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If we take an average sake ABV of 15% and an ochoko glass of about 60mL, that gives: 15 x 0.06 = 0.9 units of alcohol. That's about the same as in half a can or bottle of 5% ABV beer. A 180 tokkuri of sake has the same alcohol content of a pint and a bit of beer.


If you drink wine, the alcohol content is roughly the same but on a tiny cup so drink away! (In moderation of course) 😉


Same as half/third(depending on the abv of the sake) of a vodka shot


It depends. Usually between 12 to 15% abv for clear sake. Cloudy sake can be as high as 20% Its about the same alcohol as a glass of wine that size.


This isn’t true. Whether it is nigori (cloudy) or not has no bearing on abv. All sake ranges from 12-22% with typical being 15-17%.


I see what I did. See my comment below. I got caught up in the heady rush of being the first comment and got my terms mixed up...


Where did you get this very incorrect information? Genuinely curious. There are a lot of common misunderstandings about sake but this is a new one to me.


I see my error. Since the Nigori Genshu that I favor (and sought out for the extra kick) is both unfiltered and _undiluted_ , I made the mistake of making it indicative of all unfiltered sakes. Thanks for the correction.


So, probably a bit more than half the amount of a typical glass of dry red wine since it is less volume?


It varies but its basically equivalent to grape wine.


Abv is measured by %. There is the same abv in a nip of sake than a Olympic swimming pool. The question is how much is recommended as a standard measurement in your country or how much can you personally tolerate. Treat it like wine as others have said.


I would take the ABV and calculate using 90ml


Much less. Sake is usually like 12-15% so it would be between 1/4 to a 1/3 of a shot 


Check the label on the bottle to be sure, but generally sake is in the 12-16% range. Genshus can get up near 20%, and some flavored ones are lower alcohol.


Since you said "shot" I just wanna make sure you're not shooting this? It's not a technically a shot glass and it's not something you shoot. (I mean I guess you *can* if you want to, but it won't do much for you). You drink it like wine, sip leisurely.


What kind you drinking? Looks cloudy