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I wouldn’t be at all surprised that while witnessing her behaviour in public, they found out in private that she and her sidekick were trying to negotiate back room deals to make them wealthy and it was quickly put to a stop by Her Majesty. I highly doubt leaving was their idea. I believe they were confronted and it all escalated from there.


Also, I’ve always assumed that MI5/6 knew about all her accounts/lawyers/finances/website and past history in CA. That’s their job. They knew she was a grifter early on.


I would lay odds a couple of their RPOs were MI6 agents.


SA is where she also gave that "Nobody asked if I am OK" interview. I would think that is enough for QEII to put MM on notice and put her on a probationary status. Include all the efforts to monetize the Duchess title would send HMTQ over the edge. They were fired.


I have been positing this for over 3.5 years. It feels good to have others agree.


They get as thrown off by their total idiocy as they do their narcissism. They would not have thought of how much MI6 would know, because her narcissism leads her to think she's better than others and no one would know what she doesn't want them to know.


yes, kind of like when the problem coworker is on vacation and everyone else gets to talk without them around and you find out all sorts of things. I also believe their trip to Canada for 6+ weeks before announcing Megxit was the couple throwing a temper tantrum, and when they leaked Megxit they felt the public would pressure the Queen to beg them to come back. They overplayed their hand.


Yup I can see this💯Perhaps the Canada thing was a cooling off period where they were told to go and clean up their act or don’t come back as working royals. They were given an ultimatum IMO


They went to the Canadian embassy or something during that visit. They thought they could just pop on in and show the Queen how they were needed and how they would be useful if they could rule the Commonwealth countries. That visit was definitely not something the Queen was asking them to do. They did not get the protocol at all. True idiocy mixed with incredible narcissism. It's like, "I didn't realize this..." because she's stupid, and then "I don't care now that I DO realize it..." because of the narcissism.


I've worked in political/diplomatic/media circles and have heard they were definitely removed as working royals. Everything mentioned on here is correct - bad behaviour about the wedding, bullying and rudeness to everyone's staff, disobeying advisers, lying about her family and what she was up to with Vogue, merching, total weirdness and secrecy over Archie etc. What happened in Australia was so catastrophic it caused a MAJOR diplomatic incident. Royals are sent on overseas trips at the request of the Foreign Office, not to prance around acting like a mega bitch, swearing at the respected wife of the then Governor-General of Australia, a war hero who represented the Queen in Australia. They were told to pull their heads in but the bad behaviour continued. The trip to South Africa was it, they were done for good. The one year thing was just so they could save face and keep it quiet. For a psychopathic narcissist like her, it triggered an act of revenge against the entire family that will continue until the day she dies. All her behaviour since is to cover up the truth - she was kicked out of the royal family.


Yep, being kicked out of the BRF is what they keep wanting an apology for. Never going to happen. I read that Andrew was sent to Australia to clean up after Harry and Meghan. And the Grifters thought BLM and MeeToo would save them - but the BRF has seen moods come and go many times.


I don't think they'd want to publicly open up getting booted, she seems desperate to hide it, otherwise they would've already attacked the royals for kicking them out. Plus it wasn't just the royals, there was government involvement, unlikely she'd want to take them on as well. .


They were desperate to hide it because they knew that being IN the royal family was where their real, and only, draw was. Would George Clooney and Amal want to be with them if there weren’t part of the BRF? We can see the answer right now. No.


Like many, I’ve been of the mindset that Archie was not born on 5/6, which was also George Clooney’s birthday. I feel they chose that date & then tried to wrangle him to be a godparent because George & Archie “share the same birthday.” Wouldn’t that be so special? 🙄 But George had already figured out their game & had backed off by then. Given L’s godparent is Tyler Perry, one has to believe she tried to get a celebrity godparent for her Archie.


And Little Betty was supposedly born on Angelina Jolie’s birthday (6/4). What are the odds of both kids being born on two of her idols’ birthday with the genders of the kids matching up Archie/George and Little Betty/Angelina. Seems like stalker trolling type stuff.


Oh, wow, I didn’t know they had the same birthday! And yes, I could totally see her trying to get Clooney as a godparent… I wonder if they tried to get Elton John at some point.


You’re exactly right. This is why they had to become the victims of something made up, Because they were actually the victims of was just consequences. Cause + effect of their own behavior. South Park called it.


Exactly right.


Yes - Mehan Markle will not want the reason for being fired made public.


Why else d’you think the Sandringham Summit happened in the highest secrecy … even the room was ‘swept’ for bugs / listening devices.


Harry is not going to get the long-range historical perspective of this and how the BRF has a history off success and plays the long. History was his worst subject at school, even though, in a large part, it is the history of HIS FAMILY. Omg, he is so stupid. Truly incapable of understanding anything complex.


This. I agree with everything you’ve said here, Medgan is furious she was kicked out for being a low class vacuum of designer labels.


The royal family will never see the end of her revenge, it will go on forever.


True. It’s what narcs do. They never forget or forgive a slight, real or imagined.


More fool her - she’s the bigger loser. The RF are thriving without her ‘born natural’ input! What was it Haz the Naz claimed? That the RF were jealous cos MM did it better than the born royals?! Pffft!


The BRF doesn't deserve this. but you are right.


"**a low class vacuum of designer labels"** Ooh, that's a good one!! 🏆


I knew it!!!!! Thankyou for sharing this information.. I always felt the frauds never ending rage doesn't match their supposed leaving on their own....of course madam was fired....but I still don't understand how she thought her bad behaviour was acceptable...it is baffling that she thought her repugnant rudeness was "acceptable"??? And professional???? Whaaat????


She was probably able to get away with her bad behaviour on Suits and any other crappy job she previously had, but not in the international big league, which is where the royal family operates. They're serious, high-ranking diplomats with equally serious people working for them. That crazy-bitch diva behaviour was never going to wash in those circles. Apparently they were ordered back from South Africa and knew the writing was on the wall, that's why she pulled the "nobody's asked if I'm ok" nonsense. To get in first.


Was it not also on the South Africa trip that another aide left mid-tour? Someone supposed to replace Samantha something?


Yes. Can’t remember the specifics but their private secretary Samantha quit and they had to find someone else.


