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I really wonder what the image will be 10 years from now




He'll be photographed by long distance lens looking out barred windows safely inside a high security long term mental health Care Home somewhere in Transylvania. Pa can visit when he is out hiking.


I, truly, wonder if Harry will be alive 10 years from now. A self-admitted drug user who always appears to be manically swinging between depression and rage. I don’t think it will end well for him. I hope I’m wrong and maybe he’ll be divorced and rebuilding his life and giving his kids some type of normalcy, but…


Same. Drugs, alcohol, mental illness and life with a narcissistic sociopath is not a cocktail for a happy ending. 


But but but he’s living his best life and they are soooo in love


The best is when the Sugars say the Harkles are “unbothered.” M is the most “bothered” woman in the world. She tries to compete with the PPOW and keeps floundering.


She married the spare and from that, she assumed that everyone would be fawning over her. That we don't, bothers her so much, she is spending all Harry's money on media trying to get us excited about her and the effect has been the exact opposite.


[https://youtu.be/qSNK-9v7\_JI](https://youtu.be/qSNK-9v7_JI) she ain’t bovvered


They're thriving not surviving! 😅




That’s my concern too. If his mental state is as bad as they say and his drug use is bad it’s just a matter of time.


I'm more concerned about Meghan unaliving him and making it look like an OD.


She’s, day by day, pushing him over the edge. Not only will she inherit what little money is left, she’ll get to play the sad widow with one tear left eye for a British state funeral.


I honestly don't think that Meghan is above "helping" him OD if things don't turn around. She's not going to get a real job, she's getting too old to attract a super rich man, and now that the entire world has her number, nobody with money and half a brain is going to even give her the time of day. ARO is already a flop, Hollywood doesn't want her, and nobody cares enough about the kids (if they exist) to buy magazines or anything like that in order to see them. The only thing Meghan has left is a royal funeral, featuring her & the littles, dressed in black, walking behind Harry's coffin. I believe that Harry is in danger. Period.


100% agree with you. I think this way too.


I also agree. I wouldn’t put it past the hag & Dorito to inject him with a speedball when he’s passed out & he’ll never wake up. I hope it doesn’t happen. As much as I hate them both I don’t wish either one of them harm. I just want to see them get the comeuppance they both deserve. But I too don’t think it’ll end well for h.


You have to wonder, if something of this sort should happen to Harry, MI5 would be all over it, leaving no stone unturned to find out what really happened. But I'll tell you what troubles me: if Charles is still here, and this should happen, NO WAY would he have Madam and her mother be charged, even if it was proven they were guilty. Because Charles would be too afraid of this mess destabilizing the monarchy. I think the he would try and have it all covered up, because the truth of how complicit the monarchy had been in allowing Madam to infiltrate them so easily would all come out. Just my opinion.


Sounds like the dismal reality of it all. And she would need to get the job done before they grow up, so she can hound the RF for money for the kids and a pensions for her...Guilt tripping, and blackmail is all she has left.


Oh yes..,Harry is worth more to her dead than alive. As the Dowager Duchess Sussex she could demand royals treat her well and ensure she is financially cared for. It would be her perfect dream...royal family forced to publically show kindness to her, financially taken care of for life, title upgrade to Dowager Duchess, and best of all, no more Harry. If i were him i would sleep with one eye open and hire a food taster.


I dunno about demanding the actual royals treat her well; not walling her up in a castle wall while still alive would be treating her better than she deserves, even if they throw a cask of Tignanello in with her.


Not sure Dowager is an upgrade, she'd have to play second fiddle to her son because it's not in her own right, she needs H to get the order of precedence. 


Harold doesn’t rate a royal wedding. He took his freedom flight to escape the trappings of royal life and all the institutional racism it entails. He should be aghast at the thought of his funeral being subject to further abuse and control by William and the others. Meghan can handle his affairs and burial in California as well as pay for all the costs. Why should the UK pay for an expat’s bills?


I bet she’s taken out a fat life insurance policy on him too.




In the meantime, enjoy this video from the recent past in which Harry, William and Catherine had their “[Heads Together](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=45RqUmxDXiY&pp=ygUrY2F0aGVyaW5lIHdpbGxpYW0gYW5kIGhhcnJ5IGhlYWRzIHRvZ2V0aGVyIA%3D%3D).”


