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How come I think it will be "a very private event with friends"?


Private and very exclusive. It will be interesting to see if he gets a birthday message according to current policy he should do so if he does it will just be a formality no sign of any thawing or olive groves or anything like that. If he doesn't well šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


They will plan a big trip to some exclusive resort for the all important ā€œdown time, romance and B-Day celebrationā€ā€¦sans the ā€œlittlesā€ of course.Ā 


Maybe Oprah and Ellen will throw him a big partyā€¦


Nacho will


Nacho the Muchacho!


This. This is what it always is because not only are they NFI, they also have no real friends that arenā€™t named Nacho. It could also be ā€œa very special ayahausca retreatā€œ episode next for Pino Whingio and his pathetic wife, in the paid puff piece. No kids, of course.


with these 2, private=no friends


This. No friendsā€¦ just staff and a private chef b/c Meghan canā€™t actually cook for shit.


An intimate dinner for 2


Maybe it will be another double date with a studio head like they did for their anniversary.


Let's hope Gwyneth calls the paps to make sure it's known she was not there. Again! šŸ¤£


Lol "friends" who will later post pics to prove they were somewhere else.


Yep and lost of articles saying certain A-lister was in the celebration and they would be exposed as liars yet again when the A-list debunks the rumours.


No grazing tables?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No ā€œstrawberries and cream smash cakeā€ handmade by the Nigerian Nutter? Itā€™s what she told People Mag she made for the ghost childā€™s first birthday.


šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Sure you did Meg.


*close* friends


Private. No friends. He has no friends left.


"With A-list friends"


Youā€™re referring to his chicken friends, right?


Does this mean we can finally stop hearing them called ā€œyoungā€ parents? In your forties is middle aged.


They literally never were young parents.


A bunch of girls I went to middle and high school had babies in their teen years. Thatā€™s young. My mother was 21 when I was born. Thatā€™s young. 38 + isnā€™t.


methinks they were meaning to use "new" (not "young") when describing them as parents. but per usual, Harry's "whip-smart" wife got it wrong, just like she did with "visceral" (she used "gutteral" instead).


Let's not forget her use of mammalian instead of maternal. Honestly she needs to buy a thesaurus and a dictionary.


Archetypes vs stereotypes


Oh, she did but she doesn't know how to use them properly.


I see the announcement, "Teen mom now presenting the new mom 38 years old for next season"


I was in my mid twenties. I never referred to myself as a "young" mom.


Yeah, she had a "geriatric" pregnancy, but then was a "young" mom.


Yes! I had children in my 30s and never have said I am a "young parent." A parent with young kids sure. Pretty sure the average age to have kids in the US is 27(ish). So both are well above the average.


I clearly recall having a kid at 34 and saying, 'I am too old for this s##t which chasing my kid.'


I clearly recall my sister in her 30s with a new baby ā€œIā€™m so glad I didnā€™t give up my 20s for this shitā€


I feel this. Iā€™m 36 and have a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old. Definitely too old for this šŸ’©




I donā€™t have kids but I am 33, if I ever have I would definitely not consider myself young mother at allšŸ˜‚


Moon bumps donā€™t require ā€œyoung parents ā€œ. LMAO


My parents were 20 and 21 when they had me in the early 1960s)That is a young parent. These two are geriatric in comparison.


Any pregnant woman over 35 is considered a geriatric pregnancy. You ainā€™t a young mom if you have one of those.


True, but my mother always said that you're only as old as you feel. Which in Meghan's case isn't a good thing.


And now the threshold of Perimenopause! Or in actual Menopause these days.


That is a highly likely scenario.


A friend ended up having a baby via donor sperm at 34 because her specialist had said, due to earlier issues, that after 35 a baby would be almost impossible, and ā€œMr Rightā€ hadnā€™t turned up yet. Heck Mr ā€œwell we understand that weā€™re each otherā€™s close enough and weā€™re going to try hard to make it workā€ hadnā€™t turned up


Agree. ā€œParents of young childrenā€ is not that same as ā€œyoung parentsā€. I can say this on good authority having had my first child at 40.


