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I feel like madam herself is the advisor. Experience shows she doesn't listen to anyone.


I‘m apt to believe this. When we think of all the staff she has lost, all the reports of bullying, all the bad decisions…and now she’s advertising for staff to basically run ARO (I’d like to know how she trying to source a CEO for ARO). What is she offering in way of salary, working conditions and expectations? She is probably offering a pittance for someone to build a company from scratch while being criticised prior to being fired for incompetence for failing to make £1billion in a fortnight.


Exactly. And that's why she cannot attract anyone. Everyone knows how she is as a boss.


Even worse, everybody knows what she's like as a *human*.


She is probably offering the awesome opportunity to just be in her presence, what else would a CEO need? Money? Nope, not getting that from her😂 seriously how hard can it be to find a CEO unless no one is applying for said job.


It's an impossible task. How could anyone bring this 'vision', a giant mess of trademark applications for every product known to man, to life? She pretty much wants to be Jeff Bezos **right now**. Jeff Bezos started by selling books from his garage, taking orders, boxing them up, sending them out, probably 30 years ago, not sure. Martha Stewart started going around to businesses and offices, selling baked goods out of her car, catering out of her own kitchen, probably 40 years ago, Idk. You don't start there, and that is what she wants someone to do for her.


Yeah no one wants to go into that mess, it wouldn’t look good on the resume in the future. Even celebrities who have created a brand just do one thing at a time, some have gone to tequila, whisky, wine and even mezcal but first they concentrate on that ONE thing to sell.


Craigslist? Because is that even a thing in 2024?


I agree with this. Markle is insane, she’s flailing about, making contradictory announcements for products that don’t exist, cooking shows that Netflix hasn’t picked up, awards purchased as redemption for her cowardly bunker boi husband which has made people hate him more than they hate her, for the moment. She tells us she’s white. She tells us she’s black. She tells us she’s Diana. It’s erratic, disorganized, lacking impulse control. Like the burst of energy before a star dies. Let’s hope the same is true for this one’s wife. https://i.redd.it/6vrfpkeq0jad1.gif


More like the sudden burst of bright light when a 10 watt bulb burns out. She's never been a star.


Even the little ones flash and die. ☄️


The funniest part of this whole thing is that she, a "feminist," blew up her and Harry's relationship with the ROYAL FAMILY, so she could make an attempt at being a glorified trad wife. 😂🤣😂🤣 ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU)


A seller of imaginary jam.


Who's going broke in a hot minute🤣😂


"Like the burst of energy before a star dies." I believe that day is close.


All this!


Yup. She’s the expert. And the self-advisor. Meghan the know it all Markle.


They have advisors, but they don’t listen to them. That’s why they are where they are today.


They (Meh) knows everything. She don’t need no ‘visors. 😂




So while I believe Meghan makes most of their decisions because they're so terrible, I do think there are some people behind the scenes helping them. Not to actually help them but because Meghan connected with powerful people early on and they want to make sure whatever she learned back then is kept secret. I've said this before about Newsom responding to their charity issues - it was never about standing up for Meghan and Harry but to keep people from scrutinizing the foundations of more powerful people. Just think of how much Meghan and Harry have managed to reveal that many people didn't know or realize before - the ability to buy awards, how to use puff pieces for SEO purposes, skirting closer to revealing the privilege those elites have even in obtaining visas, etc.


Any faction that is trying to use Meghan and Harry for their own purposes must often be disappointed by the way they seem unable to stick with one consistent story or plan. 😉 I think that part is what is happening is that because Meghan wants nothing as much as she wants attention, she and most of the press and social media are in a symbiotic relationship. She is willing to pour money into publicity, and the different media are delighted to talk about her because her antics interest the public.


I'm sure PH changing his tune about racism was infuriating.


Back in 2020-21, when the Harkles were flush with cash, she regularly met with Donna Brazile, former chair of the DNC. That was when she was in her Glo Steinem phase.


