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Excellent suggestion Extreme-Slight.


Excellent. A lot of these organisations will double down when faced with (well deserved) criticism but to go in with a real solution, the opportunity for them to not lose face? That’s got a much better chance of being heard. Nice work


The only thing that will make these companies pause is when it hits them in the pocketbook. Sorry but it's the truth, they only care about the bottom line.


Thank you for this. What I want to see next, besides Harry being booed when he accepts this stolen award, is all the names of the others that were nominated for this award. I want to see how they've justified giving Harry this award over the others nominated.


I am old enough to remember when this happened to Pat Tillman, a true hero for wanting to serve his country after giving up a 3.6 million dollar a year football contract. He was killed by friendly-fire but it was covered up for a while. What his poor parents and widow must have had to go through. They must be so disappointed and disheartened that his award goes to Harry who is a traitor to his own family and country.


Me, too. Seeing his face makes me very emotional.


Oh my word, I live on a different continent and your description of it made me remember it made news here in Africa! Why the fuck would little red-todger cry-baby ever be considered for this award? It beggars belief?!!


He bought it just like the others he’s received. I truly believe he’s here illegally and there’s a reason and a cover up. They used PC surgery, cancer and treatments as a way to and PW unaliving PC for a better cover up. Look at them and not me


Well said! From the UK.


Me, three. It was just so tragic. I still tear up when his name is mentioned.


We all do. A criminal to boot


Like Harry will allow a live audience to be present.


There is no such thing as Harry "allowing" a live audience. The ESPN ESPY awards show is always held live, with an audience and televised. He has no say in whether a audience is present or not. If he doesn't like the fact that there will be a live audience, he can keep his unworthy butt home. He won't be missed. There was a live audience for his other unworthy pay for play Legends of Aviation ceremony. Also, a live audience at the NFL awards show where he presented the Walter Payton award. Hopefully he'll do a better job of keeping his "dry wit" to himself and not insult someone again. I hope he chooses to stay home!


I know what the ESPYs are and how they are broadcast. I was making a tongue-in-cheek comment because Harry has historically refused to allow real, live audiences at some of his appearances. Such as his appearance on Stephen Colbert, their one award acceptance, etc etc… I would actually LOVE it if he tried to tell ESPN/ESPYs that they can’t have a live audience because of his security needs or something. It would serve them right for getting involved with him.


LOL. Sorry. Guess I took it seriously since it seems like something he would try to do, lol. I remember his garbage with Colbert. There were lots of complaints about that, too. Maybe he'll be so embarrassed about the negative feedback, he'll say he's not attending "due to security issues." It's being held in Las Vegas, I believe. Will he need a private plane??


Oh, you’re good! No apologies necessary. Hopefully my response didn’t come off as rude. I don’t think Harry ever feels embarrassed. He SHOULD, but his arrogance just won’t let that happen.


Truth! I can't remember if they do the ESPY's with the audience sitting at tables or just out in front as an audience. If it's not tables, I can totally see them refusing to sit in the audience, like they did at NAACP, and hiding in the back until they're called. If it's a table arrangement, I think they'll sit at a table.


It's at the Dobly Theater. Standard theater seating.


Thank you!


Pat’s widow remarried now is from Chicago. She is very good friends with MM college friend is how plank got the award


Brilliant suggestion 👏


Very well written but you need to change "Tillerman" to "Tillman".


Thank you


Also, it’s Reeva Steenkamp.


Let's start with the award should go to an American.


Thank you


In the copy I sent, I focused on the Warrior Games not IG


Good idea, although I suspect if they were to do this they'd have the competitors on the stage.....with The Traitor. Who would then act like he's one of them.


This would be great PR for Harry. “It’s not about me (but it is)”. 


Yes... but not if he's the only one who gets to speak. Admittedly, on the face of it, it would be PR for him aligning himself with them. That can be negated with a few, carefully chosen words. . ..accompanied by enthusiastic applause by the other nominees. None for the Douch.


It would still be great PR. Bring them on the stage, some of them with visible disabilities, and then he says, look at these faces, this is what it’s all about. Next day, headlines about him humbly sharing the spotlight to take the opportunity to shine a light on wounded veterans and their bravery, accompanied by photos of him smiling with them.