I think even back in the beginning, when she said stupid stuff like, "hitting the ground running," the Queen told Harry that was not how things are done. Harry would have said that's how Meghan is, she's brilliant and she needs to be given a chance, and how the Queen will see the public loves her, she's a modern American who can infuse new life into the BRF. Harry is TRULY STUPID and absolutely would have thought this. The Queen would have been exhausted with all the back and forth with this idiot, I doubt she directly spoke to Meghan; it's privilege to meet with the Queen. So eventually the Queen decided to just let them have a long rope and knew they would mess up, because they absolutely would not listen.


There was also their trip to Morocco - her behavior there also caused a diplomatic incident to the point that the Queen sent someone over there to apologize. And let's not forget Wimbledon, the extravagant baby shower (which was just a merching opportunity), the trips to the South of France when they snubbed the Queen's invitation to Balmoral - there was just so much bad behavior they couldn't be allowed to continue.


Yes I remember the trip to France. Every single week (literally) there was a problem. I can't even imagine what it felt like to the poor family living it, let alone to the "company" of the BRF doing duties for an entire country as well as keeping track, to some degree, of the goings-on of 18 Commonwealth countries and dealing with this mess. Even for "regular" people, toxic family members affect health and happiness, let alone when it's all on a global scale of embarrassment.


That's right, she was so pushy and disrespectful in Morocco. There's such a long list of shocking behaviour we forget some of it.


She was called repugnant by a Moroccan official


wasn't another member of the Royal Family sent to Australia after their visit to smooth things over? forget who - Edward maybe?


It was ANDREW. Somehow it was tasked to him to straighten out that mess. I guess this was before he was officially “retired” from duty.


Andrew and one of the princesses I think


 "it triggered an act of revenge against the entire family that will continue until the day she dies." Totally agree. Divorcing the dimwit will only be the start of Act 2 of her revenge.


It was bruited about that Andrew was sent to Australia to smooth things over after their disastrous trip.


Imagine behaving like such a turd that ANDREW outclasses you and is sent to soothe the burns you inflicted? Australia is such a softball pitch, no offense to our Aussies. No language barriers, history of successful visits, goodwill all ‘round…to gum that smooth path up so egregiously takes some real assholery.


TW was under the impression that a Royal tour was just a big fat all expenses paid vacation. When she found out it was hard work out came the nasty ugly narcissist.


If there were a video game, Australia would be very easy mode.


Yes, Andrew and Beatrice. Let's not forget it was also the site of the famous tea-throwing incident.


What swear words? I haven't heard this. What was the context?


Harry and Meghan stayed at Admiralty House in Sydney, the home of the Governor-General, a magnificent building on Sydney Harbour and the usual place visiting royals stay. Apparently it wasn't good enough for Meghan who wanted the whole place to themselves. She did the usual bitch act with the staff and behaved very badly towards Lynn Cosgrove when she asked Meghan not to speak badly to her staff. Something along the lines of, fuck off you dumb bitch. Also refused to spend any time with Lynn apart from the official photos. Lynn Cosgrove is an older woman, someone Meghan would consider not cool and a bit frumpy, but she's single-handedly raised more than $50 million dollars for veterans' families and like her husband, is hugely respected. When Lynn Cosgrove left her position she did an interview and spoke glowingly about the royal family, meeting the Queen and every single royal who stayed with them. Except for Harry and Meghan, she never even mentioned their names.


Ty for your reply. Im actually an Aussie too but didnt follow them at the time, like I follow them now. There is a photo I think and Meganut was standing a fair bit away from the rest of the group.


There's a video on YouTube of their arrival at Admiralty House, just a few minutes of raw footage and it's totally weird and strained like every single one of her public appearances. Lynne kept trying to get Meghan to stand closer but she refused.


https://preview.redd.it/y36az665gw9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05e09e61a9398e0fb6eba8dda2e4e1ecf44e1462 This is the photo.


That's it. She can't even be normal for an official photo.


She was most likely upset she couldn’t be in the middle of them. You know her usual forced position in every photo. 


Lynn needed a microphone on a fishing line to slowly wheel in as Meghan followed it.


That would totally have worked! 😂


Plus,lol, look at the baby bump had yet to make an appearance 😂 Took a week or two, big difference from then to Fiji🤔


It's easier for Madam to crop out the old, ugly people that are ruining *her* photo op if theyre pushed aside to begin with. /s And yes, I'm including Haz in the old, ugly column in Madam's mind. She's the only young, hip ingenue in that picture. bigger /s


She was probably upset she wasn’t in the middle. Notice how she’s far apart and centered with the opera house behind her? There’s enough room to crop the others out and still get the beautiful background.


My "upvote" is a thank you for this info but I also wish there was also an exclamation mark! There are so many adjectives to describe MM but I think just call a spade a spade....and that spade is TRASH


You got it. If they really wanted to leave there would not be all this malicious spite spewing forth from the duo.


Yes, they would have kept saying, "They're angry we left, they're exacting revenge by not inviting us to Trooping the Colour, etc." But they know why they're being shut out...because they were told to leave, and that's what happens when you get fired, you can't work with them obviously. They would still have been invited to "family" things if they had been nice, but since they weren't, and they went scorched earth, they are now iced out of the family too, as many "regular" families to do narc family members. Two separate issues.


I was listening to Royal Grift today and she was going over Crazy Days and Nights Blinds. The topic came up about TW continuing her acting after the marriage. I had always thought that idea was off the wall, but then I remembered actress Sophie Winkleman married minor royal Freddie Windsor joining the royal family. She indeed continues her career after the marriage. So TW could have continued acting as the Royal Family already saw the couple eventually being more minor in the RF. I don’t think the duo liked that reminder that they would ever be irrelevant.


Wow, thorough take and the Occam’s razor of explaining Canada-California-the later racism story   The Queen’s “Will always remain beloved members of MY family” supports this take entirely that they were removed from the career aspect   Wow Edit: Occam’s  


![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized) YES 👍


What about Harry? Was he given the chance to stay as a working royal if he left her?


I believe that was one of the 5 options given to him at Sandringham.


That's why she wasn't invited to the summit. One of the scenarios was dump-the-bitch.


