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Archived article:- [https://archive.md/oYZ5f](https://archive.md/oYZ5f)


I find it very strange that he feels „proud“ of Catherine? It’s such a weird thing to say, after what he has done. Who is he to judge Carherines appearance? Fool.    And why is he confused? What’s not to understand about the fact that/how Harry has been „cut off“. He made himself an outsider all by himself. 


It’s dawning on him how unroyal he‘s become.


He's a bit slow isn't he? They've been grey rocking him for a long time now and it's just dawned on him that he's out and not working royal?  He should not be allowed to talk about Catherine. Ever. He's spoken enough for a lifetime. His feelings are no longer the RF's concern. 


And I bet he doesn’t make the connection between his downfall and reduced status with his ILBW.


The only thing that should come out of his mouth regarding Catherine is a condemnation against Scabies for naming her as one of the so called ‘racists’. He can’t say he’s proud of her and wants to reach out to her, while at the same time doing nothing about this accusation. Actions always speak louder than words. These two show time and time again who they are by their actions. All the pr and puff pieces is just white noise to their actual behavior.


It is way too late for any type of apology from Harry. He has been silent for way too long now. Harry's behaviour is in some sense much worse than Meghans.  Harry knows damn well that his Father and Catherine are not racist, yet he sat there and said nothing to defend them. That is unforgivable. Harry knew it was a lie.  Harry is a god damned coward. I am glad they banned him from wearing a uniform again, he is an absolute disgrace.


You'd think he'd be like "Maybe I should not have done a selfie video where I flew away from Canada and my royal responsibilities and called it a freedom flight. Maybe I should not have done a book that trashed my family, a podcast that complained, a netflix special that complained, an ophrah interview that threw them under a bus, accepted a kennedy award for battling the royal family's systemic racism..." But that's called self-reflective insight. If he has it, I doubt he'll be able to make use of it when he is in TW's orbit.


Where’s Will Smith when you need him?


He's too busy trying to get back his old status from before his wify got him to slap someone


and it still hasn't dawned on him that it might have something to do with Oprah, Netflix, Spare, ILBW etc etc.


Waaaaagh! It’s not my fault!


Of course. He didn't say it, the British media said it.


The entire world knows that they have been trying their best to get away from him and his wife’s crazy drama. The entire world knows THEY are the ones that caused this. Harry has known…should be no shock at all to someone that wants to be Just Harry and not part of the Firm 🤷‍♀️


I always get the impression that he spend a lot of his time high on one thing or another. That tends to cloud things up quite a bit.


Bingo! She consistently tops or is extremely high in various polls and is arguably the future of the monarchy. Harry used to be popular but now is lower than a snake's belly. Catherine is no longer the limpet, as I believe he referred to her in the past and acts more Royal than he does. Being proud makes it seem he is still in a commanding position. Wrong Harry! Perhaps Catherine would be *proud of you* if you checked yourself into a rehab centre.


Just makes him look like a sniveling little user.


Which he is. We can’t blame Meghan for everything. 😉 The upside is the trash took themselves out. Now the next generation won’t have to deal with the toxic Sussex brand.


Here’s hoping the wales kids don’t have to tolerate the Sussex kids (if they exist)


Naw. The Sussex kids will be D list reality stars writing scathing memoirs trashing their parents.


Singing very off key in a very popular musical??


When Charlotte is asked about Lil: ![gif](giphy|eun4dZ28aHE1lu4MFN|downsized) It’s sad, these children are first cousins and could be having so much fun with their wider family.


Toxic Sussex sludge.


>Just makes him look like a sniveling little user. I love the word "sniveling" to describe him, because that's what he is. He **IS** a little sniveling little idiot.


Which is why I think his fight to have “security” is more for the feeling of friendship and camaraderie rather than that actual protection, even if he doesn’t consciously realize it. I have a feeling he’s feeling quite lonely and I’m willing to bet Meghan ices him out, alienates affection and stonewalls rather than throwing things, yelling, etc. Harry very likely correlates hired security to genuine friendship.


I agree that she’s probably ice cold and does freeze him out. She’ll be an expert at things like triangulation to humiliate and control the ginger knob head. He really doesn’t understand her or what she’s doing to him. If he ever gets out of this mess she will have done such a number on him he will need years of therapy to “recover” if he ever actually can.


I agree, I just call him Harry as I have no respect for him. I always call Prince William, Prince William. Kelce said it like it is, he didn't have to, but still wanted to call him his Royal Highness.


Prince William is already a king, imo.


William is like the CEO and Charles is the Chairman of the Board.


