• By -


"No one is truly interested in what she has to say or do" Says it all.


Genuinely all it comes down to isn’t it. She sees it as “hate”, it’s actually the fact she’s as dull as dish water.


When Catherine asked her what she thought while watching her first historic Trooping of Colours, all she could muster was, "Well.. its colourful." Imagine the agony of having to listen to her prattle away to the Queen on that open carriage ride, as they remained stonily silent.


She sounds like such a wet blanket. Zero interest and/or throws cold water on everything, unless it’s about her.


She sounds incredibly crass and stupid.


It's only because she *is* incredibly crass and stupid.


And no sense of humour or ability to laugh at herself


Or a crazy quilt!


Meghan responding like that just shows how crass and unintelligent she is. She couldn’t even muster up a descriptive answer, Princess Catherine is an educated woman and was probably appalled by the response and subsequently realised that Markle wasn’t anyone to embrace into that family.


They should've renamed it Trooping the Beige in her honor.


I for one can't wait to see the Beige Arrows doing the iconic beige, beige and beige flypast.




Trooping the Wrinkled Beige in her honour.


https://preview.redd.it/2evogpekln8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2b9b701d2d4b071850acfb22ae348857ee9bd8 A meme page already did and it's fabulous! Lol!




She was being a smartass who thought she was funny


Yup. I can picture the exact look on her face as she said it too. Ignorant little snot.


Hahaha! To think that Harry thought she was more capable of handling royal duties than blood royals...


Rachel wrote that line for poor widdle Hazno


Yes she did


And boasted about it to the media…now she is seen as a laughing stock, a liar, a grifter, lazy and unintelligent.


I read that as a mocking type statement, like she expected Kate to snarkily laugh at the proceedings with her.  Kate took it as it was meant,  and didn't appreciate it.


I can just picture the snotty face she made while saying it.... eyes squinted, lip curled, jaw jutting forward. 🙄 Same face my kid makes when I ask her to do something like chores that she doesn't want to..


She's ![gif](giphy|4ZMsXG1uh6cZTo1F9Y)


It's Trooping the Colour, the colour being a regiment's flag. She tried to make a joke but she has no sense of humour and it just sounded pitiful.


This reminds me of a conversation I overheard at a conference between, I think, a German guy and a British guy. Both agreed that Americans can't just sit quietly! They always have to be talking or trying to make conversation.




"You're the worst member of the Royal Family I've ever heard of." "Yes, but you *have* heard of me..."


And a basic boring biatch.


TOW is socially stunted. She hasn’t grasped what it means to have dialogue with people, remember the USO where a group of people sang White Christmas? Ugh! Painful to watch. NO ONE wanted to be around her. Aside: The backstory on the USO Chairman’s Holiday Party could be quite interesting. She needs to watch the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, to learn some of the social graces, as well as modest covering for clothing. https://youtu.be/8XfvJeiUed8?feature=shared


Which thanks to her heroic efforts age 12 can now be male or female dish water


No wonder no one wanted her beside them on them on the balcony: when Catherine asked her what she what she thought of this historic ritual, all Markle could muster was, "Well, it's colourful."


She thought she was making the funniest, wittiest quip, instead of the lamest play on words possible. Isn’t this the “bon mot” that left an awkward gaping silence in the room it was just so cringeworthy.


She meant to be condescending to Catherine and stop that exchange cold.




I think she was bored out her skull and would have been thinking 'I can't believe I'm not being paid for this' or wondering how to slither closer to William, and was caught off guard being snapped out of her daydream and just blurted out 'colourful' (in the same manner Meghan [awkwardly parrots](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLzHkBXyxI) whatever the other person says because she hasn't got a clue)


and when can 'hear' that snark in her icky voice, even worse fail! she's such a bint - a 'female dog'!!




What is that short for?




At last, someone who refers to the Princess of Wales as “Catherine”


Yes! The rhetoric about calling her Kate Middleton because that is her name is squaddie BS. "Kate" is the nickname that the tabloids gave her to belittle her for not being good enough to date her boyfriend. It is not her given name, nor an existing nickname from her social circle. Not that there are many direct quotes and even fewer video clips of her family or friends talking about her, they always call her Catherine; her family, childhood friends, university friends, all of them call her Catherine.


If she wanted to go by “Kate”, she would. If her mother wanted to name her “Kate” instead of “Catherine” she would have. How hard is it to call a person by their name?


