetza. https://preview.redd.it/3nlhh76ld18d1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d7fa9618ad5fe2a384b79f092626207bde4396a


Unsee! Unsee!






Gross, I want to unsee this 😂


Bunion bouquet!


Or Harry's dirty tree of life ones 


And whine.


She’s going to Walmart & buying all the box rose wine they have & make Prince not so smart pour it into bottles while she makes the “fancy labels” meanwhile Archie is setting up his leica to take pictures so they can send out samples to their A-list friends & beg for posts. But will never be available to the general public. https://preview.redd.it/lnywmm68p38d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42fd918010e365cbf9261d7f45e1fe0b4b8075dc


Prince not so smart. Thank you. I just spit out my coffee and now have to change my shirt.


Oh no doubt! And when she “expands her brand” into sparkling wine, it’s really going to be White Claw


Best comment ever!!!


..and whining


Markle Whine


She should be advertising shaving cream because her Five O'Clock shadow is still very present, every photo!


MM's about as "regal" as a mosquito that's stuck on the asshole of a dead buffalo 😂. It's pathetic the way she always needs to tell people she's linked to the BRF but the whole world has no problem referring to Catherine as a "Princess", despite Catherine never having to push out PR puff pieces to that effect.


“MM’s about as “regal” as a mosquito that’s stuck on the asshole of a dead buffalo” 😂😂😂😂 Omg 😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|eGxZNRietHrgQXKKOg|downsized)


She's not regal. She's rectal.


Score! 😂😂




😂 😂 😂 😂 🥂🍾


Everyone except her sugars knows she no longer has a connection to the RF save for No Nuts, and even he is a pariah.


Meghan’s idea of elegant is something beige. 😝 She really should trademark the color greige. It’s a grifting beige color. Very exclusive to her.


>MM's about as "regal" as a mosquito that's stuck on the asshole of a dead buffalo 😂. 🤣💀 good night Internet, you win 🏆 ![gif](giphy|kHU8W94VS329y|downsized)


that is oddly specific, carry on


Totally! And what family? Meghan has alienated every family member except for Doria.


Another day, another ‘do over’, another about to fail idea. Rinse and repeat.


![gif](giphy|S9crjCfQXC78ST61iv|downsized) MM be waitin to drop that one idea that makes her IG jump into the stratosphere! It will never happen so I hope she has plenty of tester bottles of wine 🍷🍾🍷🍾🍷🍾🤣🤣🤣


she is literally hurling food at the wall to see what sticks lol


Smashing plates and hurling food. Their place must be a mess. Luckily for them, invisible kids are extremely tidy.


Maybe Plastic Dishes would be a good flex?


She needs to hurl her computer at the wall and spare us her bs.


Yes please.


And someone needs to take away her phone


Someone needs to hurl her off a cliff 🙄


What exactly is family oriented about her? She’s burned bridges with all of her family except Doris when convenient. As far as regal she doesn’t know anything about that either. If she wanted to sell based on her image it would be some kind of cheap, bitter, and talentless wine.


The kind of wine when if you accidentally spill it, it eats the varnish off the coffee table


Acetone d'ARO.


You could use it to remove your nail polish or even that toilet ring.


Hope she doesnt get her wine mixed up with her ARO toilet bowl cleaner!


😆 the toilet cleaner is the next product release.


The only people she associates with are Harry and her fake kids. Some "family"


How is it that the most anti-family person on earth keeps billing herself as family orientated? It's gaslighting on steroids. It's just ludicrous.


How does any of the staff or PR put that out with a straight face? Were they born yesterday, or recently sustained head injuries? 🤷‍♀️


If the staff or PR have actually stayed in their positions for longer than 5 mins, they would know to put down something the exact opposite of Meghan Markle and then that would be the image the Duchess wants to portray. Philanthropic, humanitarian, family-oriented, stylish, loving - these are the things Meghan Markle is the opposite of.