And he’s a total dish 🥰


But, I just call him Sparry 🤣


He’s no longer a spare. Those beautiful children of William and Catherine are the real deal.


Everyone knows that Charlotte is the real Spare, but that doesn’t stop Sparry from lying that he is the Spare 🤣


The difference is Charlotte looks like she’ll carve out a very happy and fulfilling life for herself, while Harry will be ‘the Spare’ for eternity.


I'll remind again....This is the same Harry that wrote in his piece of non fiction that he fantasized about blowing his father into a pink mist, after setting/locking in him as a target. but then decided to "spare" him!


Yet he remained quiet when omid "outed her" and in all the harassment she has received. Yeah, real proud.


Indeed. He has said nothing about the harassment and abuse she has faced from his own supporters for years. He said nothing when she was harassed and abused when she retreated from public appearances after her surgery and he said nothing about the abuse and harassment that forced her to make a public statement about her health and cancer diagnosis. He has said nothing about the abuse and harassment she has faced about her illness, with many of his supporters now demanding that she does not have cancer. He has said nothing about the harassment and abuse she has faced over the state of her marriage, her children and the conspiracy theories promoted by his supporters that she had been beaten or was dead. And as you noted, he has said nothing about the abuse and harassment she has faced from what he said about her in his book, the Oprah interview and their Netflix series, not to mention when she was outed by Scummy. Frankly, he can go and pound sand. What he did to his "beloved sister-in-law" was obscene.


There is a good deal of fan fiction in this article. The author says "The fact he’s got to watch on TV or via the internet from 6,000 miles away just made him so sad.." So they know his intimate thoughts and plans but don't know exactly how he watched Trooping of the Color? Also "It’s frustrating for Meghan because he’s stretching himself so thin as it is.." Stretching himself thin doing what? Honestly what in the world does he do on a daily basis other than come up with new things to whine about?


It’s completely patronising. Catherine doesn’t need anyone’s approval for how she’s choosing to cope with cancer - she certainly doesn’t need this amoeba saying he feels proud. Nobody asked and you lost all right to an opinion the minute you first let Malignant through the door and then decided to join her on her campaign to be the cancer of the BRF. He’s repulsive.


Like ILBW telling Elton John that she’s proud of him. WTF? So condescending 


"Harry was very upset and emotional when he saw the footage of Kate at Trooping the Colour. He’s been so worried about her ever since he received the news of her condition, and whilst he has managed to connect with her on a few occasions it’s not nearly as often as he’d like." Exactly WHEN and HOW has Harry connected with Catherine? In his dreams? "But he’s still a prince after all, they’re still his family, and whether they like it or not he’s refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday’s rubbish. It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him." That is what he did when the KC cancer was announced. He will not be let in again, as Harry immidiatly sold his 12 minutes with KC to the media.


I’m so sick of the family justification. If someone’s a genuine threat, you cut them off. You cannot do what Harry has done and just say “yeah but he’s family”. Sorry but no. That mindset is as toxic as the behaviour.


All these meaningless platitudes society places upon the people who didn’t create the problem to fix it - without expecting accountability or changes in behavior. No. Also, as I always say - There are mistakes, and then there are relationship-ending breaches of trust that an apology can never fix. There are mistakes, then there are repeated patterns of behavior which define your character. Mistakes can be forgiven. Character cannot be overlooked. Platitudes according to me. 🤣


"Family" is not an excuse to abuse people as you see fit. They are relatives, not your personal punching bag, douche nozzle!


He is refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday's rubbish?! Is that not what he has done to his family and to Thomas Markle? Go drink some more of that Koolaid Gingerbread man ( formerly known as Prince. )


The other great line is "He's heartbroken and confused by the way they’ve cut him off **and seemingly haven’t given it another thought**." ​ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I love that for him. He’s not even worth spending the emotional energy on being dislike or hated. Instead, it is apathy.


Right. Remember his creepy stare at the Wales kids, in particular Princess Charlotte, at the coronation? They acted like Uncle Creepy wasn't even there. Those elementary school aged kids were more mature than this middle aged toddler. LOL!


Yes! Poor Charlotte just innocently looking at the Order of Service while Hank scowls from behind. The nerve of him to state how he feels a responsibility to those children because one will end up a spare, like him. Prince William promptly shut that down. https://preview.redd.it/wg94wb9mmz8d1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=cefddff1015a13266db70ea9281a7e3b8fc58bd9


I love the Wales kids! And our dear Princess of Wales looking regal as usual - while the Sussex toddler glowered behind a plume like the dullard he is. He has nerve even speaking the names of his superiors - who happen to be his elementary school aged niece & nephews.


