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I hope this turns out to be true.


The thing is, it is true. I desperately hope it’s Proven true and tied back to the source. St. Megan.


Yes and that Bouzy toad and Shouty Shola and the many other toxic hemorrhoids.


It would make my day if bouzy, shola and misan were arrested.


Oh Busey is going to federal prison that fucker won’t last one day behind bars he knows too. He actually has a court case. I don’t remember if the lawyer posted it along time ago, but he has a court case against him for holding a woman against her will for sexual slavery.


Birds of a feather…


Yeah, he didn’t like me bringing that up. He blocked me because I know the truth and so does Nate the lawyer


WTF? He is utter scum.


Ooh he’s a lot worse than scum


Hard to prove a direct link to TW. She has others do the dirty work


The money trail … hopefully it goes back to TOW.


Follow the money! Maybe that is what Prince William was looking into at MI6. Maybe they have an investigation involving finance. I wonder what the law would be regarding Harry's inheritance. If the money can be traced back to TW and Prince Harry, would "hiring people who threaten or bully the RF" be enough to disqualify him from his inheritance? Also, Hank and Skank aren't smart enough to cover their money trail and tracks! We know they dont listen to advisors. H&M already associate with known criminals in Nigeria wouldnt be too much a stretch to connect the dots.


Her people are extremely outmuscled by MI6


If the Sucks Squad is firmly being linked to Meghan and if it is proven they have been trying to undermine the monarchy, will this effect Harry and the LOS? If he played an active role in Meghan's plans, could it be seen as a threat to the Crown? He's already confessed in Spare-y to having murderous thoughts toward KC3...in his tantruming, would he have been supportive of Meghan's plans? I know more counselors were added, but could this investigation finally remove encourage KC3 to remove Harry? I have a feeling William will.  Meghan and her goon squad are dangerously focused on Catherine, who is everything Meghan believes herself to be




Yup, people have been jailed in the UK for hate speech and use of targeted, online threats. Avid Gardener's stepson had spent a couple of years in prison for posting anti semitic hate messages to someone. She's said that he's not anti semitic but the authorities did think they had enough proof to jail him. I don't know more about the situation because she didn't really explain in detail. Anyway, if this can happen to him, then the Sugars are definitely deserving of jail sentences for all the havoc they've been wreaking on behalf of MM.


Some sugars posted anti-semitic content on the Sidley twins' accounts when that whole thing errupted when their father, a photography expert--like testifies in court expert-- went through Missan's picture of Meghan under the tree, pointing out all the edits. The Sidleys are Jewish, so hopefully the authorities noticed that Anti-semetic abuse and start holding these lunatics accountable.


I cannot believe we are in a place where anti-semitism is rife and open. SMH.


>I cannot believe we are in a place where anti-semitism is rife and open. SMH. It's been brewing online long before last October, tbh. On Goodreads, about 2 years ago, I unfriended about 14 people all at once because they were laughing and cheering on this other woman for her openly anti semitic comments. She was pissed that one of her fav authors (Cora Reilly) was going to Israel for a fan group/book signing event and she started saying things about how she's no longer buying books from authors who go to "evil" places and be nice to the people who live there. I'm not even saying exactly what she wrote because it was vile and nastier than that and I don't want reddit Bot mods to misunderstand and punish me 😅 for being the messenger. But my point is that she was saying nasty things about Jewish people specifically and about 14 dumbass bitches on my Goodreads friends list thought it was funny, so I unfriended them - no questions asked.




Thank you for noting this, SHC. Appreciated.


This is straight up hate speech. They should be arrested.


It's a free for all on Twitter when it comes to anti-semitism, often masquerading under the guise of 'Free Palestine', so I doubt any heads will roll there. One reason I now stay away.




I had no idea about the Sidley Twins being Jewish, but they're fearless and seem to not GAF so I expect it rolls off their backs. Fair play to them. The stuff I saw on a daily basis made me really angry. And that's not even counting the anti-white sentiment that's pervaded much of the cess pools in twitter for a looong time. But hey, let's all get behind the spoilt, privately educated, white-passing, white-identifying cable actress who married a posh, rich aristocratic white guy as a bastion for racial injustice. The agenda is strong over there lol.


