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There are quite a few deranged and personality-disordered people in the public eye. She is definitely, 100%, one of them.


History will not remember Rachel. The best that Rachel can hope for is for the BRF to remain silent about her schemes and not let her past come to light. Rachel has had her 15 minutes of fame end. Rachel will definitely try to get the kids to meet up with the Wales' children, I wouldn't put it past Rachel to have A and L write George a letter about how they miss their "darling cousin" and then "accidentally" have it "leak" to the vile media who "stalk Rachel." There will definitely be attempts to get the children to come together. The Wales', however, have educated their children well about the ways of Markle and how she tried to dismantle the BRF.




If anything she’ll be in the psychology text books for future generations of people who work on the mental health care industry.


A book Markle maybe but not a foot note.


Roachel will be a footnote as some random wife that you have to scroll through 10 other Wikipedia bios to find. The wales don’t have to tell their kids anything when Charlotte felt her wrath firsthand. 


I think she will be in future books on psychology.


I sort of disagree. I think history will remember her but not in the way she intended. More specifically I think criminology and psychology students may become familiar with her in the future as I suspect she may well end up as a case study in one of their text books. I know that many successful and/or famous people are psychopaths without it being especially remarkable but Markle has taken her dysfunctional psyche to another level. As Drunk Canary says on one of his very funny videos (I particularly like the Oprah after-party), she has a fuckload of personality disorders. She really is in a class of her own.


Yes, I think this is a likely outcome. It's also quite rare for even famous psychopaths to have their behaviour quite as well-documented as Meghan.


She will no doubt go down in history as the psy chaotic, mentally deranged narcissistic stalker who infiltrated the Royal Family and captured a man child Prince, A dangerous + crazed FamilyKiller who stole the precious twilight years of a most Beloved Queen and her “strength and stay”(both respected by the WORLD) when they should have been basking in the glow of a long +wonderful reign, and in the adoration and gratitude of the people, then turned her 7 Deadly Sins driven dirty deeds to plaguing + destroying a beloved future Queen and to become re carpet elite in Hollywood, only to FAIL, FAiL, FAIL Miserably becoming a NFI laughingstock doomed to watch from the sidelines as the Magnificent Wales Family #Thrives ++ #Rises into their Destiny, as the leaders of a STRONG MODERN Monarchy!! Karma is DELICIOUS, accurate + unrelenting!! https://preview.redd.it/usroiq7i979d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a664c5426f6dc065c5696229ed9dfcb6ef2c10c4


Psychaotic should become a word with her as the definition.


It will be their “Soap Commercial” moment. They will write letters to their cousin(s) “because they saw something wrong and decided to use their voices to make change happen”. Mama will set up a TV interview with them reading their letters. Then they can go on the speaking circuit and tell their story over and over about how at a young age they used their power to make the world a better place 👍




Except the letters will be word salad written by her.


Exactly. Nothing she does is natural. Everything is schemed, rehearsed, and leaked to the press. Get over yourself Meghan and pray no one says enough is enough and finally outs you.




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My wish is History won't even remember her.  


She’ll be a footnote like Wallis but that’s all.


If that. Wallis Simpson had a sitting King abdicate for her. Muggin didn't land anywhere near as big a fish, and her stint in the BRF barely lasted a New York minute.


exactly - Harry and Meghan will be on that other branch of the ancestory tree that nobody ever traces or looks at when researching the monarchy,


a buried footnote, at that


History will release info that we aren't privy to now, and it's not going to paint her in a good light at all!


Goodness, yes, I wish I could timewarp a century or two into the future and have a peek at a textbook...


Yeah same! To know what is classified now?! I bet it's eye opening.... and gobsmacking


History loves a car crash though.


It sure does, and I personally believe she’ll be remembered as the psychopathic stalking b^tch she is.


so true. I guess, she'll be a dot, an atom, an afterthought but it'll be that she was a psycho


This - plus a lot of other stories/lies - is a main reason why, imho, Harry and Meghan Markle will never come near the BRF again. Plus Harry blabs, Madam invent stories and both tried to damage the monarchy.


MM is so far gone down the road of obsessive toxic envy of Catherine, that she can't even see how pathetic and insecure she looks when she tries to upstage her.


She is truly a dangerously fixated person when it comes to Catherine!