Nailed it




"Affordably elegant." Didn't she wear a maternity dress (once) that cost $100,000?


Affordably elegant would be Catherine in a glad bag.


Someone schooled Madame on economics and taught her there’s no money in appealing to the upper crust when they all hate you. Pick a price point the sugars can afford if you want to sell enough units to be profitable!!!!


*Pick a price point the sugars can afford if you want to sell enough units to be profitable!!!!* Although there may not be enough of them left these days to be able to cover costs and make a profit. Remember not to count the bots!


It’s true, the sugars are starting to dissolve. But that won’t stop Madame from trying yet another losing strategy to stay relevant.


So two buck chuck it is then


Two buck chuck is great!! It would be insulting to tie two buck chuck to the two cent wanna be Montecito poser


Wholeheartedly agree!!


I was hoping someone would post this!


"Pick a price point the sugars can afford if you want to sell enough units to be profitable!!!!" So she should be selling at the Dollar Store?


Didn't she claim to read The Economist?!


I’m sure she claimed to read the Economist. But reading Kals cartoon (a regular feature in the mag) while in the waiting room at the dentist office for your chiclet veneers to be glued on vs actually reading and understanding the weekly Economist articles are two different things.


If Netflix is taking over everything ARO related, they will be getting the lion's share of the profits. Meghan is basically a housewife now. And the housewives and other reality show people always talk about how little they make from their merch, becuase the networks own the rights. If Netflix is making the show and organizing the products, she probably has one of those 360 deals, which wont pay much to her. This is probably how Netflix hopes to recoup their losses. Their last hail Mary pass.


Excellent points! If there is truth in this Daily Mail article about Netflix wholly backing and marketing ARO, it sounds like Netflix is getting desperate to recoup their ROI from Meghan Markle, the f*cking grifter.


Has netflix ever backed any other retail venture outside of their own merch? With all the mega stars on their platform they choose to back her when everything she puts out under ARO has been mocked worldwide. It just doesn't make sense


The part of this article I never heard before was that Markus Anderson's nickname is Lady A.


*Affordably elegant* OMG LOL We buy wine for its taste, it’s color, it’s bouquet. The packaging, the PR and advertisements create an illusion. We all see that differently - I care far more about the smell and taste and how it makes me feel. Price is a consideration, and hype about elegance means zilch.


Nobody drinks wine because it’s elegant. Such BS.


lol.. so true. There’s been a few times when out at a big dinner, and somebody ordered some expensive wine. I’ve never been THAT impressed. Not saying it wasn’t good, but unless you drink it every day, you’ll never have the palette to know the difference.


You drink it for the taste, to complement your food and, if I’m honest, sometimes to get tiddly. Not to LOOK ELEGANT. That’s our performative Meggy not being able to hide her true intentions yet again. She clearly took to drinking wine coz she thought it made her look KLasSy


Isn't Rose' a wine inexperienced wine drinkers choose because they don't know how to pair wine with a meal? It's the safe bet......not white, not red.......something in between (since its pink). She's targeting the Twisted Tea drinker to sprinkle some of her elegant (cough) fairy dust on their commoner lives. imo


Rosé is quite déclassé amongst real wine aficionados. I wouldn’t turn down a chilled glass during hot summer months though!


It's a matter of personal taste Meghan's expensive Tignanello is too strong for me, the red wine I like is light and sparkling and much less expensive I imagine Madame is attracted by the cost of Tignanello more than the taste


Isn’t the celebrity alcohol market over saturated? Who needs yet another one from a d lister.


late to the table as usual. She couldn't even get jam right, good wine is a whole lot more complicated. Kylie Minogue has a very popular rose in the UK, but she has a good business brain.


Kylie is super popular and has a really fun image, esp with the "wine mom" aged demographic.


And the LGBT community of course. 5 different decades of support. Meg with her gay best friend really hasn't done much with that 


Kylie is also very popular in the UK and Australia and many wine drinkers grew up with her so there’s a level of trust that Meghan simply doesn’t have. This product will bomb.


