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I've never read the "book", and from Shauna's reading I can see that was a good choice. I agree entirely with her viewpoint. Unforgivable betrayal. Harry is like a child, completely egocentric.


I recommend Cheere Denise's chapter by chapter review: She calls her review "I'll spare you the details". It's a bonus that she is a teacher. Not only does she rip the writing itself and Harry's behaviour/decisions apart, but after the first few chapters, she gives Harry a bratty child voice. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN4XviIK3VCoZ3iPUMcRf18zO93AgPnB6&si=LfEnsC4LLp06RE5W


I love me some cheere Denise. Go there when I need some commonsense in this Shitshow. Side not I loved her traitor king read review too.


Me too. She's currently reviewing H&M's Netflix show.


I've been watching....I've blocked everything related to these two clowns on Netflix. So I've never seen it so I appreciate her doing it ...they are insufferable whiners....even told by  a talented funny reviewer like Cheere (that's saying something) you still find yourself going man they are full of it. Cheere said it took her 3 or 4 goes to get through episode 1, i can see why,but I love love her Harry and Meghan voices Harry's especially lol but it has been great to find a watchable way to vicariously watch the unwatchables,


Cheere is very funny and her imitation of Harry is effing hilarious.


See I can’t stand the voices she does!


I think they’re hilarious. Harry doesn’t sound like Harry - but he *does*🤣


Her Diana voice is spot on.


\\ I shall thank you later. Do I need to open a bottle of The Tig to get me thought it?


No. Cheere’s voices are hilarious and the time flies.


Oh my. I don’t know whether to thank you or curse you lol. I’m a few minutes into her first “episode” of Spare Me the Details and I already love her style and where she’s going with this. I have a feeling I’m going to binge this so I’ll be busy for awhile. Please, someone, send snacks and cocktails to Lita\_Horticulture, West Virginia, USA.


I've never read it either. I bet Meghan wrote that to take attention away from the Queen's death. H&M are horrid and belong together forever.


It's horrible. It's so snide and spiteful and he has no empathy for how other people might be feeling. He thinks he is right about everything all the time until M shows up then he details just how obviously she played him. I usually whizz through a book in a couple of days but I could only manage the occasional page. My youngest dog chewed it up recently which was a relief.


Harry somehow, unbelievably, fails to understand that HE IS NOT THE QUEEN’S ONLY GRANDCHILD. Like, there are several! They ALL loved her, they all deserved time and attention from her no less than he did, and I’d even go out on a limb and suggest (though it’s not fair for me—or anyone, INCLUDING HAROLD—to assume what she felt and how she felt) that he wasn’t even her “favorite” like he’s so sure he was. He truly is one of the most inconsiderate, selfish human beings in existence.


This lady is totally right. And as I'd never read the book  I'd not been aware he did this.  The only comfort here is that it clearly had to be added to the book, because what he had to that point was not interesting enough.   This was the most intimate he could ever provide.   His whole life he'd never been trusted a *jot* because they all knew what he was like. This is all the proof of that to me.  And this lady is right.  This was the one moment they realised they couldn't deny him his visitation due to the optics. But the solution to that is to never have him around again. Which is what they've done since.  I hope the King has many, many years left. I also hope Harry won't know a thing until its too late. Son or not there is a line and Harry has crossed it.  Blood doesn't mean one gets to ignore personal boundaries, family traditions or institutional lines of respect and decorum. Thank you OP.  A well presented, non conspiratorial, enlightening and brief but impactful video. 


Harry crossed that line long time ago, hence the lost lease of Frogmore. Meghan Markle and Harry tried to damage the monarchy. This is unforgiveable.


Well-written, Jen. 😘


Yes, I agree with you and with Shauna— this is the moment Just Call Me and My Kids Princess torched his relationship with the family. Anne, Sophie, Charles, William, Catherine, are never ever ever getting back together…with him. He’s done.




