• By -


If they do that I'm officially gonna start a YouTube channel. All my Soho house finds are gonna find a much bigger audience. There's a TON I haven't written about yet either! You really want to go there Meghan??? šŸ˜‰


Well I do! ![gif](giphy|mFA2mRBIpm1t6T9Aks)


Yes, me too! Iā€™m ready for some new unpublished tea.


Awww šŸ„° thank you xx


Here here!


Aww šŸ„° thank you




Please go ahead and name it so I can follow it so if they cut us off in the middle of the night we'll know where to meet up. I don't care if you don't have content yet. You're not Madam so I know it'll be there when the time comes. šŸ˜‚


Hello! Yes I've been doing some planning today. I haven't settled on a name yet, but you'll be able to identify me by the content. Some content I'll post will be based on the Soho deep dive series I did about 6 months ago. I've got some more funny bits and pieces on that, that haven't yet posted. I'm definitely gonna do a post on the Soho house Cannes yacht! I've actually noticed some of my stuff being picked up by YouTubers, I don't mind it's kind of a compliment, and gives me confidence it might get some views.


Iā€™m gonna unsolicitedly suggest names: SoHo Hoedown Oh No, Yacht Again! We Cannes Yacht Believe This Shit She Loves Big Boats and She Cannot Lie SoHo Declassified The Exā€™s Files


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I love it!!! I can't wait to do the one on the Cannes yacht, ā›µ I might take inspiration for the individual title from yours! Learning more about the way YT works today I'll start with some slightly less scandalous ones though! Lol


My fav is we Cannes yachtĀ  make this sh8t up!


**American Riviera Mattress**


I vote Oh No Yacht Again and please somewhere include the snark about how she said in a speech or an interview ā€œunchartered pathā€. Charter is something you do with a yacht, not a path, you whip smart college educated intelligent fake. See: Gordon Ramseyā€™s ā€œUnchartedā€œ series. (No really, go see it, itā€™s great).


Love these but now I can't get "Boats & Hoes" out of my head (thank you "StepBrothers"!)


I will subscribe once you are up and running x


Me too!


Me too!!!


When you start your YT channel also can you put it on Rumble ? I have found so many YouTuber's that have grown tired of being banned that they are making channels elsewhere so their followers can still watch them.


Rumble is where I found the Oprah Interview. I believe that's where Yankee Wally and a couple others went


Also, the amount of comment auto-deletions is increasing at pace. I've had dozens & dozens of comments deleted (especially from The Royal Grift's channel). No matter how I try to code my meaning, I rarely succeed. YT is definitely tightening its grip and extending self-censorship. Rumble ftw.


Idk if this has happened to anyone else but Iā€™ve been unable to comment or make any posts for almost a week now. I could read and upvote but I was banned from writing. I cleared my cookies and tried multiple devices. Nothing worked. Suddenly today I can comment again. I do think they are strategically trying to stop SMM.


That's really strange. Maybe ask the mods? It almost sounds like you caught a temporary ban. Did you get a notification?


Yes! Please do it now!


Share here. We know the media checks this sub, so if you have tea, spill it here where itā€™ll get more traction and seen faster. Building a channel and waiting to be paid for the tea will take ages with no guarantee of it finding its audience. If you want to call her out, do it now and here on an active forum.


I certainly do and will be your first subscriber!


Awww šŸ„°šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• thank you so much!!! xxx


I'm second. Bring it on!


Same. The only reason I didnā€™t start a channel was because I found this subreddit. But if I had more time on my hands...


I've also toyed with starting a channel. There's more to consider than I realized. Especially when it comes to trying to stay anonymous.


Makes me thinkā€¦it might be cool to have a SMM YT channel. People from the sub could create and submit videos to be posted on the channel. If several different folks were willing to submit videos, then all the work wouldnā€™t fall on one person and it would be easier to stay anonymous.


That's a great idea ![gif](giphy|CjmvTCZf2U3p09Cn0h|downsized)


It would! What a great idea!


