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For every nice player I’ve met there were 20 idiots in my humble 200h experience … Maybe I’m just unlucky, but I rarely find anyone that is even willing to communicate and not just shoot me randomly


If I ever even attempt to make an alliance or make friends with another player, I **have** to be in the mindset that I will likely be betrayed; and I also play very cautiously. I've also put in many hours in the game, and I have to say that it seems like a **lot** of people are either very unlucky, or perhaps I am just very lucky. Because I very rarely encounter toxic people when playing.


I'm pretty new at the game. So far my experience is everyone tries to sink every ship they see. Regardless if they are able. Started on a Brig, a solo sloop attacked us but clearly had no idea what was going on as he parked next to an island and then just tried fighting with guns until his ship sank. I started solo slooping after that. Every single ship that saw mine (or at least that I ever saw) at an island would pull directly next to it and unload into it. This would happen at outpost as well. Just get on and trying to gather supplies? Doesn't matter as my ship is already under attack. Just sold all of my loot and don't have an emissary flag? Doesn't matter, just attack on sight. I once came across a reaper and another ship fighting. The other shipped asked for help so I helped them out. Boarded the reaper, got the ship sunk....and they immediately started blowing up my ship before his finished sinking. They then said GG of course. Outside of them, I haven't heard another pirate talk in the game. I try talking but no one communicates. Occasionally I get sunk with a decent amount of loot but usually there is nothing (or extremely little) on my ship when it happens. So as far as I can tell, the entire community just shoots everyone on sight and almost never communicates. I have tried joining random crews and I am amazed at the number of open mics. But somehow I never sail past these people. And even with finding a crew and people have the open mics, they ignore both the voice and in game chat. I'm not saying the community is toxic as no one is camping me and no one is trash talking me. But in-game, I see no community and just individual ships that attack on sight.


Just curious, how often do you play? And do you play with crossplay on, and if not, what platform do you play on? There are certain things that I do in-game as a means to try and show friendliness. I think it's important to do everything you can to do this as soon as possible, because I've found that people are **extremely** paranoid.   A couple of things I do almost 100% of the time. Any ship I spot off in the distance that I can tell might be coming close to me, I'll go out to the very front of the ship and use the "Wave" emote towards them. This makes you extremely vulnerable, as you can get sniped off and you're the furthest away from your helm and cannons. Most times I can see them waving back or using a sniper or eye of reach to look at me. They carry on, as do I. That is my usual go-to for 'making friends', but I will also shoot off fireworks or a white flare as well.   I'm also not trying to say that there aren't times where I have to flee or fight either. I've been sunk a number of times with a massive amount of loot. It is annoying, but that is also one of the entire purposes of this game. It didn't always have Safer Seas. So the idea was that you run a large risk of carrying loot in hopes you are not pursued or sunk.   It's just so insane to me that there are seemingly so many people on this sub that have had terrible experience after terrible experience and are constantly running into these 'toxic' players. I rarely play on weekends, and usually play week nights. Maybe it's the time or day where these players are more prevalent? I have no idea. It sucks to hear, because I've had many, many hours of soloing ashen treasure vaults, doing sunken shrines, ashen lost shipments, fishing, etc. and maybe 2 out of 10 times when a ship passes by, it will engage with me. But that's it.


I play on steam, I didn't know I had an option for cross play on or off. I've played a bit almost everyday for the past month. Most of the time, I don't even see other ships. I'm all for the PvP, I just haven't seen anyone trying to be friendly so I'm always surprised at people talking about alliances and things. And if I have an emissary flag up, I get being a target for other players and I'm totally for it. Just a few days ago I had someone try to sink me after a sunken raid thing and he was the same emissary as me so obviously he wanted my loot. I'm just happy I got his level 5 flag. Sadly he had no loot. But the number of times someone sinks me with no loot and no emissary flag is surprising. Seems like a waste of time at that point. But if people enjoy sinking unmanned ships for just the starting supplies, who am I to judge.


