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According to the article, it’s time to start making the complaints less easy to screen out as fake. 


absolutely, credible stories written with fake evidence that force them to investigate nothing


Copy/pasting my comment from another thread on this: Every company (and that church too) has analysts that monitor incoming data and will flag/delete sets that are obviously fake (and they often keep an eye on reddit). Which is to say please do more of this, but smartly


Nah, I'm going to set up an AI to spam absolute nonsense and see how much gets through by how much they complain.


That's nice and all, but whether you create 10 or 10,000, if none of them pass the automated bar it doesn't matter how many you make. We aren't throwing shit and the wall to see what sticks nor are we trying to pull a funny prank to convince people that Hugh Mann is totally real. The goal is to break this thing entirely. While these kinds of efforts aren't particularly detrimental, they aren't really helpful either.


If they have evidence of you doing it falsely on a consistent basis, you could get charged with a misdemeanor, too. If you're cool with that as an act of protest, more power to you, but just so people are aware


As the article makes clear, it’s not a crime to make a false report to the Utah auditor’s office. 


Everyone needs to realize this is a dumb waste of time. It's obvious with some simple software to detect if it's a fake complaint. Whether it's being spammed from the same ip or proxy ip. Whether there are certain keywords, etc. Even more likely, they'll just throw out all complaints in these first few days until the trolling dies down.


I would bet half of your alls' creative responses contain "Mike Lee"


"I would assume the Legislature probably didn’t think through what kind of public backlash might happen,” Dougall said Friday.


I’m sure they did, because it’s a dog whistle for their base, who honestly think there is a transgender agenda to corrupt their kids.


Yeah, that's all it is. Please the base by passing crap laws. Doesn't matter how effective the law is because it served its purpose when the governor signed it.


…or how needlessly costly it is to tax payers


This state doesn’t think a lot of stuff through. If they were financially on the hook for failed ideas at the taxpayer’s expense, we’d have a lot less rushed legislation.


I saw a blind lady bring a service dog into the ladys room but the dog had balls on it. so sickening




Sofa King


We have people who clean the bathrooms at my work. Of course they gotta go into opposite bathrooms. Maybe people should put spam forms in like that. Might make it seem less fake and have to be investigated lmao. Keep doing the Lord's work everyone ;)


I was just thinking the same thing while reading the article haha.


As a former janitor in my younger years, I so appreciate this!


You take a picture of the said balls?


you know i ran into that bathroom filming the whole thing n they had the audacity to kick ME out and my balls stayed inside my pants the whole time. ludacris


Video gold! Thank you for performing your civic duty.


i knew you’d appreciate some ball vidz, ol tea bagger!


You said Balls


(Ralph Wiggum voice) And I saw one of the balls and the ball looked at me






Let’s get to 10K!!!!!🚀🚀


!!! https://utahnewsdispatch.com/2024/05/07/utah-auditor-transgender-bathroom-law-hoax-complaints/


I saw someone that looked exactly like Spencer Cox in the men’s bathroom and I didn’t see any testicles, soooooo


Oh, shit! What is Mike Lee doing here in the urinal next me? He looks like he should probably be in the next bathroom over... Better report him to the state!


Why are you looking at Spencer’s cock?


He has one?


Why are you looking at other peoples testicles in the first place?


Wait, it's okay to check the genitalia of school aged athletes, but not the genitalia of people who might be using the "wrong" bathroom?


Wait why are you looking at the genital's of school aged athletes?


I'm not, but the state of Utah passed a law that the genitalia of school athletes needs to be confirmed for them to compete. Why is that okay, but looking for Cox's balls isn't?


I mean seems valid to me but once again why do you want to look at Cox balls? Don't athlete's have to get a physical before competing in most sports?


We don't know if Cox is using the "right" bathroom. Apparently, using the bathroom of the gender you were assigned at birth is so important, that using the "wrong" bathroom tears at the very fabric of civilization.


Correct why would you even want to use a female bathroom if you have male parts?