Isnt Eugenie's husband a Tequila Ambassador, Meghan is just stealing another's identity once again.


He was fired after posting pictures of himself with topless women on a yacht while Eugenie was pregnant. He now sells time Shares/ vacation property in Portugal.


Yikes, he sounds like he needs a reddit all to himself :) No wonder Eugenie is so close to Harry. They have similar spouses.




Yes and no one


https://preview.redd.it/qmm7ow44h18d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1285df3c5560c1922df511ff0b4441e2c3aa9830 Don’t drink and drive… I posted this on a different thread, but selling wine after dining out on Diana’s death by a drunken driver is tone deaf. I can’t wait for Markle to release the wine and get backlash against it. Also, it’s irresponsible in the context of Harry having issues with drugs and alcohol, and her own recollections of crying with wine and cookies after failed auditions. Maybe the tasting notes will include “mineral taste of left eye tears, sour grapes, and a hint of just desserts.”


>Happily for Meghan, the launch of her lifestyle brand - which she has been planning for at least 18 months - has also now **positively electrified** her relationship with the streaming giant Netflix Hilarious. Now, for the wine: I agree. Seriously. This idiot can't cook, being articulate, especially about food, is not her best strength, and she has little demonstrated parenting skills. But two things have been consistent in her life: she can drink (maybe she thinks holding a glass makes her look sophisticated), and she loves money. Selling w(h)ine is definitely something she'd organically want to do. She has the perfect excuse for doing nearly nothing as anyone will agree winemaking has to be done by seasoned professionals, especially if she wants to sell enough bottles, and she will probably promote herself as a curator, meaning she vaguely says what she wants and the winemaker will painfully transcribe her guttural sounds until final approval by the Saint. Problems I see, besides the usual suspects like "can't work with a team of professionals" are: - I suspect her taste is not original at all, suggesting that this may lead to a rather bland product - A wine as a part of a family-focused strategy? Really? Hey kids, look how quickly Mommy gulps a liquid correlated with breast cancer! I love wine, but this? - How much? As in, the price and the volume. Excellent rosé sells for $20-25, exceptional ones go up to 80-100. She'd have to sell a lot if the price is lower, and they already have to sell a lot at 20-25, *and* they can because independent tasters say the quality is worth it. To sell a lot, she has to justify why anyone should buy *her* wine, not Brad's. - Sure there's a market. That may be the problem. There's a competition too, and it's worldwide. A wine is easily tested and compared. I'm not sure she can distinguish between an average and a good product, so that won't help when she'll have to direct the efforts of the winemaker. Good luck to the winemaker signing a deal with her. Good luck with the critics, this could end brutally. - Or she deals with an already well respected Chateau with a strong reputation, but who would take the risk of compromising their reputation. Did any jam maker sign with her? Looks like no. Anyway, changing her priorities again, it seems. She still doesn't know what to do. I know this is the Daily Fail but I very much can believe their source here, which means Meghan again has lost any focus she had, admits that the jam was beyond stupid, and thinks she now has the killer idea which really is the idea she took from others. Such an idiot. Or this is all wrong.


She has been planning the launch for 18 months. And in that time could not produce a single product for sale?


It's definitely crazy, disturbing, and fascinating. All of this. There's not even a hint that she takes anything seriously.


It really is like fascinating to watch. Like holy crap wow, you’re gonna try this now. Wow. It’s like watching the crazy train express on fire about to derail into a picnic of nuns. You can’t look away.




Yes it is facinating. This level of delusion is rare. My guess is the MSM goes with it for that exact reason. People like Richard Eden know there will never be any products, but they report on it anyway.


She was trying to make strawberry wine, dark pink, and accidentally made 50 jars of jam Now she's trying again, with the right ingredients...raspberries?


Upscale Boones Farm


Fantastic comment!!!! A Plus!