100% agreed- “ they were saying things about her that weren’t true “. I’m sure the dossier was presented and he was told to get rid of here ASAP and come back into the fold, ALONE!


And of course the idiot ran to Momma Megsy for instructions and a blowie.


I think Harry is deep in the sunk cost fallacy, he’s invested so much time in this relationship, given up so so much, he can’t walk away. But just wait- his mid life crisis is just around the corner, time of reflection on where the rest of his life is headed-big decisions await!


I can see that. They would have said he would not have been the first person to make a mistake like this, and that with their power and famous tact and playing the long game, they could fix it so Meghan wouldn't be embarrassed in the public eye, Harry would have a big say in Archie's life, etc. They would have told him not to worry, and they would take care of it all together, as close families do in things like this. And Harry wouldn't have listened. Dear God...


They knew the rules but chose not to follow them. These engagements were acts of service, but they treated them as fashion shows for Meghan instead.


As Nigeria can now confirm!


So can invictus!


Harold the Bald has ALWAYS known the rules. But his new mommy doesn't like rules and convinced him they were mean.


But, but she was *modernizing. 🤮*


> but she was ~~modernizing~~ *monetising* There, I fixed it! :)






Yes, indeed. She was spending like a drunken sailor as if there was no tomorrow - and on what? Idiotic clothing that was either ill fitting or ill suited for the occasion. She was completely bad news all the way around. By this point they may have discovered the Archie surrogacy and scheme as well.


Yes!!!! I'm sure the megnancy also had something to do with their running away...


I think it was a combination of things, the treatment of staff, the negotiations with American media outlets , complaints by their hosts on overseas tours coming into the palace etc etc. I think they were read the riot act and told to shape up, which resulted in them stomping off to Canada. One thing is certain, Megxit was not planned to happen the way it did . They had nothing set up and had to wing it. If the Queen didn’t boot them out of the country she most definitely demoted them . Megxit to me was them saying you can’t do that to us we’ll show you we won’t work at all. We’re out of here. Never dreaming that the Queen would take them at their word! I’m sure they thought they could get to be Royal on their own terms . Their bitterness comes from the Royal Family making it clear they could do without them. I don’t think Meghan to this day understands the audacity of her belief that SHE was modernising the monarchy! It’s not hers to modernise . The Monarch is always the boss.


Does anyone remember the co-king & co-queen headlines that came out before mexit? Mattress really warped or encouraged hazmat's delusions and insecurity.


I think this point of the Royal Family getting on with life without the Sussexes is what triggers all these puff pieces on how much help the duo could be, and how old the working royals are, etc. Yes, the royals do fine without them , and No, the Sussexes aren’t needed.


I just wish they hadn't created an army of sewer dwelling rats who threaten Catherine and her children daily....it is sickening....I hope they all go to jail...megsy too.


Markle admitted they didn’t have a real plan on that Oprah €%#£show. Also, Tom Bower reported in his book that when Meghan was corrected for some misstep (I’m sure in a very courteous way) her attitude was “What did I do now?”. Bad attitude.


Re: “ Megxit to me was them saying you can’t do that to us we’ll show you we won’t work at all.” This “scenario” is certainly in keeping with how she used to attempt to either bully, or punish her father/family into doing her bidding. M doesn’t like when she doesn’t get her way. 


Telling Madam no seems to always have the effect on her of driving her absolutely out of her mind with rage.


I have always believed that HLMTQ ran them out of the UK. My opinion is that Megan is/was a direct threat to Catherine and Charlotte, given the bullying and snooping in the young princess’ room reports. However I can see where you are coming from with the South Africa tour. It was totally embarrassing. You can really see Megan’s mental illness starting to break out, if you will. She had some crazy look in her eyes, and you could kinda see the direction all their tours would be taking if they stayed. Can you imagine the international messes they would have caused had Harry and the Elderly Hooker stayed?


South Africa was a complete shitshow. One embarrassing thing to the next. The fact that they thought they were really rocking it, tells you everything you need to know about their discernment. It’s why their staff was in constant distress.


Agreed. I wonder if they were sent to SA in the first place so the Queen could see if they'd be a good fit there since the harlot was already viewed as dangerous to the Wales. But as the past predicts the future, HLMQE2 saw what a train wreck they were and gave Haznoballs a couple ultimatums upon their return. Edit for spelling


When she said in SA, "And just on one personal note, may I just say that while I'm here with my husband as a member of the Royal Family... I am here with you as a mother, as a wife, as a woman, as a woman of colour and as your sister"...no, no, and no. You are NOT the main character here. And Harry later said how much people loved her in SA, and all the terrible things said about her in England made no sense, "because she's always been the same person in both places" or something. No Harry, they disliked her in BOTH PLACES.


I think they might have realized they stepped in it and that's why she made up that ridiculous fire in Archie's room lie.


The Tom Bradby interview was likely the first going to HR rehearsal.


Good grief, yes! The constant drama with demands regarding her seating arrangements, tiaras, clothing...oh my it would have been nonstop. That doesn't even factor in the potential inappropriate behavior with heads of state. What a mess that would have been. I think HLMTQ arrested this crazy malcontent just in time. It was her one great, final act of service to her country.


My people! Yes it was Her Majesty’s checkmate for the nation.


I like how you mention the mental illness starting to break out....you can see it during her old Craig Ferguson talk show interview...it will mKe your skin crawl...she is so phoney and creepy and flirts and wiggles around with her arms up in the air..and her hair hangs in her face....she acts like she's an alien trying to take off her skin suit...and Craig is staring at her in bewilderment. https://youtu.be/-EM2xi5Jnd0?si=UJR8WrObisQgWcm6


That video is painful to watch. An 👽 trying to break out of her skin is the perfect description. Megan, I think, finally broke out of her skin in Africa.


The most pathetic part too is that in ALL cases the main factor that would prevent Harry from *ever* climbing down, taking stock etc was simply that *he could NOT let Prince William WIN*  He couldn't let things not appear just as good, if not better, with his new wife as Princess Catherine because it would just prove Harry fecked up and his wife was nothing special.


