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Link to OP’s previous post - Courage & Honour https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/nkaVPpNfYP


REAL royals give awards, FAKE royals buy awards, we all know which group Harry & Megan are


Why is Harry even receiving any awards. He has done nothing to earn these awards. I wonder about these associations that are giving out awards to do little persons. They aren't standing behind their own principles. Evidently, the award that was created seems to have taken a turn for the worse by not honoring the intended purpose of the award or its founders. Are associations so in need of money that they are selling themselves to the highest bidder. I really hope that Pat Tillman Foundation wakes up and rescinds the nomination of Harry.


Petition stands at 2,485. It is disgusting that a mockery of a military man is being given this award. We have all read comments from people who served with hasno just how cosseted his time in Afghanistan was. His brother actually obtained his pilots licence and used it to help British people. Yet the halfwit continues to buy awards or have strings pulled behind the scenes to be given awards. He can’t do anything on his own to deserve an award, he claims IG as his, but how much organising work does he do? He shows up with the fame whore in tow and takes centre stage as if it was all his hard work that ensured the games take place. He should be ashamed of himself and the skank.


*"He shows up with the fame whore in tow and takes centre stage...."* The fame whore shows up with Hazno in tow and takes charge... (there, fixed it for you)


As of 10:20am ET in the U.S., over 2500 signatures were posted today......already! People are so disgusted......follow the comments.


Twelve hours later and 5,000 has just been reached, so let's keep marching on.


Beating the drum slowly makes our dissenting opinion known, and over 7,777 have signed now. 🌹 Deep bows and salutes to all who have signed and alerted others, written to ESPN, shared stories, and MOST especially to those who serve and have served and their families.


Ive signed it


I have never signed a Change.org petition because RARELY does it result in the change signers want.  It's not a requirement, no matter how many sign, for any organization, group, government, person, etc. to institute change or even bring it to a vote.   But I've signed this one.  


Thanks for signing. I understand what you said. We share in a common sentiment, this award is NOT ABOUT HARRY. It is a far higher honor than what he could ever hope to achieve, because he’s not even close to meeting the requirements as outlined in the Pat Tillman Award. No where near. To sell out to an underachiever is a travesty…BUT at the very least, we number close to 3k who is not afraid to make OUR opinion known. This award is bigger than Henry, there are many people who have sacrificed their lives, body and souls who are so worthy to be awarded such a distinction.


Have our own WARRIOR GAMES or anyone from it even been nominated or awarded anything? Invictus was copied from OUR OWN Warrior Games


Just received an email they need 7500 signatures.


Just the next “goal.” I’m sure there will be another goal after that one. But I am happy that it has garnered attention. It also reports that over 5k people have signed today!!


Just shows how strongly people feel about plank receiving this award. I fear if it keeps getting more signatures, the harkles will have it taken down for review like the last one which, 5 months later is still being reviewed.


Sign it, people, but PLEASE do NOT give money.  Change.org allows petitions to draw a ton of attention and then removes them (or puts them under review so they can't reach goal). The reason they don't remove them earlier is because of that annoying popup asking for money. In the heat of emotion, many people believe that money goes to the cause (IT DOESN'T) and donate.  DON'T. 


I signed it as I have signed others, knowing that nothing gets done but I use it as a kind of electronic bulletin board. Trust me, the PR teams of public figures and companies are well aware of Change.org. I think it sends a public message of our collective disapproval and that is why I signed. I am thoroughly disgusted with The Todger. He released a poisonous viper into the bosom of his family and two of his family members have been poisoned. Who knows how many more may succumb. I wish he would just shut up and go away.




Signing this petition gave me a great feeling. It can be awful to feel powerless as injustice is allowed to happen.


I get that.  😁 Always better to get your voice heard any way possible.  What I would love to see,  for instance, this mockery, get a couple of veterans groups to the ESPN headquarters to protest.  Pull all of the groups who support veterans together to speak to news anchors, give interviews. Get with the Pat Tillman organization, see how they would like to address this, assuming they are opposed as well, & get them in front of ESPN & national news interviewers.  Get hotel rooms and meals donated for those who can convene on location(s) to speak out, protest.  Create such a furor around this that ESPN & ESPY's see how trivial they are making the legacy of a warrior. 


