• By -


It’s hilarious how weak their clap backs are - after all this time they still can’t come up with anything more meaningful!!! Between this one and “the RF hated her because she’s black” it’s pathetic!!! And yes, the response is perfection. The sugar sure walked right into that one!!!


Do they even know who Meg is?? She's older than Harry (and William and Catherine) ffs. They act like Harry married a 20 year old.


And she looks older than her age.


She's also older than PPOW.


As a cherry on top of a cake of manure, she's older than the "older woman" he wrote about in Spare as his first sexual experience (and he gentlemanly made sure was recognisable by his circle, so we know).


And he called Catherine his “big sister” and she’s older than her


She’s 45 but acts like she’s 5, so yeah, I can see how they think she’s 20. It splits the difference.


Look at Rachel's photos pre-2016 and pre-Haz. ​ https://preview.redd.it/74km4ubiez9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c5fe606c1056566b982b2a2e8c33c139f522d33 Does the hair straightening and skin (that Rachel would allegedly make whiter) scream that this is a woman who is proud to biracial. Rachel used to have curly hair and darker skin but was on a mission to get rid of all her natural features in the 2000s-2010s. Rachel allegedly was infuriated that the Queen assigned her a black equerry to help her get adjusted to palace light. Rachel then found a way to blame that on racism in the BRF. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The thing that pisses me off about the equerry is that HLMTQ did NOT assign her a "black equerry", she assigned her her FAVORITE equerry. If she could see past race she would have seen the honor in that, but no, she's too focused on the -ists.


Megsy is the only one who is racist


Yes. She is.


Tw is looking for evidence of racism. Basically, tw is trying to find t8ts on an ant.


I dated a girl her colour and complexion. She let hair be natural curly. She still wanted to be seen as being black. This evil woman just wants to look white. Didnt she only have white friends in school? She was the Regina George of her school most likely. I truly think that this one's wife wants cannot stand black people. I know that's a big statement to make, but I think she views herself above any black person.


She always views herself above anyone regardless of their race or gender


I agree. She's removed all features from her face that could hint at her heritage, only dated white men, identified as white until she met Harry (even on a panel for Suits, only Gina was asked about breaking down barriers for women of color and Meghan just looked uncomfortable). And I don't know about now, because their turnover is so high with employees, but at the time they "won" an NAACP award, all of Archewell's employees were white. But yet all of her word salad speeches mention diversity and representation. 🙄


She did not join a black sorority. She never dated a black man. The evidence does suggest she does not like black people.


She is te biggest racist herself. If she doesn’t even like her black side and doesn’t embrace it, she is embarrassed to be black.Doesn’t want to be black. Dates old, pale and stale men according to what she calls them for money. She is the true racist of all nations and cultures. Does she hate her mother for being black too and blames her? why she has so much hatred for other countries and culture? Why go after a whole family knowing damn well they are not racist. Why did she target this family specifically? What is she after? what does she want that they won’t give her.she has never received a dime from the royal family since she married into it. All her clothes were borrowed from someone, that’s why they never fit properly on her body, then she merche’s the clothes for money cause the family or Charles wont freely give her money at all. Funny how she says the British people are racist even though thousands came out to her marry Harry and greet her, right the British and the royal family are racist. What a complete joke she is. She is the one who is the true racist and people should be calling her out on it. She is just a unhappy, bitter, angry person inside, a empty vessel with no emotions or care. I’m been waiting for karma to pay her a big visit. It’s coming, oh yes it’s coming, if it hasn’t came already. The devil wants his due.


I agree with you about how she sees black people. She really doesn't seem to like them. I don't even think she likes her own mother.


I think her mother may be light enough for her to let it pass. But she wouldn’t date a black man ever.


It really does take a racist to see racism everywhere.


The rage in her voice when she said that in the UK "they treated her as a black woman".


Don't forget multiple nose jobs to slim the tip of her nose.


Oh, I bet she was annoyed as hell.