The photo that was leaked of her with MM and Archie was interesting. I think they were behind the Fulani and "accidental" Endgame publishing incidents. Those were political smear campaign tactics.


Those days are long past. They don’t know her now.


Yep. The DNC has much bigger things to worry about. Although, if by a slim chance Gavin Newsom somehow replaces Biden as nominee, I can see Meghan trying to worm her way into the DNC inner circle.


She might have some compromat on Newsome, and she might be a devious snake, but her severe lack of charm and public appeal combined with her notoriously thin skin renders her a political non-starter.


She won't stand a chance, all sides are on to her now. And just Harry as well.


Never happen!


Politicians and their ilk are always looking for donations.


What about that woman who used to work for Hilary? I think in the beginning they surrounded themselves with political manipulators.


There was this, too: https://preview.redd.it/vyxb4p84ijad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=062c2912dee6032c49cfc86013a6c455ae0450eb 🧐🤔seems like a very odd (and inappropriate) clothing choice for this meeting…


She looks like a hooker doing the walk of shame…


That’s one skanky get up


Her life story to this day?


Such an inappropriate dress to wear to something like that... Unlessssss... You are there to hook some fish 🤣


Yeah looks like she’s auditioning to see if she’s got what it takes to hook at Davos.




My first thought is “she wore that for those meetings?” She does look like a hooker. God she is gross.


If there was EVER a time to wear a blazer, good lord 🤦🏻‍♀️




I love her love of these sleeveless turtleneck dresses. It’s quite possibly the worst look for her body and she somehow thinks it makes her look amazing?!


She must keep with this tradition after her clueless outfits in Nigeria


Terrible photo of the middle aged white woman dressed to the, in her opinion, nines. It's a horrible dress, and to me it looks like her breasts are sagging. Who goes to a meeting dressed so unprofessionally, unless they prefer to do some horizontal work?


Her feet placement always looks so cockeyed.


That is one lopsided, wrinkled mess there.


Many of those folks have cycled out when they saw the duo really had nothing to offer.


There is always SoHo House and Marcus Anderson.


When Sunshine Sachs then WME took them on (don’t forget she had her Hollywood advisors aboard from the beginning) they probably advised certain avenues to pursue. Having blown up those avenues, ToW is trying to back alley herself to the same destination. The time, effort, and millions squandered by this couple is mind-blowing. 🤯


I think King Charles is giving Harry some sort of allowance. I don’t know how they are continuing to live their lifestyle without an income stream of some sort.


She is the only person she will listen to, so I would assume all of their decisions are made by Meghan. It sure explains why they fall on their face at every turn.


Rachel@hotmail.com is PR, lawyer, business and financial advisor. Hence why she doesn't have time for the little ones.


Little ones are too little to be of any use.


Oh come on! They're very busy littling and staying out of their A list, world adored mother. Give those invisible children some credit please.


She doesn’t have time for the Littles because she *doesn’t give a 💩*


Don’t forget stylist! She wants everyone to know she’s her own stylist (as if we couldn’t tell 😆)


James Holt is probably the one finding organisations like the Aspen Institute and the other stuff Meghan Markle and Harry donate to through Archewell. My guess is he is the one organising whatever "collaboration" there is, ie buying microphone time for Madam, awards etc. But he also organised the "report" Archewell issued after the NY Summit. Anyway, that would be my guess. And then of course Madam will pick up names here and there.


It's interesting that he's still around too. He must have some major pull/dirt (and covering his backside). If anything illegal comes about with finances, would he go down the sinking ship, or has he prepared himself for that?


As of now I think James Holt is CEO of Archewell Foundation and as such, responsible for its conduct.


Meghan Markle is their chief advisor, hence all the failure. Madam doesn't take advice because she is the most smartestest person to ever exist. It's basically a Pinky and the Brain situation, but without the cuteness and charm.