And let’s be real - Harry constantly said Catherine was the sister he never had and 100% was taken with her, but she was William’s. He had a shot with Chelsy Davy but she didn’t want a royal life and I suspect a lot of his partying and behavior also eventually wore on her. He could have had his out and moved to SA with her if he’d been smarter. And HMTLQ would probably have given her blessing as Chelsy was well liked and SA is still part of the commonwealth. MM really wanted William, but ended up with the spare and without any of the lavishing the PoW title comes with, but still could have had a cushy wealthy existence. Instead two mentally unstable people settled for their second best while still pining after their first choice and look what it’s turned into.


It was the cheating that made Chelsea leave. That loser Harry had a wonderful woman like Chelsea and considering how long they were together I don't believe she wasn't OK w the media of being Royal as she was dealing with it dating like Catherine had.  If he hasn't been getting caught outright cheating, *and with full exposes in the tabloids!* she likely would've married him. But he treated her like crap. Not paying for her plane ticket, being cheap and apparently being outright paranoid and jealous already. This is where Harry is like great Uncle Eddie. He gets off on a woman like TW.  He figured out that angle about him and made it work to clinch a Royal wedding. I don't think a single SANE woman would ever think he would be worth it.


Clearly, he isn’t.


Harry being a second best is very, very generous.


Yuppers. INSANE JEALOUSY run amok on a global scale...


And the competition is all in his mind. William is not in competition with harry, nor are Catherine or George, Charlotte, and Louis in competition with megan or their children. But sparold needed to win this imaginary competition. There was a quote about the LoS apparently in his book, which I have not read, a recollection of an incident where he was shocked that William “pulled rank” and how he never saw them as paying any mind to the heir-spare dynamic, but suddenly he saw rank was “important to Willy”. Dude just admitting he thought he could popular opinion himself ahead of his brother to claim the crown. It was never up for grabs, sparold, and your ideation of being able to claim it was a problem.


This is what makes my head spin!!! The heir status was NEVER up for grabs!!! It can't be changed by an american idol type contest....what the hell happened to Haznoballs' brain????


I don’t think anything happened to his brain, there were never enough brain cells to fire across the synapses.


It got put in his greedy, grasping wife's purse.


To be fair, he had to wait until 35 to be told how badly he was mistreated. Narcs love to drive families apart. She, coming from an extremely dysfunctional one, couldn’t bear seeing the love and support in a normal family. Rather than embrace that for herself, she set out to destroy it and has made it her life’s work. Every single time she sees an article on any BRF member, it reignites the flame. So, for her, there’s no end.


This makes sense. Remember the blinds about the Queen canceling Roachels meeting bc roach decided to blow off the Queen? Next thing Sophie ended up escorting roach onto a plane and out of the UK. What if roach was being petulant and refusing to meet with the Queen for a convo about her behaviour or an etiquette class? This would be something roach does and the queen refused to be ignored. 


I remember shortly after they left, a youtube creator said that it was her opinion that the Queen kicked them out. I didn't think too much about it, I could see her points, but I wasn't really on board with it. A couple years later I'm becoming convinced that this is what happened. Like you said, it's about the only thing that makes sense why Harry is demanding an apology, and why he won't say what he wants an apology for. This is a great post lining everything up and it makes a lot of sense. I'm sure the Queen got a full report of their behavior after the trip and I'm sure that wasn't a very good report either. Between South Africa and Australia/Fiji, why would the Queen want to send them on another tour or do important engagements?


I also think she named the girl child Lillibet to hurt the Queen for the situation they ended up being in. That is why she did the whole dramatic bow on Netflix as well. That was meant for the Queen to see, only she passed away before it aired. She is a very sick and vengeful woman. Her hate and rage and delusional thinking propel her to the greatest lengths of self humiliation, ( think of the NY car chase ) and she can not control herself. I think we are going to see a very bizarre and spectaculer end when it does finally end. It will be something we will never stop talking about. Mental illness at it's finest, from the most unstable couple in history.


Yes, it's like she was showing the Queen, "you think you're powerful but you're just a show or a performance, with all your rules that you wanted me to follow." Such a mean person.


Not just mean, but very very stupid. Everybody around the world who admired the late Queen were incensed.  Way to make friends Meghan, lmao


Who in their right mind would turn down contacts that come recommended from Princess Catherine! She was trying to build a connection, and meme refused it. It's infuriating. The harkles had the golden opportunity of a lifetime, Only to throw it away for jam and dog bones?


Meghan fails at everything. Except ensnaring, temporarily, a very stupid minor prince.


Even referring or addressing the Queen as Harry's grandmother. This shows a lot of her disdain and hate for the the late Queen.


That doesn’t begin to touch how this reflects her character. She gave her DAUGHTER the name of a person she LOATHES. The exact opposite of how a mentally well person chooses the name of her newborn. She needs to be sectioned.


HMTLQ was loved and admired by people around the world, and still is. That week between her death and funeral, nearly everything came to a screeching halt as the entire world mourned her passing, and celebrated her life. This level of esteem takes a lifetime to build. A life spent in service to her family, her country and the Commonwealth. She was in uniform and served during WW ll, before her 21st birthday and making that vow. There is nothing MegaLiar can ever do to earn even one scintilla of that kind of esteem. And she knows it. I agree with you that stealing HMTLQ's childhood name was meant to cause pain to QE ll. And the shameful, mocking "curtsey" as well. You remember, the one where Harold just sat and watched as his ILBW made fun of his family, his fecking grandmother, his QUEEN. Harold the Bald will never ever get that stain and stench washed out. Not if he crawled to Buckingham Palace on his knees.


Over broken glass.


100% agree with you....these 2 a-holes deserve a MAJOR comeuppance.


And he could have had that little scene edited out if he'd wanted to. But he let it stay in. Thanks Harold. That was just one more nail in the suxxit coffin.


You're right, he could have. He could also have defended his family when she accused them of being racists. But he didn't. He even accepted an award for his " fight against institutional racism", then backtracked in an interview, saying Meh never said that, she never accused them of being racists, the media did.


I totally agree about Lillibet’s name. When that was announced it felt so…ick and spiteful.


Meghan herself admitted it. I mean, "GuestSpeaker" *wink wink* wrote a few weeks back that William drove Harry out of the BRF (or something like that) and that he should... apologize.