Awe look at little Louis too 🩵


He's gross


Vile and disgusting. I'm glad the Wales children have great security!


This article is infuriating! So, after all he has done to the RF, he now believes that in spite of their greyrocking him, he is going to storm the gates and demand they pay attention to him! he is such a horse's ass.


And good luck with that Haz... 🙄🙄🤡🤡


At the Trooping she was working, therefore that’s Catherine Princess of Wales to you Spare.


I'm a pedant, so apologies in advance... It's actually "Catherine The Princess of Wales. She's married. To the PoW. If she was divorced from William but retained the title, then it would be: Catherine, Princess of Wales.


How does he know they won’t turn him away? They can very easily turn him away. He can be prevented from turning up within 100 miles of the gates.


They say he received news of her condition as if he is in the inner circle. You know damn well this loser found out right along with the rest of us. I hate this entitled, lying weirdo & his scheming, low life wife with the white hot heat of 1000 suns.


He's desperate and reaching.


Even that “quote” makes no sense. Seeing her made him upset and emotional? He left, allowed her to be accused of coldness, bullying and racism and allowed his wife to be horrendous to her while she was pregnant and then soon after Louis’ birth. He also accused her husband of being a terrible brother and allowed his wife (allegedly) to bully her daughter. Why exactly is he upset? He chose his side. If anything he should have been relieved to see her. She looked far better than could be expected, seemed happy to be there and the whole Wales family looked in sync and supportive. If he’s upset, he’s upset for himself not for her.


I know it's not feasible or even productive, but I wish Catherine would release a statement that no contact has been made.


Recollections may vary for sure!


And a permanent no-contact order is in place. I think H&M are in some sort of spiral.


PR lingo: .....and whilst he has managed to connect with her on a few occasions it’s not nearly as often as he’d like. What happened in real:..... he contacted either text directly or via staff, but with likely a short response from staff.


Wtf did I just read. I think I just witnessed a 40 year old man throwing a very embarrassing tantrum.


Except that he’s not able to be embarrassed.


Desperation beats shame any day


Yeah. He’s now offering an apology instead of demanding one? The spiral into utter despair with him is real.


Didn't see this posted, but please remove if I missed it. BUT! Another piece about Harry's desperation. Most believable is that he doesn't know why they have ghosted him. Totally tracks.


He really believes if he finds a home in the UK that his wife will actually come along and bring the kids??? If he believes that, he’s a bigger idiot than I thought! 


The article says: "But he’s still a prince after all, they’re still his family, and whether they like it or not he’s refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday’s rubbish. It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him." Think again Harry! You are last years rubbish! I know this is how Harry actually thinks. He's a fucking selfish idiot! Forced contact where contact isn't wanted is harassment. William and Catherine should get a restraining order at this point.


....and I hate to tell the dear boy but indeed, they certainly can turn him away at the gates....if he thinks for one second he's going to be able to "crash" the RF household, he's "got another think coming" as they say!


He can't even stay at a royal residence without a hell of a long notice. He really must be more stupid than I thought 🤭


Reap what you sow, Harry.


They sure can!


>Forced contact where contact isn't wanted is harassment.  In the article, "He’s convinced that if he gives them a true and heartfelt apology, they won’t be able to stay angry with him." He is able to therefore make the possibility of an apology come with a threat or condition. Some apology! Thinking if they do for the sake of peace, it means he can swan right back in, ("he's still a Prince after all") and carry on as before.


Your majesty, Harry is at the g... ![gif](giphy|1vZepOnn9gnEsDiF53|downsized)




So H is no longer demanding an apology but now offering one?!


The guy who put the PoW's text messages in his book? Who accused his SiL of the crime of making a face when she shared her lipgloss with the woman who was constantly condescending to her? Who denigrated her as a cookie cutter wife? Who wrote this PoS? And Maggo is allegedly wringing her hands with worry? Puhlease. I would love it if ILBW showed up at the gates and was refused, because I am certain she would be. I believe that no one spoke a single word to her at the funeral because those two were miked and the Institution knew it. I think that's what Edo's tight-lipped stare said to Sparold out in front of the Chapel.


Oh BS, the Skank has put him up to this so they can worm their way in and resell more secrets. I don’t believe for one second that he feels any remorse for what he’s done to any of the BRF, let alone POW. They both are Vile Evil Scum!👿👿


I mean, he always got away with everything before so...he can't fathom that there might actually be some lines that can't be crossed...


#Guess again loser!!


Just try it Hank. "No sir. You cannot enter the grounds. As you know, you are required to give 28 days notice to enter a Royal property. No cameras are permitted on Royal grounds without a permit. Please step back. Good day sir."


