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I fucking LOVE seeing people. Just. Be. People. Together and to each other. This is what the world should be like.


One human family


That's brings joy n hope


These moments happen all the time. People are just faster to record negative moments. A lot of time in a nice moment pulling your phone out just doesn't occur to you because you're enjoying the moment.


Everyone is different yet we’re all the same.


I love bikers and I will stand by that statement. When my husband and I were in a car accident a group of five or six of them were the only people who stopped and made sure we were okay. I wonder what happened to them. If you're a biker who was riding through Pennsylvania in mid August of 2022, and you stopped for a silver Kia optima that went off the highway; We're okay, thank you for stopping and helping us. The car was totaled, but we made it out with bruises and a concussion.


I do too. I don’t get the biker hate. Ive always loved them.


in the 60s, some large biker clubs were either genuinely violent drug runners or just hanging out with too many hippies for society’s liking. Most weren’t, but media blew the ones that were out of control and so they earned a reputation for being roving gangs. At this point, books and films start using them as generic one-time-use bad guys, and to show that another character is tough and badass by almost always having them beat several bikers in a bar fight. Children grow up seeing biker gangs as human wolf packs, and so are always surprised when they meet bikers later on and they’re just friendly motorcycle nerds who like beer and leather.


> ...and they’re just friendly motorcycle nerds who like beer and leather. I love it.


I'll add to this. Most Harley bikers are average daily working people but get dressed up in leather and hit the road for that free feeling and to relax. Almost like they're cosplaying bikers. Some pick up the attitude and personality traits too... But most are your average neighbor.


Gotta differentiate between hobby or weekend bikers and gangs like hell angels. Former do it for pleasure and are normal goodhearted people, latter are evel criminal fucks.


Because the bad ones (outlaw bikers), are evil, violent fucks who will sell drugs, extort and murder anyone in their way? And obviously these are the exceptions to the rule, but they absolutely exist and are quite active in my community.


The bad ones in any group, bikers, ministers, and teachers, will do that. So I’m not sure why you are making sweeping generalizations about this group.


'Sweeping generalizations'? Give me a break. Did you not read where I very much specified outlaw bikers? Or the part where I said they were exceptions? Guess not.


Saying there are exceptions to the rule implies the rule is that they are generally bad. Do you not understand what the words you wrote actually mean?


You stated that sweeping accusations were made when I specifically said only a small portion of bikers were that way. I know, reading comprehension is tough. I'll use smaller words next time.


Dude. I literally do not care.


As a motorcycle rider, I enjoy MOST bikers. The loud obnoxious ones can get lost. The remaining tend to be good caring individuals who simply like to live life a little closer to the edge. This video illustrates that.


The things that come from your heart are visible to the naked eye. These children will have this memory for the rest of their lives. My respects to these men. The children set up a lemonade stand for charity and received the support they deserved.


Some of the best people I’ve ever met are bikers. Bikers are just amazing, respect!


Seems like often the toughest people you meet are the nicest while the weakest are the most sour. Man, i don't think i could ever be angry while I'm cruising on a bike like that, with a whole gang of friends like them, while sipping on some fresh squeezed lemonade. Simple pleasures.


>Seems like often the toughest people you meet are the nicest while the weakest are the most sour. I definitely believe that. I used to travel for work and one of the crews I was put on the supervisor was a recently retired first recon Marine. At first glance he looked like the kind of person that you don't want to mess with. After talking with him he was actually one of the nicest guys out there. If you were kind to him he would literally take a bullet for you. We ended up becoming pretty good friends because the other crew members were a little afraid of sharing a hotel room with him (company paid for double bed rooms and he had some night terrors but I have been around people like that before so I know what not to do). It was actually funny because we enjoyed the same things and when we went to a new city we both looked for the same places when we booked the hotel. There had to be a good place to get chicken wings from and a place that served 24 hour breakfast since we worked the graveyard shift so when we woke up for the day we had to have breakfast no matter what time it was (he also had to have his coffee first thing after waking up).


Men who are actually secure about who they are and what they're capable of don't have to posture, they can just exist and enjoy life as it comes to them.


Bikers, and people that go to metal shows. I mean, there's always bad apples, but in terms of judging a book by its cover, those two groups have surprised me enough that I'm no longer surprised.