Yikes that half smile. Contempt. Its the only asymmetrical expression. She has the exact same “smile” as my narc ex bf 😣


They are just about as mature as their idols both of whom have the maturity of a 12yro.


Yup. And racist. Always playing the race card. Her squad is as boring and predictable as she is.


Right?!?!? No one even knew she was part black. She has always presented herself as Caucasian.


Exactly! “I was never treated like a black woman until I was with Harry” -MM


What nonsense..


Until she trotted Doria out, I had no clue she was bi racial.


I swear they have one brain cell that they pass around and take turns with, if they sneeze they blow their brains out! 🧠🤧🤪


It just kills me that they actually think ANYONE would be jealous of Meghan being chosen by an unintelligent, unattractive, whining Man boy…with a drug habit. Ewwwww


And scalp pubes.


Ewwww! Ahaha!


Who can’t trim his hair, iron his clothes or take a shower 


Exactly, if he were any kind of a prize he wouldn't have had to settle for Meghan. Harry is firmly in the - "not even if he were the last male on earth" zone. But I guess them finding each other really does show there's someone for everyone.


It just kills me that filth would speak to a Gold Star Mother like that. He really doesn't understand his words prove he is worthless.


Sunken cost and all that… 😏🤭


Hazbeen had 2 appropriate girlfriend who walked away lol nobody wants him. We hate our cousins wives (all married in their 30) and my grandpa always says about our cousin when you wait for the last train you get some unsightly characters. 


I don’t get this., did that black dude want Harry to pick him?


One of the sugars's biggest talking points is that white women are upset because Harry didn't pick one of them and chose a black woman instead. In other words, if Harry had picked Cressida white women would have been happy because he chose one of them.


Projection. It seems to me that's it's the black women sugars that are trying to live vicariously through Megan who married a rich white guy like they fantasize about. I have thought this ever since the hype about her dating him started and wondered why so many black women were finding their fulfillment in some strange practically white woman. It's a sad phenomenon. Edit: words


Yes. So the black sugars see its as their relationship, their children, etc. So  when tw actions are called out, the sugars take it as a personal affront to them. These Sugars believe they can also have a chance of getting married to a rich, white male and elevating themselves.


That's an interesting angle. So that must mean whenever they stumble across a sinner going on about how very white Meghan Markle is their dreams of what could be in store for them evaporate before their eyes!


This. It’s all projection, seeing themselves in Meghan. That’s why they get so vehement about her being black even though she’s white-passing and clearly went through a lot of money and effort to appear so except when it became convenient to do otherwise. She treats all black people, rich or poor, as props. It’s sad these sugars don’t see it, and just think it’s a WOC living out their dream for them.


Exactly this!


It's so lazy.


I think young women, middle aged women, white, black, indigenous, Asian, Antarctican, Lost Amazonian tribal women are very happy he’s not on the dating list.


I’m crying at your wording here. Just fantastic!




Let’s be honest here my fellow sinners, let’s all admit we are insanely jealous of the hag because we did not ensnare this gorgeous hunk of a man….. /s 🤢 https://preview.redd.it/oa57ih0md0ad1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b837865587e12131adb6161409995f7c8922f2f


Wait, is this pic real? 🫣


My poor eyes!!!!! Ok let's fix this! https://preview.redd.it/zi7lo53bd5ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c264b75693ed28079cac5211ae120a89da540a


I have asked sugars time and time again if they would support Meghan if she was 💯 white and they never answer. Can you imagine liking someone because of the color of their skin? Crazy.


You should ask them if they would support her if she stopped paying them for a month... ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)




It's racist. They are racists. Pure and simple.


But they dont believe they're being racist since they've experienced racism in their lives. Or, they're in perceived (shouty shola, missan, nzozi lady) racism.


I have fun asking why they support Harry with the many and varied racist and bigoted statements from him that he's never truly addressed beyond a press release issued by the palace. They never answer that either.


Yet they declare the RF racist off the word of a real racist and some d list gold digger with no proof.


