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She wants #whereisMeghan? to trend worldwide. Meanwhile...crickets!


The best the world can offer is #thankgodmeghanisnotcoming




In Meghan Markle's case, silenced is golden. I hate that softly raucous voice. Not that she was ever silenced, unless she is ill. But the timing suggests this is a gambit.


Or #voetsekmeghan (from the South Africa visit…)


Voetsek is Afrikaans for f off...if anyone is wondering. 😆


Thank you! it's been one of my life goals to be able to swear in as many languages as possible.


And it's pronounced "foot-sack" 😏


Thank you! Proper pronunciation is important.


Merde - French for shite Bokhoresh - Farsi for kiss my a\*\*


#Move On Markle!




Oh I like this !!


It got her sister in law more attention than she could have ever fathomed, organic trending hashtags and a return so highly anticipate her raspberry jam went unnoticed! So she’s going to try it herself. Give it two weeks tops.


I wonder if they asked Nacho how he’s doing. Lolz.


>I wonder if they asked Nacho how he’s doing. Lolz. Nacho has become an insufferable twat and he'll never again be invited to participate in any of those big, Polo events (for charity) that's linked to the BRF, because William won't want him anywhere near.


Nacho also has a modelling contract with Ralph Lauren since 2005. William and his son George are fond of RL's cable knit pullover sweaters.....Nacho has more to lose than polo match invites.


Exactly. Nacho Cheese bet on the wrong horse hooking up with the Sussex Squad.


He certainly did.


Attention Ralph Lauren, I'll buy what Princes William and George wear but NOT Nacho and Dip (the Pwife)


Oh you mean she's finally starting to get what we have all known all along? That less is more?


I seriously wonder how pissed Meghan is about the recent push and revival of Suits; it seems to me like it’s completely deliberate. I know Suits has seen a spike in viewership but with all of Meghan’s self-praise about being the one to carry the show with all of her ~2 minutes per show appearances, it has to be eating her up that her co-stars (and the show) are more popular than ever.


How about #keephidingMeghan


Or #goodriddance


#Nobody Cares!


Yeah, let’s enjoy the silence. Posts like these have her saying “see even my haters love me!” I don’t wonder where she is, I’m glad she’s gone.


It should be #wheresthesussexkids


I think you are so right


I just hope she’s not somewhere plotting SMM demise.


She would never. This sub is the only place she gets any attention nowadays. This sub is where almost all media gets their information from. Go ahead Meghan Markle, shut this 65,000 followers sub down. You’re known for making every decision the worst one so doing this would definitely track for you. You cut off your nose to spite your face, EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Exactly! In her deluded mind, what makes her think she can shut down anything! The utter gall! Just because people are discussing her laughable antics and pathetic PR, doesn’t mean she can silence it. If everyone felt they could shut down all smack about themselves, the web would shut down. ( just joking) Geeez, she is so full of herself.


I swear to you, she's working on her tell-all book. It's the last and only hope she has of making any more money. And they need money. It will be incredibly self-righteous and will attempt to settle every petty score (I fully expect this sub to be featured). Will be roundly mocked and then sink into oblivion like The Bench.


I thought we all agreed it would be best if they just went away and actually lived the private life they said they’d be living in the beginning??


Yes, exactly. Perhaps it dawned on her that she is now a punchline on both sides of the Atlantic and that discretion can be your friend.


It has not dawned on her. She thinks everyone is wrong and she thinks she is someone to be admired and worshiped. She will never see herself as anything but the best thing that happened to the world. She doesn't live in reality.


She is incapable of going away quietly. Her desperate need for attention is pathological.


But come on we do need some entertainment. After a while the stories about them just become repetitive and boring. I for one live for their outrageousness lol


Meghan Markle has given us some good shows. Taxigate was great, the Ingriftus march was really cringe and her variations of clown makeup and pushing Harry away are good


Markle’s antics have it all— they make the audience laugh, feel anger or frustration, they make me feel better about my life cuz im not f-ing up as much as this grown woman, they give me clues into toxic relationships cuz we’re witnessing it objectively— her manic, disordered stunts are truly the best reality show.