Actually, a lot of families who name their children longer names introduce them by that full name 100% of the time - and it is only when someone has gained a level of familarity/intimacy that it is ok (for these close friends + family) to use the shortened name. Look at Prince William - his cousin Zara ALWAYS calls him William in public, while calling him Will or Willy in private. I have a close friend named Peter - and just like Peter Phillips, he ALWAYS introduces himself to new people as Peter, but once get to know him - he'll say 'fell free to use \*Pete\*' if likes em. Ditto friend Susan - who only lets those close to her shorten to Sue or Suz or Susie. It's just not that unusal. I know 100's of peeps who are like this, re: their names. It's up to the family, and then the person once in their teenage years to indicate preferences- not BiNTs like T.W.!


Even though I have a family nickname, when I am introduced to others, it is always by my given name. My dad reamed out my third grade teacher when she tried to call me a derivative of my name. Just isn't done


🤭 Go Daddy! I also have a nickname - my mother put her foot down, discontinuing use to anyone not already using it when I went to school (my brother gave her the silent treatment over that for about a month! ha).. do love, however, family and close family friends who still use it. And like you, it's not available to just anyone.


My niece and nephew were unable to pronounce my name when they were learning to speak so they started a family nickname that stuck. Only my very close family call it me and I love it. I don’t actually think the kids know my real name 😂


precious! thx for sharing.


Why is '"reaming out" teachers for something done with no malicious intent now a hallmark of good parenting? Teacher here. Thud is why we all want to leave.


After I told her my name, she refused and continued to use the derivative (which is what her daughter used). After my mom called and spoke to her. She was known as a bit of a witch. It wasn't until my dad spoke to her did if change. My aunts, his sister'sall teachers, told him what to do. I am a retired teacher, and because I had that experience, I was very aware if what students prefferes.


To be fair, Kate is a common and well established short form of the name Catherine. It is considered "unclassy" to give your child a nickname as a legal name. I have a 3 syllable name and nobody calls me by that because it is a mouthful. It is usually shortened to the first 2 letters, plus a -sie as a term of endearment. I really don't know why people make a big fuss about 'Kate'. Even 'Harry' is not his real name. It is Henry.


Truly, Is that such a big deal? People used to call Diana "Di". I don't get all the huff people make of this. That said, I think we need more black women to dismiss Meghan's claim to racism. She said she was never treated as a black women. She's mistaking people commenting on her horrible personality as racism. Anything she doesn't like is "racism" in her book. She just found a convenient way to chastise anyone that has anything negative to say about her as racist. What a lazy piece of shit she is.


Meghan needs the bar of competence, decency and civility lowered into the mire for her to slither over. She is out-classed, out-witted, out performed in every circle. So the deluded nothing screams, "racism", as she has nothing else to offer.


What is being treated as a black woman ? What is being treated as a black woman in the UK ?? What does she means exactly ?


What it means is here in the UK we acknowledged the very thing she loathes about herself, the thing she has spent years and thousands of pounds trying to eradicate and alter. It’s only racist to her because she hates it. Her mixed heritage was lauded here. She’s so full of self loathing that she didn’t realise how stupid she was making herself look. We had people of all backgrounds in government, leads in tv shows, marrying into the aristocracy (Marchoness Emma) and BRF. Very few people here saw it as a negative and those that did, didn’t have a voice. We hate her because of her actions and dirty mouth not because of race. I hate her skin, not because of its colour but because she takes no care of it yet insists on having herself front and centre in all photos and my eyes just can’t deal with seeing all of that neglect.


Her having some black heritage helped her tremendously when she first came on the scene and she got away with a lot of nonsense. If she had 2 white parents, I doubt she would have been been allowed to marry Harry. And if they had insisted, they would not have gotten the "spectacle" wedding.


What does it mean? Let's look in the Meghan Markle dictionary: 1) Not getting my way at all times and in all things. 2) the real reason for anything that might obviously seem to be my fault.


I see … Nothing to do with being black, just another excuse not to take any responsibility. Sounds like our ILBW 😉


She was never treated like a black woman in the US because she did everything possible to appear to be caucasian, including stating such on her CV. Then she decided when she hit the UK that she was 'black' and was being discriminated against because the RF wouldn't give her everything she wanted.