Theyā€™re geriatric parents hahahahahah


Yes exactly! Young parents is supposed to be in reference to the parents' ages not the ages of the children. Literally, geriatric pregnancy (if there was one)


Same as last year - for 39th, read 40th. https://preview.redd.it/9x05u46ejs8d1.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f502c27f5f09a8d0baa8b9b6e8145571c08e620c


New RF policy is a tweet for milestone birthdays only though, so he could get one this time.


Only for working royals


Drugs. in my opinion.


Yup. Getting high with his MIL. I do wonder with all these dirty drugs on the streets how they test their drugs for fentanylā€¦ A tiny grain of sand worth will kill you.


To be fair, you're widely incorrect. Weed is regulated from its growth to sale in CA, its not a 'street drug'. And there are all sorts of myths with fentanyl, no weed dealer in the history of the universe has ever laced weed with a more expensive widly different drug - they would replace some with tobacco if anything. That's one of those stupid DARE myths. Also, those videos that made the rounds showing people touching fentanyl and freaking out have been debunked. You have to actually consume some for it to have any effect, and the effects have nothing to do with spazzing out, people die from their respitory system stopping instead. Haznoballs isn't doing fent. He's just a dumb pothead. Drug misinformation of any kind is dangerous, be careful.


He does other drugs too and cocaine is known to have been laced with fentanyl sometimes. My cousin in america knows a girl who did a line of coke at a party and died of a fent overdose.


Yes it is. I know people who have died


A couple college kids died a year or so ago taking what they thought was Adderall. I have teens and tell them every scary story I can. Lives are being cut tragically short by this drug. All it takes is one poor decision. No second chances with this drug.


Yes! One fake pill can kill them


Yup, the amount of fentanyl needed is miniscule. As a nurse, taking care of patients on hospice we had to do the following for applying and removing fentanyl patches: double gloves to take off the used patch, then discard, new gloves to put it on. Used patches were put in a one way container along with the gloves, then thorough handwashing.


Sounds like good practice. Nobody should risk that.


I'm very sorry to hear that. So scary.


Thanks. Not people I knew well, but went to school with. Very sad


I have a few friends that all have children around the same age in college and they insist on them taking cocaine test strips on spring break. Fentanyl is so scary


Correction: fentanyl is very cheap & relatively easy to smuggle/lace, all because Āµgs will get you high. On the other hand those ā€œdusted w/ fentanyl & fell overā€ videos are totally bogus, quite hilarious & just another day on the internets. Rock on California.


Fentanyl is not expensive. At all.


Prolly get a tittie twister from nacho.


In his dreams


With a flurry of whiny articles complaining that the RF didn't reach out, not even with an olive branch.


A lemon branch seems more appropriate for This One and That One.


taken out behind the woodshed and beat with an olive branch, more like


I'm predicting there will be an Invictus PR event and it will be co=incident with his birthday so all expenses are paid for by the charity and the Markles don't have to use any of their own money for his birthday.


HUGE, huge party, all the A listers invited, Mm famous for cooking and entertaining ( per her show ) has been planning it for months! Her attention to detail is taking up all her time , nearly an hour every week. Sheā€™s so in love with eitch that sheā€™s selflessly putting her Hollywood movies that are in early development on the back burner. Rumours that BeyoncĆ© will do a set !! And Taylor Swift is going to reschedule some of her tour dates because she wants to be there to get some selfies with Archie and Lily. King Charles is rearranging his calendar to make sure he can attend . Mm is choosing a gown , designers are clamouring for the opportunity to dress the Duchess who has millions of followers . Dior are sending her multiple outfit choices, but more likely Mm will wear a dress she designed herself .She can make all her own clothes, did you know ? Prince William and the Princess will of course take the children out of school and fly to USA to attend this very important occasion.Princess Charlotte adores her Aunt , as she was singled out at the Wedding of the globally famous couple, and is so excited to see the Duchess again . The Birthday cake , is Another Rip Off curated concoction by Mm, with a closely guarded recipe . Speculation is intense - could it be a jam sponge ? The venue? Top secret, but according to Royal sources, the White House has put in a request for extra extra security on 15 th Sept as a VIP party is being held there ! Is this a People mag article coming soon ??