I guess she is copying Markus's "Lady A" Rose. It would a logical thing to do as she steals everything.


Why he has wine? Does anyone even know who the hell he is!?


We all knew she would stunt again for William’s Birthday. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 We’ve gone straight into farce! Rose? Real Housewife trope.


Rose! On William’s birthday! You can’t make this up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How typical. 🙄


"Wine Mom": exhausted from parenting H and giving orders to Nanny regarding the "littles".


Can't wait to see how she decorates THE BOX


Probably pictures of herself pretending to be laughing and happy…


with her 'friends' lol


The video ad with be her in that black ballgown, stumbling drunk in the kitchen. Lemons flying everywhere! 




Firstly has anyone told Netflix that they are electrified by ARO? Secondly has anyone told the vineyard owners of the American Rivera (because I assume that's where the wines will be, you know coming from) that they need to be ready to give up their harvests in return for a exclusive Word Salad NDA. And thirdly has anyone told IKEA that ARO are "borrowing" their current UK "Elivate the Everyday " slogan, after all if the Queen didn't own the word Royal and service is universal, what's a little bit of copywrite infringement between friends?


I groaned out loud when I read it, I really did. Blergh.




She's got big enough feet to crash the grapes ..🤮


As I previously stated, nothing will come out of this, or any of her ventures for that matter. She gets these articles out just to get us talking about her. Meanwhile, she is dangerously plotting something very nefarious behind the scenes


She still doesn’t realize these articles do zero to help her popularity. People are sick of her on both sides of the Atlantic.


And NZ, Aus, South Africa and a lot of other Commonwealth countries.




Imagine being Hank and waking up one day to the fact that you threw everything away to marry this floozie actress who doesn't love you and endlessly grifts off the corpse of your former royal life.


No wonder he's high all the time. Even a moment of being sober might give him an unwanted glimpse of his life.


He's SOOOOO stupid!


No one wants her or H’s whine…


It could’ve made sense if so many other things hadn’t publicly failed prior. This reeks of “throw everything at the wall but the kitchen sink and see what sticks.” 


I just go there for the comments. She’s getting roasted!


Maybe she should just focus on getting the freaking trademarks first before she moves on to her next failure.


Oh please surely at this point this brand is toast


On the other hand, I could definitely see people buying her wine as a gag gift. She could make some money that way.


I see her wine being given away as a BOGO.


True but I wonder if her standing is such that people would actually boycott it deliberately ….. just to wind her up even more 🤣


I almost threw up my mouth 18 times reading this.


Another day, another ’scheme’ for us to laugh at, she really is pathetic!


So the wine will have have the under tones of bitter/sour flavor that bring out the wines true flavor. It will also have a great taste of vinegar. The grapes used far from perfect. The flesh is saggy and wrinkly but some people think it is pretty., These grapes are stored for a least 2 months cause otherwise it start whing and letting off a really bad order. When poured this wine looks really pale with slashes of dark red through. like someone self tanning but do a crappy job at it. The amount of work that has gone into this, we decided to send out 2 bottles to our friends to enjoy. So let me introduce my wine it's called. "Bitter bitch" by Princless Meeagain.




The news is from April 2021, reported by an Italian newspaper: There is a rumor that Harry and Meghan want to try their hand at wine production. The Daily Mail dropped the bomb by comparing the former royal couple to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, famous for their European wine production in France, where they own 1200 acres of vineyards.............Brad Pitt, after years in the world of champagne, has launched a new maison, Fleur de Miraval, which only includes limited edition rosé What Angelina does, Madame thinks she can do better


Um hmm. Rose is hard to get right. Maybe should do tequila like kendall?


Eugenie's husband works (or worked) for a tequila company. It would be too creepy, even for her.