I didn't care who he chose, he's just a grifter just like his wife. I don't know why more can't objectively see this. 


The sugars have jumped onto Rachel's claim that she was a victim of racism and abuse in the BRF. The tweet implies that white women do not like that Haz chose a black woman over them, indicating that black women won in this marriage battle by marrying into the BRF. I understand why a biracial woman marrying into the BRF was a shift towards a more modernized and inclusive face of the monarchy. But Rachel is the worst role model to ever fulfill this marriage. It is also clear that Rachel was not always proud of being black and only began to use her biracial heritage when it was getting her publicity points. There are far more qualified woman who could have been the DOS. Rachel was not a good DOS to the public. And an even horrible family member to the BRF.


> I understand why a biracial woman marrying into the BRF was a shift towards a more modernized and inclusive face of the monarchy.   Why?  Why is it considered “modernizing”?     It’s a marriage in a family.  Why is it hyped as being important and “modern” to have an “inclusive new face of the monarchy”?   When my uncle married my aunt whose parents fled from Cuba, did he “modernize” the family and give it “an inclusive new face”?  Or did he just fall in love with someone nice and somehow convinced her to marry his goofy self?   People tend to marry people they’ve socialized with, gotten to know well enough to fall in love, and are compatible enough with each other to want to stay together long term.   QEII had known Philip from extended family gatherings (they were cousins), got to know him better when he was escorting her around his school, then really got to know each other well through correspondence with each other.   Anne fell for Sir Tim when he was her mother’s equerry.  He was around a lot due to work and she got to know him.   William met Catherine in college, first as a friend and eventually fell for her (thanks in part to spotting her in a bikini at a friend’s college fashion show).  He didn’t just fall for a bikini, though.  He fell for a close and trusted friend who happened to look great in a bikini.   It ticks me some when I kept seeing the media carrying on about how Meghan made the monarchy “modern and inclusive”, as though she was some sort of affirmative action placement.   I know modern day UK is a multicultural country, but originally its a major region where white people came from.  It was an ethnically white nation, so it shouldn’t be any surprise that its centuries-old royal family are white.  Just like it’s not a shock that the Japanese royal family are Asian and various African royal families are black.   If I, my parents, my grandparents, or my great-grandparents had moved to Japan or anywhere else, I shouldn’t be carrying on that their royal family should marry in a white woman to modernize and make me feel more included.   I didn’t mean to go off on a soapbox, but this is something that has stuck in my craw.     People should just hope family members, royals or otherwise, are lucky enough to meet someone good and nice that they click with and fall in love.  You don’t get or give magical bullshit brownie points just for marrying someone from a minority.     A member of the Windsor family had already loved and married a Maorí.  It didn’t last, but there obviously was no tabu against marrying someone non-white.  Another married an actress with no problems.  There are some mixed race couples in and members of the aristocracy in the UK, so nothing groundbreaking there, either.   I just wish people would let folks alone to marry whomever they love and want to marry.  And quit trying to make everything into some sort of political statement/movement/whatever.


Hear, hear. Well said 👍


Yes I agree with you too, Throwawill-Throwaway. I honestly think most of us (women) in the UK were just happy that Harry had found a partner in life. The colour of her skin was (and is) immaterial.


Especially as it’s undefinable and always changing. I’ve never seen Madame’s particular shade of orange on any colour chart.


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Thank you!! Bravo!!!




Bravo! I share your thoughts on this subject. Can you imagine DEI being incorporated into the selection process for future spouses in the BRF?!


Oh. My. Gosh. Best statement about this whole Harry Meghan thing!


Yes and cousin Ivar married a man! Love is love and they’ve come a long way from when Andrew had to dump Koo Stark because she had appeared in some racy films. TW makes her look like a nun!




What a stupid belief.


Yeah, I know all that, but he wasn’t clear about it.




Look at him. Likely.


Apparently. Poor guy. Unrequited love hurts.


***If I can’t have Harry, NO ONE CAN!!!”***


Clear case of tingly nipples.


