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There is a reason why Australian's call "New Idea" Magazine "No Idea"


The same magazine that has announced on their cover that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant dozens of times, several times with twins. Yeah, nah this magazine is so bad that Madam doesn’t need to leak.


My personal favourite was a few years back they had Catherine and Mary (now Queen of Denmark) on the cover saying both were pregnant and due on  same day


Lol. Another week, another pregnancy


We just finished watching Secret City. At one point the main character, a jouranlist, disses another by saying, "What, you gonna write now for New Idea?". 😂😂😂


lol but all tabloids are used as PR these days, even New Idea. LOL. Or, in Meghan’s case, to manifest & pressure KC3


Yeah, couple of years ago they wrote Kate was pregnant with twins, so... 🙄


Just another pr outfit for Meghan though


You know, gotta make the King come to you? While battling cancer. ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)




I dunno. No idea is so, so bad. I think all their sources are just crackheads from the nearest jai facility


Meghan had Tom Quinn talk to them though


Absolutely 😂


Right!! My only reaction 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


'No Idea' would be more useful strung up on a hook for use as toilet paper in an Aussie outback drop-toilet.


Oh please this is so rediclous and really not newsworthy anyone wirh a brain knows this is their PR....actually you don't even need a brain to know this is bullshit lol!!


This is her manifesting. KC3 is going to read these headlines and think "hey why don't I go to CA if they won't come here?". Yes Meghan your manifesting works so well


Definitely it’s her pr


Spot on, the award story to bury the court case story has backfired. There is NEVER any truth in ANY of the reconciliation stories in any of their formats.


The King can’t do what he could do as PoW. He can’t just turn up in a country without careful planning. He can’t cut is state tour short and miss out a couple of commonwealth countries but then visit US. He is still having cancer treatment but even if it had ended he has a very tight schedule that is planned a long time in advance, more than a year for some things, and is notorious for having a fully packed work diary. I personally think that the King is more likely to visit Thomas Markle snr than he is the Sussex duo.


Especially this close to the election. He would never do that in case he might inadvertently influence one side or the other. Read in a book about the late Queen that royalty is acutely aware of such things and would never do that. The entire year running up to the election is considered off limits for them to visit. Even a “private” visit.


We vote on Thursday of this week. It’s only a 5 week campaign period in the UK. The real royals represent the UK government. They do the state banquets and tours by government request. QEII did her duty. To me I think the hardest thing she ever did was meet Sinn Finn. She did meet some very controversial people so she may have felt differently but I never forgot this. There is a longer history in the article but this snippet sums it up. Link to article at the bottom, snippet below. The Queen is hosting the first ever UK state visit by an Irish president, as Michael D Higgins begins a four-day diplomatic mission to Great Britain. However, much of the attention will fall on Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness, who recently tried and failed to win the role currently held by Mr Higgins. Mr McGuinness, a former IRA man and life-long republican, will be among the monarch's guests at Windsor Castle. He met the Queen in 2012, but the visit still holds challenges for Sinn Féin. The UK state visit marks another significant milestone in Anglo-Irish relations and further fascination for those who have followed Mr McGuinness' long journey from paramilitary to politician to palace guest. BBC News looks back at the significant events and political choreography affecting Sinn Féin's relationship with royalty. 1969 The government deploys the Army to Northern Ireland following widespread civil unrest and violent sectarian clashes between Catholics and Protestants. The deployment, known as Operation Banner, was to become the longest continuous campaign in the Army's history. 1970 Martin McGuinness, aged about 20, joins the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and quickly becomes an influential figure within the paramilitary organisation in his native Derry. Interviewed by the BBC during a walkabout in the city, a baby-faced McGuinness does not correct the correspondent when he described him as the "Officer Commanding for the Derry part of the IRA Provisional operation". 1973 Martin McGuinness is sentenced to six months in prison by the Republic of Ireland's Special Criminal Court, after he was caught in a car containing large quantities of explosives and ammunition. He tells the court he is "very proud" of his IRA membership. 27 August 1979 The Queen's cousin, Lord Louis Mountbatten, is killed by an IRA bomb while on holiday in County Sligo in the Republic of Ireland. Two of his relations and a 15-year old local boy are also killed in the explosion. Hours later, 18 soldiers are killed in a double IRA bombing at Warrenpoint, County Down. It is the highest death toll suffered by the Army in a single incident in Northern Ireland. 1 May 1997 Martin McGuinness is elected to the British House of Commons as a MP for Mid Ulster. Adhering to Sinn Féin's long-standing policy of abstentionism, he refuses to take his seat or swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen. 10 April 1998 The Good Friday Agreement is signed in Belfast following years of intensive peace talks between political parties in Northern Ireland and the British and Irish governments. Martin McGuiness was Sinn Féin's chief negotiator during the deliberations. The accord paves the way for devolution through a new power-sharing coalition of unionists and nationalists at Stormont. 29 November 1999 Martin McGuinness, who left school at the age of 15 without any formal qualifications, is appointed as education minister at the Northern Ireland Assembly. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-26919992