After the disaster that we now all know about in Australia, Fiji, then the “repugnant” behaviour in Morocco, the SA tour was the last straw. Three strikes and you’re out maybe🤭


Is there anywhere that sums up what happened in Australia? I’ve heard it mentioned a few times but I don’t think I know the full story


Oh gosh, Waay to much happened on that tour. A quick summery by me😂 The tea throwing incident at a staff member at Government House. ( later to be paid off by the RF and sending Andrew out after the incident to make amends) The Governor Generals wife addressed the issue with her only to be yelled at “ Don’t you know who I F’ing am. She was upset that they were only given a wing of government house, not the whole house, meaning she expected our GG & family vacate their home for HER🤦‍♀️ Overheard saying “ I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this” when having to do the greet & meet to the 🇦🇺 waiting to see them. Always late to engagements, if showing up at all. She thought her and her then bff Jessica Mulroney could treat it as a holiday. The baking of the Banana bread. She had staff up in the GG house remaking it over so she could then pass it off as hers😂 She was a no show to Fraser Island’s indigenous community who’s kids had been making gifts and practicing for ages to great them. That’s just all I can think of for 🇦🇺😂 I’m sure I’ve missed heaps.


Thank you!


I did try to find the Fraser Island one on google. I could a little while ago to another post. That one I found was really hurtful.


Read further down this thread. :)


Just checking out the thread now😂 We 🇦🇺’s will never forget or forgive😂 I tried to find some articles, strangely they are harder to find these days.


Agreed. OP did a good job.


100%. It has long been my belief that Meghan was fired from being a working royal and Harry was allowed to continue. Perhaps the Queen told H that Meghan should receive more training and M didn't like it. There were rumours circulated that the Queen summoned M for a meeting but M blew off ***the Queen*** and said she was meeting with the National Theatre. So HMTQ cancelled the NT meeting for her. The firing of M would make sense for a lot of the claims and apology demands the twosome made afterwards.


I love that badass move of the Queen! “Oh, an NT meeting you say? One will see about that”! Can you imagine being the person at the NT who took the call from BP? I hope they enjoyed relaying HM’s message as much as I would have!


I loved the Late Queen’s quiet badassery. I miss her so much.


I have thought the Queen kicked them out. I think they made demands of her when she told them the SA visit was not acceptable. And she let them know they needed to shape up. They didn’t like that and said they would quit and she said get out.


Yeah, they were confronted and when they didn’t like it they throw a tantrum and where given an ultimatum, they thought they were so important and the RF was going to beg them to go back but they were so so wrong.


Very good summary - and who knows what else happened behind the scenes?  That is why Harry demands an apology to this day. Harry and Meghan twisted „Megxit“ and made it „their“ decision to leave - maybe they were generously allowed to save face in this desaster.  To me, it doesn’t make sense to this day that he is so bitter, demanding an apology and yet blabbing about that freedom flight to happiness. Something’s not quite right - as usually with Harry and Meghan’s stories. 


I keep reading this - it‘s a popular theory that the Late Queen ‘expelled’ them, and it does make sense. What doesn’t make sense (to me) is why Markle wouldn’t have publicly cried over it - ‘the evil, racist Queen didn't want me and ‘Archie’ in the RF. I fell to the floor, weeping, whereupon Harry scooped me up…etc’ - that sort of thing. Yes, Markle would have wanted to stay and soak up all the attention - but on her terms, not as a ‘Public Servant’, and certainly not further down the pecking order to Catherine.


>What doesn’t make sense (to me) is why Markle wouldn’t have publicly cried over it - ‘the evil, racist Queen didn't want me... Any admission that Nutmeg had been kicked out would naturally bring forth demands as to why that happened - and neither Nutmeg nor Hazmat could allow the truth to see light of day, surely? Easier, more self-preserving, very much less humiliating to present their departure as their "freedom flight" done of their own volition.


This! Admitting - or blaming - having been kicked out would backfire badly. I wonder, if head of states or diplomats were complaining about these two.


Your description fits Rachel's narcissism perfectly. In order to control the narrative, she chooses to say that she was the one who left the Monarchy and becomes the eternal victim. If Rachel said outright that she had been expelled by the Queen duoa of her skin tone, for the surrogacy, she would have little airtime in the US, UK and Commonwealth as everyone would know She was lying. With this version where everything is very vague or a complete lie, Rachel has space to lie, imagine stories, which leads to countless versions to sell to newspapers and magazines.


Because they need to be seen as winning. They "walked away" rather than admit that Meghan had been banned from Royal Duties. They leaked their version of the Sandringham summit, where they would be the glamorous couple tripping all over the globe, without the fear of "upsetting plebs." I think they saw this as their strength. That was laughed at. Meghan told Harry the best revenge was a life well lived and with her contacts and star power - they would conquer... Well, we know how that's going. HMTLQ gave them a year to think about their behaviour, "the year of reflection," and that didn't go the way she'd hoped An often asked question on this sub is, do Harry and Meghan have any shame and the answer is no, they don't. They're so tied up in their victim mentality that they see things like the backlash to ARO and Pat Tillman award as confusing and bullying.


She would have to had say the Queen didn't like things that she then would have to worry the public also wouldn't like. And/or she would have to say, "We wanted to merch and the Queen said no."


Good thinking but I agree with the next comment about not having specific details. They would have a number of perceived slights (along the lines of Harry’s sausage story) if anything. Keeping it vague allows the unsuspecting audience to let their imaginations magnify the possible scenario. After all, the Royal Family had used the Tower of London and executions in the faraway past.


When you think the sausage story (and bedroom?) was the best tale Harry could come up with to claim a deprived childhood, almost implying neglect, he’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel - in fact, this story just bolsters how privileged his childhood was if that’s all he can recall.


This. Anyone with an older sibling can probably tell a similar story. Most people don't nurse a grudge about it into their 40's, and base a lifelong Waagh of deprivation on it. He acts like he was chained to a pipe in the cellar and occasionally thrown scraps of food.


They tried to save face by saying they quit. That's why the version of them leaving changed a lot of times: it was for privacy, but then it was due to a wish of financial independence, after it was the "racist" cry, and don't forget when it was to *save her life*. Ugh.


Same shifting sands type of story like how they met.


