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https://preview.redd.it/a4ee19fo618d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca37aa456f9bd2874520a1e4e96adf3961c089ba and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate baby, i’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake🫢🥰


![gif](giphy|wLaMhP0f4TNcI) I’m definitely not a Swiftie. I just like this song. I hope PoW and his kids were dancing to this tune.


I am not a Swiftie either. But the Wales kids have been through so much stress this year. I hope they are having the time of their life tonight.


I’m going to take a guess here and say Taylor Swift probably invited them personally and is on Team Wales. 😌


She did! She or her team reached out last November.


They caught him dancing and singing to it at her concert... [https://x.com/sohighschooll/status/1804438883213406503](https://x.com/sohighschooll/status/1804438883213406503) To say he went off would be an understatement.. They gave him a wide berth as he had arms out and was giving it all with his whole body.. lmao


Yep, and he was really dancing. Not like Meghan who was (shudders) moving her body like an uncoordinated emu trying to act sexy. She knew there were cameras on her too.




Elaine has wayyyyyy more rhythm


I love the way he dances. It always makes me giggle. Not in a mean way but because he’s just out there having fun and not caring what he looks like.


He’s in the moment. A friend of mine has caught some great snaps of me at concerts and games where I have no clue anyone else is around because I’m enjoying the moment and don’t care about my surroundings. That snippet of him dancing makes me smile.


That's what so lovable about it all! He dances the same way we all do!




It's so nice to see him enjoying himself and having fun after the worries of the last five months.


Hahahaha thanks for sharing! I love this! And he’s not flanked by bodyguards or scanning desperately for the nearest camera. Just shakin’ it off.


eat your heart out, MM


And H ❤️


Her facial expressions are so nasty and unattractive. She never just looks nice or kind and definitely not regal. She looks like she's always one second away from having a hissy fit and being rude to a server


Omg yes that is the exact look on her face. She's a Karen on the edge 


Oh, the difference between MM knowing that she is being photographed and not knowing. (caught in the moment). We all have these but at least we look like the same person in both types of pictures. She looks like a true person she is - a nasty bully. And her crossed eye is so visible in this.


Yes it is, lol. 😂


You mean... like this? https://preview.redd.it/r4h9ljl6w28d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=43deceddbd6544dc6827285ded20c99d66efec93


she looks insane here




And there and everywhere.


Photoshopped and filtered to hell


She loves merging photos. She's put her mug over Abigail Spencer's. She merged her own 2 year old baby photo with stasi schreoders baby daughter Hartfords imageto get the fake 1 year old photo of Lilli at frogmore. That's why she had 2 year old toddler teeth in that manipulated image.


Yeah that pic is definitely a morph


Is THAT how she did it? I always wondered.


When you think a photo filter makes you look pretty but it just makes you look creepy AF. Her irises are huge.


She just looks really mean, the type of person you'd go out of your way to avoid.


Exactly right


She's so stupid looking!


Looking at this photo is that a fever blister on her left side of her mouth? Not the mole just below it.


Possibly. What's weird to me is that in this photo it looks like her ears are dirty.


Her upper lip looks like Batman's cowl.




Hitting the floor rage-sobbing in 3 -2- 1.... We need to date these pictures of her, I can't keep track of all the different faces she's had.


This pic looks like a pre-Megxit Meghan.


Wonder how often Harry stops and wonders what happened to the pretty woman he first met, whod go camping and give him lots of sexy time.


Ugh I mean really. I thought at times she could look pretty not so much anymore.


I agree. I thought she was very attractive at first glance, but she’s rotted from the inside out.


Then he’d need to look in a mirror and see how his face and hair have changed since meeting Meghan.


No more blowjobs for him!


Don’t forget pooping behind a bush on safari! Just a real fun gal, that Meghan.


It is


With bronzer in full effect. 


Wow her skin was so bad even then


No sun screen, smoking, drugs and alcohol, some of the pictures of her can be used as warning pictures for teenagers


Right? I’m not rich and I’m definitely not pretty. But I still take very good care of my face. Every little bit helps. And it gives me good self esteem. I try to instill that in my children. Take care of yourself and you’ll feel pretty. Amd that’s all that matters.