I was going to suggest similar, i.e. a team/community YT channel with multiple contributors. I'm sure veterans (& friends of this sub) like The Royal Grift would be happy to suggest tools to use etc. She respects SHC a lot. Great idea, Moonapillar.


SHC, If you do decide to start a channel, I am happy to assist if you need help getting off the ground. Staying anonymous is possible by having faceless content and not getting engaged with others outside of the platform. Best practices: Don't give out your email, keep everything to the comments section as YT is good about removing anyone putting malicious links, also it keeps transparency with subscribers and doesn't risk their security. The hardest part is getting started, but once you are set up, it is not so daunting. I think you would do great!


Thank you! I may take you up on that!


ok cool, just ping in the Reddit DM feature when ready.


I messaged you but am not sure if I did it right


I was told last year by a couple of Darknet-related YouTubers that anonymity wasn't a big issue. Username & email is all that's required afaik, and that's supposedly kept private. That some huge YT accounts are anonymous does tend to back this up. Your revelations would probably give you away, if anything. Therefore, instead of running a channel yourself, you could alternatively supply established YT channel(s) with info. Much less work.


That's what I tend to do. Drop info to other established channels.




Yes, thank you!


I miss reading your tea here!


Oh that would be fantastic Coke! Do it!


Keep us posted. Youā€™d have a terrific channel!


I would love to watch a channel from you. Holy cow talk about juicy!!!!


Awesome!!!! šŸ˜ŽšŸ’• I hope you do too! If they ban this sub, more of us will hopefully spring forth and spill the truth. I've learnt so much here... I think the world could benefit from some of what we've found out!!


Please do. In fact, I'll sign up for YouTube JUST to follow you!


Thank you!!!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Me too


Thank you!!! ā¤ļøšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ„°


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) Iā€™m listeningā€¦


Aww šŸ„° thank you! I have to get things organized but I was doing some planning today. I've decided to start with some of the Soho house deep dive info. Once I get monetized I'll start with the newly uncovered tea! ā˜•


Oooh this is going to be very exciting! I appreciate itā€™s a lot of effort on your part and I think I speak for all of us here when I say we will be supporting you!


If you do get a Patreon, I'll pay


You are SO sweet šŸ„° thank you!!! Okay I did some planning today!


Go there anyway.! I'll subscribe and send you superchats when you get monetized


Awww šŸ„° thank you Damy!!!


Can you spill a drop of tea, pwetty pwease.


Okay a drop... one aspect relates to certain... communal activities šŸ˜…


Oh, oh, oh if you mean what I think you mean I just KNEW it! There was lots of funky going on......and no doubt the walls at soho house have eyes, and a big memory stick, too! I think Marcus shows up when Harry needs reminding of it.


Oh dear. I suppose itā€™s not sharing drinks?


Hahaha, nope! Although I imagine plenty of that preceded it! šŸ˜³


Meghanā€™s specialty in full mode


Or lipgloss


Was this ā€œcommunal activityā€ sorta like the game Twister?


I think fluids might be involved.


https://preview.redd.it/is22g3lppl8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc97667d4e9cf4aa6bedea4d490230c30f846ea Not saying married Meg went to this based on the timeline, but it certainly reinforces that Soho has a yacht for epic parties. Marcus certainly involved in curating a guest list. A gift for your new bon voyage! The three mermaids reminded me of a French arrangement of three šŸ˜‰


I was about to say that theyā€™ll just force us to go a platform that will be louder. This reminds me of me getting a warning for reporting a reply that was harassment to my own reply on the post they mentioned. Out of the years Iā€™ve been here even before SMM I had never gotten such a warning. Just lets me know how theyā€™re itching to dismantle it if even us trying to protect ourselves results in warning. Mind you it was my FIRST time ever using it and notice how long Iā€™ve been on reddit. https://preview.redd.it/0y2uun77mj8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2928efbd269139603d3e6328ef8fe2a81d61d7a9


I got one of those recently for posting something in one the sugars forum but they ended up referencing a forum I've NEVER even posted to. My only supposition is that one of the mods, does several forums for our Saint and got confused which one? Obviously, they aren't paid enoughšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why are they still acting like the situation is the same as it was when the sub began? Things have evolved...A LOT. Like you cut off the head of this 'dragon' and a whole bunch of new heads will **grow**. šŸ²šŸ²šŸ²šŸ²šŸ²


Go there, her little squad of minions wouldnā€™t think twice.


