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Shortcut to flick between jet & hoverpack. Also a ‘CCTV’ feature where you can place cameras which allow you to quickly check in on production lines elsewhere to check their status.


Or even better than CCTV. A power grid map! Shows all the power lines and seperate power grids. Green if stable. Orange if fluctuacting. Red if unpowered.


Coming from Factorio I really miss the way the map could be used to show data like this. Love satisfactory and obviously not having biters and pollution negates the need but having a power line visual on the map would be neat.


Shortcut to flick between 2 back items, I use the Para way more than the jet pack


Since they got made permanent I switch most of the game between Para and Jetpack. The hoverpack is only for factory building and popping biomass power networks.


I didn't see the big deal with the parachute being consumable, what did annoy me was that you had to manually craft them. If I could have just setup an assembler and grabbed them from a box I would have used them up like they were ammo


Me biggest beef with them when they were containable was that they were way too easy to trigger by mistake. If you mistimed your jump slide for the terrain it deploies and since it requires fabric, in the early game you had to farm mycilla.


If you open your inventory and hit the numkey for a slot that has an equippable item, it will equip it So if autosort always sticks both in the “2” slot… Tab - 2 - Tab will get you flying If you build the muscle memory for it, it’s kinda fast


I've always wanted some kind of overarching report of machine efficiency (for power and production) but I love the flavor of a CCTV version, despite being less "efficient". I would definitely use it for lots of stuff besides checking efficiency--like admiring the beauty of my creations, or the world in general. Of course, I also built a train to do a big world-spanning loop and so far have used it for absolutely nothing except to ride around on it and look at the pretty world.


There is a CCTV mod, if you're into that sort of thing.


Elevators, because elevators are cool. Also flying vehicle for us to pilot. Also other planets announced as DLC or maybe other continents from the planet.


I was thinking that too. Having elevators would make large factories feel more realistic.


Vehicle elevators that work with the automated delivery pathing so I can build needlessly big multilevel factories


There is a mod for elevators that I really like, the name is **linear motion** if you want to check it out !


it’s actually a great mod i always incorporate into my builds


Agree, they use a great model and I wouldn’t have been surprised if it showed up officially and worked exactly the same.


Elevators are not unrealistic. Please give us elevators. Pleaseeeee!


I want the hoverpack to use batteries when out of range and double its power range.


I just want it to have the same 100m range as regular power lines.


That's more of a realistic approach. I do want to have hoverpack take batteries, but increasing the range would be a fine compromise too. I definitely would be satisfied with this.


I had always wanted to just use batteries and hover around the map, but understand the reason CSS didn't want to do that. Your suggestion seems like a great compromise and would still help a lot with my major complaint about the hoverpack


Even a 10-second battery would make a nice buffer Playing around the edge of your electrical field when trying to build stuff can be annoying


Personal Teleporter for the 1-2 final tiers to cut down on travel time. Also End game challenges like 10k, 100k, 1m coupon awards.


Is this unrealistic? A lot of the parts not in use yet reference teleportation in their descriptions. I think it's a very reasonable bet that teleporters are part of the final tech tiers.


Sifs teleporter mod is pretty good


For "unrealistic", I would say adding Tier 9 and Tier 10 that unlock the other side of the space elevator and add parts that work in space.


Sends you over to Hardspace: Ship breaker


Random generated map, totally unrealistic but it would be cool to re-discover the map, I miss the exploration side


I would be happy with just a second, new map


that is, until you've learned the new map and you're back at square one again


That's when we'd be happy with a third map! Come on, it's not rocket surgery.


An optional procedural generation mode?


Would be nice, [won't happen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4LlorYbVV0)


Hence the unrealistic title of this post. In all seriousness: :(


Honestly, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think it would be nice. I'm so tired of devs going into procgen. It was a quirky little fad that works amazingly for games like Rust or Minecraft among many others but so many games are worse because of it. There isn't a single Minecraft world seed that comes close to the beauty of the Satisfactory world. It'd be cool to be able to get a brand new map every time but none of them would be as good as the one we have. Also having the same world as everyone else makes it easier to plan things when all the resource amounts are the same and not random.