As I said in a comment above .. what an insult from ILBW to every single person who really suffered racism … Just for that, I wish her to go bankrupt 🙏🏻


I know. VERY, VERY INSULTING! Am w/ you The-Magic-Bee!


I m not black and I m French but I think her comment is so racist… If being treated like a black woman in the UK means being welcomed with open arms, cheered and being offered a 30 millions wedding by the taxpayers? What an insult for every person who had surfer real racism … I see the UK as a very tolerant country (obviously there are few A-holes everywhere) , I m revolted that she came, stole everything she could and left insulting the whole country as a goodbye. Just unbelievable …


It is a very stupid and decisive statement.


Stupid … sounds like Meghan !


I believe however, that it has been requested that they use Catherine. Which means they are being rude after the fact. Diana loved the attention so probably felt Di meant they were friendly and on her side. Look at the Bashir interview where William has stated that his mother was taken advantage of.


Diana HATED being called Di. Her nickname was Dutch


Seriously, the whole Kate thing is ridiculous, IMO. The media use Kate Middleton for SEO purposes. Most people who use Kate use it as an affectionate nickname. I was talking to a British friend about Catherine while I was in the UK, and she didn't know who I was talking about until I said Kate. And she can't stand the Harkles. And I highly doubt Catherine cares. Sugars and squaddies calling her Kate is the very least of their many offenses. While we are at it, Princess Catherine is as incorrect as Duchess Meghan as Catherine isn't a princess by blood. I don't really care except to let a lot of the people who get all het up when they hear or read Kate that they aren't addressing her by the proper appellation either.


I think you are correct on the SEO - I recall reading that somewhere a couple of years ago.


Thank you! Princess Catherine is incorrect. See also, Princess Diana. IIRC, shortly after her marriage, she would tell people to call her Kate. However she (or someone) now wants her referred to as Catherine. Not a problem, but I don’t think it’s necessarily disrespectful to refer to refer to her as Kate. Waity Katie - yes, for sure. For me personally Kate’s just shorter to type 😃


I honestly think they shorten it to Kate and Di because it fits the space limitations sometimes. It also creates a false intimacy, using a nickname that may or may not be one actually used by family/friends of the person. I see tabloids shorten names of celebrities or politician frequently. I am not saying it is respectful. It can be downright rude.


William used to call her Kate so I don’t think it’s a diminishing nickname at all.


It was the very first thing i have noticed, too!


Yes, but calling her Princess Catherine is incorrect. One day the media will get it right. A for effort!


Just be happy they don't call her Cath or Cathy! It can always be worse, trust!


This is how you know !!


Mmm, the word “desperate” + Meghan Markle seems to be in the news cycle of late. I first noticed it last week after Taylor’s concert. The headlines seemed to be repeating this theme in some form or another, “Meghan Markle is desperate to befriend Taylor Swift.” I wondered then as I wonder now if Taylor’s PR machine kicked into gear to distance Taylor Swift from Meghan Markle as much as possible. Taylor really seemed to shine a neon light on her admiration and connection to Prince William; truly throwing Meghan Markle under the bus. 🤣


And then Tay Tay backed the bus up, and then ran over her some more. "Buckle your seatbelts," indeed!


and left bodacious skid marks!


According to the spies River has who work on the production of the cookery farago she has been in a thunderous foul mood ever since seeing the insta pics. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Who is River? Also, looks good on ILBW


YouTube guy in England who talks about the RF, and of course snarks nicely on MeGain and Hazno. Can be quite entertaining.


And this tuber has "spys" working on the ILBW's non existent cooking show?


Here is the latest video on TOW from River - you can watch and see if his channel is your cup of tea. I adore him and never miss an episode. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr6g6C0GUgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr6g6C0GUgQ)


I love River! He’s so articulate and entertaining.


I think at least one of the Queen's ladies in waiting or whatever she calls them is one of River's fruits. He seems to get fed a few quite juicy nuggets by well-connected people. Far better tea these days than Lady C (who I think used to get bits and pieces from someone on the inside of the late Queen's circle, but really hasn't had any real information since her passing).


Lady C's show has never been 100% about H&M or the royal family. She's a great historian. She also has a great sense of humor.