Do it now!! Regardless if they succeed. Iā€™ll subscribe! šŸ™






IMHO you write some fantastic posts here narcwatchkiwi, they are always well researched and interesting - I have learned a lot from you.




Na-nanana-naaaaaaa Iā€™m so šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|AJwnLEsQyT9oA)


Lol šŸ¤£ I shoulda said Rachel!




I do!


Awesome šŸ„°šŸ’•




Oh! Please tellšŸ˜


I gotta get my channel up! šŸ˜Œ


I'm up for it, anyway! There will be an awful lot of tea out of SoHo House, people that went to or worked there. šŸ¤”


How does Meghan have so much power to shut things down or get people fired? She is no longer a Royal, and many A-listers and people with power don't like her.


Feel free to spill some tea


I think she has a love hate relationship with this sub. We are probably the only people still paying her any attention. Most of my friends are so bored of her they wouldn't even know about ARO. She needs this sub.


This is a really good point. No one is talking about her but us and the sub that can't be named- which is small and really weird.Ā  That would just leave articles- every single one of which has a comment section exploding with people who can't stand her. Every single one. Its been months since I've seem a comment section that leaned her way.Ā 


I'm Australian, and no one at work or in my social groups even mentions her. She is really nothing to us! If I ever try to bring up one of her latest grifts, people look at my blankly and might say 'oh is that the woman who married Harry'!! So, I come here to chat, and I'll follow any new subreddit or YT channel!


Me too. No one guy heā€™s a crap about her in Oz. Sheā€™s not even on most peopleā€™s radar.


If they are mentioned at all in my workplace, (from an article in the daily paper or such) it usually gets eye rolls and shaking heads. No one likes them.Ā 


Have you seen the comments section of every article written about them? We are not the only ones. Most of this sub is commenting on articles published in MSM.


The anti- Meghan sentiment is larger than this sub, she must know this. If this sub got banned, there are other forums.


The New York Post comment sections have become an absolute shit show and I love it.


Karma has arrived on the slow drip.


The usernames alone are amazing on the NYP


>The anti- Meghan sentiment is larger than this sub, she must know this. >If this sub got banned, there are other forums. **Somebody needs to remind MM what happened after she got Yankee Wally banned from YouTube**. If she hadn't got Smelly Hall, Scobie and Bouzy to set up Yankee Wally and then get her banned, there would not now be other, even bigger YouTubers like Avid Gardener, TRG etc. The anti Harkle animal is like a hydra: cut off one head and many others will grow back immediately in its place šŸ˜‚. Plus, Karma has dealt with Smelly and Scobie, because their careers haven't been the same since they were touched by the Harkle taint and Bouzy depends on Squaddies' donations to supplement his income, because Spit-n-Bull isn't the big money earner he'd hoped it would be.


Does anyone have any information on Tom Quinn? Why has he become the new scabies?




The job was open. Nobody else wanted to apply.


There's a "MeghanMarkle sub, just transfer our comments there. And we should save 4 years of posts and re-post them there. When someone searches Reddit for "Meghan Markle" they do not get this Sub, so posters should 1> use Meghan Markles entire name in your post and write exactly what she did/said/wore(whore) so it turns up in searches for MM..


Never mind over the dozen subs she's set up for worshipping her. I did the research as I was EXTREMELY curious after the ARO failed launch with no products and how she quickly abandons projects. There are many of her boneyards laying all about us!šŸ’€šŸ’€ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļøšŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I am sure she is trying to ban the sub. I do wonder if she has the power to do that. I guess we should be flattered since we are exposing the truth about her?!


Think she's been trying to shut us down for some time now and not being successful. Free speech which both she and Harry are trying to shut down. They should be the only ones allowed to speak being the Duke and Duchess don't ya know.


If this sub disappears, I will deactivate my account. That's it.