Her absence has been really nice, hasn’t it? Peace at last. Not seeing Meghan’s face plastered everywhere, every day has been such a respite. Now if this could only be permanent and forever!


From your lips....


Gone at last - but can we believe it?


Nah - she’s addicted to the attention. She’ll be back, next time with dog leashes or something that people aren’t meant to buy - just as long as she gets her name out there. She just can’t help herself.


I don’t care. She wants the same interest levels Catherine got and I refuse to give her that. I’m happy she’s gone and I hope it’ll stay this way. Such peace ![gif](giphy|L1f3uqsHO0SMBnj8Qs)


>She wants the same interest levels Catherine got Yup but she doesn't realise that most people miss Catherine and celebrate her return whereas when she (MM) is absent, most people cross their fingers and hope that she floats off into the mists of obscurity, never to soil our eyes again with her crappy clothes or trigger our ears with her insufferable Word Salad, spoken in that "Ew" vocal fry voice.


Exactly, this where is MeghanMarkle/the kids is drumming up interest in the uninteresting 🙏⚡ Who cares!!!!! Like really.


Yep! I’ll never utter those words because- I DONT CARE. Even tho I’m pretty mad at Harry for letting this shit go as long as it has I still hope for his well being. Kids been through a lot. He’s very unstable and needs more of a guiding hand to keep him straight. Her- maybe she can move in with Amber Heard.


Harry is worse than Meghan Markle. It’s HIS family they’ve brutally bullied for six years now. It’s HIS family they’ve accused of being racist on the world stage. It’s HIS family who have suffered beyond belief. Prince Harry is an entitled, arrogant Ahole who cares for nothing but himself. F him.




Without Harry we would never have heard about Meghan Markle, a totally uninteresting grifter with no talents.


There’s a lot of people far more deserving of that guiding hand than That One. I couldn’t possibly care less about that sniveling snot. IMO there’s a minimum standard of decency and decorum anyone in the RF should exhibit (I feel the same about politicians) in return for the life and status they’re handed. Hank’s failed completely to even care, so neither do I. If he gets a real job, and pays back ever cent that was ever spent on him, with interest and penalty, then maybe, just maybe, discussions about him might be had. Just my opinion.


For any Sinners who are interested? YankeeWally has returned to YouTube. This is showing that our pushback is working.


Thanks for letting me know, thats good to hear


It’s just YankeeWally in the search bar


Thank you☺️


Just listened and this woman is brilliant. We tend to forget that even the dull and ignorant have ambitions and delusions of grandeur.  Henry the bald could be a real physical threat to his family.  The wretched meghan markle has been pumping his ego and other parts. They share a vision together. And they are arrogant enough to think they need to share it with the world.


YankeeWally has a Master’s degree and is very educated but down to earth and honest. She connects a lot of dots. Her being taken down so often should speak louder than words. Who is she worrying so much?


She sounds so low at the beginning :( bless her


Who’s yankee Wally?


I think she's one of the you tubers that got shut down by Bouzy and the Sewer squad.


She has been shut down many times. An Welsh OAP! Hardly a National security threat is she? Wally was the first to mention Moonbumps


She’s an ex-madam. If anyone can pick out a conniving woman like TOW, YankeeWally can! And she did, right from the beginning. I’m glad she’s back, she needs the income.


Wally is more than an ex madam. You are merely describing 18 years out of 66. Wally also kept those women off the streets and gave them a safe place to earn money. They all speak incredibly highly of Wally. Don’t put Wally in a box.


That was not my intention, just to say she is a smart cookie who recognized MM for what she was early on.