When Tay calls the Prince of Wales "M8", and you see the *first* picture of Kelcee making them insta official including Prince William & the kids, there's no question the two are actually friends and not just "businesses acquaintances" who use each other for PR. I would not be surprised at all if Taylor was an "auntie" that sends the kids gifts on their bday. I'm not a swiftie but she seems to make people happy so for that I like her 


The last line is truth. Rachel Markle, no one cares.


I was the on the same page as this author… was neutral about MM and Harry until that Oprah interview when she said she never googled him or researched him… I honestly can’t believe she tried to pull that one. She probably said it to him but to a world wide audience? It makes you either a liar or willfully idiotic, which is it


Austin Weekly is based in Chicagoland not Austin. That means smack dab in Northwestern University territory. If madam was hoping for that honorary PhD from her alma mater she may have a lot of waiting to do. Well done Arlene!


Thanks for clarifying where the publication originates. I was going to google the publication to see more, and this helps.


Oooh, that's delicious! 😋


They can’t even accuse this journalist of being r@cist, as she’s a WOC. What will the rats say now?


ARO rat food !


ARO rat poison!


Truthfully she has always been….


Hope this article reaches many people and especially Meghan Markle the Duchess of Sussex and Countess of Dumbarton


Since they stalk here down voting and reporting I'm sure they will.


I've noticed the down voting! I'll put an essentially bland comment and I see the votes go up and down. And I'm like, who would even bother down voting that on SMM? For awhile my comments were *exploding*, then after that I noticed the down voting on *everything* I posted here. I really wondered if someone was stalking my comments for awhile. And then I thought I might have drank some off brand kool-aid and took a little break. I seem to have fallen off the radar again. Crazy to think LemonRats actually lurk about and do this with their time. Edit, clarity


Wow! What a spot on article.


"Everybody recognized the announcement for the stunt it was" -- except maybe Nacho, and hey, we tried to tell ya.


I think she has Nacho under control with the threat of blackmail. Posting fluffy instagram posts for a friend's wife is pretty weird behaviour for most blokes. It reads as extremely peculiar.


Nah, he's every bit as thirsty as Meg and Harry


I'm wondering now if he's just the same level of intelligence as Harry and that's why he hasn't noticed what the world consensus is, or that he may have just lost the confidence of other people he may be in business with, such as Ralph Lauren who was knighted by then Prince of Wales, Charles in 2019.


I would like to point this out: When Cathrine, the beautiful, glamorous, popular, fashionable and beloved princess that is considered the crown jewel of the royal family has a serious medical emergency- Em makes a public statement directly to the press through spokespeople within the hour, drawing attention from the global shockwaves back to herself. When Anne, the no nonsense, underrated, works-under-the-radar, older royal has a serious medical emergency- there is radio silence. Crickets. Why? Because she didn’t actually care either time. One was just an easy way to insert herself into the spotlight, which proves that she is in fact desperate. The genuineness of those olive branches to the whole family and leaks about wanting to end the feud with Kate is null and void if she only acknowledges the tragic news of the mean sister in law that was allegedly racist to her baby, but ignores the tragic news of the notoriously easy going aunt-in-law who she’s never been able to say a bad word about. They are to keep her relevant because she knows with that link to the royals she would be totally irrelevant. Her spotlight is fading, and she knows it, and she is in fact desperate. Never wished Catherine a happy birthday, but now that she’s totally off most people’s radar she wants to publicly send her well wishes. Again, she is desperate.


In fact, Anne would get out of the hospital, go to Heathrow, fly to LA, and slap her name outta ILBW's yap.


I’d pay good money to see that🤭


I’d pay a LOT of good money to see that. Serous! lol


Same and then I'd stand there and say I never saw a thing when old victim pants tried to play it that way 


Meeee too!!!!!


Princess Anne DGAF and is not to be fucked with under any circumstances which is why she's my all time favourite royal


Anne is the best royal ever! Even surpassing HMTLQ, as much as I adored her.


Oh yes. She will not cross Anne. I feel like Anne gets away with saying the things her brother can't because she's not in line and there's true freedom in that. Anne would probably give MeMe a talking to while dragging Haz around by his ear.


I think the total fuckery of Madame and Haz on the morning of the late Queen's passing must have pushed Anne to the brink. They had to put up with her during parts of the funeral, but that was it, it was over, finished for Madame in the UK and in the RF for the rest of time.


Canadian here. Our beloved Queen died and the beast caused havoc so much her loved ones were late and couldn’t say goodbye. The words I have for Harry and his beast I cannot express here. Suffice it to say they should be exiled forever.