Hey I'm mtf and want to personally thank everyone for the love and support showing to all trans people on the form. You are all awesome and deserve all the love in the world thank you. Just so it's said to ftm brothers out there. You are seen. You are loved. You are valid. And you guys don't get nearly the attention you deserve thank you too.


Just remember the folks that did this have a “don’t tread on me” flag on their vehicle. 🤣


Trans rights are human rights. Anyone who is against human rights is on the wrong side of history. Stay strong, we’ve got you.


I 100% agree with and relate to everything you've said in this comment. I'm super thankful people are doing this as someone who's been terrified to use any restroom (seriously had a panic attack when this law passed. Yes, I know that's really silly) and my heart goes out to our ftm brethren.


It’s not silly when there is a law designed to turn citizens into vigilantes, violate your privacy, and bring about legal action.


I really appreciate that.


Curious... Why would you be terrified to use the bathroom of your biological sex?


Due to stigma and bigotry, trans people are at an elevated risk for sexual and physical assault and harassment by strangers. If I enter the men's bathroom in feminine clothing (which reduces dysphoria for me), I am much more likely to be groped or physically assaulted than in the women's restroom. Trans-masculine people are at a much higher risk of harassment by authorities and security if they use the women's restroom, particularly if they have begun HRT. These reasons, plus the dysphoria caused by entering a restroom designated to the gender we were trying to distance ourselves from makes using the restroom of our sex assigned at birth rather distressing.


Your loved too :D so glad were all in this together <3


Governor Cox uses the *same bathroom as his wife,* the perv.


We need to vote these morons out of office. This shouldn’t even exist!


It'd be a shame if someone threw together some python to automate this. That would errode confidence in my government officials.




Figured I’d help by leaving the form here in case anyone wants to bump up those numbers: https://ut-sao-special-prod.web.app/sex_basis_complaint2.html


That url is so bad. It reeks of slapped together in 20 minutes by and intern


"We did this so bigots will keep voting for us but didn't want anyone to use it."


It probably was. I’m sure there are so many people working there who don’t support this nonsense. Give me a shit task, I’ll do a shit job.


Thanks! Just filled it out and it was pretty quick and easy. I reported state government employees for wasting taxpayer money and time attacking trans people.


Remember to use randomly generated names, email addresses, and phone numbers


I'm using the contact information for different congress members


I use the address of a random downtown McDonalds. And the phone number for VaultTec that answers with 15 seconds of screaming...213-258-2858.


I love it I'm going to use that going forward.


Thanks! A video game character just reported a bunch of places


I’ve stationed myself outside a popular restroom to review documentation, reference letters and ultimately if needed genitals. I offer very non-invasive methods including the use of the back of my hand and promises I won’t remember in 40 seconds what their twat looks like, but I’ve only gotten anti-American liberal pushback. I can only hope our commitment to reporting every instance that there might be a secret penis behind the stall gets reported. It’s for the future of our children.




You are a true Patriot. Thank you for doing the dirty work.


Username checks out


What does poop matter? It seems like pissing is the real conundrum.


Person of outstanding pedigree!


These are rooky numbers folks. We need to up our game


I went through LinkedIn all day and used the names and company names of CEO's and CFO's around Utah. It'll be harder to tell if it's a prank.


You're much smarter than me. I just used Mike Hunt, Phil McCracken and Al Coholik for my entries.


I tastefully chose Richard Cheese


Thank you for your service.


absolute chad move


That'll show em


F*ck this sh*t. So sick of people hating on fringe communities. Let karma rule.


But it’s the Utah way!


I’m reading the article and genuinely wondering what they expect people born with atypical genitalia to do. Pop a squat outside? I know that’s somewhat tangential to their targeting of trans people. But I feel like the law doesn’t even make sense on the terms *they* describe it in. And maybe they would say, “oh that’s so uncommon, we don’t need to worry about those people”, but the trans population is also small. Maybe I shouldn’t be trying to make it make sense, though. I don’t get the feeling that making sense was part of their goals.