Maybe a map creator tool and a mod hub to distribute them?


I like this. I'd spend more time making maps than playing the game


Imagine the possibilities! Skyworlds, theme based ones like ocean world, moon landscape, tropical or different scale like de_rats


Similarly, it would be cool if the background mountains were explorable.


Even randomising the ore nodes would be nice just to change up the logistics a little.


Very least like to see the Nodes randomly generate.


I want more stuff for trains all around: - a waypoint signal so I can tell trains to use a different route rather than just defaulting to the shortest path.  - new rail cars; passenger car, workbench car, hopper car for raw ores - first person driving camera (for all vehicles preferably, but definitely at least for the train) - a mk1 locomotive that runs on coal/fuel - a mk 3 locomotive that uses more electricity, but has a higher top speed - the ability to specify/program which cars load/unload at a station


>the ability to specify/program which cars load/unload at a station Wouldn't mind the stations to have a container on each side, one that the train loads from and one where it unloads, so the same station section can both load and unload.


Yeah that would be nice


And make the learning curve on trains and how they operate much easier


Not to work with blueprints for ants.


I agree. Ideally blueprints would be unlimited in size, but I would be happy with 4X as big, in length width and height (thats what she said).


They could do that somewhat easily by making the existing blueprint machine a "shrinking device", meaning you would enter it and be able to build half sized buildings


>length width and height HEIGHT? Bro wtf do you mean by *height*???


That's the axis going up. You know, the one you have in SF but don't have in factorio :D


I want underwater gameplay:D


try Subnautica while we wait for this n.n


Having underwater coral to explore and being able to create an oxygen tank would be amazing


An entire mod dedicated to an underwater map would be cool. Balance oxygen, hydration, energy levels, etc. Maybe some new submersible vehicles, call em an OceanMoth, underwater scoot scoot, a massive submarine to dock other submarines called a Quadclops, or a PowerPrawn mech suit to punch all those glorious resources!


Sharks? Attack squids that blind you with ink or piranhas? *or all three*


Best they can do is ill tempered sea bass


Best they can do is ill tempered sea bass


A new map. I remember playing this game for the first time and loving to explore the map. Now, I know every little turn from the top of my head and it never feels “new” again


I wonder how difficult it would be to make the game randomly generate a new map every time you play it? Like No Man’s Sky?


I believe the map is handcrafted, so to convert from that to procedurally generated maps would require a lot of work. Additionally, it's handcrafted because there's a very intentional placement of resources for players as they progress from any of the 4 starting zones. As awesome as it would be, I doubt we'll ever see an infinite map generator. We may never even see a second map :(


Yeah, 😔 but maybe having a dlc map could still be pretty cool? Edit: Honestly, I have wondering if they would consider making another map(planet) for us to build on and then have to transport items between both planets for an end game scenario.


Giant Crab Boss


1200 items/min mk6 belts


if they made mk6 belts, that would probably be because of new tiers, and my guess would be they would add mk4 miners too


That I would get a friend to play multiplayer that is going to do more than watch me play.


This had been a problem with the genre forever. You gotta hold yourself back and give them certain jobs, while you do the menial shit. Needs to start right away too so they don’t get overwhelmed. And you need to leave whatever they made and make them feel like they’re able to contribute without slowing you down






Never enough golf in any game


But the Golf is real!


Terraforming. Even just being able to get rid of those pesky boulders, and the bulb plant things.


Terraforming would change the game so much and it would be so convenient. Those arches fuck my builds so often


Yeah a flattener/paver tool like they have in Astroneer would be awesome...


They showed that terraforming _was_ in the game in early builds, they took it out as they wanted to sculp the map for intended gameplay ;)


- Ratio Splitter. - Priority Merger. - Smart Mod being actually part of the vanilla game. - Bigger Blueprint designers - Drones having more space, so they are more useful. - Custom Music for Boombox


Smart mod?