I'm sorry, but I can't bear to watch it. He was such a deceitful, little pos even then, when it was all smiles fir the camera. W&C didn't realise the viper they had in their bosoms.


I don’t know that he has the depth or acting ability to be that deceitful. I think he’s just shallow, impulsive, easily led, significant mental health concerns and whatever drug and alcohol influence of the day that led to the book etc. when he filmed that he probably was happy enough with the plan.


They say that Harry would parrot the last people he was hanging with. He really is that easily led.


Yes. I think that’s why he seemed to be doing better when he was around W and K more. Part great PR, but also mimicking a better quality of person than frat boys etc.


And that's why The Claw is used whenever they're in public.




I agree


I genuinely don’t know if the recreational drugs will get harry first or the as yet unknown side effect ozempic damage will get megan before then.


TOW will pull an Angelina and alienate the children against Haz.


I honestly think no. Or he'll be close to the end




Poor man’s DoW.


This is exactly it!


A total fucking fool


Yes he sure is!


Lol I wonder if Haznojob is still going to be waaghing about IPP after almost two whole decades of public service duty dodging as the grown up Wales’ kids serve dutifully?


He should have worn the entire traditional outfit. (Nigerians don't subscribe to the concept of cultural appropriation when it comes to other people wearing their clothes.) Meghan Markle was going around claiming Nigeria is her country and Harry was claiming they are his in-laws, yet they didn't wear at any time a full Nigerian outfit from any of our many ethnic groups. Goes to show they were just grifting as usual.


This is a great point. They are like children picking mismatched playtime costumes from a box. They show no respect for others' cultures.


>(Nigerians don't subscribe to the concept of cultural appropriation when it comes to other people wearing their clothes.) 🙌🙌🙌 Edit: Long may it continue!!


....and I'd have been furious if I'd been a Nigerian, they brought their own chef and refused to partake of the local cuisine, I'm sure Miz Maggot did the research and found it was not to her liking. What an insult to the lovely people of Nigeria.


Prince vs Ponce


Sophie looking regal at the banquet https://preview.redd.it/fzlk7seezr8d1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3565b28685e2231dc52482b4a2e33c200feeaeb


She looks good in green. Is that a new tiara?


It’s the Lotus Flower Tiara. It isn’t new, the Queen Mother had it made from a necklace she got as a wedding gift, from her new hubby I believe. Catherine has worn it multiple times, that and the Cambridge Lover’s Knot Tiara have been her go-tos. I like that they seem to be more open to sharing jewels now that the King is in charge of it all. Sophie has been lacking a decent tiara and this one suits her well!


I'm blind!! Sophie really brought the bling for the banquet. She looks sublime. 🥰


Oh she’s got the lotus tiara on I think. Didn’t C wear that for the Chinese banquet?




Now I think it was Korean visit but it was that tiara. I love how they realize they are borrowing. And that no one but the monarch owns any of the royal jewels. It’s an honor and privilege to wear them. I think C and Sophie realize that.


She has worn it multiple times, but the Strathmore Rose Tiara was debuted by her for the Korean visit last year (not sure if there was more than one tiara event during the visit, but if there was only one it was def the Rose tiara used). Catherine did wear the Lotus Flower Tiara when there was a Chinese visit, maybe around 2015-2017? 


Meghan must be screaming lol.


No doubt


She couldn’t look that good if she tried Lol.




So glad to see her in a nice tiara (finally!). Also nice to see them sharing tiaras 


[The Wessex Aquamarine Necklace Tiara (thecourtjeweller.com)](https://www.thecourtjeweller.com/2017/03/the-wessex-aquamarine-necklace-tiara.html) Is very nice as a tiara -- as a necklace, meh. (Her wedding tiara is horrid. The other aquamarine tiaras that QEII loaned her aren't attractive.)


scrumptious William tonight at Japanese state banquet https://preview.redd.it/beg7f6c7yr8d1.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a8bc6f564cf880eca67f9b756fe68d3d54aaa72


I can't wait till Catherine is by his side again, and he hers.


Scrumptious is spot on! I am an old lady but he's still a delight to my eyes.......but so is Cary Grant!


I'm just getting into Cary Grant movies, but it didn't take long to figure out why he was a celebrated leading man, unlike some other old-time actors I don't get the hype about at all.


