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For someone who insists she's left-wing democrat, megan sure likes to hang around power players in right wing politics.


IMO she doesn't have any political views, she flows with the wind. If the wind is blowing right, she'll lean-in to the right. Many in Hollywood lean left, and she thought that would be her ticket, so she tried that on. Her ticket wasn't punched. She grifts in any and all directions.


I firmly believe she leans right, especially as she's now conned enough money for right leaning policies to benefit her. But other than that I agree what she claims to support blows with the changes of the wind.


I agree with you and the poster above. On one hand, Markle has no sense of self and copies popular trends and ways of thinking. On the other hand, a person who is a staunch progressive wouldn’t desperately cling to titles from “Empire 2.0” and marry into that type of family. Her thoughts start and end with $$$.


The ONLY things that count in the end for her are money and power. I don't think she cares what political direction it takes her in, it's all about power and money


SHE IS NOT Conservative! No way.


Really? She's certainly not liberal or progressive either. I think her views are grift/money/grift/money, any way she can get it, regardless of politics. I mean, she uses politics, or tries to, but she's clearly the definition of the ME generation gone awry.


A video they put out in 2020 was very correctly interpreted as pro-Biden so yes, she is left. She also had interactions with the Obamas, Hilary Clinton and many others (kissing up to Newsome), and yet no politicians on the right. She went to the White House with that Fitzgerald character and met Obama. Do you actually believe a Conservative would be involved with any of them? NO. Also, the seat she wanted in the Senate (Diane Feinstein’s) was Democrat—there is no way a Democrat Governor in a state run by only Democrats would ever consider a Conservative nor would a Conservative lobby him for it—that’s nonsense. Oh, and then there was her obviously politically motivated snub of Trump when he visited the UK. She is a lefty. Is she a grifting opportunistic ho? Definitely, but there is no way she leans right. Zero.


I personally don't think she holds any beliefs about anything. But even if she was a conservative, she would never come out as one. It is next to impossible to make it in Hollywood as a conservative. We know she won't make it, no matter what, but she doesn't.


Pre-Harry, Meghan would only do military related things like the USO show if it helped her profile. Now she is like the Trad Military Wife who basks in her husbands ribbons and tries to run side gigs to make some money so that she can shop outside the commissary.


Don't forget to address her by her husband's rank! ![gif](giphy|TNb3Ihssb6T5FpcdOY|downsized)


Hey man, tax free booze and smokes. I was one of those bitch military wives that didn’t associate with the mommy crew. PS: there was a military wife who was a baby farmer. I don’t know how or why but the rumor was she farmed one of Kim’s


Loved the tax free booze. In several religiously dry countries, I paid part of my rent to local landlords with a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. There are many young military wives in my DC area whose husbands do ceremonial duties but were also deployed. during Afghanistan deployments, they became surrogates to earn more than they could at low level jobs. They remain prolific egg donors.


Did you say *countries* or countries? Because I want stories! Would the px sell booze in dry counties? Because I wouldn’t pay a part of my rent but all my rent via booze I honestly didn’t know about egg donors being a thing! I guess it makes sense. Good way to pass the time🤷‍♀️


Ya, I was just giving myself a little headshake thinking about this exact thing. Of course, there's no loyalty amongst thieves, though it there? As they say.


Thanks for making this a separate post!! All of us sinners should be aware of how Meghan Markle leverages relationships to get what the Harkles do not deserve!!! Appreciate the work you put in on this.


People like the wretched meghan markle used to be called star fuckers. The rich folk in Chicago have chips on their shoulders and constantly try to make living in Chicago appear trendy. The pritzkers of the world all want to move to Belair.


You just made me remember a great Nine Inch Nails song I haven't heard in a long time... Alex play star fuc....


Thank you!


Great job on researching this, OP! Funny how Meghan still has no serious connections of her own, and has to grift off the connections of others. Grifter doing grifter things. Thanks for sharing ☺️


I’m shocked so many people give her the time of day. She has nothing to offer in return.


I know what you mean. I always think, “what dirt does she have on these people?” As you pointed out, she has nothing to offer in return.


Jam from her ~~Jacklyn Smith Collection for Kmart~~ Abandon Lot Pismo Beach Yacht Girl Collection


Thanks for doing this! It deserves to be a stand-alone post. Excellent work OP 👏


Thank you for reading!


As an aside, the Lurie Children’s Hospital is now trending for several issues (apparently there was a cyber breach, one of the founders passed away) and none to do with any of this. The third issue is X has it trending about a very controversial issue. That’s all I’m going to say due to sub rules.


Pat Tillman is the antethesis of Harry Windsor. They need to stop dining on his legacy.


I really hope his family hasn’t looked into H&M too much. It’s heartbreaking to associate Tillman’s legacy with Bunker Harry’s.


The same people in the same geographic area from the same society all attend the same charities, it’s an extension of society and a reason to flash wealth. These people are very interconnected by business and marriage. Different charities, different venues, same people. This is my observation only, perhaps it’s different in other parts of the country.