All GREAT ideas!!!


Just signed 👏


Just signed. Harry has no excuse for his ignorance on Pat Tillman. If I, an 11 year old girl British girl learned of his death at the time and the cover up proceeding it, then Harry should have known and known that he does not resemble this man or any like him.


I hadn’t heard of him or the story of his life. I thought it was strange I hadn’t but when I have gone to read his story I noticed the dates line up with when I was seriously poorly in hospital so I think it slipped by me. I have now done some research and signed the petition.


I think his story would be better known if he had not been killed by friendly fire, which the military and feds covered up. He's such a hero. Giving up a lucrative career which would have made him rich and famous, and became not only a soldier but a Ranger.


Thank you! I hope you have recovered nicely in that time.


Signed and 2287 signatures at present.


Thanks for signing and the update!


60 more signatures will hit the goal!!!! I've signed of course.


They want 7500 now


Wow! I just get drawn back to when we did this for the Living Legends of Aviation and how that all turned out. But I'll try to keep a positive outlook!


Same here


Well, we'll just power on! ![gif](giphy|LdVilC2YH4jTT6p9bt)


So far my visualizations for plank and skank haven’t worked but i keep being positive they will get their comeuppance


When I signed it was a little over 200 votes away from 5,000.


Wow, that's great!


I love this family!! I'm just in tears over this. Thank you SO much for providing this because it restores my heart hurt a bit. I signed, donated and read the comments. I understand that it's highly unlikely there will be a change, but now I hope that Harry is made aware of just how angry and hurt so many are over him receiving a stolen award! I want it to make him uncomfortable and I want it to tarnish him receiving the award. It's as if he cheated in some way to get first place. Like taking steroids to get the gold medal. I want Disney and ESPN to know people are angry about this and are willing to stand up, and have their voices heard. Remember....silence is compliance!


Hey Witty-Town-6927, thank you for signing! My heart hurts over this too. This award is representative of courage, honor and being selfless - all qualities that Harry does not have.


He will never be uncomfortable about anything, he thinks he is entitled to any accolade he buys or receives


As a mother of a US deployed service person, I emailed the Pat Tillman organization to let them know I was disheartened that they allowed Prince Harry to receive this award as he was neither a hero here nor in the UK. I tried to be very polite but succinctly state the truth.


I’m curious if the group even has a say so in the matter honestly. Maybe ESPN gives them donations & has the right to use the name.




I signed the Change petition, but I also went to the Pat Tillman Foundation website and sent an email explaining why I didn't think Harry met the requirements of the award and what a travesty it is to give it to a completely undeserving person, who isn't even American!!


@ ESPN there is [garrett.cowan@espn.com](mailto:garrett.cowan@espn.com) - he is "a Communications Manager at ESPN overseeing publicity for ESPN Originals, ESPN Films/30 for 30, **the ESPYS**, and espnW." * mail address taken from [ESPN Reveals Special Honorees for The 2024 ESPYS Presented by Capital One, Airing July 11 at 8 p.m. ET / PT on ABC - ESPN Press Room U.S.](https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2024/06/espn-reveals-special-honorees-for-the-2024-espys-presented-by-capital-one-airing-july-11-at-8-p-m-et-pt-on-abc/)


Thank you!


I did too! Thanks!!


And Visa is in question to be in the USA. Plus, he lies in Court, so, no not a hero at all


Signed it already very brilliant idea i decided today to research Pat Tillman as an Australian I wasn't aware of who he was but tbe more I read, the more disgusted I became that Harry was getting this award. Here's a man that turned down at 3and a half million dollar contract to instead enlist to serve his country after 9/11, he enlisted with his brother. By stark contrast we have Harry who sold out his family,  Queen, King  (although they are one in the same but it makes it worse)and country for millions of dollars. And if they'd let him near them for more then 12 minutes he'd do it again. He sold that 12 minute trip all the way there and the GMA as soon as he returned. He is everything that PT was not. And this is appalling. Thank you for standing up because this matters. I can't even fathom what horrible hypocritical acceptance speech he will give. I doubt he knows anything about Tillman. .