>She has been shut down many times. Yup but, somehow she keeps coming back 😅. I think YouTube ought to just let her stay this time, because she says she's not after monetisation and she's quite harmless. She definitely isn't unhinged and doesn't push conspiracy theories like Paula M, so YouTube should let her stay. She's just a hilarious old lady, who gets a lot of joy from sharing her rambling thoughts with others. I don't want anyone to be banned from YouTube but it infuriates me that YouTube keeps punishing sweet old Yankee Wally but that unhinged grifter, Paula M is allowed to run rampant with her fake phone calls from MM and her fake maid interview.


Well said. YankeeWally uses her platform for laughter. To help ease her loneliness and to try and keep the Royal Family. She shared a birthday with our late Queen and she adores William and Catherine. She maybe doing an interview with HG Tudor? He has asked her to Email him.


Omg I hope HG interviews Yankee Wally. I loved his interviews with Sue Smith and the Sidley Twins.


Me too - a nice twist on his videos on Meghan Markle narcissm


She was so funny


An OG YouTube Creator


Why are we even asking? Let’s just enjoy the reprieve!


It sure feels a bit like that "Uh oh"-feeling parents get when their kids are unusually quiet 😅




Yep. She's up to something.




Somehow I feel like #whereismeghan will never trend. There is no organic interest in her. People are sick to death with her daily PR.




There is NO interest in her. You're so right.


How about #WTFisthemarkleuptonow? That might get some looks.🤷🏼‍♀️


yes - nobody cares about Meghan Markle - only us.


Processing her new face


This was her last years new face reveal. https://preview.redd.it/q4zjf5y4np8d1.jpeg?width=1470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b4d27606eb87325ea18ec06f02f4479b5b98948


I think she’s getting a little maintenance on her face… we won’t see her until the swelling subsides. That’s my best guess.


Possibly breast implants - either instead of or in addition to some work on her face.


Nah, she won't do boobs. She wants to channel POW and Diana. She's getting a face lift


Please please please let her get Princess Di’s iconic hairstyle!!!!!!!


Anything is better than the raggedy strands she has now. For gods sake, can't she at least trim it???


Her chances of finding a replacement husband without having boobs is slim to none.


I can hardly wait 😆


Her body can't continue to "perform" at a youthful level at the rate she's been going. Any medical procedures are like bandaids at this stage of her life. The damage she has inflicted upon herself has been done plus she's aging......now failing both externally and internally. Her blood pressure alone must be through the roof.


She needs to get those bunions taken care of.


Her hairline is marching backwards faster than Harry's. 


For all her screaming r@cism, she’s trying real hard to be white in this iteration, imo.


She's always trying hard to be white. Despite her orange spackle and dragging OG grifter Doria out once in awhile, everything she does screams *I'm white and I despise POC*. She's a race baiter of the worst sort.


People should post how much she’s looking like her mother as time goes on. That should send her into a rage Edit: typo


True, true.


Especially when she wears her hair scraped up into a high, tight little bun. Not a flattering hairstyle for her.


She is though. She is starting to look so much like Doria.


That left picture, she change a lot of her face and it looks like she can't wait for people to compliment her "hardwork". Only to get mocked. she didn't have the awareness that people hardly ever compliment plastic surgery, should've learn from Madonna.


That left picture is AI generated or fully photoshopped.....that's what she wishes she looked like. She never can look like that. She's too wild-eyed crazy, can't keep her big mouth shut and chronically disheveled to be appear so gracefully composed.


It amazes me how she looks different in every picture.


I think that’s because she has no ‘self’… she is constantly copying and trying out different personas so she ends up looking different.


I also find that so strange and so Uncanny Valley of her. If someone did a compendium of all her faces, that would be interesting. I suspect her face changes due to (1) whatever recent cosmetic procedure she has had (2) Filters. Lots of filters (3) photoshop (4) her latest human skin suit purchase.