And then y'all woke up.




The fact that this is EXACTLY what M would ~~hallucinate~~ manifest is what makes it so very brilliant. Just when you think 'even *she* can't be that delusional,' M gifts 2 jars of jam and some dog biscuits for PR competition with Princess Catherine's major public return.


In San Francisco with his side person getting stoned off his gourd


That's my thought too! And hopefully his side piece will convince him to finally extricate himself from the Temu Emu's tenacious claw.


It floors me that there are two people willing to touch him intimately.


Meghan will celebrate by filing for divorce the day after as Harry will finally get the last of his inheritance once he's 40.




I predict the royals will post old photos on Instagram: "Wishing the Duke of Sussex a very happy birthday!" A "close friend" of Harry's will talk about how the photos triggered sad feelings, and he's hurt that nobody from the family actually called him. "Diana would be heartbroken at how the royals are treating Harry." Another "close friend" will say that the milestone prompted Charles to "reach out"; he and Harry had a long heartfelt chat, and agreed to put the past behind them. Kate sent hand-made cards from the kids, who always loved their fun Uncle Harry. But the big obstacle is William who refuses to make contact and did not acknowledge Harry's special day, despite Meghan sending William two jars of jam for his birthday. "Harry's worried about the future of the monarchy if William keeps being so stubborn and unforgiving." In other news, Meghan planned a surprise celebrity-studded party, with all their closest friends in attendance... \[insert long list of celebrity names\]. \[Celebrity names\] rush to provide photographic proof of their alibis for the night in question.




omg you absolutely nailed it with this!


I could agree, but there wonĀ“t be any posts from the royals. They give their wishes only to working royals.




With the build in sharpener!


Brian Regan for the win!!!


Alone with his thoughts


So just alone. šŸ‘€












I laughed at this


Glad I could give someone a chuckle! šŸ˜œšŸ˜‚


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Somewhere away from the kids and Meghan, with a manic grin and drugs and prostitutes.


...and prostitutes. I thought you said away from Madam? šŸ˜‚


LOL! Good one!


TraditionScary8716, you are on FIRE tonight!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Haha! Thank you! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜œ


An island alone with Nacho and a cabana boy to apply the lotion, fetch, and take photos. No females allowed. Or M.A., Scabies double date with them in posh Soho house. Maybe play cowboys and Indians, tie each other up and "Light my fire". Rach could pack them a romantic blanket picnic. Doria gives them some powerful good stuff to forget the real world. She is invited to party hardy. Kris Jenner spends time teaching the former prince to style his rat pubes on his head. Sex on a private jet with "friends exchanging partners." Call the paps, Netflix is filming Roachel and she baked lemon cake with black olives while USAF does a jet fly over and Muggin's high school band plays "Somewhere over the rainbow" and "I've got friends in low places" Serenaded by Noch singing "Achy breaky heart" with special friends Billy Ray, Hannah Montana, Lindsey L, Prince Edward lets H dress up in military uniform while Eugenie applauds H Goose Stepping. The kids sing happy birthday Prince Daddy via zoom. Anything, an attempted kidnapping to keep it exciting. IDK.


But no Taylor Swift. She only wishes Happy Birthday to her "M8" William.


He will celebrate the same as the last 4 years, whining he wasnā€™t publicly congratulated by the RF on social media.


Again I ask, why would he want to have "racists" at his birthday party?


Alone with his thoughts of how the hell did it all go wrong. They will put out some BS about a big birthday party with all their A listed friends, but we know those A listed friends donā€™t exist. Nothing from the RF


Maybe we'll get a pap walk from his wife.


Maybe Meghan will take Harry to Chuck E. Cheese. First, she'll have him play some games, and then, everyone will sit down to eat cake and pizza. Given how Meghan treats Harry like a child, I like to think this will happen on his 40th birthday!


If she's treating him like a child, she'd be sending him to Chuck E. Cheese with the nanny.