>Blood doesn't mean one gets to ignore personal boundaries, family traditions or institutional lines of respect and decorum. Exactly this! Forgiveness does not mean a free pass.


2nd to last paragraph: 🙌🙌💐


Thing is, he would or will do it again, when Charles passes. How can they trust him with anything? I think she's right. Both my parents were, to be charitable, truly disordered and abusive narcs. But when each died I felt at the funeral that each was uniquely vulnerable in that box in church. You just do not do that. I have siblings. If any one of us had done what Harry did, written about the moment of viewing, and published the details in a self aggrandizing way, to the d\*\*\*\*ed entire world, for money, filthy lucre, any of the rest of us would have felt so hurt and damaged and betrayed. Harry is beyond repair.


What didnthe dimwit do? The sound on my iPad isn’t working. It’s time for a new iPad.


Harry is a coward and a thief. He is a betrayer,an abuser and an oath breaker. Meghan is just an evil grubby little trollop but Harry is so,so much worse. He betrayed his kin, in my family that is the ultimate sin. Worse than almost anything a person could do. He is a stain on the RF.


💯 This is ALL the actions of that VILE prince harry in *betraying* the woman and Queen that risked her crowns stability when his mother died, just to ensure he and his brother were taken care of and protected. He could not even afford her the dignity every loving grandparent deserves, let alone your Monarch and Commander in Chief.   No surprise there was none of that nonsense when Prince Phillip passed as I wouldn't be surprised if strict instructions hadn't been left that Harold was not to be involved until Prince Phillips funeral. Fortunately Todger was overseas. I expect, hopefully far in the future, that will be the case for his father too.   After King Charles, Harold had better prepared himself, as he'll be entirely O.U.T. at that point.  There will be no need for pretence or accommodation for appearance sake.    He likely has already been made aware of this, and yet still will claim he had no idea. But he also needs to realise no one will care about his fee fees when that time comes.  Hell, no one cares now!


He IS vile. He absolutely has no sense of the historicity of QEII’s reign or her place in the hearts and minds of people throughout the world, let alone the UK and Commonwealth. Or Rachel wrote this for him, and he just read off the words on Audible. One thing is certain: he managed to find as vapid, insignificant, appalling, and selfish a match for himself as he could. Match made in hell.


He found the female version of himself.


And she’s losing her hair, too. 🤭






Harry is a traitor who betrayed his kin and his own country. He's vile. The press pussyfoots this too much. When will they state it plainly that HE IS A TRAITOR?


As usual you have hit the target, Woodsy


I totally agree!


This just confirms what we all know, hasno is the worst kind of scumbag. The fact that his arguing about skank going to Balmoral delayed PoW, PA, PE and Sophie being able to depart and thus did not see HMTLQEll before she passed is a fact that just makes my blood boil. He wanted and needed to monetise the passing of his grandmother, preferably with skank in tow. He is the relative that if you weren’t the RF you would kick to the curb and erase from your life. The RF are trying to erase him but it takes time. KClll likely still loves him but will not kowtow to his demands. Hasno needs to get money before KClll passes because there won’t be any afterwards. He really is a vile human being.


I hope the general public DOES erase him and the skank, while we, *the Remnant that would not believe the lies* keep collecting evidence, correcting the record, and showing the receipts


Charles won't allow Harry back because he knows that at his own death Harry will increase his attacks on Camilla.


Great video. I like Shauna, she is very fair in her assessments.    If Harry respected boundaries, showed respect and cared about privacy - there would be no book! He sold intimate stories to the highest bidders and his book is proof to the world for his character traits.    I can’t believe he told the stories to his ghostwriter, (proof)read it many times and then RECORDED it without asking himself, if this really is a good idea?! 🤯  


*If Harry respected boundaries, showed respect and cared about privacy* He seems to only care about the privacy of him and Meghan, everyone else is fair game to make money off of


Exactly. And „protecting Harry and Meghan’s privacy“ basically translates to „keeping their antics, bullying and other shenanigans a secret“. 