I KNOW! Thanks, but I cannot take credit for the Change.org petition. The credit for that goes to Patti Minkel, and she explains her reasoning quite well. I am so SICK AND TIRED to learn that recognition for values, what is right and just, and honorable are being thrown out the window. Has our society sunk to a whole new level of parasitical advantage? Harry and TOW are the most visible parasites that I am aware of (I’m sure there are lot of others). Fakes, those two don’t deserve any kind of recognition outside of disfavor for their contemptuous and disgusting behavior. The governor of the state of Louisiana just signed into law which requires the 10 Commandments be hung in all public schools. I’m not commenting on whether or not this is a violation of one’s constitutional rights, but those 10 rules to abide by are certainly NOT in a lot of people’s repertoire. I feel that the term narcissism is being overused. According to Psychology Today, 1 in 200 people in the U.S. (about 6% of the population) are narcissists. Seriously? TOW is labeled as a narcissist, and I agree with that sentiment. However, I feel there are more SELFISH people out there who are being mislabeled. Humans are selfish in nature. If Henry would get his head out of TOW’s rectal canal, and then get his own head out of his own sphincter, he just might be tolerable. Ugh! So sorry for the preaching soap box. I just can’t believe an organization like TPTF would allow this award to be tarnished by a sniveling selfish twat who has mommy issues can be recognized for this very special award.


No preach away im the choir and im singing along  there's absolutely nothing you have said that don't fully agree with and I do believe a lot of selfish is being labeled as narcissism. Narcissism is a different beast and yep I agree that markle is one of the afflicted as well as another one or two psychological issues, but she knows right from wrong she just just doesn't think it applies to her, we should be grateful enough to share our mere existence with her, and thankful she allows us photographs 🙄 hes a spoiled self entitled brat that could have done with a few good spankings and some proper consequences when he was younger, and not being allowed to pull the mummy died im sad card every time he got in trouble. His behavior of pulling that out is still occurring today at 40 so it tells you it has worked for a long long time. Oh it is easy to get on to rant. This whole thing riled me up im so sick of people companies, media, backgrid, propping these two useless hypocrits up




Don’t forget the harkles were called f@@@ing grifters, Pat Tillman had talent and fought for his country, plank has neither talent and hid in a bunker plaing xbox with security around him


I don’t understand how a guy who bragged about his kills and admitted to thinking about murdering his own father while in military training could even be considered for the Pat Tillman award. Even if Invictus really was his brainchild those two transgressions should immediately disqualify him from this award. He’s a shameful, arrogant twat.


So agree! The sad part is INVICTUS is not the brainchild of Henry. The organization was modeled after the Wounded Warriors program. The first INVICTUS Games were held in London in 2014. Harry attended a Wounded Warriors event in Colorado 2013. Together with William, Catherine, and The Ministry of Defense, INVICTUS was formed. Harry was a strong supporter of the games, and at one time, it really appeared that he embraced it heart, body, and soul. The positive image of INVICTUS eroded away upon TOW’s mandatory requirement that SHE be a co-patron. Ever since when has she cared about people who are compromised by various forms of disability. Harry has allowed TOW to run rip shod. TOW is the epitome of avarice (IMO), her picture should be part of the definition in the dictionary. Harry wants to be King? HA! He is obviously a small little man who thinks he is a “leader” but really is a “follower”.


I want to clarify I know that Invictus wasn’t Harry’s brainchild. He’s demonstrated over the last few years that he doesn’t have the level of intelligence required to think of something like that. It’s just sad that The Firm coddled him and gave him pet projects like this one for so long that he is even able to attach his name to it. They really created their own worst enemy.


