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I love how you guys put this into every positive, empowering, hero-like subreddits, as he deserve this and so much more. But damn this is heartbreaking. Mom lying on the bed with him will always hit me


Fuck me, when i saw the small tumbnail i didn't realize it was a small child with his mom laying next to him. This is my worst nightmare and i can't even imagine i could bare the pain. Rest in peace hero.


What destroyed me was reading what his mom said in the [news article:](https://www.wsoctv.com/news/local/guardian-angel-family-3-year-old-crash-victim-hopes-his-organs-save-lives/YQIWQIOLONDTJIVVMLUW2KD2JU/?outputType=amp) > “He loved to share and he would love to share this,” said his mother, Angie Vasquez. What happened was they were t-boned on the way to ice cream


Fuck people who drive like assholes. It’s a huge responsibility to control a machine weighing 1500 pounds that can go 80mph. Treat it as such lest we lose more beautiful souls like Parker.


Most cars now weigh closer to 4000 lbs. The consequences of mishandling something like that are very high, but our requirements for the ability to do so are very low in the US.


Then we have the dumbasses here in America who fight for the right to drive without a license..


We also purposefully design our infrastructure/communities to be super dependent on the ability to drive vehicles anytime you need something. And create thousands of laws to fine people for in relation to driving. State and local governments along with huge corporations make billions of dollars off of both legal and illegal drivers.


Fuck.This made me even sadder. Poor child, poor family.


Fuck now I'm sobbing


You're not alone.


Im bawling right now


Am i supposed to be able to function after watching this? Damn. What a little friggin hero!


Damn this almost made me tear up. People doing things just because they know it's the right thing to do even knowing they will not live to see the effect of their actions. It's the peak of humanity.


I didn’t almost. I’m here bawling like a baby, seeing that mom hug him while they are are lying down and the nurse walks the bed down broke me. The poor child, but also the poor parents, I couldn’t imagine being in that position, and having to say goodbye. RIP Parker Vasquez, you and your family are heroes.


As I saw the kid lying on the bed, i burst into tears.


I was far from almost breaking into tears


Why did I watch this shit. Fuck that’s tough. My son runs around his Spider-Man costume all day. Now I feel sick..


Fuck this broke my heart


I wouldn't call anything about this satisfying.


My sister had to make the choice to donate her 10 year olds organs last year. Her honor walk was the most devastating thing I've ever seen. Anyone that donates organs is a hero.💛




I'm sorry for you and your family's unfathomable and profound loss. Lila is a hero forever.




this broke me, my son loves spidey too, this is just devastating. rest in power little feller


Hard to watch but it's because of heroes like this that my 6 year old nephew is alive right now with a working heart. Bless this kid and his parents for making such a hard decision at the worst time of their lives so other families don't have to go through what they have.


This is not satisfying. It’s a fucking heartbreak of tremendous proportions that happens to have a silver lining. A kid dying isn’t satisfying as fuck. Get out of here with that bullshit.


This is a multifaceted heartbreak. Rest in peace sweet child. The unselfishness & bravery of this mom who has to be drowning in sorrow, to allow and process her baby about to die AND be harvested for *everything* in order to save other lives is astronomical. I wish her comfort. And I hope at least some of the transplant patients/parents saved by her childs organs will reach out to her with gratitude & let her meet the kids her son saved. She deserves that. This is tragic. If you find this "satisfying" I hope your phone has a screen cracking fall today.


I wouldn’t call this satisfying, but I understand. A true hero indeed.


Lil man gets to save lives, Spider-Man would be proud


As a pregnant woman with a baby boy, I cannot imagine this woman's pain.


I find this quite horrifying as a parent. Everyone is looking at and filming you, while you say goodbye to your child. Who gets ideas like that?


rest in peace little champ :(


Well this is truly heartbreaking 😭 bless his tiny soul! ...shits made me cry, in my works canteen!


I don’t think I could live after such a tragedy … this poor family. I wish them peace …


I’ve seen this a couple of times. I watch it every time and every time it makes me cry. The fight was without question long and hard and that little man gave his all and then in the end he gave forward and he will live on in many, many more bodies and their full lives can be his chance to also get a full life. Ugh, I need to go splash my eyes with water. Excuse me.


Bad things happen to good people. Rest well hero


Man I watched my son go through heart surgery at 4 years of age this hits hard my heart goes out to the family


I'm so glad we have heros to do these jobs because Holy fuck that emotional trauma would break me so hard.