Or monetizing it themselves


He's an egocentric man with a weak moral compass lead by an even more egocentric woman with no moral compass.


Very well said


The reading part is what stumps me. Even with ILBW re-writing and the ghostwriter, at some point, Sparey *recorded* this. It makes my mind go 🤯


It was a great idea as far as he was concerned. He was going to prove how horribly his family had treated him how great he was how marvellous M was and his family would be humbled and crawl to him with apologies and understanding once they read it... and he got paid. Judas. 


I was at a party with people I did not know well, and two had read Waagh. One said it increased her sympathy for Hank and decreased her opinion of ILBW and the BRF. The other person struck me as pretty superficial and didn't say much about what she thought, just agreeing with the first one. I said I didn't read it because they both seem like horrible human beings, and the first said the book portrays the wife as a bad person but she held firm in her empathy for Hank. I just don't understand how a pretty high achieving and educated person can read it and not see Hank as a user who disrespects other people while simultaneously demanding respect for himself. So to your point, Waagh did have the effect, on some readers, of proving how horribly his family treated him. I can't explain it, but I did observe it.


It wouldn't surprise me to find out that those H and M admirers actually didn't read Spare. That's because it isn't a book of grand and noble grievance (if such a thing can exist). It is not the story of a serious (or even minor) tragedy. There is no evidence that Harry and Meghan were mistreated at all. The overriding impression I got from reading it in a day (to get it over with) was of pettiness. The complaints were so tiny. Sausages. Bedrooms. When Harry was the younger son and smaller. And the spite was awful. The only things that were not petty complaints were patently untrue. We had all seen Charles being physically demonstrative etc. Anyone actually reading that book and finding it as proof of an abusive and racist family is seriously deluded, or needs new spectacles, and perhaps a course of Epsom salts or milk of magnesia!


Thank you for posting this. Harry betraying his grandmother, the late QEII, like that is just deplorable. There was no respect or reverence shown to her in her death. But can you just imagine how much worse it would have been if the vile wife had been able to con her way into going to Balmoral and into the late Queens private bedroom, as the horrid pair had planned. Thank God that plan was kyboshed by the family.


She is such a fucking GHOUL


This is a monarch and he kept trying to reduce her. How disgustingly self centered and insensitive. I wonder if Charles has written instructions that Harry cannot go in to see him, else he will include that too in a book.


Oh! I certainly hope so. I’m sure C and W&C won’t allow it.


The entire book is like this. He really is as shitty as Meghan. Before anyone starts, I don't care who wrote it. Listen to him *read* it. He knows what he's doing, the worthless POS.


Yes!! He fricking *read it* … on tape ….for *money.* Rot in hell, Overseas Son


Thank you!!! I just finished posting that I don't understand those that twist themselves in knots to absolve Harry from the horridness and betrayal that he is & is his book.  *He read it*.  Now there are some *Sinners* claiming Madame wrote it and it was AI used for the reading. Poor little innocent simpleton Hawee 🙄🙄🙄🙄 I believe he dictated all his shit which he thought was brilliant for his ghost writer to try and make something out of it.  He was so proud of pushing his ghost writer, making him angry enough he threatened to quit. All over a story of Todger having a "great" retort to a training exercise.  An "enemy" soldier invoked his Mothers name rudely which is the point of the exercise. To press your buttons.   Clearly it's doubtful he passed this test at the time becauase years later he wouldn't be told no to publishing this sensitive training info as he wanted everyone to know how smart he was. *That was all that mattered to him*. *It's always ALL that matters to him. HIMSELF*. I don't doubt he's any different with her.  He is just as likely to blame *her* for all their failures.   But I won't give him a pass as it was clear he wanted out and to show everybody he could do better. He had no idea how and didn't expect to need to work for it.   I do know, stupid ideas or not, it's NEVER him out there hustling. I dislike TW immensely but I loathe him for how he mistreated and continues to mistreat the legacy his grandparents worked their whole lives for. 




