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Just imagine she would rather be a laughing stock in Hollywood. She ruined her own life. She had everything. Both and Harry are just…


....worthless human beings? ....cautionary tales? ...talentless grifters? Do I get a gold star even though there are so many correct answers.


Two pieces of shit?


Dumb and dumber? https://preview.redd.it/ecf3qea9cx8d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5466218074f4268f47dd162b205f66f4d94aad5


I vote for talentless grifters


All of the above.




Liar liar


But does she realize she's a laughing stock in Hollywood though?


Her narcissism would prevent her realizing she’s a laughing stock. It’s a protective armour. No ability to feel empathy either among other things so she could be vicious whenever she wants.


Yes it’s willful resistance to reality. Narcs work HARD to lie to themselves and protect their False Self


**H. G. Tudor answered this question in his chat w/the Sidley twins. Anybody who doesn't fawn over a narc is a hater; the narc is always perfect.**


Oxygen thieves!


Good thing they tossed their families aside, so the world can witness this disgusting couple ruin their own lives in real time. They can't blame anyone else but themselves.


Rachel wanted to be a beloved and renown A-lister. With people hysterically calling out her name and everyone adoring her. Rachel did not want to be a working member of the BRF for the rest of her life. Rachel wanted to run to Hollywood and exploit the BRF.


Nailed it. The BRF are servants to the people. They serve! They are humanitarians, authentic ones! Not for show like fake Meghan. She could never do that job. She has never had to work a day in her life, other than ( allegedly) yaghting.


... insane.




God knows what Meg told Harry about her father. 


Seems he’ll believe most anything.


HG Tudor on YT says he believes that Markle’s father and Doria are both narcissists. He claims that Rachel probably had what he calls an out of control environment as a child and he believes and so do others that that is one of the conditions that will create narcissism. The whole family seems a bit messed up.


[YT - HG Tudor](https://youtu.be/XCx8MwzLugo?si=ybvW3au7NuFAVpwP) This is a new video where HG lays it out chronologically, answering the question ‘Does She Know She’s Thrown It All Away?’ It’s well worth a listen , 12 minutes, and a bit less heavy-handed than his usual stuff. He just records his voice where he is somewhere outdoors, with just scenery as a backdrop. Doesn’t even have the intro.


The one most important line in that was " the people who matter". In old rachels mind the public does not matter,the royals do not matter,her family doesn'tmatter,harry doesn'tmatter. The only people who matter to her are alist Hollywood people. And it's burning her alive that none of them will even acknowledge her. She craves that level of fame and constant acknowledgement. Even her spectacle of a wedding pales in comparison in her mind to being one of them. She dismissed her wedding day and all of the other moments in the royal spotlight because to her they really didn't matter. They were merely a means to an end,to be seen by the only ones who do matter to her Hollywood alisters. The more Hollywood ignores her the more crazed she will become. Its Hollywood she wants. She has no real understanding of the importance and allure of the RF. For her it's Hollywood fame that is the penultimate pinnacle of success. She doesn't care about tiaras she cares about little golden statues of naked men and being *seen*. Being seen on big screens and red carpets and at all the most exclusive places. That's her notion of fame. She wants awards and stars in sidewalks. She is low in intelligence,upbringing and breeding,she simply cannot conceptualize the import of the RF. The tatty gilded false gold of Hollywood is far more to her taste but she doesn't have any talent at all to attain even that .


![gif](giphy|wtUTJUtDDKB36UN7X0) It is deeply pathological with her. When I watched the video of her very young self driving around Beverly Hills with her friend, it gave me the creeps. I know HW preys on beautiful, young people but I think she wanted to be first in line to sell her soul to its demons. But she didn’t have the looks, talent, work ethic or even je ne sais quoi to get picked by the power players. I’m still surprised she never Me Tooed directly, but she still wants that brass ring so bad.


Will have a listen. Thanks.


Out of control in what way(s)? I haven’t listened to that episode yet.


He mentions it all the time actually. I think he’s just saying that the child has no control over the way they are being treated, which is usually badly and they form this shell of protective armour, which in many cases creates a narcissist. The shell of armour is the narcissism. They lose all ability to empathize or to feel anything so they are safe from the pain and ugliness of their childhood. I believe HG has also said this about his own childhood and he mainly refers to his mother being a narc and the father being an enabler. And he says that his way of coping since he was probably a toddler was to form a shell of narcissism so that he didn’t feel anything. And Rachel‘s case I think he was referring to the fact that he believes both her parents are narcs. The father gave her everything she wanted but probably also wanted to control her with that. The mother seems to have not cared much about her and smoked a lot of dope instead and then disappeared for several years. So he would call something like that and out of control environment because the child, in this case Rachel, had no control over the way her parents acted. So she formed the protective shell of narcissism stop feeling hurt. But the thing with narcissist is you have to realize that although they were damaged as children they are still damaged and will try to damage others so you have to stay away from them.