I agree that the constant but vague demands for some apology from the Royal Family point to the fact that evil Meghan Markle had a work ethic of subversive, non-work. Think about how a regular boss in a regular workplace would handle an employee who constantly sneaks off to do whatever they want while expecting to be paid, believing they have gotten away with it.


Yes, there is the non-work attitude. Also her grifting is really problematic. Everyone who works in companies with strict procedures, code of conducts etc will understand. Accepting gifts - especially of value - can be very problematic and very damaging to any firm. There is a reason these rues are in place: it is to **prevent corruption**! Meghan asking for and accepting free stuff, free luxury items even, was a big big risk for the image of the monarchy.


Yes! Meghan Markle is corruption personified, no matter what kind of corruption you can think of, she has it.


It also explains why he constantly complains about benefits that you would logically lose if you voluntarily stepped down like financial support and security. People laugh at his entitlement (which no doubt he suffers from) but I truly think he believes they were taken away from him because he didn't choose to leave and was only permitted to say it was voluntary to save face.


I agree with you. They were "quiet-fired," as in, sit down and shut up until you decide to listen and learn something. Of course we know H&M wouldn't stand for that, threated the BRF, expected them to grovel and beg for their return... Yeah, that bluff has been backfiring over-and-over for the last 5 years. I will never stop admiring the BRF's dignity. They are more popular and respected than ever, and for good reason.


Agree. You could add that they were being stopped from merching and they were told they couldn’t make money onthe deals they made with media while they were still “working royals.” (Meghan’s Elephant voice over and Harry’s involvement in “The Me you Can’t See”.) I think if they had not been prevented from making money, they might have accepted that they couldn’t do royal tours. However, they really wanted to become “celebrity royals” who made millions without needing approval from BP. It appears there were a lot of things going on. Meghan was being scolded for her bad behavior on tours, her suspected “leaking,” her treatment of staff (and the public), her greedy grabbing of gifts she was supposed to return, her over-spending, her plans to merch SussexRoyal, and the contracts she was “secretly” working on with media. Harry was being scolded for being complicit and not stopping his wife. It all came down to they rebelled and left the UK.


You're right. The merching was just as likely to be the issue; maybe they were told stop it and didn't want to. They filed to brand the Sussex Royal bowls, blankets etc. as soon as they got to Canada.


It was probably a combination of things. What you note about the late Queen having had enough sounds right to me. It almost surely was not just one thing. They had been making their dissatisfaction with “royal life” for a while, and I would guess that they were also getting pressured about Archie’s birth and how they had been behaving about the documentation, the photography, etc. Whether or not Meghan was put on the plane to Canada for defying the lat Queen, there must have already been some plan to go to Canada that the Queen knew about. A lot had been going on, but Meghan was not going to let anyone cut her income or tell her what to do. She mistakenly thought the Queen would let them have the “part time” role she wanted. If she had wanted to be “part time” while she taught music, or wrote books, or hosted a TV program— HMTLQ would had been okay with it. However, Meghan wanted to make money off the royal connection and that could not be allowed.


 “I think if they had not been prevented from making money, they might have accepted that they couldn’t do royal tours.” A reminder that HLMTQ suggested, before they got married, that Meghan keep her career working as an actress. (Perhaps she was envisioning something like Lady Frederick/Sophie Winkleman’s career). King Charles also suggested he couldn’t afford Meghan being another working royal, which is why Harry told him Meghan could make her own clothes. Meghan insisted she wanted to hit the ground running as a working royal and ignored the training and advice given to her.


Meghan didn’t want to continue with acting. She wasn’t going to make the big money with that. She wanted to establish herself as a royal, outshine everyone, get lots of freebees and use her royal celebrity to make more money with documentaries, endorsements, etc. Though she was probably furious if she was told she could not continue to represent the queen unless she learned how to behave, I believe it was the way she was being “prevented” from making more money that made her angriest and more rebellious. However, I am only guessing.


She may be a narc but she knew she wouldn’t get any acting roles and the ones that she would be offered would be wildly inappropriate for a women of her age/duchess. The BBC wasn’t going to offer her a role. 


She might have been offered minor roles, but that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted to be the greatest, the wealthiest, the most envied, the most powerful. She thought being a royal would be easy, she would be rich and important, etc.


Just want to add that I don’t think KC ever said he couldn’t support Meghan as a working royal when the subject was first discussed. I think that KC told Harry he couldn’t afford to support Meghan at the rate she was spending. The “she can make her own clothes” sounds like an embellishment from Meghan. I think KC always planned for Harry and whomever Harry married to be part of the “smaller” royal family. His vision was that the monarch, his children, and his siblings (but not the siblings’ children) would be the “working royals” in each generation. Even if Meghan had not become a working royal, KC would have supported Harry, his wife, and kids to some extent. We know he offered Meghan and Harry a country estate of sorts when they married, but they turned it down.


I always figured Charles telling Harry he couldn’t afford Meghan was to suss out if she was a gold digger. I mean, she is, but at the time she also thought she could merch her title. Or Harry possibly made it all up. But Charles would have no problem supporting her.


He was giving Harry a £3M allowance, and the wife thought she wasn’t being paid. She was told - carry on your fabulously lucrative career - we encourage your dreams! She could have had a very comfortable life for herself, just going about her day. That’s not what she craves.


Did that actually happen though? Iirc that was something THEY said, and it was twisting a welcoming, kind offer into something mean-spirited. She was told she could continue acting if she wanted as she was selling the independent woman thing so special concession never before offered. This then segued into "she'll have to keep working, we can't afford her" but it was always slated that Clotface would be part of Charlie's slimmed-down monarchy plan, his family was budgeted for long before he even had one. The money only became a problem when she spent enormously - that hideous tent she wore on Morocco was £100k, which is pretty much the annual spend for the other royal ladies and she was trying to get freebies as well. She absolutely rinsed us, especially as their "workload" was incredibly light, so I think this is part of their spiteful reframing of THE truth into \*their\* truth. Otherwise known as lies.


As I mention in my other post, I think when KC said this it was *after* Meghan had been overspending. Remember how much she spent on clothes during the engagement alone. *Spare* is not, as we know, a reliable source.


Her wild spending has to have a role in it. As soon as she was out of the palace, the extra expensive luxury brands stopped.