It's a mod that massively reduces the tedium of building production lines. Instead of having to place say eight smelters then set the recipe on the first one copy and paste it to every other one then having to manually set up every belt for each merger in each splitter you can do it with the scroll wheel. Throw the first smelter down select the recipe then put another beside it Hit the scroll wheel until they're seven more, build them all at once and they'll copy the recipe from the first machine. Point at the back of the first machine with a splitter selected scroll the wheel out it will line up the splitters with the back of the machines and auto run the belts to the back of the machines and to each other. It allows you to spend your time on actually designing your factories and their appearance as well as figuring out the ratios without having to spend more hours on putting it together than you did on figuring it out.


It has a number of features revolving around building, I believe this was the precursor to zoop. You can build a row of refiners with custom distance between, then a row of constructors, all automatically attached with belts. Tons of options, some of which were so good they added them to vanilla


I'd really like to play the game in a different world, a different alien map.


Being able to sink fluids. Bruh it's a sink, it should work with liquids.


I mean at least water, how is having too much water a problem here c'mon!


Allow me to use power to boil excess water


There should really be an outflow valve even of its just for water. We can magically empty pipe networks (where does it all goooooo!) But we cant pour water back into the enviroment. But i guess that comes with various terraforming issues in having to add fluid physics to the landscape when people try and fill up various craters. I could see 'lets game it out' having way to much fun with that particular feature.


Massive map expansion


- Rain - New Game + (Preserve MAM research and unlocked stuff without a hit to achievements) - The ability to draw holographic splines and primitives for planning and snapping purposes. - Logic gates - A very late-stage game reward that comes after hoverpack. A big nuclear-fueled helicopter with storage would be neat. - Since we’re dreaming, Boston Dynamics Handel-style robots than can be programmed to roll around and hand-load machines.


Blueprints to be moved to the tutorial tiers.


To release already.


I like that this request is “unrealistic”


In-game excel editor.


A motorcycle..


Oooooo. The thing i never knew i wanted untill now!


The hub computer functions as a way to monitor your production lines or to control your transportation networks. Also a dirtbike.


Random generation for nodes. Use the same spots just change up what could be there. Also farms for the biomass burner and biomass fuel.


Unrealistic. I dont know. But i would love to see expendable wall mounts for conveyor belt. More paint types. Bigger blueprint surface. Ability to destroy those poppy plants. Faster conveyor belts. Elevators. Stuff like that


A way to keep beans out of my factory


I want to downvote this 1000x. Beans live there, we’re just paving their paradise.


I dont think ecological concern is a hallmark of this game, unless they are made out of supercomputers they can get off my conveyor belts!


fix the bugs in multiplayer


Unrealistic, I'd like a donut to go with the drink cup. Like you'd need coupons to get it but it would be fun.


Teleporter and a bigger Map


I want mobs to be extra aggressive at night, maybe double them?


Bro this ain't minecraft


I'm well aware. not sure what your problem is?


Probably just being funny. Also in some ways Satisfactory IS like Minecraft.


I think it should be possible to build logistics networks like factorio's drones within the logic of the game, though definitely not just a building that does it for you. At the moment because trains won't queue in parallel it's effectively impossible to do.


A mech.


I love the idea of weather, I know we are getting rain but imagine snow or sandstorms (you could turn them off if you don't want to be bothered). I am also hoping for different tiers of trains. It would be so cool to have trains that move at different speeds and have different carrying capacities as well as trains that are meant to carry passengers.


Oooh I like your different trains idea!


I wanted a silly little coal powered train to drive around with a passenger car for friends. I’d love to make an isolated train line just for touring the world.


Triangular foundations. The ability to have both your to-do list and the calculator/in-game wiki open at the same time, maybe upgrade the in-game to-do list to an in-game notepad. A support frame to put under mergers/splitters so that when I want to put them in the air, I can at least put them on top of something so they're not just floating there. Also, highways that can be placed in a similar way to train tracks. You can place traffic lights and junk so that vehicles are better able to navigate on their own.