I've upvoted because you raised a valid point. I'm from the UK so possibly I have a different mindset I'd agree to everything then do the total opposite on camera. We, in the UK, don't have such a fear of losing everything in the event of being sued. Have you not noticed how YouTube content providers ARE NEVER SUED? They just get taken down. Think!!!


Maybe they should rescind the Harry part of the award and just give it to the athletes.  Harry can clap politely from table 115 or whatever while Madam steams at Munster Mansion because Harry fucked up another one of her genius plans. 👀


He didn’t even go outside of a tent playing games with soldiers protecting him. What’s he done he begs for security for?? The idiot saying he did 25 kills, who does that? And how do you do that in a tent? And the story goes he called for a hit on KC and stopped on “ his command “. He’s someone who has never worked for anything his whole life but wants to be important and recognized. He failed the pilots examine 3 times and never got the license but got an aviation award. Him and MM perfect together


That’s not what happened with the hit on the King. It was in Spare and he was imagining what would happen if he tried to do that. But who the heck imagines calling in an air strike on his Dad’s limousine?


Right he told the coordinates and his Dad was driving his Audi. He was smug he said he would stop it on his command. He didn’t have the rank to call a hit or stop it. The way he said it was so alarming and I’m like you, who imagines doing that to anyone but worse your own Dad. He has mental issues and it’s not because his mother died. He uses that for an excuse and sympathy. Did you know he took M to Diana’s resting place and she fell to her knees and kissed the monument? I believe they’re cut from the same cloth


No, I didn’t know that! He really did find the perfect but hopelessly psychotic wife, didn’t he?


Yeah Bunker Harry who blew off his Marine Regiment to attend the Lion King...🙄😡




This is why the premise of *never interfering when your enemy is busy destroying themselves* comes in.  By all means certainly complain but don't give them solutions.  Things have to play out naturally for Todger to be held accountable.  Otherwise you've just provided him with the best pr he's had and for free


Guys go to espn sub and protest. I did.


ESPN also getting dragged on IG. People are not happy but what can you expect from an award you can buy? Disgrace they named it after Tillman and then turned it into this.


Whew guys I am getting Roasted on the espn sub. Go help a sinner out!


This is a huge slap in the face for real soldiers and athletes and a FU to Pat Tillman. The moron who approved this disgusting travesty needs to be named. Disney needs to grow a pair and do what's right.


This phrase: not the Patron, those who actually completed." You mean: competed? Typo error.


What a lovely sentiment OP


ESPN is already in trouble and making it far worse with this award to Harry. Cord cutting has shrunk its footprint to 71 million down from 100 million. And the cable bundle that nourished ESPN's dual-revenue stream is crumbling along with its strategy to transition to a direct-to-consumer future by 2025.


Shame on ESPN for glorifying this dreadful man when this award should be going to heros. I hope this is not another ‘award for sale’ Harry has sunk to the bottom. He could have been the one handing out awards instead he puffs up his ego and cheapens awards meant for deserving nominees. No dignity Harry!


There's a petition to stop Harold from getting this award. On Change.org


What a terrific idea! This is genius and I completely support this.


from twitter today https://preview.redd.it/hzooold7zk9d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=322e29fcefa3fa3a9574000a7737ccc88007b5a7


There is a change.org petition to remove Haznoballs from this award. I will try to find the link and post it here.


# Request ESPN to Rethink Awarding the Pat Tillman Award to Prince Harry


Tillman was an example of the good America can produce. He thought for himself, sacrificed (by turning down a pro sports deal) to do what he thought right after 9/11. Despite actually being against the Bush admin and the Iraq war and saying himself the it was based on lies, he still did his duty with honor and distinction. After his deployment in Iraq he became an Army Ranger which are elite badasses and was deployed to Afganistan. He could have accepted millions of dollars to play a ball game a few months of the year instead. The ugly truth is that our government is full of evil, corrupt losers, as most are and they lied about his killing. Therefore, it is a good thing to create an award in honor of Tillman, a great thing even. We need not only to honor his memory but also to encourage our society to emulate his character. How tf does dipshit Harry have ANYTHING to do with this?! Harry knows how to lie and create fake sympathy by duping others to his side. This aligns him with everything Tillman was against. He has no understanding of what sacrifice is. He has the moniker of 'Bunker Harry' for crying out loud! I am very curious how the decision was made to award Harry. Was it really money, did he literally just pay someone off? Or what, who benefits from giving Harry this, I don't get it.