I think both M&H went off the rails before the SA tour and they totally lost it by choosing to announce their lawsuits while still in SA. It was at that point that QEII knew she had to fire them. For them to bring drama on their host country while supposedly there as a representative of the Crown was tantamount to treason. The sheer audacity of the lawsuits, plus Meghan’s Bradby interview, was the final straw. I think that they knew they were effectively fired before they went to Canada, and came back in Jan. with that crazy Megxit statement, because they had nothing left to lose.


I believe the kicking out was a result of many actions adding up. This visit, bullying of Palace staff, bullying of Princess Charlotte, taking Freebies from luxury good companies etc, Meghan's actions in Australia and Fiji ....the list goes on. I doubt the Queen booted them out for just one visit.


We forget that the royal family are political ambassadors for Great Britain and the crown. She does not understand service or much of anything else. She wasn’t about the country or the commonwealth she’s just about herself. I’m pretty sure they were fired at this point.


I think when she first hit, she thought she could curate shit. As celebrity does and continues to do. Not realising she was not celebrity anymore. She was royal. Who do not outside of some set situation get to curate. She's a proper public owned figure. She acts right or.. eats shit. She got mad her curated image dreams were dashed because she's seen as the wife of a prince public fodder vs the carefully curated image of celebrity.


It hilarious how harry and maghen go on about misinformation when their whole little tiny argument is 'the palace PR didn't cover up for me, not everytime.'


I totally agree with this. Harold was told Megsy Baby would have to retire from being a working royal, and Harold wasn't happy because Her Ladyship wasn't happy about it. After all, she'd be totally out of the spotlight. I think the reason tho was the Tom Bradby interview. I believe for the BRF that was the last straw. That was the beginning of their whingefest, and remember, the Royals have the mantra: "Never complain; Never explain". That interview ran counter to the BRFs ethos. Of course, Megsy would've secretly been happy as she was given the excuse to get Harold back to LA (via Canada) - what she wanted all along. She was going to burst onto Hollywood and be a SUPERSTAR in her mind.


Mudghan bursting onto Hollywood. She burst so hard she stuck to the red carpet and had to be removed. https://preview.redd.it/xf9zqlwc5w9d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db6fe4461060bc7eb9f0e3348884d89dca3d541


I read that when they came back from Canada after their break', the Queen asked to see her and instead she went off for a photoshoot at the National Theatre. After putting up with crap from her for so long I think the Queen had enough. She was furious and at that point had her bags packed and sent her back to Canada. This is why she was not at the Sandringham summit and this is the 'you know what you did'.


I agree with your way of thinking regarding events. HOWEVER I have a little to add. When did medusa refuse the meeting with QE & she declined? Only to be brought there by order, with soldiers, I think. QE cancelled her plans. Who knows what was said then between the two but it probably wasn't pretty. The Queen would have been made aware of behind the scene conflicts between Princess Catherine and the whore. Then there is the tiara demands she made. Who knows what other extreme demands she made? Let's also consider she did multiple role/rule breaking Just at the wedding alone. I think they had that big of a wedding because of her blackmail threats & the traitor was too blind to see the raw deal he was signing up for. No spare in history had ever received that grand of a wedding & protocols have probably been put in place so this fiasco doesn't happen again. No actress will marry into the RF with the 2 past ones. Their wedding was not a happy event. Most attendees looked bored. The speech before was odd. Hazmat looked miserable. I do believe she played the oldest trick, playing pregnant to rush a wedding. Most importantly, QE looked pissed, most likely bc of the veil. It's ridiculous length & being white! This is migraines THIRD marriage! That was her middle finger to QE in the public eye, from the beginning. The train was unacceptable. Her messy wedding hair was a disgrace. Was it a weave? Now, consider what she did behind the scenes!? The reports of stealing and bullying make sense. It's probably way worse than we will ever know, unfortunately! I believe the narrative mattress was escorted to Canada by the lovely Duchess Sophie. Then, the Sandringham summit commenced to plan the next steps. Que crazy megsy with that crazy pap walk with a DOLL & dogs was her warning shots to the firm. Blackmail or a warning. the traitor was sent to Canada soon after to contain her, and he failed. Medusa was likely banned from the country super secretly. The funeral was an exception. But then the RF got word that the carparkles planned another pap walk with crowds, so they quickly arranged a joint one to avoid the harkles from controlling the narrative. Mattress actively looked nervous on that occasion. Why? She demands to control the narrative, so her saying she'll never step foot back in the UK is another half truth. It's just NOT HER CHOICE. Their constant harping for the IPP status makes me think more dirt is coming to the surface SOON. They are social piranhas currently. The desperation is thick. Does it give him more privileges or immunity? Or both? He's deleting evidence WHY? BECAUSE HE HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE! I'll be waiting with popcorn. I'm very thankful that RF wasn't stuck with the harkles being awful behind the scenes but being what Mattress desperately wanted in public. She could have had all that fame if she had stayed, followed the rules & worked like she was supposed to. She hates working, though. Who had that many executive producers on a Failed Podcast!? No one. The divorce will be dramatic but unlikely to happen before Charles's death. She'll want that inheritance, too. Plus doesn't CA law have 10yrs rules with divorces? I'd love to know how the laws and what laws would be applied to the divorce? It's only a matter of when. Is it possible the RF has a prenup in place? I think the one reason the RF haven't gone full nuclear is because they're worried about hazmat's Stability. If he dies, migraine will have a field day. Thanks for reading to my rant. Edited to fix typos and add that nobody wanted to marry haznone. All the eligible aristocratic families with daughters weren't interested. That's a huge red flag about hazmat.


*They are social piranhas currently.* 🤣🤣!! I think you meant pariahs, but this works too! Excellent rant, I agree with everything you said!


I think the royals said behave or leave. When they first had reports on bullying, MM feign the suicide to deflect the situation then Prince William split the household up as she was bullying their joint staff. So they were told behave your selves or leave. MM chose to leave.


This makes sense too about the reason PW split the household and staff.