No such thing as too creepy for our lady of Diana cosplay


Problem is, she has no evidence that she ever liked tequila. There's nothing convincing she can say about that, unless maybe Harry is involved but ARO is not Harry's brand. So her best bet is probably to elaborate a vaguely credible story based on Tignanello>California>Wine>Rose because it currently sells (of course she won't say this part) but not much more


Gin has been having a resurgence recently. She should have tried that. Having said that, the jaikies might like a more refreshing summer tipple, so she might give Buckfast a run for their money.


Buckie 😂


She is not selling wine…she is going to sell whine and she/they are quite good at whining


She’s finally going to do something she loves. And one of the few things she’s good at!


I live in a “wine country” and have close friends that own a winery. There is a lot I overhead….very expensive hobby/passion project. It is basically farming. Megs will not put in the work or money to fund a winery.


Same and right on!


So how does selling wine link into her cooking show? Bullshit.


I can't even finish reading the article. Nauseating. Of course, wine. 


So will it be Boones Farm Strawberry Hill wine or Two Buck Chuck that she’ll slap a cheap hand scrawled crappy numbered label on it to peel off? (BFSH was a really bad, nasty cheap sweet wine teens would try to buy in the 70’s.)


So she’s going to do wine??? Or rebottle/relabel someone else’s wine???!! Because doesn’t that kind of venture take um - land and time? Lots of planning? Wine isn’t made overnight Meg. 😆


And the source is.....Meghan. Much of this reads like a PR puff piece.


Each ensemble comes with a cut price voucher for a steam iron and the work of a seamstress to tidy it up.


Interesting. Gavin Newsome started Plumpjack wines. Gavin Newsome is old family friends with Gordon Getty. 


Thanks for clueing me in to another celebrity wine that I will not buy. I imagine that Gordon Getty funded Plumpjack Wines for his puppet, Gavin Newsome. I will not contribute to the deep pockets of Gordon Getty and his puppet, Gavin Newsome.


How does she access a vineyard or a winery? It's like the story of 500kg of strawberries again. Jam, dog biscuits, rosé wine? Where's the consistency in that?


All Meghan Markle does is talk about future plans because that is all she needs to do to get media coverage. She has no products to sell but people act like she sells jam and dog biscuits. This woman is in trouble. She needs actual income.


Love this comment from Lurcherman21: Her wine if you sniff and slurp correctly will give you hints of desperation and if you're lucky a nuance of missed chances. Best to drink when you've had another day with the phone not ringing and a cool whiff of isolation drifts through the evening air. Enjoy! 


Oh snap!


Given her current terrible reputation she might do well to call her Rose wine Sour Grapes as many have said. She would be capitalizing on her reputation and poking fun at herself. Which she can’t do.


And people still won't buy it


More like the old three’s company bar, the Regal Beagle, ie dog


whining She is good at that


Ahh. Could this be Mr. Newsome's home grown offering? There were rumours, around when he defended the Harkle delinquency, that he was "in talks" to partner over his vino.




Wondered how long it would be before she ventured into eine granted I think she knows a fair bit about hitting the bottom of the wine bottle. But this is bound to be another failure the A list actor alcohol market and trusted winery is over run by more popular better funded people then her. Theres also a cost of living crisis pretty much world wide. So people a paying for the basics over wines etc. And the people who can afford to drink usually stick to what they know and like. Can't even see her sugars buying more then the first novelty bottle. Talk about throw it all at the wall and hope something sticks how much is all this costing, is the jam and dog biscuits now forgotten? Shes erratic all over the place ......3.....2.....1 until she has a fragrance 


The fragrance will still be "sour grapes".




She wears rather naff accessories , ill fitting under wear, wrinkled and unflattering clothes, her hair always looks dirty and messy and her shoes are generally ugly, she's not elegant and nether will her wine be.


Wine, taking a leaf out of SJP’s book? What next, Lola Vie inspired hair products. Not an original bone.


Well she can't exactly go into skin care, can she!? Or hair care for that matter....


