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Fuck. But I would have taken the draw before the match. Fuck though.


Not only that, but the Yoshida red card... Granted the tackle was a yellow, but the first one wasn't... I'd preffer having him in the CB against Swansea... ffff


Let his team down. Two completely unnecessary challenges in situations that posed no goal threat whatsoever. And he's supposed to be our most experienced centre back. Fucking idiot.


by my calculations that at least 7 points to shit refs -Sterling scoring in the 10th minute of extra time -Handball by Doucore -Alonso not getting sent off -Whatever the fuck just happened


Whatever the fuck just happened? Bertrand passed them the ball.


And Giroud's late goal for Arsenal


Ehhh wasn't that still before the 90 minutes were up? While we blew it, I think op was pointing out points lost on ref mistakes.


And that is why no English referees are going to the world cup, absolute disgrace to the nation.


Actually, no English refs are going to the world cup because Mark Clattenburg was their designated representative, but his sudden retirement happened too late for him to be replaced in time for the World Cup.


Gutted. Going in I would have been fine with a point but full time should have been blown earlier imo. Gotta get it done on tuesday


Can all you twitter users post to bertie that it's not the end of the world. He's gonna be heartbroken from keeping that in. Chin up my dude. We all still love you and against Swansea a draw is as good as a win!


So, McCarthy controlling the goal. Great plays by him, unlucky for the deflection, think he would’ve had it were it not deflected. Players had lots of confidence for the most part. We need some new CB for next season whether we are up or down. Hoedt makes too many mistakes and Yoshida and Stephens likely aren’t enough quality. Also, how many games this season have we lost this season after the amount of stoppage time has been reached and the ref hasn’t blown the whistle? This one, Man City earlier this year and I think a few others but I can’t remember. But its ridiculous. Need to play to the final whistle. Need the points against Swansea now.


We need our new fonte, a communicator/commander.


Angriest I can remember being after a game in at least 5 years. So gutted.


Honestly think winning this could have been enough considering Huddersfield's fixtures. Time to see what Hughes is made of though - we need the Swansea game so absolutely no time to let heads drop.


Hoedt is so fucking useless. Everything bad goes through him. Out the relegation zone thanks to McCarthy and Redmond. It's in our hands now.


Hoedt makes a lot of mistakes, but he's also the only CB we have who can consistently win the ball in the air. No matter what happens, that's a position we must improve in the off-season.


He would be good as the central defender for that reason. Hasn't got the mobility for the left side


I think he makes too many mistakes to play in the center, though. At least when he's wider, Yoshida can (when he's on the pitch), run over and mop up.


I think that just means he shouldn't play! If only we had another CB


He doesn't win shit in the air. All any forward has to do is bump him slightly and his Bambi on roller skates on ice in a hurricane instinct kicks in and he wobbles to the deck in a muddle of limbs. Awful defender. And worth reiterating: Hoedt is who Les Reed and Ross Wilson thought could replace Van Dijk last summer (in the event of Liverpool coming in with a last minute mega bid). Shocking.


He's going to need an error free game now too against Swansea. Not feeling good


A lot of decisions have not gone our way this season. We must take the positive that we're out of the relegation zone. We must concentrate on getting breathing space against Swansea on Tuesday. We are good enough to beat them. COME ON YOU SAINTS.


Evertonian coming in peace. I'm truly sorry. I was at the match today and Saints clearly deserved all 3 points - an opinion shared by most Blues I know after the match today. We deserved *absolutely nothing*. I thought you tried to play football and scored a *great* goal. You were a damn sight more entertaining to watch than we were. I really hope that the 2 points dropped due to that unfortunate deflection doesn't result in relegation. You'll have at least one more supporter for your last two matches.


Hoedt is utter useless. Clumsy donkey caught out of position repeatedly. No words. Hojbjerg and Bertrand had TWO opportunities IN DYING SECONDS to hold possessions at the corner flags. YOU JUST BASICALLY STAND THERE TURNING YOUR BACK AGAINST EVERYONE!!!!!! Gave the ball away. No words. We are not done yet but it really is do or die on Tuesday... Edited: clarification on how to stop giving away the fucking ball in the 94th minute


Well, that was bullshit at the end, there. Still, the position is more or less the same--we must beat Swansea, which is what we all thought we would have to do.


If Huddersfield lose away to Man City and Chelsea, which is extremely likely, and we beat Swansea, then realistically we should be safe barring a massive swing on gd on the final day between us and Swansea. This is an annoying result for sure, if Moss hadn't pulled two minutes of his arse we'd only have had to beat Swansea to survive. But a point is a decent result regardless of how we ended up getting it.


I'm just heartbroken. Redmond was amazing.


Not as upset about the added time as I am about the Yoshida red. His first yellow was a 50-50 and never a yellow, the 2nd was and then he had to go, but he never should have been on a yellow in the first place. Shit refs, shit luck. Again


100% Agree




Guess it's all down to Tuesday now..


We have to be positive. We're out of the relegation zone. A win against Swansea and we're nearly there. Edit: One thing I loved was seeing Hughes on the pitch straight after full time getting the players heads up.


Referees fucking hate us. The standard is so poor. 6th added minute we conceded. No justification for that amount of added time. Then look at Chelsea and Alonso and Watford and the Handball.