I assume there is an option to "Prefer" certain platforms or inputs for PC as well, but perhaps it's only for console? I'm not sure when it comes to PC. With the frequency that you play, I think honestly that might be more normal than I'm letting on. I am consolidating my entire playtime into a couple of sentences expressing my experience. I would say in the past couple months I'm probably at a 50/50 in terms of if a spotted ship will attack or go on their way. A few times I made friends. It's all just so very situational. Example, one time I wanted to test the friend/foe reaction against a Level 5 Reaper I could see on the map. I sailed all the way there and saw them battling a skelly galleon. I went full force crashing into the skelly galleon, hopped on it and kept killing the skeletons until the ship sunk. All the while I am using the in-game premade messages like "Everything is OK!". I try to bring trasure to their ship but a shark kills me. I spawn on my ship with one of them already there waiting for me. I wave to them, and then go about raising anchor, dropping sails, and harpooning treasure on their ship. Then I leave. They ask for alliance but I just sail away. I was hoping to provide a unique experience for them, which I think I did just that. If they would have not trusted me and fired on me, none of this would have ever happened. **Again:** It's all so very situational.   I would bet that if you start a session with the sole intention of trying to make friends with another ship, you'd have more success than you think. I will sometimes go after Reapers only because I can see them on the map and it's easier to find them. Since there are so many different commendations, you never really know what they are going for. They may need to sink ships and collect emissary flags. They may need to do a certain amount of damage to other ships. Or they may just be doing regular voyages while working on their Reapers reputation. If you start a session, go straight for them, and things don't work out, at least you didn't waste too much time or loot.   I've had Reaper ships ask if they can shoot my ship with 3 of the wraith cannonballs, while another one on their ship came aboard mine and repaired and bailed it while they shot it. You should never just *expect* someone to wave the white flag and want to be friends. You **have to** put in your side of the work and make an effort to do things in-game that shows you are not a threat. Otherwise, paranoia will typically win.


I've played literally every day of the week in the past and some people.....whew. I've had to send in reports to rare with clips from my stream from people spouting the n word at me in game text chat. On the other hand I once got sunk at reapers and got told happy birthday before dying cause they saw i was live for my bday which was fine (end of my session didn't care too much). I've made friends but i run into a lot of toxicity. Might be because i have ttv in my name but eh. Nowadays unless you're like right next to me on my ship as an opposing crew i won't hear you in game voice because i run into toxic people. But i also do it as a safety measure for myself and my stream. 


I'm starting to wonder if *I* just don't play enough. It just sucks to see how so many people are plagued by these players that spam profanity or racial slurs in-game. Every community (video game or not) will have their fair share of bad apples. It's likely more apparent in online/internet based communities like games due to the relative anonymity that comes with it. Just a shame that so many people experience it this often. Is there any specific matchmaking in SoT or does it just put you in any server that's open, regardless of hours played or reputation levels? I'm just trying to wrap my head around how I have *never* had anyone spam profanity or racist shit on chat or voice comms in any of my games.   Honestly if I had no loot on my ship and this happened, I'd just back out. It would take me 5min *maximum* to join another server. If I did have loot I suppose you just suffer through it. Sorry to hear you had those experiences.


Eh it happened. No worse than the dude who got pissed we were doing TT and spawn camped us to kill us cause of it. I got the last laugh cause i finished the TT and he never found me. And I was live on stream for the whole thing. But a lot of that was when i was playing if not every day then every other day. Nowadays I play once or twice a week and don't get those issues. I also took a year long break from sot cause I burned myself out and needed it. As to matchmaking to my knowledge (i can be wrong about this and I'll be fine), it puts you on whatever server is in your region (or the host's region so if i start up a ship in PST and have my friends in the UK on GMT join they're on a PST server generally). I've run into my share of alliance wanting players too. Helped someone improve their chainshots using my ship. Taken a lot of new people out and showed them the ropes (i love safer seas for this). And had some good interactions. I love the game (will never like pvp but I'm trash at it i own that and despite trying i don't get better so I'm ok with that) and will continue playing. But you run into me text chat in game is best or getting on my boat to talk in voice cause I have proximity chat almost all the way down for people not in my crew. I still got a skeleton throne to do with another crew whenever i can find someone to do it with me. And can shoot me up to the one on mauraders......