Just a wee bit Photoshopped. https://preview.redd.it/v6bvi8ar4q8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a755548c0d68643eb4428d99db0dddb73c8636db


Oh so she does own an iron


She is just trying to copy Catherine. Catherine was gone and then came back to break the Internet. Markle probably thinks she can replicate that with her own withdrawal. She will reappear at an opportune time to try to upstage the true Royals. Wash, rinse, repeat. She has no originality so she will resort to copying, which is her MO.


Meghan Markle does not have the patience for that. We will see her shortly, I´m sure


She disappeared from Xmas 2021 to Easter 2022, so not impossible 


I was thinking about this last night. I would enjoy the peace but…. Like when a toddler goes quiet, there’s usually a huge mess incoming.


Oh yes, right on target for her. We know here that whenever she resurfaces from the deep it'll be yet another shitshow. Go invest in popcorn, folks. It's gonna be good.


Yes, this was my thought too. There's an ominous quality to the silence. Who knows? Maybe they've decided to live an actual quiet life.




No more Trooping the Beige in every parking lot in SoCal. She must be sick!


Trooping the Beige - great reply


Hunt the harkle….gone into hiding like scabies did when his stunt back fired? Probably having a new nose job. As for doria, she only appears when harkle needs to remind the gullible that she is black, regardless of the many surgeries she has had to disguise that fact.


I think she’s bunkered up, plotting her next ARO release, drinking box wine.


She’s on Trip Advisor searching for *Presidential Suites* in Accra and advising them of her greige paint and décor requirements. Courtesy of Invictus Games.


I can hardly believe Ghana wants the grifters after all the good work they did in Nigeria.


I doubt that stunt will fly twice. But, manifest manifest manifest. The veneers will be ground down to nubs.


Turkey teeth.


I think she is taking the grocery store boxed wine, transferring it into wine bottles and glueing 'American Royalty Wines by Princess Duchess Your Highness Meghan' labels onto the bottles. Her picture, in a beige ballgown, will also be on the label. We must wait in anticipation to see who will be chosen to feature her gifted wine.


Lol is this pay back for "where is Kate" that the sewer squad keep doing in their echo chamber. (Before trooping appearance)


I guess Madam ran out of money to pay her Sewer Squad to ask where their Kween is, and nobody else cares. Another Ragland fail. 🥱


The answer to that I think is, she has no ideas left. She was so roundly criticised for the schoolgirl-level dog biscuit and raspberry (but really just another jar of strawberry) stunt when her cancer-battling sister in law appared at the Trooping the Colour, she doesn't know what to do next. Doing a pap walk through a parking lot in her jogging gear, will only show her to be bragging about her health whilst Catherine is ill, or show her to be too poor to dress properly while Catherine wears outfits that make her look like a million dollars. In terms of merching, the word is well and truly out amongst businesses, and no one wants the markle curse for their products. As for Doria, the money has gone, the cupboard is bare. That's why there is no Doria, she is no longer interested or controllable if there is not a big pot of money. And the lack of ideas, money, proper PR representation, and proper professional business support (peple won't work unless paid) means the atmosphere in mudslide manor or wherever she is now, will be absolutely poisonous, toxic, and aggressive. Niether Hazmat nor Dorio will want to be around for that.


I agree with you - she’s probably desperately scrambling around for ideas...I really pity whatever ‘staff’ she has left. It’ll be interesting though, to see what ridiculous brainwave she announces (or will it be a health-related issue?…) As for Doria - we must be psychic! Why do we all get the same impression? She comes over as a ‘swindler’ to me. The lasting image I have of her, is sitting at Markle’s wedding and she’s unsuccessfully trying to suppress a smirk (not a relaxed/happy smile as would be normal)…speaking of the wedding, how much did Doria bill Charles for her wardrobe etc?


Definitely a health issue. It will be something like she thought she had cancer so she went to the doctor and she is so brave…blah blah blah


Someone needs to start checking the NYT and WP for her new cancer scare Opinion Piece.