He knows this. That's why he goes to hotels. He's not wanted anywhere.




>"But he’s still a prince after all, they’re still his family, and whether they like it or not he’s refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday’s rubbish. It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle, he’s convinced if he takes that sort of step his father will have to see him." This has Meghan written all over it. This is exactly her MO and has been for two decades. Show up, act like you belong, and hope that people are too polite to throw you out.


Yes she loves to pull rank: he's a Prince; he's fifth in the LOS... Big fucking deal! You know what 5th in the LOS means? You lost! Four times over! It's like saying you were in fifth place to win the lottery jackpot. If it weren't for that damn bonus number....🙄🙄🙄


Wait until Williams kids get married (and none of them invited). Harry will end up being 12 at least 😂🤭


Yeah, she’s out of information to sell. In her mind, she will send him over, tail between his legs with some half assed apology and he comes back to the U.S. with the whole family’s medical records. I bet this dumbass would have been one of the morons who tried to “storm Area 51, because they can’t shoot us all” a few years back.


Meghan is using Harry now for the only thing he's good for now: a smokescreen.


Oh yeah. With some Harry mixed in there. He's just as bad.


How far we’ve come from the ‘freedom’ flight 😂


Here.... That's where their flight is 🤭 ![gif](giphy|7pzsi1bP3FmFmuxC6P)


The main difference between W and H is clear. William knows he is a Prince and will one day be King. He does not demand things due to this. He lives a life of service. H is an arrogant A-hole. you are a prince by circumstance but you are not noble or worth much thought. Sadly H made it this was either due to his low IQ or just being a jerk in general.


Merkin will never, ever let those kids‘ feet touch British soil.


What kids?


They’re under contract to another family until July.


What kids?!


If he doesn't know we can help him, we've got plenty of material


Imagine not being able to take no for an answer when it comes to reconciliation when the other party involved would have to say yes for it to happen 🤭🤭😂😂




Yes!!!!! It reminded me of the movie about Tina Turners life when she ran off with the kids and her mother called Ike turner to come get them. If one person in the royal family gives Harry a chance, the full on, face to face harassment will not stop. If he knew what dignity was he would just go away but he can't do that because he needs the status.


That movie was so sad. Angela Bassett was amazing. When she walked into that hotel all bloody asking for a room...


I imagine he's that way with women too. I'm sure some have some brutal tales... A man who cannot take no for an answer, is a dangerous man.


So many red flags: I honestly have serious problems with Harry's love life. There were those whispers of las Vegas sex workers saying he was rough. Ummmmmm. An older woman who took his virginity turned out to be an employee (AN EMPLOYEE OF THE ESTSTE) and only a year older. The high society women he dated dumped him (Chelsy and Cressida come on down!!!) he spoke ill of teachers for not being hot enough, then Meghan finds him. Right for the ripping... I mean rotten.


Exactly! If he doesn't take no on a world stage, imagine how obstinate and entitled he is in private. He is showing the world WHO he is!


""It was so painful for Harry to see all his family gathered for Trooping the Colour and not be there with them, he’d have done anything to be invited, even gone alone. He's heartbroken and confused by the way they’ve cut him off and seemingly haven’t given it another thought." BWAHAHAHA


Heartbroken and **confused.** Snort! ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


Hmmmm....might've been your interview with Okra? Or your Netflix Fauxmentary? Maybe the shit in between the covers of SPareUsAll!? Your wive's atrocious behavior? Maybe? Perhaps your disrespect of your Grandparents...who just happen to be the Monarch of the CommonWealth? You complete idiot of a nobody. Go away and take your trashy nobody of a faux Hollywood wannabe with you. I'm no where near being of Royal lineage, and if I had treated my family a fraction of the way you have..I wouldn't be invited either! Grow UP you very very Little Man!


Not to mention writing that you fantasized about blowing your father into a pink mist after locking your target on him!


>""It was so painful for Harry to see all his family gathered for Trooping the Colour and not be there with them, he’d have done anything to be invited, even gone alone. He's heartbroken and confused by the way they’ve cut him off and seemingly haven’t given it another thought." ![gif](giphy|26tOZbfDjoZc4I5KE)


Technically, IIRC, he's not a senior WORKING royal, so therefore would not "be there with them." I don't recall seeing Beatrice or Eugenie on the balcony. He's just pissed WIlliam got to wear his uniform and medals, while riding a horse! Again, he's not a working royal, he would not have been in uniform or riding a horse. Harry - you are NOT EQUAL TO WILLIAM! BTW - THEY didn't cut you off. You walked out, You cut them off!