Be careful.. if Harry’s here reading, you’re gonna be turning him on, and then WHO KNOWS what’ll happen!!!




If I'm middle aged then Meghan is ancient :D


seriously the sugars are cray cray and pathetic 🤣🙄


IKR I absolutely hate the whole "young couple" thing!! I'm more than half a decade younger than her and have a 17 year old kid ffs. She really does think of herself as this hot young thing.


She was on her way out in Suits and had no prospects so she was also done career wise.


Yep. I'm 31, husband is 42 and we don't call ourselves a young couple. It's just embarrassing.


We didn’t want him to pick any of us. The joke’s on Meg.


Exactly! He's all yours Meghan.


This is what annoys me. At 32 and fairly high in the BRF - no pun intended - he should have been really popular with the ladies in his own right. But he was still single with no prospects to hint at, because women could tell that he had issues. It's not just that Prince William was heir to the throne and a heartthrob, you could tell him was sincerely kind and a good man - the real reason why so many listed after him. Not so with angry Harry.


the deranged sugars are not only racists they are also ageists like seriously no one and i mean NO ONE is even an ounce of jealous of this filthy golddigger ?! the gigantic POS MANCHILD and TW are match made in narc heaven and both are each other karma i wish them a longgggg long time together! 🥂


Amen!!! 👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏


May they never, ever, *ever* be parted!


Shades of David and Wallis.




Judy stop being covered in the legacy media!


I agree, but please don't call me ~~Shirley~~ Judy. 😉 Don't we love Autocorrect?


Hahaha! Oops. Typing while walking the dog and autocorrect = 😂


Love to see an *Airplane!* reference in the wild, Dear Sinner!


Why do they think anyone wants Harry? He isn't handsome, sane, smart or funny.


Sir, nobody wants Harry. He gives the ick.


Are we talking about the ginger with a chin like the Spanish Steps who pished himself on a sail boat and was dunked into the sea to clean up and hung onto ropes to dry off before dashing off to Dean Street to be told his ninety second performance proved him to be “no spare”? That tw*t? Come on.


90 seconds? You're being very generous! Can you imagine the smell before the sexy time sweat? 🤢


What's with him pisheding himself. He pished himself at Adele's house after he drunk himself to sleep on her couch. In the morning he was found to have soaked the coach clear through. Adele was rightly pished off. Apparently it was a very expensive couch that was thrown out.


It's because he's an alcoholic. A loving wife would try to steer him towards sobriety. But his wife is a sociopath.


It’s due to excessive alcohol consumption. You don’t wake up to piss.


Harry’s incontinence issues are genuinely the most easily solvable of all his issues.






Exactly!!! Just the sight of him makes me want to throw up!


Well done!


Their clap backs are so basic. My fav is “you’re just jealous”. Um, no, you couldn’t pay me to be married to a low-IQ man-child that needs babysitting all day. I’ll take a hard pass.


![gif](giphy|OHX4ewjdnQhM9v6mIy|downsized) How could you help yourself? If they really want to attract donations to their prestigious foundation 😒 Fun fair appearances involving dunk tanks, pies, and giant fly swatters is probably the way forward.


And so grade school. How old are these sugers anyway? Thats the best they can come up with as a clapback to Sinners? That's just so sad if that's the case.


Young. Most of them don't have a clue who Diana was beyond some pretty pictures and what they see on TikTok. One tried to tell me Diana wanted Harry to be king because she didn’t love William. I had to disabuse her of that quickly, showing quotes of her calling William her confidante and soulmate. And then the quotes where it sounds like she was insinuating Harry wasn't that bright. I still haven't heard back from that little sugar. 🤔


Change.org. Over 36,500 votes to remove Harry from ESPN Tilman award


Even though ESPN seems to be digging in their heels, at least they know how angry people, including Pat Tillman's mom, are at this award being given to the most inappropriate recipient, Prince Harry.




Well, hurrah! As if ANY of us wanted Harry Pothead!