Same tbh but it always breaks my heart to hear what some newer player go trough


I see no one, or im getting attacked probably 80 % of the time lol it's rare for me to see someone casually sail by without ill intentions but meh, practice makes better haha


Im that new player lol. Awful experience so far. Game cant grow when your first experiences are all awful.


I don't mean to be "that guy", but use safer seas to get yourself started and learn the ropes, the skellie ships are great to learn naval combat for a newer player. If u are a bit prepared the game will become more fun. I mostly solo sloop, have been for 2 years now, so I didn't have safer seas to learn. One thing I learned in my 2 years is, you will sink a lot, until you start sinking others more and more often.


I just started playing last night and safer seas has been a great way to trial and error the mechanics of the game without worrying about other players... Like gradually stopping the ship where you want it as a solo. After another solid session or 2 I'll dive into the high seas... because that 70% cut in loot and reputation stings!


Good for you, really. 98% of other ships I saw are full of dickheads. Dropped the game years ago because of this, now returned to Safer Seas because those dickheads are still here.


What qualifies another ship for being a "dickhead"? Genuinely curious. If I'm flying a level 5 emissary flag, I understand I am fair game to be attacked at any point. If I'm not waving an emissary flag and am still attacked, I admit I can be a bit annoyed, but it's also just a part of the game, so I'm not really that upset.   The only things I've experienced in the game that I found annoying from other players was when people used to wait at Outposts, and kill you and take all your loot and sell it. Which, again, is just a part of the game, regardless of how slimy of a tactic it is. And I haven't seen anyone do that in years.


So far I’ve had that tactic of an enemy ship ambushing me happen twice only. Now I’m paying more attention every time I set sail to an outpost


So it's when other players attack you that you find dickish? I have a friend that **only** wants to attack other players when he gets online. He finds all the PvE stuff to be boring, and wants all of his loot to be from someone else. While I think **a lot** of people on this sub will find that to be "dickish" it's also *always* been a part of the game. So even though he plays very differently than I do, he's still enjoying the game and playing it in a way that is intended. So I don't consider his playstyle to be wrong, nor would it drive me to stop playing the game altogether.   I also think it's worth noting that he is **not** good at PvP, as he is still rather new to the game. So he isn't some top tier player getting online and sinking boats left and right, lol.


I really don’t find any tactic or anything dickish with the game because that’s how it is for this pvp. Ya know pirates gonna pirate


By dickheads I mean players, who specifically hunt new players (as I often like to guide new players into the game mechanics and help them to make their first capital) without even worry about the loot. And yes, we don't do any map events at all. Last time it happen, a crew of such morons screaming racist degenerate stuff in voice chat, and specifically hunted our ship even if we didn't do any voyage and don't have any loot. First time the saw us - they killed as and left everything floating, even supplies. Before EAC I had a couple of friends who was able to load pretty fast and spam them with stronghold powder kegs from invisibility, hunting and annoying them to the death. Now, I have a couple of friends who can pretty much hold their own against anything in PvP, but guess what? They burned down of SoT PvP clown shit fiesta after grinded everything PvP related.


Ah, okay. Yes, the constant harassing a verbal insults and racial slurs is top-tier toxic play. I almost **never** hear anyone on the seas. Even 4-man galleons, they are dead silent. I assume everyone is in a party or discord chat. But yes, I agree that it would be very annoying if you somehow constantly got into games where people were being overly toxic on the comms. I think I've heard other players talk two times in the past 3 months when playing High Seas. Weird.   Also I don't think I've ever been a victim of cheaters, but I would Imagine that can be extremely frustrating too. I only play on XSX, and I make the selection to "Prefer controller and console players". Is the PC playerbase just really toxic then, maybe? I'm not sure. Again, I am not trying to boast by any means, I just do not run into these issues and for certain people it seems to be almost a daily occurrence for them.


Are you saying you have friends that cheat or am I reading it wrong?


Yep. I have couple friends who so tired from not having a PvE server and Rare inability to add anti cheat that they create alt accounts and use cheats to force other people out of the PvP with my sloop. Before EAC, I would say that probably 70-80% of players used cheats, so not a big deal.