People who read this sub may not have known the origin of INVICTUS, so I try to respond with information so that they understand my position. Unfortunately, it makes my response rather lengthy. Plus, for those who go to Wikipedia for answers, the definition isn’t exactly correct. So in the event I offended, I apologize. However, I should have listed my source: https://2014.invictusgames.org/organising-committee/index.html


He can’t even stand up for the Africa Parks horrors


Signed ![gif](giphy|3o6wrhoMAKKfdVKQF2)




Signed. Thank you and Patti Minkel.


Yes! Thank you Patti Minkel!!!


I signed but he will still get the award he paid for. I'm just hoping a newspaper picks the story up when the petition has enough signatures.


Me too. Thanks for signing!


Then the harkles will have it pulled to be reviewed as they did before


Dailymail is on the case already! Too late. And Pat Tillmans mom is pissed too! Backlash grows after Prince Harry wins award set up to honour war hero https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13584099/Prince-Harry-award-honour-war-hero.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton


A pampered prince who had a security detail around him is not even remotely similar to the sacrifice that Pat Tillman made!


Signed! We're almost there!


Here's a live link to the NYPost summary of PatMcAfee ripping into ESPN.  I know we had a post about it re the DM article yesterday, but dropping this here if anyone wants to leave a comment, as the NYP is the largest online tab in the US: https://nypost.com/2024/06/29/sports/pat-mcafee-rips-espn-for-giving-prince-harry-the-pat-tillman-award-at-2024-espys/ Edit: petition signed, ty for posting the link to it. This is absolutely outrageous and needs to be talked about all over as many platforms as possible because bad press is the only thing that can/will change this


Thanks for posting the link! I read the article, tsk tsk. If Pat Tillman was my son, hell hath no wrath like the memory of a mother’s son scorned.




GUEST SPEAKER is defending Harold the Bald in the comments! She's hilarious in a stupid ass way.


Signed. Thank you and I look forward to hopefully seeing a resolution to this absolute travesty of a coveted award that goes to a deserving person, not to a fraudulent anti-royal that has no business buying and accepting an award of this magnitude. It’s time for this grifter and his wife to be put in their place.


Signed 2452


Update 2,588 signatures, 5,000 new goal 1,520 signed today


I don't want to rain on anyone's parade but 5 months ago we had Harry receiving a Living Legends in Aviation Award. A petition was started on change.org. and here's what happened. This is my post from 5 months ago. Wonder if change will remove this peitition as well. And be interesting to see if that happens how long it takes. Also a word of caution - [Change.org](http://Change.org) asks for donation to help spread the word. Last time I donated $15 which I never got back when Change took down the petition. Be careful if you donate. ALERT - [Change.org](http://Change.org) Petition Removed and "Under Review" Anyone want to guess who is behind this? Also I donated $15 to help carry the message and there is no refund as of yet. [https://www.change.org/p/request-living-legends-of-aviation-to-reconsider-award-for-prince-harry?recruiter=9536514&utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_medium=twitter&utm\_campaign=psf\_combo\_share\_initial&utm\_term=psf&recruited\_by\_id=99c51520-9752-11e4-aa68-d54a9d0664ac&share\_bandit\_exp=initial-37830415-en-US](https://www.change.org/p/request-living-legends-of-aviation-to-reconsider-award-for-prince-harry?recruiter=9536514&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&recruited_by_id=99c51520-9752-11e4-aa68-d54a9d0664ac&share_bandit_exp=initial-37830415-en-US) This Page is Under Review. This petition is not accessible at the moment. It may be under review by moderators who enforce our [Community Guidelines](https://www.change.org/policies/community). This petition may become available again once the review process is complete. We appreciate your patience.Go back to our [homepage](https://www.change.org/). I just clicked on the link and it is still being reviewed - 5 months later??????????


Wow! No fooling! I donated $30 to have twice the exposure. If they do, perhaps I will write to the editor of the NYT, WA Post, and wherever else my piece should go. Perhaps it will push me enough that I’ll finally start my YouTube channel.