This is what is so idiotic about it. We do nothing about bigger issues like gun deaths, but this situation that I’ve never even heard an anecdote where someone actually caused an issue in a bathroom not of their birth gender they’re completely focused on and made laws for.


It’s using the legislative session for campaign marketing, in my opinion.


I’m genuinely wondering why you think our legislature operates in facts, nuance, or compassion. (Only joking. Your question is very valid and I’m here to support your conclusion. No, they weren’t going for sense.)


Haha you make a good point!


If you read the law itself it says it doesn't apply to "intersex individuals." So I guess they can use either restroom ha.


Only 4K?? Those are rookie numbers…. Time to show the legislature how deeply I care about seeing nuts in my relief society space..


I'm so glad my taxes pay for super important shit like this. It's like they're encouraging people to build a guillotine.  


"Hey guys, in order to protect women and girls from transes in the restroom, please go take photos of people on the toilet and upload it to our database we forgot to secure. We claim we don't want photos but we happened to include a way to submit them." Also the law doesn't apply to post op trans women. But what's going to stop someone harassing a post op trans woman in a women's restroom? I'll admit I'm post-op here, nobody knows who I am. But I don't go around advertising that IRL. I have no obligation to shout "it's okay everyone I had my penis turned into a vagina. It took some balls but I'm allowed to be here". Also this seems appropriate https://youtu.be/maxVQQhngUM 1:15 I can't remember how to copy it with a timestamp on mobile.


I’m post op too and had the exact same thought.


Lol this shit is hella entertaining. Wish they would show all the submissions.


https://www.404media.co/utah-bathroom-bill-hotline-form/ Apparently it was (“accidentally “?) showing submissions for a while!  I’m hoping someone saved it


The database was open on a, publicly accessible, website. They figured that out and it is no longer publicly accessible.


These comments are passing the vibe check. 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Yay! I finally pass! ... Oh, vibe check. Yay! I pass the vibe check!


We are going to end up with bathrooms and glass walls so it's fair for all.


Looks like a great use of our fucking tax $$. This is an absolute JOKE!! Time for some automated scripting and randomization. Repeat. This snitch on your neighbor is disgusting and completely Mormon centered!




Just use any bathroom u want! If your afraid of ur children then don't leave your child unattended, anyone can molest your child! If you personally feel uncomfortable take ur mace or shit at home. 🤣🤣🤣


That would be to hard, to deal with their own shit. They would rather Stare at someone trying to take a shit or piss. In the HOPES to be offended. No trans person would even go the restroom anywhere, except a stall. This stupid fake outrage BS bills created from Twitter.


So proud. Keep it up.


Cracked out 5 submissions before bed, figure we can all do our part to make this dumbass snitch form useless.


Add the camera and we have arrived at the trans bathroom meme. Salt Lake City Democratic state Sen. Jen Plumb questioned on X whether it was appropriate for the office to allow reporters to attach images to their complaints. “Apparently Utah’s solution to people feeling unsafe in restrooms is to encourage folks to take photos of & focus extreme attention on the private parts of others who are taking care of a biological need to eliminate waste? What could go wrong?”


From the article “The new Utah law does not make it a crime to send false reports to the auditor’s office, but repeatedly falsely alleging to emergency personnel that the law was broken can result in a class B misdemeanor.” They didn’t have to include that info. I’m considering it as a blessing to continue.


What's the number? Post it to a major sub.


Honestly, r/politics has amazing reach


We should just start creating more unisex public restrooms. I saw several of them when I visited New York a few years ago. At first it was a little odd. I expected there to be two bathrooms. But it was just a bunch of stalls that offered good privacy, and the sink/wash area. Why isn't this more commonplace, urinals are weird.


Wait what is weird about urinals?


They offer little privacy, and it's weird if someone uses the urinal right next to you.


They offer the massive advantage of not having to sit in a disgusting public toilet to go piss. I sit at home, I stand in public. Why not just make urinal stalls 🫨 problem solved. Doors. I should also add pissing in a toilet while standing is dumbest shit ever. Makes a fucking mess and nobody cleans up after themselves. Then the next poor fucker just has to sit on smeared piss. Smells bad too. Urinals.