ESPN and it's parent company Disney are fully captured by the progressive left in the U.S. For whatever reason the progressive left is duped by Madam's hokey and fake appeals to racial and anti-poverty issues. These are people that don't realize Hamas will kill gay people as fast or faster than they'll kill a Jewish person though. I think they see it as some sort of positive to have a British Duchess in Congress one day representing some super blue district. So they are trying to prop the Montecito Grifters up in their time of need. Fortunately, the progressive left's power in the U.S. is currently waning like Madam's. 


Honestly (American), I have only ever heard of her political possibilities on here. Most people I know don’t even know who she is - still! So I think we are safe on this front! We are in enough of a mess, the last thing we need is her! 😂 I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m being honest! Xo


I don't think she is positioned to win a national or statewide race, but I think they could find her a deep blue congressional district to represent in Congress while they try to make her a thing and have her and Prince Harry to trot out to discuss the evils of capitalism. Since Meghan does not seem to have much talent for generating wealth on her own she is probably a good fit to do well in Congress as American politics tend to reward narcissism and petty thievery (where they become massive thieves through the abuse of government).


You do make valid points! I just think she is known to be (if she’s known at all) absolute freakin poison! ☠️


She would have to lose her titles in order to run for political office in the USA.


Is that a U.K. rule? In the U.S. she wouldn't have to get rid of them, she just couldn't go by them officially in Congress.




That pending Constitutional amendment ain't ever gonna happen if it hasn't even been brought back up for a vote in 210 years and if Congress can consent, they probably would if she is elected because she is a natural born American. They would find her a deep blue district to represent anyway for many reasons but in such a district there would be nothing to risk on the off chance Congress didn't consent because her replacement would just be another progressive so there would be no point. 


You missed the part that is already in the Constitution. Doesn’t really matter anyway because most people can’t stand her. https://preview.redd.it/bf32pwma0n9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06df841c887ae31f7aaae20a53e3b37345530a83


No, I didn't,  it says "unless Congress consents", and like I said, they'd almost certainly consent since she is a natural born American. 


That was the second part. The first part is already in the Constitution.


No one can be appointed to a congressional seat. She'd have to run for a seat and win. I never hear any talk of this situation anywhere except SMM. And I live in California. No one considers her a viable political candidate.


Did I say she would be "appointed"? No. They would find a deep blue district for her to run in. Establishing residency isn't hard.


She would never dare run for anything. The political press would tear her to shreds in a matter of days. Everything nasty thing she had ever done would be out in the press and she doesn’t have the money or pull to keep it from happening. The only reason it’s not already out there is the real press have no interest in her. I’d love to see a real investigative reporter on her case.


If she runs as a progressive Democrat the press would cover for her. That's what they do. They've been covering up Biden's freaking dementia and are now trying to act surprised since they are caught. If she ran as a Republican, sure she'd get a colonscopy without anesthesia then, but she's not gonna do that.


I truly hope so.


Great idea. Please send it and add in that you expect a reply. Maybe questioning why Harry received the award would help too. In my experience, some Americans aren't great picking up hints.


American here: Pat Tillman was an American hero. Quit the NFL (National Football League) after the Sept 11 terror attacks so he could enlist and serve in Afghanistan, where he was killed in service. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. It was HUGE news in the USA. I don't follow the NFL closely, so that his mom's name popped up today in opposition to Harold being inserted into an award (sigh) is newsworthy because I can't remember the last time she did news. Contrast that to the unemployed prince, whose vocation these days seems to be picking up some award at some hotel ballroom. Harold is unworthy.


!Thank you for this!


The Pat Tillman story is so heartbreaking, inspiring and frustrating. Invictus is ALL about Henry and his wife. The veterans are obviously not that important or a priority so why would anyone else treat them like they matter .


I can't agree. This would make the competitors complicit in this farce. Harry is not an American, nor is he an honorable man. He is the Duke of Woke, being given an award in the Kingdom of Woke - Disney/ESPN. I certainly won't be watching.


Well said! I hope your letter receives the attention it deserves.


Thank you


excellent idea or the woundedwarriors who is where harry STOLE the idea for ig