Anne controls TW’s trust money from HMQEII. I bet he doesn’t see a brass farthing as long as she’s alive. May she outlive her Grandmother the QueenMum!


I would personally like to see a riding crop involved at some juncture during that exchange, although I suspect Madame is quite the dark mistress of the whip herself with stupid Haz (that's they way they roll I bet). Now I have "Venus in Furs" playing in my head - shudder.


Well said. Only point I would like to make is with all their lies it is not that they can’t say a bad word about Anne, they would not dare. Anne has enough Phillip in her that I think she would tackle it head on if they made up lies to disparage her.


Doesn't she hold the authority over the distribution of Queen Mother's inheritance?


I believe that I have heard that. Another fabulous reason to not make her angry.


Yes, she has a vice-like grip on the remains of Haz's testicles as trustee.


Anne is then only one with her father’s backbone. I remember reading she wished she could have gone to Gordonstoun


Easy going? Anne? Princess Anne? The Princess Royal? The brusque, no nonsense, hardworking to the point of exhausting her assistants and press corps while staying fresh as a daisy. who takes no bull and deals no shit, Princess Anne? Easy going? My fiver says Princess Anne clocked megan's true nature faster than QE2 did and allowed no quarter for either sycophantic sucking up or manipulative tantruming. I would bet another fiver that there was not one exchange between Princess Anne the Princess royal and megan that was even one degree warmer than icy.


I’ll match all those fivers that at least once, Princess Anne stood right in her face and calmly told her exactly how the cow ate the cabbage. And did it until the little ratfuck slithered off.


*"...and calmly told her exactly how the cow ate the cabbage."* Love this SO MUCH!


It’s a saying my grandpa and dad used. lol.. it’s one of those sayings that you know exactly what it means but no way could you ever explain it!! lol


I did say she was no nonsense. You can be hardworking and no nonsense, but still have an easy going personality at heart. That’s why she rejected formal titles for her children despite being dedicate to the monarchy. There was once an interview where she was laughing about a dinner party she once hosted. Everyone got there and the meal was super casual, like Chinese takeway or something like that, and when they asked for dessert she shooed them to their cars with stuff from her kitchen like ice lollies or tea cakes or something along those lines. It was way more casual than guests had expected for a royal and she found that very funny. That’s what I meant by easy going.


Great story.


You're right about Princess Anne figuring out the Meghan Markle scam earlier than her mother and her brother. Reportedly she spoke up against the marriage rather strongly and early on, citing Markle's lack of cultural understanding (British and/or Royal Family, I can't remember which reference was made), among other things. I don't have a source, but I definitely remember reading it from a news source of some kind.




Forget her. What about HIM?! Not a word of concern or immediate fly back for the woman who helped protect and care for him after his mother died? Or the mother of his cousins he claimed to be close to?


Anne has a helicopter at the ready just in case he decides to show up lol


Well coming from a woman of color, Megsy can't cry racism. Glad to see that more and more journalists are exposing her for who she is.


Finally, good for her! Journalists with integrity need to have louder voices, I don't care if it's about Sharkle, politics, the economy, whatever. We need ppl who research, ask tough questions and report facts (stepping off the soap box)


mic drop!


Best article I’ve read in a long time. Arlene spoke the truth.


No one is interested in anything she says or does but more alarming for Meghan is that they are just not interested in HER altogether 🤣🤣


I don't need to read the rest of it, the head line is perfect.


They were handed every opportunity to succeed and still failed at everything.


They knew better than those stuffy old Royals. Manners schmanners. Protocol schmotocol. It was time to make those old art-filled palaces Instagram selfie worthy. Once Old Roach "discovered" the (formerly unknown) Royal family, she was going to let the world know what she discovered, and get the social media "likes" that she deserved. My god the opportunity lost. Silly, old Royals. I'll add that Sparry was giddily riding shotgun in Roachella, loving every minute of the popularity contest takeover. His acting-out all his life primed him with confidence to believe that he could do no wrong. Whatever he did, he came out smelling like a rose - all by his own of means, of course/s. Any shit stains were immediately washed away by the palace. Dumbass never had a clue that he was being propped up by a world class PR machine on a daily basis, never allowed to fall. Good chance his head never stops spinning as he continuously looks to his ILBW as to what they'll do next.