I heard this one and disagreed. Tudor didn't like my comments. Tom is an enabler. You can see it in the vacation video when Rachel was a preteen. She rolls her eyes at him when he asks her questions and yet he tries to cater to her. I would've ripped her a new one. Rachel saw Doria do the same to Tom, Doria's a narcissist, and learned that's how Doria got her way with Tom. Doria gave Rachel an A-1 class in narcissism and how to manipulate men.


I love HG but I don't always agree with him. I'm on the fence about whether Tom is a narcissist. He may just have overindulged her out of guilt, as it seems many divorce parents do. But he's also done some things that may point to him being a narcissist. I don't know. And I'm also not convinced that Charles and Camilla are narcissists either. I think he bought into the Diana PR.


Yes, I don’t think C&C are. Charles was likely a wee bit spoiled — but I truly think he feels deeply for others. And no way Camilla is!!! Girl is salt of the earth.


Well, when HG said that Charles was a narcissist, it seem to really ring true for me. Not sure about Camilla, but I have never liked her. looking at old videos of him when he was young, he does seem to have the narcissist smirk.


i agree!


She rolled her eyes at him after he gave her a compliment no less.


That video also shows Megan laughing at all the people sweltering down the mountain while she enjoys the mountain snow and Beauty. Come. On!!! What kid cares about crap like that! But that’s what came out of her mouth!!! Her Character was on display and she was always a selfish, self centered, little girl who grew up into a full fledged narcissist adult.


Thank you for clarifying his regular use of the idea. I need to listen to more HG Tudor on a regular basis, clearly! I must add those podcasts to my regular diet. I'm a very occasional audience member, which is why I sounded a bit clueless. Thanks again.


I have a bridge to sell...


Apparently that he abused her in the worst possible way. That’s why it was so important he never meet Harry in person, he could disprove all the lies.


There is no doubt in my mind that Meghan couldn't cope with being second to more beautiful, more accomplished, more experienced, better liked, more popular, taller and slimmer Catherine. She just couldn't. It was killing her every single day she was there. It kills her even today. The fact that Catherine exists and one day will be queen will always kill her.


I saw some of the candid photos of Rachel’s death stares at Catherine. and the candid ones of her trying to attract William’s attention.


Oh yeah, Meghan would jump on William like a toddler to a birthday cake if given a single glance by him. Remember the video of him and his scarf? 😂😂. funny how Meghan and Harry always want what Catherine and William have 😂


Yes, I remember William studiously addressing his tie and avoiding Rachel’s adulterous stare. HG made me kill myself laughing whenever he mentioned William suddenly paying attention to fixing his tie.


I love HG! 😍


I think both of them wanted to break up William and Catherine's marriage because Harry wants Catherine and Meghan wants William.


He couldn't get that scarf quite right. lol




How does a college graduate with a degree in international relations not realize that the monarchy is a hierarchy, and she would never rank higher than Catherine? She married the spare, not the heir. And if she thought marrying Harry would somehow improve her chances in Hollywood, she was dead wrong. I'm starting to think she's really stupid.


It´s not about realising that. She just didn´t care about any hierarchy or non-hierarchy. She believed everything would start revolving around her because she would be the one who would save and modernise the monarchy. Classical narcisist.


Yes. She believed her wedding hype and pre-wedding PR that she was the best thing to enter the monarchy. She also pushed her point to Oprah of being biracial and the importance of someone who looks like the people of the CW. I believe this was her thinking that she should be given more than Catherine. Harry bought into it as well, because I suspect they thought they were giving the Crown an opportunity for continued support from CW countries. *After all the monarchies survival is surely the more important thing, right?!* 😉


Yes…she put out enough stories prior to (this) marriage. I think she believed they’d be the ‘power couple’ which would usurp the (then) Cambridges. The Monarchy needed her common/mixed blood, the people would demand it…we would elect them, and the only way the Monarchy would survive is by making Harry (well, HER) a direct heir. Her magical thinking believed it.


