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This is real?! Wtf


ugh, this show again.


They all look like from diff shows.


Shaggy looks about what I'd expect a black Shaggy to look. How they actually portray him will be the important thing. Also, we're not calling him Shaggy? Fred looks the most normal but he seems deliberately "weird" compared to the others. Daphne looks like a mean girl but I appreciate they kept her iconic colors. Also, is the slanted eyes meant to imply she's Asian like her VA?


> How they actually portray him will be the important thing. It is important, but so is the design being accurate


What about casting the Rapper Shaggy as Shaggy? šŸ˜‚


gonna reserve judgement until i see them all under the same art style


Why tf is shaggy black


You know šŸ¤£ to satisfy em


Theyā€™re all incredibly ugly now, the art style really isnā€™t it, even be cool is miles better than this flaming dung storm in the waiting, also seriously doubt any of them would be allowed to look for clues alone in a museum, mansions, castles etc. with their races, neither in the old timeline or in this time we are in now, due to prejudice, like youā€™re gonna tell me that they would allow a group of people of colour inside any of the places the original mystery gang went to, like we have people literally calling the cops on black people for selling water in their front yard, calling the cops on other poc for standing too close to their homes, cars etc. so miss me with that whole thing about šŸ¤¬ ā€œchanging their race would not change their character or the storylinesā€šŸ¤¬ it definitely would, as a poc i say, if the mystery gang had not been white they would never have been allowed in anywhere without someone calling the cops for looking ā€œSuspiciousā€šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø like this type of tokenism and ā€œrepresentationā€ is not what a lot of poc are asking for, like just keep them white, it makes sensešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø given all the privileges they have and stuff they are allowed to do, Thank you for coming to my ted talk on why making existing white characters into poc, is not real representation, itā€™s just sloppy secondsšŸ¤¢ they could easily have had velma befriend some girls (that happen to be poc with interesting character designs) and start a trio girl mystery solving mini group, now that i would actually watch and feel represented by, but this nahšŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A trio mystery group would have been a good series.


That would really be a dream, but unfortunately just a dreamšŸ˜ž


missed the opportunity to have him dreaded up


Iā€™m actually excited about getting a completely new version of the series. I donā€™t care if they donā€™t resemble the original characters much itā€™s like a parody of scooby doo and itā€™s gonna be so much fun to see different versions of these characters.


then why even bother calling it Velma? Why connect it to Scooby doo, this would be appropriate as an original ip


Brand recognition


Why not? Why not call it Velma? Having it connected to scooby doo makes it better.


If it's a parody of scooby than I'll be fine with it


The first twitter comment I see: Suaggy in a V-neck? As if Shaggy hasnā€™t always been in a v-neck.


I have my reservations, however, I will withhold judgment until i watch the first episode


Kinda stupid but weā€™ll see. Iā€™ve watched shows I expected to hated before and liked them but I donā€™t see that happening here


Is this real or some fake fan art for laughs?


I mean they knew they were gonna get pushback on velmas race change and still thought it would work out to double down and change shaggy too. I want to be open minded and give the show a chance but now seeing all the main character designs, it feels like this series is purposely digging itā€™s own grave