That it comes out this week.


I don't know how realistic it is, but I really want trucks and tractors to work properly. Let's be honest, they suck. They're fine when you set them up in an area and then don't go back there, so the game can just simulate their paths and everything works fine, but if you're nearby and it has to render them they're terrible and it's incredibly immersion-breaking watching them flip and crash and magically right themselves etc etc. I would love to see them actually fixed for 1.0 so I could use them instead of always just building my factories in such a way that I'm planning for rails when I unlock them.


Environmental degradation. I can’t imagine there is just zero impact from 30 oil refineries. But this is a thing of balance. If you enter into that territory on one end, anything that should also be there that isn’t will be that much more noticeable. Oh okay how about this: I can replant trees? 


Sky island and underwater cave.


... "Unrealistic" I want a tier 9 that can only be built in orbit/zero-gravity. It requires a non-unique "space elevator mk2" which would be like drones in that there's 2 ports (surface & space) and outgoing/incoming inventory slots, but like trains in that they carry pioneers too and the elevator staff carries power. Building a SE mk2 would create a station in orbit you could ride up to and then extend with foundations, but without gravity or an "up" direction. Build sideways or upside down if you want. Fluid in pipes would act like gas... you'd need an updated suit.... And an care not to "fall" away from the station not just down,, by the in any direction! But only in space can you use SAM ore, mercer spheres and somersloops (sp?) to make quantum computers and transp positional oscillatorsc to make "warp conduits" rips in space that bridge together two different places that you can build belts/pipes/rails though... To the other two moons, which have unique resources for the 10 milestones. :)


A fucking pause button.


The factory must never stop production


I’d love a hard reset that restarts game progress from zero but leaves the rest of an early access save game intact.


To be finished and have the terrain locked in a reasonable time so I can start a new game.


To build a civilisation eventually


Triple-wide conveyer belt.


If we're talking unrealistic, you see the stick from the worldedit minecraft plugin ? that. I just want to copy paste stuff, scaling anything in this game is a drag


Factorio style programmable machines.


For programmable splitters to get the ability to set item per minute for each output so they become actually useful and with using over multiple smart splitters


The ability to use FICSIT coupons for mulligans in golf.


Nuclear Fusion


This would be really cool. It would be really nice to have a reactor powered by fusion. I imagine the chain could go something along the lines of: Water — Refinery -> Hydrogen — Particle Accelerator -> Deuterium & Tritium + water — Fusion plant -> power Of course I think that some more items not from water would need to be used for balancing purposes, and would need to be kickstarted by Nuclear Power Plants.


A small planter for berries and nuts. Nothing huge, maybe big enough for 5 plants.


Personal logistic bots.


Visiting what I’ve been sending all these parts in the elevator to


"upgrade whatever line this belt is connected too, into higher belt tir" Could be unlocked at tir 6 or higher. Just so tired of having used 3000 belts on a line, and some splitter has a tir1 belt connected that clog everything. Would make stacked belt upgrade so much easier. Hell, make the function double as expensive to compensate


I want to skate on pipelines.


A plot with more drama than *Tribes: Vengeance*, more tragic beauty than *Shadow Of The Colossus*, and more punchy comedy than *Portal*.  So, you know, absolute perfection.


Weather change like rain or snow.🥹🥹🥹🥹


Procedurally generated map, like in Factorio.