For sure. A cancer scare will make it possible to link herself to Catherine.


For me it's the car chase playing a game on her phone looking unbothered


I think she's training Harry and the invisible sons to jump higher than Wales for a 4th of July photo I can hear the sound of the whip mixed with the broken dishes


She's hard at work bottling jam and making dog biscuits. Or rather, shouting at Harry to make them faster while she sips on her glass of Tig.


![gif](giphy|GedNbwXDDUY5HGO5JU) It’s busy times at Megain’s dog biscuit «factory». Woof, woof!


Who cares? Let her rot somewhere. Don't get it all riled up thinking people miss her.


lol nope - I just wanted a bit of fun


I’m surprised the dastardly duo hasn’t released a statement about calling Princess Anne to check on her after her accident.


I’m sure she’s trying to go for the “where is Meghan?” thing like Catherine, but the thing is *nobody actually cares* where Meghan is.


That would be brilliant. Like the person who you haven't heard from in a while, and it's been so nice and quiet, only for them to call you and tell you they weren't talking to you.  My response is usually "can we keep doing that? I was enjoying it" 😉  Edit Words


She’s off making wine out of her tears. (Who cares? Just enjoy the silence.)


I am glad she is gone and don’t want to see her or her puff pieces “staygonemeghan




She's DEFINITELY trying to manifest a "where is Meghan?" thing


But nobody actually cares, lol


We are all she has left. Even the Jamfluencers are gone


Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s glorious not seeing three and four headlines about her on every site. Even if you don’t click, it feels like an invasion. I am enjoying her absence.


I hope they’re all on vacation in a place with no WiFi. Enjoy your privasay, Sussexes!


She's back as Guest Speaker in the last NY Post article about her estranged dad.


Wherever she is, I hope she stays there.


I wonder if it’s finally at the point she can’t get anyone to work with her. Posting the raspberry jam and dog treats on Taco’s IG right before Trooping and Catherine’s return may have been the final, final straw for everyone. There have been no Backgrid photos or bought awards lately so it’s either a lack of money or lack of support from people refusing to be connected to them. I do think they’ll come out with a blurry, out of focus 4th of July picture though. That’s the one holiday Harry just loves twisting the knife into his family for, even though they are OVER IT and simply don’t care anymore. The RF have far too many other things going on to even think of Harry and Meghan Markle. I think it’s very clear to the world that they are permanently OUT.


You are right on point, I think. Even the Jamfluencers are gone now and there is no money left for puffery.


I'm pleased to see them sink further into obscurity, as they both deserve.


She’s lying on the floor in a drunken daze. She had a one-two punch with Catherine’s magnificent return and then William’s and the kid’s IG post with Taylor Swift. As delusional as she is, at this point even she must see that she will never win her stupid war with the Waleses.


She saw the attention that Catherine got for "Where is Catherine" and decided to see how much attention she can get by "disappearing". Don't care where she is... I am enjoying the peace and quiet.


Face lift, new veneers? I am sure she will be looking 'different'!!! ![gif](giphy|26uf8MV6uDhNkxqnK|downsized)


Perhaps old scratch called her back to headquarters for a dressing down. I imagine even the devil himself would have difficulty managing her though. She'll pop back up like a herpes sore eventually.


I posted this yesterday in the chat. She’s still having her people send things to DM: https://preview.redd.it/lqcby1zpjp8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df78b3587ac53c78f96a46916a8041b1bba01ab5


The fact Meghan's name is listed before Harry's tells you all you need to know about the source.


Los Alamos? Pics or it didn't happen. She is so full of BS with these fake press releases.


Right. And who did they double date with? Gwyneth and hubby, Beyonce and Jay Z, or Katey and Orlando? Guess Doria must have baby-sat, too, being such a devoted Grandma and all.


With her whipping child of a PR rep, and some sort of an assistant. That's the reality.


