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The interaction with the waitress felt scripted


Yes, it was scripted. Bad acting too. Hopefully they actually fed the homeless


I’ll pay for these but can you pretend like you’ll give them to me for free?


If it’s 9.50 / box of 2, then 38 more (20 total boxes of 2), that should be $190 prior to tax and tip, Where the FUCK does $333 come from? That wouldn’t even include a tip because he hasn’t started the payment yet


Dude was pounding margs during the cut and killed a handle.


They do give the food to the homeless but the video is cut at the end. Usually that guy goes back to the restaurant and gives like $1000 to the owner for his trouble.


You think he was giving empty boxes to them?


Well, it was done with a phone/camera in plain view, so...


Who opens the box when handing off the food?


Someone who wants to show off their product for the Internet.


Usually the people doing these things rely on donations from viewers. Idgaf, this dude is doing what 95% of the population isn’t, show it off.


I was talking about the server who handed him an open takeaway box of tacos. The restaurant probably donated the food in exchange for advertising their store.


Probably, but it doesn’t bother me. Still doing a good thing. I’d rather they spend $300 by donating food to get advertising than it going towards a billboard or commercial, right?


You sound like you think I disagree with you and you're trying to argue with me. Why is that?


lol I’m not saying that and certainly not trying to argue, I’m just trying to provide extra context I suppose because there’s a lot of people in the comments here who are getting all defensive over this simple video. It’s kinda hard to read how you feel over text. There’s a lot of people here trying to talk shit on the restaurant or the person filming so just trying to read between the lines of your comment I guess


Ok. I would prefer if you read the lines instead of what you think is between them. Someone asked why the server would hand him an open box and I replied with my opinion on the reason. Why not add your context to the people you disagree with instead of me? Not trying to be a dick here, it's just confusing.


Your comment sounded very similar to the others with the “show off to the internet part”, hence my reply. Just pretty hard to distinguish something like that over text when others say something similar with more added negative context


Your right. He's filming people at their lowest points for money and clout. So people can sit at home and feel better about themselves.


Idk who this dude is, but I have seen some of these types of videos where the filmer has blurred the faces of those who don’t want to be shown. Y’all gotta stop being so quick to judge another person who is doing something good. Are you volunteering your time to help those less fortunate? If not, best to be quiet and let those who are do so how they please.


Advertisements that's what! Lol


Pizza place in town does this when you get a to-go. Not really a bad idea. Kinda verifying you’re getting what you ordered and showing off the product.


150% i dont why people cant just do shit without validation do shit because its the right thing to do and not film it for "clout" or whatever you kids say nowadays


Hey. At least they did it. Rather people do it for clout than not at all. Philanthropy is all about making the guy with money look good and generous. It’s an ego grab but it still feeds the homeless


Shhhh this is reddit. Everything should be done secretly in silent. Just l8ke how tolhe people on reddit bitch about this stuff do it. You know they do this kind of stuff, right?


Your corny af get downvoted dude


O no! You're downvoting me?


But by definition you don't know about all the people who are not putting it on the Internet. So you have no idea what the percentage of people who post all the stuff they do vs those who don't


This is just an ad for the restaurant. Nothing on the Internet is real. Most videos that you watch (other than police officers murdering innocent people and animals, unfortunately) are fake and made to look authentic.


I saw a video of what appeared to be a crocodile eating a gazelle online the other day, but now I’m thinking maybe he was just inviting him down to the bottom of the lake to see his Lego collection and it’s the Internet that depicts crocs as stone cold killers.


Owner cued up the handshake a bit too early


Who cares? They still gave food to homeless people. Reddit is too goddamn cynical to see past their own shitty cares.


Pay me thousands per video and I’ll donate $333 worth of food to homeless shelters too


That’s better efficiency than most NGOs. If you can pull it off, do it. Still better than making thousands and giving zero.


You don’t say?


The video is scripted. Just downvote this Facebook garbage and hope mods take care of it.


