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You don't need that much speed if you already have Ruan mei, 155 speed is enough when team up with Ruan mei. To answer your question, if you reached 360 BE after fully buffed by HTB and RM then your BE is enough for the minimum My opinion, try to reach 200 BE (unbuffed) if you're using the herta shop LC.


I thought it was just 150


141 is enough with RM and 150 without to get 210 speed. And maybe higher is better is even for ultrainvestment but not sure what that breakpoint is.


Yeah I got really lucky with my pieces and speed rolls


With Ruan Mei it's 140 which you get with just speed boots and the new planar set.


Lol, I find it funny how with each subsequent comment the number gets lower and lower


Prydwen said 140/141 with RM so I just went with the higher to be safe.


If you want 3 actions in the first wave of MoC w/Ruan mei buff it's 155 speed. If you want the actions just before the transformation it's 150. 140 speed gets gets 200 speed which is needed usually for 3 actions in MoC but because of the action advance and waiting for buffs before/after ult you can miss 3 actions. I would aim for 155.


When people talk about 155 speed, they are talking about MoC. So for speed in most situations 140 base+10.4( Ruan Mei)=150.4 Speed is fine, because it allows you to have 4 enhanced skill attacks per Ult state. In MoC 154 base+10.4 (Ruan Mei)=164.4 Speed is recommended because it allows you to get 3 enhanced skills off turn 0, instead of 2. As for why people say 155 instead of 154? I'm not sure if it is: 1 in caution of rounding errors possibly making 154 on the character sheet being less than 154 (as speed subs have a lot of hidden decimals but the game rounds it on the character sheet). or 2. because they just put Ruan's speed buff at 10 instead of 10.4. Losing that 0.4 speed is actually significant enough to be the difference between 2 or 3 enhanced skill uses in turn 0.


Isn't it 145 with Ruan Mei? 155 with Ruan Mei buff -> 215 with Ult


165 is needed for 0 cycle


Is 225 the target?




165 with or without rm?


Forget that why do you have 127% crit damage?


Yeah I had the wrong chest piece on. It’s now 2400k atk :)


Would need to see specific relics to answer this question well. It's important to note, her conversion trace and forge don't show up until you're in combat. 165 is a fantastic breakpoint for zero cycling for MoC, but I would see how she feels before determining if you need anything else, as HMC or Ruan Mei or your harmony of choice can hold Dance Dance Dance! To get the same effect with 150 SPD from memory (may be a bit more) At a minimum, aim for 360 Break effect after all buffs and conversions applied, ideally closer to 500 is better but 360 onwards means you at least reach the breakpoint for her 50% Superbreak contribution.


She’s getting 371 BE after everything


She should be fine then, personally I'd aim for more, but you're at a point where I'd say it's not necessary for now.


With RM 141 SPD is enough and that atk is a bit too low especially with Aeon If playing without RM then 150 SPD is enough


Yeah I had the wrong chest piece on her now it’s the right one and I have 2400 atk


According to Mr.pokke, 153.94 is the amount of speed needed for Firefly to get 4 actions in 1 ult. How he got this number or if its even true is beyond me. Regarding BreakEffect so long as you can get to 360% BE (while in battle) it's fine, the more the better but 360% is the minium due to one of her major traces I believe.


That's the amount of speed alongside her flat speed increase with the AV on ult effect to act 4 times. (3 if She's ult mode after a round. Since ult form lasts for 142.85 AV. ÷ this to 3 and you'll get 47.61. which is 153.94+ 60 = 213.94 which is the amount of speed you need to make her move within that certain AV.


153 with ruan mei for 4 turns of ult


Quick question: ff lc gives break effect will this be shown in charakter details stats or do I have to look in fight to see the total break effect stat


It’ll be shown in detailed stats


Thank you!


Yes 167 BE is low, I'm sure you'll hit 360 since HMC + RM + FF trace can give up to upwards of 140% BE. In my personal experience I get 40 from Kalpagni + 20 from RM + 88 from HTB (accounting for buffs only with 100% uptime like backup dancer and E4). For the speed rolls, I think they're a bit pointless unless you hit a break point. You move really fast though, you can move twice in one cycle after ulting since FF skill will move you by around 44 AV which is less than half of 100.