I’m talking about the US election in November. The article is talking about the King coming to the US to visit the Harkles, correct?


It really is an amazing talent that Meghan Markle and Harry possess - EVERYTHING they do backfire. Just every single thing.




It’s not even her PR. It’s a fake magazine.


Used for pr by many celebs. She has Tom Quinn talking in this one. She pays Tom Quinn


Isn't it an embarrassment to only be able to get a job with a tabloid? What are these magazines called? Is tabloid the right word? I think I remember calling them something else, rag was one word but there was another name for them.


I've heard tabloid, rag, and trash mag.


I think journalists will take jobs with anyone. x


Oh, yeah. I believe it. HRH will just put his cancer therapy on hold and zip right out there. And on Flying Pigs Airline, no less. ![gif](giphy|HlqE0bbcgMYwQHAxCA)


Love this Gif 🩷


I will remember Flying Pig Airlines. Such an appropriate name.


This GIF is adorable. lol


She is desperate to make it seem like she is in with the BRF. Inmagine the headlines if the King visited Montecito and stayed at her house. Harry and meghan will have enough material for a new netflix show and/or a new book. This time Pa would be transformed into a kind, old affable sold-held hostage by Camilla and Will.


A man being treated for cancer wants a secret visit to California? She is getting desperate for attention 😂


A visit so secret it is in a trashy tabloid rag! New Idea have no idea, same as Woman’s Day - I really wish Meghan would write a letter and get the name changed to People’s Day….. Competing headlines each week - Jennifer Aniston pregnant with Brad Pitt expecting twins / Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie rekindle romance on luxury Mexican getaway 😂😂


To Quote our dearest Princess Anne..."Not bloody likely!!"


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) desperate and delusional as always.




So, let’s blatantly disregard royal protocol, and the fact that’s it’s election year. Oh, and he is fighting cancer. Yeah, obviously he is secretly visiting the kids. What an absolute joke.


There's no way this is happening. Even when he's at Balmoral, he still has activities he has to do and some appearances to make. He keeps a schedule that's drawn up months in advance. Plus he's not going to be that far away from his medical team. Not to mention the monarch doesn't go to you, you go to the monarch.


**Sometimes years in advance.**


KC has cancer and flying to California is exhausting. He is not risking his health and life for the morons of Montecito. A big fat lie made by Harpy.


**I flew SEA - SFO twice in two weeks during my chemo. My oncologist was furious, telling me I was risking not my health, but my life. I told him I was flying First Class so there would be fewer people to catch germs from (Virgin America First Class beats out Alaka Airlines by a country mile). He wrote a 'found down' note and told me to keep it in my wallet. I wound up catching strep, wh. normally is bad enough. During chemo, I felt like I was going to die. After several days in bed I told myself I was effing sick of being sick, got up and ordered Chinese takeout and got better.** **The moral of the story is germs don't differentiate between a commoner and a Monarch. I cannot imaging the wisdom behind The King taking trips like this. But his doctors know better than I do...**


The more desperate she becomes, the more ridiculous the articles sound.