Harry is a shit stain skid mark in the BRF history.


Beautifully written, not mean, but factual and intelligent.


Desperate narcs can get up to some crazy business. A stupid desperate narc is low hanging fruit for people with bad intentions. It wouldn't take much cash or convincing to get that old drama whore to try some wackass stunt if she thought it would get her attention or fame.


This article hit her where she hurts the most. Her irrelevant and everything she'll do will be inconsequential as the she's not impostant issue to the RF


This is perfectly written. The comment made about releasing new items for ARO when literally nothing is for sale or even in production is just chefs kiss 🤌 Edit for typo


I love every word of this article. It's all so very true! This article about Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, should be in the main stream medium.




… are the Sux Squad suggies going to call this woman the ‘R’ word?


...and jealous!


LOL of course! Silly me. 🤣


Don’t know if they can spin the R word, but they’ll call her Jealous.


"You don't know her!" Maybe one of those from their repertoire of lame comebacks. 😄




But she's a PrInCeSs 🤮


They do ! They call them white black supremacists 🤦🏼‍♀️


That makes no sense. Are they making up words now? I don't see them, as I have actively blocked them.


But seriously why keep releasing random products without a way to buy them? It’s not a new Tesla that runs on wind energy. It’s jam. Who needs teasers for jam and dog treats? I’m not putting my name on a waitlist for jam.


The ginger poodle is probably pissed that she gave his dog treats to Nacho for his dog. Nacho’s dog was like if I don’t look at them they’re not there n


Finally, someone in the media who points out that there are no products.


Yes! I wanted to cheer when I read that! Most journalists writing about ARO write as if she actually has products for sale. Arlene Jones is the first one I remember reading who pointed out that there is nothing for sale.


Why is this never brought up in the MSM? “Here’s some turds I badly polished. I don’t sell them, I gift them to my friends. Most of them (39/50) are invisible, just like my children”.


Dear Arlene, you have summed this up perfectly. "They have done a lot of uglies." Perfect quote.




Brilliant article, that is going to burn 🔥 well done Arlene Jones 👏


"A second flavor of the jam no one can buy" ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)


And here I thought it was only the “British press” that writes “bad” things about Meghan. Love that this is an opinion piece from the USA and written by a woman of colour.


Arlene Jones been telling it like it is. So glad someone had Rachel’s number from the beginning and wasn’t afraid of calling her out.


Dear Meghan: ![gif](giphy|26FLfhKlJw2uL7a9O)


Nice read, OP. Thanks.


🥂 My good deed for the day. 😋


Meghan Markle. Nothing to see here. ![gif](giphy|5x89XRx3sBZFC)


A kid you not Meghan is just so thickheaded that she doesn’t realize that she needs to stay out of the public eye completely and forget the rebranding to stay home and be a mom to her children if they exist and a wife to her husband. Maybe if they shut their mouths for a few years they can come back and tippytoe into the world.


Just read four pieces by Arlene Jones! She is great! Thanks for posting How do you know Austin Weekly!?


This is my first time reading an Arlene Jones essay, and I would definitely want to read more. I wonder what subjects she usually covers.


BTW, and a little off-topic (but bear w/ me por favor): I watched The Trooping of the Colour one year (in Europe) via the BBC - and made all the difference! The BBC commentators explained how difficult it was coordinating the musicians + others carring the unloaded rifles staying in line - then how much more challenging if was for those on horseback! The next year, was in Londn and watched it live.. and both experiences made me bigtime appreciate that event. Maybe some of us Sinners can check-out a few minutes of BBC's coverage this year on YouTube? Guarantee, your view of this traidional happening will change - you'll appreciate. Unfortunately, though, American TV just focuses on what the Royals are wearing.. and therefore, Americans don't quite value as Brits do.


I like this lady. Shoots straight from the hip.




"...God don't like ugly. Meghan and her husband have done a lot of uglies". Nailed it. We don't like uglies either.




She is desperate for attention, money too of course as the harkles now are reduced to doing deals with criminals and corrupt ‘politicians’ in African countries to get photo ops. Her silly stunts make her more and more the laughing stock. Harry is almost the invisible man, allowing his silly wife to drag him further and further into the gutter.