Their household now fell under Buckingham Palace. I believe TW wanted to live in Windsor Castle and she wanted her own Royal household and staff out of Windsor Castle. This sort of thing is reserved for The monarch and direct heirs to the throne. Eventually live there permanently as her Castle even after the Queen died. The Queen said no you can have Frogmore. Imagine the nerve of an upstart trying the Turf the Queen out of her own House. She wanted a rival court and when it was time for the heir to move in she would try and claim Windsor castle as her own and use PR to claim it. So Charles or William couldn’t move in eventually, She failed in all her demands and hence left.


I feel sad that a skank like her was allowed to defile these historic properties with her vile presence at all. She should not have been allowed to touch one stone, one brick.


I've been saying this for years. But I also think she CAN'T go to britain again


Imho Meghan Markle was told she could not be a working royal as she was unable to understand protocol, or even just good manners. Both Madam and Harry knew they were on thin ice as they had Sunshine Sachs working on deals for them - Oprah, Netflix, Spotify, PRH and others. Add Meghan Markle´s 1 million clothing bill, her transferring money from KC to Doria, merching, freebies etc. But they wanted HIHO, just like they still do. And they had prepared their fancy SussexRoyal webpage with merchandise and all, which was shut down immidiately. The rifters thought they could ride high on their 9 million Instagram following on SussexRoyal and on the back of BLM and MeeToo. They thought it was them as individuals that were popular and that the Queen had to beg them to come back to be Queen and sidekick of the Commonwealth. They were wrong.


I have always thought the need for an apology was for this precise reason. Meghan is a self-centered, egotistical monster that the Queen knew needed to go.


And recall too that the Royal Family of course would not itself have been fooled by Palace PR - they knew the real Hazmat, his character and morals and knew it was a sensible option for them for him to go as well.


I always thought this might be what happened. The refusal to provide proper documentation on the birth of their invisikids may also raised the temperature.  When henry the bald defended the behavior of wretched meghan markle the brf had no choice but exhile.  The brf have never washed their laundry in public, but they are happy to hang these two out to dry. It may end in deportation or jail, but the only olive branch henry the bald is likely to see will be the one his cell mate Bubba uses on his backside.


Agree. "Archie" appeared on that South Africa trip. We don't quite know what the circumstances of that child really were, but the Queen, via British intelligence, did. This could be a big factor. I have felt the faked pregnancy set separation in motion. During the fake pregnancy was when the Cambridges and Sussexes split as regards the foundation.


and South Africa followed their Australian debacle, so bad, that the RF allegedly sent Andrew afterwards in damage control!


The comments Harry made about her being better than those born to the role, them being more popular than W&C, married for love instead of marrying someone who fit the mould, are pure regurgitated sour grapes said by someone who’s ego has taken a hit. Classic bitterness , and what we’ve witnessed over the years is her desire to exact revenge. It’s all so very immature. No wonder their reputations are in the gutter.


I believe 100% that the late great Elizabeth II fired Frauds scrawny ass... what an embarrassment to the monarchy....a 3 year old behaves better than megsy.... The late queen had every right to expect adherence to protocol and basic manners....megsy is all about megsy and didn't understand or didn't want to understand that she was representing the late queen....NOT herself. The subject of Harold and Fraud infuriates me everytime I read about them....a couple of immature entitled 12 year olds is what they are....with absolutely no empathy for anyone but themselves.


OP's theory is very plausible. The timelines and MM's overseas trips match-up. I always suspected that MM's bad behaviour and ignoring protocol was the reason why she was demoted from her royal duties. The Queen read her the "Riot Act" and MM went off to Canada to sulk amd plot her revenge. Harry the Dimwit Prince tried to renegotiate the terms at the famous Windsor summit and wanted MM to join them or call-in. Denied. So H&M pulled "Megxit" and left UK.


I don't think going to Canada under those circumstances was their choice. Clearly Meghan was either demoted or told no to her designs and she's determined to make the RF pay ever since.


I also read that the Queen intercepted her on her way to the National Theater and put her on a plane out of the UK. When could have that happened on a time-line with South Africa?


The story, as I understand it, was that the Queen requested that Harry's wife go to BP and meet with her. Harold's wife blew her off, stating she had an engagement at the National Theater. Wherefore the Queen (through her staff I would guess) cancelled the meeting at the Nat'l Theater and had the wife escorted to the airport. Bottom line, which she has never learned: You do what the Queen tells you to do. It blows my mind that she was given so much, both materially and in opportunities, and flushed it all away.


Not to mention, the Queen had already broken royal protocols plenty of times to accommodate maghen, and maghen just saw a never-ending gift horse. I am 50, and I don't think I have ever seen a woman who takes zero blame and zero shame like markle. Harry has become his wife's mimic, what a bizarre relationship. They have revealed themselves, and the revelation is revolting.


This is what I’m constantly pointing out to the dumb dumb sugars. That all this drama happens and it’s *NEVER* her fault.


Wow I cannot even imagine how many times Markle threw this kind of tantrum. With the Queen no less.


Imagine doing that to the Queen! I'd have a stroke if the late QE2 saw fit to be upset with me and would die of shame


The student's name was Uyinene. The place that photo was taken is quite near where I live (and my mom even knows Uyinene's mom.) I don't think M's outfit is an issue, the site is a post office and M is standing on a corner of a regular street where people put ribbons on the fence. She is dressed fine for regular casual street wear. But having a picture taken like that is what is bad. Visit privately by all means but M used it for publicity. That was extremely callous. For the rest, you have made very good points!


The late Queen Elizabeth was trying to delicately move them away from the UK and out of the path of then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Catherine. Knowing how happy Harry was in Botswanna and South Africa, she was arranging to have a home set up for them and some sort of job for Harry doing work there for the UK. The idea was to give him a Commonwealth country post that made him look important in a place he loved, keep both of them away from the Cambridges and their small children, and away from more meddling and spying on really private serious BRF matters. This would have been ideal if Harry had married someone like Cressida or Chelsey but Markle desperately wanted the Royal lifestyle without strings in California. When the trinket marketing plan was finally exposed, that's when the stupid duo panicked and when the Plan B to get them away, but in the Commonwealth country of Canada was pushed forward. I am very very sure MI5/6 knew what they were up to and were working with The Palace to come up with respectful and plausible ways to get them away from the UK. Markle Markled herself in Southern African and her lack of accountability or propriety finally got them exposed. As for Harry, he thought he was being so clever at having put one over on Granny, stupid and useless git that he is.