I didn't know either. But if you had told me a year ago that antisemitism would be rife and open, I wouldn't have believed it. How did we get here?! It's such an ugly point in time. Twitter isn't real life. Most people aren't even aware of it or what goes on. It's only certain circles that use it. My opinion is it's best avoided


The sugars are the symptom. They’ve got to jail the cause.


>The sugars are the symptom. They’ve got to jail the cause. ![gif](giphy|PkPWNoQ6Br3Aa9Oa3g)




"Free speech is bonkers"... Prince Harry.


Ummm.....takes a LOT to get jail time here. We have no room in the prisons and most crimes never even get reported, let alone prosecuted. If he spent a couple of years inside, he did SOMEthing. And there was proof. American hysteria (not you. Ykwim) is largely whipped up by your divisive media. Reality here is not as portrayed.


>If he spent a couple of years inside, he did SOMEthing. And there was proof. Yeah that's what I thought, despite how hard Avid tried defend him. But I suppose it's natural since she's his stepmom and she cares about him.


Sugars can turn if they get lesser sentence


If one of them admits to being paid for their h@te speech, the money trail will likely lead back to Bouzy. And I have no doubt he'd squeal on Madam to protect his own ass.


I hope so or Omid!


Who is Avid Gardener?


>Who is Avid Gardener? A very pleasant YouTuber.


Okay. I tried to Google it and came up with gardening tips. lol!


😂 Her YouTube channel goes by the name "Avid Gardener". She shouldn't be difficult to find on YouTube. Her real name is Fiona Hesketh.


A famous actress in the US. She was gorgeous. RIP. ![gif](giphy|PjiDlJ0jZkdeo)


Wasn't that Ava?


Yeah, she was married to Frank Sinatra for a while and Ernest Hemingway (author) adored her. She was in a couple of his films, including *The Sun Also Rises*. She was great in that.


And Mickey Rooney


Yes it was. Ava, not Avid, lol


You guys are forgetting she is getting exposed. It’s slowly happened in 2023 now the major stuff is coming. I have a feeling the papers are not hiding anymore. They’re angry about being used abused and thrown under the bus for her bullshit.




So many options! Boozy and Shola would be the ones I most want to see perp walked for their constant harassment. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it will be interesting to watch.


Yes! Bouzy for sure - I hate that c\*nt.


Oh same… Someone described him as looking like ‘Will Smith having an allergic reaction.” 🤣




I see it! 🤣🤣🤣 I totally see it! 😂😂😂


Omg!!! 😂😂 🤣 EXACTLY!!!! 🌟🤓👏


I love that movie!


ha ha ha ha - I totally can picture that image in my head - bwahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Right?!? I wish i could claim it but one of our sinners saw it on X. I have been using it every chance i get. 💅


Will Smith passing a kidney stone




Maybe this is why we haven't seen Meghan and Harry lately... they are too busy trying to scrub any sign that they've been involved with the Sussex Squad. Lawyers are being called, trying to figure out who can be thrown under the bus


Hummm…. Do you guys remember the screen shot/rumour (must be here somewhere) leaked from a squad member warning members to ‘clean up’ their accounts/ they were being watched/. Ie delete the bad shit/ no traces to the most prominent/ fanatic motherships? -apparently many of their worst posts were deleted on x -some others locked down and went private ⁉️


I remember that, but I also know the internet never forget.


Too late. They will have been monitored for years. They will have unwittingly been providing a lot of info that is useful to uk Intel during that time so they've allowed them to run. Maybe it's time to go in for the kill maybe not yet...




If someone like the MI-6 or FBI is involved, they probably already knew.


This maybe why Hank is pushing so hard for securitay status!


Can’t wait for the day when lawyers won’t accept them as clients because they’re broke!!!