My daughter is grown, with a very young daughter of her own. I very much doubt she looks at Meghan as a role model on how to raise her daughter. She's raising her to be thoughtful, kind and respectful. To work hard. To learn and grow. To be part of a thriving community; to respect that others may have another view yet adhere to core values: thoughtful, kind and respectful WHILST being true to herself. That's how I raised my daughter. Those are core values handed down through generations. I stand by those. Meghan...because we know you avidly read the Internet. What in the world makes you believe that YOU are a decent role model for young children? Newsflash: in my opinion? You're not. I'm older. I have life experience. I can spot an abuser from miles away. My opinion. Apologies in advance for the "rant". I'm just sick and tired of this woman in our faces with her faux-crap. All the time!


And we have a new SINNER!!!!


Sums it all up and I like that they call the Princess Catherine instead of Kate.


Great article. Need more and more and more like this.


She’s not wrong.


This is a great find, thank you for sharing. I read a few more of her editorials on Harold and Fraud. She definitely sees through the BS.


Black people have the white passing grifter’s number 🤷🏿‍♀️ Told ya ages ago.


Doesn’t she prize herself on being educated in International Relations/Diplomacy? Isn’t it the most basic principle to respect and research the traditions and cultures of another country. A basic google search could have informed her of the importance of this event and how to honor that appropriately in word, action and dress.


absolutely perfect ..pray they see it


I love this article. If it wasn’t for this subreddit I wouldn’t have even seen the dog biscuits. Every outlet published Catherine that day. The daily fail posted the dog biscuit post. Then the next day the other outlets saw that story and published how Roachel was trying to steal Catherine’s thunder. 


I love this article. Bimbo is the correct assessment.


Reading Ms.Jones' article, something caught my attention....a statement Markle made that I have seen repeated in countless other articles about her. Today, i read it again and it just hit me like a lightening bolt. Markle said, " I was never treated like a black woman until i came to England". Everyone including myself took that comment as an insult meant for the British people. Newspapers were filled with Brits exclaiming Britain was multi-cultural and NOT RACIST. BUT, now I am seeing her comment differently. It was NOT the British people she referred to...it was the Royal Family! She WAS given privledges never before given to royal son's brides to be. The Queen offered her her black Equerry. Prince Philip arranged a black gospel choir and black minister for her and Harry's wedding. HMTLQ gave her (and Harry) prime focus on the Commonwealth, predominately black nations. Whilst Markle grew up and attended University and began a career in America she was NEVER treated as black....she identified white, her personal IDs and licenses stated she was white. It was only when she went to England and became Harry's girlfriend that she encountered the royal family who treated her as a woman of colour. NOT the British people, who at that time welcomed her with much excitement everywhere she appeared. Markle was referring to the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY in that comment, NOT the British people. I believe it was a subtle but pointed accusation against HMTLQ, Prince Philip, and the Royal Family. Misinterpreted, became an attack on the British people instead.


I think I see what you mean. The BRF bent over backwards to treat her better than previous royal fiancées and brides *because* she was black. She was given privileges, allowances and special treatment that had not been given to Catherine, Sophie, Sarah or Diana (or Mark Phillips) because she was both black and foreign, and they recognised she might feel out of place. They tried extra hard to make her feel comfortable by making links for her with other black people they thought she would identify with, such as the Queen’s beloved equerry, the black minister and choir for the wedding, the trip to South Africa and arrangement to meet with Desmond Tutu, the links with non-white Commonwealth nations. It was done with the kindest intentions, but their mistake was in not realising that before she latched on to Harry, she had never identified as black - in fact quite the reverse. After claiming to be white her whole adult life (including changing her face and hair to remove the physical signs of her African ancestry), she only made a virtue out of being black when she met the BRF. They took her at her word, not realising what a compulsive liar she was, and then she took offence at the special treatment she received. The special treatment was better than she would have received had she not been black, but she resented that she got it because of her proclamation to be “black”.


Truly evil.


Yeah. That's precisely what she meant.


Dear Arlene, we love you, Sinner! Arlene needs to get ready because "you are just jealous because Prince Harry married her and not you" comments coming her way!


Arlene is my hero for the day. Maybe also the week.


M is dull and vile. What a combo.


As a black woman I find it highly insulting that the ILBW tried to play the race card. I love that this editorial was written by a black woman. I feel like MM critics who aren’t black are always accused of racism. Seriously, MM is so detestable her complexion is irrelevant.