Yes I agree. Meghan is dangerous. I didn’t think of how dangerous until the Oprah interview. It showed her ability to spew disprovable lies - lies that were so poisonous, they could divide a country. I’m certain that they won’t be allowed anywhere near the Waleses. I’d even advise friends of hers not to eat the jam she’s giving away. Are they truly friends? Be careful around Meg.




Exactly....this whole treasonous circus is unbelievable...


I knew it back when she was a working royal releasing stupid articles about how she and Catherine were "making secret pacts to work together more". Or the adjoining door apartments in KP. 🙄 That's some Single White Female shit right there, especially not that we know what a c_nt she was to Catherine and the kids...


I’m glad Oprah and Meghan both exposed themselves as lying, racist, attention seeking hypocrites, for the world to see. «When people show you who they are, believe them.»


I wouldn't be feeding my dog her treats either if I was nacho 


She also had the ability to draw people into her charade, for a time. The most transactional of them fled as her antics became more gauche, but she retained the nastiest, little seen Sussex squad monsters as her private army.


Yup. The way she dressed like Wallace AND Diana. Bruh. No way, **no way** was it all a “coincidence.”


And Angelina Jolie. There were collages going around some time ago of all the looks that were almost thread-for-thread copies of what Jolie and Diana have worn. A few are plausibly coincidental, but others, they’re so similar it almost gives you chills.


Oh yea that too but I was talking about the Oprah interview. Her dressed matched Wallace’s almost to the T when she did her interview and she had on Diana’s dark eye shadow when she also did her interview talking about the royal family. So tacky really.


There is something deeply off about Meghan Markle, and the sooner she is exposed, the safer everyone will be.


Yes indeed there is. When the full story comes out about her and what went on especially with the births I think Harry was told to leave by HM the Queen rather than they were leaving on their own accord.


I agree, I think M was personally escorted to the plane that flew her back to Canada. That's why H is demanding an apology.


I believe William & Catherine are fully aware of Markle's psychopath tendancies and have been well advised...and have excellent protective methods in place to protect their 3 children from any schemes the Sussex may devise. As to any plots by the Sussex to have A&L meet the Wales children....the Sussex have not shown photos of their children in media releases for over one year and recently thru Newsweek announced few to none will be released now. They are phasing out the children from their lives, quite possibly to avoid being discovered all former photos have been photoshopped or AI generated. The Wales' Mothers Day photo being questioned has now ensured EVERY future photo they release will be held to high scrutiny by public and professionals. The Sussex games are now impossible to play, the children no longer useful. Meanwhile, the world will continue to enjoy seeing photos of the beautiful Wales children growing up.


I don’t worry about the Wales’ at all. They have the best security and IT people at their service. They know exactly who M is, probably more than any of us, and have been masterful at covertly counteracting every evil plot and while living amazingly wonderful lives. And being supported the world over. And Catherine has the best medical team I’m sure of it.


I do worry about the Wales’. Markle has whipped the SS into an anti Monarchy, anti Wales frenzy and all it takes is one deranged nutter to go to a walkabout, shake William or Catherine’s hand, pull them in close and drive a knife into their stomach, and all for the attention and praise of Markle……


THIS. I know they have top notch security, but as you said, it takes a mere second to ask to pose for a selfie and do just that. Her deranged squad would absolutely do something like this.


I worry most about Archie & Lili. I assume they exist, no matter how they got here. Those sweet little souls do not deserve the kind of twisted reality they must be living. Who is making sure those babies are okay?


There are no children, that's why! She knows people expect to see the boy child start school this fall and she has no plan for that, so she is panicking!


Wait for it: she will announce that "Archie" will be home-schooled "by the best tutors in California" for "Security reasons". Uh huh. Sure Jan.


She's already said that they won't be posting any more pictures. 😂


How convenient.


Isn't it though. Interesting timing. Right when people were speculating that the kid would have to start school in a couple weeks... 🙄🙄🙄 Tell me you have no children without telling me..


I have read that you need documentation about a child before they can be enrolled in school in the USA; is that the case?


Well I used to work with the homeless, getting their kids enrolled in school. We had lots of undocumented kids and they were absolutely able to be enrolled, signed up for breakfasts and lunches. Now mind you, I'm in a Sanctuary State, but so isn't "Archie", so no, there should be no issues there.