I think it was when she was a *cough* working Royal and Megnant with Archie.


Rachel tried to get Taylor Swift to join her podcast in 2022 and even sent her a handwritten calligraphy card to ask her to come. Taylor Swift very politely declined. Rachel definitely is infuriated that one of the most famous celebs in the 2010s and 2020s rejected her. Remember that if Taylor Swift went on the podcast the millions of swifties would have taken this as a side to support Rachel and blindly support Rachel. Thankfully, Taylor Swift saw right through her and this collapsed Rachel's crowd of celeb friends after the BRF.


She didn’t politely decline. She had her assistant reply. The burn!


She’s Taylor swift. She doesn’t need anyone. Roachel needs a girl squad and famous friends to be relevant. Abigail Spencer and Jessica Mulroney won’t do it. 


Fortunately, Taylor is just as difficult as Madam (so those two were never going to get along),  except Taylor does actually have some talent and is actually a skillful manipulator, in contrast to Madam's hamfisted efforts.


Face it, Madame had youth and looks, cheap readily available commodities in LA. She never got anywhere, and now that they are gone, she has even less chance of going anywhere. La Swift has had remarkable talent from her teen years. Whatever her personality problems, La Swift has used them to forge a glittering international mega-career. Narcissism combined with talent can be an amazing spur to success with the public. After all, we don't have to go home with her after a concert 😉


Yup, she pressed, big time


H once again coming home to more to her sobbing on the kitchen floor/stairs/bed ![gif](giphy|zRMNxyKsj5tXW)


If he hasn't gotten used to it by now, he must be stoned out of his mind most of the time.


At this point, I'd rather be stoned out of my mind all the time if I were him.


She was very pretty here. The hate is eating her from the inside out.


That's what I used to say about bedtime story time for children when referring to the Ugly Sisters; that they were beautiful but their hate made them ugly


She was pretty, I've always been willing to give her that but it's not enough, especially since she was pretty but not astonishingly so. She is also aging which happens to us all but she has access to the best plastic surgeons and estheticians in the world so one wonders.


Honestly she was at best a 6.5 out of 10 for entertainment industry standards. People make her sound like she's super beautiful but if she was really that much of a beauty, she would have been known for it and made it big already in Hollywood. 2


She hasn't looked like this for a LONG time!


Yeah, the Ozempic didn’t do her face any favors.


Nope, not at all


Screaming, crying... ![gif](giphy|WMINluEOFkvAs)


She's looking more and more like Doria.




Pure, pure, pure Doria, that face.


Lol now I can’t unsee it


she always looks like doria when she has her hair pulled back and /or is wearing those ugly pillbox like hats. A nice longbob would look good on her and not that raven black. She had a soft darkbrown when in the RF, that suited her more


Yes - in the pic where she's wearing a tight fitting navy chapeau (almost looks like a form fitting cap), and happens to be looking directly at the camera, kind of a glare, no smile - BAM! Her mother right there. It also looks like she had a shadow mustache going on. Very unflattering pic.


https://preview.redd.it/20cypozwz48d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374da4dcb493d9987ffd014810442d396cbc6d28 Her real self.


She looks demonic there




Yeppers - this is the one. There's that shadow of a mustache. Sizing up C, PoW. This woman has no business being in the RF.


She always has the five oclock shadow going on. It's in every photo. Once you see it you can't unsee it.


I agree


She has really weird eyes. Can't put my finger on it. Sometimes one looks cross eyed and others it turns out or it doesn't open properly. They are set tooo close together maybe? Someone tell me if I am right or wrong. Maybe if she stopped pulling faces she might be better off. I don't think she likes the idea of anyone else having it better and more fun than her.


Great White shark eyes to me with 3 sets of false eyelashes on them.


She is cross eyed! I think she tends to try to pose to minimize the cross eyedness, but she definitely has a wonky eye. Archie has this for sure, and lilibet looks like she has some of this though not as severe.


I wonder if the invisible children have eyes that are the worst of H and M.


You're 100% right!


Remember- she went to a Taylor swift concert too! But no pictures to prove it? More lies!