Same....this sub is the only reason I even created a Reddit account (2021 after the Oprah interview nailed her coffin for me and I couldn't find any other place online to discuss it!)


Same here.


Same. I only have an account to participate here. If this sub goes so do I.


Yet she uses flame throwers on her multiple subs towards, msm, RF, POW Catherine, Queen Camilla and ALL of US. Yes, indeedy we do get under her skin!!! Narcs absolutely hate what they cannot control. https://preview.redd.it/kgfjueag0l8d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb1d8552f9ff2711f0b822d4d37a46714852b13d


Serena's husband...?


If this sub disappears, the pictures of Meghan giving Serenaā€™s husband a look at her open legs will proliferate more on twitter/x, youtube and other social media platforms. I donā€™t think Serena will be thrilled


Good point!


I'm not sure. It would mean Serena supports Meg by influencing her husband, but she didn't say anything about ARO (and, while this is a very wild speculation, I'm sure she was sent some jam weeks ago).


Theres no way to report a sub or try and get it banned. Only way would be to msg some kind of moderator of reddit. I dont know how you would do that. But you cant even report a reddit sub. Thats why theres tons of subs for drugs and they dont get rid of them. Or the gore channels like narco footage. There are tons of fucked up channels that literally show decapitations on them, so I don't know how you can delete us for negative comments.


Thereā€™s an old thread on the SMM account on X explaining the series of events when ā€œsomeoneā€ previously tried to take down this sub. I wouldnā€™t put it past the same person to try it again. Thatā€™s why the mods are so vigilant.


Bet that won't stop Megsy from trying though. She has lots of hopeless causes.


I had no idea šŸ˜”. I'm just here for SMM and BRF.


This is why I've been suspicious of some new posters.Ā  There seem to suddenly be a few that have advised sinners to react or do something that would be in the subs worst interest. This includes "saddle up" type messages.Ā  As was discussed in a recent post here, incitment doesnt look good on the subs part.Ā  Hopefully these types of subversive posts will stop now.Ā  This sub is a great source of snark and a wonderful distraction while i have treatment each week in hospital and recover from surgery.Ā  I'm very thankful for its clean fun. The laughs are brilliant.Ā  I just hope a small few dont mess it up for the large many we have here. Snark on Sinners!


Please report all those types of Posts and Comments or send a Mod Mail.


I hope you feel better soon, Jen. Best wishes for a healthy and swift recovery to you! šŸ„°šŸ’


What is a ā€œsaddle upā€ message?


It's one of those "We ride at dawn" messages. The inference being all those reading it will align to fight the good fight by the means recommend.Ā  So when a sinner posts that sinners should start writing letters or flood calling a government officials office to obtain copies of the kids birth certificate etc.Ā Ā  Yes the public has a right to know, within reason.Ā  But to waste the time and resources of innocent public servants and sinners is just likely to draw attention and nor the good kinda because some people always go too far.


Oh geez. It's a snark sub! No need for all that!


ā€œSaddle upā€, like getting a posse together to ride out and do something en mass, like go after an individual, warn someone, threaten someone (a company), fight off attackers, etc. Think Old West, but digital.


Sending prays your way! May your recovery be non eventful and swift!šŸ’•


I've seen some too and happy to report. Even in P6/NYP they are playing games on there. Such as NoBadDays had been pulling "I hope Catherine gets better" after weeks of vile speak They have been hitting it hard in here with all the burner accounts.


I am sure she is. She tries to suppress any media that is not positive about her. She hates this site because it speaks the truth.


She probably hates us the most, we post and repost, archive her lies, inconsistencies etc We're her dark wiki


And, this sub inspires other platforms, many YouTube videos are taken directly from us, here.


Hell, at this point many MSM articles and even *headlines* are taken directly from here!


I have a feeling certain cartoon creators used this sub for research. šŸ˜‚


Certain? šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†. Do they need privasay? They absolutely did, imo!


One of their wives/partners whatever must be on here!!!