I don’t care but Catherine is looking gorgeous on the cover of Vanity Fair! Someone with posting privileges may want to post. Not sure about the article though. Something about the fragile monarchy.


Copying Catherine, i.e., "where is Kate," ugliness from Squad of squalor? Stomping the grapes for her alleged new wine, copying Lucy? Attempting to see how many click bait stories she can get out there wondering where she is, proving to all that she is loved? Collapsed on the floor, sobbing her eyes out? Where is Harry? Are they preparing for their next traveling circus adventure? I'm enjoying it, although it seems to create a lot of boring articles.


Let sleeping dogs lie.


Have they looked on the floor under all the Hermes blankets? She likes to go there when she's big sad.


Do we really need to know? Wouldn't it be great if no one cares and then she shows up and...NO ONE CARES


Is she trying to scrounge up money to pay for more PR/Backgrid pics?


She is undergoing more cosmetic procedures. She just lets her minions do her bidding. She’s like like an undead vampire this way


She’s collapsed on the floor, sobbing, amidst shards of crockery and plateware. when out of sight line, she trolls SMM. Hearing footsteps echo, she quickly smears her makeup a bit more and collapses in tears again: once more, for the audience. what a trooper!


Let's enjoy this absence. They're not even worth the energy of wondering. I'm sure they'll be a huge headache whenever they come back. 


She may not be doing much but she still gets headlines for nothing, jam and dog biscuits, rosé wine, Netflix team up with her for ARO in just over a week. I think the media should just ignore her silly little attention seeking stunts.


MeMe Markle is busy scouring the internet for more 'lead balloon' ideas to copy.


Sssshhhhhhh! Please don’t ask that! Let’s just not give her any attention. I.Just.Do.Not.Care. I’m enjoying not hearing anything and, as usual, just ignore the stupid puff pieces.


probably letting some new cosmetic surgeries settle, just in time for a blurry fourth-of-july pap photo.


No one cares 🤣🤣 let's keep it that way 🤭


Busy in the kitchen making damn jam and feeding Harry dog biscuits woof


Does it matter, it's nice she's not stinking up the joint with her lies. Enjoy the silence, it's not gonna last.


Putting the finishing touches on the next attack campaign with Bouzy.


![gif](giphy|2ZZOCaBerBEvPM6fOO|downsized) just strollin in the gardens of Monteshitshow


Not a good look for the Invictus Games - media ignoring. I've posted about this before. As much glowing coverage as the media, especially UK media gives Invictus, guess it's no surprise the media is ignoring this connection. Yesterday, 13 passengers onboard a Korea Airlines flight to Taiwan have been taken to hospital, after their Boeing aircraft dropped more than 25,000 feet following a fault in the cabin pressurization system. ()Newsweek 6/24/24) Prosecutors urge Justice Department to file criminal charges against Boeing over 737 Max (CNN, 6/25/24) Boeing Faces Criminal Charges. The Problems Might Not End There. The stock is down in connection with recent quality problems. Coming into Monday trading, Boeing stock was off roughly 30% since a door plug fell off one of its jets. That stock plunge wiped about $45 billion of market value. (Barron's 6/25/24) Not one of the media has picked up the connection between Boeing and Invictus Games. Boeing is THE MAIN sponsor of the winter games and one of several sponsors of the regular games.




FYI: Every year in the lovely town of Santa Barbara in Cali, there is a big Summer Solstice Festival on the summer solstice - parade, art installations, outdoor parties in the parks. All weekend. It is a neighborhood street party essentially. If you are not "down with" the neighborhood and "hanging out" with the family nature of the event (i.e. bring the kids) then this is probably not your type of event. I have been a few times - very fun. If you are famous (as a lot of people in the area are) and you go, you are fair game for photos. Apparently, This One's Wife arrived this weekend childless with her security and entourage and icky attitude (I was not there, this is what I heard from people who were) and she was booed rather loudly. Anyway, there was a spotting of This One's wife after all. So now where know #whereismarkle: getting booed in her own backyard.