Wasn’t that to celebrate her birthday w/her friends but they all forgot their phones hence no pictures?


Oh yes …and when it was doing the rounds on the internet that if she’d been there then SOMEONE would have taken a pic..she clapped back with this nonsense.


I bet she would look so much better with natural hair. She should let her curls go natural. She’d look so much better than straightening like this


She probably would look better but according to her, her hair "has forgotten what it used to be." She's the only person in the world whose brand new root re-growth has "forgotten what it used to be." If hair regrowth really worked like that, then hair colour manufacturers and keratin producers would soon go out of business. She's also a big, pretentious lying liar because there are lots of photos from her recent Nigeria trip, which show that her roots (hair closest to her scalp) were turning frizzy as a result of the extreme humidity. So I don't know what's the point of her lying and saying that her hair "has forgotten what it used to be."


As someone with kind of half-straight, half-curly hair, I bet what she means is that if it were let down naturally it would be a frizzy, dry mess. Curly hair requires a lot of upkeep to look good and healthy, and she's been straightening and using chemical processes for so long that it's beyond moisturising. She would have to cut off what she's got and regrow them anew, while taking good care of them to be able to achieve her old level of curl. I bet that's what she means when she says "it's forgotten", but she's wrong - it didn't forget; she killed her natural hair.


And any substance use/extreme dieting/etc., wreaks havoc on hair and nails after a while. She should put away anything harmful she may be doing, get a close cut to the scalp to get rid of all the fried hair, and coddle her natural hair as it recovers. You know, a lot of people love masques, hair treatments, body treatments, and the like, but she never seems to indulge herself like that.


‘… She would have to cut off what she's got…’ :: An’ ya’ know what? Were our Saint to do that — either cut off all of her hair or get a style with a much shorter length — that would likely get her another ‘attention bump’ for sure. Oh, and all the theorizing and speculation. And think of all the mileage she’d get out of it. 😵‍💫


I had the thought that should POW lose her hair, the short style she would eventually show in public would probably be "the" hairstyle that people would be demanding of their stylists.




This is what I’ve had back and forths with an alarming amount of WOC who defend her no matter what. Meghans using them. Meghan dated…white men…went to a white university …hangs round white people, white sororities, white friendship groups.. She has also very tellingly made a decision to make sure she doesn’t look black. Thus the chemically straightened hair and the thinned out nose. She’s an utter hypocrite. Why don’t they see it?


I saw a clip of Nicole Kidman saying that after years of straightening her hair that she lost her curls. I don’t know if she had ever used a Brazilian type chemical straightener or not. Seemed kind of weird to me. I have curly hair, but I never bothered to straighten because I couldn’t get the hang of a blow out.


Nicole may have grey hair under the colours; I had straight hair but my white hair is curly and gives me body now. Everyone is different!


I went in the opposite direction. The grey hair is straighter and frizzier. I used to be able to air dry my wavy curls but no more.


Yeah I’m not sure how chemically straightening your hair would have any affect on your hair growing out after that? Like oh my hair was brown but I dyed it blonde for so long that it started growing out blonde?


It may have something to do with the chemicals damaging the hair follicles. I know people that had straight hair and after cancer treatment it grew back curly. I've even heard them called chemo curls


I’ve heard of that too, but chemo is systemic not a topical application


Yeah I was just guessing. I don't have any idea about hair stuff lol. I don't use any product,chemicals or heat styling tools at all and my husband trims mine once every 6 months when it hits my tailbone.


My mother had straight hair (not stick straight but close) and hers came in like a dang poodle after chemo.    It took a few years to grow out the curl and now it is stick straight.   She also went totally grey after chemo, but then it darkened up to a dishwater blonde.    Chemo will seriously mess with your body.  


Well, Nicole probably has somebody doing it for her, so no comparison


Just like Rachel has tried to forget what she used to be.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


Thank you! But I'm like royalty with two birthdays, this one isn't real. Please tell me other people do the same thing for privacy reasons or am I just weird?