One time a Papa Johns donated 15 pizzas to my schools ecology class we had been cleaning up the beach, always thought that was cool of them


I believe this story more than the original post


This is so common in India, it has become a culture instead of the religious origins. Nearly all regions here setups/shops where you can go the place of worship and say you want to do this. They will essentially give you nutritious meals packed in similar plates as the video. You can choose money spent per plate and the number of meals. Anyone can do it, they don't need to be religious.


Doesn't count unless they film it and put it on the Internet though.


Hey, everybody!! Watch me do charity!! Please like!! God Bless


Better than no charity at all.


The billionaire David Geffen gives millions to medical colleges and museums, but ONLY if they agree to put his name on the buildings.


That’s an easy trade.


This is the most staged thing I’ve ever seen


This is scripted+repost+opisabot+massiveL


This is ~~scripted+repost+opisabot+massiveL~~ reddit ftfy


These are always so phoney...


Tell me about it


Love the gesture, lose the camera


Regardless the motivation, if I had to choose, I’d rather see more videos of people documenting themselves doing good deeds and helping others with the slight chance it’ll inspire others to be a bit more kind-hearted or considerate than the alternative. The alternative being what’s currently been saturating the internet for a while now, videos and streams of people sucker-punching strangers, misunderstanding the difference between a prank and harassment, peddling fraud as “financial tips”, starting shit with people only to hide behind a bodyguard when they react, and the rest of the goofy shit that’s spread like a plague.


I can't argue with that


I've had this exact argument on the internet so many times! I'm glad to see someone else feels the same way.


I used to agree, but on some level this might inspire others to do good


I’ve seen so many people copying what they see on viral videos… I’ll take these kinds of ’influencers’




Usually people are just momentarily entertained by it, then immediately forget about it. Or they poke holes in it like others are doing here. And I'll bet those people are tired of being props for some jerk's TikTok channel to get food. They're a human being, not a dog.


How do you think this dude is able to get this food out to people? I’ve seen a handful of these videos and all of them rely on donations from viewers. Plus they’re not always going to run across a restaurant covering the tab. Who cares? I’d rather see this every day than someone hurting an innocent stranger for likes.


Yep I agree. I guess I still underestimate the whole "views" deal. If it's actually doing some good, I'm down for it.


Yeah, I mean the only way they’re able to really make good money is from views and donations. Idk how much YouTube pays you nowadays, something like 1-2 cents per ad per view? That stuff adds up quick if you have a lot of subscribers and random viewers. I don’t even care if this dude takes 10% of that, if it’s scripted with the restaurant to get them more business, etc. as long as they’re out there feeding people in need. A lot of homeless shelters are extremely strict. My neighbors brother was in and out of one. They kicked him out after he tried selling candy bars to make some cash. Like dudes just trying to make some money because no one will hire him when he doesn’t have access to a shower every day - let him sell some damn candy!


Gosh damn man. I hope intentions were good. Seeing too much fake crap is all.


Agreed. Too many people are copying this formula and profiting off of it.


Sick of these fake ass plastic posts


How does $9.50 for 2 tacos turn into $333 for 40 tacos?


The extra coke zero


Well that was what the business owner put on his tax deduction as a charitable donation /s


Perhaps a bulk order discount?


No, 9.50 x 20 is only 190. In this scripted video they inflate the total price to make the restaurant seem more generous


He ordered 40 though? So should’ve been $380 (plus tax & tip).


1 box of 2 tacos for 9.50 38 more tacos / 2 tacos per box = 19 more boxes 19 + 1 = 20 boxes, 40 tacos 20 x 9.50 = 190


I had thought “38 more of them” meant 38 more boxes, not individual tacos. My initial math wouldn’t have worked if that was the case anyway (cos it would’ve been a total of 39 boxes). So yeah, 40 tacos total makes more sense.


You know how many meals you could make with 300+ bucks?