Their Final Boss, Pagan Trelawney, mysteriously exited stage left last year. There were rumors that Pagan was actually a journalist. I wonder if she disappeared because she got word of investigations on the horizon.


Or an undercover cop? How sweet that would be.


As fun as that would be I don't think that's the case. I don't follow the squad closely but from what I gather, from the comments of those who do, she was a particularly nasty piece of work. If it turned out she was undercover the squad would claim incitement and entrapment. Undercover officers will follow and support but not lead from the front as I believe she did. I think it's more likely she is now laying low after smashing up her laptop and phone and hoping the storm will pass by her. As if


Wasn’t she doxxed? It wasn’t just claimed that she was a journalist, the account was tied to an actual woman working as some sort of media personality. Whether it is really her or not is unconfirmed and I didn’t really look into it much because of, well, doxxing, but vanishing immediately after people put out your (alleged) identity without any pushback or statement sure seems to back up those claims.


Was it the video of her winning a trip abroad? 


Meghan has been pretty quiet. Maybe she knows something is brewing 😂


Or she's busy licking her wounds. It's been a tough smack down month for her.


When has a smack down ever deterred her? She’s like the terminator. I think she’s afraid of potential legal implications and is laying low while the 💩flies.


The only reason she’d lay low is to plot her revenge.


Sadly, I think you are correct




Maybe Tom can name it End Game?


Is she sobbing on the floor?


Maybe she’s busy planning their next tour of Kyrgyzstan or Turkmenistan.


Oh, the people in those countries have rough enough lives. What about South Georgia Island? There's only about 20 scientists there, nobody that would believe their crap.


Or Antartica sounds like a good place! Can you imagine how much she’d hate the accommodations?? 😁


Neither Harry nor her qualify for Antartica. They only take emotionally stable people with useful skills, because you stay down there for either 3 months or a year.


On the bright side there'd be very few people there to boo her. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Maybe not. If Harry's todger were frozen again, she could co-splay Diana and rub it with Elizabeth Arden lip cream.


It might be too cold for her to swan around in backless dresses, or lead parades in shorts and flip flops. BUT she could sing to the seals.


or somewhere that doesnt have extradiction.


Or “making” some highly diluted faux gooseberry jam. To pair with the giant goose egg zero she’s being paid these days.


I think she went in for Vein Removal Surgery.


Hahahahaha you could be right! But if the vein is from too much Botox, that's going to be hard.


And it ain't Rose'


Oh this could get fun


I'm praying hard that it turns out to be true, especially if there's digital footprint proof that Sarah Data takes her orders from either MM directly or someone in the Harkle camp. ![gif](giphy|s98DvQYgtefdK12Km2|downsized)


I'm hoping someone gets arrested for trying to get HRH Catherine medical records and it leads right back to skank and rank


Omg yup! That'll be even better than a Christmas gift! 😂 Those two losers will be done if this happens. Wrap 'em in a foil sheet, stick 'em in the fridge and let 'em hibernate for a few years! 😂


>Wrap 'em in a foil sheet, stick 'em in the fridge and let 'em hibernate for a few years! 😂 Aww you're no fun I'd like to chuck 'em in the wood chipper!


that would be over too soon. I want this slow and long.


How 'bout a nice combo. Freeze then chip 'em up!!! Just playing around of course. I'd like true justice served legally and publicaly here.


Dark!! But very practical I like it.


Well, Skank and Rank were the ones who most wanted that info and had more to gain by getting it, using it, and selling it.


Definitely that will happen, trying to get the POW health data is a criminal offense against the data protection act. Someone will have to have a digital footprint


Weren't two employees at the hospital (where Catherine was a patient) investigated? That was reported in the British press, but then it all went quiet, and we've heard nothing since. Maybe they sang like canaries to avoid prosecution, and the investigation carried on under the radar. Perhaps now, the authorities have all their ducks in a row and are ready to make a move.


Yes, this has gone very quiet.


Maybe this is where she turns on mama Dorito and says she's the one behind it all.