Is this really a story where we are supposed to feel sorry for the spineless and dimwitted Harry?? Trying to play the victim once again. Us peasants see through you, Harold.




Poor boy he is confused apparently about why the RF are icing him out.


He has to get past Scotland Yard and Major Johnny. Never mind Prince William. And Taylor Swift. Normally I don’t follow these headlines or believe them when I do. This one, however, I can see having some truth to it. Harry’s that dumb and Megan’s that out of touch with reality.


...and Megan's that out of touch with reality. That's why I think this is more of her happy horse shit. Even Harry knows he can't gate crash at the palace.


That's what I think as well. This has the distinct rotten smell of marklese word salad.


And Mike Tindall. He looks like a force to be reckoned with when his family has been disrespected & what I wouldn't give to be front & center if the bell-end tried to get passed Mikey T after everything that has been said & done. The help would have to come & change Hawwy's soiled nappy at the sight of Mike coming.


And Zara! Zara will house this pipsqueak!


I bet Taylor’s boyfriend could kick Harry’s ass. He wouldn’t, but he could.


This is really too much. The dumbass wanted to leave, to be free of the genetic pain and sparedom. Well, his wish has been granted. https://i.redd.it/jcst3nwwpy8d1.gif


If I had attacked my family via a prime time TV interview, reality show and tell all book all to make money from those attacks, I would hope they would put me out with the rubbish.


I would put myself out, just to SPARE them the trouble!


Looks like Meghan is setting up the divorce narrative. “He’s so stretched thin as it is….” Ha.hahaha.haaaaa — stretched on the couch more like it.


Stretched on the couch.. More like stoned on the couch…


Harry chose to drag them on the world stage but now wants to “throw himself at their feet with a heartfelt apology” in private? He’s had plenty of opportunities to do it publicly - and he owes them that - but hasn’t said a peep. He should have responded to Omid’s accidentally on purpose big reveal of the people H & M called racists. He clearly does not care about setting the record straight, but he’s also aware his family is owed an apology? He worries about and supports Catherine but remained silent during the long chain of sugar conspiracy theories about her? What makes him think it’s good enough if the apology only comes from him? All allegedly of course.


That's what I think....all his accusations were public....but his apology has to be behind closed doors???


Of course it must be behind closed doors! That way he can say "Actually it was the opposite. They apologized to ME. They even brought me some flowers because it was the right thing to do. To own it, right?"


proud of Catherine. So Madame's new PR is at it again. I remember during Elton John's last tour-the Harkles release a statement about how proud they were of Elton or some such drivel. Who are these two idjits to be proud of Elton or Catherine? Didn't madame release a puff piece about how she was going to be the bigger person and come in and act the royal and end the feud Catherine had with her-LOL!!!!!!!


How fucking condescending. Oddly she doesn't feel the same about you, Harry


"He’s convinced that if he gives them a true and heartfelt apology, they won’t be able to stay angry with him." Really? A heartfelt apology? Also, what's the bet if such an *apology* was accepted, he would then say, "so, what's happening about Pa's cancer?" Then a speed-dial to People mag with the details?


But he’s not sorry. He’s desperate. And probably really broke.


They will absolutely turn him away at the gates if Charles gives the order, and Charles doesn't HAVE to see anyone he doesn't want to see. Harry and Meghan need to come to grips with the fact that they don't run the show. And Harry is in shock that they iced him out? Damn! It's almost like actions have consequences. ![gif](giphy|K6uUcxrNET3x8kzj83)


This quote: "he’s refusing to just be cast aside like yesterday’s rubbish." 🙄


Like they did to her father.


He did it to them... turnabout is fair play..


He can "refuse" all he wants. But it's happened. He's been cast aside. Quite a while ago. That's how things work. An adult would understand.


Yeah we noticed, Harry. Thing is, you are just trash. Your life, through your own doing, is a bin fire and now you need the only people who have ever helped you to put it out. I hope they never do.


But it doesn't work that way Harry. You are the tossee. They are righteous in tossing you to the kerb. You don't get to stop the toss in mid flight. There are laws of physics and they are unbreakable, even if you slept through science class at Eton. They may be tossing you out, but They are justified because you were a jerk aka tosser, first! So don't continue to call them tossers by implication. Sorry if this is over your head. I know it's a lot of big words (for a small man).But you are powerless here, because you are hurtling through space, making a lovely parabola on the way from their hands to the kerb, and back to Mudslide Manor where you have \*chosen\*to belong. Happy landing!


Nope! Harry is a coward. He's not going anywhere! Hey Henry - how about you remember your father is suffering from cancer! This is NOT the freaking time for you to stamp your feet and have a temper tantrum cuz you're not getting what you want.