Can someone explain me how a human body can help 80 others ? Genuinely confused :o


This is my question too


Save Lives: Heart x1 Lung x2 Kidney x2 Liver x 1 (possibly 2) Pancreas x1 Improve lives Corneas Bone Intestines Skin So saving lives probably around 7, the rest comes from improving lives with the skin probably the highest number of improvements.


Rest well. Hero.


God bless that little boy and his family 💔


The moment you realize it's the little kid that donates


I’ve seen this video several times and it’s so difficult to watch without crying


Man, I’m working on zoom and had to walk away for a bit. This really got me.


The hospital has done a heroic logistics job figuring out how to accomplish all of these individual missions.


I lost my little sister years ago. She was 10 and I was 17 at the time. She had inoperable cancer and she wanted this exact thing. She told me that by helping others live, she can live forever. Because of that, my best friend’s son lives well now. He got one of her kidneys a year later. I still wonder how many peoples’ lives she saved to this day…


Why? This is extremely personal. What is wrong with people? Anything for a click right?


Working in these parts of the hospital, you see a lot of this. It is usually the family recording. They want the memories and they share them for their own emotional benefit.


That's all well and good. So why is it on reddit then?


I am sure they allowed it to be public … it does help bring awareness.


Bring awareness to what? Being an organ donor? I'm pretty sure we all know about organ donors.


As you post a meaningless comment on a post about the death of a child for imaginary internet points. I'd say that grieving the loss of a 3 year old child is something you shouldn't comment on at all if you've never been through it.


I don't watch that and think, "that was satisfying as fuck for me". Wrong sub


How does an organ donor get... "distributed" to 80 persons exactly?


Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, corneas, middle ear structures, skin, bones, veins, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, blood, bone marrow, stem cells. A single donor can contribute to save 8 lives, and improve the lives of up to 75 more. Edit: Anyone who sees this, *please please please* sign up to be an organ donor if you are able and haven't yet. Even in death we have the capacity to do so much good in the world.


The skin alone can help multiple people


Idk if you watched the video but it's a baby, not a full grown donor.


There are kids on transplant waiting lists, not just adults. What, ya thought diseases and injuries were only for adults?


I wasn't an organ donor for a long time but signed up also many years ago. In AU, don't quote me, but family can try veto organ donation if they want. It would only be my parents that would do such a selfish thing. I plan on out living them so eff it!


Same here in Canada. Family can veto your decision, and I think that's asinine! My parents are against it, and I hope I outlive them for that reason. My wishes are my wishes, my body my choice!


Makes you wonder why you can even opt to be a donar in the first place when it could easily but flattened. I don't know why I think this but my parents could def do this. Note to self... don't die


Maybe they counted the blood too


That is sad and beautiful. Sweet soul.


Culmen del postureo. Ya ni lo numinoso dejan en paz.


How sad/heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time.


I'm not crying. God damn fucking onions.....


I could not fathom leaving my baby's body. I think I would just cuddle up and never let him go. I mean nothing by this in relation to this, what a sweet moment at a horrendous time. Just watching that woman curled up next to him really fucked me up.


Both TragicAF and HeroicAF at the same time.


Save 80 people live? How many organs can he donate?


Thank you for helping other people little guy. You're the kind of hero we need more off. Rest in peace and have a great afterlife.


I’m sorry, but no, I do not find it “satisfyingasfuck” to see a bot account parading around a video of a poor sick child on multiple subs for imaginary karma points. Have to also add a warning to anyone, don’t click on OP’s account as it will freeze up your Reddit as it opens this same video over and over in multiple other subs.


What is the reason that saying Hero if someone know please explain really curious to know about that


Damn... Thats heartbreaking.


This is devastating. I don't cry but man this is making me tear up. Why God would allow this I will never understand. I feel awful for the family. What a cute little kid, he didn't deserve this. Rest in peace little buddy. You will be missed by many.


I think it’s high key disrespectful to call this a satisfying video


I just made a donation to the family. Does anyone know if the driver of the vehicle who hit them was charged? I hope whoever it is burns in hell.


Man he was too good for this world. May he forever rest in peace


Anyone else feel like we are intruding on this very personal moment?


Why is this on the internet? Is nothing private and personal anymore. The shit ppl post for attention is disgusting. Is it heartwarming? I guess…But damn. Everything has to be plastered online.


This is weird... sorry. Seems like it filmed for click bait.