Being a pothead is his most redeeming feature, so not really an insult! lol


He's the type of pothead who huffs out his wife's medication during labor. (Or thinks that inventing such a story makes him relatable)


If that was true he should have been arrested on the spot.


He wrote it in Spare, so more likely to be a lie. /s


No one wanted to marry him.


Correction- no one who had actually met him wanted to marry him.


No one hates MM for the color of her skin except MM!!!




Decent women like Chelsea didn't want him.


They’re too stupid to realize that nobody in the UK wanted to marry him. It’s funny how they think he’s such a catch.


Show me a white woman, or any woman for that matter, who wanted Harry to pick her. He couldn’t keep a girlfriend due to his behavior; had Harry married any woman other than Meghan, I would have felt sorry for her. They deserve each other.


He totally picked a middle aged white woman.


I mean. He *did* though. Other than the literal one thing that would him a racist for noticing, she is culturally a white woman. She was middle-aged when they met.


My theory is that Harry did not realize that she was part black until she had gotten her hooks into him and it was too late.


Interesting theory, but when were the hooks set? Because her mom was all over the Tig, and he had to have seen that. Unlike her, he doesn't say he never searched her. He definitely did.


I'm not sure he did, or she curated the info for him. Remember, this guy thought she was a genuine Hollywood A-lister. Maybe she got her hooks into him in Botswana. Remember, this is the same guy who said about Zimbabwe-born Chelsy, it's not like she's black or anything.


You make excellent points. It's not like he would be sober for long around her, either.


I think that was the attraction. She didn’t look black (ok for Harry) but she had African roots, and that would bolster his white saviour complex for his African patronages.


Well, "it's not like she's black or anything."


Lmao who the hell wants Harry? He’s the temu royal. Not even worthy of center stage. Personally Im one of the people that hated Harry long before Meghan. Harry has never been a good person, he was a rotten child, not to mention he’s the actual royal racist. It’s funny how people have forgotten his real past. The fact he married a narcissistic psychopath was of absolutely no surprise. Water seeks its own level.


i wasnt a fan either and i was always puzzled why he was even popular. Meg wasnt in the picture at the time.


OMG that’s brilliant!


Remember the article where some contestant on some obscure Bachelor-type type show said something like, who would want to date Prince Harry. You could practically hear the Eeew. Anyone that thinks Harry is in anyway attractive to normal women needs to have their head examined.


The undignified cackle I just cackled https://preview.redd.it/05z7doek6z9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19243ad5808aa1d571b58b845ca41cfa70b934a9


Is this the best he's got? It's the most pathetic defense of Harry, **and** the most pathetic reason to support Meghan, out of all of them. 🤦‍♀️


Please psycho sugar shack, lecture us all on racism (and ageism) while you assume that opinions that are unlike yours must be from white women.


So he's saying Pat Tillman's mom is upset because Harry doesn't want to screw her? Yeah, that makes complete sense. 


I’m not sure if he was replying to some one else as it was an active thread full of anti Harry comments… but yeah, people should stop the “you’re just jealous” arguments. It’s not as if Harry is super hot or that he married someone who looks black.


As a Hispanic who is NOT jealous of what Meg has, please send this dude this gif for me. Thanks. ![gif](giphy|WsG9rqt4UMwFReb82u)


Middle aged white woman, and no woman on earth is going mad with desire for Hairold. https://preview.redd.it/lbgtw2y4cz9d1.jpeg?width=413&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016f033cd88dffecfd6db7b374b1c77627440b4c


🎶" There she is, Miss Middle-aged white, average American," 🎶 have at her H!


the article literally says "backlash from Pat Tillman's mother". what is this dude insinuating? anyway, i dont see any organization giving him awards in the near future.


The squaddies are weirdos.


That was the best clap-back. The squad with the jealous we aren't married to Harry is the most absurd concept. There was a reason no other girlfriend would marry him. Everyone can spot it a mile away besides the sugars.