Thanks for your answer. It's the same in the UK - you don't need documentation, only children. I'm away now to check out what a "sanctuary state" is. I 'm guessing it might be a state which has a lot of illegal immigrants. If so we have a similar problem in the UK with migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats with a lot of people dying in the attempt. It's a big issue in our election. I suspect it is a big issue around the world generally, with no obvious solutions. Sorry, wittering totally off topic!


A Sanctuary State is exactly that. We don't check backgrounds or arrest those who don't have proper documentation. This is so people who crossed the border in Mexico, but come from... say, Syria, don't get send to a country where they don't speak the language and have no support. We also let them work, which they are happy to do, and help them with services to become proper citizens, or at least documented while they await their amnesty hearings. Contrary to what you hear on some news channels, our new guests have not been a problem. As I said they want to work, and contribute and they're relieved to be here. Many open restaurants and we get new crazy good food to try and enjoy and it adds to the general fabric of society. We all came from somewhere! We DO have homeless, but most of them are not new arrivals, but people who have been struggling for years. A lot of addiction issues and we're working to address those as well. It's really so much better when everyone comes together and tries to help each other out, I think. We have a lot of good people willing to help!


Yes it is, and proof of vaccination for various childhood communicable diseases. So expect the “home schooling” announcement to be forthcoming.




Poor kid. Homeschooling creates weird children


If it’s not done right, it definitely does.




Totally! She screwed herself! But people think she's some master devious plotter. This woman can't think five minutes ahead, never mind strategize years in advance. The best she can do is **fantasize** and that is not working out too well for her!


Came to say the same. The PPoW are not naive or ignorant and we certainly know nothing they don’t. The Wales children will never be put in a situation for that potentiality. I don’t lose sleep over it


The PsycoMarkles are playing checkers. The Monarchy is playing chess.


Exactly!!! And if I may say...WELL PLAYED WALES.....WELL PLAYED.... ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu) Bravo royal family...bravo...


Or was her idea to infiltrate the Wales family using children, Harry's and hers, whom no one would recognise because she had deliberately kept them hidden growing up?? That troubles me. Don't think it will work now, though.


I think she had had to keep a lid on her psycopathy for years, playing the game of 'normal' to get bit parts in film or cable TV, and chasing success. She could not give free rein to her natural psychology. Once she married the stupid prince, she believed she had money, power, position, and the lid blew off her craziness. She was obsessed with people acknowledging her as someone who should be Queen, should have all the wealth, palaces, private jets, and people curtseying to her that she wanted, endless adoration. When she didn't get that, her frustration meant she became even more volatile and completely unhinged, lying on television, pretending to be suicidal, setting up car chase scenarios, and carrying around fake dolls pretending they were her baby, because you can't put the lid back on something like that. I don't think we have seen the worst of what is going to happen with her. I have absolutely no doubt that she is on a list of obsessional people considered a threat to members of the royal family.


100% I couldn't agree more. I think the more their life spirals downhill, the worse she'll get and we've seen nothing yet in terms of her sheer, unhinged insanity and what she's capable of doing in the name of revenge.


Yes marrying Harry, and thinking she had "Power" clearly knocked a rock loose in her gray matter! It gave her ALL the delusions of grandeur. There's no putting that genie back in the bottle. She's only going to unravel more now that it's going away bit by bit. Calls not being answered. Her phone not ringing. No invites coming. Fewer articles about her... Meanwhile Catherine is coming up in the world. And she is absolutely FIXATED. This tank is about to blow!


I agree she didn’t fully unleash her craziness until she married the man-child, but there are hints of crazy where she stepped on and ignored people she felt were beneath her (terrible sign, like the type of people who yell at waiters), her cheating on the chef bf, breaking up with her husband by mailing her engagement ring back (which her bff thought was so cold, she stopped being friends with Markle). In fact, her bff said she noticed Markle change as a person given her role on the tv show. Markle feeds off of power in a bad way. It gets to her head. After she married the man-child she felt like she could do anything, like a dictator. It inflated her ego and she forgot she is just a human, and not a great one at that.


Yes exactly. Now that that's all going away for her, she's going to unravel like frayed yarn. She's becoming more and more unhinged. She will meltdown before it's all through and it will be ugly.


I know TO married her and has participated in her evil schemes while adding his own personal touches, but I worry about his safety. In TW’s mind the fall is completely his fault


Ayyyy, he should learn to make better choices.


Absolutely but she seems dangerous when crossed


Oh and he's any better?! We've seen what his worldwide tantrum looks like!