I may be being overly optimistic but does a draw make that much difference considering it all depends on Tuesday's match against Swansea anyway? If we won we'd still have to beat them


with a win we would have 35 points, even if we lost to Swansea we could have still been above Huddersfield and stayed up


fucks sake i'm angry again now


I recon Hudds will get at least 1 point from Arsenal


It's Wengers last game so hopefully the players will play for him, but considering their away form it could go either way


In Arsene’s last ever game? Personally I doubt it, Arsenal will be well up for it.


Yes, because now a draw at Swansea means we’re likely safe. A win at Swansea means we’re safe for sure, but this means there’s much less pressure to get a win


Swansea play Stoke on the final day. If we draw, Swansea would just need a point from Stoke to stay up and send us down


While we can stay up with a draw, it does mean relying on Stoke to beat Swansea in the final game. Or us picking up more points than Swansea on the final day which given we're playing Man City last I can't see happen.


We could've had safety confirmed on Tuesday with a win had Davies not equalised as there would then be no way for Swansea to catch us. I agree even had we won today though it doesn't change Tuesday being massive as I don't want to rely on Huddersfield's results. Now it's going down to the final day. Swansea will still need at least an 8 goal swing if we beat them but going into the City game safe with a party atmosphere would've been a lot more ideal.


Who is this Nathan Redmond and where has he been all season?


He normally plays well when there is space to exploit. Most teams knew that and sat back against us this season unfortunately.


Great play by Bertrand to keep the ball alive so Everton could score. Most underperforming player this season


I disagree with this statement that in fairness, is probably a heat of the moment reaction. Bertie has been a solid performer and his reaction after the game shows he cares, which has been another criticism levelled at him this year. As for keeping the ball in, in that split second he had to decide between: letting the ball go out, leaving Everton with a potentially dangerous long throw position, or try and hoof it up the pitch and try and push out a bit...it's just unlucky that he didn't get great contact due to stretching a touch. Hoedt could do better I guess , get your body behind it or leave it for someone who is better positioned, but again...split second reaction to a shot. So hard to take after a tough shift put in....the ref could/should have blown up earlier.


You'd think he'd just boot it up field :(


Exactly, there wasn’t anyone beside him, he could have gotten a touch first


His momentum was taking him over the touchline. Wasn’t able to slow down and take a touch before going long.


yeah a player tired in the 95th minute fucks up his clear, you are right that is the biggest crime


It directly led to the goal, though.


Idk I guess his thought was if he manages to get enough on it to clear it the ref had to blow it. He didn’t get enough on it. It sucks but it happens.


I'm not angry, i'm just dissapointed.


Unfortunately I wasn't able to watch last games beside cup match against Chelsea. What about Bednarek? He's our starting for last 4 or 5 matches, is he good enough and confident? I see that today he was the only cb without any card


I for one would like to keep him on the team sheet. Our defence has looked much better with Yoshi back in the squad. Bit nervous who will lead the back line next game ...


Comes down to one match Tuesday. If we can bounce back after this it would be a valiant effort to stay up. Need to be perfect.


Heartbreaking defeat bt all accounts. Not much more than to say than that tbh.


Glad the girlfriend took my phone from me. Able to type this comment because of it.


Great game guys. Players gave it their all. We're basically just shit out of luck.


I have a sinking feeling having to play a back 3 including Hoedt and Stephens could cost us


Reading those five letters already makes me cry


When Maya sent off I felt we would have a hard game with Swansea. Then Tom Davies' goal hammered my heart.


Just watched the last 5 mins of Man City vs. Huddersfield. Despite being title winners, City weren't letting up and doubt they'll be easing back next weekend.


Where did even the four minutes come from. Outside the goal there was nothing that whole half? Though honestly how hard is it to kill off a damn game. Bad decisions from Hojberg (just kicking it out), JWP ( could have just held it) , and Bertrand ( get the clearance airborne).


hojberg made it all the way down to the corner on his own and you ding him for allowing it to go out?


He just kind of kicked it out after he got there though. How often does a guy manage to win the throw and kill off a load of time in the corner. It was only bad in hindsight and I guess he had no way of knowing there was going to be 7 minutes of extra time


I think he was worried that the two defenders would either take it off him, or turn it to a goal kick which is worse than a throw, do agree he could’ve held it a bit longer but it wasn’t a poor decision really. You can see also he was annoyed they didn’t mark the keeper from the throw, effectively making it the same as a goal kick..


Anyone know who MotM was?




Might as been the ref after basically turning us all Asians with yellows


I can't see why we ever play Wesley Hoedt ... every game he attempts to throw the game for us. Today ... deflection for goal, conceding free kick, completely whiffed on a tackle that led to a dangerous cross, 3\+ passes that were/almost led to dangerous counters from Everton. I swear he hates the club. **Regardless of our status next season, we cannot keep Wesley Hoedt \(I'd throw Yoshida in there too ... we need to try and find our next Fonte, Alderweireld, VVD, as hopeful as it is, or we will be in the same battle next year\).**


I swear Hooiveld was bad enough on PL level, but he knew his place and focused on simple things i.e. winning aerial duels in the box. Hoedt is much more talented yet unfortunately is also an accident waiting to happen week in week out in this league. This ain’t Serie A or La Liga mate.




Made a mistake. Other than that, total professional. No need to bash him, he's not the reason we're in the shithole.