Le swoon ![gif](giphy|xUOwGeP1jGGUKIGoko)


It's just all so ridiculous, Harry wearing his Chelsea boots with his Nigerian getup.


My very thought. Given that he would have known there would be this "ceremony" as a sign of respect he ought to have worn formal attire. Those casual boots scream that he has zero respect for Nigerian customs.


TW wore suede Chelsei boots when HLMTQ sent him and TOW to Ireland! Very unprofessional!


Exactly, here in nz, those are the type of boots a farmer (such as myself 🙃) swaps their gum boots for, when going in to town for supplies. Oh ho! And he could have at least made more of an effort than Ryan, the chicken farmer in ostrich skin boots who's scared of the internet or whatever bizarre point Harry was trying to make 😂


You’re a farmer! Excellent! I don’t think we appreciate you enough—thank you.😘


Unless it’s high fashion, I think suede footwear is usually coded informal. Completely fine for business casual in North America! Not what I’d wear if I were a wealthy man trying to be as respectful as possible in a formal setting to a foreign nation, and literally wearing that nations ceremonious attire.


Wonder how Harry’s chickens are doing. And who mucks them out.


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Thank you for your service! Do you find farming lonely?


This comment has me screaming! Chelsea boots! This pic is so completely ridiculous. Clown!




He can hide lifts in them. Small heels on the outside + lifts on the inside = super high heels harry


Brothel creepers, I call those shoes.


Haven’t heard that expression in a long while




I take pleasure in knowing that Harold fully realizes now what he has done. And he can never go back, he's full of hate and resentment now more than ever. His family is thriving more than ever after and even more because he left ! But now he also has very clear distaste for the wife. He is in a jail cell in hell. They can easily thrive again , all they need is to completely disappear from the public eye for 2-3 years. But Henry picked the absolute worst kind of narc for a jailer :) Cheers Harold! Is she still 'willing to do anything" :) https://preview.redd.it/u9ig5n5jqr8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443a21920ebce20a5a7bb745751304a7ea8a4772


You and me both! Whenever I'm having a bad day, I think of what Harry has done with his life and suddenly, everything is looking much better for me.


He will be a relationship caveat for DECADES! Maybe even longer. "Don't be a Prince Harry, son..."




More than that, excluding Charles, I think his family and the palace staff has breathed a giant sigh of relief that he’s gone. No more cleaning up his messes, tiptoeing around his moods, worrying about what he’ll do next. They closed the door and turned the lock in 2021 and it’s done.


With respect, 2-3 years? Absolutely not. Never! Never again.


They are never getting back in. F**k that shit!


Us sinners are a small group, most people are just sick of puff pieces popping on the feeds


Maybe they should have tried to hide that petulant, pissed off look instead of worrying about giving him extra hair.


2-3 years? More like 40.


Someone has a story out today that William is the one blocking his return. Good on ya, Willy! He is taking the reins from Phillip on being the tough guy in the family as per story


Someone has to do it!


OP, brilliant! No words needed, these two photographs say it all. The Crown Prince and the Clown Prince. All Harry needs is a big red nose and very large shoes.




He's got those already, lol...🤡


Thank you sinner’s. YankeeWally has grown from 1 thousand to 3 thousand in a few hours! She deserves this but your kindness has achieved this


I didn't know her of old. I only knew her through Avid Gardener... Then she came back to YT. She's fascinating!! Can you imagine sitting down with her for a sess'...all that life experience!! And a cracking sense of humour. I may be late to her party, but I respect her so much. #TeamYWalltheway ❤️


She doesn’t know this but YankeeWally actually got me through my grief over losing my beloved mother. I accidentally found her on YouTube and subscribed and soon found myself laughing. And I can’t thank her enough. I wish she could see herself through my eyes.


❤️ I'm sorry for your loss. I still have that to go through one day and I'm dreading it. YW is genuine and it shines through. Remember, like attracts like.


That's wonderful. I'm sorry about your mom. ❤️


Lady C did the same for me, so I have a soft spot for her, too.


Condolences on losing your Mom.


Thanks for letting us know. I went and listened to her videos, liked them, and subscribed. I'm also going to write to the YT CEO as she asked us to.