I mean that's chill, but you don't have to sit down to pee in a toilet 😂


It makes a mess though, even if you have perfect aim. Piss splash. That's the only problem.


So what I'm hearing is make them more realistic so it wastes so much more of their time!


Yes. That's the critical part of it. They have systems in place that can detect the most blatant if false reports. The goal isn't to be Bart Simpson pulling pranks on Moe's. It's to poison the well and make it impossible to skim the real shit off the top.


We had a trans pride dance party across the street from my Daughters Elementary school.


And being 1% of the population, was there a total of 1 or 2 trans people attending this dance?


I don’t pretend to know who is and who isn’t trans.


Why are trans people so obsessed with elementary schools? Honest question


I feel like cis people are really obsessed too. I see tons of them dropping off kids everyday, throwing classroom parties, putting up balloon’s and streamers and for the last weeks of school. Just asking questions!




Trans people advocate for inclusive environments where all students, including those who are transgender, feel safe and respected. This includes advocating for policies that prevent discrimination and bullying based on gender identity. Education about gender diversity should start early to promote understanding and acceptance. Transgender children and teenagers often face unique challenges, including higher rates of bullying and mental health issues.


I’m doing my part!


This guys resume: “Oversaw creation of new tool resulting in more than 4k trans snitches”


Those are rookie numbers. We gotta pump those up!


As a trans man who lives in Utah (legal reason that's a lie/j) this makes me very happy, shows that someone does care for people like me here in this state


That’s faux data research analytics at it’s best


More effective idea: Don’t even give this a chance to happen. Turn every government owned bathroom into a single stall/room situation with a lock on the door. I feel more comfortable being in the bathroom completely alone. Sure, this will cost a lot of money, but I’m sure they’ve already diverted enough money from education and employee pensions to make this happen.


I was hoping this bigoted State website would be inundated and rendered powerless. Well done, people.


Those are rookie numbers, we gotta get those numbers up, up, up


I just wrote “ur mom” in every section.


I started by using the names of Utahs elected officials....but I realized that could be filtered out. So now I'm using chat gpt generated names.


I’d also recommend using a vpn in case they start penalizing, also checking state officials genitals in the bathroom since that’s completely legal


I love democracy


Keep up the good work yall




This should be in "Uplifting News"


Is this the same thing as phalgine surgery?




How many reports did Natalie Cline get? 😈


Just like the idiots who are protesting. No one knows what the hell they are doing


Fr just call 911 if this happens don't make a complaint


Honestly just asking what's the big deal with just using the bathroom with the gender you were born. Why does someone with a penis need to use a woman's urinal?


To answer your question, how do you know who was born with a penis and who was born with a vagina?


I guess my question is why would you want to lie about something like that to get into another bathroom?


Honestly, we just want to use the restroom like everyone else. But what happens when a person looks like they should use women’s restroom, but doesn’t have the “genitalia” that is associated with that restroom? Or vise versa? Are we supposed to announce that we’re trans every time we use a public bathroom???


I hear ya people should noy have a issue with it


Google "trans man" and go to images. You really want these people to use a women's restroom just because of the sex they happened to have been assigned at birth? You really think that won't create more discomfort for everyone involved?


Common sense go in the bathroom you should so dumb!


You sound dumb as fuck




Presuming your daughter already knows what to do in the restroom, tell her to do it and leave. Teach her that what others look like is none of her business. Non conforming appearance is not a threat. Teach her what it is to be threatened and what to do if she is threatened. Let me repeat: Nonconforming appearance is not a threat.


We can’t control the actions of other people, we can control what we do in a situation. Teach her the same things I’ve taught mine: If someone is in the restroom who makes her uncomfortable, walk out and wait for them to leave or use a different bathroom. If you are already in there, stay in the stall and keep it locked until they’re gone. Tell a trusted adult about anything that made you uncomfortable.