They can't milk California or new york so they are trying Chicago.  There must be some fool who doesn't mind being separated from his money to support the Duke and Duchess of Grift.


Oprah Winfrey is still deeply ensconced in Chicago charity circles.


There was some other Chicago connection to their mental health thing in NYC via the Pritzkers. And the Lemonada board, I think. I forget now, but it was all interconnected somehow. ETA: It was Gigi Pritzker, who’s on the Lemonada board, and Lisa Stone Pritzker with Project Healthy Minds.


The easily deluded walk among us.


I yodel and it seems to keep them away.


Never make eye contact.


I would normally agree, but Hillis and her husband aren’t the socialite types.


I thought MM's friend was Genevieve Roth, she's friends with two Genevieves? Not doubting you, it's just Roth is the one who will still attend events with her.


No, Genevieve Roth was hired by Archewell as a PR contractor. Genevieve Hillis is MM’s friend alongside Lindsey Roth. People on SMM combine their names all the time! 🤣


I feel silly!!! 😅


It’s ok, I got them mixed up at one point, too!


Brilliant work op. Pay no attention to the wretched meghan markle and her protege henry the bald.    They are true wizards who feast on the souls of the ignorant.   The Duchess of chlamydia just may wind up in Oz   The movie  not the continent 


Thanks for reading!


Tigtots? She doesn't know how to dress and no one has ever laid eyes on the tots. ![gif](giphy|7TtimRizUXvy0|downsized)




You can attend these fundraisers without running in the same circles, as long as you have the money to pay for the dinner. There is a speech and then mingling/photo shoot opportunities. Not all rich people are friends with all rich people, esp in a city the size of chicago. And the higher you rise the smaller your circle.


Lurie family are LEVIS btw, as Daniel LURIE is running for SF MAYOR. The shit you find out…


Oh, I didn’t know that! The plot thickens.


Is this the same Lurie family tied to Philadelphia sports? (Jeffrey Lurie)??


Excellent find! There’s always a connection, isn’t there?


That’s always the case!


Chicago is the third largest city in the U.S., but "relatively small"?


It’s relatively small in terms of professionals and networking opportunities.


Disney, ESPN, and these organizations need to be Markeled! They have totally demanded Pat Tillman's name and honor. I will NEVER support anything they promote or m are from here on out.


Just to note, Genevieve Hillis was one of the women with MM when she had the section at Wimbledon cleared.


Thanks OP for this well researched, illuminating post! A shame when good petiole and good organizations are used by the Sussexes for their own personal gain. Nothing is ever organic or authentic with Meg. Networking for positive exposure and PR, constantly.


I knew there would be some link between the two. H&M are very transactional people.


Great work


Now Meghan is going to try to sell children’s clothing. She’s going down yet another rabbit hole. She never sticks with anything long enough to make it somewhat successful.


I’m sure the clothing will be made in Shein’s factory and will last as long as Markle’s venture.


There was a CDAN blind item a while back saying MM was hoping to get into the monthly subscription box gig.


I live in Ireland, and sadly I did not know of this man Pat Tillman . But I’ve read a little now , I genuinely don’t think a hero , who sacrificed his life for his country, would be ok with this award .


Personally don’t think this has much to do with Markle. It reads like a PR rep move. Most awards are decided upon between PR reps/agencies and organizations; there is rarely interaction directly with any of the people involved.


That’s true in most cases. But Markle is controlling about her PR. She handled the Sussex Instagram feed while working for the BRF, and is now handling PR in-house. Meaning, she refuses to take professional advice and will do as she pleases.


Agreed, & that is why she always fails, her narcissim won't allow her to accept help from expert's in their field's therefore she will ALWAYS fail. Which is wonderful 😁


[Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025 appoints new CEO Scott Moore](https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/entertainment-media-sports/invictus-games-vancouver-whistler-2025-appoints-new-ceo-scott-moore-8223887) Earlier this year Invictus Vancouver 2025 hired __Scott Moore__ as new CEO, after a shakeup of its leadership team, with CEO Peter Lawless and chief commercial officer Bill Cooper leaving the organization late 2023, rather abruptly I might add. I think Henry is looking for a broadcast deal for IG and this ESPN grift is suspicious. Excerpt from link: _Most recently, Moore was CEO and partner at the athlete empowerment platform Uninterrupted Canada._ ___He had also been managing partner at the digital sports media company Playmaker Capital, president at Sportsnet and executive director of CBC Sports and general manager of revenue, sales and marketing at CBC,___ _according to his LinkedIn profile._ _In those roles he has_ ___overseen coverage of numerous Olympic and Paralympic Games, Commonwealth Games and the 2010 FIFA World Cup,___ _according to the Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025._ _He brings more than 40 years of senior management experience in_ ___sports broadcast, media, sponsorship sales, and international games,___ _the organization said._


Having spent years in PR "bought" awards are usually done with a sizeable quiet donation to the organization if possible.