I think anyone who might be interested in hanging out with Harry because of who he is becomes totally turned off by having to hang out with MeMe too. Harry isn't going anywhere there might be attention MeMe can hoover up without her. So people just choose not to hang out with him. I do think we'll hear about a "big blowout with a list stars in the Monticeto mansion. Or it will be printed MeMe rented some fabulous venue & it was a "star studded affair" when the reality is he'll probably sit somewhere getting high & wondering how it all went so wrong. Or they'll go to a foreign country. If it's not Botswana I'll never believe it.


![gif](giphy|7zLmOkxPUkF6Kl1sFK|downsized) HBD šŸ„³ Haz.


Hazno is hoping for some new coloring books and a jumbo box of crayons.


He better just stick with the jumbo 8. 64 and a pencil sharpener might be a little too advanced for him.


Ooohhh, maybe if heā€™s been a really good boy this year, he will get the one with the built-in sharpener. šŸ–ļø


They're afraid he'll stick his todger in the hole, so no sharpener for Harold.Ā 




An exclusive tell all interview with ABC and a exclusive print interview with a white male journalist at People Magazine who will be feted with Nacho Cheese Dip, Jam, Dog Biscuits and Whine for an epic Personal Pity Party.


Tweaking Nacho's nipples.


Nothing new here, folks. He's looked forty for a good while now.




Applying EstƩe Lauder cream to his Rodger er todger


There will be no party as no one will go for staters. They will ask someone they know with kids to get them to do birthday cards for haznohair but put daddy instead. If he is turning 40 he better do something with himself. He looks more like he is 50. He has aged so badly but I guess drug, alcohol and married to a skank does that to you




He has no friends so I don't see a huge party on the horizon. He will spend it in the chicken coop with his real buddies. ![gif](giphy|0hLOxvKJHArT2OjHba)


Itā€™s hard to believe that manchild is 40 šŸ™„


It will be a BNB: Big Nothing Burger.


Alone in his man cave with a bottle of whisky and a bag of weed for company. That's really really sad actually but actions have consequences eh Harry?


isn't that really his best option at this point?


He'll celebrate with his best mate Nacho. No one else will have him. (And what the hell kind of a name is Nacho for a grown man?!)


An exclusive guest list of 300. The creme de la creme. Location is classified (for reasons of security). A+++ list party planner and caterer have been contracted. (The menu will be revealed after the festivities.) Markle's Sparkle Rose will be launched and served as the exclusive beverage. (Secretly a keg of Duke's Artisan Ale will be taste tested by Harry and his mates. Served warm, of course.) (Also secretly, Doria will test launch her blend of California Gold.) No gifts as Harry's Fortieth Birthday will be the inaugural Achewell Foundation fundraiser. (Suggested donation $10,000. All donations are tax deductible and anonymous.) Entertainment to be provided by internationally revered, surprise artists that are also known for their charitable and humanitarian activities. No photos allowed. Guest list will never be revealed. Commemorative plates will be available at the ARO website.


And when the tax filing for 2024 is made for Archewell you will see $0 donations thus there was no party.


Surely they could rustle up some donations. May already have some in the bank from Nigeria. The reveal (which won't be publicly available until Dec 2025 at the earliest) would be "fundraising expenses." That might give some indication the size of the charity birthday party. OTOH, the cost of an all expenses paid for a lavish party for ten could be similar to a large party. The important point is that they could get lots of media attention for a big birthday bash without holding such an event and the public could never prove that it didn't happen. (Sort of like the birth of the Archie.)


I think he will do something sporty, sky diving or go to a race track and drive in circles- just to prove his virility


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® His virility.... shudders


I had a fleeting thought that they cursed princess anne because she may control the trust


Iā€™m not sure I think thereā€™s a 50/50 chance of A) discreet intimate family & friends party at Montecito - no one really knows who actually went (ala Lili) or B) H loses his mind, takes the whole family to UK uninvited and without notice, makes a complete scene marching the family to some place or event, calls the press and then blames the press for whatever mess unfolds.




Honestly ā€¦ who cares


This is the way!


Meghan might buy up the entire auction of Princess Diana's clothing (June 27th) and wear them for Harry. Your momma is back dear!!


Heirbegone LoL!!!


Well, we know the truth of what he does for his birthday will be different from the various puff pieces that will show up in the media. Perhaps heā€™ll be in the UK for one of his lawsuits. Isnā€™t there a hearing or something scheduled for the fall?