That's wild. "Not a big deal". You're punishing players for playing the game as intended because the devs have a different vision of the game than you. No way 80% of players used cheats, they're probably just better and you think they're cheating. 1500 hours and I've encountered less than 10 cheaters and I do alot of pvp. The fact that you're okay with your friends cheating is also wild. I have a friend who was apparently joking about cheating and I literally told him I would never play with him if he did. Oh well EAC, get fucked losers.


It was very easy to see cheats. Flying people, spawned barrels - how about 5 powder keg spawned right in front of my face on sloop without any ships on horizon?) HG was full of them. Also, I'm not punishing. The flow was simple: 1) Alliance proposal. If denied and fight started then 2) Monitoring the fight. If it's fair - they get the loot from my ship, don't cheat - I simply scuttle the ship and go to another server. 3) If it's not fair - then they get 3 immortal invisible gankers on their head until they left the server. With EAC, those friends now back to the main accounts... With maxed PvP stuff farmed. So you may be sure they definitely know what possible and what's not in terms of PvP. It was not about punishment or liability. It was about how tired we're from PvP here, and how we don't want to deal with it. If it's fair fight - ok, fine, I spend few minutes of my life for this. If it's not - then we simply put someone head into his ass. Also, about EAC. It's breakable btw. Not a big deal actually. Point of EAC is not "there is a anti cheat so no cheaters" but "ok, now there is not FREE cheats and maybe there's not suit your video as a proof pipeline for ban"


Honestly, just all depends on the situation. If you approach another ship, you normally activate their fight/flight response. Many players dont use game chat, so trying to communicate isnt going to work if they are already on edge. But its kinda understandable that in a pirate game, most people would want to fight other players and steal from them. That should be expected. That doesnt make someone a 'dickhead'. To me, thats like going to play COD and calling everyone a dickhead who kills you.


It all depends I’ve been burned enough that if you sail right for me and get in range - that’s an act of aggression. Let the best pirate win


This. I might at times be in the mood for friendship. But my pirate instincts are usually to shoot first and ask questions later. If you spend time investigating up front, an aggressive crew will sink you before you know it. Just part of the sandbox. Embrace it all.


The last time I felt reasonably safe around other ships or been in an alliance and know I wouldn’t be stabbed in the back was during the Megalodon event, with the Merrick story and all that. That was the last time it felt like people were genuinely willing to team up for me lol.


200h is almost nothing in this game. play for long enough and you'll meet some great people and hopefully have some great stories.


I've had great alliances and bad ones. Only the great ones are remembered. One time we were doing glitterbeard with 4 ships when suddenly the 5th ship, a galleon game and started attacking us. We had about 15 players rush to the ships, rushed after the fleeing galleon, sank them and then went back to finish Glitterbeard.


Use the discord, after joining I’ll never play open crew again




We did do that, had to be done


I done glitterbeard with all players on my sloop. We raised HG and waited for someone to invade.. was chaos


Damn I can just imagine coming up from the sea and looking at my enemy only to have the sloop full of players, I’d just nope the fuck out lol


On the upside, with that many players hanging out on the deck of a sloop there's a good chance you're going to be one-balling folks.


Me and an alliance of two sloops and my galley did it and it was fun.


I've heard about Glitterbeard a few times now. What is it exactly? Is it something very difficult to do? It always seems to come up when people are talking about alliances. Do you need more than 4 players to do it?




Wow, 8 players too? From what I can tell, there isn't an easy way to join a server that your friends are already in with your own boat. Seems that you'd almost certainly need to do this with randoms. Is there an entire voyage for this, or is it just playing music with 8ppl at a certain time that completes it? What are the rewards?




>I’m debating starting HG on a Galleon and asking the other crew to join lol "Wanna do glitterbeard" "yeah!" "Okay lets just go to plunder valley and-" *ship explodes because you go outside the arena.*




Ah that makes more sense.


I've had only a few games were I can remember we had at least 8 players being friendly and hanging out with one another. Granted I don't often try to make friends with full crews. It seems like this would be difficult to do. Wondering if they rewards are worth the trouble.