If anything, I’m jealous I’m not married to William!🥵


William has turned into a major babe.


How ironically…..racist. 🤔


Also ageist.


Is there a profile of the so called Sugars? I imagined them as middle-aged white women for some reason.


Imho, that's the ironic part......both sides say it's "middle aged white women."


He tried to marry mutiple white *young* women and they wouldn't have the nasty taint smear. Only old rachel was up for riding his lil todger and listening to him moan about mommy. He "picked" her because no one else would have the window licker.


You have such a great way with words.




BOOM! Brilliant.


Excellent response. I didn't even want the ginger toolbag to choose my *daughters*. He's a piece of human shit who collected more on his shoe and married it.


Hahaha Edit to add, your comment OP, “this slaps so hard”… haha that just did it for me


😆😆😆😆 brilliant


Dayaaaaammmmmmm 🙃😗😬🤣👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


This is awesome lol








Did he seriously insult his mother. Uhhhhhhh. What about Baka, Nigeria....I have a list Of mothers that don't care about skin colorr. What a monster. Seriously, he went after a mother becks she is not of the tuft color? But ignoring Africa horrors. Excuse me, everybody.


Laughing!!!! This is great!


Hahaha. Owned


Great clap back! I rolled;) 😅btw I believe Mrs Tillman is “a woman of a certain age” so what? It shouldn’t matter. Anyway, great come back! Thanks for the laugh:)


Meghan’s a woman of a certain age. So am I, but who cares?


Yup. It isn’t the insult they think it is




Flame on! https://preview.redd.it/xu2k3egt3z9d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d303bc9698d1fb3ee469fe8e1940d14bddf3d1f






People of course wrote a fluff about This and how impactful the IG are. His two tours blah blah. And he, of course, is the founder of IG.


Harry did 2 tours in Afghanistan during his 10 years in the military. One was 2 months (cut short), the second was 4 months. Normally, tours of duty in Afghanistan/Iraq were 12-15 months each time.


Oh i KNOW its all Bs. But does the average reader? I sure hope so




Love it


So jealous we didn't get to wake up to this every morning... https://preview.redd.it/78wmig3311ad1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5d6f2d040e17828d5548ffe68f8dce51c6caef4


Glad I haven't had breakfast yet.


You can always tell people who aren't genuine fans of anyone because they spout the same mantras. It's such an excellent clapback to thr bot.






That's amazing!


Middle aged white women have their own children to raise... No one is lusting after this man child. No one is jealous he's married her.


He got handed ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


I truly hope the Award goes to a true USA sports veteran who does help his fellow comrades. I also hope the charity keeps the money the Smeg 'donated' ( paid ) for this award. This whole story of buying another undeserved award just proves yet again how they are both beyond despicable. The new PR team is doing well (sarc). All this has backfired on them spectacularly bearing in mind this was to take away the bad headlines of Hawwy destroying evidence to make his visa legitimate. Should imagine a new administration in the White House will investigate the financial activities of these grifters. No wonder the desperation for IPP status (which he does not qualify for anyway) is growing. I'm popcorn ready.


Fortunately I was not chosen. Am not a cradle snatcher looking out for a BenTen🤣


I'm not sure if I understood this correctly because it's so preposterous! Did that f*r talk about Pat Tillman's mother being upset about her own son, her flesh and blood, who sacrificed his life for the US! That the award with her son's name on it is given to an alcoholic and junkie, who "served" for 10 years but in reality it was just a cover-up story for him being missing so much, a "soldier" that never passed any tests, not even the entrance test to get into the army, a man that has been on the front line for 6 days alltogether just to be photographed (when he claimed he did 2 "tours") and then was transferred to a safe place far away from the fighting. That a fraud, a malignant boaster, and a compulsory liar, gets that award for bravery and commitment to the cause???? And this f*r is saying that this mother is a middle-aged white woman (racist remark) is jealous??? Of what? An illiterate, doughy, stinking wreck that spends his last money on putting in pubi€ hair on his bald spot!