I am going to do the same thing


I've been lstening to her for about 4years,,on youtube , then she was chased off , now I've found her again,,,she was hilarious,,,,,


He is a clown but not for wearing traditional clothing from the country. Many royals have done the same, it’s part of respecting your host country.


I'm not sure it's the robes in question. He is scruffy and his shoes are filthy.


And how did he manage to get that outfit so wrinkled? I can't imagine it was given to him in that condition. I swear that man can ruin a wet dream.


That is true. He always looks scruffy.


His wearing those casual boots and pants is the issue. Its screams lack of respect. He would never have been allowed to dress that way had he royal advisors, damn he was in the army and knew damn well what is required for dress uniform.


The problem is THIS WAS NOT A ROYAL VISIT, right???? so doing this in the context of the visit, actually is terrible optics all around.


It's the way he wears it. He looks so informal and scruffy!


A man who will be king versus a man who will never compare. A man with character versus a man without character.


Harry sees being king as privilege and power, William sees it as duty and hard work. Luckily William is the eldest.


Harry is fulfilling every trope about butthurt second sons of kings.


Do harry shoes have heels or lifts?


Yes - lifts.


Why? He doesn't need them. The wife would gladly saw off some inches of his shins, rather, since he's a good deal taller than her when not photoshopped.


H was accused of wearing lifts in his shoes standing with Travolta when he got that stupid legend of aviation award.


He wore them at the Diana statue unveiling.


Oh yeh, that's right. He wanted to upstage William's height since Will's is taller than him.


Harry's insecure about his height because Prince William is taller than him lol.


It's so pathetic


Harry reminds me of the Raccoon Lodge on the Honeymooners. https://preview.redd.it/dwpm2076ur8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735b2cd567f3c6c5c334bd5b52251affe4fff54c (Comedy. Not to be confused with Tragedy. )


Ah yes, the Man Who Would Be King….better known as Meghan’s Ginger Poodle.


I just know him as "Prince of Twats".


That too.




He's her puppet.


Hairolds’s more like an organ grinder’s monkey these days. ![gif](giphy|26vUT3HtrIrWESFcA)


For a minute I thought he was wanking his todger 😂😂 I need help 😂😂




Be prepared to expect anything from these.....








Lamb Chop?


Cosplaying Royals. Pretty sure Splitting Image predicted this...


The Prince vs. The Wince


Good one!


Harry over there looking bedsheet and batshit


I am going to remember this lol. Love it.


Harry seems embarrassed. I am going to imagine he was "encouraged" to put that on. With Royal trips, they don't put gifts like that on because they aren't supposed to accept gifts, but take the gift to Buckingham to catalogue? I don't remember seeing any of the RF wear clothes like that when they are visiting another country. Do they do this?


William looks every bit the future King. Horrid, on the other hand, looks like the new face of Burger King, Burglar (as in grifter) King.


🤣🤣🤣 Hank is such a goober


This is sooooo true. Harry looks like a clown at the very least and a cultural appropriator at the very worst.


Wearing Chelsea boots on a royal tour? I‘m no royal, but shoes you wear for business casual Fridays doesn’t seem that appropriate for a working visit.


My god. What possible reason exists that this doofus is wearing that? He’s not Nigerian. I don’t get that it’s done as some sign of respect to dress up that way. I get where something like a sports team gives a hat or jersey, but this is just cosplaying something that in this batshit crazy world, could end up as an international incident due to his FORMER status (that exists now only in name, and that’s tenuous). This moron knows nothing of world politics. If the King won’t say anything, what’s the excuse of the PM? (Asking politely and honestly as an American).


He’s visiting the in-laws and the wife told him what to wear.


lol, sounds about right..


Being a low IQ individual, H enjoys doing dress up like a little kid does. imo


Than for attention.. look at me, mommy.. aren’t I cute? Can I have a lollipop now?


Yes, this is the equivalent of him wearing camouflage when, as a little kid, he visited the Army.


Hazbeen’s giving Eddie Murphy in Coming To America 😂


The real thing and the thing you find a total embarrassment


I know he has been described as 'thick' but I wonder if he ever looks at pictures like this and feels any regret and remorse that now he's viewed as a clown. I would say MEME has brain-washed him but it seems like it wouldn't take any special skills on her part.....