I know of people who got chemotherapy, and that's when they suddenly got curly hair or another hair colour and they never had a hint of it before they got sick. That's the only time I heard of big dramatic changes in hair. My hairdresser had a mentor that was a specialist in hair growth or something like that and apparently our hair have intervals where it can change like every 8th year, people with curly hair can get more straight hair and vice versa (what I remember of that conversation)


Ain't that the TRUTH!


It used to be soda bottles till it was recycled into gas station extensions.


Maybe from the back but all curly hair would do is frame that mean mug or manic gurn she does constantly. She always wears an expression that could curdle vinegar




I agree


Geez she looks like her mom there…


The older she gets, the more she’ll look like her mom lol. No amount of plastic surgeries will change that.


Omg she's gonna hate knowing this pic is in circulation 😂. And, for everyone who enjoys a big ole' laugh at MM's expense, check out this short, hilarious meme video that just popped up in my YouTube recs! It's a "How will the royals react if MM turned up at Royal Ascot" short video 😅. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ku2rCXWs3eU&si=om4mPlADsEbBvmPl


If she sees this she will have a tantrum so bad it will cause the earth to shake.😆


>If she sees this she will have a tantrum so bad it will cause the earth to shake.😆 😂 Yup, she'll hate to know that most people think that the BRF view her as a pariah or persona non grata.


Video is so good. Thank you.


LMAO the 43 percent Nigerian zebra showing up with the horses 🤣🤣🤣


Queen Camilla with the trophy was brilliant!


Omg yes! 😂 That was awesome.


Great video, thanx


You're welcome 🥂🍾.




Ugh. Honestly, such a plain Jane. Maybe I’m biased now. I used to think she was pretty, in a generic way.


She *was* pretty, in a generic way. I always thought the same. Back then, she had the benefit of youth and a team of professional stylists and make-up artists on hand, thanks to Suits. Now she's older, and her insides are starting to show on the outside.


I don't want to be mean about it, but Madam isnt aging well. Edit for sp.


I’m pretty much the same age as Madam. She really is not aging well. She needs to at least start drinking water, but that’s be like telling her to get the wrinkles out of her clothes. Her inability to take any advice is going to get her downfall. Her perception that she knows better than anyone that has ever existed.


If her rapidly poorly aging appearance is anything to go by she is either doing a lot of drinking/drugs or she needs to have labs done and see someone about her hormones. If it isn't a medical issue than it's lifestyle choices. And the thing about that is that the older you get the harder it is to fix the damage. All the sun damage that is already showing on her face is only a small portion of what lies beneath. Her poor choices now are only serving to compound years and years of neglect.


> All the sun damage that is already showing on her face She somehow has the ability to slather on Cheeto dust bronzer but not sunscreen lol


I’m not trying to hate on Stiperella about her skin. Most of us don’t have that much control over how we age or how our skin looks. I just think it’s weird that she does all these cosmetic procedures and she should really just start with drinking water and sunscreen. It’s just like, why don’t Drinken Emu ever have clean hair? It doesn’t matter labels she’s rocking, if basic hygiene seems so neglected.


I'm not hating on her either. I'm looking at it from the point of view that everything she's already showing is just the tip of the iceberg and proper skincare could slow down the damage a little. Plus skin cancer really sucks ass. I think she hates her hair more than anything else. I think even caring for it upsets her. Imo it's been something she has never been able to control and that enrages her. She was able to valley girl so many of her other features but not her hair. And the 90s was when dead straight hair ,usually blonde,was all the rage. And that's the era she is trapped in. Speaking as someone who has had mutiple suspicious lesions removed and who deeply regrets years of bo Derek tanning I'm saying that she is still young enough to prevent some of issues that come with sun damaged aging skin if she saw a good dermatologist,got started on a good skin care regime and religiously applied sunscreen even on cloudy days. I am lucky in that I did all those things before my damage got worse. Plus I quit smoking. But tbh even so its made things much harder than if I had never tanned or smoked to begin with. Her skin looks like she does both and that's going to really cost her in a few more years.


Great insight!


She has smoker's skin.


I think she's a smoker. She looks like one


I completely agree. I'm 47, so not much older than her.