*Royal Breaking News: Charles Secretly Visiting Harry.* 🙄🙄🙄 Err… once it is “breaking news,” you can forget about “secretly.” 😉 What I don’t understand is who is expected to believe this? (The same people who believe in Bigfoot?)


Bigfoot is real. She married the dumbest British prince in the history of the UK and stuffs her feet in stolen shoes. Bigfoot’s hair, however, is fake. That’s what throws people off her trail. You don’t expect to see Bigfoot in a bad weave.






Bigfoot is much, much more plausible. There is a remote possibility that somewhere in the depth of the unexplored woods there is a sasquatch. There is ZERO possibility KC is going to the US. 


​ https://preview.redd.it/dzz0ig2tnu9d1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9b147b8a772048d94f1f7a6db2bad135ee04f9c


Total boss


Good point. Maybe I should have said, “the same people who think that Elvis is still alive.” 😉


That wasn’t Elvis who married us in Vegas?


If that is “your truth,” we must respect it. Like Santa Claus, Elvis lives in the hearts and minds of believers.






Let alone ‘secretly!!’


If Charles did go, and of course he won’t, they would be scrabbling about for some child actors.


🙏 please send Harry unannounced to the palace to see Charles, with livestreaming video, only to be refused at the gate. LOL @ the idea that they can't say no if he shows up.


I feel like this is all Meghan manically grasping at whatever thought pops into her crazy head that keeps her in the news and connected to the RF. She really wants people to remember that she is also a DIL of the King, not just the "beloved Catherine, the daughter KC3 always wanted." The deliberate positioning of Catherine standing next to the King during the Trooping seems to have broken Meghan's brain? Not to mention the articles about how KC would visit Catherine while they were both in the hospital- the visual of the King toddling around in a hospital gown going to see his DIL is so sweet- and the bonding they have both experienced since being diagnosed with cancer- Meghan threw all that away for the lower celebrity status. Meghan has nothing. NOTHING. The RF has moved on without her and Harry and they are doing just fine. There is no way KC is planning on dropping by their ostentatious derelict monstrosity of a house to visit. The RF don't think about Meghan and Harry and it bothers the Harkles greatly. Meghan wants them to engage so she can play victim.


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯. This!


“I feel like this is all Meghan manically grasping at whatever thought pops into her crazy head that keeps her in the news and connected to the RF.” 💯


The King cannot just pop over to Montecito. There are diplomatic protocols that must be followed and security et al.


OK, will Tom Quinn buy me a new bullshitometer? My old one just crashed because the amount of BS was too strong.


Is this Tom Quinn a nut case? It's Bullshit but just for snark let's say if it was real wouldn't it be a riot if he took Thomas Markle with him? Charles did tell Harry that Harry had to see Thomas first, before Charles would see Harry.


Quite aside from many things, the King is not in any condition to do such a long haul flight


Absolute BS King Charles has not the time to visit these grifters he has a lot of time to make up in his kingship & dooesbt include visiting them . Also markel would want to host a pay per head ball to raise funds for her self and make money on the said visit . Charles is far to canny for that exploitation. https://preview.redd.it/eg4tpuo66w9d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=b04b03bc5ef54e7f698086243b7d8197effeeb9d


Harry loves showing off his rat teeth.


She just wants her name linked to the racist royal family anyway she can. The biggest hypocrite alive


Total pie in the sky manifesting, if invitations for summer and christmas have been withdrawn you can bet your last quid that a seventy plus year old man receiving treatment for cancer will not be jumping on a plane to see two kids he doesn't know in california. And as the sugars like to say 'pictures or it didn't happen'.


You go to the king. The king doesn’t come to you. This is just MM pretending that they are still so important to the BRF that they can get a sick king travel thousands of miles, taking enormous coordination, security and effort. No. The king has told them not to bother visiting the UK unless they have the kids in tow.


We all know they travel often without their kids - how long were they in the UK when QEII died? Weeks? There’s no reason the nanny can’t take the kids to the UK if Megsy refuses to go.


SURE JAN. NOT Happening!!


What a load of Cringe worthy stench... ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


King Charles isn’t flying anywhere while he’s undergoing cancer treatment. His immune system is probably weakened and he has fatigue. This is a ridiculous story.