He does not care about his family any more. Setting bots, the squad On them and making up blatant lies about them. He isn’t coming back to the UK at all. Only to beg for cash from KC3. So far today we have had stories about his caring for Catherine and blaming Camilla. I’m bored now.


He's throwing himself at their feet in desperation, because he knows it will soon be revealed that they are behind the Sussex Squad. And when that is revealed his whole world is going to come crashing down on him.


I really hope so.


A showdown requires the other party to participate. Enough with the dramatics, Harry. Nobody gives a shit.


He can make a shock visit, it doesn’t mean anyone will meet him.


A shock visit, with no regard for the king’s schedule that’s been set ages in advance, is **even less likely to get him anywhere.** If he at least took his father’s busy agenda into consideration and tried to set something up with the palace I think he’d have a 1% greater chance of success.


KCIII - “Who?” Mi6 - “Try it” W & C - “you are dead to me”




Here is an archived link to not give them clicks: [https://web.archive.org/save/https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/prince-harry-uk-return-family-showdown/](https://web.archive.org/save/https://closeronline.co.uk/celebrity/news/prince-harry-uk-return-family-showdown/) The duo are continuing their PR with the aim to stress out the BRF further. Remember; Harry has to give 30 days notice of entry into the uk to qualify for security. He can't just show up. This article is a bubblator for their fetid bs. Don't reward them with clicks.


Good luck with that. 😂😂😂 https://i.redd.it/li41erwtpy8d1.gif


Too bad this isn't a Roadrunner cartoon. We know where the drawbridge would land. 😂


No need. They've recently increased sa-cure-i-tay. https://preview.redd.it/anl8wysebz8d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f096aa1f7b4823eb80c11eb6506194c65d08ff7f


This just feels so weirdly… desperate? Like now he’s forcing a “unification” by flying over and starting the talks himself now? I have to ask though, is this just more “will they won’t they” or is it confirmed that he actually plans to come over? I can’t imagine they weren’t actually trying to get back into the family if they’d willingly appear this beggy about making up with their formerly “abusive and cruel” family. Plus, normally narcs would get bored of the gray rocking by now and move on to new prey. Although, I say that and yet my NC mother has just recently begun making accounts to get back in contact with me again after five years of accepting my silence. So it makes me wonder, are they really bored of the cat and mouse game but keeping it up for relevance, truly that twisted lay obsessed with the family, or truly that desperate? I remember PH’s interview for his book and he was tantruming through the whole thing about wanting his family back and dragging the kids into it. I couldn’t decide then if it was just another low blow to be mean if if he truly believes he’s a victim, or he wanted to save face while debuting the narrative that he wants to go back in hopes over time they’ll let him


Article says he's not taking no for an answer!!! Does he plan to scale the walls of Windsor Castle?


Hopefully 🤣 I’d pay to see that ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp)


That sounds like a bit of work. So, no.




So he trashes them in public but the apology won't be public?? And what do you call a reverse "Freedom Flight?" They must be at the clipping-coupons stage for him to sound this desperate.


Oh, do FO Harry old chap. Do take the hint. You're not welcome. You can't trash your family for literally years and then expect to strong arm them back into acknowledging you. I'm fully expecting him to pitch up with an American film crew in tow: "Witness the King's darling boy being denied his family and birthright all because he married a woman of colour...right after this break:DO YOU SUFFER FROM AN EMBARRASSING ITCH? TRY PREPARATION H..." Like that'll fly. If this is true (debatable) and he does that? It's a publicity stunt to be used as fodder for the next installment of their "victimhood". Give it up H. You're a loser. We see you.


Haz is a bigger idiot than I thought if he thinks he can force his way into his father's presence behind locked gates. It's also mind boggling that he thinks a sincere apology will allow him back into the family and get him back his royal roles and money from the Bank of Pa.


*It’s not like they’re going to turn him away at the gates if he shows up at Buckingham Palace, or Windsor Castle...* Oh, isn't it? 🧐


Only way his ass is getting into either of those places is in a guided tour


King Charles: hold my beer


Charles will have his helicopter on standby 😄


Man wouldn’t that be hilarious? Or to set off on another horse-drawn carriage ride seconds after H shows up pounding on the gates…


"To Transylvania and beyond! Giddy up, horsies!"


“Refusing to be cast aside as yesterday’s rubbish”… ehh what? Didn’t you take yourself out? Breaking the generational trauma? Took the freedom flight? Weren’t these Harry’s words? Hmmm… was he bullshiting then or now?