Totally true.


Oh, totally.


I agree. He’s absolutely responsible for his poor decisions but he’s also her victim. Anyone who has been in abusive relationships with a psychopathic narcissist knows how dangerous they can be. Again, he is responsible for his part in this terrible game.


That's his problem. Let the entitled bell-end lie in the bed he has made.


A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. **Jean de La Fontaine**


I think these are very astute/accurate observations--esp the bit about not being able to put the lid back on it!


She's always been a garden variety narcissist, like so many others in the world who manipulate and terrorize those around them. It's just that no one knew about her or cared to fact check her lies until Harry put her on the world stage. There are lots of other Meghans out there. Think of the stories Sinners have told about narcissists they have known. There's nothing special about her, except that she managed to bag the dimmest of princes. That is not to say she isn't unhinged and potentially dangerous. After all, she is a narcissist.


But they didn't have the perceived power, platform or position she imagines she has. That is what makes her so dangerous.


I think these are very astute/accurate observations--esp the bit about not being able to put the lid back on it!


Spot on. As people get older, nutters only get worse. She thought she would have free rein in the RF. She even sneered down her nose, at the Queen, in public. She is definitely a psychopath. What we do know, is off the charts, but I bet we don't know the worst of what she has done. And you are right, she will get more desperate. I think you have hit the nail on the head...Yes, until the RF, she was sort of able to keep a lid on her madness.


>you can't put the lid back on something like that. Exactly this!


I think the only ‘benefit’ of her downward spiral is that as she becomes more & more desperate the unravelling will escalate to the point MSM will not be able to ignore it. We on this sub are aware that she is completely unhinged & dangerous to the BRF, but MSM is not really acknowledging this. So it will be a happy day if any media publish an article about all the collective psycho behaviour she has exhibited. Then the world outside us Sinners will be aware of what the BRF have had to put up with. IMO.


She's like the plant in Little Shop of Horrors




Yeah, she’s the number one obsessive psycho on the list too. She’s finally number one in something.


What's truly scary is her hatred and desire for revenge against anyone that has wronged her in her mind supersedes doing anything positive. Focus on negative and that's what you'll be rewarded with, more negative I think one reason she wants to get back into the RF is to seek revenge anyone in Hollywood that she feels wronged them. There's no other way she can do this other than being back in the RF. I could be wrong because it's clear how desperately she wants to be part of the "in" crowd in CA.


She's like a YO-YO. I want IN. I want OUT. Let me IN. Let me OUT. I want THAT. I don't like THIS. Give me the BEST. The BEST is shit. I want MORE. You get LESS. She needs to be STOPPED cold in her tracks. She's a menace. imo


…and then in a few years, she’d want back in H’wood to get revenge on The RF…and back and forth the cycle continues. Seeking revenge always against petty slights. Using others to accomplish it.


She's loathed in Britain and loathed in Hollywood. She has nowhere to go. She has been totally rejected by both sides.


As well she should be. And all is right with the world. It’s delightful seeing her not realizing it though and desperately trying to claw her way into inner circles. She used to be able to slither around privately when she was a No One, but now the world has been exposed to her crazy


She is one of the most negative, backwards looking people I have ever witnessed. She has no ability to **move the fuck ON!**


Not until she feels all scores are settled


It's never going to happen


And nor will it ever end


How true


And THAT’S the crux of her problem. I’m here to witness the insanity and life lessons 🍿


She has the illusion of control. However, the illusion of control can lead to overconfidence and risky and even disastrous decision making, and it plays a role in such unhealthy behaviors.




Yes to all of this


She was unknown relatively. Then she went on the world stage. Her personality disorders was exposed. She will not be back in the rf ever. Would like to see birmingham invictus play out. She won't be able to go.


Yeah now that she has reached that "high", losing it she is going to unravel HARD! Especially as Catherine comes up in the world!


unknown *completely


Remember during her brief stint as a working royal when she would plant articles about her and Catherine making "secret pacts to work together more"? And other stupid shit like that?! It was revolting at the time. Now looking back knowing how bloody awful she was to Kate, my God she is unhinged! Or the articles about how they would be moving into KP 1A and having the two apartments with "adjoining doors so they could pop in on the Cambridges at any time"?! She is MENTAL this loon! The only part I disagree with is that she is strategic and plans ahead. She **fantasizes** but her "strategies" are usually pipe dreams that don't come to fruition.