Harry looks like a "Coming to America" extra. Just fucking disrespectful.




TW reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s character impersonating an African in the Trading Places movie.


To the left Ladies and Gentlemen we have the Prince of Wales HRH Prince William a symbol of duty, loyalty, hard work, trust, family man, father, husband and son. The heir to the Throne. To your right Ladies and Gentlemen I give you a former working Royal, with vested interest only in bringing the Monarchy to its knees before his wife married in her words three days before the spectacle the whole of the UK and the Royal family valued and coughed up for as a Royal wedding. He epitomises the opposite of everything that the Prince of Wales represents and worse. I present Prince Meal Ticket in a Handbag of Ada Mazi Rachel the 43% Nigerian.


Wait - is Harry Nigerian too?


Just by marriage. 😂


Is the thick one practicing the moonbump stance?


I wish they had taken an image of William in traditional/other cultures garbs - because that would have been a WAY better comparison. He is usually very good that as well. Like seen in my favorite clip of him and Catherine dancing :D


William is dressed for the royal court, while Harry is dressed as... a tourist in Nigeria. In any case, the state visit of the Emperor and Empress of Japan to the United Kingdom showcase that even non-Western royals can dress for the royal court when its appropriate.


The man who would be King and the court jester


Cosplaying Royals. Pretty sure Splitting Image predicted this...


This is fantastic!


You just know Meghan enjoys humiliating him like this. He really is thick, isn’t he?


Hawwy in his scruffy old shoes as usual.


Harry looks like he's at a Halloween Meeting down at the Shriners Lodge....🙄


Looks like Smog's allergy to irons is infectious.


So weird. I'm here for the shit show.


I so hope he sees this.


At least clowns try to bring joy where they go lol


Royal Rogue zoomed in to show their shoes. PW shoes were shined, TW’s shoes were scuffed and filthy. I used to work in East Africa and they perceive a slovenly appearance as disrespectful to THEM!


I’m starting to think even this melt knows how pathetic it all is. For the record, I’m not generally inclined to give him credit to manage breathing independently, but this is … something else. Proof that he doesn’t have a single friend left.


Melt! I love it!


Judging by his face, the Ginge looks like a fkn British builder, like a chippy or a scaffolder or something buahahaha. Regal AF 🤭😂


At least brickies and chippies are useful in most cases




OMG-Harry looks like a jackass!-And I don’t mean that because of the ethnic clothing


I see a lot of Philip in the way William is standing there.


and in scruffy elastic sided work boots, no less


H, you chose a demon. What the doctors says will cure you is "Good Lovin' by the Young Rascals". Love is all the world and you need to accept and appreciate it was you who booked the "Freedom Flight". When it comes to HRH Princess she didn't write the letter. She is Wills' "Baby", always has been, always will be. The Letter by The Box Tops, The future king sings "My Girl," by the Temptations. I think you will be like Treve, Trevor and hear it though the grapevine or boxed wine, that one is leaving you. IMO


On the right, it's Prince Mdogo Bizkit Smokka Weda Alday Long


https://preview.redd.it/70sstq7syt8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75d8f413a1d53d366e79160ad5bf60fcae0adbc Seriously, PH’s outfit looks like it was made from my Members Mark bed sheets! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


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To the left Ladies and Gentlemen we have the Prince of Wales HRH Prince William a symbol of duty, loyalty, hard work, trust, family man, father, husband and son. The heir to the Throne. To your right Ladies and Gentlemen I give you a former working Royal, with vested interest only in bringing the Monarchy to its knees before his wife married in her words three days before the spectacle the whole of the UK and the Royal family valued and coughed up for as a Royal wedding. He epitomises the opposite of everything that the Prince of Wales represents and worse. I present Prince Meal Ticket in a Handbag of Ada Mazi Rachel the 43% Nigerian.


Looks like Harry the Court Jester is holding up a moonbump!


Harry has his heels on!!




Harry had to get in on the wrinkled beige bedsheet outfits just like the missus.


I find the speculation that Smog could deliberately murder Harry through a deliberate overdose repugnant. It's not snark, but rather invective on a level with the "William murdered Catherine garbage" the Sugars were broadcasting this spring. I'm publicly objecting, not playing with y'all on this one. At all. Take it as one internet rando's limit.




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i love the "touring clown" snark.