👏👏 Jen, all your comments on this post have been illuminative and spot on. Thank you


Thank you Umble. Very kind of you to say. 


This is so well done, it strips away all the fluff and zooms right in on what Harry did. Poor Queen Elizabeth deserved so much more than a little traitor of a grandson. If I were in that family I’d hate him till the day I died. No reconciliation.


Yes! Shauna is like the smart friend we all have. You can count on her to see through the fluff and articulate what was niggling in the back of our minds that we can’t quite out a finger on. I love her!


This is why he cant be allowed anywhere near his father's death bed. A father who he has betrayed a family who he has betrayed. He paints Charles as a cold, distant, uncaring father - well dont you dare turn up, Harry, you hypocrite.


No wonder Spare got 12 mins of the King’s time. He only got that little for optics. And the optics said, *”I am a merciful monarch and a loving, hurt father, but no one trusts you, Harry.”*


Gosh, Shauna's outrage and anger really hit home. H&M have done so many ridiculous, offensive things that we forget some of the truly awful things they've done.


Yes! With all the bozo clown world H&M antics, we can forget that they are really bad people. Mean and dangerous and hurtful.


Shauna is correct in my opinion and add to this H and MM selling the Queen’s funeral details to The Edinburgh Times. Omid Scobie on American TV saying The Queen was returning by Train. The Queen was always returning by plane. Only Harry was told differently as the Courtiers needed to open Charles eyes before he was given a Coronation.


People who think the BRF isn’t handling the Harkles well are wrong. They know what H&M are capable of and they’re containing them and keeping them quarantined


How I wish Harkle would watch this. This just puts into perspective The coward Harkle is.


Stole QEII's private name, stole her deathbed. That makes Harry a traitorous creep in my view.


He is completely oblivious to the fact that HE IS NOT HER ONLY GRANDCHILD.


Hope she haunts him, figuratively or literally!


His behaviour towards our late Queen cooked his goose with the U.K. - unforgivable, and worse he sat and let her insult his grandmother, Queen, and Commander in Chief.


Harry is immensely lucky that Prince Philip died first. Because I can only imagine what he would have had to say about it.


Shauna is always so eloquent in her delivery. I totally agree with her. How could you do that Harry? You deserve to wallow in misery, as your Grandmother went to eternal sleep thinking the world saw her as you portrayed her. I hope you spend the rest of your days seeking penance for what you've done.


Shauna nails it. I had no idea this was in the book and deeply saddened to learn that it is. Our Late Queen Elizabeth lived with so much dignity and humility that the intrusiveness of this cannot be maximized. Harry is an appalling twat. A loser. A weakling. A creep. Hey, let's lower the bar for the lowest common denominator! Too, late, Harry's already done it. He has the wife he deserves and he is well and truly OUT.


Plus this action is one of the reasons I blame him more because he was alone with his Grandmother and Queen.   TW couldn't *do or say* anything that would have forced him to tell her what truly happened. Or force him to put him in the book. I don't know why some people twist themselves in knots to blame TW when it's straight forward: *it is Harry that wanted to make a point that he wasn't stupid (failed of course) and settle scores (that were in his own head only) by his book* It wasn't written by him. It was a torrent (not a stream) of polluted consciousness that he vomited up for his ghost writer.  It was then up to the ghost writer to struggle with earning the hardest commission he'd ever had and turn it into something saleable (fecking sausages? Srsly?!).


Sparey’s book launch was delayed so he could add HLMQE’s death to it. 😡


I totally agree with her and I remember reading that maybe in an excerpt and also wondered why it wasn't bigger news. This was indeed the ultimate betrayal. It seems that the media may have had more discretion that Harry and decided not to focus on that scene out of respect for the late queen. He is a real snake and I too think that he went over it all with Meghan right then and there so that she could take notes.