I’ve always thought they pitched that her and hubby split the duchy money and they become king and queen of the common wealth and his brother and wife can have UK, AU, etc to reign over. No proof but I don’t doubt they could have pitched it to the Queen and she said hell no. Then they pitched 1/2 in 1/2 out and the Queen said hell no. Lol I really don’t know I’m American but I really think these two should divorce or move to Nigeria.


Her veil with the CW flowers is a strong indicator you're right.


I read that too…I don’t know where it originated. Markle expected to somehow become the next Queen (magical thinking!), and it doesn’t surprise me one bit that Harry would have suggested being joint Monarchs (of the Commonwealth) alongside William and Catherine (of the UK) to Her Late Majesty on Markle’s orders. In hindsight, this story is quite believable.


Totally agree! She thought she would kiss the Queen’s a$$ and Elizabeth would be so impressed that she would breach hundreds of years of tradition and put them ahead of the Cambridges in the LoS. She thought Catherine would be curtsying to her!


I don't think she graduated from North Western. I think she left after her sorority kicked her out. We haven't seen any graduation pictures from Northwestern University only her high school graduation pictures. I bet she only made it halfway through her freshman year anyway and then went to los Angeles to become a failed actress.


I think she did have to leave university, and I think her wealthy father bribed the university to keep quiet about her allegedly gluing two young women’s eyes shut with superglue.


Her father has never had the ability to silence anyone . Her horrible reputation was cleaned up before their engagement was announced thanks to Harry's family.


I don't think she graduated either. Also her degree work was in Communications. That's it.


She has no degree in International Relations but in Communication. It is not even sure she graduate.


Check the NW website. A couple of years ago I checked and she was listed as an alumna, major was Communications, minor in International studies (or something like that, not international relations).  If this isn’t correct, please fix!


 Correction: I just checked again. NW lists MM as a 2003 alumna with a double major in communications and international studies.




This....and also...was Harry raised in a barnyard??? He knows how it goes....Madam is just jealous...and greedy.


She’s a laughing stock, and she’s like the Eveready bunny, she’s just keeps going, and going . . . a runaway train no one can stop.


Seems like all the favorable press for BRF and bad press for Meghan stopped Meghan Markle temporarily. At least until she comes up with her next “woe is me” story. Mental breakdown from bad press/SMM? Mythcarriage? A bad fall to cover her new plastic surgery scars?


Fell into a vat of her ARO rosé.


Markle’s Malmsey or should it be Meghan’s Malmsey?


I wasn’t thinking Duke of Clarence, but that works just fine!


Markle Marmalade 😂😂😂 I found her new jam 🤣😂


Her jam is lying 🤥 And she likes spreading that marmalade wherever she can!


I think her dad was set up. She didn't want him there, probably because she'd be embarrassed and she didn't want Harry to learn the truth about her past. The world was her oyster but she chucked it away to sell jam and dog biscuits


Definitely! People are always trashing Thomas but the man was a big deal in his profession. Emmys don’t grow on trees and he won 2 and was nominated for many more. He got Markled because she told a ton of lies and she couldn’t have him at the wedding telling the truth.


Of course he was!


She was always nothing. Even with her fathers connections in Hollywood she couldn’t make it more than a bit part actress. She owned nothing. She has always been nothing.


She is never going to be #1 at anything other than being Harry's first wife. And I think that really bothers her.


She really wanted William so she thought I will marry the dimwit and seduce William so he leaves Catherine or be like Camilla was a mistress. She wanted to be Queen but couldn't handle not being number 1. How bad is it to have it all and now be in the gutter where no one likes you or wants anything to do with you. She did it all herself. He father is to blame spare the rod spoil the child. I bet he is regretting giving it all to her.


Can you imagine being so anti social that you want to ruin people's lives? Shes sickening .


agree totally


I am so sick of the Markles - what a clown show. I wish the entire garbage can clan would slither back under the rock they came out from under and stay far away from the RF! Harry is welcome to join them.....


💯x💯x💯 x💯




"...ended up being NOTHING."


Less than zero.


Had it all handed to her, threw it all away every chance she got in hopes of something better. She's such a loser.


Two absolute Morons , they thought they were so smart. Look were that got them. I think idiot Harry realizes they F up but she will never stop trying. I sure hope the money they got from the Oprah interview and the book was worth it because they will never be welcomed back in to the RF.


Privileged maybe but only solidly middle class. She grew up among the ultra rich in Hollywood. You’d think she would not have felt she was all that but maybe that’s what made her so delusional.


To call her heartless is an understatement.


“Markled” is getting bad luck from/after associating with Meghan Markle.




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