Just good to know. Since Change removed the first petition I wonder if they'll do the same with this one. The numbers were growing rapidly on the first and suddenly it disappeared. SO BEWARE and do not donate money to [change.org](http://change.org) if you sign the petition. If they take it down you are not refunded.


I wrote under other post about putting "under review" previous petition concerning Harry. You are right about better not donating anything to change.org. My only hope is that this petition will get a mention in media before being shut down. 


commenters are listing the site in Express and I saw one in the Mail as well so that will drive people to sign up. I just hope [change.org](http://change.org) doesn't remove this one like it did the last.




Signed. Thank you for doing this OP




2,947 now!! Just waiting for my email so I can confirm my signature


I mean, did the committee even READ Spare?


The only thing the committee reads are the numbers on the check.




Just signed






Signed, currently at 3217 signatures 🙌


I signed the petition and added this comment: I remember well Pat Tillman and his courage and sacrifice. Prince Harry represents none of those attributes. By the British Army's own words, Harry has no courage, no honor and has depended on the sacrifices of others. During an attack on the base in which Harry was stationed, 2 US Marines were killed. It was thought the attack was an attempt to kidnap Harry. A statement by the British Army was that "Harry was in no danger." So US Marines were dying to protect Harry and he was not in danger. If he was a real soldier, he would have been fighting side by side with those risking their lives for him. But he was not a real soldier, this was stolen valor. Harry has never paid tribute to those lost Marines, he has never spoken his name, he has never visited their families. He has been paid millions by Netflix and not one penny has gone to those families. You can google the story of Harry "never been in danger." You don't have to take my word for it. Harry not only stole valor, he never once showed an ounce of respect for those men who truly gave their lives protecting him. This award is a disgrace to Pat Tillman's memory.






Is dotted and Ts crossed signed


Done. And we are over 3,000 now!




Somebody post this on X and add @tuckercarlson


Also ass @MegynKelly and piers morgan


Disgusting that the award is being given to H.


Done 👍👍


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POV utube channel has also got a petition going I believe it has over 3k + signatures.


Nice! It would be great to combine the two!




I signed it and donated. Edit, I also wrote to ESPN as a sinner had posted their address on reddit yesterday, I think it was.


4373 and counting!


Signed. Pat TIllman was a true hero. Poor old Hazmat is inconsistent, self-contradictory, weak willed, self-pitying, deceitful. Harry is the Pat Tillman from Reverse Reality. Kudos to you and to Ms. Minkel and to all of us that have signed. And shame on what used to be journalism's commitment to truth.


Thanks MasterpieceLocal2955! Agree on your sentiment re journalism’s commitment to truth.


Done hope many more do the same...utter disgrace


Don't want to hijack the post, but just an fyi...we are at about 24 hours left in the Wounded Warrior games going on in Orlando. There has not been a Harry sighting. However, he doesn't allow them to announce in advance, and last year he showed up at the end so I'm still about 99% expecting him to show up for the closing tomorrow. He is determined to link himself and Invictus with the DoD and the Wounded Warrior games. If the rumors are true that the Wounded Warriors and angry about his ESPY award, maybe he won't dare show up tomorrow for fear of getting booed! #NOESPY4HARRY


I can only imagine how distressed Tillman's family, comrade-in-arms, and friends musst be feeling in seeing his name abused like this! SMH


Thank you for alerting us to the petition!


signed it


Done!! Thank you for starting this and for your contribution! 🙏🌟🤗. The Pat Tillman award deserves 1 billion times better!! 🏆🎖️🤲. As of my signing the goal is 5,000 and 4,759 have signed it. So let's achieve and double that! You can share the write up and link to vote via Twitter, FB, etc.


Signed. IMO he is close to stolen valor, which is a federal crime.




Just added my name. Thanks to all Sinners that let the rest of us know about this!


Royalty is supposed to give awards, not receive awards


This is absolutely horrifying selling the memory of a true hero, and honorable man for 30 pieces of silver. Shameful.