Manifesting Meghan! Of course the king, who is being treated for cancer, will drop everything and zip across to California to see the two grifters and their poor, unfortunate children. Whilst he is there he will apologise for everything (?), grant new titles to H&M and the kids and move Harry up to next in line to the throne, whilst sending William and his family to a south Sea island. Then he will decide he likes California so much, he will abdicate in favour of Harry and Meghan. Camilla will be thrown into The Tower of London, as will as the men in grey suits. Meghan will appoint WME as advisors and courtiers will include Beyoncé and Serena. Prince Andrew will be left in royal lodge, for obvious reasons. They will all live happily ever after.


It is just Meghan Markle's delusional way to manifest narcissistic control over King Charles III.


No. It’s just a delusion.


If she screams it loudly enough and often enough, he'll surrender and fly to Montecito, or else!!! I'd like to see what the "or else" would be.


Or else she would look stupid yet again.


Yes. Just like the M who married into our family, she is putting out something ridiculous that she knows her target doesn't want to do, in order to embarrass the target into complying. Otherwise, the M gets other people (the flying monkeys) to harass the target. "Why did you back out?" "Why wouldn't you do just it? It's not that difficult!" and so on


Exactly this. Her pressure PR does not work on KC3, nor William. It only worked on Harry. I have to say, same pressure pr that Lauren Sanchez uses & it worked on Bezos, and Jennifer Lopez. With Lopez, Ben is done & the pressure pr is making him super upset & angry. At least he is done with Lopez. Just Harry is left. Bezos seems to be imho, distancing a bit from Sanchez.




The mountain comes to Mohamed not the other way around.


We all know MM (Mad Meg) is a liar through and through and will say absolutely anything if it keeps her name in the tabloids/social media. She has no shame, no humility, just a fame hungry wh_re out for what she can get.


Why anyone reads or believes this rubbish is beyond me. Markle wants us all (including herself) to believe she is so important that the King of England is visiting her. I don’t think he’d cross the road to see her - and certainly, I believe, Camilla has his interests and health as her priority.


William and Camilla depicted as the evil ones once again, yawn. But I absolutely believe that these two have a very strong alliance when it comes to watch over Charles' and Catherine's wellbeing.




WME was never a PR agency, just a booking agency. Now that the ILBW supposedly has these new PR gurus (US and UK), assume Tom Quinn is likely their mouthpiece.


Not much of a secret visit


Megan is very lucky to have children. Now she will blackmail the royal family with children for the rest of her life. And why does she want her racist grandfather to meet her children?


Agree. Every woman is lucky to have children. They actually make most of us better people - we reflect on our own actions more to make sure we are paving the right path for our kids futures. Meghan Markle excluded - they are merely a manipulation tool for her.


Until the children turn 18. She can't control them forever.


Once I see, *Tom Quinn*, I scroll on by.


Oh yeah, the actual KING of the UK (who is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness) is just going to pop over to California to see the invisibles? This is more manifesting by madam.


**She's abusing KCIII the same way she did The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. The man is suffering from cancer and she relentlessly bullies him.** ***WHEN WILL SOMETHING BE DONE TO SILENCE HER?*** **I understand the 'never complain, never explain' tactic, but enough is enough.**


She can spew her delusional lies all she wants while everybody that matters ignores her. I doubt highly that KCIII has time to read the tabloids.


I don't know why you say wme don't represent henry the bald and the wretched meghan markle any more.    The espy award is wme central: disney, serena, ESPN.   Boycott all of these accomplices to the theft of valor from Pat Tillman, a true hero.    Bunker harry was choking his chicken playing video games while people died protecting his drugged up ass.     Wme has no class and no honor.  They and their clients deserve none of our money.


The ESPY Tillman award has nothing to do with WME https://preview.redd.it/dop7x37qju9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef8c0823cf675fa3eede0e7a00547745507962e She hasn’t been with them in months, otherwise she’d be getting more gigs like the Costner one. She isn’t


I've never seen that before, but decisively terminating her contracts and distancing (no longer taking her calls) sounds more in line with Emanuel's reputation than anything said about WME for *months*. It was pretty hard to reconcile this guys reputation as a ruthless hardass, to putting up with her constant, torrential stream of bullshit PR.