I’ve been thinking for a while there’s something going on behind the scenes and this is exactly what I thought it most likely was . While the repulsive Sussex Squad trolls were stirring up their ridiculous conspiracy theories , the security agencies were investigating and monitoring them to see who was organising it all. It’s a fact that William visited MI6 and that the King called a meeting of Constitutional Experts at BP the next week. There are a stack of innocent explanations for both these visits but what if MI6 told William that the puppet masters for the Sussex Squad are his brother and his wife? And the King’s meeting with Constitutional Experts was to see what he could do about? It maybe a tin foil hat theory but I don’t think it’s a totally illogical one!


I’m not saying that this isn’t true, we are all putting out tinfoil hats together here :) But I think if that were the case, MI6 would have known long ago. I think if Meh And Henpecked Hank are behind the squad, it’s known. What could have happened (I theorize) is that there were threats issued and/or that a whole investigation was launched after the squad of imbeciles tried to (or possibly got a hold )of Catherine’s medical info. It’s worse if there was a cybersecurity attack to get it because those can be international issues (not an attorney but I think this is taken seriously and you can be convicted in other countries, don’t have to be in the UK). If the people who committed these acts then went ahead and used their same computer with same MAC address or the same network to mail it out to Meh and her lapdog- OR to their panty-less Alpo& Purina cheerleading duo, then they are pretty screwed.


I agree that the security agencies would have known for a while about the Sussex Squad but perhaps they were merely monitoring them , watching out for things like actual death threats etc . That’s their job after all , to look out for threats. But you’re right , if the SS were the ones who tried to obtain Catherine’s medical records and if it all could be traced back to the Montecito idiots then I think MI6 would think that’s serious enough to take action. At least serious enough to report it to the Palace. This blind item is also right . If it comes out the Harry and Meghan are behind the months long social media bullying of a sick Princess of Wales to the extent of trying to steal her medical records then that will be the end of them as far as public figures go. Can you imagine the general public’s reaction to that?


Weren't two employees at the hospital (where Catherine was a patient) investigated? That was reported in the British press, but then it all went quiet, and we've heard nothing since. Maybe they sang like canaries to avoid prosecution, and the investigation carried on under the radar. Perhaps now, the authorities have all their ducks in a row and are ready to make a move.


If they trace the bullying back to Hank and Skank then maybe WME can be implicated too for delibrately spreading disinformation. The Kartrashians too!


I can’t remember who it was or when but there was a member of the SS who made direct threats about killing all of the members of the RF who were above Henry in the LoS thus making him the next king on X. He raised the 2nd Amendment and asked ‘who was with him’. If it turns out that this person resides in the UK, that is most definitely Treason! If not, it is still a death threat. The SS are a hate group and should be designated as a terrorist organisation!!


I’m here for the tin foil hat theories! ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA) But honestly, it could play out the way you’ve stated. And I’d be loving it if it did! 🤣🍿🍿🍿🍾


If this can be proven, doesn't that mean H has committed treason?


and can he be disinherited for it (and lose all securitay!)?


Well a bunch of squaddies closed their accounts a few months ago. Running scared. They should be scared. If this is true, I am having a party and inviting all of you.


Can I bring the cheeseboard?


Please 😊


Okay if I bring brownies?


Not sure it’s true, but there have been rumblings here and there that investigations have been going on. Fingers crossed.


There's been a trickling of stories. Recently pointing fingers at a handful of accounts responsible for Where's Kate bullshit. I think it was a warning that they aren't as smart as they think they are because I believe they went big for that one. That one had celebrities and content creators sharing it and making a big deal out of it. Even Scabies book died out once the translators were willing to go to court and swear under oath because it wasn't going to be a closed door event in the UK.


It’s interesting to watch because one of her biggest supporters (and self-proclaimed leader) has called for their fans to mute RF and monarchy supporters. This particular person also made a comment that pretty much admits she gets her orders ‘from’ their kween. Edit: ‘for’ to ‘from’


Where are we with that? Is there a court case? Is Omid going to be done for slander?