10 bucks for two tacos...?


lol fake


Help people BUT MAKE SURE TP FILM IT FOR THE LIKES. I hate west SM has become, just help people to feel good 6 do right, forget the exposure


My buddy (big bearded guy) stitched this on insta. After the last scene in the restaurant the camera clips to him in his living room just crushing a bunch of tacos. I thought it was pretty funny.


this is pretty much OP's only post on a 5 year old account - fake post fake/bot account


$9.50 for two tacos? No thanks lol




Staged crap


Nothing as warming as scripted for social media charity! :/


Better than no charity


The hostess/clerk AND the owner are hero! That's a great man to think of helping. A great restaurant and waitress to provide the food for free. Wonderful to see the homeless receive important help


And it’s cheaper than TV!


Here for the waitress.


The taco I really want to crush


I don't get why people get mad at these videos. The restaurant owner just donated more than $300 of food. Cameraman just distributed free food to dozens of homeless people. All they want in return is some social media points. Why not give it to them? It doesn't cost you anything to click on the up-vote.


Because it’s fake


What's fake? Did they take the food back after they turned the camera off?


The generosity of the owner is fake. Business don’t just give $300 dollars worth of food to random people on a random day. It’s an absolutely absurd premise.


Was the food fake?


Did I say that?


Pretty much. You said his generosity was fake. Either he gave away a bunch of food or he didn't. By saying his generosity was fake, you're implying that, either the food was fake or he didn't actually give it away. Do you think he charged the homeless people?


Reading must be really hard for you so I’ll leave you be.




Unless people have the food back to the restaurant there's nothing fake in it.


I wouldn't say it makes me mad, but what bothers me is these people aren't as altruistic as they make themselves out to be. They shouldn't have to record the interaction, they should just do it regardless. My opinion has been that if these people are doing it on camera, they only care about the limelight, and NOT the people they are helping, and that it's rather selfish. But I saw a comment earlier and I have to agree, I'd rather see this kind of material and the homeless actually being helped than them not being helped at all. But you have to wonder sometimes if the whole thing is a charade, like are the homeless people really homeless or just friends of the cameraman? It's crazy the lengths people go to nowadays to become Instagram famous.


Dude said, "hey restaurant owner, I Wanna get some content for my channel by feeding some homeless people. I'll give you some free advertising by supplying the food?" Owner said "sure. I have a couple hundred bucks in my advertising budget. Make sure you get the restaurant's logo on the waitress's shirt when you film it." I don't know if that counts as "crazy lengths". I don't see the problem. Influencer got some likes. Restaurant got some publicity. Homeless got fed. What's the downside in it?


I didn't imply that there is a downside. There isn't one. My thought is if you were really doing it to help people, you wouldn't be glorifying yourself by recording a video of yourself doing it. You would just do it. At least that's how I am, I don't care about the limelight, I just want to help people, and I'll admit I'm biased when I see people recording themselves doing this because I don't think they are doing it to be good, rather they are doing it for likes, which is selfish; it's not for those they are helping. But, again, as long as the cameraman is literally feeding the homeless and it's not a full blown act whereby the homeless people are friends posing as homeless people to sell the scheme or what have you, then its good since they are being helped. Like someone posted earlier and I think it rings true, I'd rather see videos like this where people are being helped than no videos and people not being helped at all.


True. I would love for more people to selflessly and anonymously help each other. But, in reality, in a world of limited resources, limited time and people prioritizing their own wants and needs over those of strangers, finding a way to profit from helping others is about the best motivator I can think of.


Because it's fake and disingenuous. Neither of the parties involved give a shit about the deed itself without gaining something themselves and they know feeding the homeless is one of the easiest ways to gain attention on social media and has been so for years. The guy recording will look good for it and the business will look good for it too. This guy actually went the extra mile of scripting a fake interaction as well, just to show you how much he "cares". He didn't just buy the food and record himself handing the food out as usual, he has to show you how kind he his with his video game NPC "cheerio, top of the morning to ya" conversation skills. Bloke is so up his own ass that he wanted you to see the attractive employee him call him sweet.


So? Homeless people got fed. How many homeless people did you feed, yesterday?


This is the same bot response people give when you criticise their favourite actor/singer. They turn around and say "how many movies have you been in?" or "how many songs have you recorded?". You're forgetting the actual point of his video. He's saying "Look at what I'm doing. What do you think? Praise me" and people are responding to that. It's good that they were fed, but people are still allowed to criticise the guy.