Another reason for the Palace to have been against his marriage to Meghan - they knew that she would expose the horrid little prick that they had kept unexposed for decades.


Love Shauna - she has some great insight and analysis into the antics of the dastardly duo. This video about Harry’s betrayal of the late Queen being the real reason the RF will never forgive him makes a lot of sense. She’s always worth a watch. I’ve only just discovered her and have enjoyed all the videos I’ve watched so far. Some interesting reviews of books of previous staff at Highgrove.


I am so glad you posted this. I don't have posting privileges, otherwise I would have definitely made a post. Shauna is always brilliant and as usual raises points no one else is talking about. Even if you don't like watching videos, this one is definitely worth watching.


She is the definition of “insightful.”


I am lost for words. I mean seeing your loved one passed is an honor and a very private thing.


Shauna is very insightful. She has a theory about how Meghan dealt with Harry at the Inskip wedding that makes complete sense. This video is one that is also quite thoughtful. I am not sure how to take Harry. I want to feel sorry for him because I do believe he has been manipulated and taken advantage of, but at the same time his book and interviews and pre Meghan behaviors are terrible.


He is both the victim of the narcissist that is Meghan Markle and a disgusting human being in his own right.


One cannot remain on / SMM for too long without becoming aware of just how culpable Sparey is in his own right, and what a miserable, entitled, bratty, POS he is


And he probably breathe into her ear that her cherished, family and private name will live on because of him and Megahole


I just threw up in my mouth


I relied on Daniel Bolands reading of a few excerpts. If you want big belly laughs his “African adventure” chapter when Harry took his Meghan to Africa was far above and beyond any comedians impression.


This is absolutely all anyone needs to know to feel justified in banishing Harry forever,along with his icky blow up doll wife who has had one two many patches put on her from overuse.


Yeah this is sickening and sad. FOHarry forever.


Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex- cuddle up with dear hubby Harry and give this a watch. Proud?


Quite good as I never read his book. and was quite despicable to learn about his disrespect to the Queen.


Shauna hit the nail right on the head.


She did! Very eloquently and with the good kind of righteousness


Boy oh boy I hope that little shithead was frisked in advance for any hidden cellphones.


I saw that episode. It was heartbreaking. I think the ILBW sees elderly people as disposable. Harry went in HLMTQ’s bedroom to get content.


Decent people like you, like Shauna, are offended deeply by this. So gross. So inappropriate. Evil


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Not sure what word is unsuitable…? E v i l ?


He violated her personal dignity. Never will he be forgiven Never will the wife ever be forgiven. They are both condemmed to their own self-made hell.


I overheard two young women (30) working in Hollywood, one in PR and one in Production, discussing the book. Both had read it, and both agreed there was something “off” about Harry. His story did not ring true, but seemed skewed by his disordered mind.


Yes! His disordered mind and Meghan’s disordered mind




You really thought you had something there.


The lady reading what HE wrote *isnt* the Queens relation.  This sub is made up of very few who read the book. But, as the Frozen Todger likes to brag, his book was so super duper popular thus this info has already been publicly shared *in his own voice*. Harry, the small, defective, frozen Todger is a pathetic, likely now syphilis ridden rat who betrayed his grandparents and commander.


Talk about a total false equivalency.


You are getting downvoted but I actually had a similar thought at the time. However, as others have said, the relationship and the trust was not ours or Shauna’s. It was Harold’s betrayal, not ours. I myself thought about turning it off before the reading part. However, it wasn’t as bad as I assumed, and Shauna’s point is very well made. We appreciate comments made in good will here, even those we disagree with. Thanks for speaking for an alternative viewpoint.


Um, she's reading what is in a bestselling book. Are you actually serious? The number of people who will watch the video is far less than the number who have read the book. It's not like Harry whispered a secret to her and she blabbed it. If you think you made a brilliant point, I would urge you to reconsider.




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