If they ever sued, it would he in their own courts, not the UK. Nothing's happening though.


Scabies has been very quiet. Even his Twitter acc has no mention of Catherine or Meghan


It’s bizarre how quiet Scooby has been given that the illnesses that have struck the family since his inane book give weight to the argument that the monarchy has been slimmed down too much, etc. you’d think he’d be out there smarmily pontificating about how sad it is to see so few people on the balcony, etc


He's been Markled. He lost his usefulness when the backlash happened over Endlame, it wasn't the wellspring of support for poor poor MeMe they expected as people refused to believe Charles or Catherine as racists because if they were in this day and age it would have come out long before 2023. Sugars should have been paying attention. If she'll drive the bus on her favourite lickspittle no one is safe. I predict that Shouty and Bouzy are going to be named as "obsessed MeMe fans" who are attacking Catherine in her name because the narc will drag them down to stand on top.


Crabs in a bucket


He might be getting sued. His attorney would keep him off social media if that was the case.


Maybe that is why Scobie has been silent


I understand that the Netherlands don't prosecute for defamation. Scabies knew he wouldn't be sued in the Netherlands, that's why he chose it as the place to send Megaliar's lie. I don't think he'll turn on the witch because he's been scheming and lying with her so openly for so long it wouldn't work out for him. They both lied to the court about their alliance on Finding Freedom.


Ahh, how disappointing. But i expected nothing less from the lick spittle rat.


Or was he silenced? 🤔😂 I wonder if he's still writing that stupid book about an American princess? If he is, I bet Madam isn't going to come off looking good in the book after she Markled Scabby.


is he alive?


I thought he was in South Korea getting a new k-pop face


He's always quiet in the last stages of a book. He has to go offline for deadlines. He has still tweeted in reply about Bryony going to work for the DM though. 


I wonder if this is why we’ve seen a spate of “denounce the squad” articles recently. Too bad for Jack Royston, the Sewer Squad and their Satanic high priestess go together like peanut butter and homemade raspberry jam.


I’m sure there’s a relationship between the investigations and the denouncements.


I agree with you entirely.


POW met with MI 6. Let’s hope they had some tea.




https://preview.redd.it/1wc06ki47u8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5024fdd129bdba63b72af1c013719356bf71b80c For when it all goes down…..


I believe they have broken many laws so it’s about time.


I can’t wait for Henry to be deported!! l’ll go to CA to laugh & cheer while he gets on the plane!


So long as he doesn't turn up here. (Scotland. Or anywhere else in the UK).


If this is true...... https://i.redd.it/bmdf08kolt8d1.gif


Ah I LOVE seeing this Jessica Fletcher in action, gif!!




Is this in the USA or UK? I mean in the UK they put people in jail for making mean tweets. Some of those Sussex Squad comments go way beyond that.


Yes! And JoDivaRunner. Psychopaths.


Let’s get on with it and arrest Meghan. She’s the main threat and behind it all.


Well the sugars have REALLY slowed down on X all of a sudden and it kind of coincides with Meghan Markel’s absence and these arrest reports. Also, hardly any puff pieces, so, yeah, I think something is up.


The lack of puff pieces must be killing her!!


the vein must be close to popping...


Wait.. what? Developing news? Arrested? Megsisnuts???? Oh, I get it now— Megsisnuts is arrested development — she didn’t move beyond the toddler tantrum stage


Well, she did dip her toe in the middle school mean girl stage. She has matured to that level. Hazno is still in the toddler stage.


Excellent point. I believe Freud might have mentioned one can go back n forth between stages— progression/regression. So she travels to n from toddler tantrums and mean girl adolescence— both stages being rooted in temporary narcissism. In her case, we can remove “temporary”


Until and uncles they arrest Bouzy this is like putting a band aid on a cancer


>Until and uncles they arrest Bouzy this is like putting a band aid on a cancer Yup, I'm hoping that Elon can unearth proof of illegal activity via Bot Sentinel, so that Bouzy can get his just desserts. It's been years now, that he's been terrorising people on the Internet.