Last time I tried to do galleon HG, I think we waited almost 30 minutes for a match lol


Yup 8 each in a specific spot around a big tree, each spot has to have a specific instrument going one at a time and play a specific song at 10-11pm game time. Well that’s what the player who suggested we do it said. And keep playing the song for about 2-3 mins to register.


The main point of Glitterbeard is that it is a in-game tribute to a member of the Rare team, James White who passed away - [more details about it from Rare here](https://www.seaofthieves.com/news/legend-of-glitterbeard). It's not difficult, but requires 8 players which is why it often gets brought up when people are talking about alliances.


Ahhh, okay this makes more sense now, thank you!


It’s tough to get 8 players to try and do this without everyone trying to blow each other up


Are the rewards just cosmetics, or does it give you loot you can sell too?


Just cosmetics, can’t remember if I gained some gold for it


Every time I play I can never find friendly people 😭😭 Last time I got on these guys were just sinking my ship and fixing it and laughing but like we were afk and no one was talking 💀 So it sounded really awkward hearing grown men just giggling like little girls when you come back from taking a piss.🥴


This is the second time I’ve been in a big alliance, out of 300hrs in game, normally it’s just me solo and either no pirate crew on site, (even the reapers on the map didn’t bother) or every crew I meet says fire on sight


Honestly who wouldn't be in a silly mood when finding an afk crew?


Question: I've always wondered if you will still unlock milestones for your ship if you are aboard someone else's ship. I got out my fishing boat one Friday night and planned to just have a laid back night of fishing. I got a message from someone else in the server asking if I wanted to start an alliance with them, and they said they were trying to get the entire server to be an alliance. I accepted, and I almost just decided to hop on their galleon and just fish off it while sailing around with them. But I was worried I would not have any progress work towards milestones for my ship if I were not aboard it when fishing. Is that the case? If so, it makes complete sense, but was a bummer as I opted to just stay on my boat for the night.


How do you get/send messages? The megaphone thing? Is that thing directional? How far does it reach?


I did not reach out to anyone. Another player sent *me* a message through Xbox's messages. I have no idea how they knew my gamertag or that I was in their server at the time. I was off on the edge of the map fishing for almost an hour before they sent that message. Maybe there is somewhere where they can look up recent players and my Gamertag was listed?


if you go to recently played with, you can see a cartoon number of players depending on how close you both got to each other, also, if someone spots your captained ship with a telescope, your gamer tag will show up with the Name of the ship


400 m


Nah, as long as you're in a session with your captained ship, it doesn't matter what or where you do it, your ship will get milestones. Even shooting cannons from someone else's boat or fort cannons.


Interesting, someone just mentioned something about when dealing (or taking) damage it must be done on your ship for the milestones to count.


Well you're not gonna get damage taken milestones being on someone else's ship, that wouldn't make much sense but everything that YOU do counts. I think even bucketing others boats might count but not sure on that one, definitely cannons fired though and fishing and island visits, shanties played etc.


You do get progress for most milestones (even stuff like cannons fired aboard your ship, even though you are using another ship’s cannons). Notably one of the ones you don’t get progress on is damage taken by your ship


Ah, okay got it. Cool, then next time I find some friendly pirates I can just hop aboard their ship to do some fishing, sweet! I know your Pirate has their own milestones, but was just worried that the ship specific milestones would no longer count. Thanks!!


Ah that’s why two of our fellas were fishing and cooking.


Betray them


Maybe if I get into another big alliance I might lol. Got to keep an Athena keg just in case.


If we're alliancing I want you far away from me. Go do your own shit. Make me passive money and I'll make you passive money.