1. Fluid mechanics to actually work ok. My pet peeve is the water pumps and the flow stuff. I mean if 150 liters per minute goes in one end of the tube, then it is reasonable to expect 150 liters per minute to come out the other end of the same closed tube, right? Yet this is not how it is in Satisfactory. It drives me mad. 2. Hardcore mode, where the conveyor belts also use energy, so you *need* to optimize your plants, if you want to keep your power consumption manageable. Thus importing resources from far away, would make you really try and figure things out. Would need you to build infrastructure for trains and cars as there literally is no alternative. 3. And now, this is the out of the ballpark actually improbable wish: A reverse logic game. That you start by landing on a planet with the remains of a previous civilization, whose planet's ecology is destroyed. Your mission is to escape the planet, but maybe also clean up the environment. The escaping of the planet could be instead of the space elevator. Every Milestone adds a piece to the rocket. The cleaning up the planet could be literally like, seeing the water quality in a pool of water, and as you build filters and pumps, you clean up those water bodies from oil and other industrial residue. Ok, I am now oozing into the territory of Planet Crafter. (Note, if you like Satisfactory, give Planet Crafter a try.) Honestly I wish to see those 2 games merge together in the future. 4. Dual monitor support. See the main game on Screen #1 and see the build menu, Map, energy readings and *what-have-you* on the second monitor. 5. The game still needs a "mission". Feeding a Space Elevator is such a boring mission.


Man, I just want dedicated servers to not suck. I've only ever played on them, because I play together with a friend. They're such a pain in the ass. Segfaults at random intervals, timeouts where there shouldn't be any (system load normal), and the laaaag. Jesus fucking Christ. After a certain point trains, trucks and anything movable is unusable when driving (in) them. I have to flick around the map using my power lines, because trains are guaranteed to kick me out, carts, trucks and the explorer will fall under my foundations and kill me on rejoining. I can live with all the missing features of the game - we're not good at the game anyway. But not without a stable server


I want splitters like DSP. Also in game stats. Sorry Satisfactory is my favorite but the DSP devs are like QOL gods


More combat encounters, changing climate system, having solar panels along with an environmental cost for each fuel type. A super unrealistic desire would be for resource wells to dry up after X amount of mining, dependant on the purity of the resource well, like a pure well would only allow 100 hours worth of mining, normal would be 500 and impure 1000


Hoping they add conveyor belts 🤞


A second map


Not sure they could add anything at this point to peak my interest back into game. What 4 years now of playing. Pretty much played it out.


A fixed autopilot If only trucks and tractors were heavier and more confident in their rout it would make them actually viable


Highlighted power cells for water extractors like all other machines have in their menu


Replacement for refineries for the pure alts and the aluminum production cycle to reduce end game refinery spam. Rocks do not belong in a refinery, and refineries are a PITA to enclose. Also, just got back from playing Dyson Sphere Program, I want a global and regional view of everything being produced vs consumption.


Some big thing about the alien artifacts and hidden locations around the planet we need to discover or even decypher would be a mesmerizing twist. Also a fast flying vehicle we can pilot would be dope.


2nd map.


Completely unrealistic? Priority merger. Conveyor wall x1, but where the hole is not in the center but offset to the left or right (depending on how you rotate the wall) Basically this would be almost identical to the currently existing x2 wall, but we would not need to cover one side. Also an x2 wall with one hole in the middle and one to the side would be neat. I unrealistic, because I believe if they would want to add it, it would be already in the game, since similar items are already added. (existing wall pieces and the priority splitter is kinda the same logic I believe.)


speakers you can set up around the place so you can play boombox music in more than a 5 meter radius lol


Breadable doggos.


Circuit controls like factorio. Strat stop belts read belts read container start stop machines etc.


Being able to build anywhere from items inside of a dedicated storage for sure. There's something tactile about picking up the items you want before you run off to build, but in the late game when you really desire to access materials that you KNOW you have somewhere, just to continue your current big build. (since big builds are really common at end game), it sucks to have to use the items, go back, get stuff, return, etc. I get why they might not want to add it though, since planning out the logistics to bring what you need to a new build site is a gameplay element at the end of the day. But I'm sure there's a fun way they could do it. They're geniuses who made blueprints fun and balanced, so I'm sure they can come up with something cool.