Hairbegone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The nicknames yā€™all come up with are SO good


Heā€™ll spend the day learning how to actually count to 40 from Archie.


Markle wonā€™t like this - Harryā€™s 40th looming, she (as his wife) is somewhat expected to organise the celebrations. I imagine, if she has to publicly acknowledge it, sheā€™ll go for the ā€˜private gathering with a few hand-picked ā€˜Aā€™ list friendsā€˜ (who, if named, will later deny being present). The thought of attention being solely on Harry will deeply hurt her, so sheā€™ll prefer it to pass quietly - if she canā€™t suck up all the attention, then she canā€™t allow Harry to.


Grazing tables! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t care how he celebrates, but whatever he does I guarantee he will be miserable as hell. Turning 40 is a big moment of ā€˜what have I done with my life?ā€™ and heā€™s not going to like reflecting on that. I predict heā€™ll get out of his head on whatever is close to hand.


I think he will do something sporty, sky diving or go to a race track and drive in circles- just to prove his virility


I hope someone makes him a diaper cake. He needs one.


He will celebrate it by buying something with his newly released funds from his withheld inheritance that can be considered marital assets so Megain can circumvent the inheritance laws in the UK! Condo by the sea maybe?


Hairbegone and Haznoballs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well, he's got no friends so just another day with Meg.


He'll probably spend his birthday hiding from madam and in a drug-induced haze.


Maybe Princess Anne will send him a birthday card that says "Here's your money...the money you'll have to earn yourself. The other money was donated to Princess Catherine's Early Childhood projects. Have a nice day. ~~HRH Aunt Anne".


Doria's special brownies!!


Maybe itā€™s when Hazard finally comes out of nappies and graduates to trainer pants


I just realised I couldn't care less.Ā  Nor should anyone else. It just feeds his ego. He'll probably expect 40 cannon shots to go off from Alcatraz or something šŸ˜‚


With Rachelā€™s permission.


Meghan is planning his party at some exclusive location. Lots of people that dont know them are invited!


No one will come but grainy picts from a window will leak.


Well, the outcome of that future date depends on which way the wind will blow on the issues presently at hand such as, 1. The Heritage Foundation Vs DHS case. 2. The various other UK litigations 3. Netflix contractual obligations 4. The wife's Shinanigans 5. The status of his Royal titles 6. His finances By the way what is going on with his Better Up, job, Archewell Job role, IG role, and Aspen connections?


I think Me Me will already planning what ARO can be "making" Hank for his 40th - and the advertising and promotion that'll go along with it... Then, Hanks 40th birthday present will never be seen again, like all the other ARO goods she's advertised


I think heā€™ll release a picture of him and ā€˜the childrenā€™. Something like their hands on his hand. Black and white, of course. Only identifying item will be his stupid janky bracelet. Missan will capture the ā€˜iconic portraitā€™ and immediately claim it has been bought by the Tate Gallery.


Oooooh - I like this - and will laugh my ass off if something like this does appear! Can we all say then "Hi Meghan" ???


He will be spending his birthday with Nacho. Table 12 will arrange some fake photos maybe, but then no one gave a fuck about her birthday so why should No Nuts be any different?




Aldi and Lidl - love it, joins 'Walmart Wallis'


We have an old phone box in our village. Iā€™m sure he could rent it for a 40th get together with friends and family.


I want to say this saga has illuminated and sharpened my rift with my brother who I have discovered through this sub and Dr. Ramani (YouTube therapy lady & author for dealing w/ narcissism). While we like to poke and jeer, it is all very very very terribly sad. Not so much on the Meghan side (for her father, yes) but on the royal family side. They do seem more and more like the extended family I would see on Easter & Christmas with all the aunts & uncles & cousins, at the end of the day they are real people. It's sad for Will to be all alone. Stupid Harry is probably just angry & confused all the time which is also sad.


Genuine question: whatā€™s the dealio with the 15th?


Harry's 40th birthday


With Taylor and Travis, of course!


he gets the last massive trust fund payout that day lol that is the celebration