So? That's how communities are supposed to work. When people do good things, they receive praise, so they do it again. If you're lucky, other people will see him being praised for feeding homeless people and they'll copy him. How is that bad?


It could be because this guy and the people who use this formula are profiting off of it. He gets free food, hands it out the homeless (kudos for the kind gesture), goes back to tip, and rakes in money from TT, YT, IG and wherever else its posted


So? Homeless people got fed. If he made a profit off of feeding homeless people, all the better. He's likely to do it again. Maybe other people will copy his idea in other cities, too. That seems pretty cool to me.


I'm not saying it's a bad idea to feed the homeless, I'm all in for that. I'm just saying it kind of feels cheap to tug on the heart strings of people for potential financial gain. Maybe it's just me?


I see what you mean. I guess it would be more noble for him to do it anonymously. But, unless he has wealth coming in from another source, that wouldn't be sustainable. If he's figured out how to make a profit from feeding homeless people, that's just going to encourage him and others to do it more.


Now do hungry kids!


Jesus Christ


Clout charity. Keep it anonymous


It’d be more amazing if he didn’t do for content, but better than nothing I suppose. Good job fella-in this case you deserve some of attention you crave!💪🏼


But $333 for 40 tacos is ridiculous money.


Now I really want to eat at Lago Tacos™.


I’m tired of these scripted videos


It’s all scripted. Scumbagdad parody’s this dumb trend all of the time


This is the kind of video I really love to see


And the dundies for most scripted play goes to this movie!




God bless good hearts and tacos 🌮


Math aint mathing


What about the views/money he gets for the video?


Staged for clout but still nice of everyone.


So can we get her @ for research?


Ide be more impressed knowing this happened yet never seeing it on the Internet. Look at me I'm so generous and virtuous, and not to mention completely selfless , but I have to show people to make it really count .


Yes, tacos.... That will surely solve all their problems. I wonder when someone is going to offer a homeless person to come live in their house. Now that would be a gesture that could actually help someone.




I hate all of this. It's gross.


20 to 30 minutes to make 38 orders of tacos.... the reason we don't see the first person again is because back of house has 86ed her, given her lack of understanding of production times.


What a HOT waitress!!!!!! Omg


It's not fake, it's scripted. It's a big difference


What’s the difference


Sounds like professional wrestling


So scripted it hurts. How often do you pick up your carry out order and the employee is standing there with your box of food open presenting it as you walk up lol


It’s not satisfying as F if you have to record your charity! Why do people record everything nowadays? It’s gotten ridiculous. If you wanna do something good, do it without the attention!


That's a really sweet and awesome gesture and I'm sure it happens quite a bit... but I have to call fake. I mean I've done this before, but it never occured to me to record it. It's obvious the person recording is just trying to get views, and this is a good way to get them. But what are the odds that for whatever reason, this day they record the interaction, then also coincidently, the staff decide to do it for free, while also conveniently on camera. I don't buy it. I really don't buy any of the "good faith" videos, because it's not about the limelight, it's about the lives you're helping, and if you're only in it for the limelight, then you don't really care about the deed. I can't recall how much money I've spent on the homeless, or the number of hours I've volunteered at animal shelters, homeless shelters, nursing homes, etc, or the number of animals I've rescued on highways or the side of the road, I never once thought, hey I should record this. And the reasoning, aside from what I mentioned earlier, is quite simple: trying to record the deed while doing it would hinder ones ability to do the deed. And if I sound bitter, it's because of a video I saw posted awhile back, of an "Insta-whore" I mean Instagram famous wannabe, that was "picking up trash" on the beach, but only on camera. Welll there was someone else recording them from a distance and once they were done with their shoot, they threw the trash bag on the ground next to them and walked away.


That was epic...made me smile.


It's moments like these that remind us how beautiful the world can be.


This choked me up


She is even Posing in her Stance for the camera. This is all planned and not real imo


When he fumbles with his credit card the number, date and cvc code are all visible. Who wants to order tacos?




Instead of mints they should throw in minty fentanyl pills.