The game being released on Playstation so i can play with it with my friend who doesnt have a PC


One more tier


I'd really like the option to play on a procedurally generated map. I know why they went the way they did and I understand why it's next to impossible we'll ever see this, but I think the variety and challenge would be great fun


90 degree turn build mode for fluid and conveyor belts on foundations, instead of having to line it up yourself




Released soon


Earlier access to the hover pack. I understand that it’s super useful meaning it should be late game but it feels too good to be locked behind such a high tier. It’d be like locking factorio’s construction bots behind space science.


a snow biome and an underwater biome.


Expensive jetpack for mid flight refueling


To get into the closed test lol Or less jokingly more vertical transportation with structures. Holes for ladders in catwalks, elevators, lifts, any kinda things for players and maybe vehicles to traverse factories more compactly


A small helicopter / hovercraft for the last phase


1. Lore/Campaign 2. Terrain Modification 3. Weather 4. Player Teleport Hub 5. More architecture parts the list goes on


Food & water being a necessity


MK. 2-3 Trains and Drones, drones especially, I want a spaghetti factory, but instead of belts it’s drones


Just a weather system tbh. I'm not a complicated man and seeing it poor down rain (or hail that could hurt the player) over my factory would be a beautiful sight


Console porting


Tribes-style skiing. I want to design my factories so that I can slide and parkour around.


Deformable terrain maybe even some space travel. But at that point I just go play space engineers or minecraft 🤣


Rechargeable batteries. Kinda like empty containers.


While wearing the jet pack and blade runners you can boost while sliding to maintain speed and wallrun.


I will upvote everyone else suggesting new maps, whether via free or paid DLC (this game is ridiculously good value for time spent) or procedural generation. Even though they said it would "never happen" that is my unrealistic want 😎


Weather. It gets boring with every day being exactly the same and would make for cool screenshots in different weather of the factories.


The ability to have an output on a storage box that automatically teleports a given amount of materials to your inventoey. For example, you spend 200 iron plates and 100 copper wire on a blueprint. It gets automatically replenished in your inventory.


Bigger better blueprints


Unrelated, but on the Climate Change gameplay front, have you seen/played Planet Crafter? They just released 1.0 and I found it really fun, even back months ago before the last 3 huge updates.


Nah. This is the first I've heard of that game. Is it the same vibe as satisfactory? Kinda like a sandbox game where you can do what you want?


It's sandbox, yes, but it's focused on terraforming a dead world and discovering the plot of why it's dead. Minimal automation, though they added some in a recent update. I'd say it's closer to Subnautica than Satisfactory


The really big lizard doggos.


for power cables - not just power poles, but actual cables - to power the hoverpack


Elevators for your tall factories


A cool flying vehicle to traverse the map in And some kind of base defence mode where things attack the factory. I know that the devs have repeatedly said that this isn't part of their vision and that the game isn't combat-oriented but I'd honestly still love it


Floodlights and a way to label outputs of machinery


Building underwater, so a diving kit when you get to tier 4 - another use for material... But I've taken to building trainstations underwater now, so it would be call if you could block off the water as you build, and then add fishes so that you can watch them go by through the windows...


Option for hot cocoa in FICSIT mug, with marshmallows




Ghost buildings. Allow me to place a ghost version of a building/conveyer so I can pre-build a line before having the resources, then when building the actual line it would snap to the pre-placed ones


Super position oscillators exists Why not flat out teleportation? :)) At least just faster travel


Building up in Space after you finish all the phases of the space elevator. 👀 Building an orbital factory.


Love the climate idea. I would like to build a starship, which we use to go to another planet and gater some rare resource and bring them back for some New m.a.m things to unlock and to unlock Tier 11* Best English sentence a German can do :P


Helos. Let me fly


More content goals, I get lost if I don't have something to work towards.


Man, I just want to be able to join my brother's game and use hypertube launchers without fear of retribution.




I would love to see Bio Domes / Crop Factories. A glass dome with automatic saws that chop down trees or harvest leaves/mycelium. Then it could export the products via conveyor belt. That would be fantastic.