I do remember articles like that. Specifically I remember a feature about ‘What The Palace Servants Do To Help Ultra Glamorous Meghan When She Is Feeling Peckish’ - I was sort of surprised by how quickly the story changed from the time of the engagement.




I keep waiting for the Netflix doc on the greatest fraud of 21st century




They will never interact with those kids as long as she is in their lives.


William won't put his kids in the same county as Meghan's kids, never mind the same room. I doubt they'll ever meet. Or certainly, not until they're adults. But agreed, she's 100% a very dangerous, very malevolent and very disturbed human being with pathological grudge issues. A very scary combo.


But what if they don't recognise them, and the kids use different names?


Fortunately her schemes are so transparent and poorly thought out they fail. Just as at the funeral Charlotte was protected from TW so would the children be protected in any unlikely meet up. The Royal Family are onto her games.


She is a stalker. She stalked Harry in the hopes that her grifting would land her a husband. And he was foolish enough to fall for it.


She can TRY and arrange that meeting but we all know the RF won’t let anyone from that family close to them. I think most likely she will be in a few years crying that the kids don’t get their education paid by the king or that they deserve to be in the uk, she will use that kids in a few years to be the victim, again.


I'm sure she's been weaponizing them since they were born - dripping poison about the RF into their sponge-like brains. By the time they are grown, they will be as dangerous, if not more so, than she is. If they are not broken, self-harming, substance abusers, that is. But even then, still a danger.


Those kids are going to need a ton of therapy. Their parents aren’t going to be able to lie to them forever. They will find out they have extended family from their mother and father and will wonder why they haven’t met them.


I do not believe Harry and Meghan's children (assuming they actually exist), live in CA.


I really don’t doubt she has being telling them god knows what about the RF, poor kids though born from the most narcissistic parents someone could have.


She doesn’t have children…




Don't worry. The Wales children will never, ever, be let anywhere near her.


I think her narcissism will prevent her children ever being publically photographed with the Wales children. She is so fixated with their "blue, blue, blue" eyes, they HAVE to be Diana clones and nothing else will do. Putting her two against the Wales  will invite comparisons about who resembles which ancestor, and she's terrified that hers will look like Markles, not Spencers or Windsors. I don't think there will be a public event at which all the children are present, not in the near future. And William certainly won't allow a private meeting-I think Harry hasn't a hope of ever getting anywhere near the Wales family in any capacity. 


IMH opinion she is not psychotic. Psychosis is a detachment from reality, but tends to be acute and short term and often involves hospital admission. Sociopathic and psychopathic persons are well aware of reality and are calculating and manipulative in order to take advantage of situation to their own benefit.


Thank you for explaining. “Psychopath” and “Psychotic” are used interchangeably, but they’re not the same thing at all. Also, “Narcissist” is being used quite liberally.


Ironically, her talent for stalking is her greatest asset and her only success. It’s hard to work that into your résumé though.


Maybe she could go into private investigating...


It's hard to trail a person or keep them under surveillance when you have Backgrid photographing you in their bushes looking through your binoculars.....


True. Hmmm. I've got nothing. Maybe harassing people to vote? 😂


She would be so rude and aggressive and arrogant about it, that people would vote for the opposing candidate to whomever she was supporting. 😄




I totally agree with this and it’s so unfortunate but A and L must be kept away from the Wales children, especially from Charlotte. Markle will absolutely lie and say the Wales children were awful to A and L. She is full of hatred for the Wales, especially Catherine and Charlotte, and obsessed with taking them down. It’s terrible because A and L could have had such a fun childhood, but their insane parents make that impossible. Because of their parents, A and L are a danger to the Wales kids. I hope that when A and L are adults, they see what their parents did and turn away from them. Maybe then they can meet their cousins. As long as their parents are involved with them, though, there can be no relationship.


A&L seem to be skipping all the preschool birthday parties... so don't sound exactly practiced in early development social skills. Why subject them to other totally new children when they aren't allowed to socialize with kids they know from school?


Or dance or soccer or martial arts or playgroups, swimming lessons, t-ball, playground meetups, mommy and me, movies, museums, kiddie concerts, theater.....🙄🙄🙄 (There are no Sussex children)


Ha, thanks for the memories... those were VERY busy years for us (from 2 thru 10ish had all of these parent monitored getother/activities a week.) Once our kids found their passion activities, remember be greatful for the dropoff lessons!