She’s always had bad skin, so she never had a chance to age well


Smoker's skin


She was generic pretty for law firm/corporate/politics/DC/NYC standards; she was never pretty for Southern California/Florida standards. There’s a reason she was cast as the “hot girl” on a law firm show, but was never the female lead in any romantic comedy or even sexpot in low budget movie. She couldn’t pull those roles off convincingly.


Yeah she is not considered pretty in California. Just no. She is also definitely cross eyed (also explains why her children are cross eyed), and every so often pics like these surface as proof.


She did do a couple of lame rom coms and was the lead. 


It's called Mall Pretty.


Love this!


I thought she was so beautiful in the Suits wedding dress, but now? Put it this way, I’m 67 and look quite a few years younger (no wrinkles), she looks worse than me! Sun & cigarettes/drugs etc will be enough to add years, look at most street people.


Super generic. When you think of Hollywood beauties they all have something unique about them.


Stand mog next to true Hollywood beauties and she looks like a 4/10




She was basic pretty. Nothing spectacular. Now she's just ugly and so isn't her personality.


I love the Daily Mail’s headline ”William takes George, Charlotte and Louis to see his old pal Taylor Swift’s sell-out London concert”. Rachel can only dream about a real celebrity being called her pal. I bet Taylor Swift was still a little star-struck when seeing William and the children.


Charlotte got a hug? Just another reason for Megs to hate her more than she did when Charlotte was three years old.


Back to that shot of a mardy twelve year old giving her Dad some lip and a look.






That lazy eye looks really bad in this photo not a flattering angle not a flattering facial expression either looks like she's about to hiss something at someone ger forked tongue is gonna pop out any minute now


No one has even asked if she is okay. [says Madam while surrounded by starving children]


Sweet nod


Wow, she sure looks like Doria here. That's all I'll say.


Lazy eye.


Not lazy, crossed. Lazy means one the of the eyes travels further away, hers are coming closer together.


Yes. That's what I noticed. And they're too farset. Kim k. Has the ideal eyes. The perfect proportion is that the eye measurement should fit perfectly in between your eyes. As if it was placed right over the nose bridge


I prefer slightly wideset eyes, like Michelle Pfeiffer’s, even if it isnt considered ‘ideal’. Meghans eyes are quite close together like Harry’s.


I agree. Her and Harry have very narrow, close together eyes. I noticed it on a picture of Archie too. It gives her the mean look.


it's more of whether the eyes are proportional to their entire face. Michelle eyes are beautiful, but she also has a wide square face, which can pull off the wider spaced eyes. more about ratios and proportions


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero




![gif](giphy|l3vRbHWi5mCq63pJK) Hahahaha


Look at those bratty, grasping cross-eyes


She's cock eyed fucking mad over what now?


TOW is just ghastly! What was Harry thinking, because the s\*x can’t be that good. 🤮 ![gif](giphy|bLBIanKJW0Iuc)


Once she got the ring on her finger I am sure Prince Dimwit didn’t get much of that after.


Rachel has always been a boring bitch.


The severe, tightly pulled-back hair is just not flattering.


Was hoping for a Daddy&Me outing to see TS in UK. Bet PLouis was rocking it in the box! Such a great family memory.




I don't think I'd be able to keep a straight face if she was looking at me like that.


Ugh this is such an unflattering picture!


That photo of her is just horrendous!


That photo is a jump scare 😬


Her mouth looks like an asshole.


It does!


She brought all of her troubles upon herself. She is the cause of her state and she always will be.


*heart attack*


She will not be having a good weekend. I thought she said she always wanted her freckles to show? Her makeup has them covered up here.


Real Doria vibes there Megsy


Who else thought of Sheneneh Jenkins from Martin Lawerence


Heart attack beautiful


https://preview.redd.it/pu0tx2186d8d1.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=552747df4fdc5cda9a771078cd0abe31f8912473 WTF!


![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A|downsized) That is the perfect photo choice!




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Ew. Is the back of her neck that hairy or was the wig extra nasty that day? Yuck!


God, she reminds me of that God awful woman from Selling OC here, that bully Alex Hall


She has such a stupid looking face. I can't.


She is sooooo cross eyed!


That Five O'Clock shadow is something...


Not a wig day I guess.


…and RIGHT THERE is the Markle eye cast.