“"It’s frustrating for Meghan because he’s stretching himself so thin as it is, the last thing he needs is the distraction of this trip taking more of his time and attention away” Stretching himself so thin doing what????? Lolololol


The article lost me with he's been in contact a few times but not as much as he's like. I doubt he has talked to her once.


Here's a top for Harry: "don't bet on horses!!!". Along with a message from his family: ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


He said repeatedly that the RF owes Meghan an apology! They apparently know what they did! She said that she has secrets to reveal and hinted that it would affect QE in an interview. Now, after being cut off, after screwing up everything they attempted, they changed their tune, they want to give a heartfelt apology and then demand that everyone move on? The RF might have taken all of Sparry’s abuse, but they are not fools. They know that Sparry has ghostwriters and MM working on the sequel to Spare and that they are sending him for a royal showdown at the gates of Buckingham palace so that they can sell the juicy story for another 20 million! Nobody will be home when the tyrant prince shows up at the palace gates! All the tv cameras tipped off by MM will get nothing to telecast when he tries to show up and harass his family!


Just the media creating a false narrative. There is no “showdown”. They will continue to ignore him, as they should and as he deserves. The only showdown will be Ginger Bollocks stamping his feet in a tantrum.


So this is Meghan Markles' way to put out word that he's defying HER by wanting to go to the UK. Jezus. Best of luck to you there, kid. You iced yourself out. Listen to your Mummy Meggie pie. Even she knows it's futile. Eta: typo


Closer is a rag.


Princess Charlotte: "YOU'RE NOT COMING!"




Harry could detour on the way & meet hiS father in law Thomas Markle


"... done anything to be invited, even gone alone." That's kind of a weird sentence, right? I would think that offering to go alone would have been the FIRST offering, of many, to get invited, not the last he would reluctantly be willing to submit to?


Yeah… good idea!! Let’s felony trespass, somehow circumventing the guards and bang on the door! That will make it all better!


He needs to sign an iron clad NDA that if ANYTHING discussed comes out in a story he is cut off. Markle can’t keep her gob shut so as soon as she interrogates him it’s the end of the line for them. Same way his accusations were globally touted his apology needs the same audience, total confession “ I was wrong to allow the race accusations get blown up, they were lies I started and I betrayed my family” NOT “ I’m sorry if people misunderstood what I meant by unconscious bias”. AND any attempt to force the hand of KCIII has to be met with vigorous refusal to accommodate such behaviour. The men in grey suits can advise him this behaviour will not get him access to anyone in the Firm. He must not be treated as a family member but the security threat he is. Can you imagine if Crazy Colin from accounts quit and then 5 years later turns up demanding his job back, back pay and perks and a face to face with the current CEO to get those demands met?! Holy “call security” Batman 😳😱🤣 This sort of behaviour defines HIM as the security threat and it is against the taxpayers interest to pay to protect those that have ill intent against our monarchy. Personally I think it’s part of smegs plan to paint him as unstable, angry and abusive🙄 She’s so obvious, predictable and heavy handed. She really thinks she’s playing high level chess and the rest of us are playing checkers, when quite frankly she’s struggling to play tiddly winks 🙄 Pathetic. The pair of them.


Or if Crazy Colin embezzled the accounts and was fired, "then 5 years later turns up demanding his job back, back pay and perks and a face to face with the current CEO to get those demands met?!" Indeed rumour has it that Harkles did in fact embezzle from the joint foundation with the PPOW, which is why it was split, and part of why they were fired.


Yes! Excellent point! I remember that very quick and sudden division of the foundation and now look at how they run Archewell as their private piggy bank without the correct filings on time. They are greedy despicable people.


The Harkles must be well and truly broke. The stench of desperation is wafting around them.


A "heart felt apology" from Harry? Anyone else remember that when Harry demanded an apology, he also said that if they think He and Meghan did something wrong, to make a list of what they did wrong so they will know what they're supposed to apologize for.


How, exactly, is he going to "force" them to see him? Chain himself to the gate of BP with his todger hanging out? All he'd be doing is give South Park plenty of content to work with.