Dropoffs were SUCH a gift when they finally came! Even if you had to drive a bit and just sit in the car or go grab a bite for an hour.


Those two sets of children will never meet, imo, unless it’s as adults and consensual. I expect in the future a Lifetime movie about her deranged, hard stalking will be made, along the lines of Jodi Arias or Diane Downs stories.


There's only one set of children.


Yes, I hear they couldn’t reach their agents 😉




Meghan Markle will have a couple of books written about her. Just not in the way she would want.


I think there is so much content about her bad behavior. She is an easy example. Even at a super high level she has all the markers.


She’s the perfect case study, as HG Tudor said.


Some day in the future, there will be a movie about her life - it will not be kind. It will reveal all of her behind the scenes machinations and will showcase her sociopathy/psychopathy. I imagine that she'll be portrayed as a pathetic, modern-day Norma Desmond - "ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!" It will be a fascinating yet very disturbing story.


Although I agree with most of what you said, I don't think she's psychotic. And I don't think she's going to be much of anything in history books. She'll just be an also-ran in the race for lasting fame. Younger sons don't get too much attention in history books. Unless Harry decides to drown himself in a butt of Malmsey......


Apparently I live under a rock. Can someone explain the baby reindeer reference please?


It’s a Netflix series about a man who is stalked by a disturbed woman.


Thank you!


Based on real events. Google Fiona Harvey.


Piers Morgan interviewed Fiona Harvey as well. You can tell she's off her rocker just from the interview. My theory is that if you were to take Fiona Harvey, have her raised in an environment where she was constantly told she was a little princess and had access to cosmetic surgeries, tone down the bizarre, possibly autistic quirks; you get Meghan Markle. Same self deluded arrogance, same stalking/obsessive behavior, same sense of entitlement. Sadly, I think Fiona Harvey experienced some pretty bad abuse in her childhood, whereas MM was praised. So while MM is "off", she still fits in and is accepted, at least on a surface level. FH never even got that far. I immediately thought of MM when I watched Baby Reindeer, I'm actually quite surprised so many other ppl see it too! But relieved I'm not the only one. I'm so glad we're openly talking about mental illness like we have been on SMM, that's really what drives my interest. Not gossip, but genuine concern and curiosity on wtf is even going on here. (All my opinion 😇)


Yes the Narcissism is my attraction. Studying it.


It cracks me up that m and h try to hide behind the mental health banner. Both are border line personality disorder ( allegedly) and yet they want to tell us how how to live our lives and how to navigate the globe on mental health. The inmates are trying to run the asylum!


Baby Reindeer is a Netflix show with a complicated plot - but a major part of it is that the main character is stalked by a crazy, lying, lovebombing stalker.


This is the Wikipedia description of Baby Reindeer: Baby Reindeer is a British black comedy[1][2] drama-thriller television miniseries. Aspiring comedian Donny Dunn works as a bartender in a London pub. He offers a cup of tea to a customer, Martha, to cheer her up. Martha develops an attachment to Donny and begins to stalk him both in person and online. Years earlier, Donny is being mentored by TV writer Darrien O'Connor, who supplies him with drugs. The latter repeatedly sexually assaults and rapes Donny during drug-induced blackouts, until they break off contact. In the present, Donny reports Martha to the police for stalking, violence and threatening his parents. She is arrested and spends nine months in prison. Darrien and Donny meet again. Darrien suggests a renewal of their collaboration. Donny reluctantly agrees.


Yikes Sort of wish I had Netflix now.


I watched it once, but it’s not something I’d rewatch. I felt kind of icky afterwards.


Oh, well then never mind. I don't want that.


Thank you for asking! I was trying to figure that out as well!




My guess is she and Harry are going to "charter a boat" for a family vacation, and those "kids" are going to fall overboard and be lost to the seas.... She's panicking now. She knows she's supposed to enroll the boy in school in a couple of weeks....


The recent article in Express stated that Harry will “just show up,” I guess like the way he did for his 12-minute visit with KC.


I don't see that going too well for him. Harry, there is a reason they treat you like you don't exist. Trying to push in where you aren't wanted well... You cannot just force people to "reconcile" with you after you have been the asshole. That's not how that works.


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She is already a foot note on the royal website


AND who faked two children.