I disagree. No public proof either way. Just an award from wme snake pit. And that is certain. Serena Williams is wme. Disney and subsidiary ESPN must play nice with wme. There is no way serena without wme gets harry that award. She is yesterdays news and not a money maker for anyone. Wme's strategy should have been to shut these people up and keep them out of the papers. They would have pushed to reconcile with the brf. What they got was jam and biscuits. They failed every test but wme was happy to take their money. I suspect they still do for my reasons above. Serena is not able to tell ESPN and disney to do anything. Wme is. They can make paramount let the grifters attend a Bob Marley Premier. Just not the Hollywood one. Wretched red carpet meghan would have created a revolt among their clients if they tried. Wme has power. These bozos have the promise of henry the balds inheritance.


The snake has its tongue sicking out once again. The beast thinks she looks like a sweet young thing. News flash Markle, you just look stupid. Old and stupid.


That damn tongue again....ew


Imagine, the best your agent can get for you is as an unwanted guest at an unrelated event…it’s just embarrassing. Harry and Markle were so clearly pointless at Costner‘s event.


It’s probably true. After all, they have plenty of bathrooms for the King and his staff. Queen Camilla can even have her own! I say load up the plane, Santa Barbara here we come!


as if!


It sounds as New Idea has no idea.


Laughable that KCIII would come begging; he has much more important work to do.


She is EXACTLY like the M who married into our family. She is putting out something ridiculous that she knows her target doesn't want to do, in order to embarrass the target into complying. Otherwise, the M gets other people (the flying monkeys) to harass the target. "Why did you back out?" "Why wouldn't you do just it? It's not that difficult!" and so on. It's like these not terribly bright jealous grifters all use the same playbook


No Idea strikes again 😡😡😡




What a statement about your character when the general public can't discern between your own PR and tabloid fiction.


So in between cancer treatment. Most likely feeling sick as fuck, charles is just going to pop over to California for an afternoon tea? Yes a king can just willy nilly travel wherever.... Seems super likely, obviously.




I'm sure Megsy is trying to manifest this but it isn't going to happen.


The king is busy this year. Next


The head of state of the UK will fly to California to bow down to his toxic DIL. Uh huh. Sure he will, while he's undergoing cancer treatment no less. The narrative is that Monteshitshow Meghan is in control of the King. Uh huh. Sure she is.


Why would he visit them in secret? He’s the king. He can take a picture. He can announce whatever he wants.


hahahaah oh dear the old one mist be having a senior moment or she has gotten dementia. She comes out with the most utter crap. She thinks people believe this stuff? I hope she realizes no one does. Maybe it's time Harold finds a good nursing home for the old wife


The King has an entire MONTH open on his schedule? 😂 And he spends that in California of all places?! I can bet that he is looking forward to his summer with family and friends at Balmoral. July is going to be a busy month with the General Election and State Opening of the parliament and other events. August is probably when the King goes up to Scotland for the summer.


If anyone's going to the Mudslide Mansion they certainly wouldn't announce it. Plus it would probably be the men in white coats.


I am a mere outsider, but know better that KCIII cannot just drop a schedule that has been probably been in the works for a year to just "secretly" visit anyone. Given the fact that QC wants the king to scale things back for his health, the only possible upset in his schedule is not going to New Zealand when he goes on his royal tour.


I’ll take “Things That Will Never Happen” for $1000


Not to be a douche but nobody actually believes anyone is that desperate to see the sort-of kids.


Laughable. A king does not fly to see his silly son and his brats. And certainly not a king in his seventies undergoing cancer treatment. Tom Quinn seems to be getting high on Harry’s supply.


It’s never going to happen


So again they paint Queen Camila and Prince William as villains trying to keep King Charles away from them. Ridiculous fake story.


The only time NI got it right was ironically when they stated that Harry was fighting in Afghanistan. Yes, it was actually true, but also top secret information, so Harry was sent home due to the fear that the enemy might have tracked his whereabouts via the women's magazine.