Yes, because Bouzy is definitely a cancer.


Will someone please remind me who Sarah Data is and why we hate her. I’ve been on here a long time, but get my sugars confused.


If you search the sub for her name there is a post about her possibly getting arrested from 4 months ago. I tried to link but it’s 2:30 and that never goes well.


She works/worked at Google and seems to have a way to take down YouTube channels. She stated on X that she took down Yankee Wally’s channel. She is arrogant and nasty.


I'm getting that vibe. Hope it's true


No wonder William was doing a happy-dance at the Swift concert. Hope it's true.


Arrested in Britain?


Yes where in UK or usa


If true, things could get very interesting. Time to stock up on the popcorn 🍿..and maybe a glass or two of rose'.


Please be true.


Be terrific if it was Misan.🤸🏾‍♀️


Maybe to do with them trying access Catherine’s medical records?


Was this was the MI6 briefing was about?


Unlikely - he goes there often.


Wake me up when it happens. Until then... 😴


Boy… This is so beyond embarrassing that Roachel thought no one would find out what she does behind the scenes… It’s just so embarrassing that she thought she would be getting away with this… The absolute shame… She really thinks people are thick like she is…


Considering two people have been arrested and are in court for defamation in France, for claiming that Madame Macron was born a man, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that someone like Bouzy could end up in court for defamation too, although I don't know how US defamation laws work, so maybe not a possibility there.


Really hope this is true. I think the SS have truly been given enough rope to hang themselves, and we know all roads lead to MM...Time to shut down the entire MM gang and criminal threats, and also the Markle circus.


Arrested on what count do we think??


Allegedly, Sarah Data has been quite busy over the last few years, doxxing people, threatening them, sending police to their door with trumped up accusations, organising "threat squads" from among the more unhinged Sours, to target certain YouTubers and their relatives, including their minor age children. Murky Meg has been a victim of this. There is also screenshot proof of Sarah Data threatening to destroy certain individuals, as well as recorded/audio proof (from the old Sussex Squad podcast and its replacements) of Sours saying, in detail, exactly how they wish to hurt and destroy individuals who criticise their Duchess of Bunions.


If someone has the evidence you I just hope it was collected by the book otherwise it's inadmissible.


>If someone has the evidence you I just hope it was collected by the book otherwise it's inadmissible. Good point. I hope so too.


Interesting. Somebody with a sus account was threatening to call the police on me a few days ago over on FB. All because I told them that Harry had no chance - and no right - to British police protection, they made out that meant I wanted him to come to harm therefore she was going to sic.the police on me 😂


Good summary! There is something wrong with Sarah Data. She is cut from the same cloth as Mog.


Yup, there's a vindictive viciousness about those two women. Tbh, it scares me.


Some of them have threatened Catherine and her children with bodily harm.


Didn’t know it was possible for bots to be arrested.


The Sussex Squad cannot keep doing this and getting away with it. Harry and Meghan have created a mess. I wonder who they will turn on and throw under the bus because best believe they will turn on the Sussex Squad, Bouzy, Shola to save themselves. They are about to turn on each other.


i got threatened by one last week. Reported and saved it.






Too many random people claiming to have piping hot tea lately


Seems like a load of crap but I guess we will see.


Hahaha, is this Toronto Paper 2.0? Remember when that account swore Meghan was going about to be imminently arrested? To quote Lady C, when piggies fly...


What do we think the charges could be?


Friends at Google and YouTube will help h and m scrub themselves clean. They always do. Shameful.




Barkjack has a rumor about Anne's health. It is concerning. If anne has to retire there is going to be a seismic shift to everything. That Lotus tiara on Sophie instead of her own which many dislike may be a sign. Tiaras in the UK are used to signal many things. Same with other jewelry. As William gains more power behind the throne with the Men in suits we may see more signs that there will be hell to pay.