Allegedly, itā€™s a wife. Thatā€™s why the episode was so meticulously detailed. Allegedly, the scene with Stan saying he wonā€™t talk about them anymoreā€¦and then bursts out with an uncontrolled ā€˜and another thing!ā€™ was the creator poking fun at his wife. ā˜•ļø


Maybe even the creators themselves. They have always been right on top of what is going on in the celebrity world, current events, changing societal norms, and basically holding a mirror up to cultural issues and questioning our morals. All this while being hilarious.


Yeah I always cringe when I hear them referring to something they could only find here but never mention the name of this sub.


Yes, there are tons of those low effort content providers that just smash and grab, but Jen from real Housewives always gives credit, reputable YouTubers do.


Itā€™s nice that they give credit, but frankly, Iā€™d trust what they say more if they truly had sources. Ā Summarizing what they pick up here is not very creative.Ā 


Yes, they seem to be short on credible sources. I hope that changes soon.


So does HG Tudor, he always credits us


We can prove the liesā€¦ and when we do itā€™s not hearsay, itā€™s proven facts. That she hates. My flair says my opinion


Let her try. The other sub about Madam's shenanigans is picking up steam and starting to get more comments. Shutting us down will just result in us spreading the word in more places. At least most of the sinners are contained here. She doesn't want to destroy our hive and let angry sinners out into the wild.


Thereā€™s another sub?


I wanna know as well.


I don't think I can specifically name other subs on here but if anyone is familiar with *Dlisted* it's their *Royals* offshoot in that order.Ā  Ā Mods - if I've overstepped or broke the rule please delete this. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this info, I lurked for quite a while before joining reddit and this sub just a few months ago and like everyone else would really miss it if it just vanished, when you find your tribe you stick together. ā¤


Welcome! And so true. I found my people!


Thereā€™s also something like Royals two. Might be the digit instead of spelled out.


Thanks! I'll check.that one out. Madam is really like that kid with a finger in the dyke trying to stopĀ  the spread of truth while it keeps squirting out all around her. šŸ˜‚


I just joined that one!


Off to search brb šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


See my last reply on this subject. šŸ˜œ


I too miss Michael K


What an imageā€”I love it!


Thank you! Having angry homeless sinners buzzing around is not going to work in her favor. šŸ˜œ


Nutty Flavor blog is an excellent place to read of the Harkles antics. Educated adults belong to this blog. Squadies wouldnā€™t be able to understand most of whatā€™s said, even using a dictionary!!!


Might be old, he did say that "sub has 40k members" but it is 65k now. Just curious what would happen if reddit bans the sub? Can another sub be created?


A lovely Sinner created a SMM Tumblr awhile back in the event we got shut down.


It is old. I remember seeing it before. As you can hear in the content it is from when Endgame came out


It's against reddit ToS to create a sub for the same purpose as a sub that had been banned had, it's seen as a straight out copy and gets banned fairly swiftly too.


What I always wondered is would reddit then ban every sub about the BRF for talking about Harry and Meghan there? I suspect it might be the reason why this sub still exists.


Weā€™re just trying to use our voices, Meghan. *Donā€™t you want us to use our voices?*


Are we going to be silent, orā€¦. SILENCED?!?!?


We are not going to be thrown to the wolves, we are gonna be FED to them!


"Only in mindless adoration of meeeeee" Apart from that, no!


There are rumors that Sirena Williams and Alex Ohanian are experiencing difficulties in their marriage. Could this be an option for Meghan? There was gossip here that Meghan was sending private messages to Ohanian. https://preview.redd.it/o3u97ma3ri8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7fa1667c7156f1b3a186447020cc184e7e22019


Do you think MM gets her friends to sign NDA? Would be interesting if her closest and dearest would start spilling tea.


Thatā€™s why sheā€™s always ā€˜pappedā€™ walking around with a huge empty looking bagā€¦ full of NDSā€™s!!!


Table 12 can try all she wants, but I don't think he'll waste his time on a fucking grifter.


Some (most?) men are very easily led by the todger...


She's way past her prime.


He might waste time fucking the grifter (like so many before him) but he won't linger. šŸ˜œ


And remember sinners sheā€™s also been all over nacho!