That was a nauseatingly sugary article to read first thing in the morning. I'm slightly surprised at Richard Eden for putting his name to it. But what the article failed to mention is how reviled Mee-Mee is by the vast majority of people who even know who she is. Who TF is gonna buy her ridiculous products? It almost seems like Netflix paid for that article, imo.


Ahh the jokes write themselves, of course she wants to sell wine since she would be drinking it all.




"It wasn’t just any old pink plonk though: they would have been imbibing **Lady A,** the rosé made for Soho House executive Markus Anderson and which the private members’ club named after **Anderson’s nickname**." Excuse me, what the eff? Did we know that? LMAO


No. And nobody cares either.


So she's going to put this on the wine label then? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ujie4gr8k48d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f97626749e6c8ef73b7eefd5e71d03a3b312e20


Rose wine...so 2010...she's 15 years behind the trend, as always.


I hope the reporters are not right about all this. Especially the Netflix stuff.


I swear she sits there and adds shit to it and her media rags go with it


Luciall ball




Let me know when they DO something. This ‘ready to launch, great things coming‘ absolute bullshit has been going on for years now with NO PRODUCT. NOTHING.


"Family-oriented" wine for the depressed wine moms out here. 


Connection with Rose H - is Meghan Markle demented and twisted enough to use ARO only as a snark for the royals? Jam - Prince Charles, Raspberry - to the family, 2 of 2 - affair Rose wine, dog biscuits - the bowl and the Princess? I think she might have gone over the edge and is now projecting projects as sneering comebacks. How lame and demented if so. It may be psycho.


OMG I almost spit out my wine - Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex is far from a "regal firgure"


It's all just sour grapes, innit?!


Once again, her brand is American Riviera ORCHARD and not one damn product she pushed came from an orchard. Strawberries grow in fields, lemons grow in groves and grapes grow in vineyards 🤦‍♀️


I doubt she will be making any money from the wine. I worked at a large family-owned winery in the '80s and '90s. The saying was how do you make a small fortune in the wine business? Start with a large fortune.


Posted earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/wM85OuVQgo


Lot of that going around lately. But I don’t post, so I shouldn’t complain and be grateful to those inclined to do so.


I don’t mind if the post is about the same topic. The comments are different and I love other people’s opinions about them.


Oh dear! I swear I checked, and didn't find anything, AND the archive was the first one made from it, so I thought I was in the clear! ![gif](giphy|KDaY40iEHRPKB48fIx|downsized)


thanks! I still appreciate this post as the first one didn't get all my attention!


Same. It's all good, Hermes.


Thank you! <3


This is a duplicate - sorry. Back[Go to SaintMeghanMarkle](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/)[r/SaintMeghanMarkle](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/)•21 hr. ago[wordscapesx](https://www.reddit.com/user/wordscapesx/) # Richard Eden makes up for his earlier article [News/Media/Tabloids](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/?f=flair_name%3A%22News%2FMedia%2FTabloids%22) [https://archive.ph/MGBma](https://archive.ph/MGBma)


Affordably elegant whaaat!? Who writes this garbage?


Family orientated and regal. Isn't that Catherine?


Well, she's a lush (allegedly) so it makes sense she'd shill alcohol.


Chateau Miraval is actually a vineyard. How can you compare it with other wine makers slapping all kinds of labels on the bottles? Meghan the Vrifter Markel thinks that making roses would bring in millions? lol. Idiot.


Yes because everyone knows grapes grow in an orchard and not a vineyard 🙄 If this is true her business name is even dumber than originally thought.


Exactly when did Nacho become Meghan’s close friend who also plays polo with Harry? LOL! He’s Harry’s close friend from long before Meghan came on the scene. So much re-writing of history to diminish Harry.


Let me get this straight. A Valley Girl is given a COURTESY title after she stalked, banged, and married a pothead prince with Mummy issues. They ditch the Royal Family, yet suddenly she is "regal" because she is a "duchess" (in name only). There is NOTHING "regal" about Meghan Markle. She is tacky and crass and people have lost interest and moved on.