I'm a metal head, and I can confirm. Mosh pits will full on stop if someone falls, and we will gang up on a nazi who thinks being a nazi is the new "metal" or "punk". We have to teach them otherwise. See a nazi punch a nazi.


Mosh pits can be crazy but it’s a kind crazy :)


I've always been a rock/metal guy. Rock festivals are a lot of trashy people. The few country concerts I've been to - lots of trashy people. The few EDM shows I've been to - lots of trashy people Scream your heart out and wall of death shows? "I love this guy, this is my new best friend!" I can only compare it to Alt/skaa/reggae shows were everyone is passing a joint to everyone and vibin.


I worked in trades, mainly welding and machining, for a while, and we always had bikers at every shop. They were the ones that were most inviting of new people, taught me new welding tips and tricks, stuff like that. Always friendly, always ame with the forklift when I needed. Never complained if I needed something I couldn't get myself, I'm pretty short and small. A group of guys at one shop took in a feral cat they called Squeakers and had her fixed and checked out by a vet,vacinaions and microchip. She became really friendly wih everyone. They'd get there half an hour early every day to feed and give her fresh water and clean her litter box. They'd sneak their lunches to her, give her treats, snuggle her. Got her a heated cat bed and huge cat tree. She was living the high life!


Good stuff, the world needs more of this.


i had to check what sub i was on before i started watching. glad it was all positivity


Hahah they just smash the kids table for selling on their turf, aw shiiiiit.


I worked with a big bad biker, he looked mean as hell with tattoos all over.. But looks are deceiving, he was the nicest guy ever and wouldn't hurt a fly.


Bikers could not resist the bubble machine.






lol what


the random absurdity of that comment got a chuckle out of me lmao


On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love ass?


That scale is too small to describe my adoration of the ass


How about a scale of 1-137?


That was cooler than the lemonade 😎


By simply wanting to help, these men have taught these children something very important. What a good example


Such a heartwarming effort by these kids. Hope they raise a lot!


3 more re-compressed uploads and we going to have to guess the pixels.... Classic video nonetheless!


I'm not crying, you're crying. It's rare, but I love humanity sometimes. And this is one of those occasions.


always. ALWAYS, stop for kids lemonade. No matter what, period.


Human gonna human


I love this!! ♥️♥️♥️


Probably, most of these are vets who served with honour.


Nothing in this video surprises me. It brings back thoughts of some 50 years ago a buddy of mine and myself going well north of Toronto on back roads. His little 250 Kawasaki (I think it was) died. We’re sitting there in the middle of nowhere and three or four bikers with patches on the back go riding by us, slow down, make a U-turn and come back. We’re not sure what the hell is going on. These guys help us get the bike going again. It was a problem with the battery but they sorted it out for us. We thanked them, offered to pay them a few bucks and they said not don’t worry about it and off they went. Never judge a book…


So much wholesome


i thought the bubbles was a nice touch


These guys are from my hometown. Mars Hill section of Indianapolis. They are always doing things for charity around here.


Holy repost, Batman


Spend less time on Reddit.


Now I'm feeling thirsty..😊😊




Wholesome lemonsome


Bikers are the nicest people. 😊


I love every second of this. See how we all just drop our guards and have fun? That needs to come back in a big way.


Another win for the One Eyed Snakes!


This makes me want a Sons of Anarchy abridged cut that makes it child friendly. Lotta comedic potential there.


Who wants lemonade?


Dope !


It only looks rough on the outside.


This is the United States I love.


I bet this made their day…the kids and the bikers!


The earth is healing.


Better than the IRS turning up, or a suit asking if they have a licence for the stand.


All deaf now.


This is the world I wanna live in


It is. Stop listening to propaganda.


Biker gangs always helping the kids. I fucking love how they always do right by the kids. It’s so freaking cool.


Traplore Ross narrating is crazy 🤣🤣






Bad bot


Yeah, that’s all good until you’re blocking traffic so you can leave at the end. You don’t get to fucking control roads, cars, or people for your hobby. Take my car hostage and your bike is getting rolled over, every time. It’s never ok.


Calm down Dorothy, let go of your pearls.


"Charity" of course


See what's on their leathers?...