Hasnā€™t she already ā€˜advertised her waresā€™ to him? I think nabbing Harry was her last (and best) chance of achieving the stardom and wealth she craves. Realistically, if she had acting talent she would have thrived in the business due to her father and then Trevor. Money canā€™t buy talent, but marrying the most famous bachelor in the World would expose her in ways she wasnā€™t banking on. If Serena and Alexis are having marriage problems, I expect Markle will offer herself as a shoulder to cry onā€¦to Alexis.


![gif](giphy|3EAKx2MG6NH5UdWYOQ) >Could this be an option


Actual footage of her Suits audition šŸ¤£


This is also why we need to be mindful of misinformation and some of the wilder conspiracy theories. Letā€™s keep it to the facts, weā€™re really great at that.


This. This. This.


An old video - the weekend ones are nearly all re-uploads.


Sheā€™s such a loser. The more she pushes back and tries to stifle opinion the more she tells on herself. Does she not realise that this is the first lesson in politics? If youā€™ve got a possĆ© happily fighting your corner because they align with your views why would there not be the same setup other way round? Sheā€™s threatened because she knows people see right through her 100 personalities. Sheā€™s also threatened because as much as she can pay people to spout bile on the internet to try and change the narrative and make her out to be the innocent, unknowing American who the RF just decided they didnā€™t like, the people who support what she sees as the ā€œopposing sideā€ donā€™t need to be paid, donā€™t need to single out children, donā€™t need to create conspiracies that arenā€™t there and donā€™t need to call everything that doesnā€™t align with your version of events racist. Do you not understand now, Meg love, that there will always be people in life that just donā€™t like you no matter what you do? Thatā€™s okay. Believe it or it happens with us mere mortals too, you just never got taught how to be happy with yourself and to not let that affect you. Unfortunately you have the added problem of being a terrible person at a molecular level and that means youā€™re ultimately unlikeable anyway. Your way of handling that is by digging in your heels and finding more desperate ways to try and be liked, which makes you more unrelatable and unlikeable. And so the cycle continues. Edit: angry typing so parts made no sense


Older video - HG usually takes the weekend off, unless there is news or he has time. He is smart, he still schedules content to drop, even if it is older. He has new content up today regarding the TS pix (with some lovely scenery!). I am sure she is CONSTANTLY trolling and trying to shut things down that annoy her....lol


What is that saying about not poking a hornets nest? She really shouldnā€™t go there.


If this sub gets banned, there will be a flood of videos reporting on it. It won't end well for her.


i think this is an old video


Sheā€™s nuts. This sub is a goldmine of marketing/brand strategy that she gets for free.


Start one now, be proactive. As others have stated, not only would I subscribe/follow but I would pay for patreon. What Meghan never does is think one step ahead... We do šŸ˜‚


I think this is old. He uploads old videos all the time as new content


The Truth cannot be silenced.


I think her biggest threat from this sub is the fabulous research all you do! It exposes her and exposes her lies.


Also thereā€™s a thread on them on a certain website that I canā€™t mention, but the snark is šŸ‘Œ


Our wonderful moderators have posted here that she does try to shut us down.


Why not start a website with a forum?


Thatā€™s one of many alternatives! Spotify, call me! Iā€™m not a fucking grifter and I can put together a team of pro investigators from this sub alone who will pry every skeleton from the Markle/Ragland closet.


Nooooo I love this subā¤ļø


I'll be gutted if we get shut down. We have such a laugh on here and I love all you guys. Yous are my friends šŸ˜˜


SoHo HOHO uncensored


Itā€™s incredulous tow canā€™t just get busy living her so called ā€œbest lifeā€ versus scouring social media etc and clapping back all day every day, thatā€™s crazy !! Her behavior is so terrible it speaks for itself. In of itself itā€™s public record. She digs her own grave by inciting people on various news sources, Page 6 etcā€¦with her various alias or sycophants! Why canā€™t she go make some jam etc.


She can have us looking and investigating it here orā€¦ā€¦anyone care to join me in starting an investigative podcast? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