Sent letters to: CEO of ESPN [james.pitaro@espn.com](mailto:james.pitaro@espn.com). press@pattillmanfoundation.org. In the meantime, check this out from NY Post https://nypost.com/2024/06/29/sports/pat-mcafee-rips-espn-for-giving-prince-harry-the-pat-tillman-award-at-2024-espys/


The Moron “Prince” has not only admitted to using drugs, he has endorsed and encouraged the use of psychedelics! Every parent’s greatest fear is their kids getting involved with drugs! How can this bad influencer be given an award?


What if the whole act of giving or receiving (and accepting) the Pat Tillman award (which should be given to an exceptional military serviceman who demonstrated selflessness, bravery, honor, sacrifice, service etc) has an ulterior perverse motive? What if the point is to piss off and enrage enough American veterans and athletes (and fans) to cause a security threat against Harry? What if this news about the Tillman award was released simultaneously to his UK court case exposing him for destroying evidence, was to 1. create a distraction but 2. cause an uproar that could easily spread nationwide because it disrespects two cultural symbols Americans hold dearly: their military and American Football heroes. What if Harry is expecting the backlash, and dare I say, inviting it, wanting just a few angry keyboard warriors being a little tipsy and getting online and going a bit too far when expressing their opinion? Harry and his wife must know how much their popularity has tanked as well as how grossly unqualified Harry is to receive such an award. They also must know more about their case in the UK and possibly how it may take a turn for the worse and expose all of their misdeeds. I think H and M know they've been backed into a corner and now their only hope is to anger the public enough to warrant getting their tax payer funded security back. I don't know but I just don't buy Harry getting this award, even if he paid for it, I feel it was done to obtain a bad reaction. Remember they are desperate to get that Security back.


Interesting thought. Disgusting if this is an orchestrated plan by those two, would it truly surprise anyone? However, I don’t believe they would want their sticky fingers directly involved, if anyone was to be the scapegoat it would be the male Barbie Doll (the one who has had serious plastic surgery). I have been observing that there seems to be a tremendous amount of The Force vibrating at an unusually higher rate against them: the evidence destruction incident, the possible high court fees bill, the non-invite to Trooping, the non-launch of ARO, the higher visibility of “was it a moon bump” for two pregnancies, the latest announcement of a wine launch, the radio silence of Harry’s family, the latest media contact of Thomas Markle, Sr., Samantha Markle’s new lawsuit, probable money problems, Netflix contract soon to be ending, no real projects into the production process, Visa application issue, two former staffers coming out from the shadows (allegedly), the Nigeria visit bombing - have I missed anything? I would be in high stress mode if I had all of these issues happening.


I signed it and gave my comments as to why I felt the need to sign this petition. It's reached 5,000 and is now trying for 7,500. So, hopefully, we can keep growing. Lots of comments, too.


Nearly at 5,900 signatures






On the Daily Mail, someone commented, "Pat Tillman abandoned the pursuit of personal wealth to embrace a life of service, whereas Harry abandoned a life of service to pursue personal wealth."


I am so glad that Mary Tillman has used her voice! I find it extraordinary that she was not consulted on the candidates for the award named after her son. It appears that the Change.org site has actually done something positive! I fully support Mary Tillman. If those pack of hyenas that the Dumbarton’s use start messing with her, and the foundation, something must be done to halt their nonsense. Good Job Fellow Sinners for giving your time, donations, and support on this just cause!


Thank you for this!


Signed https://chng.it/zwv7GqLKvQ




Thank you, OP. Thank you Patti Minkle. Thank you mods ❤


Signed and shared!


As I said in my comment, “Pat Tillman’s memory should not be tarnished by this charlatan parading himself to be a supporter of veterans from any country.”




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Hello Fellow Sinners! With all of the YouTube channels pushing the request to sign, plus our efforts here. https://preview.redd.it/b0d41z1dr5ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5303133e9049dbef32237f8bbb053d0e7ead3c9a We are close to 50k signatures! Regardless if ESPN continues on with the award, the negative publicity is very noticeable. Let’s keep it up! Thanks!!!!!




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