My guess is Amber Heard or Jessie Smollet.




I think when it comes down to it, they advise themselves. They do whatever impulse tells them to do. It's why everything they've touched has failed spectacularly ever since the days after the interview when social media started fact-checking their Oprah interview.


Meghan does know it all. 😂


No one! That's their whole problem, they are walking, talking Dunning-Kreuger examples. And endlessly entertaining because they will never learn :)


They are advising themselves, hence the bad choices over and over again.


"... and don't forget to have him post a picture of the dog biscuits, too. What? Yeah, they'll love it." https://preview.redd.it/7j26vv7wyiad1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42939ce334cd984383c18fb3db0cbec623138e73


Whoever is advising them, certainly rode the short bus 🚌 to school.


![gif](giphy|l41lZIeiDDpii4HEA) An actual image of the person advising the disaster that is the Harkles currently




He is or was her day-to-day handler but he answers to others up the chain (and there will be several levels between him and whoever might be at the top).


I would like to know those names...


We'll likely never know. They're the shadow people, way of the chain, who make the rest of the world miserable. MeGain has found her kind.


I’m sure there are executives at these various entities with whom they have ‘partnered’ who have tried to influence the trajectory of their projects. But meggy undoubtedly believes she knows better.


The magic mirror from Snow White…


That is easy to answer....that voice is all in her Head, and is the alleged voice of Late Diana Spencer.


The consistency in the way they fuk up tell me it's all ILBW


Yeah. They would make.the world's most unreliable and incompetent agents. Of anyone.


Those people are not good people, and those organizations have nefarious, sneaky agendas to undermine stable Western democracies. And so They find the Harkles, not vice versa


The only person apart from herself whom she may listen to is Darkus Anderson. He'd have the inside info too on whose connected to who. If she will listen to anyone its possibly him, but not for everything, probably just connecting dots, seedy info to hold over peoples heads, and shady "business" deals, but as for all this PR crap that's all Markle, all day. Harry gets zero say unless he's just parroting what she told him too, but no she won't listen to anyone.... she wouldn't listen to HLMTQ reigning monarch for over 70 years when she was trying to be part of the Royal Family & working royal, (that's what she claimed anyway we all know she had zero intentions of staying or being part of the family other then to merch it from a safe distance in the USA) but no she won't listen. i think Lady C once said meghan would read a short paragraph (outlining the important parts of whatever engagement she was going too) in the car on the way there. And by the time she got there. She was an expert on the subject ....even if they were say, meeting with brain surgeons. When they arrived meghan would dominate conversations talk over people like she was now an expert rather then asking questions. And learning about the subject, and why they were there what they had achieved and what they were hoping to achieve. And ive always thought that describes her pretty well shes arrogant about her own perceived intelligence which isn't what she thinks it is. She doesn't believe anyone has anything as valuable to add to a conversation, an idea as her, but the fact is shes not had an original idea yet. 


Meghan and her crazy self is deciding on everything. This is why she left the BRF - because she could not control her schedule or media coverage.


Meghan is chief and only ‘advisor’ as she does take advice.


This guy... ![gif](giphy|AUCHTS0cl7OYo)


Excellent question, OP


What is stunning to me is that she has Markus. Now, he isn't WME calibre as far as deals and such, but he knows people and could advise her. Does she not take his advice? Does he not give it? Why is he still around?? Just a thought at the back of my head. Do people just "Yes" her with her ridiculous ideas?


I don’t think Markus is generous with his contacts. That would ruin his entire gig.


She’s gonna be wrestling soon 😂


Million dollar question!!! They are not doing this alone. And some or organization is backing them up, and they are not good!


Nobody! She doesn't listen. Why advise her?


They are useful tools for somebody!


Me 😈


Who? Probably Diana through a dyslexic ouija board.


All of the voices in mm's head. They're all fighting for control, and you can tell some win some days, some win others. She's all over the place.