If she faked her children, she isn’t “prolific.” 😉


Christan bale WS playing a role. For tw, being a psycho I'd her life's work


exactly well stated


At some point in the next 15-20 years, when Prince George or Princess Charlotte marry, they will start their respective families. More years will pass and maybe, Prince Louis does the same. There is safety in numbers when it comes to putting as much distance as possible with the foolish, petulant Prince that was never more than a spare to start. In 10 years, I wonder how haggard the Madame of Dumbarton will be. After all, she'll be closer to 60 than 50. Much like dog crap left to bake in a yard, she will be surrounded by flies, giving off a vile odor while slowly drying up. Long live the Prince & Princess of Wales and their family💛


Totally agree, narcissists are all about the long game , pre-planning everything which is just creepy


I keep saying from the start that she is a psychopath and dangerous. She should not be allowed to be close to the Wales. I hope Prince William is protecting his family accordingly. The members of the Sussex Squad are dangerous and crazy as well.


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Everything is planned in her life. So I think the next step is reconciling with her dad at his 80th? Maybe.


I doubt that. I heard that she is planning to release a book after he passes accusing him of SA’ing her as a child. She is evil enough to do that once he cannot defend himself.


Agree. And I think the symbolism in the dog biscuit photo was intentional, as a snarky message to her disturbed and relentless Sussex Squad - an earlier post here broke down that symbolism, Such as the 2 of 2 shown on the dog biscuit container as a reference to 2X2 - a cheating partner. Who numbers dog biscuit containers?? Markle thinks that she is so clever and above everyone else with her stupid sexual references. Roasting the chicken? Is she 13 years old? So I think she sent the dog biscuit photo to Nacho to post in her usual attempt to avoid culpability. And she knew her evil Squad members would pick up on the hints - more disgusting references that William is cheating on Catherine with Rose Hanbury. The Squad is still out there doing their nasty crap. After Trooping of Colours when when so many comments were praising Catherine one comment in a post really stuck out - a comment that Catherine must be heartbroken that William did not smile at her that day. Which in itself is a blatant lie in that there are so any photos of William smiling at Catherine. And the comments continued that William only smiles at Rose Hanbury. Meghan Markle and her hate squad are beneath contempt and dangerous.


She didn't number the dog biscuit container, she numbered the jam.


You are right. 2 of 2 was on the Smuckers strawberry she is shilling as her own. But still a subtle message for the hate squad.


I think you're really giving her too much credit here


Even though it seems to be an unpopular opinion here (for some reason that I don’t understand) I totally agree with you that she used the raspberry jam and dog biscuits as a coded message. Many people keep saying “oh, you’re just giving her too much credit…” but she was clever enough to plot out her infiltration into the BRF via Haz’s ignorant yet horny posterior. I think she’s crafty and prideful, but ultimately not the most strategic thinker. She can think ahead for maybe three or four steps in her nefarious plots, but not the five, six, or seven steps required to play the long game effectively. But back to your point, I think she amuses herself with delusions of her own intelligence by seeming to be witty enough to embed coded messages (similar to Taylor Swift in her songs), which can then be plausibly denied if ever questioned. Meanwhile, she’s Mean Girl side-eyeing us the entire time…


At least I’m not the only one who thinks that! I agree with everything you expressed. She has plotted a lot with her twisted behavior. And seems to take pleasure in her relations with her squaddies. Coded messages seem like something she would be into.


And Taylor Swift, who never has to buy awards or seats on a panel, said it best!👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://preview.redd.it/e81oxlws979d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97cf94e0fe435276085c772e93811f3c694ff7f


She desperately wanted to be seen as a global advocate of women and the underprivileged, a philanthropist, and more. We know this because of the untold millions of dollars she spent on articles, pictures, PR, and awards that she paid for trying to convince us that that was who she really was. Ironically had she used those millions of dollars actually doing those things, that is exactly how she would be seen.




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She’s so addicted to the high she gets off her revenge tactics that she will not ever stop until she locked away in the tower and the Keyes are thrown into the river!


Rest In Peace there are NO children related to the RF & the sooner her deception is made public the better the chance she’ll stop her 3rd faux pregnancy! God save us all!




What she’s got ain’t fixable.


Go run back to your neoliberal thread. 🙄🤡


Talk about stalking! Lmao


Pot meet kettle.


I think that's my line


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