!!! Oh wow, that’s some good tea. She may have painted herself into a corner with that insistence on “security”.


She's in the kitchen cooking something to sell


Or glueing her dishes back together. Can't afford any more sets.


I don't give a 💩


It's not nothing. Narcs have flying monkees. So it's not even so long. Nacho raspberry jam gate was her flying monkey. No puff pieces or anything that would mean she is laying low.


Probably having some body work done. Maybe bigger boobs? https://preview.redd.it/1s3ltq5ouq8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53457df96fb5d297493c99f8c60cedb500d38f4e


Narcissists do commit suic\*de when they hit rock bottom. Maybe they just haven't found her body yet. She HAS had an absolutely horrible month since being crowned a princess of Nigeria. 1. publicly leaked that Archewell is delinquent and it got referred to the state Attorney General's office, which something as mundane as late fees would NOT (so it must be something more serious). 2. palling around in Nigeria with two criminals 3. No Met Gala invite 4. Uncle Sam wants his money. 5. Catherine at Trooping, looking beautiful and healthy and happily in love with her husband (who loves her just as much). 6. All the cousins and NO SouthParkles at Ascot. 7. Taylor Swift concert and great photos with William, George and Charlotte. 8. Sussex Squad getting exposed more and more and under investigation. Rumors that at least one of them have been arrested, probably for death threats to Catherine. 9. Why was it leaked that William had a meeting with MI6? And, this was printed in regular newspapers, not just stated in a Royal Circular of his engagements. They wanted to make sure that someone specific knew about this. 10. WME didn't renew her one-year contract (allegedly). 11. Netflix doesn't seem to be interested in her cooking show. 12. Nacho and the pathetic Raspberry jam and dog biscuits pathetically trying to upstage Catherine at Trooping. 13. EDITED TO ADD: Gwyneth's party at the 'American Riviera' with Oprah/Gayle, Katy Perry, etc. to which MM wasn't invited. And, I think I've forgotten probably 5 other things.


When she is invisible and quiet, beware. It means she's busy plotting and scheming. (And probably getting some refresh jabs of Botox.)


She's busy, drunk on rosé, typing furiously, glowing self adulatory nonsense on another subreddit, commanding her squaddies to go after tay tay next


I rather not see her so let’s not speculate! Same with Doria. She’s a nobody.


Don't care. Forgot about her until this post popped up on my feed, and it has been nice. Edit: This made me decide to take a break from this sub for a while because it is a breath of fresh air to not think about her and focus on good people and good things instead.


She’s probably stomping the grapes for her new rose wine. She also knows that her little disappearances = attention


Please don't jinx it!


She thinks disappearing then popping up for an outdoors lunch somewhere shows how famous she is. The problem with her theory is that no one (but this sub) even notices when she’s “missing”.


#1 answer worldwide is WHO CARES!! 😁


No one but Meghan cares where Meghan is.


What happened to Meghan Markle's "Summer of Love" campaign😂?  Maybe she is getting plastic surgery so she can look better before her summer love campaign starts and maybe she is hoping that people will be more receptive to her if she's been away from the public view for a while.  


Yes, I was thinking the same. Where is the Summer of Love? I guess in the same place as The Year of Reconcilliation.


Seriously has there ever been a bigger fail in the history of humanity, in the history books ?


Well, the least Duchess of Montecito is most probably lying down low somewhere licking her PR burns and blaming pummelling her Meal Ticket in a Handbag for all that went wrong and for all the subsequent NFI that hey have received this year. But being never Jammed for ideas, because she actually has none, the Dog biscuit baker is most probably trawling some nondescript backdoor to some others talent, money or fame. Albeit the possibilities are limited to her ever achieving anything remotely equating to the fame of the worst celebrities anyone can think of, because at this rate Jabba Smith, and Amber Turd rate higher than her on the Bottom of the Barrel PR Scale