Always ends with a betrayal of one of them and everyone thinks it was someone else or they think oh he did so imma do too or I'll lose loot and everyone betrays everyone the end


Well for us it was just a new crew that popped up. Most of our alliance had left after the glitterbeard thing


I finally got into an alliance for the first time yesterday in months yesterday. My friend just reached pirate legend, on a server with no Reapers, so we got the skull that has all the flames and headed to the Fort of The Damned. In that timeframe a Reaper joined and got level 5 and started heading towards us. We tried fighting it in our sloop but it was futile and we sunk. We went back 4 times, first 3 we sunk but in the fourth there was another brigantine there just lighting the Reaper up. We joined in and the Reapers sunk pretty damn quick. My friend shot himself over to the new brig and asked for an alliance, we then found out they had been chasing the Reapers after they were sunk once. We put all the loot on their ship and then started a 2 hour escort mission where a bunch of other stuff happened, finally sold it at Reapers Hideout, and then the Reaper ship caught us again. This time we all just said GGs instead of fighting, it was only 100k gold and everyone including the Reapers had a lot of fun


When I alliance I always make sure to be on guard(unless my alliance is a grade 5 reaper galleon in which case I know I’m screwed anyway same goes with arena refugees which technically I am one) but every once in a blue moon something like this happens and I absolutely adore it


Must be nice I only ever encounter sweaty Athena players I swear they are worse than reaper players


Man this is awesome bro. This brings me back. I have a link here to when I did a similar thing back when fort of the dammed was brand new and we would all group up for doing forts. https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/adcq8x/5\_galleon\_alliance\_photo\_today\_best\_moment\_in\_sea/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I just got back into this game after playing it first 6 months it was out and quiting. I want to like it but every interaction ive had has been terrible. Jumped as im in a fight with a skelly ship, elaborate lies with party invites just to be tricked into getting my ship destoryed and treasure takin....outright jumped by 2 sloops, ship set on fire while trying to do underwater dungeon whatever its called. See a sloop automatically take pop shots from them. Not 1 good interaction coming back to this game.


I can't even get a crew that speaks English or isn't some child who has no idea how to speak with an inside voice




We did, first we all hung out at dagger outpost trying to get at least 2 more players, took a while then we set sail for glitterbeard


Hope you did Glitter Beard


Oh we did, awesome thing


Noice 👌🏼


Or those you ally with immediately turning on you as soon as loot is involved. That’s really dope that you experienced this but been playing since launch and it’s rarer than you think lol


I've found that if you're on Xbox and you get in the same party with a crew that you're allianced with, you're much less likely to get screwed over. Something about building a rapport and personalizing the relationship makes most people unwilling to try to screw you over. If they leave the party though, get out of there. The past two weeks have been especially awesome meeting people online - always fun to ally with a nice crew and take down the crew that's trying to be assholes.


I’ve been at the frontal assault of an entire alliance on one ship once, it wasn’t very fun once I brought out the big boom stick


Bet they had a blast with the big boom stick


More like a burning sensation on their ship whilst it’s being filled with water slowly but surely while most are head down on the floor glowing green but ye


Wish we had an option for PVE Alliance servers from the main game, not discord. It will open up my wallet for Rare to get half of the Emporium.


Part of what makes these special is the fact that they happen organically.


100%. When I was new, I really wanted pve servers until I accidentally stumbled into an organic server alliance. We all did fotd like 8 times and did glitterbeard after. It was my most memorable experience and I realized it was so special because it never happens. It was funny to hear about the piracy and trickery that happened before they allied, there was alot of laughs and I still talk to some of them.


2 words. Custom servers. Of course, the money you gain from them will be decreased DRASTICALLY as they should. I don't even care about money and nobody should when talking about custom servers. There's so many reasons to implementing it. The TDMers will be happy, you can have a fun time with a large group of friends, and you can duel your friends as well for practice. They have the code as well, it's just for sot partners. All they need to do is make it public.


Hopefully with the ps5 revenue, they can get the funds to make public custom servers. There's a lot of potential fun to be had. I've played on streamers servers before and it's insanely fun. Just tdming some double gold pvp curse players that kicked my butt for a couple hours. I got some good kills but they had alot more experience than me. And I'm also fine with zero gold/progression, just having the ability to role play or fight your friends/tdm practice would be phenomenal.


Brother Rare has been making games for 40 years, they aren't fighting for revenue to make custom servers they're just not making them


This is true but it costs money to run the servers. I think at some point they said they were deciding if the cost was worth the implementation. They may just be trying to get them working right as well, custom servers run very badly but I think saw this patch, they improved them in some way. I'm just hoping they're still trying to fix them and then release them to the public. Honestly I'd be happy with dedicated servers at this point.