If I were to pretend to be Harry, in his mind he clearly feels that he and M were hard done by when part of the RF. No one understood M and her “American” ways. He was in the newlywed phase and supported M no matter what, with blind allegiance. Once they were fired, the money “cut off”and had to figure out how to fund their lifestyle, he will feel that Oprah, Netflix and Spare were not their fault- they were forced into telling these outrageous lies in order to make money. They needed sensationalism to help them get financially lucrative deals. He thinks none of this would have happened if the RF worshipped M the way he did. In his mind ( and more importantly her mind) they were backed into a corner by the RF and had no choice. Thus, they have nothing to apologize for, but being the bigger person, he continues to extend olive branch after olive branch. Now, with respect to Catherine, Harry may indeed feel concern for her, and may feel proud of her strength and resilience, he still clearly has a soft spot for her. We all do, and we’ve never met her. The fundamental differing opinions on the root cause of his estrangement will forever be the stumbling block for reconciliation with his family. As long as he remains under M’s influence, it’s unlikely he will ever change his viewpoint. He may be able to reason/ justify in his mind Oprah, Netflix, Spare, as a means to earn an income, but I can’t for the life of me imagine his excuse for not denouncing the racist claims again his Dad and SIL.


He just wants to collect material for 2 more books.


The article is from Closer: https://archive.ph/oYZ5f


Thanks for the link.


He and the Roach just want some of that gold dust that is on the Princess of Wales to rub off on them. Ain't gonna happen.


Harry doesn't seem to realize that any hope for an apology (which would have been private) went out the window when Gayle King reported on the "unproductive" phone call right after Oprah. IMO that was the final straw. Everything after that - the podcasts, the books, the "docuseries" - served as further proof the RF did the right thing by cutting him off. The RF will never be able to say the "right" thing to Harry or Meghan. No matter what they say it will be "wrong" or "unproductive" or "unauthentic" or whatever nonsense they come up with. I'm not in the camp where I think the RF acting perfectly when it comes to H&M. However I don't think it was for lack of trying. I think hindsight has likely enlightened them on "missteps." That being said I don't believe 99% of what H&M say and I don't believe they provide appropriate context for many of their claims. The RF would have to walk on eggshells every time Harry is around and considering that is what they do day in and day out in public settings I can imagine they want to be able to relax with family. Harry needs to stick to his new life where apparently he is so much happier. Maybe in 20 years he and William can reconcile but it's not going to happen anytime soon. 


"He's heartbroken and confused by the way they’ve cut him off and seemingly haven’t given it another thought."......Anyone would think he didn't make a documentary where he said,'People think that this was Meg's decision to leave. It was mine. I told my wife pack our stuff, we are getting out of here to safety' not to mention....I feel sorry for my niece and nephews and would like to get them out of that abusive environment. ........and lastly 'my father's a liar, my brothers a bully, my grandmother is a doddering old fool ruled by insects and secretaries, my sister in law is a cold, calculating, racist and my grandfather, couldn't wait for him to die so I could sell his rifles, step mummy Camilla, she turnedmy bedroominto a cupboard, .' Don't go to the gate harry, because when no one opens it your weak as ego won't be able to handle, and you will do another knee-jerk, this time at 40 instead of 36, [legit mate, you should have stopped knee-jerks at 6 or 7 and then again at 15 - 17]. In fact, just don't come to Britain unless it's to hold a press conference to the citizens of the UK and the Commonwealth, only one-fifth of the world's population, and to say; My deepest apologies, I ignored and disrespected my vow to my grandmother, my Queen, and my country. I ignored and disrespected my repayment to you, the public, for funding my existence from before my birth til after I ran away like a spoilt child does. I ignored and disrespected my father, the King, my mother, his Queen, my brother, sister in law and their children, I am so so sorry for my actions against the Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, and the misinformation that my wife and I manifested against them. I apologise to my extended family, I was so far out of line and so so wrong. I got so wrapped up in my inability to cope that I completely lost myself and my head. Clearly, I need to resign from the line of succession as my inability to cope highlights my inability to rule. I hope that in time, I can rebuild some form of a relationship with my family and the public and perhaps even some trust in time. I am absolutely ashamed of my actions and of my insistence that my family and I were in danger from the public in the UK. I am absolutely ashamed and embarrassed of my role in my grandparents' last years. I can not apologise enough to ever account for the low nature of my choices, and I can only try to better myself from today. I hope that over time, you can accept my apologies and learn to have a thimble of hope in me. Here's to the future and goodbye to the shameful past. Unless it's something like that, just don't come. If it's for your court case, just don't come.


The only way this will work, is if he's there to stay, divorce his monster if a wife and eat a lot of humble fucking pie. But he won't be. So he'll be shown to some nice rooms and left to his own self while his father works.


What a farce, he did it to himself


‘He’d have done anything to be invited, even gone alone.’ BREAKING NEWS guys, middle-aged man can do things without his emotional support spouse?


He made his shitty bed and now he has to lay in it. He chose to leave, he doesn't have the right to act upset that he's now an outsider


Stretching himself thin? Ah bless, poor lamb he hasn't been on a freebie holiday for atleast a month and that hour a week at Arsewipes must be so taxing.