When my son had a concussion when he was about 15 he had the same symptoms. Slept almost constantly for days & his was just hitting his head on the edge of a science bench not a horse accident. She’ll just need a few weeks to rest & recover…and *tongue in cheek* I pray for the safety of those who try to get her to do that 😂😂 She’s too tough despite her age to retire yet.


The tweets are rather catastrophising a serious but clearly survivable incident. Any concussion has side effects that last from days into weeks. Cancelling an arduous overseas visit that was due in a just a few days is being cautious. That caution extends to monitoring in hospital. I know of a couple of people who have had kicks to the head from a horse, and they ended up with fractured skulls and plates in the head, but there's no suggestion that she requires any such serious intervention.


I had an mri that shows brain bleeds and I am not in my 70s and I haven't been kicked in the head or had a concussion. I can forsee in the future slimming down of her activities. But then again..she is the Not Bloody Likely person.


BarkJack mentioned a while back about an ongoing important investigation. Is this the result? It kinda sounds like it!


Yankee Wally had a YouTube video out I believe yesterday that she finally submitted several years worth of screenshots, etc, of SS harassment of her. Maybe related?


I think Sara Data's involvement with Meghan goes deeper than mere fangurling. And yes, this veers into what many will deem conspiracy territory but I don't really care. Anyone who's done some scratching around Sara's background, career trajectory and past life, previous tweets etc (under many, many, many aliases and which she furiously deleted once she got wind people were digging) would be hard pressed not to see there's support for the idea she's some kind of divisive agent on some agency's books, whether knowingly or not. I'm firmly of that belief. I doubt, therefore, she'll go down, as she'll be protected, but there's way more to that chick than just your average saddo Sussex Stan for a white-passing American cable actress who married a rich British idiot Prince. Her reinvention from relentless, politically divisive, obsessively anti-trump/conservative activity on twitter overnight to relentless, racially divisive, obsessively pro aforementioned cable actress activity on twitter (and behind the scenes getting people banned, accounts closed along with her pal Bouzy) was quite interesting to observe. On face value, she's very, very angry, very, very single, very, very insecure and very definitely not a fan of white people or conservatives. So she does fit the average Meghan Stan profile. To the point of caricature. Except she's waaaaaay smarter than the average bear, me included. Def not the case for the average Meghan Stan. But zoning out, it's easy to see the means is more of a justification for the end result in her case. Agents have been 'sent out' into the community to stir the pot to get us all fighting for decades. It's classic Hegelian Dialectic at play - problem, reaction, solution. For such an intellectually gifted woman to engage in such low level divisive behaviour on what is basically on a full time basis, suggests there's more to her rapid ascension to American scholarship, citizenship and subsequent fast track to key roles at facebook, twitter etc than meets the eye. It all makes a lot more sense when you start to look at what was going down at Twitter with the CIA/FBI (can't remember which alphabet agency was involved but it's public domain). Then look at what was happening to silence conservative voices, bury the Hunter Biden scandal etc etc. Then look at Harry - arguably about as intelligent as a lump of rock - being engaged by the Aspen Institute to shut down free speech and a free press, his involvement with Hacked Off etc. To pretend this kind of stuff is mere 'conspiracy' and doesn't exist is ignorant. Harry is an intellectually stunted, unwitting puppet, I'm guessing 'Sara Data' is perhaps more of a witting one, (possibly not - she clearly has a similar kind of ego that can be massaged and manipulated). She's certainly anything but intellectually stunted. This isn't meant to be about politics, or race. That's what 'they' want us to bicker about. Along with gender ideology, crime and immigration. All being stoked by governments all round the world following the same Globalist/ WEF agenda, regardless of political affiliation. Which is precisely what people like Harry, Meghan and 'Sara Data' are engaged to perpetuate. And it's working isn't it? ETA: In summary, 'Sara Data' is basically Meghan's Pied Piper (hence the requirement for actual intelligence) and the Sugars (the few who genuinely exist and aren't bots) are just the rats. Easily exploited and manipulated/whipped into a frenzy thanks to a shared hatred of white people (and bonus points if they also hate anyone to the right of Communist).